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asciilifeform: dunno about mircea_popesculandia, but here in ye olde reich we get: 'food'
asciilifeform: another 1000 years of reich, wat.
asciilifeform: Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein boolcrap .
mircea_popescu: eh. unlike the us, the reich worked.
pete_dushenski pictures alf summiting with pointed reich helmet
mircea_popescu: the half that can is all natoreich, and sees 104.16.54/3
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: aha. just recalled that i read a bio or two of streicher after your mention of him in the logs recently.
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: ever see j. streicher's cartoons?
asciilifeform: lel just as mircea_popescu mentioned jooz i happened to be reading bio of streicher.
ben_vulpes: when the problem domains are simple, the solution proposed appears to work. in reality, as *tard mgmt demands more features, flexibility, reports, etc, the complexity of maintaining and extending under the frameworkreich becomes more and more costly, a thing not necessarily apparent to anyone who hasn't suffered the saga or who doesn't think in terms of complexity minimization from the get-go.
asciilifeform: reich rules.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: no such thing - reich wears belt and suspenders before putting on idiot show. they're locked into overlapping treaties to ~same effect as eu membership.
mircea_popescu: the funny part being, of course, that nobody is pushing to "crack down on corruption" when it actually happens, ie, here. no, "cracking down on corruption" is Reich-speech for what happens in a recently conquered land, to destroy its local elite. that's what's meant when you say random noplace government harping about how they'll crack down on imaginary "corruption".
asciilifeform: problem with this theory is that folks ~do~ propel towards d.c. - seeking to take part in great works of reich administration
asciilifeform: iirc if you calc the 'millimorts', the max theoretical lifespan of usian is CAPPED at somewhere like 300 yrs (taken, yes, with eternally unchanging Reich) PURELY by the car.
asciilifeform: (which really meant, wrecking su, so alternatives to the reich could not come to exist)
asciilifeform: even here in the heart of the idiot reich.
mircea_popescu: it's how the shit played out in the us ; and the scheme is systematically repeated in every colony of the reich hence.
asciilifeform: snorera: calls, at the very minimum, for an expert sapper, who is not a reich subject
asciilifeform: hence nato reich.
asciilifeform: what a high-ranking reich officer!
ben_vulpes: the fiat competition was supposed to solve this, but unfortunately the trumpenreich is just TOO GODDAMN INCOMPETENT TO EVEN COMPETE WITH THE CHICOMS
asciilifeform: was none too happy with the 'reich for women' thing
asciilifeform: it is on just such folk that the reich still stands.
asciilifeform: i watched with my own eyes groups of 'national student leadership' whateverthefuck marching to audience with obama's reichsminister of whatever (or possibly the fuhrer himself)
asciilifeform: i'll use a proprietary compiler shortly after my appointment as reichsminister, where i will commute to ft. meade on flying pig over a frozen hell.
asciilifeform: plus the whole climatology thing was a misguided excercise - the reich for some reason thought people would happily deindustrialize and starve out of religious fervor, but then understood that bayonet is good enough
mircea_popescu: "The CRYPTO community's typesetting abilities are not spared, nor is Oded Goldreich's spelling." ahaha.
ben_vulpes: trumpenreich 2016, duh
mircea_popescu: and re saltmarshes, the cannonical line being of course "Die Schweden die haben verflucht schlechtes Geld, wer weiß ob der Oestreicher besseres hält."
mircea_popescu: a feat usually credited to a certain reich minister.
mircea_popescu: your idea that "5000 yr egyptianreich" is not unlike a 1900s victorian idea that "5000 yr chinareich". wut ?
asciilifeform: hey it worked for the 5000yr egyptianreich!
