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Results 1 ... 250 found in trilema for 'silk road' |

mp_en_viaje: but if you're staying put, can you at least master the btc to dubaloo interfacing in your area ? can you be a useful someone, rather than alf-style loud someone ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu himself had a piece re 'silk road' where 'some markets dun belong centralized, even if this makes for 9000x headache for user'
mats: frankopan, 'the silk roads' (p. 118)
mircea_popescu: and no, i don't mean "who among the silk road retards", that part is clear.
mircea_popescu: Mocky iirc luxemburg is where the actuial site owner lives. ie, moar of the same "silk road major drug dealer, dork in charge has to buy the lb of coke on his own cuz site is such major"
deedbot: << Qntra - Man Extradited To US Over Silk Road Allegations After 2.5 Year Wait In Thai Jail
asciilifeform: in re 'silk road' food chain, the coin can in fact be stolen from usg agents, in turn by usg.thieves, in turn by usg agents again, in turn by miami-dreaming latvians, and again by usg, and so forth, infinitely many times. none of these get visibly 'corrupted' , they continue to dream of miami afaik.
douchebag: All the druggies who use silkroad boast about gpg4win so it can't be too hard haha
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 21:28 NoSatoshisHear: I worked on digital coin in 2001, but tried to find a non-net solution, and finally just gave up. When you head the wrong way, you don't get there. Still feel stupid for not buying in at $5, but I had no interest in Silk Road.
NoSatoshisHear: I worked on digital coin in 2001, but tried to find a non-net solution, and finally just gave up. When you head the wrong way, you don't get there. Still feel stupid for not buying in at $5, but I had no interest in Silk Road.
mircea_popescu: fwis the strategic plan is "one week silk road : car or train, take your pick". IF they do manage to build it, which isn't a given even if not necessarily unlikely ; and IF they manage to market it so it reaches their traffic goals (this part, easier), all the "vision 2030" bs by everyone else, from crown prince of saudis to kirschner prince of us to etc fade in a very very distant bokeh.
asciilifeform: i have nfi what enemy expects to find in there. launch codes ? obummer pr0n ? silkroad 5 ?
mircea_popescu: it was very much what you'd expect (somewhat anachronistically) of a "silk road 2.0" these days ; replete with moderators scamming users, various independent activities (what the usg calls illegal) and so forth.
BingoBoingo: In other news Ulbricht moved to USP Florence, High which places him in shadow of Ted Kaczynsk's digs at ADX Florence. Coincidentally he signed away his objection to the proceeds of those silk road auctions.
lobbes: << This was exactly my case. I have same appreciation towards folx here as ag3nt_zer0. I bought first btc at $20 for purposes of silk road back in early 2014. Price quickly shot up. Found tardstalk 'securities'. I thought "Wow, pretty graphs and charts. Lemme try and catch the next boat11!"
mircea_popescu: now, a bunch of all-talk wedidits couldn't do whatever medium diff task. ok. how's this relate to silk road dood ?
mircea_popescu: there's a reason silk road failed to attract as much business as a lemonade stand.
asciilifeform: meanwhile lulz in ru world : their version of 'silkroad' , but the local custom is to use burial in public places, rather than parcels via the post. so various folx go and... dig 'for treasure'
mircea_popescu: a yeah, don't even remind me of the """major player""" silk road, that somehow was a big deal in spite of not being able to place one pound over xmas-new year's. TWO WEEKS!
mircea_popescu: i see they're sticking to the whole "silk road did something" lulz.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in monkeystan, >> 'The ruling found no legal grounds for reversing Ulbricht's conviction or 2015 sentence for founding and operating Silk Road' << BingoBoingo / qntra ?
mircea_popescu: this being the major consideration -- i hire a lawyer, i don't retain a law firm. i work with accountants, not with ernst and fucking young. i much prefer to interface with the "criminals" doing actual personal banking for customers (you know, "money laundering" folks, also mentioned in say
mircea_popescu: anyway, that was the original "sting" re silk road, some narc pretended to be a seller there ("hacked account, ie social engineered) and tried to sell pound of coke, nobody was buying so dork in charge decided to buy it on his own accouint. to "save face", because apparently "drug marketplace" that can't place a pound somehow has some face to be saved
mircea_popescu: i wonder what became of schmuck who bought the silk road pound of coke.
mircea_popescu: i had since opportunity to verify all of them, and they are all false. he's as much of a businessman as any random redditard, which specifically includes pirate, the silk road dork, etcetera.
mircea_popescu: but hey, idiocy doesn't hurt ; if it did wikipedia'd be larger than silk road.
thestringpuller: well silk road idiots didn't follow the book of jeezy
asciilifeform: a la 'silk road' idiots etc.
