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Results 1 ... 218 found in trilema for 'too short'

dorion: spyked is rebuilding trb shortly, so if mod6 leads the way, followed by jfw and spyked that's at least 3 people scrutinizing the clearsigning scheme, tools and likely many of the same patches within the same timeframe.
billymg: understood. i think i'm also adapting to the async nature of IRC (you may not hear a response for a few hours, possibly days, so your communication should be clear enough to not require short-loop back-and-forth)
mircea_popescu: THAT is the great value of lisp, in its classical form as understood by they regarded as luminaries by the "cultural aspects" crowd : that once you're done mentally digesting your problem, the peristalsis is as short and uncumbersome as it can possibly be.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-11 04:45:58 mp_en_viaje: so specifically trinque is this feasible iyo ? and everyone else also, is an hour too short a time ? other comments ?
mp_en_viaje: so specifically trinque is this feasible iyo ? and everyone else also, is an hour too short a time ? other comments ?
dorion_road: life's too short to salt mine for idiots any longer than you have to.
diana_coman: - no changes really; on looking at it, that error was thrown on too-short/missing email/name so possibly that's what happened? At any rate, since I don't care about email really, I took the check on email out so please try again and let me know if it's still missbehaving (my testing comments all went through fine, from different machines & IPs).
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-29 14:49:29 mircea_popescu: dorion, it'd prolly be a good idea to take your own trackbacks out of the (independently --VERY SHORT) recent comments toolbar. i can't tell what's going on
mircea_popescu: dorion, it'd prolly be a good idea to take your own trackbacks out of the (independently --VERY SHORT) recent comments toolbar. i can't tell what's going on
mp_en_viaje: no it's not, dorkster. too short.
asciilifeform: << asciilifeform also not wwwist, but had to pick up e.g. the logotron, because no one else stood up. this is what happens when dire shortage of manpower.
mp_en_viaje: meh, not accessible, and i'm guessing was accessible for too short an interval for lobbesbot to archive it, as not avail there either.
diana_coman: !q s too short
asciilifeform: tooshort
a111: Logged on 2019-08-01 15:40 asciilifeform: spyked: imho your 'hunchentoot' vivisection illustrates important point : just how much of the complexity of that thing is on acct of idjit tcpism's shit abstractions, i.e. the lengths to which it goes to pretend that the machines aint exchanging short packets in quasi-reliable ordering
asciilifeform: spyked: imho your 'hunchentoot' vivisection illustrates important point : just how much of the complexity of that thing is on acct of idjit tcpism's shit abstractions, i.e. the lengths to which it goes to pretend that the machines aint exchanging short packets in quasi-reliable ordering
mircea_popescu: the many blessings of travel, you get to debug a random pile of strange every short time interval with arbitrarily limited toolsets. and people enjoy this! people who don't even get to play with the bodies of the local choicer bits. incomprehensible.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-19 14:07 mircea_popescu: the basic, and really only, rule of hermeneutics is : that then you've understood a text when, far from its shortcomings appearing inexplicable errors, they become the actual pillars upon which the damned thing is constructed, and what originally seemed to you sensible and structural takes its true place as accidental.
BingoBoingo: Now the short films in this case would NOT be porn, there's too much of that. I would instead be how to videos. Whatever homework alf has for chick, end product is bottomless instructional video.
a111: Logged on 2019-02-07 16:49 asciilifeform: in other cuntooisms : if anyone is short a x64 box to test-fire cuntoo with, asciilifeform has a surplus disposable box, 'lenovo s10-3' , with that same chipset as in x60 etc period ( ) , if anyone in l1 wants, it's yours for the cost of postage ( has a mechanical hdd in it, i fughet of what size )
asciilifeform: in other cuntooisms : if anyone is short a x64 box to test-fire cuntoo with, asciilifeform has a surplus disposable box, 'lenovo s10-3' , with that same chipset as in x60 etc period ( ) , if anyone in l1 wants, it's yours for the cost of postage ( has a mechanical hdd in it, i fughet of what size )
a111: Logged on 2018-12-19 19:55 phf: i took saeculum promises specifically to assist with republican work. i think that dumping this dump as is is short sighted, because the dump by weight is garbage, and will trivially identify all involved. i want to at least evaluate what's in it that can be of assistance to asciilifeform, an identification that became necessary only a week ago.