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo: at least i don't live under clitler (if still natoreich)
asciilifeform: << quite how the reich would like north kr to 'put down the nuke'
mircea_popescu: actually discouraging adoption among the welfare horde is probably very useful for bitcoin. it's quite clear that adding nato reich puppets is a marginal loss per capita by now.
asciilifeform: 'whatcha doing in the bowels of the reich then'
mircea_popescu: The company also wants to help educators locate standards-aligned instructional resources from multiple providers, matching them to students’ individual needs. “We want to create more choice for schools and educators,” Streichenberger says, but not in a way that is overwhelming or makes their lives more confusing. “But in a way that allows startups and companies to create different versions of learning analytic
assbot: Logged on 19-12-2015 17:32:44; asciilifeform: << 4th reich now owns moar europe than 3rd did
asciilifeform: << 4th reich now owns moar europe than 3rd did
asciilifeform: << at this point even children in zimbabwe likely know that not only does usg record every phone call in nato reich, but has been doing so since hdd platter cost fell to where it was economically feasible. but the portable mitm gadgets are for something else
ascii_field: '1. Books ghost written for a Fox news Op-ed figure, 2. Jingoistic tomes on the defeat of the evil Nazi empire by “the greatest generation” of Americans, revealing as yet unfathomed Nazi evils and under-appreciated American heroics. [WWII is no longer, apparently recognized as having had a Russian or Japanese component, and the Third Reich is represented as an engine of global extermination that was
asciilifeform: anyone else operating trb within the reich seeing same ?
asciilifeform: ahaha reichstag l0lz
asciilifeform: trinque: none of the folks calling give a tinker's damn re: 'sane computing' or b-a reich or whatnot. they just want good ol'fashioned reversing.
phf: actual compensation, flag on Reichstag?
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: aha, why do you suppose they bothered to smash serbia and roll up all of old yugo into usg reich ?
jurov: eh, pete's trying to paint us fourth reich or whatevs
ascii_field: pay in reichsmarks.
phf: pretty sure ascii will be going "wake me up when they find hitler" as tmsr~ is hoisting the flag on Reichstag
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform all reichs always collapse because of the reich, and the outside enemies. never was it the case "the people" did anything relevant.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if you think the reich collapses "because the people"...
asciilifeform: << if this recipe were actually followed, you get a usg reich that lasts 10,000 years. still want ?
mircea_popescu: so yes in weimar, no in 3rd reich.
ag3nt_zer0: "The final directorial project the legendary Orson Welles completed during his lifetime, F for Fake is less a documentary than an example of cinematic free association on the topic of trickery. Much of the film is in fact drawn from other sources, most notably an unfinished documentary by Francois Reichenbach on the notorious Elmyr de Hory, whose extremely skillful forgeries of famous paintings caused scandals amongst art
assbot: Logged on 22-08-2015 01:11:30; mircea_popescu: never, inb the entire history of reichs, was this the case. not once.
mircea_popescu: never, inb the entire history of reichs, was this the case. not once.
asciilifeform: or what, the schmucks thought that the reich is dead and the thing has no owner ?
mircea_popescu: much like the third reich military had no debts owed to weimar and generally was hitler's creation.
mircea_popescu: thousand year reich fo sho.
decimation: traitors to the third reich
mircea_popescu: nah, us bombed romania plenty in the early 40s. major oil supplier for teh third reich.
decimation: "7. We demand that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens. If it should prove impossible to feed the entire population, foreign nationals (non-citizens) must be deported from the Reich."
decimation: > "I’m halfway through Look Who’s Back, a book in which Hitler wakes up in 2011 and, homeless and friendless, ... The Reichsmark was no longer legal tender, even though others—probably some clueless dilettantes on the side of the victorious powers—had clearly adapted my plan to turn it into a European-wide currency. At any rate, transactions were now b
asciilifeform: anglos still rule their reich
asciilifeform: << not all greeks wanted to live in a natoreich zoo, aha.
asciilifeform: << there is an interesting caveat, which is that land prices in the nato reich are proclaimed 'too big to fail' in the sense that they will never be permitted to fall into where a schmuck can buy a serious land holding
ascii_modem: i get that the reich is not 1000year, aha
asciilifeform: certainly in nato-reich
ascii_field: (at one point, a variant of paper reichsmark, but at all times - smokes)
assbot: Logged on 15-06-2015 15:50:15; asciilifeform: from the pov of the chumps, the more sinister aspect, as always, is the non-cryptographic concept of identity used in nato reich, where folks can actually impersonate you if they know a handful of basic biographical facts
asciilifeform: mats: as nato reich continues its path down the drainpipe to join the earlier reichs, various folks' temptation to find out 'if the nukes still work
ascii_field: 3rd reich 'nervously smokes in the corner' compared to the things 4th reich will be remembered for
mircea_popescu: or the third reich, for that matter.