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Sarmatians - Wikipedia: <>; Sarmatian | people | <>; The Women Warriors - the Sarmatians - Silkroad Foundation: <>
Framedragger: iirc there *was* a buncha keys on silk road v1. but, not ruling out key re-use / sybil identities.
mircea_popescu: iirc even at the peak of the whole "anyone could have sent me fake ids with my picture on them because there exists this thing online called silkroad i'm not related to" pothead mania, less than hjalf the idiots used encryption at all, and a tiny fraction of traffic was actually encrypted coming from relatively few keys. as in hundreds rather than hudreds of thousands.
mircea_popescu: there was (perhaps more usbstantially interesting) an effort to get the historical databases with silk road junk as maintained by some pothead sifted, both for rsa keys and whatever else
phf: in the town of shithole everyone has to wear knee high boots because roads are made of shit, if you want to do business in that town, would wearing knee high boots, while you prefer silk slippers make any kind of sense?
mircea_popescu: Bugpowder looky : the original "dnm", ie silk road, never made any economic sense. and then went away. FOR THIS REASON. the subsequent attempts to enact this as a thing, including coming up with bullshit three letter acronyms, were strictly exercises in
mircea_popescu: let's not forget that the imbecile silk road guy actually told cops that "anyone could have sent him fake ids because there existrs silk road". the smoked out elliot rodger generation actually thinks this way.
mats: States... Among the data provided to me by the FBI on this list, "Caliconnect" was the third largest U.S.-based vendor on the Silk Road in terms of total sales."
mats: also, "Other HSI investigators and I reviewed approximately 977 transactions involving "Caliconnect" on the Silk Road and determined that approximately 977 transactions involving "Caliconnect" on the Silk Road and determined that approximately 704 pounds of marijuana and approximately 10.5 grams of cocaine were sold to customers located throughout the United
danielpbarron: wish I bought a silkroad t-shirt on the original silkroad. prolly the one interesting thing for sale on the whole lot of them
danielpbarron: I once went to the trouble of creating an account on either silkroad or one of the things that came after in order to buy twatter followers for an ex-friend of mine (he thought he was really good at social media, obsessed over follower/following ratio, yet only had 50 followers) -- he didn't ask for this; I thought it would be funny to freak him out. Anyway, stupid vendor I contacted via GPG-gram replies in plaintext that he can't
mats: the post was informative, no doubt about the fundamentals being correct -- readers, see
mircea_popescu: meanwhile irl, silk road can't dispose of a kg of coke for 3 weeks over xmas ; and the "ad revenue guy" can't pay for his coffee.
mircea_popescu: you know, from my personal experience this "estimated" is exactly like "silk road did an estimated billion dollar drug trade".
mircea_popescu: silk road hurt the shit out of itself with "their own tools"
asciilifeform: 'According to an affidavit unsealed Thursday, the Justice Department learned in April 2015 that Bridges might have kept a private cryptographic key giving him access to a bitcoin wallet with the $700,000 in currency that the Silk Road task force had seized in 2014. The department urged the agency to move the funds elsewhere. “Unfortunately, the U.S. Secret Service did not do so and the funds were thereafter stolen, something the U.
mircea_popescu: no charges were pressed, of course, because silk road is totally where crime happens, rather than the back offices of each and every single ivy league "college" / real estate scam
mircea_popescu: davout own docker/aws/tor/silk road/nsa/cloudflare/dns/you name it.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> anyway, wiped. i guess once tbot's here ima put the silkroad dump thing in there, maybe it's still around by the time someone figures out the world enough. << in related tbot news: i've got 8 remaining steps outlined to get us to the initial rollout in here. each isn't super hard or anything, working on the first one as I type this.
