Results 1 ... 250 found in all logged channels for 'f:scoopbot'
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(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: New post on Blog of Peter Lambert: mi sitelen e Toki Pona
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: Added site, Thimbron, latest:
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: Added site, trinque, latest:
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: Added site, Loper OS, latest:
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 0d 0h 1m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of the ``Phoebe and Her Unicorn'' Book Series by Dana Simpson
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on trinque: ocpy
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Books
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: An Ada UDP POSIX Sockets Binding
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Anamniseis
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on crtdaydreams
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Union through technology. Intersection by trust.: [ /posts/crtdaydreams.html ][ crtdaydreams ]
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of ``Soonish'' by Zach and Kelly Weinersmith
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Blog of Peter Lambert: Update to Scoopbot
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: New post on Blog of Peter Lambert: Update to Scoopbot
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: PeterL: my valid commands are: src, uptime, help, list, remove, add, version
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: Added site, Blog of Peter Lambert, latest:
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: PeterL: my valid commands are: src, uptime, help, list, remove, add, version
(pest) scoopbot-pml[asciilifeform]: testing
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: testing station ...
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform]: New post on billymg: A Beginner's Guide to Installing Gentoo: Part One
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Reflections on lon nimi
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of ``Out of Their Minds'' by Dennis Shasha and Cathy Lazere
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: lon nimi
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Linking Sentinels
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of ``The Cuneiform Tablets of 2015'' by Long Tien Nguyen and Alan Kay
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Trivial Trie in Ada
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Trivial Trie in Common Lisp
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of the ``Empire of Dust: China in Africa'' Documentary
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: An Ada UDP POSIX Sockets Binding
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on trinque: Deadlock
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: crtdaydreams: my valid commands are: src, uptime, version, help, update
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform|billymg]: testing station ...
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of ``The Codeless Code''
(pest) scoopbot[billymg|asciilifeform]: New post on billymg: A Beginner's Guide to Installing Gentoo: Part One
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on billymg: A Beginner's Guide to Installing Gentoo: Part One
(pest) scoopbot[asciilifeform|billymg]: New post on btcinfo: Adventures in pest testnet - Blatta updates and bots
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on btcinfo: Adventures in pest testnet - Blatta updates and bots
(pest) scoopbot[billymg|asciilifeform]: I am 'Scoopbot' version 693657.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Thimbron: 9980-9978 - presence, bug fixes
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Imposter's Syndrome
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on billymg: Bitdash Crawler Geolocation, Time Series Data Collection, and an IRC Bot
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Thimbron: Blatta 9981 - Replay Notices
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Thimbron: Blatta 9982 has been putted
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on cgra's: TRB 'Cement' Draft Review
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on trinque: Online Codes in Python (WIP)
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on billymg: Straightening a Bent 1U Server Chassis
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Loper OS: DRAFT Full "Cement" Support for TRB.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of the ISO APL Standard
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Loper OS: A "Cement"-Maker for TRB.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on whaack: Podcast Episode 02 - The USDdb and Bitcoin's Speculative Attack
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Art of Latin Noun Declensions
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on whaack: Trbexplorer Genesis Release
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on whaack: Podcast Episode 01 - Ending The Hallucination of the USG
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Loper OS: The V Public License.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on billymg: Running MP-WP on a Modern Musl-Based Gentoo
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: vex: my valid commands are: src, uptime, version, help, update
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on Loper OS: The Three Reasons For Source Code Publication.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Intelligent Idiots
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Tabular Programming: Roman Numerals
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on billymg: Building TRB on a 2022 Vintage Musl Gentoo
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New article on btcinfo: Adventures in pest testnet - connecting an Android device
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: I am 'Scoopbot' version 720601.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on whaack: The Possible Outcomes of Segwit
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on billymg: New Logotoron Patches: Bug Fixes and Enhancements
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Loper OS: "Pest" v. 0xFB.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of ``Softword: Provenance for the Word 'Software''' and Other Work by Paul Niquette
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Loper OS: "Pest" v. 0xFC.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Blog of Peter Lambert: Pest Network Example MetaPost Figures
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Blog of Peter Lambert: From the Spam Trap
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Reflections on the Last Year
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: More Manipulating Mania
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on btcinfo: Installing slimv using esthlos-v
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on btcinfo: Source deed for gnupg-1.4.10
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on btcinfo: Viewing Pest testnet logs using tmux and weechat
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on cgra's: Pre-TRB Git History
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of ``Pure Invention: How Japan Made the Modern World'' by Matt Alt
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Omnipresent Mismatch
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Loper OS: The 2022 Rack.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: Blatta 9985: One thread only
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on cgra's: TRB Defect Exhibition - OOM and Other Spam
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: Blatta 9986: Rebroadcast simple hearsay, embargo simple hearsay, more...
