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Results 1 ... 144 found in asciilifeform for 'inflation'

mats: there's no evidence they're holding inflation-indexed bonds
mats: only question is when the world experiences a liz truss moment and refuses to continue getting soaked by usg exporting their inflation and debasing their money at the same time
mats: already seeing very early signs of discontent with virtually every democratically elected government up for reelection getting killed because of inflation
Vex: these are opposing inflation. just my opinion
Vex: Well mangaed farmland on the otherhand oughtta be for inflation resistant.
Vex: Indeed one cannot outrun inflation holding treasury bonds. I can tell you that for 0$ per month
mats: the fed is trying to crush inflation by killing a bit over a million jobs
mats: will surely reduce inflation
asciilifeform: 'Increased investment in renewables, battery storage, mini nuclear reactors, hydrogen fuels and energy infrastructure, as made possible by the recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law before, will enhance the position of the U.S. in the new world economy. ' << straight dnc agitprop, lolx2
asciilifeform: signpost: considering that the entire purpose of engineered inflation is to confiscate savings..
signpost: in hyperinflation I expect that property taxes (or rents) will probably make short work of most people's retirements.
asciilifeform: hyperinflation will do that, lol
asciilifeform: punkman: picture, scene in fuhrerbunker: 'mein fuhrer, 50% inflation and impossible to hide even from dumbest plebe anymoar, and they're buying btc' 'operation variant x-y! requisition luser deposits from goxes and dump, trigger margin calls'
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-25 13:43:36 asciilifeform: 'it’s quite difficult for us to avoid increasing our standard of living (or at least our rate of spending) every time we get a raise' << good % of this is illusion, and what people actually do is ~buying same~ (or moar threadbare) ~after n yrs of inflationism~
asciilifeform: generally they stay put geographically, but the moolah req'd to move from 'red' to 'yellow' or from 'yellow' to 'green' goes up, w/ 'real inflation'(tm)
asciilifeform: but yes, lizard inflation shelters work a++. or otherwise what'd be the point in engineering hyperinflation to start with.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-29 22:17:22 asciilifeform: usg's entire anti-btc strategy currently seems to reduce to 'turn it into speculative hell', lest it become the obvious go-to inflation shelter
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-29 22:47:12 asciilifeform: << imho 'expectations inflation' was a serious & ultimately fatal disease of #t
mangol: actual quote from a National Security Journalism Fellow [sic] on twitter today: "If Democrats want to avoid a mid-term wipe out, they need to stop talking about inflation, crime and the economy. Voters care about 3 things right now: Trump's collusion with Russia in 2016; abolishing the gender binary and protecting public school students from their parents"
asciilifeform: 'it’s quite difficult for us to avoid increasing our standard of living (or at least our rate of spending) every time we get a raise' << good % of this is illusion, and what people actually do is ~buying same~ (or moar threadbare) ~after n yrs of inflationism~
PeterL: inflation baloon keeps pumping, price might keep going up for a while, who knows when it will pop?
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-22 13:46:05 signpost: had the great luck to sell a company during hyperinflation, not that I'm bitching about it.
billymg: but even with the current trend it seems like the more useful slaves are keeping up with inflation. if you're a doctor, dentist, plumber, electrician, coder monkey you can fairly easily charge market rates
crtdaydreams: << correction, $7~ something every couple of years, they're not even paying inflation.
crtdaydreams: count for inflation and all the bullshit taxes for cow farts and chemical reliance and the farmers bottom line is what gets cut into
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-22 13:23:33 asciilifeform: ( the lizard strategy is interesting imho: to mask the inflation shelter aspect of btc by artificially pumping it up and 'burying' the rise with paperola)
mats: I suspect most people are thinking of (monetary) inflation hedge when they refer to bitcorns as such
asciilifeform: depends what means 'inflation hedge'
thimbronion: There are twitter trolls who regularly mock btc as an inflation hedge. I disagree. It's a great hedge if you were hedging in 2013.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-22 13:23:33 asciilifeform: ( the lizard strategy is interesting imho: to mask the inflation shelter aspect of btc by artificially pumping it up and 'burying' the rise with paperola)
signpost: mats: have to credit your pointing out that btc price responds to the monetary flow over the network, not inflation directly.
mats: veblen makers are a decent inflation and rising inequality hedge
signpost: "unprecedented inflation/supply-chain issues/shortages"
asciilifeform: 2nd-order amplifier -- if rumour that printolade gravy train might be late or thin in given interval, panic sells, margin calls, etc. if opposite -- bubble reinflation. rinse, repeat.
