crtdaydreams: << Hosting stuff for frens feels nice
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-10 11:46:34 shinohai: lmfao running own server was prolly one of the first things I WANTED TO DO.
cgra: << what kind of towers are these? or otherwise care to elaborate to a noob how to estimate when the cash will be gone?
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-10 18:19:18 asciilifeform: will stamp it out when the mind control towers properly debugged & online
asciilifeform: cgra: humorous reference to ancient meme. but at same time reich ~wishes~ it had such a thing, no doubt
cgra: asciilifeform: a finnish plebe is all for e-payment convenience, keeps me wondering how is cash still around
cgra cgra no doubt himself such a plebe, can't remember when the last time handled a significant amount of cash
asciilifeform: cgra: nobody's in fact abolishing cash, it's an 'unprincipled exception' quite necessary for the reich to function, and attempts to phase it out give similar result to hruschev's idiocy
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-05-05 20:08:53 asciilifeform: hrusch cancelled it.
asciilifeform: cgra: fact is, not even a sidewalk in usa gets paved w/out a bag of cash to mexicans.
asciilifeform: (historical ref: hruschev -- unlike stalin -- actually tried to enforce laws against small-time traders. then fucked the currency, and enforced laws against use of foreign currency)
asciilifeform: if usd no longer came in paper, mexicans will be paid in, dunno, swiss franks.
asciilifeform recalls father counting deutschmarks in 1991
cgra: heh
asciilifeform: << just last wk in fact
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-11 08:30:00 cgra: cgra no doubt himself such a plebe, can't remember when the last time handled a significant amount of cash
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-10 18:18:29 asciilifeform: needed several, bought'em all for cash from humans
asciilifeform: but not often, no
cgra: right
cgra slowly recalled using cash for buying a car some 10y ago
asciilifeform: presently electric usd is convertible to paper. for simple reason that good % of physically necessary economic activity happens and will continue to happen outside of Official books. if paper usd were not available, it will happen in a foreign fiatola and the pretense of a 1:1 exch rate will evaporate, disrupting biz-as-usual
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-11-02 15:33:53 asciilifeform: all the current slave empires have exactly 1 strategic objective : 'business-as-usual'. ad infinitum.
asciilifeform: ( note that in reverse direction, not so 'freely' convertible )
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-31 18:47:37 asciilifeform: people who routinely need to convert 100+k of usd to/from benjie to/from electrical -- in practice pay considerable premium.
asciilifeform: $ticker btc usd
busybot: Current BTC price in USD: $41683.32
asciilifeform: !w poll
watchglass: Polling 14 nodes...
watchglass: : Alive: (0.050s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=718156
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.052s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=718156
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.081s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=718156
watchglass: : Alive: (0.083s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=718156 (Operator: asciilifeform)
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.142s) V=70001 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=718156
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.136s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=718156 (Operator: asciilifeform)
watchglass: : Alive: (0.143s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=718156
watchglass: : Alive: (0.107s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=718156 (Operator: whaack)
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.254s) V=88888 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=718156
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.276s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=717813
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.654s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=718156
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.240s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=717813
watchglass: : Alive: (0.154s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=718156
watchglass: : Busy? (No answer in 100 sec.)
cgra: i vaguely remember talks about cash deposits in finland that some new questionnaire were implemented in recent years. granpa deposits 50€ and now cashier responds with a request to explain origin
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-07 15:40:04 asciilifeform: mats: iirc (ianal) in usa mandatory report threshhold is 1-2k$
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-07 15:40:29 asciilifeform: (and there's a hilarious -- from safe distance -- article in the penal code for merely knowing about it and 'structuring to avoid' )
cgra: maybe should try myself one time, for kicks
asciilifeform: ( the usa flavour of financial fascism is for bank to quietly rat out yer deposits and tally up 'tax liability' and then if haven't paid what they decide you owed, send you a bill + fines + interest yrs later )
cgra: right
asciilifeform: ( see also. this worx out to much higher rake for'em, obv. )
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-10 13:15:34 asciilifeform: when you get a lump of usd from an official (e.g. gox) org, they generate a 'this fella owes' event in usg record. ~loss~ (i.e. rebuying same coin) generates no similar automatic subtraction.
