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asciilifeform: ( recently it came out, incidentally, that many nato reich 'universities' can no longer afford to feed the paywalls they themselves throw crapola behind )
asciilifeform: y'know, sorta how there wasn't actually a 'communist underground' in the last reich, just that luxembourg chix who got guillotined with buncha other derps
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu , in one of his essays, described how gurlz from nato reich who enlist in his harem sometimes suffer from the effects of fat-soluble poisons, which accumulated in their meat, as the fat burns up in exercise. there is a similar malady suffered by escapees from 'open sores' world on those occasions when they show up here. the toxins gotta work their way out.
asciilifeform: euroreich is where they beta test new idiocy for usa, neh. e.g. taxes on blank cd-r, etc
trinque lacks the machines and spare hands, and yes, ass located square in natoreich
a111: Logged on 2018-06-10 15:18 mircea_popescu: if he hadn't heard of the third reich instrument of surrender he'd be going around his village singing "tomorrow belongs to me". as it is, he derps on the periphery of google. if he realised tmsr owns the world he'd be "community organizing" for you. and so on.
mod6: typical repsonse from reich. megaunsurprise.
mircea_popescu: i don't think it stretches anything. "my superiors". reich is reich is reich, it really has no need or use for thought.
mircea_popescu: if he hadn't heard of the third reich instrument of surrender he'd be going around his village singing "tomorrow belongs to me". as it is, he derps on the periphery of google. if he realised tmsr owns the world he'd be "community organizing" for you. and so on.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 21:33 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in entomology dept, << the reich claims ownership of all satellites
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in entomology dept, << the reich claims ownership of all satellites
asciilifeform: hanbot: i suspect that today's fiatola thread, is pertinent ; the reichsbanks formed a unified front against bitcoin
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: at this point it is safe to suppose that usg has biophuctor coverage of erryone in nato reich, and a good % -- outside.
asciilifeform: servants, in the customary sense, are ~banned in the reich ('they have RIGHTS!')
mircea_popescu: so there shall not long exist the sort of things one expects of "Working socialist reich". consider -- it is infinitely easier now to find a girlfriend (in medieval parlance whore) than a houseworker (in medieval parlance, maid). by a factor of at least 100.
asciilifeform: reich can continue to soldier on ~indefinitely for so long as it can afford to maintain a miami for idiot orcs to salivate for. this could prove to be a very long time.
mircea_popescu: and i imagine they're in the deepest hole the reich has, not because of "guilt" but because they're radioactive, can train others.
asciilifeform: to a man, they never 'checked out mentally' from usg reich, they still dream, in the end somehow, of miami.
asciilifeform: this case is quite typical tho, the reich prosecutes 'death ray plots' while allah happily snackbars ~biweekly in londonabad/al-paris/etc , not much new there
mircea_popescu: is there anything worth less in the reich than a fucking woman ?!
mircea_popescu: so this is the tripartite system -- the mirvniki, iiincredibly fuycking insane. they dare all sorts of inconceivable out-of-line behaviour, because they really think they're protected by the lcd screen. got used to do this, eventually their brain rots, tyhey think they're safe. except of course if the reich comes asking for them to sign "confession". THEN they're affraid ; of that, yes. they push over like butter, as if the f
asciilifeform: that q melts my brain. how could he ~not~ be, once captured by reich's agents, convicted, sentenced, whole hog
mircea_popescu: the correct approach, of course, is to not merely have an account with a bank outside of nato reich, but to have sufficient legal presence there that you get to the actual bottom of things with the bank (ie, not "retail shop clerk told me some random nonsense he assumed to be the case"), and then only clear transfers once the wire has in fact cleared (a signal most banks don't expose to most customers, because everyone involv
mircea_popescu: my takeaway from this is, "if establishing natoreich household, saw oil barrel in half, dump grill charcoal + mail there weekly or w/e"
mircea_popescu: in fact, the proper sources of tmsr hardware are, in order, a) confiscated usg hardware and b) its own iron outside the reich. that 2017 ended with 0% a and 0% b, and 2018 will likely end with 0%a and whatever%b has no bearing on this : there's always 2019, there's always uci, etcetera.