mircea_popescu: anyway, wiped. i guess once tbot's here ima put the silkroad dump thing in there, maybe it's still around by the time someone figures out the world enough.
mircea_popescu: 3. get the ssh keys, the github keys, and the silk road dump keys 2'd and fed into phuctor.
mircea_popescu: there's this loose group of fucktards who keep spewing nonsense a la "cryptoanarchists===us dope fiends set the foundations for bitcoin" and "silk road mattered economically" and so on and so forth.
mircea_popescu: the pricing structure for this comedic silkroad thing is ridoinculous.
danielpbarron: i recall the original silk road had it's own .onion web forum, but i guess this was too hard for the kids who showed up after it was cool
danielpbarron: ie : in a qntra about silk road cops running with drug funds or the like
asciilifeform: glass cannons are fired when merited, e.g., 'silk road'.
assbot: Silk Road 2.0 Case Confirms FBI And CMU Tor Attack Collaboration : DarkNetMarkets ... ( )
assbot: Silk Road 2.0 Case Confirms FBI And CMU Tor Attack Collaboration : Bitcoin ... ( )
deedbot-: [Qntra] Silk Road 2.0 Case Confirms FBI And CMU Tor Attack Collaboration -
assbot: NACDL Amicus: Silk Road Warrant Unconstitutional According To 4th Amendment | Qntra ... ( )
BingoBoingo: Silk Road Drug folk?
assbot: NACDL Amicus: Silk Road Warrant Unconstitutional According To 4th Amendment | Qntra ... ( )
deedbot-: [Qntra] NACDL Amicus: Silk Road Warrant Unconstitutional According To 4th Amendment -
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> and what is this "continue reading" thing ? << It's always been a thing. Keeps front page from reaching maxint length. Use started in early qntra when routinely dumping 10+ kiloword silk road document text into articles
mircea_popescu: <<< ahaha check it out, the cover-up story is shaping up! it wasn't the usg using the holes in tor to try and steal some bitcoin, after which their agents stole most of it from them in turn. oh, no! it's a heroic guy that bla bla bla, just like in thye old soviet movies!
asciilifeform: e.g., 'During the same chat, VJ asked Ulbricht, in sum and substance, whether Ulbricht had disclosed to anyone in real life that he was involved in Silk Road: "IRL - is there anyone with a clue at all? Girlfriend, boyfriend, bunny you talk to, online buddy's who you've know for years? Gramma, priest, rabbi, stripper?" Ulbricht responded, "unfortunately yes. They are two, but they think I sold the site and got out. and they are
asciilifeform: quite convinced of it." VJ replied, "good for that - when do they think you've sold?" and Ulbricht responded, "about a month ago." 3 Based on my training and experience, and my familiarity with this investigation, I believe that during this conversation, Ulbricht disclosed that he had told two people of his connection to Silk Road, but had lied to them by claiming that he had sold Silk Road to someone else.'
punkman: tails is for "plug-n-play" silkroading
asciilifeform: that's 'silk road' thinking.
pete_dushenski: so it's $1.39/oz, or about $0.05/g, for opium in mainland china in case anyone was wondering how badly their silk road dealer was ripping them off.
deedbot-: [Qntra] USMS Schedules Final Silk Road Auction -
assbot: Rogue FBI Agent Searching for Lost Bitcoin, Silk Road Advisor Alleges ... ( )
assbot: China’s ‘Silk Road’ Initiative Is at Risk of Failure | The Diplomat ... ( )
punkman: guy posted silkroad ads on bitcointalk and his personal email
assbot: Silk Road prosecutors talk about Bitcoin, Ripple and money laundering ... ( )
assbot: Logged on 02-10-2013 15:46:43; ozbot: FBI raids alleged online drug market Silk Road, arrests owner
kakobrekla: so the 5 btc went to buy silk road stuff ?
mircea_popescu: i'm sure "the commerce clause" allows one to invade and try rotherdam just as well as it allows one to put the silkroad derp in prison and try miloshevich. why the fuck not, after all.