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: Blatta 9987: hearsay embargo
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on btcinfo: [ ][
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Loper OS: "Pest" v. 0xFD.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: Blatta 9988: deduplication by message hash
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of ``Computing Machinery and Intelligence'' by Alan Turing
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: Blatta 9989: presence for wot
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: Blatta 9990: rubbish messages
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: Blatta 9992: Better feedback and user input edge case handling
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: New Alcuin Release and Rename to Blatta
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 81d 16h 46m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of the ``Open World'' Video Game Genre
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: Alcuin 9994
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Experiences with Alleviating Pain
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Determinism can be Inefficient
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 54d 17h 34m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Loper OS: "The Harper."
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Loper OS: "The Story of One Wetnurse."
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: APL toki pona Elision
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Blog of Peter Lambert: A funny thing about Python
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on billymg: Patch fixes for logotron and bitdash crawler
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Blog of Peter Lambert: The Sportsman's Antics
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of the ``GunPey'' Video Game
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Bingology - The Blog of Aaron 'BingoBoingo' Rogier: Dead Internet Theory And Searching For The Sticky
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: Integrity with One-Time Pads
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: asciilifeform: my valid commands are: src, uptime, version, help, update
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Loper OS: "Pest" v. 0xFE.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Loper OS: "Pest" v. 0xFF.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: signpost: my valid commands are: src, uptime, version, help, update
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on cgra's: TRB OOM Patch - no_peer_dumpster
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: Alcuin 9995: propagate field
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Bingology - The Blog of Aaron 'BingoBoingo' Rogier: Adventures In Video
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: Alcuin 9996: Testnet and Bugfixes
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Blog of Peter Lambert: Special Delivery by Kris Neville
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: A Review of ``The Last Unicorn'' by Peter Beagle
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: On Women
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 9d 1h 14m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Bingology - The Blog of Aaron 'BingoBoingo' Rogier: An Exploration In Multi Media Toilets
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on billymg: Bitdash Crawler: A Watchglass-Based Bitcoin Network Crawler
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Thimbron: Alcuin 9997: Gossip Support
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on A Syndication of Verisimilitudes: The Earliest English Elision Dictionary
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post on Bingology - The Blog of Aaron 'BingoBoingo' Rogier: Ritalin Diaries Part 1
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: I am 'Scoopbot' version 693657.
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post: Encryption for alcuin
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 0d 0h 0m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post: Alcuin
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post: Just a Test
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: New post: The Comms Chronicle
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: whaack: time since my last reconnect : 0d 5h 1m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 0d 5h 18m
(asciilifeform) scoopbot: PeterL: time since my last reconnect : 0d 0h 0m
(trilema) scoopbot: AdaPilot - The Open Source Ada-ARM Autopilot Project
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: I killed one, I'm publishing another, who the hell knows what's going on anymore.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Collected Notes on the XT Client and XTCoin fork
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Ashley Madison and Established Men Experience Data Liberation
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: El Gran' Teatro Argentino
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Shutdown Notice Startup Shutdownify Lastest Failed Startup
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Vox populi, vox dei, no more.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: So the broomstick fired.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Coinwallet Plans Spam While the Spamming is Cheap
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Fierro, or - Argentina, that very comic country.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: That one with the eons.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: The news, in brief : "Hearn is a shitstain, MP is right, fuck reddit. Love, Satoshi"
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Hearn Releases Code to Potentially Fork XTC from Bitcoin
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: X.EUR August 16th statement
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Build Notes: "Manual" Stator, Ubuntu 10.04 i686
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Dutch Police Hunt For "Bitcoin Bomber"
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: The jerking around, a modern bedtime pattern.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Released Clinton Email Shows Clinton Requested Book on Deleting Email
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Montreal Expo Postponed For Lack of Sponsors
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: A little bit of local research.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Serenissima Your Serenissma (2015)
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Microsoft Issues Third Generation Anti-Stuxnet Patch
