Results 1 ... 250 found in all logged channels for 'DNS' |

(pest) bitbot[cgra|asciilifeform]: Logged on 2024-01-08 13:43:42 asciilifeform[jonsykkel|signpost|billymg]: << should be fixed nao. (clear dns cache if not seeing it)
(pest) asciilifeform: << should be fixed nao. (clear dns cache if not seeing it)
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: amberglint_: here's the 8.3 isos if you dun have'em
(pest) asciilifeform: i.e. bury http and dns in favour of ^ , notionally
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-12-12 16:38:16 asciilifeform[4]: for 1 is pretty tired of paying the dns racketeers.
(pest) asciilifeform for 1 is pretty tired of paying the dns racketeers.
(pest) asciilifeform: ideally at some pt we'll have this and can 'send off at sea' most of the dns crud.
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-11-29 10:05:40 asciilifeform[jonsykkel|deedbot|awt]: in other oddities: namecheap 'oopsed' '' dns : jurov had transferred it to asciilifeform's acct in '21 ( along with '', which still worx ) but recently 'untransfered' (??!) and nao again seems to point to jurov's long
(pest) signpost[asciilifeform]: re: hannah doesn't hurt to ask, but at some point we just start farting out "DNS" messages via our pest stations. dunno there's any reason to keep a domain aside nostalgia
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-12-11 01:13:49 phf[awt]: where are they now? fake and gay. i guess tankian has a legitimate cause of armenian genocide
(pest) phf[asciilifeform]: where are they now? fake and gay. i guess tankian has a legitimate cause of armenian genocide
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: (pest) 2022-11-29 asciilifeform: in other oddities: namecheap 'oopsed' '' dns : jurov had transferred it to asciilifeform's acct in '21 ( along with '', which still worx ) but recently 'untransfered' (??!) and nao again seems to point to jurov's long-dead box
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: meanwhile, in dns suxx. ( attn: jurov, if yer still reading logs... )
(pest) asciilifeform: so plox to use , and remember that dns suxx.
(pest) asciilifeform: in other oddities: namecheap 'oopsed' '' dns : jurov had transferred it to asciilifeform's acct in '21 ( along with '', which still worx ) but recently 'untransfered' (??!) and nao again seems to point to jurov's long-dead box
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-08-26 06:28:15 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|awt|signpost]: also, signpost, best use-case I can see of your pest dns / filesharing would be the decentralization of the deedbot wot itself, i.e. pgp keys & ratings etc. distributed across pest
(pest) crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: also, signpost, best use-case I can see of your pest dns / filesharing would be the decentralization of the deedbot wot itself, i.e. pgp keys & ratings etc. distributed across pest
(pest) asciilifeform: e.g. asciilifeform , 'uncatchable joe', not earned to be censored from dns, much less car bomb, but for ~decade had ~nobody to meaningfuly talk to on the net
(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-08-24 18:30:56 phf[awt]: deplatforming goes beyond “kicked off twitter” and it's all the things discussed on #t already: removed from searches for russian propaganda, confiscated dns for racism, at what point does own platform becomes funcitonally equivalent to publishing to desk drawer
(pest) phf[asciilifeform]: deplatforming goes beyond “kicked off twitter” and it's all the things discussed on #t already: removed from searches for russian propaganda, confiscated dns for racism, at what point does own platform becomes funcitonally equivalent to publishing to desk drawer
(pest) PeterL[asciilifeform]: decentralized dns replacement?
(asciilifeform) vex: someone took the dns off some huff connects recently
(pest) asciilifeform currently has the dnsisms
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: impose hierarchical control, or, in same vein, dnsism) hence attempting a civilized solution.
(asciilifeform) signpost: perhaps an assemblage of men need not rely upon the ability of one to maintain ownership of a particular IP, or a particular DNS record.
(asciilifeform) phf: crtdaydreams: no, i filter with dnsmasq on the router. i don't mind ads, i just treat them as a signal for "bad neighborhood"
(asciilifeform) verisimilitude: Well, DNS is 53, HTTP is 80, Gopher is 70, and so on.