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-08-15 12:21:23 asciilifeform: the reason why inflation is observable in 'cartoon colours' in sad orcistans, e.g. argentina, is that in such shitholes, the elite's ~only asset is the printing press. crowned muppet ~will~ try to keep palace and private jet etc, even if has to pay for it 100% by printing peso.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-25 15:27:18 asciilifeform: we have 'wealth tax' in usa. i.e. inflation. it simply only applies to plebes
thimbronion: billymg: you will generate capital gains on average. You will pay tax on it. This has the advantages of a) not losing money due to fiat inflation b) not supporting regime wars funded by fiat.
asciilifeform: we have 'wealth tax' in usa. i.e. inflation. it simply only applies to plebes
asciilifeform: re cap gains taxation -- in inflationary hell, is simple theft. 'sold house? made 'profit'' 'now i want an equivalent house' 'sorry, yer 20% short nao, tax'
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-14 19:30:42 asciilifeform: it worx in that btcusd aint monotonically tracking 'the real inflation'(tm)(r) and this effectively keeps out over9000 would-be buyers who would otherwise throw usg.stocks, real estate, etc. to junkyard and go 'full bore' btc
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-14 23:43:50 signpost: << even ruble inflation is supposedly lower than US atm.
signpost: << even ruble inflation is supposedly lower than US atm.
asciilifeform: it worx in that btcusd aint monotonically tracking 'the real inflation'(tm)(r) and this effectively keeps out over9000 would-be buyers who would otherwise throw usg.stocks, real estate, etc. to junkyard and go 'full bore' btc
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-29 22:17:22 asciilifeform: usg's entire anti-btc strategy currently seems to reduce to 'turn it into speculative hell', lest it become the obvious go-to inflation shelter
mats: << like i said before, the current inflation woes are due to supply-side problems, not monetary policy
signpost: but (speculating here, so watch your blood pressure) I wouldn't be surprised if casino patrons take their winnings and seek yield elsewhere, driving bubbles in things that would be considered "consumer inflation"
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-30 10:55:44 mats: many populists believe the fed is to blame for today's inflation problems, i think that's a mistake
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-30 10:55:44 mats: many populists believe the fed is to blame for today's inflation problems, i think that's a mistake
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-30 11:10:51 billymg: the reason for my confusion was because the question was posed as "what's the best way to normalize BTC price for [inflation]?" -- i.e. didn't see anything in the question about "flows"
billymg: re: inflation: to me if you have 10 gold bars in the world and each is worth $10M, if 10 more are dropped from space you now have 20 and each is worth $5M. so yes, if the fed printer goes brrr, i see that as having a direct effect on price inflation
billymg: the reason for my confusion was because the question was posed as "what's the best way to normalize BTC price for [inflation]?" -- i.e. didn't see anything in the question about "flows"
mats: many populists believe the fed is to blame for today's inflation problems, i think that's a mistake
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-30 08:27:06 billymg: mats: perhaps the word "inflation" is difficult to work with because of the various definitions and measures. but if one wanted a sense of bitcoin's share of global wealth, or % of global wealth stored in bitcoin, would one be able to calculate this (or even get remotely close)?
billymg: mats: perhaps the word "inflation" is difficult to work with because of the various definitions and measures. but if one wanted a sense of bitcoin's share of global wealth, or % of global wealth stored in bitcoin, would one be able to calculate this (or even get remotely close)?
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-29 22:05:31 mats: btc flows have nothing to do with consumer price inflation
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-29 22:04:51 signpost: mats: if we have good measures of inflation, what's the best way to normalize BTC price for it?
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-22 13:23:33 asciilifeform: ( the lizard strategy is interesting imho: to mask the inflation shelter aspect of btc by artificially pumping it up and 'burying' the rise with paperola)
mats: and i can't think of how the flows relate to monetary inflation either
mats: btc flows have nothing to do with consumer price inflation
signpost: mats: if we have good measures of inflation, what's the best way to normalize BTC price for it?
asciilifeform: (if it were to be included, the Official inflation would be 20-30% & climbing)
asciilifeform: mats: it aint a seekrit that the Official reich.inflation quite overtly excludes almost errybody's major expenses (housing, medical, collegism, etc)
mats: you mentioned inflation, which in usa refers to the consumer price inflation
asciilifeform: mats: what next, 'explain why you think' reich.inflation stat is fiction ?
asciilifeform: << nfi wai folx interested in the Official monetarymass figure, its relationship to reality is unknown but prolly no greater than that of e.g. Official inflation stats
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-22 13:23:33 asciilifeform: ( the lizard strategy is interesting imho: to mask the inflation shelter aspect of btc by artificially pumping it up and 'burying' the rise with paperola)
asciilifeform: (in hyperinflation, is +ev theoretically, buy'em with zimbabwebux, the mains current doesn't inflate...)
