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Results 1 ... 68 found in asciilifeform for 'open sores'

asciilifeform: crtdaydreams possibly is escapee (?) from the open sores gulag where 'everything is the same as everything else' and 'let
asciilifeform: the opensores ice40 toolchain is coupla GB of liquishit, for instance
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-26 17:26:54 asciilifeform: the fundamental problem with 'duct tape and chewing gum' ciphermachines, is that it is very, very easy to fool yourself into thinking that you've achieved something, when in fact you have led yourself and -- worse, possibly people with actual secrets to protect -- to the chopping block, by putting same linux+opensores liquishitware into pocket-sized vaguely-ciphermachine-like package.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-26 17:26:54 asciilifeform: the fundamental problem with 'duct tape and chewing gum' ciphermachines, is that it is very, very easy to fool yourself into thinking that you've achieved something, when in fact you have led yourself and -- worse, possibly people with actual secrets to protect -- to the chopping block, by putting same linux+opensores liquishitware into pocket-sized vaguely-ciphermachine-like package.
asciilifeform: ... also 'opensores', 'fido', etc
asciilifeform suspects that at some pt (if not already) erry 'tbtf' organization will have at least 1 opensores in-house lang/compiler
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-26 17:26:54 asciilifeform: the fundamental problem with 'duct tape and chewing gum' ciphermachines, is that it is very, very easy to fool yourself into thinking that you've achieved something, when in fact you have led yourself and -- worse, possibly people with actual secrets to protect -- to the chopping block, by putting same linux+opensores liquishitware into pocket-sized vaguely-ciphermachine-like package.
asciilifeform however sees symptoms that subj had close contact with type III opensores and this left permanent scars
asciilifeform: or, say, whether can avoid the 'prestige pilfering' which nailed opensores.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-19 11:57:43 phf: open sores communiti? :>
phf: open sores communiti? :>
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-02-01 17:45:11 asciilifeform: signpost: the apparatus maintains a caste of parasites with chronic ennui, these spin in place agitproping, 'opensoresing', etc. on own steam, attempting to quench unquenchable thirst of 'feeling significant'
asciilifeform: re qnx -- apparently pseudo-opensoresed in '09
asciilifeform: afaik qnx was 'ball of c', if possibly a high-quality one. unlikely would've survived opensoresing in usable condition
asciilifeform saw in ru noose 'ministry of xyz recs not to update opensoreswares...'
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: the telltale leper's bell of nsa-hijacked opensores is 'glued with broken glass', where deliberate booby such that you cannot easily remove the 'misfeature', cuz 'errything depends on it', and where impossible to write against old & new version compatibly, anyffin that works with the 'new' automagically chokes the old
asciilifeform: there's an identifiable transition point in all of these opensores monstrosities where went from simply shoddy to actively wrecker-engineered. for gcc, that point was v. 5.
asciilifeform: asciilifeform is wholly uninterested in being a contributor to the fungal mass of open sores as exemplified by gpl et al.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-02-01 17:45:11 asciilifeform: signpost: the apparatus maintains a caste of parasites with chronic ennui, these spin in place agitproping, 'opensoresing', etc. on own steam, attempting to quench unquenchable thirst of 'feeling significant'
asciilifeform: << see also. most of what's passed off as opensores is actually a product of elaborate psychopathology, not unlike the scribbles of schizos on bus station walls
asciilifeform: << we're all small change, afaik, next to the asylum-napoleon grade cases which populate opensoresdom.
asciilifeform: signpost: the apparatus maintains a caste of parasites with chronic ennui, these spin in place agitproping, 'opensoresing', etc. on own steam, attempting to quench unquenchable thirst of 'feeling significant'
asciilifeform: lol! 'ohai lemme help crapple & microshit parasitize on opensores!' ?
asciilifeform: << the alternative would be what, to hash errything? given the over9000files of a typical opensores liquishit, promises to be rather slow
asciilifeform: << is part of a process where a faux-opensores 'komyoonity' was astroturfed into existence, consisting of folx jumping over one anuther to serve as unpaid labour for microshit et al
punkman: my contempt for "open sores" busywork such as "figuring out why this piece of shit isn't working" has grown a lot. math exercises are a much more respectable pasttime.
asciilifeform: if they have an opensores 'world', it must exist wholly outside of white man's light cone
asciilifeform: shinohai: i hear the latest coup lured away ~100% of the 'mainstream' opensores cruft -- gcc, kernel, etc chans
asciilifeform: the eternal curse of opensores.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-26 17:26:54 asciilifeform: the fundamental problem with 'duct tape and chewing gum' ciphermachines, is that it is very, very easy to fool yourself into thinking that you've achieved something, when in fact you have led yourself and -- worse, possibly people with actual secrets to protect -- to the chopping block, by putting same linux+opensores liquishitware into pocket-sized vaguely-ciphermachine-like package.
asciilifeform: << there's a very analogous community of fucktards who have similarly totem relationship w/ 'flea as in fleadom! opensores!!!' computer
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-28 08:44:20 punkman: << I tried using the "open sores" GPU stuff on an allwinner years ago. didn't work out, bricked the board at some point. went looking for ARM without megaton of blob, didn't find anything. thought "I'll come back in a few years"
punkman: << I tried using the "open sores" GPU stuff on an allwinner years ago. didn't work out, bricked the board at some point. went looking for ARM without megaton of blob, didn't find anything. thought "I'll come back in a few years"
asciilifeform: << very few people merit 'tailor-made boobytrap'. instead what you get is a GB of opensores liquishit in which ~infinitely~ many 'naturally-occurring' boobytraps. a la [insert favourite shitware here]
asciilifeform: the fundamental problem with 'duct tape and chewing gum' ciphermachines, is that it is very, very easy to fool yourself into thinking that you've achieved something, when in fact you have led yourself and -- worse, possibly people with actual secrets to protect -- to the chopping block, by putting same linux+opensores liquishitware into pocket-sized vaguely-ciphermachine-like package.
