Results 1 ... 250 found in all logged channels for 'reich' |

(pest) asciilifeform: signpost: reich propaganda tries to paint current-day ru as a su continuation, but it aint, the place is actually run by folx with children at oxbridge and yaleward
(pest) asciilifeform: ... and the difference becomes moar visible as the overall reich economic belt tightens
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-03-15 asciilifeform: ... from reich pov, plebes having savings is a bug, similarly to resistive losses in electric cable. 'pieces of yacht that got diverted'
(pest) dulapbot: Logged on 2024-07-21 19:32:54 asciilifeform: nsaware imho 'is ascendant' presently simply from the fact that it is factually the daily locomotive of the reich, such as it is. i.e. used erryday. vs the eastern wunderwaffen, which largely 'used' as 'fleet in being' (i.e. carefully avoid being used, and when not avoided -- public circus, e.g. the orcland misadventures o
(pest) dulapbot: Logged on 2024-07-21 19:32:54 asciilifeform: nsaware imho 'is ascendant' presently simply from the fact that it is factually the daily locomotive of the reich, such as it is. i.e. used erryday. vs the eastern wunderwaffen, which largely 'used' as 'fleet in being' (i.e. carefully avoid being used, and when not avoided -- public circus, e.g. the orcland misadventures o
(pest) asciilifeform: nsaware imho 'is ascendant' presently simply from the fact that it is factually the daily locomotive of the reich, such as it is. i.e. used erryday. vs the eastern wunderwaffen, which largely 'used' as 'fleet in being' (i.e. carefully avoid being used, and when not avoided -- public circus, e.g. the orcland misadventures o
(pest) asciilifeform: re epstein, iirc ~all~ of the reich's 'somebodies' were 'friends' (incl. even e.g. rms & minsky). given as he was the fresh meat procurer for that entire wot, with seemingly watertight cia krysha
(pest) asciilifeform: << yes. ( at certain point, su decided to unthinkingly copy reich tech , rather than invest in own r&d )
(pest) PeterL[asciilifeform]: Speaking of reich officials, where I work this week we had FDA auditors show up for their "annual" audit for the first time since Obama was in office. Apparently they just had a big hiring and are finally getting through their backlog.
(pest) asciilifeform: tedious 'game into 1 goalpost' -- when the hell will a reich official get into a rusty chopper and feed himself to wildlife in mountains?!
(pest) asciilifeform: and yes, if you've exploited some reich bullshit and got coin, or even simply 'rich without a license', did sumthing that blackrock thinks it has divinely ordained monopoly on, and you then go on to give interviews to nyt, ask for 'invest', and put face on it -- '20 to life'
(pest) asciilifeform: billymg: recall, it's the reich we're talking about, anyffin can be 'precedent' for anyffin
(pest) asciilifeform: (seems to be the standard formula for 'thought he got outta reich, but when needed, found and stuffed into a sack and brought in'
(pest) asciilifeform lolz re there still being, apparently, folx who try to run mixer, gox, etc. with an identifiable reich meat presence
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: (pest) 2024-04-17 asciilifeform: finds it peculiar that (afaik) no one, anywhere, ever asks why the fuck reich is able to refill its btc piggy when umpteenth dpr is busted. have the latter never heard of not keeping plaintext keyz around ? or wat
(pest) asciilifeform: ( for thread-completeness: it is of course possible that reich fills waterfall primarily by mining (paid for with printola, at e.g. nsa) and then traded for 'used' coin at reich exchanges, ~then~ dumped )
(pest) asciilifeform: signpost: let's suppose. but 100% of the others, rly? either reich simply lies re 'we found over9000 coin' (mp's version iirc) or 100% of the perps are diagnosable morons
(pest) asciilifeform finds it peculiar that (afaik) no one, anywhere, ever asks why the fuck reich is able to refill its btc piggy when umpteenth dpr is busted. have the latter never heard of not keeping plaintext keyz around ? or wat
(pest) asciilifeform: reich, however, dumped coupla yrs of mine's worth, and has at least as much remaining to dump afaik
(pest) asciilifeform: characterizing portrait of reich & its wunderwaffen.
(pest) asciilifeform: signpost: that thing is just 1 drop in ocean of similar liquishit, dc beltway hucksters promising reich amazing!1111 wunderwaffen that'll 'make all resistence futile' etc
(pest) asciilifeform: there's an epic 'division of labour fail' in the reich, where you gotta talk to 6-7 contractors (and pay...) before find one who isn't simply trying to sell you a good % of yer house in replacement gear. so easier/cheaper with own hands
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2024-02-15 16:42:28 billymg: as asciilifeform always points out, reich can get at you anywhere in the world, so would rather just be in a place with fewer crazy people
(pest) billymg[asciilifeform]: as asciilifeform always points out, reich can get at you anywhere in the world, so would rather just be in a place with fewer crazy people
(pest) billymg[asciilifeform]: << if the reich weakens and has to cede territory (in the abstract sense, such as political relations that allow for crate shipping of persons of interest), what do they give up first? cr, el salvador, and tx? or virginia
(pest) asciilifeform: signpost: even if you posit that no one wants the territory (afaik there aint anyffin valuable there), when reich kaput, erryone there will be living on bananas, in straw huts, at some pt
(pest) signpost[asciilifeform] fully supportive of basedreich stacking thugs like sardines for life.