asciilifeform: ( the moar 'advanced' ameri-victims will perhaps have been to some place where they watched hairy bedouins fuck camels, from safe distance, and thereby 'understood' that the reich is the only possible home for a civilized and refined soul such as themselves )
asciilifeform: most amerireich victims at least have the excuse of complete ignorance of the outside of their velveeta-civilization.
asciilifeform: zx2c4: ever so much as set foot outside of nato reich ?
asciilifeform: << as i understand , they get this automagically by leaving the reich,neh ( afaik usg hasn't yet sent kidnappigsquad after collegedebtor chix in bananistans , to date )
BingoBoingo: How many men has the bitreich sent south to carve out their safe space?
mircea_popescu: o look, bitreich con!
ben_vulpes: #bitreich-en derping endlessly about with xml
mircea_popescu: lol bitreich.
trinque: #bitreich-cooking
lobbes: These principles can change, based on the consent of the bitreich elite. " oh. Okay. Phew
TomServo: I fell down the gopherhole after phf mentioned it.. came across a pseudo-tmsr 'bitreich'.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: [insert traditional a:'i dun have a power source outside of usa reich' m:'but why not learn to eat sunlight and butterflies' thread here]
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes buying real estate in the reich without an army ?
lobbes: I've been slowly eyeballing Austria mainly because I enjoy what little I've learned of Deutsch (and actual Germany screams "pantsuit" based on what I've read), but it is -essentially- still in natoreich (and I dislike cold climes). Seems like all roads eventually lead to a LATAM of some sort.
ben_vulpes: unrelatedly, i just finished "blitzed! drugs in the third reich" while working through hart's history of the second world war. contrast between the two books is...strong.
asciilifeform: and all sudden reichs get built, in lenin's words , 'not from new brick but from the smashed planks of the old shithouse' or how did it go.
mircea_popescu: bluster and pretense aside, the original socialists were never all that secure in their "reich". at all points coulda ran into some republic and be spulberati off the flow of history exactly like the pantsuit in 2016.
mircea_popescu: suss was exactly 1940. and the hell goebbels had to go through to get the cast (they were famous actors, and more interested in hollywood bux than anything) is a very fine entry point for one to understand just how weak and circumstantial the reich was, and just how much accident and fortune played into the good doctor's work
asciilifeform: notice how most drawn human figures even today -- unless, i suppose, drawn by streicher -- have smaller, than in life, nose. but nobody thinks this is odd.
asciilifeform: ( i dun think usg coin-operated scamola works outside reich )
asciilifeform: i'ma guess that ~0 live outside reich
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: hey, недонесение is a crime in this here reich
asciilifeform: << the 1 law, where 'precedent is whatever we say it is'. sorta like 'in this germany, a jew is he who i say is a jew' in the earlier reich.
asciilifeform: ~nobody actually walks around believing , literally, in 'thousand year reich'. most of the believers, on examination, believe in roughly a 30 yr reich
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i suspect that d00d who has 'real estate picassos worth maybe 11mn and loans outstanding worth 12' is walking out of the reich a little bit after washington's monument grows legs and goes.
mircea_popescu: but i think the message is pretty well out : "mr/mrs/miss manafort can't defend themselves. what are you srtill doing in the reich ?"
mircea_popescu: it's not practical to run independents in nato reich. they're all government agencies.
asciilifeform: let's rewind a bit back to the last reich -- picture 'i dun wanna hold any diamonds, gold, until the nazis go away'
asciilifeform: ( ignoring for a moment the fact that if shitreich subject walks in with 1 btc, they will give 5k usd to him and 5k to clitler )
asciilifeform: the only thing asciilifeform would ever consider spending coinz on, is a perma-ticket out of the shitreich.
ben_vulpes: > allergic to notion of nato reich
mircea_popescu: reich media/wikipedia greatly overstate both the reach and the capital available to teh gestapo.