(asciilifeform) phf: jonsykkel: that's a self evident solutions, but it is also perhaps ad hoc. i don't have any computers smaller than a laptop, nor do i have any social media accounts, i have a router that mitms ssl and hijacks dns to block a giant list of sites, e.g. new york times or whatever, not even because i open those, but because i don't even want to open them if someone were to send me one "just this one time". i also, like ascii, spend most of
(asciilifeform) verisimilitude: ``An EDNS buffer size of 1232 bytes will avoid fragmentation on nearly all current networks.''
(asciilifeform) verisimilitude: Hey, asciilifeform, this is interesting.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: 'Firewalls which drop IPv6 packets with such protocols are making the situation worse for everyone, including worsening DoS attacks and inducing higher latency for DNS traffic' << asciilifeform will continue to drop all ipv6 , at home and at isp and anywhere else where operates a net
(asciilifeform) crtdaydreams: also no need to delve into why the DNS system is braindamaged
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: gregory2: 'solved' by imposing yet-another centralized structure, quite like the reich.dns nonsense
(asciilifeform) phf: verisimilitude: here's a script for you. it'll dump hackernews/lobsters links into terminal, saving dupes. it also does direct connection, so if your dns maps hackernews/lobsters to it will still dial no problem
(asciilifeform) mangol: DNS is one more decentralized protocol everyone uses in a centralized fashion
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-01 10:57:33 mangol: asciilifeform: that part of logs doesn't explain why DNS is evil, but i assume centralization and lack of crypto
(asciilifeform) mangol: for the record, i can't reach without tor. "EU" (which org specifically? who knows.) blocked it this month. not sure if only DNS or HTTP too
(asciilifeform) mangol: asciilifeform: that part of logs doesn't explain why DNS is evil, but i assume centralization and lack of crypto
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-10-05 00:28:32 asciilifeform: hope there indeed is 'mass dns outage' and that it's fucking permanent.
(asciilifeform) mangol: DNS over Pest seems doable
(asciilifeform) mangol: some kind of parallel DNS has to be built so it's there when the official one collapses
(asciilifeform) mangol: in other potential pest hacks, the political stability of the DNS has given me concern lately
(asciilifeform) phf: so ftr btcbase registration was done by mp, i haven't tried reaching out to hanna, seemed crass to go asking about it after mp passed away. the expiration on it is 2025, after which the future of its dns is presently out of my control
(asciilifeform) crtdaydreams: it's enabled." -> Response: "Check out this FAQ thread." I can set a CNAME to an A record DDNS domain anyday.
(asciilifeform) signpost: path is nice since it doesn't put another dependency on DNSism, but the app needs to be able to handle running at /appname/thing/3/asdf vs /thing/3/asdf
(asciilifeform) crtdaydreams: might have webshit up soon if anyone's interested, currently looking for dyndns provider
(asciilifeform) verisimilitude: Both have had DNS issues.
(asciilifeform) bonechewer: Although (as befits a DNS guy) he focuses on the DNS root, not routing of packets
(asciilifeform) bonechewer: re:, EasyDNS founder Mark Jeftovic can't match your "~20yrs", but did predict global internet fragmentation back in 2016
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: << lulzy. asciilifeform has coupla reichdns parked there, but still not kicked out! (where to complain?? or must suppose, asciilifeform's street creds as 'putler stooge' are weak..)
(asciilifeform) verisimilitude: Doesn't the DHT mechanism only require knowing of any node, similarly to DNS, signpost?
(pest) signpost[asciilifeform]: (also ignore the GNS mention in the blog post. I was macroexpanding that to a distributed item, not a reboot of DNS with replaced crown)
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-18 13:40:45 asciilifeform: ( recall ? 'let's bake usg.dns all over again' etc )
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: ( recall ? 'let's bake usg.dns all over again' etc )
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: billymg: feel free to expand on it, attach exotic dnsisms, etc. if find this kinda thing stimulating.
