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Results 1 ... 145 found in asciilifeform for 'intel me'

Vex: ben, you're a ten out of ten. anyone who knows you at all can feel the immensity of the loss of your passing. kind and intelligent. one in 10 billion
dulapbot: (pest) 2024-04-24 asciilifeform: terminally stupid, and insulting to intelligence, punishment oughta be electric chair
dulapbot: (trilema) 2015-05-10 asciilifeform: phun phact: virtually everything we publicly know re: how an intel cpu inits comes from the great ami bios source leaks
gregorynyssa: my father was an engineering PhD, but his tastes were not intellectual. both he and my mother had strong anti-Nerd sentiments.
phf: << at this point and until i'm personally a witness or invited to the lizard meeting i no longer believe in a superior intelligence playing me as a toy. i just assume that everyone is exactly what they appear to be, until maybe i glimpse more
dulapbot: (trilema) 2016-12-01 asciilifeform: asciilifeform refers to this genre of writing as '10th-dimension', after infamous pseudoscientific b00k/www by same name, which consisted of highly refined 'imponade' (to borrow naggum's) , that is, writing designed to pull the reader's intellectual cock and give a sensation of 'profound insight', 'yes, NAO i UNDERSTAND FIZZZIX!' or similar.
phf: nah, spent couple of hours trying to get some intel asus to boot into linux
asciilifeform: 'me cleaner' simply let you boot (some) intel boxes w/out a dedicated me update turd in bios
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-06-24 13:23:59 asciilifeform: diff is that is actually possible, hypothetically, to bake fpga into cpu (intel even made noises about offering one, tho naturally 100% closed shitware) ; then when someone devises a new instr for $op, ~all~ the irons could use it
crtdaydreams: << quite frankly, I wouldn't be suprised if intel has one baked w/ ME turd.
dulapbot: (trilema) 2016-12-01 asciilifeform: asciilifeform refers to this genre of writing as '10th-dimension', after infamous pseudoscientific b00k/www by same name, which consisted of highly refined 'imponade' (to borrow naggum's) , that is, writing designed to pull the reader's intellectual cock and give a sensation of 'profound insight', 'yes, NAO i UNDERSTAND FIZZZIX!' or similar.
asciilifeform: diff is that is actually possible, hypothetically, to bake fpga into cpu (intel even made noises about offering one, tho naturally 100% closed shitware) ; then when someone devises a new instr for $op, ~all~ the irons could use it
phf: but also what is this dark ages! there's like bazilion chromebooks actively for sale that have cr50 in em. i had some intel asus fall off the back of a truck and i was thinking of setting it up to try out trinque's project
signpost: a more intelligent civilization might've taken an abstract interpretation of the first and fourth amendments, but this is not that civilization.
phf: taken as a poor metaphor it of course works, common lisp is an intellectually and culturally ("why car and cdr??1") demanding language, the way participation in a city life is more demanding. but the angle that the metaphor takes is equally often associated with distasteful behavior with no redeeming aspects (snooty city aristocracy of the past, bugmen of the present) as it is with what naggum is trying to associate it with (highbrow
verisimilitude: My mother once told me that, one day, I'd find a group of likeminded and intelligent people with whom I could discuss the ideas I have; I told her that's what university was supposed to be.