asciilifeform: are we building a thousand year reich or not, lol
a111: Logged on 2017-09-30 19:33 mircea_popescu: so after reich and slavski, stalin executed slansky, and malenkov beria to no longer bother him with the brush.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-01 20:19 asciilifeform: went, apparently, into the black, when absorbed into the reich machine.
asciilifeform: went, apparently, into the black, when absorbed into the reich machine.
asciilifeform back in the idjitreich.
shinohai: <<<Achtung! To a Thousand-Year Reich! [~]D
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: ianal but i was under the impression that anything within nato reich with yer name on it somewhere, is Officially confiscatable
asciilifeform: in other reichlulz, 'Marlène Schiappa, France’s gender equality minister (yes, that’s a thing), has proposed putting forward a bill in parliament that would fine people for engaging in street harassment — including aggressive catcalls.'
mircea_popescu: the reich finds itself in the sad situation where the gothic line is falling apart.
mircea_popescu: the problem with this is that it is ALSO a -ev game. there is no social mobility, not in the nato reich at any rate. the faking of it was becoming ever more expensive. and so cca 2001 it moved online.
asciilifeform: << elsewhere in the reich. ( entomologists only )
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i have nfi, apparently the idiotreich by now imagines i have to make the case, not it.
asciilifeform: it's a reichstag, wat
asciilifeform: imho kitchen 1st, 1000yr reich 2nd. in politics or in engine maintenance or wherever.
asciilifeform: lol, why bother to clean kitchen when don't have thousandyearreich yet ?
mircea_popescu: for that money reich also had cancer of the phnatom udder.
mircea_popescu: so after reich and slavski, stalin executed slansky, and malenkov beria to no longer bother him with the brush.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform : "Asa dupa Reichxxiii si Slavskyxxiv Stalin curata pe Slanskyxxv iar Malenkov pe Beriaxxvi, ca sa nu-l mai supere cu peria." << whole verse.
mircea_popescu: anyway, fwiw slavsky is identified as Yemelyan Mikhailovich Yaroslavsky. and reich is likely zinaida, esenin's wif.
shinohai: Ella habia escuchado la historia de vida bajo el Trumpreich y tenia miedo regresar
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Había oído historias de terror de la vida bajo Trumpreich y tenía miedo de devolver esta última
mircea_popescu: !~translate en to es "She had heard horror stories of life under Trumpreich and was afraid to return this last t"
shinohai: She had heard horror stories of life under Trumpreich and was afraid to return this last time
asciilifeform: as i understand, d00d could have left shitreich behind and sacrificed nuffin
asciilifeform: usa ( and certain other shitholes within the reich, e.g. sweden ) run an internally-recirculating version of this
BingoBoingo had a pretty awesome dream last sleep period. Was chilling with the Trumpreich at the Trumpstag and saw unveiling of TrumpKorea response in the form of resuming US atmospheric nuclear tests, but in KKKalifornia this time.
asciilifeform: in other shitreich lulz,
asciilifeform: how about outside of reich ?
asciilifeform: she ain't a shitreich subject
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 18:49 asciilifeform: i'd rather roast to death than live under amerireich.
asciilifeform: i'd rather roast to death than live under amerireich.
asciilifeform: how about nasa is a subsidy for lockheed, and oughta go away with the rest of the idiot reich ?
a111: Logged on 2017-08-29 15:58 asciilifeform: if -- as i understand -- you're a money man, kanzure , what the hell are you still doing in the heart of the shitreich ?
asciilifeform: if -- as i understand -- you're a money man, kanzure , what the hell are you still doing in the heart of the shitreich ?
mircea_popescu: they still do. for all that poverty, they actually got the 4th reich going over there.
asciilifeform: ( for historical reasons, but they will take a while to go away, reichsmarks circulated in the late '40s still )
BingoBoingo: Anyways it appear there is a clear heirarchy: mircea_popescu >> slavegirls >> dark paladins, locusts, Trumpreich, Fna
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in the cellars of the shitreich, >> '...ederal prosecutors also attempted to block Hutchins' request for bail on grounds he had shot firearms at a shooting range last week while in Vegas for the Black Hat and Defcon security gatherings'
mircea_popescu: dorks gotta arresthire some more, srsly now, this is reich-level ridiculous.