phf: i took saeculum promises specifically to assist with republican work. i think that dumping this dump as is is short sighted, because the dump by weight is garbage, and will trivially identify all involved. i want to at least evaluate what's in it that can be of assistance to asciilifeform, an identification that became necessary only a week ago.
asciilifeform: summary : diana_coman was too modest to admit, but did find a 1 cycle shorter form, i'ma put it in.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-19 14:07 mircea_popescu: the basic, and really only, rule of hermeneutics is : that then you've understood a text when, far from its shortcomings appearing inexplicable errors, they become the actual pillars upon which the damned thing is constructed, and what originally seemed to you sensible and structural takes its true place as accidental.
Mocky: considering that they are too short to reach the unit and put ladder on my bed to reach the install point!
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: best as i can tell, nuffin but samsung n30, n150, lenovo s10-2 (but not s10-3, i opened one and no dice, cabling too short) will eat the thing.
bvt: basically, template variable here: is too short.
asciilifeform: life is too short for crippleware imho.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-30 00:24 trinque: folks are also going to expect cuntoo leadership out of me shortly.
trinque: folks are also going to expect cuntoo leadership out of me shortly.
asciilifeform: there's ~0 to be gained from nursing sad iron, life is too short
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it was too short for me.
a111: Logged on 2015-05-11 00:08 mircea_popescu: This would also be why I don't think so very much of the libertards, and why I find myself so often in contradiction with people who view them as either powerful or in any sense a threat (usually both) : they aren't, either, nor could they really be, either, because the only tool they know actually works for them only a short distance of its run, and for us the entire length of that same run. The libertard's gambit is
asciilifeform: shinohai: consider taking a short at porting cuntoo to pogo, oughta be relatively simple
trinque: asciilifeform: cuntoo tarball uploadin, poast shortly
phf: well if we're talking about moving your desk around the office, then emacs is kind of tool that comes with various desk parts, and you can attach them together, but one of the legs is going to be short, so you spend some time replacing the desk leg, etc. etc.
asciilifeform: i see it as elementarily more parsimonious , to suppose that d00d ( who in every other visible to us walk of life took the utmost laziest examtaker shortcut ) generated 71 btc addrs , and hired $ 5 camwhores , than the notion that 71 females in total have even touched bitcoin.
asciilifeform: i sat down to do this some yrs ago, then decided that life is too short
mircea_popescu: in short, the diminutively tiny list of people who, to quote one among them, "I took evening classes from the institute via phone. (I half-listened while clicking through lolcat photos.)"... what difference can they possibly make, to anyone ?
mircea_popescu: life's too short for bad coffee.
spyked: <-- /me would love to, but is short on coin atm. will weigh this again in a few months from now if still available. and I still wanna buy a board for home too, to check out the hardware.
ben_vulpes: anyone else with outstanding pizarro biz, please to queue it up asap, i too will pumpkin shortly
ben_vulpes: i just reluctantly watched seth rogen's "comedy for charity" special thing, and aside from the predictably bad-because-too-short-because-format-demands-it standup "bits", i think he misses a golden opportunity to do a sketch where god scolds him for doing charity so damnably self-aggrandizingly
mod6: Well, I've implemented a better check there in the 'ante_check' subroutine. And I was gonna mess with it a bit more, but when I went to press the shorter of the two paths (visible at ), I ran into a press problem.
mircea_popescu: << sadly all proxies took a long walk off a short pier ; working on remedial.