phf: well, they wrote about the model right? it's in the "what the dormouse said", the founder of intel famously walked into mit's comp sci lab from the street in the 60s with the words "you guys seem to be doing some far out shit here". why would be different? :>
vex: some horse people are very intelligent
asciilifeform generally of the 'cure for intellectual derangements is to mix some cement' school of thought
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-05-28 16:15:18 phf: i used to think it was a question of discipline "oh just close reddit" or whatever, but that was back when i was looking for technological solutions, while people that i knew didn't really do much intellectual work on computer. the "oh just close reddit" guy, when he needed to learn something new programming related would buy a book. now of course he's as twitch driven, "just checking the news" in bed at 1am as everyone else, so it's
phf: i used to think it was a question of discipline "oh just close reddit" or whatever, but that was back when i was looking for technological solutions, while people that i knew didn't really do much intellectual work on computer. the "oh just close reddit" guy, when he needed to learn something new programming related would buy a book. now of course he's as twitch driven, "just checking the news" in bed at 1am as everyone else, so it's
phf: in su intelligentsia was not automatically "nerds", in fact шестидесятники culture was all about guitar, campfire, whitewater canoeing, arctic expeditions and month long backpacking trips to wilderness. so this whole american "wendel" thing is still odd to me. i did my hiki time when i came here, ended up learning a lot of useful stuff, but
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-07-02 22:17:59 asciilifeform: this incidentally is why i regard jfw & co's proj. of 'sell trb kit to rich morons' as ill-conceived. ( if it were to succeed, will likely get the participants killed, moron will make inevitable coarse error of pilotage & blame the 'helper', whom else, mp types are biologically incapable of introspection and coming to terms with own intellectual limits in any other way )
thehorrors: << Sure. There is also sometimes a fine line between sparring and trolling. I've never been interested in either much. There are plenty of opportunities to give each other shit while intelligently discussing ideas, in a much more interesting and subtle way. I suppose it's a matter of preference.
thehorrors: This made me think of the "intelligence-adjusted Dunbar's number": the number of people we are willing to recognize as "playing characters", not the number of people we are cognitively capable of recognizing as such.
verisimilitude: Yes; Intel comes to mind.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-18 23:46:51 verisimilitude: The concept of AI-complete refers to something that seemingly requires a complete human intelligence to properly work.
verisimilitude: The concept of AI-complete refers to something that seemingly requires a complete human intelligence to properly work.
verisimilitude: The concept of AI-complete refers to something that seemingly requires a complete intelligence to properly work.
asciilifeform: for intelligent children, re subj -- friedman & felleisen's 'schemer' series.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-15 14:31:56 phf: i think at some point i want to make a list of mandatory books. something like that was implicit with su intelligentsia "everyone" knew which books one was supposed to read. it won't necessarily be tmsr friendly, tolkien will be on it..
phf: i think at some point i want to make a list of mandatory books. something like that was implicit with su intelligentsia "everyone" knew which books one was supposed to read. it won't necessarily be tmsr friendly, tolkien will be on it..
phf: asciilifeform: this is like some kind of twitch i get from everyone i talk on subj about, and yours is just the most intelligent. never the less it is functionality equivalent to sitcking your pinky out and going "ooooouh, i see you're into hooooses, i have some hoooses at my estaaaate". the variation on which i've heard a bunch.
asciilifeform stabbed randomly at the thing and found e.g. this, where 'Ada didn't have a way to provide the memory safety guarantees Rust has until June 2018. And if you take a look at what AdaCore did about that you'll realize they just copied Rust's CREW/borrowing model.' rly is mega-intelligent & informed discussion nao ?
adlai: PeterL: not really; I used to believe that the channel had a strong CL bias. I recommend CL for practical projects, and only learning Scheme if you are learning purely for an intellectual diversion and do not plan on writing or editing much practical code .
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-25 17:03:20 asciilifeform: signpost: asciilifeform finds fascinating the psychological tension where folx who 'identify as intellectual' are terrified of 'being kicked outta intellectuals' (1st and foremost by 'policeman in own head') and consequently buy into laffable Official nonsense by the megatonne. ( dunno if mats diagnosably fits in this group, but shows worrisome symptoms imho, what w/ linx to papers w/ 'freedom index'(tm) with straight
asciilifeform: reich's narrative aint a cleanly-manicured, consistent theatrical set, but fulla obvious holes (the lizards openly prescribing selves 'debunked' treatments, etc) but 'respectable intellectuals' simply expected to carefully epicycle around the holes
asciilifeform: signpost: asciilifeform finds fascinating the psychological tension where folx who 'identify as intellectual' are terrified of 'being kicked outta intellectuals' (1st and foremost by 'policeman in own head') and consequently buy into laffable Official nonsense by the megatonne. ( dunno if mats diagnosably fits in this group, but shows worrisome symptoms imho, what w/ linx to papers w/ 'freedom index'(tm) with straight
mangol: ime people who went to university and never questioned much feel their intelligence is insulted in the company of people who don't stay withing the indicated "debate zone"
asciilifeform: the ~complete lack of a detectable interest in e.g. trb among 'mega-hodlers' already speaks volumes re their intelligence.