mircea_popescu: somehow that they all use the EXACT FUCKING TWO LINES as per the usg permit doesn't bother them. what, all lemmings think the same way, they independently and distinctly selected the exact some item for their illustrative needs. and they selected it out of the work in discussion, believe, not out of the reichkomissar's permit.
mircea_popescu: "Laß in deine Hand, Führer, uns vor aller Welt bekennen. Du und wir, nie mehr zu trennen stehen ein für unser deutsches Land." thereof is cited (with special washington reich permission, no doubt) by about five billion "different" and no doubt "independent" that "are giving quotes". you know, for illustrative purposes. to illustrate a point.
mircea_popescu: to remind : venice stood for a millenium. this is longer than the "thousand years reich" national-socialism managed ; it is longer than any french "republic" ever succeeded ; longer than the entire existence of the us by a factor of about three, notwithstanding the us didn't start out as a socialist state.
BingoBoingo still wonders what "Trump administration"? This is an 8 year reich that Estados Unidos has been sentenced to serve.
BingoBoingo: Trumpreich is not an administration
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: wiring some reichsmarks takes 5min of work
pete_dushenski: just like chopped liver, you only like reich if you grew up with it.
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: 'doesn't need no moar' is immaterial -- just like a freshly cut out liver is still trying, best as it can, to do its enzymatic business as if nothing happened, same -- reichs
pete_dushenski: reich doesn't need challenging anymore, does it. looks like it's pretty well occupied with the enemy within.
asciilifeform: why to do this -- originally was simply to preserve british empire. later, to keep the fire burning, so that nothing fit to challenge the reich is born from the ash.
BingoBoingo: Also there's more entertainers expressing interest in GOP contests. Pantsuit entertainers have horrid general election track record. GOP side though... Trumpreich.
BingoBoingo: Well, they should have signed up to do the Reich thing instead of trying to fight it
mircea_popescu: glider bs is ww2 reich wunderwaffen (and i hope you read german for they did explore this to death)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: petro-pipereich
mircea_popescu: "As recently as earlier today, the Fake News empire turned idiot son Donald Junior's gullibility with respect to a phishing scheme1 into their latest headline of the day which they will use to sell loyal consumers of their fiction product on the "certain end" of the 8 year Trumpreich in spite of all the actual evidence running to the contrary of their narrative supported instead by a complete lack of evidence."
mircea_popescu: not really. could have been more romiche reich than empire francais, at the very most.
mircea_popescu: << to the tune of reich getting 2/3
mircea_popescu: 1mn german trainers whipping russian mujicks into the ground would have produced 10x more for the reich than 5mn soldiers did.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ~only problem of reich was irreplaceable people.
BingoBoingo has a simulated alf in head that complains Supreme Court review is too slow for Trumpreich to overturn all of the shitty lesser courts on everything
asciilifeform: phf: re goldreich -- a very specific and deep type of downer, where you find what by all appearances is the definitive, unsurpassed definitional stem of work in $field -- which turns out to be wholly and deliberately useless on $principalquestion
phf: latest winner would be particularly deer to asciilifeform's heart
asciilifeform: but if asciilifeform ever ~were~ to buy boat, or plane, it ~would~ be a used one, and will pay for it not only in reichsmarks but millimorts, because new is simply not on the table -- a new, e.g., sailboat thing, may as well be a starship
a111: Logged on 2017-04-30 13:58 asciilifeform: 'If I employ a gardener, I have to earn £3 for every £1 he can actually spend, because everything is taxed twice, first as my income, then as his.' << not only still true in today's reich, but today it'd be 10 : 1 .
mircea_popescu: whereas the anglo reich notion is that young shemales are god's gift to creation.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: what, "european by alliance" cars nao ? << well, ghosn stepped down as nissan ceo so whatever bridge there was is burnt. now it's turbomowereich because nothing cheats nazi emissions standards quite like 'em.
mircea_popescu: phf the point you're not seeing because it's so unexpected and i didn't make it specifically was that the definition of elite scales with society. elite is "who has objective value". in late soviet, much like in late usg reich, the strippers were the elite
mircea_popescu: remember when the icbc had no listing in reich paper mills, except for something tiny in the pink sheets ?