asciilifeform: is in fact why erry coupla yrs politicians introduce proposal to optimize tax collection, making it moar similar to e.g. ru's, and proposal is invariably torpedoed from above by lizards
asciilifeform: i.e. is deliberately inefficient, and there is quite deliberately no deterministic method to actually guarantee that you paid 100% of what's Officially req'd
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-10 13:27:49 asciilifeform: other thing is that in current-day usa the path from 'gox made you a 1099' to collections takes 4-5y
asciilifeform: the fines/interest are an unknown but likely quite substantial % of usg revenue.
asciilifeform: and the many loopholes are quite effective subsidies to lizard and sublizard castes.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-25 14:44:10 asciilifeform: re 'holes' -- they work only for the enemy. (i.e the people for whom you are even being taxed to begin with)
asciilifeform: incidentally worth noting that reich doesn't tax 'so that it has money', almost errything it spends comes directly from 'printer'. it taxes to keep a lid on demand pressure from plebes
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-10 13:54:58 mats: there'd be less consumption if people were more poor
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-30 11:21:25 asciilifeform: << quite conceivably tru re desk-fliers; otoh asciilifeform lives in a 'working class' neighborhood and was able to see with naked eye a # of new autos appearing erry time that printer went brr
asciilifeform: (and, less obviously, to force folx to borrow at interest to meet basic needs, e.g. housing; to prevent accumulation of savings; etc)
dulapbot: (trilema) 2017-02-19 mircea_popescu: (the source was 80s dispute wrt to general public's apparent bottomless appetite for purchasing luxury goods -- in eastern communism this includes meat, washing machines, electricity, etc -- for which they won't even have the fucking decency to pay in hard currency, but aim to use the worthless reminbo internal scrip)
asciilifeform: 'if we don't tax you for 2-3 yrs you'll simply try to buy 5 toyotas and then whine re toyota shortage'
asciilifeform: ( this is even superficially factual apparently )
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-30 07:40:52 asciilifeform: sad235szd: in usa, they recently sent coupla $k to ~erryone 'for phree' ('stimulus'). all it did was create an auto shortage, morons immediately used the cheques as down-payments for auto loans
asciilifeform: !q uptime
dulapbot: asciilifeform: time since my last reconnect : 209d 11h 42m
asciilifeform: wb pete_rizzo_
pete_rizzo_: Thanks sir. Had a few things going to end the year. Plugging back in :)
asciilifeform: pete_rizzo_: the logs await.
asciilifeform: pete_rizzo_: + plenty of action on pestnet.
pete_rizzo_: getting some help from fluffypony on downloading so I can play around with it
asciilifeform: very peculiar choice of whom to ask for this help, pete_rizzo_
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-03 13:53:41 asciilifeform: anyways the arrest of the monero derp is not simply to refill the waterfall. but also to boost 'cred' of that particular, and other, 'privacy'(tm)-flavoured shitcoins.
asciilifeform: pete_rizzo_: could've asked just about anyone here, all the folx actually involved in trb are right here.
pete_rizzo_: ah is it? I know he was a friendly for a while and he's helped me with my technical requests in the past.
pete_rizzo_: He also has a lot of time now...
pete_rizzo_: I'm also sometimes embarassingly non-technical
pete_rizzo_: nice to know you guys can help :) sometimes asking is the hard part!
asciilifeform: pete_rizzo_: btw the trb www currently visible is a stale copy. asciilifeform has taken over as tbf www keeper but not had chance to stand up fresh one just yet
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-10 22:33:43 asciilifeform: !!deed
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-02-27 10:44:22 asciilifeform: attn trb operators: is nao running mod6's latest variant, augmented with this experimental patch (my sig thereof ) .
asciilifeform: pete_rizzo_: cgra is doing some quite important trb work presently. betcha he'd be happy to help you stand up a noad.
asciilifeform: (or ask e.g. shinohai)
asciilifeform: it boggles my mind that pete_rizzo_ would rather instead ask a fella primarily famous for pushing a faux-'privacy'-flavoured shitcoin (and -- allegedly -- robbing a fucking bakery!)