crtdaydreams: << a view I'm vehemently opposed to. The point here is humility. I quite frankly don't consider myself or any of my past, present and future works to be "intellectual" in the orthodox sense. Someone could wipe their ass with a html printout and I wouldn't bat an eyelid. The content is simple musings and nothing more.
signpost: just that nothing says being a towering intellect means you learn to wipe your arse correctly
signpost: asciilifeform: yep, meanwhile the captive "intellectuals" end up claiming they were always in on the lie, and amplify the "this is actually good" chorus.
asciilifeform will comment re verisimilitude's lul . what asciilifeform objects to aint 'heiling hitler' -- would welcome an intelligent e.g. resurrected otto skorzeny to #a. objects, however , to 1 ) coyness 2) handshake wink-nudge signalling noise.
dulapbot: (trilema) 2016-12-01 asciilifeform: asciilifeform refers to this genre of writing as '10th-dimension', after infamous pseudoscientific b00k/www by same name, which consisted of highly refined 'imponade' (to borrow naggum's) , that is, writing designed to pull the reader's intellectual cock and give a sensation of 'profound insight', 'yes, NAO i UNDERSTAND FIZZZIX!' or similar.
asciilifeform: comes in a spectrum, where, the further west you go, the less intelligible and moar compat. with pl
billymg: seen in a heathen pit: "amd/intel will stop selling chips to russia, what does this mean? no more nsa backdoors"
verisimilitude: AI is Artificial Intelligence and IA is Intelligence Amplification, but amplifying humanity as a whole would be HA meaning Humanity Amplification or Humanity Amplified.
dulapbot: (trilema) 2019-01-19 asciilifeform: the gcc5+ gnomes, occupy selves with cranking out 'mandatory' kludges for intelism; removing backend support for vintage, marginally-sane archs (alpha, hitachi, etc); gluing-with-broken-glass various incompatibilities to prevent coad developed under 5+ from building under 4.x; inserting 'optimizations' that snake around naive cprogrammer attempts at bounds-constraint; and so forth.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-02-17 05:24:00 cgra: << to give a some estimate, if a block verifies in 5 sec on average, 720000*5/60/60/24 = about 42 days to verify the whole chain. the 5 secs may be a gross underestimate for the apu1 box, is merely a hunch based on my sync tests with an 9th gen usg-intel cpu
cgra: << to give a some estimate, if a block verifies in 5 sec on average, 720000*5/60/60/24 = about 42 days to verify the whole chain. the 5 secs may be a gross underestimate for the apu1 box, is merely a hunch based on my sync tests with an 9th gen usg-intel cpu
vex: i don't know much about baking silicon, but I can't see intel going away anytime soon
vex: It's just some subcontinental English. Mr Intel may use Moore's law as he sees fit
dulapbot: (trilema) 2017-05-02 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: incidentally: i fully expect the ~next~ generation of intel fritz to use nic-independent trigger (e.g., magic string in memory)
dulapbot: (trilema) 2017-08-30 asciilifeform: << if you're actually convinced that 1) the published method fully and permanently disables the thing 2) it was the one and only fritzchip core in intelturd --- i got bridge to sellya.
asciilifeform: gregory5: yer prolly thinking of the purported bypass discovered in '17 for intel ME ;
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-16 01:39:16 gregory5: the man's style, and way of thinking, is highly reminiscent of other Catholic intellectuals which I have met.
gregory5: the man's style, and way of thinking, is highly reminiscent of other Catholic intellectuals which I have met.
verisimilitude: I've an old Thinkpad, which should be free from the Intel ME, that I can use.
asciilifeform: cgra: asciilifeform did hard time in a java salt mine, has used both eclipse and intellij, but doesn't see what they have to do with the described item. coad completion per se worx even in my emacs (via 'auto-complete' and 'popup').