asciilifeform: if 'made of lego' i.e. other-people's-shitware-opensores -- then you get laffs like the linked 'oh but this is a barcode polyglot, and machine will try to read it as xyz, haha' and similar
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-05-29 15:52:24 asciilifeform: imho more or less standard 'good cop / bad cop' theatre; objective was from the start to corral all remaining ircism (in particular as pertains to opensores) in a properly usg.managed shithole. (ye olde fleanode, evidently, was still too heterogeneous and difficult to properly sjw-police.)
punkman: (kinda doing the rounds on my old open sores hardware bookmarks)
asciilifeform still, nearly 5y after FG release, and 7+y since started serious work on rngs, entertained by the studious avoidance of the 'open sores' types of the approaches which actually work and don't require 8cores of GHz cpu running GBs of whatever braindamage
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-08 07:55:19 gregory4: the Firefox phone was a similar project, but it suffered from the explosion of dependencies and opacity of protocols, typical of "open sores."
gregory4: the Firefox phone was a similar project, but it suffered from the explosion of dependencies and opacity of protocols, typical of "open sores."
asciilifeform: these, together, add up to 99+% of opensores.
asciilifeform: imho more or less standard 'good cop / bad cop' theatre; objective was from the start to corral all remaining ircism (in particular as pertains to opensores) in a properly usg.managed shithole. (ye olde fleanode, evidently, was still too heterogeneous and difficult to properly sjw-police.)
snsabot: Logged on 2021-02-22 17:17:28 asciilifeform: all of this discussion is applicable not merely to opensores licensism, but to whole concept of contractual agreements between unequal parties, and the nonsensical (yet very popular, and well-pushed) notion that the weaker can somehow ding the stronger via 'rule of law' in the workings of a supposed neutral judiciary
asciilifeform: all of this discussion is applicable not merely to opensores licensism, but to whole concept of contractual agreements between unequal parties, and the nonsensical (yet very popular, and well-pushed) notion that the weaker can somehow ding the stronger via 'rule of law' in the workings of a supposed neutral judiciary
asciilifeform: trinque: imho folx oughta, as matter of course, discuss what exactly they're agreeing to , sign it, etc. the ritual incantations of opensoresdom is sumthing entirely, imho, else, tho.
asciilifeform: 'opensores' w/out fits-in-head is a demented concept of 'freedom'. like yer 'freedom' to jet fart through your arse and fly across atlantic. ('no one glued you to the ground! you have this freedom!')
asciilifeform: turns out, 'risc-v' aint actually available in any standalone device. is -- a la 'opensparc' -- simply verilog turd, 'opensores for all', and 100% descriptive of ~none~
asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: it's exactly same bind as for other opensores products.
asciilifeform: asciilifeform, for instance, at one point blamed strictly the commercial softs world for e.g. 'automation is unnecessarily difficult to achieve'. whereas today is patently laughable, the opensores folx followed exactly same trajectory w/out any appreciable 'top-down' pressure
asciilifeform: ( de-facto aslr serves as a kind of 'nsa curtain' on the overflow etc liquishit which abounds in opensoresdom, which 'dun need to be fixed cuz aslr' except then when usg attacker suddenly no aslr , typical pattern )
asciilifeform: << afaik there aint one. just 1 of 'over 9000' basic tools that simply dun exist because opensorestards, by and large, sum to ~0
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: c/unix were built 'off hours' by folx for ~own use~ and then transformed, by force of accident, into 'standard'. similarly to much later opensores crapola.
asciilifeform: ( there are ~other~ problems -- someone actually has to write the standard, which is generally not a thing that opensores derps 'in spare time' are capable of being productively involved in to any degree. and the 'someone' has to also not be malicious idiot who permits 'undefined behaviours' for other idiots to later rely on )
gregorynyssa: among other things, the "open sores" culture leads to proliferation of "implementation definedness" rather than attention to formats and protocols.
asciilifeform: ~nobody luvvs closed shitware, but peculiarly it had a stabilizing effect on opensores at low level.
asciilifeform: however, in immediate term, would also be useful as a linux script lang that doesn't weigh a gigatonne and require 20GB of opensores liquishit simply to build.
asciilifeform: the little src present, all builds strictly on winblowz; but this is not surprise in light of the 2010s faux-opensores intel bios pubs.
asciilifeform: fwiw asciilifeform played w/ gnat for >year (and incl. disasming the output to see how actually compiles) before recommending it to others. it was hands-down best looking horse in the opensores glue factory (and imho still is.)
asciilifeform: adlai: afaik they have 'free private' for 1GB nao, or sumthing. i still dun see the appeal of shithub tho. ( i put some garbage there ~decade ago, back when thought 'opensores! folx will contribute patches!' etc )
asciilifeform: open ('opensores') toolchain, unlike xilinx's
asciilifeform: if yer doing serious numerics, expect to write own stack eventually, the opensores crud is typically good for nuffin in particular
Apocalyptic: I was using opensores makefiles as is found in the gmp-ecm repo
snsabot: Logged on 2020-04-11 10:36:53 asciilifeform: also baking a massive historic opensores tarball mirror, consisting of ~errything from /usr/portage/distfiles from a number of boxen
asciilifeform also baking a massive historic opensores tarball mirror, consisting of ~errything from /usr/portage/distfiles from a number of boxen
amberglint: asciilifeform: I think you might find this amusing, someone famous in the open sores community wants to build "trustable hardware":
asciilifeform: not half as itchy as before threw out 'open sores philosophy' outta head, for instance.