assbot: Logged on 09-03-2014 01:03:00; asciilifeform: 'Industry is the only true source of wealth, and there was no industry in Rome. By day the Ostia road was crowded with carts and muleteers, carrying to the great city the silks and spices of the East, the marble of Asia Minor, the timber of the Atlas, the grain of Africa and Egypt; and the carts brought nothing out but loads of dung. That was their return cargo. London turns dirt into gold. Rome turne
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> but for more 'silk roady' reasons of 'want dope but no dopewot' << Sure but usually they evade detection as they don't light the world on fire. What if NIST dope hit a cesium clock? How many leapseconds would follow
asciilifeform: but for more 'silk roady' reasons of 'want dope but no dopewot'
mircea_popescu: ed nor has any intention of charging Davis in relation to his alleged Silk Road activity."
assbot: Logged on 15-07-2015 14:29:58; assbot: Logged on 15-07-2015 12:57:37; nubbins`: "The substances purchased have been various Schedule I and II drugs, including ecstasy, cocaine, heroin, LSD, and others. As of April 2013, at least 56 samples of these purchases have been laboratory-tested, and, of these, 54 have shown high purity levels of the drug the item was advertised to be on Silk Road. "
assbot: Logged on 15-07-2015 12:57:37; nubbins`: "The substances purchased have been various Schedule I and II drugs, including ecstasy, cocaine, heroin, LSD, and others. As of April 2013, at least 56 samples of these purchases have been laboratory-tested, and, of these, 54 have shown high purity levels of the drug the item was advertised to be on Silk Road. "
assbot: Logged on 15-07-2015 12:57:08; nubbins`: for alf:
nubbins`: "The substances purchased have been various Schedule I and II drugs, including ecstasy, cocaine, heroin, LSD, and others. As of April 2013, at least 56 samples of these purchases have been laboratory-tested, and, of these, 54 have shown high purity levels of the drug the item was advertised to be on Silk Road. "
mircea_popescu: what, google is now less of a thing than silk road ?
assbot: Amir Taaki Backs Up Ross Ulbricht’s Claim of Leaving Silk Road After Creating It - Mining Pool ... ( )
assbot: Logged on 25-06-2015 04:49:07; decimation: asciilifeform: actually what amazes me more is that kim-jung-il doesn't run his own 'silk road'
decimation: asciilifeform: actually what amazes me more is that kim-jung-il doesn't run his own 'silk road'
pete_dushenski: << shaun bridges (not to be confoozed with carl mark force) pleads guilty to silk road thefts
assbot: Logged on 10-06-2015 10:17:47; scoopbot_revived: Bharara Seeks To Prosecute Silk Road Trial Commenters
scoopbot_revived: Online Drug Trade Booming Despite Silk Road Shut Down & Ulbricht's Subsequent Life Sentence
asciilifeform: sorta like the silk road sentence
punkman: looks like random finnish dude that like weed and anime, maybe a Silk Road customer
chetty: I been hearing an ad for a TV show ...Dark Web, apparently all about Silk Road
decimation: apparently mr. silk road should have just beheaded random women
mircea_popescu: whenever anyone tells you that fucktarded "he who represents himself has a fool for a client", do remember : at least it won't be as bad as the silk road defense.
mircea_popescu: "As I've written before, Silk Road was undoubtedly a net positive for the health, safety, and liberty of most of its customers and sellers. "
mircea_popescu: "If I had realized the impact my creation of Silk Road would ultimately have on the people I care about most, I never would have created Silk Road."
assbot: Logged on 21-05-2015 22:38:32; Hasimir: BingoBoingo, somewhere I have a log of a PM with that guy who we later learned was the undercover agent going after silk road v1
Hasimir: BingoBoingo, somewhere I have a log of a PM with that guy who we later learned was the undercover agent going after silk road v1
BingoBoingo: Oh shit, this new Marvel movie is actually smart. Perfect allegory for psot-Silk-Road Bitcoin.
williamdunne: "The parents of two of the allegedly six persons who supposedly died from overdosing on Silk Road drugs are Bharara's list to testify at Ulbricht's sentencing." <<< fo'real? Appealing to the juries feels
mircea_popescu: "The parents of two of the allegedly six persons who supposedly died from overdosing on Silk Road drugs are Bharara's list to testify at Ulbricht's sentencing."
mircea_popescu: unsurprisingly, it was the silk road judge.