BingoBoingo: In other lies and lying liars, Obamacare exchange hits designed End of Life in Ohio, WaPo blames Trumpreich
mircea_popescu: "here's the stupid reich. it... does stupid shit, and it doesn't pay. wanna join ???" "um... "
asciilifeform: and mircea_popescu knows very well that puritan reich does not 'supply whores in paris', or even in bmore. instead it sacks inconvenient presidents, generals, etc. under the guise of 'immoral conduct unbefitting officer' for simply having been seen to fuck something
asciilifeform: the last reich luvvved concrete just as much.
asciilifeform: ( mr. mold advocated for 'patchwork states', which were -- best as anyone could tell -- a miraculous resurrection of 16th c. italian provinces, somehow balanced in mutual non-nukeability . but in 'urbit' he implemented a reich, with central control and total dependence on the 'palace' )
asciilifeform: and was not esp. interested in forking over reichsbux for any, because thought it was a terribly designed , by idiots, item, and used, by avaricious idiots
asciilifeform: ( ftr asciilifeform has never sold a bitcoin for reichmoney. but had lost some on bbet, and never had much to begin with. )
asciilifeform: so that usg and its catamites could have their 1,001-year-reich
a111: Logged on 2017-05-18 18:57 asciilifeform: there is no money, in modern usg reich, in SOLVING a problem
asciilifeform: there is no money, in modern usg reich, in SOLVING a problem
a111: Logged on 2017-05-17 14:59 mircea_popescu: o btw, re the whole "fbi wars" of trumpreich : (strictly for expert interest)
mircea_popescu: o btw, re the whole "fbi wars" of trumpreich : (strictly for expert interest)
mircea_popescu: i don't live in that reich.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not in this reich, it ain't. bank can unplug whoever. and charge $maxint, say, if it wants.
asciilifeform: but simple observation that ~actual~ oppositioner will not be permitted mansions and titles inside the reich he is nominally opposing.
BingoBoingo: And apparently US DOJ refuses to yeild to Trumpreich orders re:"What's a body of water?"
pete_dushenski: speaking of self-conscious wise guys, where does moldova fit on the natoreich-realworld spectrum ?
pete_dushenski recalls "no natoreich" thread, lowers head.
asciilifeform: in the reich with seekrit laws (yes), who is surprised by 'secret plea deal' conditions.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it is verboten, in today's reich, to employ anyone.
asciilifeform: 'If I employ a gardener, I have to earn £3 for every £1 he can actually spend, because everything is taxed twice, first as my income, then as his.' << not only still true in today's reich, but today it'd be 10 : 1 .
mircea_popescu: so no more pissing in the best reich ?
deedbot: << Qntra - First One Hundred Days Of The Eight Year Trumpreich: A Recap
BingoBoingo working on recap of first hundred days of 8 year trumpreich
shinohai: asciilifeform: no I am entrenched in the Southern part of Reich unfortunately, would have to relocate to more friendly (and preferably Spanish-speaking) climes.
asciilifeform: who, currently, other than mircea_popescu and hanbot meet the ground floor qualification ( physically residing outside of reich ) ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform nato-reich is verboten anyway.
asciilifeform: ( also requires keeping not only own skin, but money , in places reich can't easily get to ; getting hired help who aren't stoolies, also, somewhere; and similar )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: outside of reich, exactly same confiscation is carried out simply by slipping a hundy to the orc guard
mircea_popescu: and it would be out of the question doing business with nato-reich located dcs anyway, for basic moral reasons.
mircea_popescu: it'd seem the usg terrorist organization has succeeded in african-americanizing the hosting business much like it did to the inner city ghettos : yes there exist youngsters who live outside of the reich. none of them survive into adulthood.