BingoBoingo: did that for me too, short of it is loser kid bothered that high achieving black kid wanted nothing to do with his movement
diana_coman: that "correct" reaction sounds correct only for all sorts of definitions of "working mind"; dunno, working but un-reflecting; working but not worked; working blindly or something of this sort; to me it reads: "when in a broken environment, the correct reaction is to break yourself too as much as possible"; perhaps it is, along the lines of: one can hardly do anything else in that situation anyway so might as well extract the short-term app
mod6: I have too, and I recently read the entire thread on diana_coman's blog too. The whole thing. I know shortcomings have impacted lots of things. He's not the only one guitly of that. And even though I don't excuse anyones failures, I'm going to forgive. We've gained more than we've lost. In my estimation.
TomServo: << Understood. Blog is on the short list.
asciilifeform: maybe tooshort, try e.g.
lobbes: Was only there where I actually took apart old 90's machines, saw and held motherboards, connected power supplied, and interfaced with DOS. if only for a short time.
phf: well, what is that they say, americans learn to market themselves as the main skill? "how do i optimize the roi of my career track please". whatever happened to "i'm trying to make a sploit from this bugtraq, but my return rail is too short, and i can't get a jump going to proper place"???
mircea_popescu: but this happens all the fucking time right here, too! take the... well i can't fucking find it now, but there's a line in the log where phf goes "hey, your trying to do the mp rant comes out short, you;'re not mp". why the fuck not! had all the bits!!1
a111: Logged on 2018-01-10 20:29 BigTexasBingo: Story later, but short is find a Dominican for language immersion and get introduced to the mother at a time I would call too soon if it wasn't how every chica seems to operate here
BigTexasBingo: Story later, but short is find a Dominican for language immersion and get introduced to the mother at a time I would call too soon if it wasn't how every chica seems to operate here
ben_vulpes: remarked the other night that i understood in short order the fireplace -> 'franklin' stove motivations
cruciform: so, the logs suggest that my 2048bit RSA key is too short - how do I register a longer one with deedbot?
asciilifeform: well yes, 'brittle' is shorthand for 'too brittle'
needhelpwithnode: To cut a not too long story short: i just hugged her, and had no ejaculation of any kind
mircea_popescu: mod6 same here, may be too short sampling etc. will update tonight.
shinohai: But latest trilema states: " 2048 keys are too short. 8192 keys are too long. Keys of a length that's not a power of two are no good. RSA keys are 4096 bits and that's the end of the story."
asciilifeform: imho life is too short to use 'eyeball diff'.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-14 17:50 mircea_popescu: but this important point has important consequences, because now we can't have my eccentric rsa keys. must be 4096, because the only alternatives ffa permits are 2048 which is too short and 8912 which is too long.
mircea_popescu: but this important point has important consequences, because now we can't have my eccentric rsa keys. must be 4096, because the only alternatives ffa permits are 2048 which is too short and 8912 which is too long.
asciilifeform: and it ain't a 'cable too short' either -- i used a 4-metre fiber
a111: Logged on 2017-07-17 13:32 asciilifeform: live is too short to attempt to use eyeballs as diff.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-17 13:32 asciilifeform: live is too short to attempt to use eyeballs as diff.
asciilifeform: live is too short to attempt to use eyeballs as diff.
js-of-mp: i really recommend hanging out with some tattood short dudes from whicever gang is locally available.
mircea_popescu: life's too short to be talking to the rocks.
asciilifeform: herbijudlestoids: life is too short to read microshit's material
Framedragger: so what, the idea is to jump around DCs (i assumed low bar for calling self isp is at least getting an AS number, btw) while they're kicking you, and only do rental contracts short enough so that not too much cash gets burned.
asciilifeform: imho life is too short to use it to study such a thing.
ben_vulpes: << life is too short to drive oneself around
pete_dushenski: the world's his classroom, or to paraphrase dogbert, trudeau's only regret is that his arms are too short to hug the entire world.