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> the guy is proposing to merge the silk road with yahoo! answers << well, they already implemented "yahoo finance boards" as "bitcoin finance"
nubbins`: the guy is proposing to merge the silk road with yahoo! answers
nubbins`: a silk road for "medicine"
assbot: Could we make a "silk road for medicine", where users can buy not only medicine, but medical advice? Tipping for feedback. : Bitcoin ... ( )
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: You know, the ones on the Silk Road investigation who cut their bosses in on their tricks
assbot: Logged on 02-04-2015 15:06:45; asciilifeform: What You Need to Know About the Unsealed Silk Road Docket << i do so hate these 'what you need to know' titles. implication is that no serious person would need to know anything else
asciilifeform: What You Need to Know About the Unsealed Silk Road Docket << i do so hate these 'what you need to know' titles. implication is that no serious person would need to know anything else
assbot: What You Need to Know About the Unsealed Silk Road Docket - Forbes ... ( )
ascii_field: 'In summary, for the nearly two year period before FORCE worked the Silk Road case, FORCE deposited a total of approximately $250,000 into his bank accounts, an amount consistent with his federal salary. In contrast to that, the bank records show that in the just over two-year timeframe from FORCE's joining the Silk Road case to his May 2014 resignation, FORCE deposited approximately $776,000 into his bank accounts, an
pete_dushenski: Mr. Force, while investigating Silk Road, “stole and converted to his own personal use a sizeable amount of bitcoins,” >> heh
mircea_popescu: how are silk road copycats supposed to make enough to run away with if you won't give the pillheads "loans" yo ?
mircea_popescu: ascii_field : "Huge audience, mainstream production (Alex Winters directed and Keanu Reeves narrated) and the film was pro-Silk Road, anti-war on drugs, and pro-Ross Ulbricht"
assbot: I just watched the Deep Web film premiere at SXSW. Huge audience, mainstream production (Alex Winters directed and Keanu Reeves narrated) and the film was pro-Silk Road, anti-war on drugs, and pro-Ross Ulbricht. : Bitcoin ... ( )
assbot: Crypto Crumbs: FBI Silk Road Auction of March 2015 ... ( )
Adlai: they're just recycling although ferrin doesn't mention Steve Youngblood
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: mental excursion in how 'silk road' etc. - in alternate universe where folks have brains - could have worked.
danielpbarron: i tried to buy twitter followers on the silk road once, but canceled when the guy couldn't decrypt the GPG message containing the username (not for my account / i was trying to freak out an associate of mine who takes twitter way too seriously despite having only 50 followers)
ascii_field: there is a reason why 'silk road' etc were fantastically popular
mircea_popescu: the phone in toaster guy is clearly shopping on the wrong silkroad clone.
pete_dushenski: more waterfalia coming: "U.S. Marshals to auction off 50,000 bitcoins forfeited by Silk Road founder - Reuters"
PeterL: so I just applied for a job at a company, their hr is handled by , made me lol
nubbins`: anyway. silk road came along. it died, others followed.
danielpbarron: hey i totally agree; silkroad was perfect for the petty stuff
nubbins`: also FWIW i think mp et al precisely misunderstood the function of silk road
assbot: First ever Dark Leaks auction: I was the lead programmer for Silk Road 2.0. ... ( )
mircea_popescu: you starting silk road 5.0 ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo "breeching the Silk Road" < breaching.
assbot: Ross Ulbricht Convicted of Running Silk Road as Dread Pirate Roberts - Bloomberg Business ... ( )
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Deliberations Over 6 Hours :: 1.25 B (54%) on Yes, 1.06 B (46%) on No | closing in 23 hours 28 minutes | weight: 100`000 (100`000 to 100`000) ... ( )
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Deliberations Over 6 Hours :: 1.04 B (50%) on Yes, 1.06 B (50%) on No | closing in 1 day 55 minutes | weight: 100`000 (100`000 to 100`000) ... ( )
mircea_popescu: << if anyone wants into this, bout 12 or so hours left.