asciilifeform has notion that proper 'intelligence amplifier' doesn't stop at mere searchability, either, but oughta actively bring up pertinent data while you type
asciilifeform: 'Recruiting new informants, former officials said, is how the C.I.A.’s case officers — its frontline spies — earn promotions. Case officers are not typically promoted for running good counterintelligence operations, such as figuring out if an informant is really working for another country.' << lulzy, if tru
bonechewer: perhaps, but TEMPEST seems like a much more difficult class of attack for the adversary than simply (1) send magic packet to box running PGP (2) ask Intel management engine to squirt framebuffer to adversary HQ
dulapbot: (trilema) 2014-06-10 asciilifeform: 'My Navrozov moment, of course, was when I approached one of the two - Sacco, I think - and attempted to have an intellectual discussion of this realization. The story is basically the same as Navrozov's, so it would be boring to repeat, but basically I came away with the feeling that I'd told someone his Sicilian grandmother liked to get drunk and fuck her own goats.'
asciilifeform: signpost: many yrs ago asciilifeform did hard time at a java saltmine, the intellij thing made it almost tolerable iirc
signpost: just assumes enemy cannot snipe packets intelligently
signpost finds the idea that the intelligent should be by nature fearful loathsome. it's what a grunt does to you to make sure you're mentally hobbled before you're grown.
signpost: << "nerd" is an american construction used to keep the intelligent from being dangerous. seems the chinese learned it also, much earlier.
signpost: is it just me or is vex getting more intelligible as time goes on?
bingoboingo: At the point the UAEs "Project Raven" turned into what appears to have been another NSA and USG-allied regime swapping intel to comply with the letter of law while violating the spirit of the law until it bleeds program... The placement of a Project Raven alumni as ExpressVPN's CTO suggests... "usually" and "browsers might catch MITM" are dangerous leaps.
billymg: perhaps there really is zero intelligent life that hasn't already wandered in here at some point, but i don't think that's the case and so i think having some type of working funnel could be beneficial
signpost: also infiltration is a time-honored intelligence tradition.
dulapbot: (trilema) 2017-11-29 asciilifeform: patron saint of intellectual dopers, paul erdos , took such small doses that a typical american would not even feel
dulapbot: (trilema) 2019-01-19 asciilifeform: the gcc5+ gnomes, occupy selves with cranking out 'mandatory' kludges for intelism; removing backend support for vintage, marginally-sane archs (alpha, hitachi, etc); gluing-with-broken-glass various incompatibilities to prevent coad developed under 5+ from building under 4.x; inserting 'optimizations' that snake around naive cprogrammer attempts at bounds-constraint; and so forth.
vex: it's even a shitty troll if they've got something good... alibaba are doing intellectual property rights on chain, now that's epic
adlai: intelligence is being able to save the trouble of perseverence for someone who doesn't have the patience, i.e. teaching
adlai: one friend once convinced me that pure mathematics is actually not a sign of intelligence, only of perseverence
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-17 12:37:01 asciilifeform: 'We will implement the intellectual property powerhouse (知识产权强国) strategy, implement a strict intellectual property protection system, improve laws and regulations related to intellectual property rights (IPR), and accelerate IP legislation in new fields and new formats. We will strengthen the judicial protection and administrative law enforcement of IP rights, bolster the arbitration, mediation, notarizati
asciilifeform: 'We will implement the intellectual property powerhouse (知识产权强国) strategy, implement a strict intellectual property protection system, improve laws and regulations related to intellectual property rights (IPR), and accelerate IP legislation in new fields and new formats. We will strengthen the judicial protection and administrative law enforcement of IP rights, bolster the arbitration, mediation, notarizati
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-11 14:39:48 mats: A new US intelligence assessment says Afghanistan’s capital could fall within 90 days after the Taliban armed group took more than a quarter of the country’s provincial capitals in less than a week.
mats: A new US intelligence assessment says Afghanistan’s capital could fall within 90 days after the Taliban armed group took more than a quarter of the country’s provincial capitals in less than a week.
