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Results 1 ... 64 found in asciilifeform for 'paper coin'

asciilifeform: signpost: seems precisely same as errywhere else -- fractionalisms can persist ~indefinitely, with lamers happily trading paperola/goxcoin/leverageisms back'n'forth, until 'bank run'
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-05-09 13:14:02 asciilifeform: reich succeeded in jacking up btc-usd rate by flooding goxmarket w/ papercoin; after which exchrate stiffly correlated with all other reich paper.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-26 01:11:40 billymg: i've got these family members, one of whom i set up with a paper wallet back in '15 or so. now the other family member is telling the former "you should put that on coinbase, where it's regulated"
asciilifeform: reich succeeded in jacking up btc-usd rate by flooding goxmarket w/ papercoin; after which exchrate stiffly correlated with all other reich paper.
billymg: i've got these family members, one of whom i set up with a paper wallet back in '15 or so. now the other family member is telling the former "you should put that on coinbase, where it's regulated"
shinohai: <<< shitcoin "whitepapers" proven to add 2x more penetrating ballistic protection.
asciilifeform: << hilariously, yes, and effectively for phree (i.e. for paperola which they can't even spend, rather than troo coin)
signpost: probably oughta differentiate the political paperization (i.e. not-your-keys-not-your-coin) vs derivatives markets which yes, oughta be driving price discovery.
mats: bitcoin paperization was always inevitable because of the relatively low transaction thoroughput and fee market
asciilifeform: << even if 100% prophetic, seems to point to even moar paperization than ever before, rather than less
asciilifeform had a fella who was for long time endlessly hungry to trade coin for shitpaper, but he drowned
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-08-16 12:55:18 asciilifeform: as for the papercoin-holding speculator scum -- imho the sooner they get the fuck away from btc -- and stay thefuck out -- the better.
asciilifeform: whole edifice seems to have been moar or less rebuilt around engineering periodic papercoin crashes, seems to be working a++ from that pov
signpost: indeed, incidentally I reread the bitcoin whitepaper last night too. would love to see an elegant rewrite *without the scriptlang* someday.
asciilifeform: (and nobody's about to throw 1e7 coins to bake paper pad. even 1930s su used machines.)
verisimilitude: He only had ``paper vouchers'' for Bitcoin.
verisimilitude: Consider my disappointment when I learned she didn't need me, because her son only had paper slips for Bitcoins.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-08 01:32:51 cdd: << Ah shit, that's the whitepaper for the coin (I haven't read that, sorry for wasting your time), not the anonymity network.
cdd: << Ah shit, that's the whitepaper for the coin (I haven't read that, sorry for wasting your time), not the anonymity network.
asciilifeform would customarily add 'and only fuhrer knows whether actual or papercoin' but imho obv.
asciilifeform: even moneyed folx, who oughta know better, hooked on papercoin.
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-08-16 12:55:18 asciilifeform: as for the papercoin-holding speculator scum -- imho the sooner they get the fuck away from btc -- and stay thefuck out -- the better.
asciilifeform: billymg: 1 caveat is that only ~actual~ bitcoin has this property; papercoin, otoh, behaves similarly to erry other previously known type of paperism
asciilifeform: reich also aids in the proliferation of shitcoins (not the least of this aid is the non-prosecution of the perps, who, if they had carried out equiv. fraud using traditional paper, would sit with madoff) -- so as to siphon juice away from btc.
asciilifeform: papercoin.
mats: whether a paper bitcoin works or not depends on the issuer
mats: paper bitcoins are still better than dollars, honestly
asciilifeform: mats: buying bona-fide on-chain coinz is for, y'know, 'terrorists'. institutions -- print papercoin.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-28 23:05:34 asciilifeform: raw_avocado: if you have nothing but a coin and time -- von neumann's debiasing algo worx just as well with paper and pen as with machines
asciilifeform: raw_avocado: if you have nothing but a coin and time -- von neumann's debiasing algo worx just as well with paper and pen as with machines
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-23 13:20:44 asciilifeform: << unlike pgp -- 'sadly' there aint 'over 9000' utterly-broken walletrons. afaik. (possibly the folx who pop addr w/ ~serious~ coin in it, don't write academiwank papers about it..)
asciilifeform: << unlike pgp -- 'sadly' there aint 'over 9000' utterly-broken walletrons. afaik. (possibly the folx who pop addr w/ ~serious~ coin in it, don't write academiwank papers about it..)