(pest) asciilifeform: if you've 20e6$ to burn on a banana passport, yer prolly fine even in the darkest heart of the reich
(pest) asciilifeform also curious re what's in slovenia, has difficulty picturing untaxed-btc zone somehow surviving in the middle of darkest eureich
(pest) asciilifeform: reich is helping (tho at much moar leisurely pace than asciilifeform originally predicted) to make 'coffee warmer miner' a reality (in e.g. ny, bans on mining farms, even when operated by private hydro plant, and similar recent lulz)
(pest) asciilifeform: d00d asked 'why not started in '14' and p gave 'diplomatic' answ ('we tried peace talks' etc) but not the obv 1 he featured in earlier speeches ('actually we weren't ready in '14 for reich bank boycott etc')
(pest) asciilifeform: afaik the only plausible path to texistan is if finally standoff with reich regular army and some % of the latter defects
(pest) asciilifeform: crtdaydreams: point being, even folx who currently the loudest re 'sovereignty' and sticking it to the reich -- still stepping on same rake they've been jumping up and down on since ~1970, without interruption, and then seem surprised when their irons fail in various convenient (for reich) ways
(pest) asciilifeform: to date, reich continues to succeed in making actual use of btc just painful enuff so that primary use continues to be 'hodl'.
(pest) asciilifeform: 1 interesting item -- cost of tx was even recently far too small, to the point that reich has organized a 2017-style 'stress test' (just like prev. go around, using shitcoins that feature liquishit storage in btc tx )
(pest) asciilifeform: this was 1 of the key lulz in the bch story -- 'megablocks' would've given 'running a noad costs 5+figs/$/mo' -- hence why reich pushed megablox -- without remotely coming close to 'pay for erry tea cup with coin'
(pest) asciilifeform: consider for instance: instead (or even in addition) to dumping coin on the market to dampen exchrate, reich starts sending a 'phree' coin to erry miner who mines a block containing only 'kosher' tx. they've enuff to do this for 20y at least.
(pest) asciilifeform: << afaik no serious operator has yet even threatened to defect on e.g. segshit. so whoknows what other atrocity reich may be able to 'soft'-force 'consensus' for
(pest) asciilifeform: atm, afaik the only 'undebaseable' (i.e. monotonic 'moon') assets in the reich are e.g. pre-ww2 (non-cardboard) real estate, rembrandts, and the like. this is by design (what'd be the point of inflating usd if it dinged ~errybody~ equally)
(pest) asciilifeform: d00d is 1 of the longest-playing reich assets in (what passes for) the crypto space.
(pest) asciilifeform: the 'ohnoez, they realized that reich inmates can aaalso use wunderbar anonytard chats!' desperate psyop doubling down is lulzy
(pest) billymg[asciilifeform] had hoped their might be some balance of power, rather than the two reichs colluding
(pest) billymg[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: right, but i guess that means east and west reich are cooperating in their control of the 'heat engine'
(pest) billymg[asciilifeform]: despite their shitcoinery binance at least seemed a net positive in that it was the last exchange operating outside of reich control
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-11-15 16:05:48 asciilifeform[jonsykkel|signpost|billymg]: lizard objective is quite transparently to turn btc into au, i.e. where almost all of it is bottled up in handful of reich warehouses, and people can 'trade' all they like but exclusively with paper simulacrum which is worth what they say it's worth
(pest) asciilifeform: lizard objective is quite transparently to turn btc into au, i.e. where almost all of it is bottled up in handful of reich warehouses, and people can 'trade' all they like but exclusively with paper simulacrum which is worth what they say it's worth
(pest) asciilifeform is of the pov that even (and especially) the folx who finally bought the coveted plane ticket 'out' are deluding themselves, for so long as they're financially embedded in the reich, which almost always -- are
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-03-15 asciilifeform: ... from reich pov, plebes having savings is a bug, similarly to resistive losses in electric cable. 'pieces of yacht that got diverted'
(pest) asciilifeform: signpost: current-day reich culture gives young folx screamingly unrealistic expectations ('you told me to bake $widget, but how does this kill hitler?') and 1st step in any kinda salvage of lost souls is inescapably to cure same
(pest) asciilifeform: ... has turned into some kinda 'exotic kungfu' among reich victims
(pest) asciilifeform: mong reich victims
(pest) asciilifeform: reich worx by applying the ancient principle where 'no fortress is impregnable if the gates can admit an ass loaded with gold', rather than proper death match on battlefield, tho
(pest) signpost[asciilifeform]: macgregor elaborates on the utter incapability of the reich to withstand major power conflict.
(pest) asciilifeform: ^ 1 in endless series of tards like weev, who, instead of 'let's p2p hosting', insist on sitting on reichnet and whining about censors...
(pest) asciilifeform: << will say for nth time, it's approx as interesting as 'attacks on ssl! newz at 11!'. the implication 100% of the time is that the fact that reich can do whatever it wants with the pki and effectively 'act on your behalf'(tm) whenever it wants, 'isn't an attack'
(pest) asciilifeform: or reich's tools wouldn't push it.