asciilifeform: punkman: there's a very pertinent 1970s piece, 'artificial intelligence meets natural stupidity', where, approx, 'just because you have a lisp function UNDERSTAND in your proggy, doesn't mean it understands anything' etc
mats: american counterintelligence was conspiciously absent throughout the whole affair
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-19 01:29:34 asciilifeform: signpost: virtually 100% of asciilifeform's pov on the subj, to this very day is represented by his orig. piece. bitcoinism went 'wrong' when switched from being an experiment in decentralization, with eye to actual progress in that direction, to 'how to milk the morons' and inspiration for 9000+ intelligence-insulting pyramids
bonechewer: homo redditus is not the most obvious adopter of such a device, but when USG recently mooted the prospect of monitoring SMS messages for crimethink re: vaccines, certainly intelligent normies did sit up and pay attention
asciilifeform: fat lotta good will 'otp phone' -- even perfectly-honest one, what with FG for the pad generator, etc. -- will do, for 'homo redditus' who has not one but typically three or four listening devices permanently plugged in on his desk (ipnoje, lappy with intel me, etc)
asciilifeform: 'intellectual' to asciilifeform means that you ~gotta~ exclude postulates of the form 'find a 2 that's also a 3..'
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-19 01:29:34 asciilifeform: signpost: virtually 100% of asciilifeform's pov on the subj, to this very day is represented by his orig. piece. bitcoinism went 'wrong' when switched from being an experiment in decentralization, with eye to actual progress in that direction, to 'how to milk the morons' and inspiration for 9000+ intelligence-insulting pyramids
asciilifeform: signpost: virtually 100% of asciilifeform's pov on the subj, to this very day is represented by his orig. piece. bitcoinism went 'wrong' when switched from being an experiment in decentralization, with eye to actual progress in that direction, to 'how to milk the morons' and inspiration for 9000+ intelligence-insulting pyramids
asciilifeform: ( 'carrot' using here as term of art, i.e. device for coaxing intellectually dim people into playing -ev games )
gregory4: this was the intellectual template into which James Corbett ultimately settled.
asciilifeform: imho 'all trade is scam' has approx. similar intellectual merit to the ameri-feminist's infamous 'all sex is rape'
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-06-27 10:05:17 asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: i admit that i will not be greatly astonished if he were to turn up alive at some point. like just about errything else he had done in life, this could readily be another elaborate, heavily intellectualized ego-pumping scam.
snsabot: Logged on 2021-06-27 10:05:17 asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: i admit that i will not be greatly astonished if he were to turn up alive at some point. like just about errything else he had done in life, this could readily be another elaborate, heavily intellectualized ego-pumping scam.
asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: i admit that i will not be greatly astonished if he were to turn up alive at some point. like just about errything else he had done in life, this could readily be another elaborate, heavily intellectualized ego-pumping scam.
whaack: asciilifeform: I don't think you can make claims about the intelligence of the miners 9 or at least majority of them, because of the July 4th fork, they may have been paid handsomely in other means
gregorynyssa: Enclavism has done a great deal of damage to the country. it has also ruined the lives of the more intelligent and well-read children within those enclaves who do not want to be bound by their racial mechanics.
gregorynyssa: we are not that many decades away from the death of former intellectual cultures. there is still hope IMO.
asciilifeform does not know details of this, cannot comment. but does know that no matter what kind of political change, will not result in creating a sovereign intellectual culture (even in 1 domain, of softs) from empty air.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: in certain circles it is the proverbial name for the glue traps in which many intelligent folx languish today -- where uses 100% of yer brain, for sure, but produces nothing societally useful even in principle (often enuff -- quite opposite)
asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: dunno where you got the idea that modern-day ru exemplifies some kinda 'intellectual self-sufficiency'
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: yarvin is intelligent but a) extremely, fabulously cowardly b) lacks ability of synthesis .
gregorynyssa: namely: (1) we do not teach students how to make a living; (2) we do not seek to develop the intellect; (3) we do not seek the truth.
