Results 1 ... 250 found in all logged channels for 'f:scoopbot' |

(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: New post on Blog of Peter Lambert: mi sitelen e Toki Pona
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 0d 0h 1m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on trinque: ocpy
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Books
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: An Ada UDP POSIX Sockets Binding
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Anamniseis
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on crtdaydreams
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Union through technology. Intersection by trust.: [ /posts/crtdaydreams.html ][ crtdaydreams ]
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Blog of Peter Lambert: Update to Scoopbot
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: New post on Blog of Peter Lambert: Update to Scoopbot
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: PeterL: my valid commands are: src, uptime, help, list, remove, add, version
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: PeterL: my valid commands are: src, uptime, help, list, remove, add, version
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: testing station ...
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Reflections on lon nimi
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: lon nimi
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Linking Sentinels
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Trivial Trie in Ada
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Trivial Trie in Common Lisp
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: An Ada UDP POSIX Sockets Binding
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on trinque: Deadlock
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: crtdaydreams: my valid commands are: src, uptime, version, help, update
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of ``The Codeless Code''
(pest) scoopbot[billymg|asciilifeform]: I am 'Scoopbot' version 693657.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Imposter's Syndrome
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of the ISO APL Standard
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Art of Latin Noun Declensions
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: vex: my valid commands are: src, uptime, version, help, update
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Intelligent Idiots
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Tabular Programming: Roman Numerals
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: I am 'Scoopbot' version 720601.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Blog of Peter Lambert: From the Spam Trap
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Reflections on the Last Year
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: More Manipulating Mania
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Omnipresent Mismatch
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 81d 16h 46m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Experiences with Alleviating Pain
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Determinism can be Inefficient
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 54d 17h 34m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: APL toki pona Elision
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Blog of Peter Lambert: A funny thing about Python
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Blog of Peter Lambert: The Sportsman's Antics
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of the ``GunPey'' Video Game
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Bingology - The Blog of Aaron 'BingoBoingo' Rogier: Dead Internet Theory And Searching For The Sticky
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Integrity with One-Time Pads
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: asciilifeform: my valid commands are: src, uptime, version, help, update
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: signpost: my valid commands are: src, uptime, version, help, update
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Bingology - The Blog of Aaron 'BingoBoingo' Rogier: Adventures In Video
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: On Women
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 9d 1h 14m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Bingology - The Blog of Aaron 'BingoBoingo' Rogier: An Exploration In Multi Media Toilets
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: The Earliest English Elision Dictionary
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Bingology - The Blog of Aaron 'BingoBoingo' Rogier: Ritalin Diaries Part 1
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: I am 'Scoopbot' version 693657.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 0d 0h 0m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: whaack: time since my last reconnect : 0d 5h 1m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 0d 5h 18m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 0d 0h 0m
(trilema) scoopbot: AdaPilot - The Open Source Ada-ARM Autopilot Project
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: The news, in brief : "Hearn is a shitstain, MP is right, fuck reddit. Love, Satoshi"
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: The tragedy of the US legal system isn't that it fails to deter terrorism, but that it actively CREATES terrorism.