assbot: Logged on 25-06-2015 04:12:48; asciilifeform: no one in natoreich has so much as smelled $bil except by mercy of the crown.
asciilifeform: no one in natoreich has so much as smelled $bil except by mercy of the crown.
ascii_field: mats: belgium is in the reich, therefore just as good as florida etc
asciilifeform: BitLazy! the reich's #1-selling bitcotron! Mine While Not Giving a Flying Fuck (TM) (R)
ascii_field: in as far as i can tell, all of the 'compromises' of the past decade are cultivated reichstag fires, arranged to fatten the kompyooter insekoority 'industry'
asciilifeform: from the pov of the chumps, the more sinister aspect, as always, is the non-cryptographic concept of identity used in nato reich, where folks can actually impersonate you if they know a handful of basic biographical facts
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: Geldreich was a kind of GPU savant/whisperer iirc. And an advocate of Unix/Linux gaming.
assbot: Rich Geldreich's Tech Blog: The Truth on OpenGL Driver Quality ... ( )
trinque: my life's pretty good, but as long as I'm here I'm no better than a happy citizen of the reich
decimation: heh > < "The Soviet Union demanded copies of the engraving plates, ink, and associated equipment in early 1944, and on 14 April 1944 Henry Morgenthau and Harry Dexter White of the U.S. Treasury Department authorized the immediate air transfer of these to the USSR. Using a printing plant in occupied Leipzig, the Soviet authorities printed large runs of occupation marks. Since these were converti
decimation: < the third reich currency is of much better quality (i have a couple of these too)
asciilifeform: (and su flag on reichstag night.)
ascii_lander: that wall would still be standing if there weren't a 'pepsi' competing reich to poke at it
mircea_popescu: neither was the reich, in 1949
mircea_popescu: the reich did too.
mircea_popescu: who in the reich went "great, now terrorizes 1000 instead of 1"
asciilifeform: decimation: he concluded - in my view, correctly - that a senile 3rd reich would look quite like today's senile 4th
assbot: Logged on 16-02-2015 04:18:04; decimation: the 'forced exercise' idea reminds me of a passage in the 'rise and fall of the third reich': "The young in the Third Reich were growing up to have strong and healthy bodies, faith in the future of their country and in themselves and a sense of fellowship and camaraderie that shattered all class and economic and social barriers. I thought of that later, in the May days of 1940, when along the road betwee
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: it was a nato possession since day 1 of nato (and possibly earlier depending on whether you're a dulles et al '3rd as prequel to 4th' reich proponent)
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 18:26:15; nubbins`: asciilifeform is actually ready to believe that chocolate is delicious more or less everywhere outside of the anglo reich <<< canadian Cadbury chocolate contains british milk
nubbins`: asciilifeform is actually ready to believe that chocolate is delicious more or less everywhere outside of the anglo reich <<< canadian Cadbury chocolate contains british milk
asciilifeform is actually ready to believe that chocolate is delicious more or less everywhere outside of the anglo reich
assbot: Logged on 19-10-2014 18:32:52; asciilifeform: engineers, who (as shown by the 'monolith' gedankenexperiment, search logs) often do not really apprehend how lizard-reich and its subordinate bureaucracies really think.
asciilifeform: ^ eu welcomes reich IV as it welcomed III
ascii_field: as i've said perhaps a dozen times, if there isn't an icbm battery between you and the lunatic nato reich - you're fair game to them.
asciilifeform: where are the -real- cracks in the reich
decimation: > " Einen Antrag zur Förderung einer elektronischen Nachfolgeversion der Z-3, den sein Mit- arbeiter Elektroingenieur Helmut Schreyer stellte, lehnte die deutsche Reichsregierung als »nicht kriegswichtig« ab (Petzold 1985: 316). " They tried to get the nazi gov to pay for the advancement of the Z-3, but it was deemed "not war-worthy"
asciilifeform: reich had perfectly passable radar
assbot: Guillotine in the basement of German Reichstag - YouTube ... ( )
ascii_field recalls learning with alarm as a little boy that there was ever such a thing as a reichsmark. 'couldn't hitler simply order shit done?'