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: The Trump Train is heading for the White House. Maybe.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Implant ID Chips in Citizens Suggests Finnish Politician
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Copay Multisig Vulnerability Reported
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Racists and the racist idea
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: An Ivy League degree wasn't always a Louis Vuitton purse.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: The Structured Conversation
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Mining Difficulty Advances For The Third Consecutive Time
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Pete moves up, Ver moves on.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Varia varietatis, or your All-About-The-Mollusc guide.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: La Serenissima fender flags: a modest proposal
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: MPIF (F.MPIF) July 2015 Statement
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Fiat Chrysler Sued in Court Over Security Vulnerability
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Tokyo Court Affirms Ancient Bitcoin Wisdom: Coins Gifted to Scammers are No Longer Yours
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Brief Offer Insight into USG Theory of Internet Security
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: BitBet (S.BBET) July 2015 Statement
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Pity the lil' goldbuggers.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: No Such lAbs (S.NSA), July 2015 Statement
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: US DoD May Surrender Substantial IPv4 Address Territory
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: MPEx (S.MPOE) July 2015 Statement
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Sunday, August 9th event : Auction!
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: No, you don't understand elite discontent.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: UK's Cameron Threatens Online Porn Shutdown Unless Online ID Scheme Implemented
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: The 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 Sunday event
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: The very very jealous with envy thing, part deux.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Line betting on BitBet, July 2015
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Doing "God's Work"
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: F.MPIF July 2015 trading statement
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Australian Faces 88 Charges Related To Darknet Child Pornography Sites
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Scottish Bank, Police & Court Harass Bitcoin Trader, Conspire To Steal His Cash
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: What MP wants, MP gets. Also, prayers are answered.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: The Phuctored and the Phucked
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Looking in the ASCII mirror.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: MiniGame (S.MG), July 2015 Statement
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Qntra (S.QNTR) July 2015 Statement
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Short Term Update: headed to $255
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: New Per Block Transaction Highs Wedge Some Nodes: Patch Available
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Qntra (S.QNTR) July 2015 Statement
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: France Seeks to Impose "Right to be Forgotten" Globally
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Selkis Tips Fiat Agenda For Bitcoin
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: So, what of the future ?
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Cecil the Lion is a Pretext for Expanding Extraterritoriality of US Law
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Foxy's Quite Almost Craftbot
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: The tragedy of the US legal system isn't that it fails to deter terrorism, but that it actively CREATES terrorism.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Pete's mega-recommended reading list
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Gawker Media Shutters National Security Blog Less Than 4 Months In
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: scoopbot_revived quicktest iii
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: scoopbot_revived quicktest iv
(trilema) scoopbot_revived:
(trilema) scoopbot_revived:
(trilema) scoopbot_revived:
(trilema) scoopbot_revived:
(trilema) scoopbot_revived:
(trilema) scoopbot_revived:
(trilema) scoopbot_revived:
(trilema) scoopbot_revived:
(trilema) scoopbot_revived:
(trilema) scoopbot_revived:
(trilema) scoopbot_revived:
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Holographic Performance Shut Off by Police
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: To the dishwasher.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: The previous event, the next event, the forever event.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Continues To Grow
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Oracle Sunday on Eulora
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Know The Enemy and Know Yourself - Part II
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Welsh Silk Road 2.0 Dealer Receives Two Year Prison Sentence
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Ministry of Games Begins Hosting Eulora Dependencies
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Phuctor Factors 100th RSA Modulus
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: US Standards Institute Moves From Timekeeping to Methamphetamine
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Before you board the plane to Italy, consider this.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Universal Seeds Own Film to Pirates
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Operators Arrested For Violating Anti Money Laundering Laws
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Eulora's largest trade to date and assorted teologico-socioeconomic considerations
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Brute Force for keyboard-interactive OpenSSH Logins Discovered
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Counterfeit Coupon Dealer Pleads Guilty
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: The lessons of the Shoah.
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Grooveshark Cofounder Dead at 28
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: "Entertainment System" Vulnerability Turns Vehicles Into Hot Death
(trilema) scoopbot_revived: Night Falls on Manhattan