mircea_popescu: One recruit in fourth platoon had been homeless before he joined, and another had blown his entire first university semester’s tuition on OxyContin before he dropped out and enlisted. One recruit was a Mexican citizen who was willing to go to Iraq and fight for the United States in exchange for expedited citizenship. Another was a female with dual German/American citizenship who was so short, the German Army wouldn’t take
pete_dushenski: so musk named to trump advisory panel. too soon to declare tod on tesla perhaps. or trump has short squeeze on full blast.
walter__: I don't. Too late to freenode short names party
Framedragger: in retrospect, gpg comments were too long.. i've made them shorter for the 'additional' ssh key bundle (last ~3M keys), but that won't be ingested for a while
mircea_popescu: they had table index too short int, crashed when post count overwhelmed it
phf: jurov: i was actually curious what kind of "famine" you were referring too. usually they can be named by name, like the stalin and Ukrainians. 80s had shortages, but people weren't starving.
mircea_popescu: (railgun is not useful as ballistic fire, because well, air friction ; as short range direct fire it has the obvious problem : your firing platform kinda has to be afloat too.)
mircea_popescu: the only thing being that life expectancy of "50 something" is too short to make it obvious.
phf: you also rely on very deliberate, minimal tooling. i could for example use nano to write short python scripts, but i need intellij to wrestle with large codebases, and "professional" programmer tools have notoriously bad ergonomics. emacs is notorious for giving its users rsi, etc. but i agree, it can all be remedied with literacy
phf: too libertarian for my taste, proud people of short stature standing tall
mircea_popescu: the basic, and really only, rule of hermeneutics is : that then you've understood a text when, far from its shortcomings appearing inexplicable errors, they become the actual pillars upon which the damned thing is constructed, and what originally seemed to you sensible and structural takes its true place as accidental.
Framedragger: << yeah, hm. suggestions? a non-ad-hoc solution would be to make deedbot split its irc lines as needed i suppose; or for this particular case, not to mention the comment in the gpg key if it's too long, or to truncate it; or to consider shorter gpg comments for these ssh keys in the future i guess..
mircea_popescu: anyway, to formalize this, i figure there's people who're looking to take ; and people who're looking to give themselves away asciilifeform . tmsr is entirely and to some degree by design inadherent to the former. it may, maybe, work for short intervals, but not too likely, and certainly less likely over time. this results in a lot of butthurt, calling it a cult, whatever.
mircea_popescu: here's the thing : bronco riding is a time-dependent event. do it for too short intervals, the bronco gets the idea it's tough.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-18 01:39 thestringpuller: yea too many people are making money shorting eth right now to halt trading
thestringpuller: yea too many people are making money shorting eth right now to halt trading
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the point being, there's a short space in the notes for ticket ; can't add too much in there, so it prolly can't be "update tickets with vpatches"
funkenstein_: too short :)
mircea_popescu: jurov i see "gpg: armor header: Version: PGPy v0.4.0 gpg: packet(6) too short"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform why is this cartoon bitch short ? ffs. at least the fantasy characters they could go to the trouble of making 1.78 or something.
mircea_popescu: (and generally i dunno why this shortcircuit between facts and judgement became fashionable here, seems much too close to the habits of the "independent" demographic for comfort. trust me, if i want to say x i will say it in those exact words, as i have without exception to date. saying i don't know x means i do not know. and similarly, here, and so on. i totally can speak for myself, say what i mean etc.)
ben_vulpes: while last night the swank flags worked just handily, tonight, passing the swank flag to a booting bitcoind results in an error, "too short", from scheme.cpp
BingoBoingo: St Louis too has the thing where Federal building with werkers is short, squat yet Federal Court has grand tower of oppreshun
asciilifeform: reasonably it wouldn't be bluetooth but one of the 'shitmonkey' or what was it called, from snowden-II document, simple short-range radio thing
trinque: lest I shorten my days on earth trying fixing abominations like pybitcointools or btcd
mircea_popescu: you happen to be the sort of misfortunate fucktard that grew up among idiots rather than parents, and as a result are way too fixated on experimentally verifying this hierarchy thing and way too fascinated by the female "oh may gawd what if i sell myself short".