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-03-15 asciilifeform: ... from reich pov, plebes having savings is a bug, similarly to resistive losses in electric cable. 'pieces of yacht that got diverted'
(pest) asciilifeform: << iirc notion was to schmooze with'em and sell glorious lost tech. but apparently errytime they bought shitcoin etc. instead, the latter being moar 'charismatic' and pushed in glossy reich mags
(pest) asciilifeform: where's the promised glorious 4th reich tho.
(pest) asciilifeform: current reich plan seems to be to sacrifice the fat, lazy eureichtards
(pest) signpost[asciilifeform]: say the reich's playing a game of who crumbles first, and capitulates into USD.
(pest) asciilifeform: << the differences b/w diff parts of the reich seem rather small to asciilifeform
(pest) asciilifeform: reich can only live by eating 'untermenschen' and this aint much of a seekrit.
(pest) asciilifeform: to spell it out: the reich is counting on hodlers to sell, 'entirely voluntarily', from penury, from panic, from 'looxy, it's 100k!111 aint that enuff', etc
(pest) asciilifeform: << prb is most certainly 'project like tor'. at same time usd is presently where ruble was in 1991. certain faction of reich oligarchs would like equiv. of 1991 deutschmark, usd, etc.,
(pest) dulapbot: Logged on 2023-02-01 21:42:36 asciilifeform: reich will keep twatter (which apparently essential component of the edifice) alive at whatever cost; incl. aggressively peddling 'alternatives' sprayed with faux-decentralization perfume 'until sumthing sticks'
(pest) asciilifeform: ( imho plenty of rather obv macro dysfunctions in reich, each 1 moar than sufficient to explain trajectory to collapse & assoc. various mass psychosis )
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-01-19 asciilifeform: the reason why various 2010s 'they'll ban goxes!' prognoses (incl. asciilifeform's) came to nuffin, is that turns out goxes are a very effective instrument of exchrate control, and therefore quite valuable to the reich.
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-02-12 12:53:58 asciilifeform[5]: << popularity of 'ufology' does appear to track 'reich wants to distract and corral political unreliables' 'temperature'
(pest) asciilifeform was at one pt naive enuff to think that hn 'come out in force' mouthpieces were actually ~paid~ by reich. whereas today imho obv that no such thing is happening, they are paid like hajja nasredin 'paid' the baker -- w/ the jingle of coins
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2021-12-29 asciilifeform: the quickest way to see what reich stats are worth is to look at own wallet. asciilifeform's expenses in past 2y up considerably farther from the Official 6% or what was it.
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-03-25 asciilifeform: the interesting, psychologically, aspect of the mats thread is the difficulty, for some folx, of making the jump to 'reich stats likely bogus, all i can rely on is personal experience of self and those around me'
(pest) asciilifeform: ( ftr, asciilifeform's pov re reich stats. )
(pest) asciilifeform: awt: lulzy ( de-facto ban on ethertardation at goxes in reich ? )
(pest) asciilifeform: even elementary thing like being able to buy a coin outside of a gox -- distant memory (at least in the reich lands)
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: mats: which reich functionary ~aint~ a pedo...
(pest) asciilifeform: subj arguably beaten to death, but today's reich is slowly transitioning into a historically-normal command economy, where money plays (at least for plebes) a largely ceremonial role, and 'the type of person who is allowed to have things' (generally hereditary) 'will have things', the type who aint -- won't
(pest) asciilifeform: signpost: risky to make direct analogies with sovok banking, because money did not play anyffin like same role in ye olde sovok as in the current reich
(pest) asciilifeform: in the familiar reich style, tho, where most of the victims, most of the time, 'anesthesized' and neither know nor give a shit that it's happening
(pest) asciilifeform: << asciilifeform admits that not sees how they were anyffin less than fully-controlled prior (for 2decades nao, reich already zeroes out yer accts if yer on trial as 'enemy of the people', or if they decide you could've paid moar tax, or any # of things )
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-03-20 15:32:33 asciilifeform[6]: wonders in what sense reich previously lacked control over electro-usd in banks
(pest) asciilifeform wonders in what sense reich previously lacked control over electro-usd in banks
(pest) asciilifeform ftr suspects that reich.'legit' goxes collectively share a reich-administered pool of actual coin as reserve, which was promised to be dispensed in the event of a 'run'
(pest) signpost[asciilifeform]: from what I've heard through the grapevine both brian and jesse (CEOs) are "believers" in btc, but the reich's environment corrupts, so it's hard to rely on that.
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-03-19 21:44:24 asciilifeform[6]: << per asciilifeform's hypothesis, reich cares much less re the absolute value of the exchrate than about preventing monotonic climb (i.e. where could outperform various reich paper in re being a perceived inflation shelter.)
(pest) asciilifeform: is ok, per reich, for it to go up, tho, so long as later goes down.