asciilifeform: ( who on top of it all had 0 at any pt to do w/ trb )
asciilifeform: 'i need a refrigeration consultant' 'i know, ask jeffrey dahmer'
pete_rizzo_: lol well wasn't really chosen for his expertise with TRB. just someone who knows i'm not super technical and figured could set up an instance i could try to transact with, etc
pete_rizzo_: i have never even downloaded bitcoin core myself (only seen it done), so i found the TBF instructions intimidating
asciilifeform: at the risk of repeating self -- wainot ask here. 100% of the folx qualified to answer afaik are right here.
asciilifeform: and yes i expect it's intimidating to nontechnical. trb is quite deliberately ~not~ distributed as binariolade
pete_rizzo_: just always feels awkward admitting you don't know how to do things. And I'm familiar with Mircea's view that this is what makes me a slave/serf :)
asciilifeform: (not available for e.g. mswin, nor crapple, and won't be for as long as asciilifeform has anyffin to do with it)
pete_rizzo_: yeah also both my computers are apple...
asciilifeform: iirc there were attempts at 'unofficial' crapple port (phf?) but attempter broke teeth
pete_rizzo_: so acknowledgement of my slavery
asciilifeform: a trb running on a closed shitware os is a health hazard
asciilifeform: 'danger to self & others'
asciilifeform: pete_rizzo_: if you have access to a reasonable linux box (64bit, w/ half TB of disk at least) asciilifeform et al will defo help you in building a working trb.
pete_rizzo_: noted :)
asciilifeform: pete_rizzo_: unrelatedly , have you been following the pest worx ?
shinohai: <<< As a mercenary, if you got the coin I'll non-tech walk you through about anything, even connecting bluetooth dildos to apps thousands of miles away.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-11 11:17:57 asciilifeform: (or ask e.g. shinohai)
asciilifeform: shinohai: i expect he'll need a working trb before can pay for yer landsknecht services, lol
billymg: pete_rizzo_: can put linux on your crapple box too: (just the first link that turned up, author seems to have gotten it to work, no idea how useful the guide actually is)
shinohai: Hey I can even accept "lightning btc" now! I tend to sweep ~$100/mo to trb addy in "tips" from doing quick debugging, etc with folks on telegram.
asciilifeform: billymg: in asciilifeform's experience (discounting 10+y vintage boxen) generally not worth effort, all kindsa periphs dunwork
pete_rizzo_: shinohai you can receive lightning txs with TRB?
billymg: asciilifeform: ah, yeah, he mentioned something at the end about proprietary drivers from some components, but figured trb doesn't need the gpu or anything (and can do this as a dual boot setup)
asciilifeform: pete_rizzo_: lolno. but shinohai runs a shitcoin-recycling sideline iirc
pete_rizzo_: right that didn't make much sense to me as TRB doesn't recognize segwit
billymg: shinohai: did you stand up your own lightning node btw? i was about to embark on this
bitbot: (pest) 2022-01-07 billymg: i've been meaning to set up a lightning node in order to see what it's like but haven't gotten around to it yet. i have a synced prb ready to go for that purpose, maybe i'll move it up the priority list so i can make a trip down the coast to check this out
shinohai: pete_rizzo_: Most of these let you withdraw funds from a "channel" to a on-chain addy.
pete_rizzo_: i see, so you just use a core client to do lightning, then withdraw to the TRB client?
shinohai: billymg: I toyed with c-lightning a bit, but too much fussing about to run for me. Easier to just keep funds stored in proper addy.
billymg: right right, i meant only for the times when you do have to touch lightning, whether you do that through own lightning node and channel, or can't be bothered
shinohai: pete_rizzo_: Don't even need core or anything. For instance "Wallet of satoshi" let's you scan a qr code and withdraw finds to whatever wallet you wish (if valid bitcoin addy)
billymg: shinohai: btw i'm checking my peering info that i last sent you for pest, looks like i might've sent my irc port rather than the udp
billymg: gonna send fresh info in a sec
shinohai: billymg: ack, was actually gonna get with you re: pest today, since I think yer one of the last few folx I haven't properly peered to.
pete_rizzo_: Thanks. This is interesting to me, as it gets to the questions I was interested in re: running a node. What is the advantage of running TRB (what does it do/not do as opposed to core) and how does it interact with the clients running core
shinohai: AT any rate, I view lightning BTC as simply "db coin" since 99% of time is held in custodial service - I only breathe sigh of relief when it is back on-chain as should be.