adlai likes their email addresses: j and m, nice and short so it fits in a sammitor's attention span
mircea_popescu: unfortunately this particular teenager is too short, way overweight and the wrong skin fenotype class.
adlai: too bad you can't short vaporware that hasn't even boiled yet
pete_dushenski: ""The Big Short" should be required viewing for every mortgage and banking professional in America, and maybe every high school civics class, too. It is a direct, frontal assault on the bogus claim peddled by Wall Street and conservative media that poor people and irresponsible borrowers were to blame for the housing crash and the resulting chaos." << movie starring Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt, directed
asciilifeform: 'The problem is that as long as he completed the worksheet, you wouldn't know there was a problem with doing math until it was way too late. If the kid is clever in other ways-- say, fast at finger counting-- he could easily convey the impression that he understands how to add 2 digit numbers, and what that means, and so everyone thinks he's progressing just fine; only to reach a later point when his clever shortcut is too pr
mircea_popescu: "and what that means, and so everyone thinks he's progressing just fine; only to reach a later point when his clever shortcut is too primitive to work. Now suddenly you have a 6th grader who appears to falling behind. But he was never really caught up. I suspect that this almost entirely explains Americans' universal hatred of word problems."
mircea_popescu: yes, probably filthy. and too short. but she got the look, man.
BingoBoingo: Marshawn is interesting, too short to get hit that hard in the head. Kinda like Bernard Hopkins in the way he fucks with reporters.
mircea_popescu: at which the shorty starts breakdancing too\
punkman: "Just to drive him a little bit crazy, I took to referring to him as a “short-fingered vulgarian” in the pages of Spy magazine. That was more than a quarter of a century ago. To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump."
cazalla: pete_dushenski, yeah, but that can be a sexy look too.. think winona ryder with short hair
mircea_popescu: "Short summary from clicking the link: this dude claimed to know Ethereum would fail, so during the crowd sale he offered Ether at a huge discount to the official price. Since nobody took him up on this amazing offer of selling something he didn't have at a price cheaper than the price people were willing to pay to people who actually had Ether to sell, he declared victory.
gribble: Sean Smith (diplomat) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; The Amazing Life of Sean Smith, the Masterful Eve Gamer Slain in ...: <>; A tribute to Sean 'Vile Rat' Smith - EVE Community: <>
mircea_popescu: o look at that, short form keyids too.
cazalla: you'd have no shortage of do-gooders running to the kid's rescue.. difficult to raise kids properly in the welfare state because big daddy comes and clips you one too
punkman: mats, I downloaded it, but such scam, too short
asciilifeform: 'Indeed imagine a world where messages broadcasted publicly could be recorded. A world where screen shots and web archiving tools can preserve the content of broadcasted messages indefinitely, and where comparing the publication medium to an archived record can reveal otherwise unannounced retractions. In short imagine the real world as it actually is.' << gold
mircea_popescu: it's as if bitcoin suddenly raised the bar for programming computers and now most everyone's too short to play.
punkman: life's too short for reading what reddit derps think
cazalla: <<< mod6's guide was pretty straight forward when i used it to install gentoo, fell short on foundation's bitcoin though :\
mircea_popescu: anyway, the current eulora problem as far as miners are concerned is : there's a single shot very powerful mining tool, which seems like the oinly hope to acquire essential resources choking toolmaking and cooking. since these are in short supply, people are working to make a map of known resources, so as to explore the unknown spots
kakobrekla: 90% < thats just the breaking point. once they figure out they have no wehre to send those coins short of mpex, those will be gone too.
mircea_popescu: may be a bridge too far, too thin, too short and too fallen in the water too long ago.
assbot: Logged on 17-06-2015 16:02:44; mircea_popescu: yes they understood that you can send communication over wires or over waves. but they did not understand what they were doing was "sending communication" in these terms, or in short they were speaking in prose but unaware of what prose is.
mircea_popescu: yes they understood that you can send communication over wires or over waves. but they did not understand what they were doing was "sending communication" in these terms, or in short they were speaking in prose but unaware of what prose is.
assbot: Logged on 15-06-2015 01:03:44; asciilifeform: 'Shortly thereafter, officers who had been working undercover to catch citizens attempting to self-serve, swarmed in to arrest the mostly nude man – but not before Mapes took down 3 of the 6 officers by himself.'
asciilifeform: 'Shortly thereafter, officers who had been working undercover to catch citizens attempting to self-serve, swarmed in to arrest the mostly nude man – but not before Mapes took down 3 of the 6 officers by himself.'