(pest) asciilifeform: the fixed issuance, otoh, prevented (and continues to prevent) reich from inflating the shit outta btc simply by building asic farms
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-01-19 asciilifeform: 2. ... in exchange for ~fuffles~ (e.g. bags of fiat not immediately destined to be spent on durable necessities; plastic autos; titles to 'property' in the reich)
(pest) asciilifeform: ( seemed to be from a perception of 'slow lift will continue as reich sinks' rather than 'suddenly, one day, to moon!!'. )
(pest) asciilifeform: << per asciilifeform's hypothesis, reich cares much less re the absolute value of the exchrate than about preventing monotonic climb (i.e. where could outperform various reich paper in re being a perceived inflation shelter.)
(pest) asciilifeform not up to the task of divining what, precisely, would've happened if reich had ~not~ carried out the 'legalization' gambit
(pest) asciilifeform: ( not purely gox-powered, either, reich has at least coupla $bil in actual coin, taken off the corpses of various 'silk roads', to satisfy quite a few 'withdraw to own key' folx while keeping exchrate at whatever # they're comfortable with)
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-01-19 asciilifeform: 2. ... in exchange for ~fuffles~ (e.g. bags of fiat not immediately destined to be spent on durable necessities; plastic autos; titles to 'property' in the reich)
(pest) asciilifeform: billymg: asciilifeform's version of 'sandwich theory' is that the ~0 -> 10k+ transition happened before reich got the waterfall (incl. the 'leveraged goxes' variant) going. '# of 0s' not changed substantially since then, and imho not likely to other than via usd hyperinflation (or if somehow waterfall breaks down)
(pest) asciilifeform: ( afaik e.g. reich tax politics treats btc and alts precisely alike )
(pest) asciilifeform: 'scamming without a license' has been the only reliably prosecuted offense in the space. rando alts compete with reich's Official shitcoin (eth)
(pest) asciilifeform: billymg: would luvv to be wrong about this, but afaik would require something to interfere with 1 or more of reich's mechanisms for 1) counterfeit coin (via goxpaper), as req'd 2) steal coin, from various 'silk roads' 3) dump (1) and (2) on markets
(pest) asciilifeform: reich: 1) engineer bank run, bailout, btc pump 2) waterfall 3) profit!111
(pest) asciilifeform not convinced that cn is decoupled from anglo reich to the degree implied in this hypothetical
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2023-03-12 asciilifeform: ftr ^ lolbug: reich.dst-induced crash in ping/pong, apparently erry yr!
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: ftr ^ lolbug: reich.dst-induced crash in ping/pong, apparently erry yr!
(pest) signpost[cgra|asciilifeform]: and meanwhile those that do, all gateways from it to food are controlled by the reich
(pest) asciilifeform: PeterL: savers (i.e. folx who refrain from consuming errything they theoretically could) are the 'christmas pig' livestock from erry reich's pov, historically
(pest) dulapbot: Logged on 2023-01-18 13:59:21 asciilifeform: the only possible afaik pill against the 'lift it from plane and then drop' reich-engineered volatility of btc is if had solid physical economy , and ... circular problem
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-03-15 asciilifeform: ... from reich pov, plebes having savings is a bug, similarly to resistive losses in electric cable. 'pieces of yacht that got diverted'
(pest) asciilifeform: << for coupla yrs nao, reich gearing up spin to blame infrastructural decay (from yacht conversion) on 'terrorists'(tm)(r)
(pest) asciilifeform: reich appears to 'price' both types of mediocrity roughly similarly.
(pest) asciilifeform: minuses -- vendor makes'em in onesies, charges FG-style; somehow not knows how to deal with reich customs, so the pieces of that thing had to be ransomed and over9000 paperwork; and, lastly, takes 4evah to assemble (you get crate of pipes etc)
(pest) asciilifeform: signpost: reich enacted shitcoins, could, naturally, cancel'em whenever. but to asciilifeform not clear why would do so, it's an a++ waterfall fuel & idjit tax.
(pest) asciilifeform skeptical re any possibility of deliberate scuttling of shitcoinism by reich. at this pt seems to be solidly part of the 'tbtf house of cards'
(pest) asciilifeform: hm did shitcoins get reich.adjudicated as 'shares' or is hypothetical ?
(pest) asciilifeform: fwiw reich's 'minute man 3' reportedly still pdp11.
(pest) asciilifeform: << the very phrase 'export restrictions' invokes '80s nostalgia, y'know, back when serious irons were actually stamped out in the reich proper
(pest) bitbot[4]: (asciilifeform) 2022-03-24 asciilifeform: the # of 'unbelievers' is unknown, cuz reich aint set up in such a way that the captives' beliefs actually matter in any way
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-03-24 asciilifeform: the # of 'unbelievers' is unknown, cuz reich aint set up in such a way that the captives' beliefs actually matter in any way
(pest) asciilifeform: from one pov, is a hilarious twist on the usg newspeak 'know yer customer'. if you ~actually~ 'know yer customer`, yer moar or less impenetrable to reich.
(pest) asciilifeform: even before end of ww2, was rather obv. that totalitarian reichs will colonize all of planet3, for objective techno-economic reasons
(pest) asciilifeform: ( 'reason' was mostly the reich-sponsored 'stress test' of '16-18, to help spread 'blox are toosmall!' fud )
(pest) asciilifeform: there are already reich subjects who 'save in'... machine guns. with all the obv. pitfalls.
