vex: hex averted
vex: thank me later. someone does necissarily go first tho
vex: it can't be shinohai. his poormans clock winder was too lovely
vex: deffo not dpb. his spam wall shows genius
vex: i'll definately listen to that with a grain of salt
verisimilitude: I think I'll get along better with you if I try to only discuss programming here, at least most of the time.
crtdaydreams: I got some cheap luls for yas; there's a website on AU parliament where peeps can submit e-petitions...
shinohai: <<< still far superior to pinkhairware, ammirite?
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-03 16:21:29 asciilifeform: << not tried, given as is 100% bluehairware
shinohai: $vwap
busybot: The 24-Hour VWAP for BTC is $ 41446.41 USD
billymg: << not disagreeing with this at all. infighting within the lower and middle castes is not only not productive, it actively helps the enemy by diverting energy away from the real solution
bitbot: Logged on 2022-03-04 02:09:21 signpost: billymg: yeah, and then the trucker caste says "hey man, at least I ain't no neeger" and this is supposed to mean something.
bitbot: Logged on 2020-12-16 15:05:09 asciilifeform: other school -- machines exist so that you can perhaps work 10y of 2h days, and if rockefeller objects, you can kill him with yet-another machine.
billymg: it does irk me however that if one says e.g. "I hate X" or "I think X has too much privilege" on youtube/twitter/whatever -- some values of X will get you fired, and others will get you promoted
billymg: this is probably what the ruling class wants though, and they simply rotate these values every couple of decades to keep the plebs at each other's throats
billymg: << i don't think it's anyone's goal here to "get along". this place would be beyond boring if we treated it as though it were a silicon valley corp's slack channel
bitbot: Logged on 2022-03-04 05:49:02 verisimilitude: I think I'll get along better with you if I try to only discuss programming here, at least most of the time.
verisimilitude: It's still largely pointless for me to argue about it, I find.
verisimilitude: I'd rather discuss programming constantly, anyway.
billymg: this seems like a cop-out. you're essentially saying "you just wouldn't get it", which is a little insulting, don't you think?
shinohai currently setting up pest station in new home, should be online in a bit ....
thimbronion: shinohai: nice!
verisimilitude: No, what's insulting is how signpost has treated me as a conversation partner, billymg.
thimbronion: verisimilitude: signpost has probably treated you better than anyone else in your short life
billymg: verisimilitude: you can be frustrating to converse with. i used to think it was bad faith trolling, but now i think it's more likely you're just genuinely unaware when you're irritating someone
billymg: it personally irritates me when you refuse to answer questions, or answer in an intentionally coy or vague manner, for example. and when signpost said you have no experience beyond your keyboard, that was an opportunity to prove him wrong. but you just said "nuh uh"
billymg: most people in here, i have some idea of who they are in real life. i don't know their addresses, or the name on their drivers license, but i have a rough picture in my head of what they do, where they live, etc.
billymg: for you i have none of this
billymg: who knows, maybe NSA is actively hunting verisimilitude, but i suspect not
shinohai hopes billymg pictures him like
billymg: LOL
billymg: approximately, yes, shinohai
shinohai: Thank you, I am now quite pleased ....
asciilifeform will comment re verisimilitude's lul . what asciilifeform objects to aint 'heiling hitler' -- would welcome an intelligent e.g. resurrected otto skorzeny to #a. objects, however , to 1 ) coyness 2) handshake wink-nudge signalling noise.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-02 15:40:41 verisimilitude: They've interesting names, right?
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-02 15:44:22 verisimilitude: I never wrote that.
billymg: yes, it's the coyness that bothers me
asciilifeform: e.g. start w/ a straight and readable mein kampf and sumthing like logical argument; rather than humming coupla bars of '...und wenn’s Judenblut vom Messer spritzt, dann gehts nochmal so gut' and 'wink, wink, get it? right?' 'oh but i never said'
bitbot: Logged on 2021-01-28 14:33:42 verisimilitude: I can think of other groups who enjoy kvetching about persecution, billymg.
bitbot: Logged on 2021-01-28 14:42:10 billymg: verisimilitude: i won't disagree with you there, and in fact i thought of them when reading alf's statement. though having lived in nyc for as long as i did and with some of my best friends being jewish i'd like to point out that not every jew == 'da jooz'
bitbot: Logged on 2021-01-28 14:44:51 verisimilitude: I didn't mention Jews, but this conversation makes me think of a saying I'd thought of and have been saving since.