signpost: entirely sensible imho, I'm also working to limit my exposure to inflation
signpost had the great luck to sell a company during hyperinflation, not that I'm bitching about it.
asciilifeform: ( the lizard strategy is interesting imho: to mask the inflation shelter aspect of btc by artificially pumping it up and 'burying' the rise with paperola)
signpost: inflation looks like it worked for the german phase-shift
asciilifeform: today that 5k would be 10-15, post-hyperinflation (and counting)
signpost: yeah, same tools will be used if inflation brings back the riots.
signpost: indeed, and seems halfway decent approach to inflation.
asciilifeform: point being, morons get excited over a (notional) 'usg will drain from yer bank acct' but somehow draining yer savings (as well as future income) via inflationism is unremarkable
bonechewer: Also the "inflation sponge" theory, wrt both gold and bitcoin, might have some merit
signpost has noticed many more fogey investors announcing BTC holdings of late, as inflation has gotten worse.
asciilifeform: gregory5: ... with e.g. confiscatory taxation, destruction of savings with inflation and unemployment, and many other ways.
asciilifeform: there's not 1 locale on planet3 where official-inflation is within order of magnitude of the ~actual~
asciilifeform: ( think, what'd be the point of organizing inflation if you then had to actually adjust for it ! )
asciilifeform: PeterL: they traditionally already have laughable-usg-official-inflation adjustment
PeterL: we are going to have to start putting "inflation adjustment" into employment contracts?
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-13 15:03:19 asciilifeform: never seems to happen. for the imho obv. reason that 'soft theft' via inflation is much cheaper (and less risks war) than 'hard theft' via open force
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-13 15:03:19 asciilifeform: never seems to happen. for the imho obv. reason that 'soft theft' via inflation is much cheaper (and less risks war) than 'hard theft' via open force
asciilifeform: bonechewer: prolly underpaid, if you haven't switched shops in the current (2020--) hyperinflation cycle
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-08-15 12:21:23 asciilifeform: the reason why inflation is observable in 'cartoon colours' in sad orcistans, e.g. argentina, is that in such shitholes, the elite's ~only asset is the printing press. crowned muppet ~will~ try to keep palace and private jet etc, even if has to pay for it 100% by printing peso.
billymg: << only if you mean "what ferrari cost in 1990 in nominal terms". i had to look it up but it seems like they were going for around $125k back then, so when you multiply by inflation that puts you right back into present day rolls royce / bugatti prices (afaik those still aren't plasticars)
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-30 17:06:09 billymg: asciilifeform: that's hyperbole, even by your own account btc has done much much better than inflation
billymg: asciilifeform: that's hyperbole, even by your own account btc has done much much better than inflation
asciilifeform: << 'cashing out' one's entire chest is imho idiotic no matter how or where. inflation will eat yer pile of dough -- it's what inflation is engineered ~for~.
signpost: (for example, did anyone adjusted for inflation make a return in the s&p since...)
PeterL: from fishwrap: "Nearly 80 percent of Americans blame Biden for inflation surge: poll" (not even going to include a link) Because it makes sense to blame this guy instead of the previous guy or the "stimulus" money printing
mats: the sprint for safe assets continues, bitcoins become more desirable as the americans continue to use the western bloc as inflation sinks for social welfare projects
asciilifeform: mats: bitcoinism does not, as i understand, make nearly as much difference for oligarch as for human. oligarch even prior to bitcoin was able to buy picassos, etc. which behaved quite similarly to bitcoin in re inflation-shield
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-08-15 11:09:34 asciilifeform: << elite successfully defused the slave uprisings of late 19th - early 20th c. with well-equipped toolbox containing e.g. controlled faux-'left' 'movements', inflationism, debtism, burning off excess resources w/ world wars, zombification via 'journalism'.
punkman: will be deflationary and if more is generated in mining rewards than is burned then ETH will be inflationary. Since we cannot control user demand for block space, we cannot assert at the moment whether ETH will end up inflationary or deflationary, so this change causes the core developers to lose some control over Ethereum’s long term monetary
signpost: this is the real answer to "where's all the inflation"
punkman: "The Fed is aiming for inflation to exceed its target of 2% for some time to make up for the fact that inflation fell below that level for most of the past decade. The Fed wants inflation to average 2% over time to prevent Americans' inflation expectations from falling too low."
asciilifeform: ^ 'temporary' via same magick as makes for Official inflation rate in single digits (i.e. exclude housing)
asciilifeform: from above fishwrap, lulz, 'The Fed and the White House have made clear their belief that the current bout of inflation will prove temporary.'