(pest) asciilifeform: bans in such case do ~0 (possession of au/usd in qty in orcistan was a hanging offense). folx in reich would already save in cocaine if the latter were instantly authenticable and not inflationary (the cartels afaik do a decent job ensuring that it is inflationary)
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-01-19 asciilifeform: the reason why various 2010s 'they'll ban goxes!' prognoses (incl. asciilifeform's) came to nuffin, is that turns out goxes are a very effective instrument of exchrate control, and therefore quite valuable to the reich.
(pest) signpost[cgra]: << chicom state media is doing "omg ufo" concurrently with the reich.
(pest) asciilifeform: << popularity of 'ufology' does appear to track 'reich wants to distract and corral political unreliables' 'temperature'
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: nfi whether 'mysterious' (per owner, rather than reich press) but expect that sumbody at some pt will decide 'foul play' and set off 1 of the barrels of tnt+ballbearings likely already parked in various orbits, scrubbing whole thing clean for errybody
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: mats: reich press was afaik unanimous, unsurprisingly, re 'who', lol
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: reich switched from 'clever shams & persuasion' to 'full bore goebbels mode' long ago.
(pest) asciilifeform: prolly not so interesting w/out the shortwave replacement for reichnet, tho
(pest) asciilifeform: reich won't letcha outta their tax plantation unless you have new 1
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-02-01 21:43:59 asciilifeform[jonsykkel|deedbot|awt]: reich will keep twatter (which apparently essential component of the edifice) alive at whatever cost; incl. aggressively peddling 'alternatives' sprayed with faux-decentralization perfume 'until sumthing sticks'
(pest) asciilifeform: reich will keep twatter (which apparently essential component of the edifice) alive at whatever cost; incl. aggressively peddling 'alternatives' sprayed with faux-decentralization perfume 'until sumthing sticks'
(pest) asciilifeform: by all appearances, this is reich's latest attempt at 'vaccinating' folx against pest ( which the perps do not necessarily know about, but imho idea is 'obvious' enuff that 'people need vaccinating' against it )
(pest) crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: if you'd taken the time to understand the context you'd realise I'm still on about the Rhodesian war and that Mugabe just happens to be figurehead of the primary opposition to the Rhodesian government, so I think it quite entertaining that such nonsense could come from such a widely praised reich mouthpiece.
(pest) asciilifeform: signpost: eureich own-goaled own energy supply long prior to ukrowank (when 'de-nuclearized')
(pest) asciilifeform: signpost: extremely convenient /dev/null for eureich inventory (for if e.g. eureich may need to be 're-democratized'(tm) by usg at some hypothetical future time)
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-03-25 asciilifeform: current reich is based on model of 'cheaper to guard the concentration camp if the inmates can be persuaded that they aint in one' ;
(pest) asciilifeform: we still have'em, lol, they hybridized & won, current reich is recognizable result
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-03-15 asciilifeform: ... from reich pov, plebes having savings is a bug, similarly to resistive losses in electric cable. 'pieces of yacht that got diverted'
(pest) asciilifeform: d00d was positively obsessed with 'rhodesias', had lengthy series of novels re 'deliberate countries' which wage partizan war on the reich
(pest) asciilifeform: for bonus lul, often enuff in current reich the mandatorily embedded snitch operates entirely overtly
(pest) asciilifeform: 1st law of 1000y reich construction : 'there shall be nowhere to defect to'
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-01-20 04:32:20 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|awt|signpost]: I initially thought that the rhodesia segue was rather tangential, retrospectively it raises an interesting q, are there any other historical "rhodesias"? Wherin ancient reich declared unpersoned. History being cyclic and all there should be some similarit
(pest) crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: I initially thought that the rhodesia segue was rather tangential, retrospectively it raises an interesting q, are there any other historical "rhodesias"? Wherin ancient reich declared unpersoned. History being cyclic and all there should be some similarity within the last 800 years no?
(pest) asciilifeform: eh, the bagmans, neffs, etc. aint any kinda nutters, they're entirely rational , simply so happens that they work as goebbelses for the reich
(pest) asciilifeform: in asciilifeform's cosmography, current reich is making the precisely same 'inward turn' as 17th c. spain, having exhausted (and then deprived of) its colony feedstock, turning 'up own arse' (process of 'auto-colonization')
(pest) asciilifeform: in that sense, yes, reich 'succumbed to marx' in the same sense e.g. the titanic 'succumbed to archimedes'
(pest) asciilifeform: marx et al, lulzily, 'had last laugh', i.e. correctly described process where capitalists run outta cheap coolies & 'free' natural resources from subjugated lands and begin retooling to formally centralized reich / satrapies / de-facto command economy, as in ancient times
(pest) signpost[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: I took you ex-sovbros as travelers which had the best eyes to see the current reich falling into the same marxism with different clothes.