BingoBoingo: In other news, Trumpreich endorsed by King of Jordan.
shinohai: The Trumpreich lives on!
pete_dushenski: in other slips and falls, here's an exhaustive list of all the programs / agencies set to be cut down to size in the trumpreich :
mircea_popescu: aaand in other trumpreich, looks like the "consumer financial protection bureau" is going away entirely.
shinohai: I awake to the screeches of `PREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET` this morning with coffee. Hail to the Trumpreich.
asciilifeform: reichsführer-level
asciilifeform: quite likely there are folx in rural ru still shitting in toilets from reichstag to this day.
asciilifeform: << mircea_popescu is mistaken in the belief that usa has a seekrit inner core of 'sane judges'. there is no such thing as a sane judge in a reich. any more than you can have a 'sane' rubyonlgbtpqrs programmer.
deedbot: << Qntra - First Wave Of Attorneys Challenges Trumpreich
asciilifeform: he got a pension out of it from the reich.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-24 06:09 asciilifeform: << d00d has some rather surreal 'thousand year usg reich' wtf, e.g.,
ben_vulpes: and in other news, trumpreich out of the tpp eh?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: protecting own neck from the noose, as per
asciilifeform: the reich works in this case not by denying the parts to would-be builders, but in pushing the notion that, e.g., 'workstation' HAS to be a 4GHz wintel thing
asciilifeform: morse, incidentally, is a skill that the 4th reich would quite like to see die out entirely. ohnoez, can't have folx communicating with low-tech radios, flash-lamps, through prison toilets.
asciilifeform: the really lulzy bit, imho, is that titan et al were built when 4th reich SPECIFICALLY knew that su had 0 working rockets. (from penkovsky, specifically.)
a111: Logged on 2017-01-07 21:52 deedbot: << Qntra - The Fourth Reich Grips Berlin
pete_dushenski: inb4 'birdbrain' becomes a compliment in the 4th reich
pete_dushenski: wagenvolks! in fourth reich, wagen rides you!
pete_dushenski: << yet another reason to avoid newer german cars (yes, the reich-gripped really are the worst offenders) : all-led lights. not just led drl and halogen/xenon high beams. the entire corners of cars will soon be led clusters with sophisticated programming that will selectively block light from shining in the eyes of on-coming traffic for example
deedbot: << Qntra - The Fourth Reich Grips Berlin
BingoBoingo: Anyways only 16 days left for Hussein Bahamas to start WWIII and stop Trumpreich
mircea_popescu: the currency of the reich is, as the original hitler well observed, a sort of sweat.
asciilifeform: 'A Finnish court has sentenced the former head of Helsinki's anti-drugs police to 10 years in prison for drug-smuggling and other offences. ... It ranks as the second least-corrupt country, after Denmark, in the global index compiled by Transparency International.' << in other reich lulz.
BingoBoingo: Anything beyond waits for Trumpreich's credit card
a111: Logged on 2016-12-02 20:44 asciilifeform: during dinner with hitler et al, speer (among other things, reichsminister of architecture) made a comment about 'one problem, our concrete houses will leave very poor ruins'
asciilifeform: << it wouldn't be so astonishing if in the process of 'heightening the contradictions', academitards who go against party line end up with revoked degrees. this was sop in the last reich, why not this one.
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes nah, see i ~let~ you pretend that it's still 1860 and that it takes the president-elect 75 goddam days to travel from his midwest farm to dc, instead of, y'know, the president-elect having his own boeing 737. the trumpreich started in the wee hours of november 9th 2016 regardless of when he takes the keys to the new shack. i just thought i'd give you every chance there was, including narrowing the
mircea_popescu: and as per the "Won't fucking yield" disbelief, they'll go to their shallow grave kicking and screaming about how great the reich is and how black women matter or some dorkage.
mircea_popescu: nato reich gradually being ghettoized, i dunno who the fuck will swallow this theory whereby you actually want to move banking out of brunei. what, world's richest state ? mmkay.