billymg: shinohai: updated the info with correct port and new key:
asciilifeform: pete_rizzo_: this'd be the most immediate and easiest to describe advantage of trb. (there are others, e.g. the fact that it's a coupla 100 kB of src, and not fuckknowshowmany MB of the prb liquishit)
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-10-11 20:21:45 asciilifeform: << trb 100% ignores all liquishit 'added' to the protocol by the nsa wreckers (gavin, hearn, et al.) and this is exactly how it oughta be. if it 'happened' after 2014, 100% pissed on.
asciilifeform: pete_rizzo_: other advantages include that you can see exhaustive map of who touched it, where, and when.
asciilifeform: cuz vtree.
asciilifeform: ( 0 shithub in the mix, imho a quite substantial win )
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-09 18:38:39 asciilifeform: i.e. in fact microshit confirmed the imho obvious state of affairs re ownership of shithub-hosted liquishit
whaack: <<-- when the miners decide to take the segwit coins trb will likely be the only type of node tracking the actual bitcoin chain.
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-11 16:48:57 pete_rizzo_: Thanks. This is interesting to me, as it gets to the questions I was interested in re: running a node. What is the advantage of running TRB (what does it do/not do as opposed to core) and how does it interact with the clients running core
billymg: sorry, i just changed my system time by 8 minutes, looks like it crashed the bot
billymg: ah, not crashed, just disconnected: "INFO Exceeded 180 seconds of silence from server: disconnecting!"
asciilifeform: billymg: 'not bug, but pheature' , lol, in my logotron indeed clock is used to detect tcp death
gregory5: << what were they trying to cover up? do you have any theories?
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-10 15:41:07 asciilifeform: r. hess for instance sat incommunicado '45--'87, but near his 'suicide' did, supposedly, get a coupla letters out via a priest.
asciilifeform: gregory5: there's a traditional theory, widely discussed
asciilifeform: ( duke of hamilton et al as prospective quislings)
gregory5: so Hess had information about upper-class British people who were secretly pro-Nazi?
asciilifeform: ( Official brit history claims that hess never even got chance to speak w/ the quislings , and that whole thing was a ploy by brit intel to lure him in )
asciilifeform: gregory5: not simply 'secretly pro' but actively attempting to quisle
gregory5: << so they wanted to overthrow Churchill? or was Churchill in on the plot?
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-11 12:21:09 asciilifeform: gregory5: not simply 'secretly pro' but actively attempting to quisle
asciilifeform: convert or overthrow, take yer pick
asciilifeform: the continued seekrecy of ~all brit material on the subj imho speaks volumes.
asciilifeform: the 'what was hess doing' wank has been ongoing for 70+y and unlikely to resolve, the 'smoking guns' have not leaked.
gregory5: I only became aware of Hess mystery because of article on written by Sylvain LaForest.
asciilifeform: it'll be filed by archaelogists in same file as e.g. 'was napoleon poisoned'
asciilifeform: hess wank rather invites itself -- e.g. why was imprisoned long after far 'guiltier' colleagues let go; why guarded like swiss gold; why 'hanged self' on, supposedly, lamp cord, while factually barely able to walk
gregory5: LaForest claims that Americans secretly betrayed UK and tried to help Nazis. Hess was sent to expose betrayal, and offer alliance with UK against Americans.
asciilifeform: doesn't make surface sense ( 'they betrayed you to us, so ally with us' ? )
asciilifeform: btw Official story of (ex)sov intel was that hess was ordered concretely by hitler to feign insanity if fails
gregory5: asciilifeform: LaForest is also proponent of idea that, prior to USSR turning the tide at Stalingrad, USA and UK were not committed to fighting Nazis.
asciilifeform: noshit
gregory5: USA and UK waited to see which side would win in Stalingrad.
gregory5: so I imagine you agree with that view?
asciilifeform: entirely
asciilifeform: not to mention that hitler was a creature of us/uk lizards to start with
asciilifeform: 'bulwark against communism'(tm)(r)
asciilifeform: then 'ohnoez our creature escaped his zoo'
gregory5: << that explains a lot.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-11 12:26:50 asciilifeform: hess wank rather invites itself -- e.g. why was imprisoned long after far 'guiltier' colleagues let go; why guarded like swiss gold; why 'hanged self' on, supposedly, lamp cord, while factually barely able to walk
gregory5: << as does this narrative.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-11 12:30:47 asciilifeform: then 'ohnoez our creature escaped his zoo'
asciilifeform: gregory5: the evidence in favour of this narrative (incidentally the traditional su version) is imho overwhelming (consider munich, at which time the ~french police force~ could've easily sufficed to defeat germany..) but traditionally 'unhappened' in the west reich
asciilifeform: 'peace in our time'(tm)(r).