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-27 01:28:12 atuttle: also, pest doesn't bootstrap itself from DNS. that is a huge, huge advantage that is very hard to find in protocols these days.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: upstack, and at the risk of repeating self -- if whatever yer doing can be sunk by dns shenanigans, yer a tard, and deserve whatever pain reich (inexpensively!) may inflict on you via that entirely voluntary and avoidable string you attached to yourself.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: 'The issue is caused by domain name system (DNS) “pollution,” Binance Pool and Poolin said on their Chinese Telegram channels. F2pool also said the pool’s domain name is not being properly resolved' << lol dnstards
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: << loox exactly like e.g. vpn traffic. but in principle one could masquerade as dns, say, or whatever you like.
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-27 01:28:12 atuttle: also, pest doesn't bootstrap itself from DNS. that is a huge, huge advantage that is very hard to find in protocols these days.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: << no dns, no sslism, no wwwism, misc. liquishit. no central anything.
(asciilifeform) atuttle: also, pest doesn't bootstrap itself from DNS. that is a huge, huge advantage that is very hard to find in protocols these days.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: (that way cannot 'oh hey let's allow dns but not pest, reject all where length==496')
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: (without banning all of udp, incl. usg.dns etc)
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: ftr there are heathen protocols which can be abused to send a udpgram and get back own ephemeral port. e.g. dns servers can be milked this way. but i'd rather not encode a reliance on heathen toilets into pest.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: upstack : jurov moved to asciilifeform,, dnsisms. ty again jurov .
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: thimbronion: the other 2 items are 2 dnsism, we're in the process of moving'em
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: ( i've e.g. a 'namecheap' acct. where various other dnsisms operated by asciilifeform live )
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: jurov: as said in the pgpgram, would like to pick up dnsism also, if there's a way to do it
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-03 13:31:04 asciilifeform: upstack, trb org dns still points to devnull
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: why he moved the dns remains a mystery.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: upstack, trb org dns still points to devnull
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: and, perhaps also oddly, neither dns points to the pro bono box asciilifeform hosts for tbf.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform discovered this when sat down to try an' buy the 'expired' dnsism
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform 'prophetically' never once accepted any dnsisms from other people, incl. mp
(asciilifeform) verisimilitude: I dislike DNS; a website I used went behind Cloudflare, but I don't have any DNS logs, so I can't still use its old IP address.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: ... and to remember that 'dns outage' != 'internet outage' for fucking fuck's sake
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: hope there indeed is 'mass dns outage' and that it's fucking permanent.
(asciilifeform) verisimilitude: On that note, this Facebook DNS shitshow is amusing.
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-07 23:07:46 asciilifeform: ^ thread where no less than weev refused to host at pizarro. because ohnoez, mah dns, etc
(asciilifeform) thimbronion: All ultimatetly futile due to dns and lack of a friendly cloudfront, imo.
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-07 23:07:46 asciilifeform: ^ thread where no less than weev refused to host at pizarro. because ohnoez, mah dns, etc
(asciilifeform) bingoboingo: Sorry, my bad. I was consolidating servers and... overlooked the DNS
(asciilifeform) PeterL: apparently DNS takes some time to propagate?
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-09 15:36:51 PeterL: should be fixed now, once DNS propagates.
(asciilifeform) PeterL: should be fixed now, once DNS propagates.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: PeterL: dnsism dun resolve
(asciilifeform) signpost: could be dns issues on my end, getting connection refused
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-22 13:03:10 gregory4: as Mr Popescu once said, there is no reason for DNS to be built into the C Standard Library.
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-22 12:52:29 shinohai: In today's internet breakage:
(asciilifeform) gregory4: DNS should have been implemented as a single, self-contained executable like any other utility.
(asciilifeform) gregory4: as Mr Popescu once said, there is no reason for DNS to be built into the C Standard Library.
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-07 23:07:46 asciilifeform: ^ thread where no less than weev refused to host at pizarro. because ohnoez, mah dns, etc
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: ^ thread where no less than weev refused to host at pizarro. because ohnoez, mah dns, etc
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-01-06 22:56:33 asciilifeform: trinque: re 'profit centers', asciilifeform was cured of this notion when rubbed face 1st into e.g. 'no, there is not market for uncensored undns'd hosting', 'no, there aint a silent majority yearning for nonwhitened trng', etc
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-01-06 22:56:33 asciilifeform: trinque: re 'profit centers', asciilifeform was cured of this notion when rubbed face 1st into e.g. 'no, there is not market for uncensored undns'd hosting', 'no, there aint a silent majority yearning for nonwhitened trng', etc
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: i wonder if there's dnsism happening
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: ^ while the old boxen remain, can in fact still connect to 'old' fleanode (which asciilifeform & snsabot are presently connected to) by giving ip directly (instead of dnsism)
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: iirc the dns is not controlled by BingoBoingo and will at some pt expire or goatse.