snsabot: (trilema) 2016-12-01 asciilifeform: asciilifeform refers to this genre of writing as '10th-dimension', after infamous pseudoscientific b00k/www by same name, which consisted of highly refined 'imponade' (to borrow naggum's) , that is, writing designed to pull the reader's intellectual cock and give a sensation of 'profound insight', 'yes, NAO i UNDERSTAND FIZZZIX!' or similar.
verisimilitude: The only way I know of to prove intelligence in any meaningful way is acts, and too few people know even this, thinking instead that feelings are all. What a horrifying existence, to do nothing novel for one's entire life.
asciilifeform: adlai: it is painfully easy for an intelligent n00b to become convinced that he 'solved mega-problem'. esp. if he's enthusiastic about putting words/squiggles on paper but not so much re writing proggy
snsabot: (trilema) 2014-10-12 asciilifeform: Adlai: now go and see reaction time vs. intelligence (take your pick of any known simple test for either of the two)
trinque: << the amusing thing is that there's egotism on both ends, both "look mom I, am *also* smart" and "there were perhaps 100 intelligent men in history"
asciilifeform: 'IntelliJ, Eclipse, ASP, Spring, Rails, Scala, AWS, Clojure, Heroku, V8, Go, Rust, React, Docker, Kubernetes, Wasm. All of these latter technologies are useful incremental improvements on top of the foundational technologies that came before.'
verisimilitude: It takes advantage of some parallel evaluation and hardware memoization to be competitive with a new Intel running GHC.
asciilifeform: which is pretty much same thing as e.g. 'intel ME', 'amd PSP', google's 'cr50', etc
asciilifeform: is rather deep (and quite 'flammable') subject , of which you are unlikely to find a thorough and intellectually-honest treatment perhaps anywhere. esp. in english.
adlai notes that his unintelligent search machine can reach the halt state purely due to the process having covered enough area of realtime-cross-logtime
snsabot: (trilema) 2016-06-03 mircea_popescu: the debates as to genetic basis for intelligence have raged for a while in the logs. it's not really settled i guess, but there's certainly no merit for NATIONAL concepts of intelligence hm ?
adlai: fwiw, d_c appears at least one quantum of awareness more intelligent than m_p : her use of the possessive "TMSR's" could've made more than just eyes roll in #t
snsabot: (trilema) 2015-04-09 ascii_field: 'The real problem with this result, however, is that it is not Wolfram's. He didn't invent cyclic tag systems, and he didn't come up with the incredibly intricate construction needed to implement them in Rule 110. This was done rather by one Matthew Cook, while working in Wolfram's employ under a contract with some truly remarkable provisions about intellectual property. In short, Wolfram got to control not only when and
gregorynyssa: problem is, no one sells densely etched LUTs as a generic commodity. everyone (Xilinx, Intel...) sells "solutions," or worse, "experiences," but I still see two narrow avenues out of this mess:
gregorynyssa: << exactly! sad how few programmers have realized this. "implementation definedness" is inimical to "code as knowledge representation" to speak nothing of "code as intelligence amplification."
verisimilitude: They were what I deem ``intelligent idiots'', gregorynyssa. They may have been physicists, but that doesn't mean they'd any place designing a computer system.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-08-06 20:14:43 amberglint: "Kottmann also told us the archives passed to them were obtained from the partners-only design center: "As far as I am informed, the data I have was pretty much directly grabbed from the CDN for Intel's Resource and Design Center.""
asciilifeform: << btw intel's (and similar circuses) 'nda-only docs' are avail. to 'over 9000' firms; ergo only lunatic would expect to find e.g. magic nsakey trigger for intel nics, ME, etc. in such place.
amberglint: "Kottmann also told us the archives passed to them were obtained from the partners-only design center: "As far as I am informed, the data I have was pretty much directly grabbed from the CDN for Intel's Resource and Design Center.""
snsabot: Logged on 2020-08-06 18:06:37 asciilifeform: ... meanwhile, in other strange. supposed dirt leak from intel co, incl., again supposedly, ME boobytrap & other nsaware sources.