cgra: pete_rizzo_: on a quick glance at the trb build instructions to refresh my memory -- if you find a playground linux with the required versions of gcc, g++ and gnupg as default, it helps. other people may have noob distro suggestions, while i happened to work on ubuntu 16.04 (not endorsing), which defaulted to wrong gcc/g++ (version 5).
cgra: pete_rizzo_: and the ada gnat mentioned is a separate src package, don't use whatever is found from distros' own repositories, might cause headaches. did asciilifeform have a mirror?
gregory5: << I am glad to learn.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-11 13:01:22 asciilifeform: gregory5: the evidence in favour of this narrative (incidentally the traditional su version) is imho overwhelming (consider munich, at which time the ~french police force~ could've easily sufficed to defeat germany..) but traditionally 'unhappened' in the west reich
gregory5: I have a suggested revision to the draft of Pest.
gregory5: Setion 2.5.2. Control Commmands
gregory5: strike the word "irregardless," replace with "irrespective."
gregory5: ** Section 2.5.2.
whaack: cgra: how goes it, have you had a chance to connect to pestnet yet?
cgra: whaack: i found new steam to chew on trb, so chose that for now
whaack: also pete_rizzo_: if you're serious about getting up a trb node, i recommend renting a server, it's just a pain in the ass to get running on local iron, it also takes MONTHS to sync, you may need to use some sort of technique like i did to get yourself unstuck:
whaack: cgra: nice, that's certainly a higher priority heh
whaack: cgra: looks like you have some good work up on your blog, i will take a look soon, out of curiosity, do you think you could wipe out all the trb nodes with your current findings if you tried?
cgra: whaack: yeah possibly. unless nodes have >100GB ram/swap or so
verisimilitude: It's certainly interesting to live around others and occassionally recall that they believe in historical events which clearly didn't happen.
whaack: interesting is one word
verisimilitude: I'm disillusioned with history.
cgra: whaack: that restart loop at least mitigates the issue
whaack: cgra: i don't currently run my restart loop, i got my node into a 'dont fix what aint broken' state
whaack: it's been running smoothly for months
whaack: just like my car, life is good!
verisimilitude: As a spectre of works to come, I expect to be reillusioned with history somewhat, soon enough.
verisimilitude: I expect to do this by reading ancient stories, which I expect will hold more truth than what passes for history.
verisimilitude: It should be easy to treat tales such as that of Icarus' flight as more true than the twentieth century.
verisimilitude: I don't know whether Icarus actually flew, but I know some of my history lessons were total lies.
shinohai: Depends on how much LSD the modern Icarus takes if he flies or not.
cgra: whaack: meant a restart loop that would restart only on crash (asciilifeform suggested sometime earlier)
whaack: cgra: ah ok
verisimilitude: So many of the nice words I use are truly Latin.
verisimilitude: What's the Latin word for ``violent'' but VIOLENS.
asciilifeform: meanwhile (possibly for billymg to play with...) baked a simple icon for pestism to use on asciilifeform's www sidebar. billymg et al feel free to fiddle with it if you have time, propose changes.
asciilifeform: (a 250px-wide bitmap for folx w/out svg browser.)
billymg: asciilifeform: looks sort of early/mid 90s, which is a style that's in right now among the hipster designers
billymg: have you considered domain names for a marketing page? at one point i looked for a place to park and mentally made a short list but never wrote them down, would have to search again
billymg: all sorts of random TLDs these days to choose from
asciilifeform: billymg: asciilifeform admits he did not spend very much time fiddling w/ it. was rather impromptu thing
asciilifeform: billymg: have not even baked separate www for pestism ; appreciates billymg's mirror tho
asciilifeform: billymg: feel free to expand on it, attach exotic dnsisms, etc. if find this kinda thing stimulating.