asciilifeform: never seems to happen. for the imho obv. reason that 'soft theft' via inflation is much cheaper (and less risks war) than 'hard theft' via open force
mats: more inflation, downgraded national credit ratings
signpost: asciilifeform: I put even odds on the central bank causing deflation (crash of asset prices) as inflation. can crash the car in many ways.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-10 10:23:04 shinohai: << That's inflation for ya, used to get 3 sky daddies for the price of one. These days ya only get one.
shinohai: << That's inflation for ya, used to get 3 sky daddies for the price of one. These days ya only get one.
gregory4: << how far does this PoV of yours extend? if elite-controlled inflation (Fed. Reserve) did not exist, would you still think this way?
signpost: and I don't think I could do it at present inflation rates
asciilifeform reminds readers that inflation aint actually a scalar
shinohai: How wouldja calculate inflation #'s here, for instance?
trinque: whether decided or emerged out of baser greed (inflation as wealth-transfer mechanism), indeed.
asciilifeform: ... a lul from linked page : 'The road to socialism via inflation: * Print money, crash the reserve currency, destroy savers, and force them into inflated assets. * Asset inflation leads to inequality. Demonize asset holders and tax the nominal gains, thereby confiscating the real value of the assets.'
trinque: usg is not just going to say "damn, we lose!" in a hyperinflation scenario
trinque: US has been using the rest of the world as an inflation-sink for the last half-century via trade deficit
trinque: and given the "velocity of money" still wont increase (since it's all being sucked into the casino) this will probably be the final inflationary stick-pulling
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: counter-inflation device
trinque: this'd be more interesting with a truer measure of inflation, I think.
snsabot: Logged on 2021-01-06 22:14:56 asciilifeform: observe that reich's inflation is intensely selective, sorta like the fat of archaetypical beer drinker which goes only to stomach
asciilifeform: observe that reich's inflation is intensely selective, sorta like the fat of archaetypical beer drinker which goes only to stomach
trinque: at any rate, the next stock market crash will most likely both spur dollar-denominated inflation and more accumulation of bitcoin, so we'll both be happy
asciilifeform: hence, in any such crackpotcoin, either: the 'anonymity' is ultimately a lie; or : the noninflation is a lie; or -- likely -- both.
adlai: I understand that. this recent naive question is along the lines of, can the Lamport-style construction be used to make a mathematical structure that supports the addition and difference operations, to prove that inflation has not occurred.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-12-17 15:23:29 trinque: << nonsense, inflation is unevenly distributed. and notice, californistan is dying and texas booming, with plenty of room to expand housing.
billymg: my theory is that the lizard men of the last century need someone to pass the torch to, and it's getting passed to tech bros via unevenly distributed inflation and bitcoin
trinque: << nonsense, inflation is unevenly distributed. and notice, californistan is dying and texas booming, with plenty of room to expand housing.
trinque: hyperinflation will take care of your debt, but if you're surrounded by children of the corn, that'll take care of the "asset"
trinque: house, you've got to weigh the impending hyperinflation, location (rioting peasants), etc
feedbot: << The Montevideo Standard -- US Federal Reserve Chief To Announce "Greater Tolerance" Toawards Inflation
asciilifeform: whereas in shitholes that retained 'ancient egyptian' algo of formally conscripted corvee labor -- e.g. north kr -- ~0 substantial inflation, the printolade aint needed
asciilifeform: the reason why inflation is observable in 'cartoon colours' in sad orcistans, e.g. argentina, is that in such shitholes, the elite's ~only asset is the printing press. crowned muppet ~will~ try to keep palace and private jet etc, even if has to pay for it 100% by printing peso.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-08-13 20:46:21 asciilifeform: shinohai: inflations work 2 ways -- one of'em is the reason wai in prison cell pnoje costs 1k $
asciilifeform: thimbronion: inflation has two ends -- the shortages end , and the uncontrolled-printolade-emission end, which i suspect is the 1 yer thinking of;
thimbronion: asciilifeform: I am more and more persuaded that inflation was inevitable due to societal decline, rather than a specific decision to go off the gold standard - along the lines of mp's "inflation happens to places that aren't cool", or however he said it.
asciilifeform: << elite successfully defused the slave uprisings of late 19th - early 20th c. with well-equipped toolbox containing e.g. controlled faux-'left' 'movements', inflationism, debtism, burning off excess resources w/ world wars, zombification via 'journalism'.
asciilifeform: shinohai: inflations work 2 ways -- one of'em is the reason wai in prison cell pnoje costs 1k $
shinohai: Hyperinflation I think given reason as usual
lru: likely because people see a non-inflationary currency
feedbot: << Thimbron -- Bonds and Inflation