billymg: i.e. "let's see if i can bait some folks into committing some hate speech"
asciilifeform did not make this interpretation (i.e. verisimilitude as provocateur) but points out that in that case shoe fits, and readers could easily conclude same.
verisimilitude: I didn't fall for that bait, no.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-04 12:46:55 billymg: it personally irritates me when you refuse to answer questions, or answer in an intentionally coy or vague manner, for example. and when signpost said you have no experience beyond your keyboard, that was an opportunity to prove him wrong. but you just said "nuh uh"
verisimilitude: This is purposeful.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-04 12:47:40 billymg: for you i have none of this
verisimilitude: This line was mockery.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-02 15:44:22 verisimilitude: I never wrote that.
billymg: << but *why* though?
bitbot: Logged on 2022-03-04 18:03:14 verisimilitude: This is purposeful.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-04 12:47:40 billymg: for you i have none of this
billymg: wtf
billymg: there's not supposed to be a double echo
billymg: !. version
bitbot: I am bot version 719639.
verisimilitude: I was only ``being coy'' because I suppose I wasn't so dedicated to the discussion. I'll cease being coy entirely from now on.
billymg: oh, right, asciilifeform, yours is still on the old version, with bot echos
asciilifeform: ah hm billymg yes
verisimilitude: I'm not a federal agent of any government, but a federal agent would claim so.
shinohai: Sound like something a NSA agent would say.
verisimilitude: Yes.
billymg: verisimilitude: i'm long past thinking you're that interesting
verisimilitude: That's good.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: fwiw asciilifeform is satisfied that yer neither a moron nor a provocateur. but recs to consider adage 'you are what you eat', rec to eat less lolcatboard
verisimilitude: I don't, asciilifeform.
verisimilitude: I suppose another reason to be coy is to thwart automated analysis, billymg. I did something similar in this article.
verisimilitude: It's a tad paranoid to do this, however.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: problem is yer thwarting regular old 'analysis' in the heads of the folx yer actually intending to converse with
verisimilitude: I want privacy, even if for no reason.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-04 13:04:39 billymg: << but *why* though?
asciilifeform: i.e. asking people to throw brain cycles to decode what yer trying to say.
verisimilitude: That's true, and I didn't consider that, asciilifeform.
verisimilitude: I was inconsiderate.
asciilifeform: sometimes they will. if think worthwhile. sometimes won't
verisimilitude: I just realized I didn't write on 2022-03-03. Now I'm upset.
verisimilitude: My streak of thirty-two months is ended.
verisimilitude: Oh well.
asciilifeform: << fwiw the only tuned-in folx whom asciilifeform has even met in meatspace were BingoBoingo and mod6 . doesn't regard this as a dire problem, tho hopes to meet others '1 day, after the war'
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-04 12:47:34 billymg: most people in here, i have some idea of who they are in real life. i don't know their addresses, or the name on their drivers license, but i have a rough picture in my head of what they do, where they live, etc.
thimbronion: hey phf - get on pestnet
asciilifeform: thimbronion: i dunthink he's tuned in
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-02-19 11:17:03 asciilifeform: iirc he was lurking for a while last yr, and in fact tipped asciilifeform off re mp. updated the patches once iirc. but no word since.
thimbronion: would be interesting to have someone on the otherside of the new great firewall
asciilifeform: thimbronion: weaksauce firewall, afaik all ru did was ban the 2-3 loudest reich organs
asciilifeform: ... at least in recent times.
thimbronion: I'm sure it will improve with time
asciilifeform: phunphakt, ru has public index prohibitorum on www.
thimbronion: Will be interesting to see how long Telegram lasts
asciilifeform: supposed unofficial mirror, browsable
verisimilitude: Perhaps Telegram will serve a similar purpose to how Apple totally kept the FBI out of an iPhone, thimbronion.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: what do you think was its orig purpose, lol
verisimilitude: Of course that was always its purpose.
asciilifeform: (or of other 'anony'-flavoured honeypottage)
verisimilitude: Has Telegram had such a show before, however?
thimbronion: mebe - not nearly as effective as an alt-twitter honeybot would be however
asciilifeform: iirc reich baked an 'alt-twatter' for cuba
verisimilitude: Yes, asciilifeform.
verisimilitude: It lost funding after Twitter took off, however.
thimbronion: funnily Russia banning twitter just cut me off from the "pro-russia" account I'd been following
asciilifeform: maybe finally good ol' shortwave makes a comeback
verisimilitude: I find it amusing seeing how people distinguish this from what the US does.
verisimilitude: Russia is invading a democracy; the US invades other types of governments, so it's totally different.