billymg: (exchange where no paperwork if coin only)
asciilifeform: billymg: i recall there used to be some that dealt only in shitcoins (no fiatola) and 0 paperworks
asciilifeform: << not to let shitoshi off the hook, but afaik the volatility happens ~entirely where most trading happens -- in the world of paper coins. which exist more or less wholly separately from the actual net.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-07 15:11:54 asciilifeform: embrace&extinguish bitcoin; often enuff not even operates w/ actual tx, but with paper surrogates.
asciilifeform suspects that the exch rate would in fact move if no one could tx for a yr or 2, and consist even ~more~ overwhelmingly of papercoin by weight
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-06-10 14:54:20 asciilifeform: i suppose there's a little entertainment in 'i sold all of my papercoin!' and 4mo later 'lemme tell you what to think about btc'
davout is writing about taleb's buttcoin "black paper". guy lost some davout points
asciilifeform: embrace&extinguish bitcoin; often enuff not even operates w/ actual tx, but with paper surrogates.
mats: stablecoin issuers are now buying as much short dated commercial paper as the largest money market funds
asciilifeform: i suppose there's a little entertainment in 'i sold all of my papercoin!' and 4mo later 'lemme tell you what to think about btc'
asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: if you can somehow interfere with this (i.e. set things up so that holding the real thing confers advantages which paper cannot) then have a chance at a depaperized coin.
snsabot: Logged on 2021-06-08 16:06:59 asciilifeform: upstack -- imho bitcoin 'went only half-way' -- we don't know what a 100% debasement-proof currency would look like; would need to be paperization-resistant, not merely publicly-ledgered and deterministically-inflating.
snsabot: Logged on 2021-06-08 16:06:59 asciilifeform: upstack -- imho bitcoin 'went only half-way' -- we don't know what a 100% debasement-proof currency would look like; would need to be paperization-resistant, not merely publicly-ledgered and deterministically-inflating.
asciilifeform: upstack -- imho bitcoin 'went only half-way' -- we don't know what a 100% debasement-proof currency would look like; would need to be paperization-resistant, not merely publicly-ledgered and deterministically-inflating.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-08-16 12:55:18 asciilifeform: as for the papercoin-holding speculator scum -- imho the sooner they get the fuck away from btc -- and stay thefuck out -- the better.
verisimilitude: I read the whitepaper, but still know very little about Bitcoin.
asciilifeform: trinque: depletion of circulating coin only constrains the price for purchasers of genuine (rather than paper) coinz, however
asciilifeform: primo example: idjits buying up paper btc.
asciilifeform still astonished that there was, all the way to almost present-day, supposedly somewhere in usa where one could sell coin for paper moneys w/out fingerprints !
asciilifeform: << depends, ~what~ exactly they're accumulating. (i.e. is it actual, not seg-shitness coinz? on trb-compat.client? and, not sitting on prb/microshit? or is it papercoin ? or which. these aint equivalent.)
asciilifeform: thimbronion: admittedly i slept through this event. but my immediate q is, whether this was a buy of paper promisecoin or the realthing.
asciilifeform: as for the papercoin-holding speculator scum -- imho the sooner they get the fuck away from btc -- and stay thefuck out -- the better.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-05-05 19:44:52 asciilifeform: thimbronion: is a thing, but observe that 'paper bitcoin' also a thing. and accts for some unknown % of the exch value.
asciilifeform: some scammer promising 'i will give x usd for y paper shitcoin certificates' aint a 'peg' in any meaningful sense.
asciilifeform: imho also not coincidence that that was roughly when leveraged 'paper btc' was introduced.
asciilifeform: i'm aware of what it normally refers to. but dun see a significant diff b/w it and 'legitimate' ops where folx pay for supposed titles to imaginary objects ('paper gold', 'paper coin', etc)
thimbronion: right so if there were fewer paper coins available, wouldn't the price go up?
asciilifeform: i wouldn't be astonished if the usd exch rate, after a hypothetical complete removal of the 'paper coins', were closer to $10 than the current number.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: is a thing, but observe that 'paper bitcoin' also a thing. and accts for some unknown % of the exch value.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: in fact not unrelatedly to your earlier thread. will be interesting to see what coin exch rate is w/out the 'paper' coin.