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Silk Road Deliberations Over 6 Hours" Odds: 50(Y):50(N) by coin, 50(Y):50(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.1 BTC. Current weight: 100,000.
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Silk Road Deliberations Over 6 Hours" Odds: 0(Y):100(N) by coin, 0(Y):100(N) by weight. Total bet: 1 BTC. Current weight: 100,000.
[]bot: Bet created: "Silk Road Deliberations Over 6 Hours"
assbot: Judge Forrest on defense's proposed /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash expert: "The court has no idea what Mr. Antonopoulos' qualifications are." /hashtag/SilkRoadTrial?src=hash
assbot: Judge Forrest on defense's proposed /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash expert: "The court has no idea what Mr. Antonopoulos' qualifications are." /hashtag/SilkRoadTrial?src=hash
assbot: Flabbergasted. Bulk of txns to Ulbricht's wallets weren't tumbled, can be traced directly to Silk Road. /hashtag/SilkRoadTrial?src=hash
pete_dushenski: Remarkably, that total trail of drug-tainted coins represents more than four times as many bitcoins from Silk Road Ulbricht’s laptop than have yet been found and seized in the Silk Road investigation. It’s still not clear from Yum’s testimony where the rest of them ended up.
TomServo: It's called "Silkroad Place", HA!
assbot: Ulbricht's college buddy just testified that Ulbricht told him in November 2011 he had already sold Silk Road to someone else.
assbot: Silk Road Tales and Archives ... ( )
assbot: Silk Road Tales and Archives ... ( )
assbot: Today in Silk Road proceedings, prosecution showed that the Dread Pirate Roberts private PGP key was saved on Ulbricht's computer.
assbot: Silk Road 2.0 Deputy Arrested - Slashdot ... ( )
assbot: Silk Road 2.0 Deputy Arrested - Slashdot ... ( )
assbot: Today in Silk Road proceedings, prosecution showed that the Dread Pirate Roberts private PGP key was saved on Ulbricht's computer.
assbot: Silk Road 2.0 Deputy Arrested - Slashdot ... ( )
assbot: 4 Years in Prison for BitInstant Exchanger Who Helped Silk Road - Crypto News 24/7 – Bitcoin News ... ( )
Vexual: i fthey start doing pixies in trees silk road 17 will be out of business
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: Wait so Mark did the Gox, Silk Road, GLBSE, and Bitcointalk scams? <<< the explanation is quite pedestrian. there's a bunch of fuctards who imagine they're "the coimmunity" notwithstanding they have no money and no political importance. because hey, they FEEL like they should matter. these derps ineffectually tried to prop up mtgox. they failed, but they don't wish to confront the why there, so instead the
BingoBoingo: Wait so Mark did the Gox, Silk Road, GLBSE, and Bitcointalk scams?
davout: "Thus, SA Der-Yeghiayan had noted that a website registered to Mr. Karpeles had a “wiki” page on it (i.e., an FAQ page) that was created using the same version of “wiki” software – “Mediawiki” – used to create the “wiki” page on the Silk Road website."
davout: register the “” domain name. »
davout: he “” information for the “”
davout: associated with the “” website
assbot: lifeboatz comments on "Defense in Silk Road trial arguing Mark Karpeles, CEO of Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox, was the real mastermind behind Silk Road." ... ( )
thestringpuller: no wonder the Feds were able to compromise Silk Road if Tux was running it.
BingoBoingo: Well Where might McCaleb have met Kapeles if not the silk road over a spoonful of black tar?
BingoBoingo: Because Gox collapsed because the FBI took all of Karpales coins in the silk road bust.