asciilifeform: eventually a 'multicopter' (perhaps usg provocateur-piloted) will be used in some loud, public vandalism (graffiti of $landmark or wtf) and it'll be 'reichstag fire'
decimation: Johannes Gross, one of the smartest German journalists, wrote: The longer the third reich is dead, the greater the resistance against hitler and his ilk becomes"
decimation: < good quote "Johannes Gross, einer der klügsten deutschen Journalisten, schrieb: „Je länger das Dritte Reich tot ist, umso stärker wird der Widerstand gegen Hitler und die Seinen.”"
mircea_popescu: up until leningrad it was not at all clear the reich will ever end, especially not from outside.
jurov: She was a soothsayer and prophesied a fall of the Third reich
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> gabriel_laddel: it was quite clear in '43 that third reich would fall apart << is this some bit of original research ?
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel: it was quite clear in '43 that third reich would fall apart
asciilifeform: and so tries to carve some corner for himself in the shadow of the seemingly-invincible thousand-year reich
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: actually he's reichsminister
mircea_popescu: So bad have things become in the United States that one of their top right-wing commentators named Glenn Beck warned his listeners this week that the Obama regime was turning America into a Nazi-like Third Reich and leading the US into a “society of gas chambers”.
mircea_popescu: hegel and shaw were great friends of the third reich,
asciilifeform: 'we don't need no stinking jew crypto here in the reich'
decimation: "Records of the German Foreign Office Received by the Department of State. Microfilm Publication T120. 5,485 rolls. (Includes records of the German Foreign Office, 1867-1945, and records of the Reichs Chancellery, 1919-1945)." << $685k
decimation: the 'forced exercise' idea reminds me of a passage in the 'rise and fall of the third reich': "The young in the Third Reich were growing up to have strong and healthy bodies, faith in the future of their country and in themselves and a sense of fellowship and camaraderie that shattered all class and economic and social barriers. I thought of that later, in the May days of 1940, when along the road between Aachen and Brussels one saw
the_scourge: the reich is interesting... oil was a big issue for them
asciilifeform: the_scourge: as a boy i was fond of reading ungodly quantities of ww2 minutiae. and i remember marvelling that the luftwaffe had to pay xxx reichsmarks, for, e.g., a v2 rocket. 'why did nazis have to pay for things,' i asked.
mircea_popescu: lol "Zum einen ist da Davout aus Frankreich"
mircea_popescu: Franz Joseph von Gottes Gnaden Erwählter Römischer Kaiser allzeit Mehrer des Reiches Erblicher Kaiser von Österreich König von Germanien; Apostolischer König von Ungarn; König von Böhmen Dalmatien Kroatien Slawonien Galizien Lodomerien und Illyrien ; König von Jerusalem etc.; Erzherzog von Österreich; Großherzog von Toskana und Krakau ; Herzog von Lothringen Salzburg Würzburg Franken Steiermark Kärnten Krai
Dimsler: "Simon Heffer wrote in 2011 "Where Hitler failed by military means to conquer Europe, modern Germans are succeeding through trade and financial discipline. Welcome to the Fourth Reich."
mircea_popescu: <decimation> of course the ideology of that fourth reich was harvard circa 1945 << very astute observation.
decimation: of course the ideology of that fourth reich was harvard circa 1945
Dimsler: the fourth reich take over of europe ultimatly ended in a wealth transfer scheme and a failing currency
Dimsler: the fourth reich europe domination has proven to be a failure, instead of bodies all the tanned skin loungers got a free bmw or merc
asciilifeform: cowrie shells? reichsmarks? u.s. dollars ?
asciilifeform: of reichsmarks, naturally
asciilifeform: artifexd: he specializes in high-profile show trials. quite like roland freisler (top judge in 3rd reich)
asciilifeform: as representing the reich, or the like.
mircea_popescu: hey, the protocols of sion thing was used to legitimize the reich
asciilifeform: even 'thousand-year' reichs.
jurov: nubbins` if you're ever gonna make some b-a book, these reich images are very fitting
mircea_popescu: the rich jews were still trying to make deals with teh reich in 139
asciilifeform: leave behind reichsmarks in a bank, aha, yes.