billymg: asciilifeform: i like that (or exists, was thinking Pest deserves something like that as well
asciilifeform: prolly
asciilifeform: simply haven't prioritized the propaganda effort to date
asciilifeform: billymg et al welcome to try tho
billymg: it's on my list somewhere
asciilifeform so far moar concerned w/ 100% correctly design of pest than w/ how many or whether even any heathens try to use
billymg: yeah, absolutely, at the moment the marketing component is pretty low priority
asciilifeform: decided tho that gotta have a 2nd lolcat to go under the ffa one, on asciilifeform's www...
asciilifeform: hence wai baked icon.
billymg: haha, nice
billymg: i like that you did it, provides some good inspiration
asciilifeform: why ty.
asciilifeform encourages folx who dun find the pic unendurably fugly to use on own www for linkage
asciilifeform: use the svg to scale rather than the png.
asciilifeform: (convert w/ e.g. 'gimp' afterwards)
asciilifeform will add the svg to the genesis, given as it's a text format
asciilifeform: well to the vtree, rather
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-11 17:47:28 billymg: asciilifeform: looks sort of early/mid 90s, which is a style that's in right now among the hipster designers
asciilifeform wipes blood from eyes lol
billymg: ikr, fucking zoomers
asciilifeform had nfi, not follows 'world of art'...
billymg: possible though to take elements of a trend and use to your own taste
billymg: in order to get something that's aesthetically pleasing, something that you like, and also looks "current"
asciilifeform: possible. asciilifeform simply twiddled knobs moar or less at random until got tired tho
asciilifeform: had nfi 'looked current'. tho i suppose doesn't hurt
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-11 13:52:56 cgra: pete_rizzo_: and the ada gnat mentioned is a separate src package, don't use whatever is found from distros' own repositories, might cause headaches. did asciilifeform have a mirror?
asciilifeform: << hm wai would it matter just how much ram? a leak is a leak neh
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-11 14:08:12 cgra: whaack: yeah possibly. unless nodes have >100GB ram/swap or so
asciilifeform: eventually 'all leaks out'
asciilifeform: << pretty much anyone who aint fucked in the head would rather read about icarus than e.g. nyt. thing is , actual history aint 100% unavailable, simply requires effort (in particular -- for engl. victims -- to learn langs != engl. )
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-11 14:15:55 verisimilitude: It should be easy to treat tales such as that of Icarus' flight as more true than the twentieth century.
asciilifeform: << asciilifeform doesn't currently have the loop on either noad , because wants to know if it fell. ~but~ a loop that properly logs proximate cause of death (and a coupla thou. preceding ln of debug.log) ~would~ be useful, and would run that
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-11 14:12:36 whaack: cgra: i don't currently run my restart loop, i got my node into a 'dont fix what aint broken' state
asciilifeform: simply not had time to bake w/ own hands just yet
asciilifeform: while on subj, if had a sane db in trb in place of the current liquishit, could ~snapshot~, and make for ~instant bootup
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-11 22:31:08 asciilifeform: imho it is however entirely possible to transplant a sane db in place of bdb.
asciilifeform: would be quite handy from pov of autoresetting noades.
asciilifeform: a resetter which'd trigger if e.g. no blox ACCEPTed in past H hours would be quite handy as well.
asciilifeform: (wedge detector)
asciilifeform: (iirc at least 1 of cgra's findings was a wedge w/out necessarily oom death)
asciilifeform: !q seen BingoBoingo
dulapbot: BingoBoingo last seen here on 2021-12-25 12:57:26: Merry Christmas
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: lemme know when yer ready to stand up a pest station, i'ma send you a key
asciilifeform: ditto mats and the other folx who afaik dun have 1 yet
asciilifeform expects that after coupla bugfixes, the conversation will largely move to pestnet
asciilifeform: and in particular, the next time the dc folx trip over the main breaker like in dec. of '20, pestnet is what'll be standing and dulapnet awol
asciilifeform: !q uptime
dulapbot: asciilifeform: time since my last reconnect : 209d 19h 31m
asciilifeform: ( the zero outage 2021 is great but such luck dun last 4evah )
asciilifeform: aaand when we have 'getdata', the holes in the loggers' logs will finally vanish for good.
asciilifeform looks fwd, in particular, to threading, but that's a ways off
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-06 20:53:47 asciilifeform: signpost: various heathen chatrons support threading; asciilifeform noticed early on that we get it 'for phree' simply by having the netchain thing