BingoBoingo: The Silk Road Aministrator title is a reference to the plot of that film.
assbot: Judge Forrest ended the first week of the Silk Road trial by reminding the jury not to watch the Princess Bride over the weekend.
assbot: By the way, here's my 2013 interview with Silk Road's DPR that the DHS told a judge "sounds very much like Karpeles"
Apocalyptic: "Der-Yeghiayan testified that his own investigation had found that Mutum Sigilum, a Karpeles holding company, had registered as a means to publicize the site further."
assbot: Silk Road Trial: Defense Says Mt. Gox CEO Is the Real Drug Lord  ... ( )
assbot: Defense's alternative theory seems to be that MARK KARPELES OF MT GOX and one other were the real DPR. /hashtag/SilkRoadTrial?src=hash
assbot: An Undercover Agent Was Making $1000 a Week in Bitcoin as a Silk Road Admin | Motherboard ... ( )
assbot: An Undercover Agent Was Making $1000 a Week in Bitcoin as a Silk Road Admin | Motherboard ... ( )
mircea_popescu: Dratel instead said that Ulbricht only ran Silk Road for “a few months” after he created it. Finding it “too stressful,” Ulbricht reportedly handed the website’s reins over to others. As a result, the defense argues that the government is prosecuting the wrong individual for building up a $1.2 billion black market, since Ulbricht is not Dread Pirate Roberts.
mircea_popescu: Back in 2013, a separate individual claiming to be Dread Pirate Roberts stated that he/she “didn’t start the Silk Road, my predecessor did.”
mircea_popescu: "An as yet unknown1 individual or group has taken up the mantle of DPR and launched the next iteration of the Silk Road marketplace, but this time around it's not accessible via Tor."
assbot: [GUIDE] PGP 4 N00BZ : SilkRoad ... ( )
mircea_popescu: Ulbricht won only a few minor points. The government won't be able to point to certain books sold on Silk Road, such as Silent but Deadly and Homemade C-4: A Recipe for Survival. Those exhibits "unnecessarily inject elements of violence and explosive devices that are not otherwise part of this case."
assbot: Judge: Gov’t can show murder-for-hire evidence in Silk Road trial | Ars Technica ... ( )
BingoBoingo: WolfGoethe: Why would they fire though before USMS "auctions" the last silk road parcel.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: If only someone were to make a proper internet silk road where golds were traded for pepper and rugs
assbot: New Zealand Couple Avoid Jail For Drugs Imported Via Silk Road Like Site | ... ( )
assbot: Project Longstrike Launches While Australian Citizen Extradited To United States Over Silk Road Charges | ... ( )
nubbins`: adlai i mean obviously buying $100k of btc from a government-approved exchange, immediately purchasing a porsche with it, keeping change in same address, buying H from silk road, keeping change in same address, buying mpex shares, etc etc
assbot: Silk Road may be gone, but Topix is still a haven for drug dealers | The Verge ... ( )
assbot: Silk Road 2 Admin Blake Benthall Released From Prison?! - Deep Dot Web ... ( )
assbot: If You Bought From Silk Road, Coinalytics May Have You Mapped ... ( )
mircea_popescu: decimation if you think the shocking stupidity of people like "silk road operators" occurs in a vacuum, let me remind you of the special agent that solved the case by excel spreadsheet.
assbot: USMS Silk Road Bitcoin Auction Results | Muckrock ... ( )
mike_c: this guy has been pinging them once a month about his foia.. they went from stalling to ignoring. very gox of them.
BingoBoingo: It's better than getting arrested in Silk Road scam
assbot: Silk Road, other Tor “darknet” sites may have been “decloaked” through DDoS | Ars Technica
mircea_popescu: if any of the young uns reading us silently is looking for a dragon to slay anbd be a hero : run a new silkroad as a reverse-honeypot.
cazalla: if i was a small time operator and wanted to steal some coins, maybe i'd copy/pasta the silkroad 2.0 shut down images and claim i too got shut down and knick whatever coins were on the site
punkman: "Silk Road 2.0 initially was owned and operated by another individual (hereinafter referred to as “DPR2”), BLAKE BENTHALL, a/k/a “Defcon,” the defendant, who had been acting as second-in—command to DPR2"
punkman: "Each successive Silk Road is headed by a DPR with increasingly poor opsec, like they're reverse-learning from their predecessors' mistakes"
assbot: The guy who bought a Tesla with Bitcoin? It was the "DPR2" from Silk Road....pillar of industry : Buttcoin
assbot: The Blake Berthall Silk Road 2.0 Complaint, Fulltext /hashtag/deturdified?src=hash /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash
cazalla: fark, someone is doing a doxx on silkroad guy same time as i am, so my article is not a copy/pasta job