asciilifeform: ... meanwhile, had a look at the intel crapola. mostly junk, seems (binaries of various bios/modules), some docs, some sample mobo schematics. near as i can tell, 0 magic keys, and precious little in the way of src.
asciilifeform: ... meanwhile, in other strange. supposed dirt leak from intel co, incl., again supposedly, ME boobytrap & other nsaware sources.
asciilifeform: iirc intel did same when 'ME' 0day 1st published .
asciilifeform: some designs went even 'more radical' than riscism, e.g. intel's 'itanium' (aka 'itanic'...) moar or less asked the programmer to directly input horiz. microcode.
verisimilitude: RISC is paraded around by idiots, who will apply the label to anything and everything (A machine with hundreds of instructions is ``reduced'', yet somehow the machines with mere dozens are also.), and the term is simultaneously made meaningless by those same idiots who parade around every other architecture as having fallen to it (Intel is just RISC on the inside, which makes it RISC, which means RISC won!); they're a disgusting cult.
snsabot: (trilema) 2016-06-01 a111: Logged on 2014-06-11 00:49 asciilifeform: 'My Navrozov moment, of course, was when I approached one of the two - Sacco, I think - and attempted to have an intellectual discussion of this realization. The story is basically the same as Navrozov's, so it would be boring to repeat, but basically I came away with the feeling that I'd told someone his Sicilian grandmother liked to get drunk and fuck her own goats.'
asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: lol, what 'better documentation' ?! i have a shelf-sized full set o'docs for opteron + their gpu. where do i get intel's ?
gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: I continue to be drawn to Intel over AMD because of their better documentation. any reason to switch to AMD? I know that Intel cooperates with Intelligence but then again, all major American tech-companies probably do.
asciilifeform: this incidentally is why i regard jfw & co's proj. of 'sell trb kit to rich morons' as ill-conceived. ( if it were to succeed, will likely get the participants killed, moron will make inevitable coarse error of pilotage & blame the 'helper', whom else, mp types are biologically incapable of introspection and coming to terms with own intellectual limits in any other way )
adlai: however, it could become easier to "bank run" on bad actors, provided that good actors exist, and traders are slightly more intelligent than the average "MtGox WHERE'S MY MONEY" protestor
verisimilitude: In considering writing a development tool for Intel architectures, there's too many instructions and variations thereof for my model, but even an assembler is unpleasant to use, due to the sheer number, prefixes, and other such things. It's my understanding Intel has a library specifically to make it easier for others to write an Intel assembler, because it's so complicated.
zeder: there's obviously a lot of backstory here that I've missed, but it's not immediately clear to me what "Intel arch isn't even suited to assemblers"
asciilifeform: try sell honest rng ? konsoomer: 'intel included RDRAND on die' . try sell proper inline disk cryptor? konsoomer: 'why should i buy 1000 $ box , samsung includes password feature'
Apocalyptic: only links to this site regarding Crypto AG as well
asciilifeform: the small-time 'www intellectuals' -- usually only ~wish~ that usg would buy'em 'as asset'. the moneyed types -- 'paid' by not having their loot confiscated , normally.
asciilifeform: acks and patches as a way of hanging out and interacting with their peer group. ... There's a larger group of not-so-harmless people than the givers who are driven by greed for free stuff and a sense of entitlement. We can call these the takers. Takers are generally abusive if their entitlement is challenged; because to criticise the open source model is to take away their intellectual candy and the result is a tantrum.
asciilifeform: even possible, imho, that bitcoin is a long-term intellectual disaster in the same sense as unix. i.e. endlessly imitated, never meaningfully improved, for generations
feedbot: << Qntra -- Intel Continues Burning Former Selling Points As It Sets To Pull Old Firmware Downloads Offline
feedbot: << Qntra -- More Intel Data Leak Flaws Documented This Week Situation Particulary Grave
asciilifeform: state of the lappy market, even in 'price no object' category, is pretty sad these days -- keyboards that wouldn't look out of place in a toy store, etc (not even to mention intelism)
dllud: Indeed. Although for Intel we are sure the ME is there and we need to feed it with blobs.