(pest) asciilifeform: and brings in the very reich dependency a 'btc biz' enthusiast is aiming to escape from
(pest) asciilifeform: the only possible afaik pill against the 'lift it from plane and then drop' reich-engineered volatility of btc is if had solid physical economy , and ... circular problem
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-11-08 16:34:04 asciilifeform[deedbot]: near as asciilifeform can tell, the ~actual btc economy~ (i.e. what remains after subtracting the reich subsidiaries that demand passport etc. when trading anyffin for coin, so can report its 'sale' and the 'gain') is ~weaker~ today than in the days of the infamous pizz
(pest) asciilifeform: 4) 'fuhrerbunker' phase where was clear that 'golden future' aint materializing, nato reich aint aboutta fold up shop, folx leaving, mp demanding 'shaheed' sacrifices from followers, 'unpersonings' of 'traitors' etc.
(pest) asciilifeform: (afaik they get no rewards, only buncha paperwork to fill at own expense, per reich treaty obligation)
(pest) asciilifeform: a sort of 'fool tax' on reich escapees
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-12-28 14:51:01 phf[4]: ftr this issue is solved by reich-technology, telegram specifically is imho state of the art when it comes to personal messenger usability
(pest) asciilifeform: << by 'reich tech' simply meant 'errything on central server' (trivially over9000x easier to write an aol messenger than p2p, noshit) or something moar specific ?
(pest) phf: ftr this issue is solved by reich-technology, telegram specifically is imho state of the art when it comes to personal messenger usability
(pest) asciilifeform: << over9000 folx on the net seem to fughet allabout 'this is my seekrit $weapon, unregistered with reich' when succumbing to photonarcissism and 'here's me an' my MG' on arsebook etc
(pest) dulapbot: Logged on 2022-12-23 16:20:54 asciilifeform: which can and does get trivially manipulated by reich
(pest) lobbes[asciilifeform]: << I think I follow. Too easy since a reich either owns the key(s) to a btc addy or doesn't, versus being able to make a claim to [|unmined gold], or whatever gdp fudging / manipulation
(pest) asciilifeform: which can and does get trivially manipulated by reich
(pest) signpost[asciilifeform]: absent a tmsr producing businesses (which require either capital or approx 10y of sweat) you have sequoia, andresson, et al owning "fintech" as tentacles of the reich.
(pest) billymg[asciilifeform]: << i agree that a btc with warren's 'kyc trb nodes' makes no sense (it's just a reich checking account with extra steps), but assuming this never comes to pass then i still view it as interesting. just as torrents still continue to work and i continue to use them
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: << if phakt, sounds like an irresistible bowling pin for reich to knock down
(pest) asciilifeform: rather, but with the diff that errybody eats petro, but otoh shitcoin-pumpers are to be found mostly in reich afaik
(pest) asciilifeform: xi vassal or not, if binance condemned by nato reich, prolly will go similarly to huawei -- nomoar reichbux wires to/from, executives dumb enuff to fly into / through reich ports kidnapped, etc
(pest) asciilifeform: is what distinguishes a generic shithole from a reich, in asciilifeform's pov
(pest) asciilifeform not aware of any cases where someone was extradited from reich to ru or cn, or where a ru or cn biz found itself unable to operate at home on acct of 'violate us payment laws' etc
(pest) asciilifeform: ru & cn not claim global jurisdiction, unlike nato reich
(pest) asciilifeform: billymg: there's only 1 reich
(pest) billymg[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: binance under a different reich's jurisdiction, which is why i think they don't like it
(pest) asciilifeform: billymg: goxes are built, under sufferance of the reich, to fatten up an' get popped when reich decides is time.
(pest) signpost[asciilifeform]: there was an entirely other world in there. glad it happened, though next time 1kyr reich.
(pest) asciilifeform: (to prolly nobody's surprise. they're both working for the reich and did a++ work)
(pest) asciilifeform: ( ditto e.g. tax in reich, and in most other respects -- similar )
(pest) asciilifeform: situation in reich re dope reminiscent somewhat of '1984', where lumpens & 'inner party' are similarly free to do whatever they like, only the workhorse 'middle' is actually under panopticon
(pest) asciilifeform: hm, thought fentanyl is how reich pest-controls (closes eyes on cheap import from cn, then powder mixed into traditional dopes for a quick kill)
(pest) asciilifeform: ... 2) to be dropped as ballast when reich collapse turns a notch and desperate dampening is needed.
(pest) asciilifeform: ( ftr per asciilifeform's model, goxen are created (by gifting some 'favoured son' 8fig of printola, uplifting him from 2nd lieutenant at $hedgefund lizard kindergarten to 'captain of industry'(tm)) for 1) cool down exchrate by minting papercoin, erryday 2) to be dropped as ballast when reich collapse turns a notch and des
(pest) asciilifeform: << to clarify further -- pestron user ~can~ sync own clock from whatever reich service if he wants; but thing designed to operate without this assumption. (incidentally: possible useful feature would be to alert operator if his clock is wildly out of sync with incoming timesta
(pest) jonsykkel[busybot]: true theres no "hackings" etc in reich assets
(pest) asciilifeform: this -- 'not negotiable', is what the reich is ~about~, fundamentally.
(pest) asciilifeform: << there are waves, but observe that btc-style crashes 'not permitted' -- $mil house in reich absolutely never turns into $100k house (unless burns down)
(pest) asciilifeform: near as asciilifeform can tell, the ~actual btc economy~ (i.e. what remains after subtracting the reich subsidiaries that demand passport etc. when trading anyffin for coin, so can report its 'sale' and the 'gain') is ~weaker~ today than in the days of the infamous pizza.