thimbronion: oh nvm, they can just use a vpn to get around it. lulzy.
asciilifeform: (recs... tor!!)
thimbronion: pest: your peers know who you are, tor: you know all your peers are feds
verisimilitude: After using Tor for years, my stance softened. Eventually, I'd to accept I was becoming neurotic, and my traffic wasn't so interesting in any case.
verisimilitude: I still use Tor, but don't bemoan situations in which I can't.
verisimilitude: Tor still provides protection against one's peers, similarly to how TLS works in, say, open Wi-Fi networks.
asciilifeform: worth noting, there's ftr 4 basic levels of 'great firewall' :
asciilifeform: (1) blacklist ( ru, uk, most of eureich, australia )
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-04 14:19:15 asciilifeform: phunphakt, ru has public index prohibitorum on www.
asciilifeform: (2) ip/content/protocol-based blacklist (cn)
asciilifeform: (3) country-wide lan in place of actual internet (north kr; ru during 'practice drills for ww3')
asciilifeform: (4) internet of the future(tm)(r)(c), i.e. whitelist and 'license to www' a la aol
asciilifeform: ... reich by all indications would like to jump straight to (4), but hampered by itch to reliably pump its bullshit to -- and engage parrot armies in -- entire planet
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-03 00:14:51 asciilifeform: to date the only brakes on that train was reich's thrust to push its volkischer beobachters on ru et al
asciilifeform: ... (1) / (2) aint particularly interesting unless yer invested in 'masses' propaganda. i.e. from wotronic pov largely harmless. this encourages complacence, however:
asciilifeform: ... given as at (3) yer stuck with sneakernet an' pirate radio; while at (4) similarly, but you'll be doing it on hand-soldered machinery hidden in tree hollows.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-03 00:09:15 asciilifeform: at some pt ( asciilifeform & others warning folx for ~20y , it aint news ) will be 3 'internets' -- reich's, free world, and ad hoc sneakernet / pirate shortwave snail bridge b/w the 2.
asciilifeform: the approach historically advocated by asciilifeform is to 'avoid having to invent parachute on yer way down' and have pills for (3) and even (4) ready and dispersed.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-09-01 16:35:56 asciilifeform: signpost: imho even to ~demonstrate~ uninterdictable uwb across planet, would cool the ardour of the 'internet of the future' types, at minimal expense.
asciilifeform: the reason wai erry 'famous' 'anti-censorship system' you'll ever hear about from reich parrots is firmly centralized (a la tor) aint hard to discern.
dulapbot: (trilema) 2014-09-11 asciilifeform: 'Take a look in History, flip through her pages. The first action in revolutions of recent history -- the erection of barricades. They'll smash the cobble stones of the street, dig them out, and block off the road with them. They'll stop cars, buses, fill the street with bricks. And also they'll attack, plunder, raze, and put to the torch the city hall, administrative buildings, presidential palace, parliamen
dulapbot: (trilema) 2014-09-11 asciilifeform: t, shops, warehouses. The crowd has - a correct instinct. It would like to destroy the city - the citadel of power of the political and economic kind - the root cause of its travails. The crowd is stopped in its tracks by those who have plans for the city hall, for the presidential palace. We will not stop the crowd.' (Limonov, 'The Other Russia.') - translation mine.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-04 14:24:14 verisimilitude: Perhaps Telegram will serve a similar purpose to how Apple totally kept the FBI out of an iPhone, thimbronion.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-14 13:51:51 asciilifeform: rather like the astroturfed 'controversy' re 'end-to-end crypto' (where 100% of the softs in question are in fact faux-p2p moxyware)
verisimilitude: This is still the most amusing ``DOS'' story I've ever read.
verisimilitude: ``By 7:50 AM, traffic hit the limit of the technology, around 100 page views per minute, and the user experience quickly degraded. Median page load times grew to more than 30 seconds. Unable to fulfill the requests, the site went down at around 8:10 and remained offline for about 40 minutes.''
verisimilitude: Well, ``DoS''.
verisimilitude: What did he learn? It was ``There Is No Silver Bullet''.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: where's the quoted text in given linked pg ?
verisimilitude: How unfortunate; I pulled from the wrong selection.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: ty
verisimilitude: Fortunately, it pulled from that, and not other websites I've been browsing.
asciilifeform: 'traffic hit the limit of the technology, around 100 page views per minute, and the user experience quickly degraded' << lol
asciilifeform: ah heh already in verisimilitude's quote
asciilifeform: meanwhile, cement testbed at 550k+.