(asciilifeform) adlai upst^H^H^H^Hdnstreams to peripherals, and their evils
(asciilifeform) verisimilitude: I'm paralyzed by not reading all of the DNS standards yet. I want to design with hindsight, not needing as much foresight. I want to write it once, and not need to touch it much or at all if and when DNS changes a tad. So, this is why mine is still but a thought.
(asciilifeform) verisimilitude: I decided to see how he handled an edge case in DNS parsing, which I'd allotted a decent amount of time to solving with a neat trick; I wanted to see if he'd also stumbled on the trick.
(asciilifeform) verisimilitude: I intend to implement a DNS library in Common Lisp, which only handles messages, not sending them. Given how DNS has several different transport methods, this is even more reasonable than with other protocols. He released a DNS library in earlier 2020.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: trinque: re 'profit centers', asciilifeform was cured of this notion when rubbed face 1st into e.g. 'no, there is not market for uncensored undns'd hosting', 'no, there aint a silent majority yearning for nonwhitened trng', etc
(therealbitcoin) kiwi_46shake: I looked up the DNS records of the domain and it is hosted in Russia, China, and Iran (moscow, shanghai and tehran respectively) something very strange about that domain
(therealbitcoin) kiwi_46shake: Not that easy. the bitcoin.fooundation domain has MX records at protonmail so I doubt you can forge that one, it is also signed by DNSSEC.
(asciilifeform) lobbes: (For some reason DNS lookups are failing from that server; ended up just manually filling in the ip in /etc/hosts for now)
(asciilifeform) trinque: if you sit down a /etc/resolv.conf, dns will start working in e.g. wget
(agriculturalsupremacy) asciilifeform doesnt much go in for dnsism these days tho
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: shinohai: was going through the links bar on own www, and realized that qntra linked, and that the latter's dnsism is in limbo. hence thought 'mirror'
(asciilifeform) edef: we work with CDNs and cable companies and such
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: superkuh: dnsism is certainly even moar egregious scam (even costs $)
(ossasepia) jfw: meanwhile my patience is wearing thin with 'Zoom'; shockingly, their "how to allow us through your firewall" listing of a few dozen networks is incomplete, and DNS seems basically manditory as it looks up a few dozen things nondeterministically
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform feeds the usg.dns beast to keep old links working, but largely indifferent to the name
(agriculturalsupremacy) asciilifeform: ftr earlier link dun load ( possibly requires a hardcoded dns that i dun have... ) fwiw
(agriculturalsupremacy) asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: dns servers yea, but suppose you end up wanting to move one.
(agriculturalsupremacy) BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I already have the DNS servers. He just has the registration which runs through October 2025
(ossasepia) whaack: I didn't renew my domain name and so got routed to a placeholder page; the issue is now addressed.`` can be added to the hosts file for while the DNS update propagates.
(ossasepia) jfw: I recall DNS vulnerabilities, but I see that protecting individual operators more than bitcoin as a whole
(ossasepia) jfw: and since iirc djb was already declared dead we can add his works, of which I'm using daemontools, qmail, ucspi-tcp and djbdns
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: and the dns idiocy, too
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: iirc it did not. instead sucked from gavin's dns thing
(ossasepia) jfw: BIND, an old and ill-reputed monolithic DNS server, includes side utilities "host" and "nslookup". Glibc includes "getent hosts". I tend to use djbdns which includes "dnsip" and similar, though isn't widely installed by default.