(pest) asciilifeform if knew how to instead invent recipe for folx to live on sunlight, and build house in parallel dimension away from reich -- would work on ~that~
(pest) asciilifeform: not that 'subject of reich' can't occasionally fork over bit of paper dough or btc to buy magick goodies phriend baked in basement. but the notion that 'get rich from this' is 'larp' and good, quick way to lose shirt
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-03-15 asciilifeform: ... from reich pov, plebes having savings is a bug, similarly to resistive losses in electric cable. 'pieces of yacht that got diverted'
(pest) signpost[asciilifeform]: maybe globohomo has served its purpose and the reich's ready to embrace/extend 4chan mercantilism
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-01-19 asciilifeform: 2. ... in exchange for ~fuffles~ (e.g. bags of fiat not immediately destined to be spent on durable necessities; plastic autos; titles to 'property' in the reich)
(pest) asciilifeform: ( at one time in what is nao the reich, there were actual bankers, who had to persuade sumbody to lend'em dough. and, i suppose, at the peripheries of the reich, these still exist )
(pest) asciilifeform: unpx: quantumism is part eternal grant racket perpetuum mobile, and part reich FUD gambit to move gullible folx off rsa.
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-04-14 asciilifeform: crtdaydreams: read, when orig. posted. has 0 to do with 'in $n cycles', but w/ shor's algo & variants. on the entirely imaginary apparatus advertised as 'quantum computer' (originally a joke paper by r.feynman, nao a multi-$1e9 reich grantsmanship game, reminiscent of 'hot fusion')
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: (asciilifeform) 2022-04-11 asciilifeform: mangol: in re the bigger picture. and not simply 'east expansion', but that reich rather obv. cannot survive 1) without continuing to get ru fuels & other minerals for ~phree 2) the continued existence of [][an alt-civi
(pest) asciilifeform: perhaps moar achievable than '1000y reichs' but only by a notch
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-04-11 asciilifeform: mangol: in re the bigger picture. and not simply 'east expansion', but that reich rather obv. cannot survive 1) without continuing to get ru fuels & other minerals for ~phree 2) the continued existence of an alt-civilization
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: and not simple matter of 'they ordered' -- reich cannot operate w/out printolade; printer cannot operate w/out the 'kinetic' component of fiatola hegemony
(pest) asciilifeform: ( all current-day 'Official' goxen can be safely assumed to seekritly share a reserve piggy; this'd be the 'crown jewels' of their seekrit agreement with reich.gosplan, rather than whatever snoopings, tax collections, etc which moar or less erryone knows about at this pt)
(pest) asciilifeform: is how in '17 reich halted the 'explosive' rise of btc-usd exch rate -- by 'legalizing' goxism and placing it on central gosplan-style footing to (mostly) put a stop on uncontrolled 'bank runs' which might threaten demand for papercoin
(pest) dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2022-05-09 asciilifeform: << may encourage verisimilitude to realize that it aint in fact run 'with money'. oligarchs aint oligarchs 'because have money', they are simply deputies of the reich (typically, tho not always, 'titled nobility') to whom freshly-printed dough is simply issued
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: copypaste: then mp decided to branch out into e.g. isp biz ( see logs re 'pizarro' ) , this blew up spectacularly, eventually touching off demise of mp's reich entirely
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: << some of the ~people~ still around ( tho mostly live here naodays rather than in #a.) regret to inform that mp's reich is kaput ( and yr+ before fuhrer himself kaput ) , see #t logs if interested.
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-08-24 15:50:42 asciilifeform[4]: in 100% of these, the reich.'crime' aint 'ohnoez, wrote a proggy, and it was 'too kewl for skool'', but rather 'ohey, identifiable plebe with a nontrivial coin-denominated income stream, let's dekulakize pronto'
(pest) asciilifeform: in 100% of these, the reich.'crime' aint 'ohnoez, wrote a proggy, and it was 'too kewl for skool'', but rather 'ohey, identifiable plebe with a nontrivial coin-denominated income stream, let's dekulakize pronto'
(pest) asciilifeform: 'anyffin you want, with the right paperwork' is how reich worx. e.g. alex shulgin famously had a permit to bake & eat any dope; for cost of toyota anyone can buy permit for mg; etc
(pest) asciilifeform: most reichs, unsurprisingly, Officially mandate bureaucratic processing of the dead. so that, well, montrezors can't so easily stuff their fortunatos in a vacant berth in the wine cellar
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: (asciilifeform) 2021-08-30 asciilifeform: little shithole orcistans, as i understand, live and breathe import taxation like reich breathes income taxation
(pest) asciilifeform: billymg: in south amer. defo. but maybe not in eureich, where can drive to e.g. berlin and load up on $goodies and truck'em back to $locale w/out customs wankage ?