deedbot: << Qntra - Trumpreich Swamp Draining Plans Still Elusive, No Dykes, Weirs, Or Windmills Proposed
asciilifeform: mats: i dunno that many folx walk around with notions of 'thousand year reich' directly present in their heads. but 'will last long enough for ME' is probably common delusion.
asciilifeform: during dinner with hitler et al, speer (among other things, reichsminister of architecture) made a comment about 'one problem, our concrete houses will leave very poor ruins'
shinohai: <<< Preeeeeeeeeeet to remain in the Trumpreich
mircea_popescu: the notion that someone somewhere thinks in terms of "x is worse than the us" is mindnumbing. fucking hell, the third reich only killed SOME people.
shinohai: This from a guy who said "I'm totally not interested in serving in Trumpreich" just days ago.
shinohai: A Trumpreich DoD should provide a steady stream of entertaining lulz no doubt.
deedbot: << Qntra - Yeezus Cancels US Tour Dates After Backlash Against His Support For Trumpreich
asciilifeform: there are really 2 'trumpreichs', the imaginary, spherical one, which is friend of tmsr, sound money, etc. and the physical one, that is (to borrow from lenin) 'we smashed the old shithouse and now gotta build new one using the bricks of the old'
mircea_popescu wonders if by trumpreich rules, he is more us citizen than colored woman born there.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i love the "immanent trumpreich" bit. kant ftw.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-20 03:29 pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: the difference between eyes and electronic sensors on cars, ofc, is that you know when eyes stop working before it's too late. either way, if trumpenreich is to restore full employment to amerika, abolishing the minimum wage will make a full-time chauffeur affordable to anyone who can also spend $100k on a tesla or equiv.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: the difference between eyes and electronic sensors on cars, ofc, is that you know when eyes stop working before it's too late. either way, if trumpenreich is to restore full employment to amerika, abolishing the minimum wage will make a full-time chauffeur affordable to anyone who can also spend $100k on a tesla or equiv.
BingoBoingo: << OMG these people are way behind us on applying for Trumpreich appointments
BingoBoingo: << Seriously real domain. Tis where the Trumpreich appointment application lives.
pete_dushenski: << in other hos, latest trumpenreich appointments : sessions for attorney general, pompeo for director of cia, flynn for national security affairs. (link won't archive).
pete_dushenski: << in other horizons, the owner of kim's ass, one kanye west, <3 Trumpenreich.
BingoBoingo: rg: We are all applying for appointments in the trumpreich
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> pete_dushenski: got odds on a fed rate hike during the first term of the trumpenreich? << From what I understand much higher interest rates are a necessary part of summoning The Great Again
ben_vulpes: pete_dushenski: got odds on a fed rate hike during the first term of the trumpenreich?
BingoBoingo: thestringpuller: Have you applied for the Trumpreich's office of civil rights yet?
BingoBoingo: mats: You apply for any presidential appointments in the Trumpreich yet?
a111: Logged on 2016-11-16 07:07 pete_dushenski: << steve bannon, trumpreich's newly appointed 'chief strategist', back in 2014 describing the rise of centre-right populism in the west. looks like bannon's veeery xtian and therefore foresees all-out global war between islam and judeo-xtian west, a war he's all too adamant in cautioning the complacent europeans against taking too lightly.
pete_dushenski: but now that shillary lost and trumpreich reigneth, the bad guy is west, not east. so bank on more such EVIL CHINESE THINGS coming to light in the not-too-distant future.
pete_dushenski: << steve bannon, trumpreich's newly appointed 'chief strategist', back in 2014 describing the rise of centre-right populism in the west. looks like bannon's veeery xtian and therefore foresees all-out global war between islam and judeo-xtian west, a war he's all too adamant in cautioning the complacent europeans against taking too lightly.