(ossasepia) jfw: whaack: I'm following from a distance here but 'ping' is definitely not the right tool for DNS lookup, heh. There are a couple options depending on which mess you prefer to depend on:
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: achtung logs readers on boxes w/ trad. dns -- may have problems loading log www today, currently fiddling w/ dns recs
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: mp wanted 'kill dns!!' but his proposed replacement turned out to be 'same thing, w/ mp on throne' so meh
(ossasepia) diana_coman: tbh I fail to see how exactly would you end up with a lot of dns lookup needs if you keep indeed that computer clean but anyways.
(ossasepia) whaack: something like `ping -with-dns= ""`
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: what do you mean by manual DNS? you can always simply ping on toilet box to get the IP and then add that to the hosts file if you want it on your computer; or what do you mean?
(ossasepia) whaack: for my new machine: I plan to disconnect it from DNS, but it makes sense to me to keep a way to do manual domain name resolution
(ossasepia) jfw: d41r, how would you authenticate someone's dns private home hkps etc without already having their key?
(ossasepia) BingoBoingo: diana_coman: Please let me know if you would like the domain DNS pointed somewhere else. Right now it's all pointed at the Eulora logs.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: shinohai: typically i have a half-dozen fleanode ip's in the rotator, ending w/ their dns-carousel thing
(ossasepia) jfw: "tmsr-os.orgUSG.dnsTVraft" << hurt my eyes even knowing the reference, also not sure the relevance since using your domain instead of some other domain is still DNS
(ossasepia) jfw: add 'ping' for sure too, then in the more advanced level of the toolkit there's arp, netstat, tcpdump. Then there's name resolution which is controlled principally by /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf and there's various tools for DNS testing.
(trilema) BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu et al, reverted DNS to its previous setup and restarted that one daemon, now seems to be working.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo, actually, neither qntra nor thewhet load here ; nor is the dns working, try a dig.
(trilema) BingoBoingo: And the Qntra DNS has been spread
(ossasepia) BingoBoingo: diana_coman: While I'm doing DNS things, did you have the restored anywhere?
(trilema) mp_en_viaje: there's some slow migration from 2 to 1, like eg dns. but by and large...
(trilema) mp_en_viaje: ("scientism", or whatever you'd call the neoreformated creeds of the horde idiotic enough to think itself free from belief)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: Jeff78: I tend to ignore DNS and simply set the IPs in hosts file so not exactly bothered with all that
(ossasepia) ossabot: (trilema) 2019-11-20 diana_coman: I've moved to where I hope it will stay for longer really; please update hosts files accordingly and sorry for the repeated moves; I've updated DNS records too but those might take a while, as they do.
(trilema) diana_coman: I've moved to where I hope it will stay for longer really; please update hosts files accordingly and sorry for the repeated moves; I've updated DNS records too but those might take a while, as they do.
(trilema) BingoBoingo: And the four cores in ye olde Qntra/DNS box are still AMD. Just... now I got more drives to throw in it.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (3h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (3h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (3h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (3h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (8h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (8h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (13h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (13h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (13h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (13h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (17h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (17h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (17h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (17h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (22h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (22h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (22h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (22h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (27h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (27h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (27h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (27h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (32h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (32h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (32h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (32h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (37h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (37h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (37h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (37h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (41h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (41h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (41h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (41h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (46h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (46h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (46h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (46h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (51h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (51h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (51h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (51h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (56h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (56h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (56h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (56h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (61h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (61h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (61h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (61h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (65h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (65h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (65h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (65h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (70h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (70h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (70h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (70h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (75h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (75h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (75h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (75h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (80h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (80h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (80h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (80h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (85h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (85h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (85h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (85h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (89h13) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (89h18) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (89h23) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (89h28) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (104h37) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (104h37) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (104h38) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (104h38) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (109h37) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (109h37) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (109h38) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (109h38) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (113h37) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (113h37) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (113h38) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (113h38) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (118h37) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (118h37) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (118h38) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (118h38) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (123h37) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(pizarro) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (123h37) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (123h38) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(asciilifeform) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (123h38) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(ossasepia) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (128h37) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
(agriculturalsupremacy) auctionbot: S#1067 O=22mn LB=None E=2019-11-15 21:38:38.780227 (128h37) >>> Server formerly used for Qntra and DNS, no FG no disks; buyer to take possession at his own expense.