(pest) asciilifeform: ... but if the inhabitants have to pay , on top of the ~50k$ they nominally cost (w/ eureich passport) a mob vig of 1k/mo, this wasn't obv. (and mp not mentioned)
(pest) asciilifeform: << if one believe mp, whole fucking globe is divided b/w these and the reich
(pest) asciilifeform: << per asciilifeform's notion, this'd be 1 of the main attractions of eureich -- e.g. timis to budapest, or maribor to vienna, is ~3hr drive, get yer microscope and drive it back home to yer 100K$ 'oligarch palace'
(pest) asciilifeform: ( if you have usa passport, yer a 'pidor' in so far as eureich is concerned, re banking in particular. asciilifeform 100% confirms, went on ro expedition in '17 concretely for fact-finding re subj )
(pest) asciilifeform: see e.g. recent thread re parts of eureich which allegedly have 0 tax on btc conversion, 0 'refugees', ~0 street chaos, etc
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: mats: rather typical: in 'banana republics' (both with and 'without bananas') they dun have the fine-grained reich infrastructure for censoring twatter etc.; so fuhrer is stuck ordering the plug pulled
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: vex: in all reichs, only joak crypto is Officially allowed on Official radio of whatever sort.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: vex: asciilifeform's reich license study started and stopped with the discovery of the idjit 'crypto verboten' law
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: considering that whole point is 'aint receivable by folx w/out the key', not much point in reich license. instead, learn the req'd physics, you won't be building a uwb w/out pretty good grasp
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: 'high living'(tm) of eureich was powered by, initially, bleeding colonies; then by bleeding su, then, afterwards, its corpse
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: they get a reich-appointed gauleiter erry n yrs who follows the script. ditto germany, et al
(pest) asciilifeform: signpost: considering that current-day ru (as well as good % of east nato reich) still runs mostly on sov-era infrastructure -- indeed slow fall
(pest) asciilifeform: signpost: currently considering expedition to kakobreklastan. (supposedly among least polluted forgotten shitholes in eureich)
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-30 23:32:59 asciilifeform: d4: serpent was the original winner of the old 'aes' contest, was vetoed by reich supposedly because 'too expensive in hardware'.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: phf: good % of amerireich already 'in '90s' tho, was asciilifeform's observation
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform not visited erry reich shithole, but over here fresh food up 2.5x
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: 'please spare us, reich, we'll help intel sell 'xeons' at 4000% markup to academics'. didn't fly.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: ( today again backwater. reich 'financialization' did what the bombs could not... )
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: ( evidently side effect of reich obsession with detecting smuggled pu )
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: ( granted 'can't underestimate the stupidity of reich' but aint ~that~ stupid normally )
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: vex: reich aint aboutta pop ~all~ of its bombs simult
(pest) asciilifeform: signpost: afaik not possible for 'honest man' to run a gox, given as it interfaces w/ reichbanks and will regularly receive 'national seekroority letters' and other decrees which require it to lie to users
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: mats: seems like iso standard 'soon the fools will return to mother church, good old benjies that, even if printed in unlimited qty, can still buy mcfood and therefore the one troo currency of our 10,000 year reich 4evah'
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: i.e. the thing which actually powers entire reich on all levels
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: at some pt in each such episode reich finishes hoovering up the 'poorly bolted down' coinz, and then static/slow + again until next pump
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: signpost: mengele has nuffin on reich 'care industry' aha
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: it's a reich outpost.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: verisimilitude: il aint a 'world power', or even a 'has-been' like e.g. france; is simply a resort for reich soldiers to get laid during breaks from controlled-chaos wars in near east
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2022-06-13 14:59:25 asciilifeform: still not 100% understand precisely who and how disassembled 'immune system' of south afr; but difficult to see how it was anyffin other than an organized, deliberate demolition, with clear purpose of removing potential competitor of reich
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: last thing reich wanted was a living competitor with complete set of functioning collective balls, space + atomic programme, etc. late sovok happily joined in to cut off oxygen
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: that, imho is the main 'threat model' from which pov reich methodically sets fire to its periphery
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: key principal of reich is 'outside the reich walls, must be a cannibal zone always, never functioning industrial civ'
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform still not 100% understand precisely who and how disassembled 'immune system' of south afr; but difficult to see how it was anyffin other than an organized, deliberate demolition, with clear purpose of removing potential competitor of reich
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: there's a popular notion that current angloreich is 'rudderless' but asciilifeform not subscribes.
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-25 13:45:55 asciilifeform: in the most extreme case of this -- say you wanted to live in current reich today w/ same standard of living as e.g. engineer in 1900. would need to spend coupla $mil / y.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: product of current reich's 'soft, humane' variant of genocide
(pest) asciilifeform: reich strategy of 'print fiatola, buy btc, give away at xx% discount' worx a++ because the goxes provide an 'amplifier' (the leveraged positions) and not all that much print req'd
(pest) billymg: the reich likes to define "inflation" as "prices go up", obfuscating the "why" behind "prices go up"
(pest) bitbot: Logged on 2022-06-13 14:21:21 asciilifeform: lol, waterfall cranked 'to eleven'; reich ~really~ wants to discourage plebes from inflation-sheltering in btc, noshit
(pest) asciilifeform: lol, waterfall cranked 'to eleven'; reich ~really~ wants to discourage plebes from inflation-sheltering in btc, noshit