BingoBoingo: Anyways the Trumpreich application allows selecting for multiple positions and departments.
ben_vulpes: trumpenreich has such a better sound to it
BingoBoingo: Ok my application to join the Trumpreich has been submitted.
deedbot: << Qntra - SEC Chair Mary Jo White Leads Exodus Of Unexpired Appointees Ahead Of Trumpreich
a111: Logged on 2016-11-12 15:50 mircea_popescu: set up your client to pick two-of-three, give it 1 republic and 2 reich servers. it'll give you republic for all the things reich doesn't know and reich for stuff like
Framedragger: (btw amusingly, non-reich DNS roots are called "alt roots". tmsr could call it "*the* dns root", or "the republican dns root". or something.)
asciilifeform: i'm still not sold on the concept of a pgp key in multiple pockets being any different an affair from old fiatola reich control.
asciilifeform: this is not plug-compatible with fiat reich.
mircea_popescu: set up your client to pick two-of-three, give it 1 republic and 2 reich servers. it'll give you republic for all the things reich doesn't know and reich for stuff like
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: i assume that you would not care much for a "preferred and secondary dns servers" setup, wherein if dns1 returns no record for, dns2 is queried? i personally would still like to be able to visit the reich's web. but dunno if this is compatible with teh republic :p
deedbot: << Qntra - Duterte Welcomes US Trumpreich And Looks Forward To Warm Relations
BingoBoingo: WHich is why you go to shit on their parade and bring tiding of Trumpreich
BingoBoingo has seen very few people despondent about Trumpreich, only a couple angry, and many "grudgingly" accepting while smiling.
BingoBoingo: Apparently Trump is visiting the Trumpreichstag tomorrow. How much you wanna bet he pulls a trade mark "Illinois Governor" move and instead Presidents from the dark tower in NYC surrounded by ungrateful fucks.
pete_dushenski: i guess there's that or joining the new trumpreich partei
pete_dushenski: gotta love how vix got crushed today too. down 23% compared to +50% after brexit. markets not so surprised by trumpreich after all.
deedbot: << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Trumpreich commenceth : The final moments of a “close” US Presidential Election and the tasting of sweet, sweet progressive butt-tears.
BingoBoingo: You know the truly funny thing is Sanders jsut might have been able to stahp the Trumreich from happening. Sorry for your rigged system Donna Brazile.
BingoBoingo: Wait, Virginia already "called" for clitler while North Carolina and FLorida still "leaning" even with better numbers suggesting Trumpreich
deedbot: << Qntra - New York Times Shifts Projection To Immanent Trumpreich
BingoBoingo: OMG TRUMPREICH!!!
BingoBoingo: Trumpreich leading popular vote by 400 kiloballots
BingoBoingo: ATM goole is calling electoral vote 19-3 with TrumpReich seizing kentucky and Indiana but losing... Vermont
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Sorry, the spirit of the TrumpReich was too strong at that moment, has been fxd
PeterL: people keep telling me that a vote for Johnson is a vote for Trump (because it is somehow stealing a vote from Hillary, who we only want to vote for to stop the monster Trump), so I guess I voted for TrumpReich too
BingoBoingo woke up today an undecided voter. It was weird. I had every intention of voting for my boy Gary Johnson, but on the drive to the polling place uncertainty hit me. And this the 124th ballot in the 5th precinct of Helvitia township in Madison County, Illinois was submitted for the TrumpenReich
ben_vulpes: i retain hope for the glorious trumpenreich
asciilifeform: (as a boy, when i read that a messerschmitt-whatever cost R reichsmarks, it blew my mind, 'why did hitler need money ?!??')
mircea_popescu: imagine as he sat in the bunker listening to the first artillery bombardments audible from berlin, hitler got a wire from bundesbank that the venusians just deposited 11 billiards marks in the eternal reich's account.
PeterL: that Robert Reich looks like a smug self-righteous bastard.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, check out robert reich : his latest reprinted verbatim by salon, this aspiring qntra of velleity.
asciilifeform: << from same rag, 'GERMANY'S infamous “Nazi Grandma” – an 87-year-old Third Reich fanatic repeatedly up before the courts for denying that the Holocaust took place – has been handed down a new 11-month term behind bars.'
asciilifeform: reichsbank does what it is told.