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: ^^ for the third reich afficionados << damn. wayne still has it!
ben_vulpes: ^^ for the third reich afficionados
asciilifeform: (given an eternal - or at least 'thousand-year' reich, naturally)
mod6: <+asciilifeform> like, your whole reich goes down << wouldn't it be grand to have a spec so people can use that to build their own compliant reference implementation?
asciilifeform: like, your whole reich goes down
mircea_popescu: whenever people's conscience is the only protection, the third reich is about to emerge.
asciilifeform: engineers, who (as shown by the 'monolith' gedankenexperiment, search logs) often do not really apprehend how lizard-reich and its subordinate bureaucracies really think.
asciilifeform: someone could probably make a 'thinking man's Doom' (a la 'Thief') based on the premise of intelligent saboteur/terrorist, who plants limpets, burns reichstags, etc. -- but the author is likely to end up having problems.
mircea_popescu: it is after all a real state they got over there, not some sort of fourth reich or anything.
asciilifeform: like 'reichstag burns' given in faq ?
asciilifeform: malice - expensive? sure. only in the sense an arsonist's ir laser to torch 'reichstag' from 10km away is expensive. the fuel for the fire - 'watershed management' or whatever idiocy of the day - is cheap.
mircea_popescu: nah, the reichmark wasn't nearly as integrated.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: currency can survive about five minutes with a dead usg << more complicated. reichsmark outlived reich by a few years (until occupying armies got their shit together) << didn't roman coinage remain in some limited use into the middle ages because of lack of alternative?
asciilifeform: currency can survive about five minutes with a dead usg << more complicated. reichsmark outlived reich by a few years (until occupying armies got their shit together)
asciilifeform: thousand-year reich.
asciilifeform: in totalitarian reich, it's not 'your' home and they aren't 'your' children
asciilifeform: in any and all anglo-reich tendrils, a house is required to cost at least 2-3 years of the expected occupant's entire wage. break this rule, they break your neck.
asciilifeform: the worst thing for a totalitarian reich (like usg and its 'international kommunity' muppet theatre) is - the existence of a 'pepsi' alternative.
mircea_popescu: but as far as i recall, it was a serious source of friction between the third reich gauleiters and eastern european nobility, that the latter despised the former on the grounds of... well... this, exactly.
asciilifeform: thiel, like his fellows, is less of a baron (with the attendant inviolable privileges) than a... reichsführer. whose lands, posts - are contingent on playing ball and being good boy.
mircea_popescu: if they worked together we'd be sitting here speaking german threatening doom to the third reich.
assbot: Neue BIP-Berechnung: Guten Morgen, wir sind reicher! - Konjunktur - Politik - Handelsblatt
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> fuckitall. watched that clip, now i just wanna be in friedrich's army. what have you done mircea_popescu! <<< lmao. die kaisrin hat sich mit den franzosen alliiert, und das romiche reich gegen mich revoltiert die russen seind gefallen in preussen ein auf! lasst uns zeigen dass wir brave landeskinder sein!
benkay: DATA and their ilk are the equivalent of soviet or third reich fascist informers.
mircea_popescu: yes yes i get that, there isn't a third reich because you live in the poznan forest, rather than on the warta field
asciilifeform: reich is not a chess clock.
bounce: can just declare the 10 day reich at home then. take two weeks off, nobody notices. success.
asciilifeform: what is 'startup' crapola if not 'the 1-year reich'
asciilifeform: even these are growing more modest. wait for the 100 year reich. 10.
asciilifeform: hell, modest '1000 year reich'
bitcoinpete: 100 reichsmark would be a full on orgy
mircea_popescu: if i were designing the reichsmarks in 1940
asciilifeform: for newswank aficionados, mr. o update his post ( with summary of today's.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: since you seem to take an interest in the subject:
ozbot: ClubOrlov: Reichstag Fire in Kiev
gribble: Poezia română după proletcultism by Constantin Abăluţă ...: <>; Sebastian Reichmann (Contributor of Poezia română după ...: <>; Proletkult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>
asciilifeform: 'trade yer TerrorCoins for ReichCoins! you can even pay tax in them.'
asciilifeform: you might already be mining for the reich