Vexual: i took the lid of my psu and shorted the fuse after the ticking turned into complete failure
trinque: mircea_popescu: did the tooltip; I'll look into that encoding thing shortly
trinque: eh, it had a good run, but the golden age is long since past and was far too short
mircea_popescu: This would also be why I don't think so very much of the libertards, and why I find myself so often in contradiction with people who view them as either powerful or in any sense a threat (usually both) : they aren't, either, nor could they really be, either, because the only tool they know actually works for them only a short distance of its run, and for us the entire length of that same run. The libertard's gambit is
asciilifeform: the account-freezing thing didn't work on him? why? name too short, triggered sql bug ?
Pierre_Rochard: “If I had an easy way and a non-risk way of shorting a whole lot of 20- or 30-year bonds, I’d do it,” < If I had a non-risk way of doing anything in the financial markets, I’d do it too...
mircea_popescu: mike_c your's too short.
asciilifeform: word "training" in relation to professional activities. Training is what you do to dogs. What you should be doing with people is educating them, not training them. There is a big, big difference.) To my mind, the hallmark of the interchangeable component model of software engineers is Java. Without going into too many details, I'll just say that having programmed in Lisp the shortcomings of Java are glaringly obvious, and pro
ascii_field: (short version - it is too much like the proverbial 'mars voyage' - counter-economic leap.)
ascii_field: 'But what, specifically, remains for the poor students and wankers, who took up the notion that there is such a profession - "programmer" ? Yes, there is, but not in the sense that these larval untermenschen conceive of it. Some see in this role something just short of the demiurge, crafting the future; others see a good way to set up their life, secure their future, a stable income and career growth.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the short version of the difference is that a 'hypervisor' emulates -certain- instructions, that are understood to modify the global state of the machine in ways which would allow the guest os to monopolize the hardware (e.g., write a block to the disk at index I) whereas an emulator emulates -all- instructions executed by the guest
Cogburn: it's a pleasure. i'm glad i did. i didn't realize that people thought i hated MP or something. I don't hate anyone. Life is too short.
mike_c: mircea_popescu: life's too short to read the foundation forum. i flipped the bozo bit on them, no more research required :)
trinque: "I've always felt as if my brain was always wired for a short circuit or at least in a way that wasn't too appealing for anyone else but me.
BingoBoingo: Nice boobie trap trigger too, no nipple will not engorge when the capacitor shorts
gribble: | Shorthand for "Too Much Work". Used to describe situations or happenings that are just too much work to bother doing or participating. Also goes by TMW, or tee  ...
BingoBoingo: Or you tattoo he shortchanges onto his forehead in the back of a van.
BingoBoingo: hegemoOn: Puppies. Or animals with legs too short for their bodies generally.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: to this day there are rumours that the food was 'hidden somewhere' by usg stooges to cause shortages.
assbot: Internet lobs $$$s at dev of crucial GPG tool after he runs short of cash • The Register ... ( )
gribble: | ntb. Internet Shortform: Not Too Bad. How you doing? ntb thanks. by mode_seven February ... "Yeah I asked him but he totally gave me the NTB. Awkward city.".
BingoBoingo: moldysnizz: Nope, life is too short.
mircea_popescu: that string's too short.
mircea_popescu: "The IETF, obviously fearing irrelevance, hastily "discovered" that the HTTP/1.1 protocol needed an update, and tasked a working group with preparing it on an unrealistically short schedule. This ruled out any basis for the new HTTP/2.0 other than the SPDY protocol. With only the most hideous of SPDY's warts removed, and all other attempts at improvement rejected as "not in scope," "too late," or "no consensus," the IE
asciilifeform: 'We laugh at that fable about the village of simpletons who, when their bed blankets became too short for their growing kids, extended these blankets by cutting off a piece from one end and sewing it to the other. Or the more modern tale of a drunkard who could afford to drink every day because he always took his empty bottles back for a deposit. And yet many otherwise intelligent people believe, apparently not stopping even f
mod6: nice! i like too, just because it's short.
mod6: ;;later tell PinkPosixPXE Thanks for coming up with that in short-order! I took a look, check PM.
assbot: Actual Bitcoin corporations (ABCs) versus fiat-based frauds trying to masquerade as Bitcoin companies (while masquerading as companies in the first place) on the solid theory that the general public is too stupid to make any difference, this one included, and on the flimsy theory that the general public matters in Bitcoin (FBF-TTMABC-WMACITFP-OTSTTTGPITSTMAD-TOI-AOTFTTTGPMIBs, alphabets for short). pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
BingoBoingo: I recall they were short on toilet paper and toothpaste last time. I recall solicitations for "care packages" consisting of basic necessities when I was at school.
mircea_popescu: this time they will be short toilet paper and toothpaste.
mats_cd03: someone once told me life is too short to avoid hangovers
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the cypher itself is too short anyway
PinkPosixPXE: Good, almost done, I had to jump in a work meeting to discuss the Bash Shellshock vuln, and repatching some systems.. But I gave BingoBoingo an update, and will be sending it off shortly. It's my first shot at this, so I hope it's not too egregious.
asciilifeform: short, too
kakobrekla: The hacker contacted me shortly after he took advantage of our holdings and demanded a ransom in order to transfer the coins back. I have agreed to a 25% ransom of the entire sum, but haven’t heard back from him for several days now.
asciilifeform: though for certain arbitrary legal criteria (barrel too long, too short, too thick, something or other, IANAL) you have to fill out a form of some sort
gribble: | The Fuck. Most commonly used as a shortened WTF. However, TF is used in instances when WTF takes too long to be said. TF is also used in a more exc...
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes VAN doesn't recognize that keyid. Please try again with the shortform of your GPG/PGP keyid. << now wouldn't it be saner if you just took the last 8 ?
asciilifeform: pankkake: trying to crack the enigma of why the chumpers bought eth by the truckload but not one of them took mp's 'short' delivery deal.
xmj: too bad bitcoin-derivates don't do naked shorts.
wyrdmantis: so it's too late? the pgp i've created is fucking short
benkay: <the20year> i'm pretty sure we're a chubbier version of the winklevoss twins, younger and not connected to FB // shorter too, indubitably
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves: <+BingoBoingo> HANDSofSTEEL: If you want to take both sides, BitBet is probably the best tool for that --- good point, need ETH BitBet, that's how we can all short the mofo << well obviously not all.
ThickAsThieves: <+BingoBoingo> HANDSofSTEEL: If you want to take both sides, BitBet is probably the best tool for that --- good point, need ETH BitBet, that's how we can all short the mofo
pankkake: I think that's incorrect too. it allows you to get a better price if you're long, or MAYBE short it as long as you think it's won't go as low as 2.5x less
asciilifeform: mike_c: 'ibm model m' is indestructible, short of power tools
ThickAsThieves: i'd short kraken too
moiety: Please let me know nubbins` i'd definitely like a b-a night set - top and/or shorts ( ok ok i know the shorts is asking too much... it's just the -assets over the ass was too much to resist XD)
mircea_popescu: HeySteve too much hassle with future chains. if you want them short you buy f.derp, if you want them long you just get to select d.whatever
asciilifeform: but hell only knows, he had other reasons to waste away than the idiots and their blather. dumped his girl shortly before found dead, too (her blog is linked somewhere in there)
mircea_popescu: because life's too short to re-do all the shit all the time
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: 12.04 did indeed ship without rsyslog or syslogd, it can produce dmesg but the terminal is of course too short to display the whole thing.
pankkake: there was just too much bets (and spam) in a short timeframe
mircea_popescu: "Based on a statistical analysis of the recovered passwords, Hýža constructed two character sets that stood the best chance of quickly cracking the remaining undeciphered passcodes. The shorter of the two contained just 28 characters: acdehiklmnorstu01234579!-.@_"
mircea_popescu: meh too short
mike_c: life is too short for staying up to date on HIF.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if you study the other exhibits on that site, you will learn that even 1950s soviet 'spy radio' designers understood that one must send very rare messages, in the shortest possible bursts
jurov: ... cuz bitcoinbourse is too short
mod6: (17:27) <+mircea_popescu> mod6 %lb ? << i'll make this change too, i'll change the commands so their much shorter.
mircea_popescu: One of my legs is shorter than the other 'n both my feet's too long
mircea_popescu: this log is too short. pls thestringpuller to halp elongating ty.
tg2: fk sakes, tg2 is too short for pgp name
mircea_popescu: nothing too highly. to keep this short and sweet, the objections are :
BingoBoingo: "Soon" is really much too short of a timeline to invest for.
mircea_popescu: Ansgar John @ErikVoorhees @WarrenBuffett @Mircea_Popescu a year is a much too short amount of time to say much. Bet him 15 years and he might take it.
Neil: mircea_popescu: It's nice, but nothing special. Just a self-adjusting mechanism. I think the economics / incentives of bitcoin are the smartest part. And the fact (other than block size which was a short-term expedient solution to a short-term problem) that so much was left to just float (including the creation of altcoins for example). I think that took balls and real insight. Satoshi was a cool dude for whom I'd love to buy
mdwu: did you turn it off because it was too much hassle to hedge the big short order last money?
nubbins`: seriously, the back CD insert is a centimeter and a half too short.
BitcoinPropagand: the t shirt of the woman is too short
mircea_popescu: lol ozzie is too short for my titulature needs.
asciilifeform: birthing a parsimonious implementation of something (i.e. one that can actually be understood) is not necessarily the same as the student pissing contest of 'write the shortest hello world for ms-dos in asm'
nubbins`: "why don't we just call our company IT?" "nah, too short"
mircea_popescu: well... he was saying short term too.
KRS1: good deal..imo lifes too short to be with one, I've had a blast being a bachelor
Vexual: if you have the tools handy, try removing every frame with a face, it's a nice short film
nubbins`: dub: "life is too short" is a phrase that doesn't belong on irc
dub: life is too short not to generalise
bgupta: mircea_popescu: discussed previously? In IRC or elsewhere? (My issue with current implementations, is the key lengths they support are too short, but the latest version of the spec seems to address that)
taub: and i missed the big shorting opportunity because i was too busy fapping
Rannasha: Burnsides timing could be better too, I think he went to bed shortly after posting the announcement
mircea_popescu: On October 31, 2011, MF Global executives admitted that transfer of $700 million from customer accounts to the broker-dealer and a loan of $175 million in customer funds to MF Global’s U.K. subsidiary to cover (or mask) liquidity shortfalls at the company occurred on October 28, 2011. MF could not repay these monies with its own funds. Improper co-mingling, or mixing, of company and client funds took place for days b
pankkake: that eBay bet was too short, no one is going to bet Yes
jurov: <ThickAsThieves> jurov your futures are too expensive! <<< drop me some TAT. stuff and short them then!
Namworld: Damn, why is it that people put a 10-30% premium on calls/puts that expire in 1-7 days? That's way too much for too short periods.
JimFromBronx: bitcoin is too illiquid with a shitty bid/ask spread to bother "shorting"
JimFromBronx: kingofsports: shorting bitcoins is too dangerous
jborkl: the motors are tuned too much, then if you drive them a short while the plugs foul
thestringpuller: I think people short sold because buying was too expensive.