Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2021-08-07 | 2021-08-09 →
signpost: I don't know mats. on the one hand, plebs don't get to decide which plague they're going to take seriously.
signpost: on the other, when you find the bureaucracy that can actually make the decision for them wisely, sign me up to shine their shoes.
signpost: (leaving aside for the moment *which* vaccine might be being distributed in greece, too)
billymg: << if it's politically tenable to force the firefighters to take the vaccine then surely it would also be politically tenable to force the unvaccinated firefighters to sign a form waiving their right to insurance coverage in the case of a covid infection
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-07 22:52:21 mats: it makes sense to force firefighters to take the vaccine, they are already a massive insurance liability
mats: who knows how it works in greece, but in usa all the states recognize at-will employment
mats: being an anti vax dummy isn't a protected class
billymg: mats: well yes, and they can fire you for having voted for trump, or for not having posted a black square on your instagram profile in the days following st. floyd's death
billymg: after all, being a racist is not a protected class
billymg: but i thought you were attempting to make a rational point about how, personal preference aside, one's decision may affect others financially (when they choose to not get vaxxed, catch covid, and cause insurance premiums to go up)
billymg: so i was merely pointing out that if that were truly the concern there would be other ways to eliminate it
punkman: how the firefighting is going, quite the scene here
mats: waivers tend to be difficult to secure and there's no apparently good reason to make exceptions for antivax dummies who can still expose coworkers to covid
mats: what's more likely is that they'll just lie to secure employment, discovered during treatment for an unrelated issue, get fired, sued by the insurance company, and perhaps prosecuted for fraud
mats: unless covid is a mass hallucination and being unvaccinated is totally okay, without any kind of externalities whatsoever
mats: getting a waiver to go without insurance coverage entirely makes more sense, except the part where its still a problem, so perhaps they ought to sign up to pay everyone's insurance premiums and claims indefinitely
punkman: in greece: 2020 increase in total deaths: 4.6%, 2017 increase: 4.8%
punkman: don't remember anyone going crazy in 2017
signpost: mats: I'm vaccinated ftr, but suppose mRNA vaccines prove to be nothing more than a great way to evolve more aggressive and evasive protein spikes?
punkman: US 2019: 2,854,838 2020: 3,358,814, that's 17.8% increase. guess you got it a lot worse over there
punkman: guess the fatties aren't doing very well
punkman: and you got a younger population
signpost: and suppose actually getting covid produces a more robust immunity
signpost: this I Trust the Science (TM) thing is as much religious bullshit as those that think the vax is mark of the beast.
signpost proposes another, quite America-compatible approach. let states decide (including deciding to shut their borders) and see who burns.
punkman: pfizer study with 45k people, only had about 15 deaths on each arm iirc
punkman: kinda shocking to see how little data they are working with
signpost: India appears to not be having another covid wave. perhaps later it will, or perhaps "let it burn" isn't so unwise.
punkman: "UK is doing well with Delta variant because of great vaxx rate" "Oh yeah, what about India?"
signpost: punkman: yeah, personally I deemed the risk acceptable to get vaccinated, but I certainly fucking wont be injecting mRNA yearly without way more data collected.
signpost: in fact given the apparent low risk of the vaccinated, *getting* delta might be the best move
signpost: who fucking knows. they'll have written about it in 20yrs.
mats: signpost: what if el sol is actually helios taking a nap
mats: << anyone thats worked in a trauma centre will agree that youd probably be lucky to die in a car accident
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 13:48:02 punkman: in greece: 2020 increase in total deaths: 4.6%, 2017 increase: 4.8%
punkman: I read the papers, was thinking "will have more data by the time vaxx is available for my age group", but not that much more convinced now. sure as fuck the "1 in a million serious adverse event" is not true. just by looking at serious cases in my city compared to total population.
mats: ive heard that from nurses and doctors before, and its not a joke
punkman: mats, you mean compared to covid?
mats: dying is easy, living with a handicap or poorly understood illness is not
punkman: that would indeed change the risk/benefit calculations, but I have yet to see this "long covid pandemic" locally. and going by local data beats looking at US/UK/China or wherever.
signpost: eh, that'd be hard to look for.
signpost: how do you measure "x% of the population was y% dumber z years after the plague"
punkman: is that from the "covid will eath your brain" theory?
signpost: are you disputing that it's been found to cross the blood-brain barrier or what?
punkman: no, not disputing anything. but "covid will make you dumber" is a few steps beyond that.
signpost: my statement was that hypothetical longterm negatives will not be visible enough yet to make firm statements.
signpost: not that covid will definitely have some particular effect.
signpost: mats: macroexpand the glib "helios taking a nap" thing?
signpost: punkman: re: india, cases have also not gone to zero, and we'll find out later what endemic covid-19 means.
signpost: it is at least obviously much nastier than the flu, variants of which have caused tens of millions to die.
punkman: there's a lot of "will found out later" going around, kinda worried we actually won't "find out later" for a lot of it
signpost: reality doesn't owe me a full explanation, but neither do I drop phenomena on the floor that don't justify what I want.
signpost: all that's available is a shitty incompleteness and placing of bets.
signpost would readily grant that this is being used by totalitarians to do what they do.
mats: signpost: i dont have training in medicine or biology and im not gonna speculate
signpost: seems training enough to dismiss a particular social caste's mistrust of government, given latter's long history of trustworthiness.
punkman: mats, do you have someone you trust to do the speculating for you?
signpost: but no, I don't have any reliable model of any of it, other than already stated picture of ???
mats: yes, i have md phds in the wot
signpost same, ftr.
punkman: works
mats: i distrust usg about as much as anyone else here i think, its not equivalent to denying science
signpost: seems like you have an axe to grind on this, rather than a point.
signpost: is punkman unvaccinated or something?
punkman: signpost: yes, might have dunning-krugered myself into it by looking at the science
signpost is too dissatisfied by the output of the culture of personal choice, can't be bothered to get worked up about winning someone over on "the issues" anymore.
signpost: the proper algo is probably forcing the entire population to take the vax in waves, heavily monitoring, etc, not unlike a large-scale software rollout.
signpost: this supposes a leadership caste that isn't filled with self-harming perverts, and probably just moves the problem of "spontaneous emergence of constructive human order" rather than solving anything.
mats: i guess i'm moving through the stages of loss, as i discover alarming numbers of people i know that are missing a few leds in their lamp
mats: makes me question my own judgment
signpost same, was boiling with rage over the state of austin, but let it go.
signpost: and you know, that cripple making a political football over giving the unvax'd kids covid.
signpost: trivially one could imagine an approach that lets them go to school, but e.g. moves them into the portables I know the state has in abundance, tests 'em regularly.
signpost spent too much time arguing with the mad in years past, just sitting back and watching it burn.
billymg: << where were you able to find this number (for 2020)? i've been looking for it myself but the CDC's reporting tool only goes to 2019
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 14:00:15 punkman: US 2019: 2,854,838 2020: 3,358,814, that's 17.8% increase. guess you got it a lot worse over there
billymg: regarding the discussion in general, i would love it if i could just trust what is being printed, and i would also love it if i felt the current crop of elite's gave a shit about their own people. if so, i would gladly follow orders and not even ask too many questions (i have nothing against hierarchy, or following orders)
billymg: elites*
adlai: no, signpost , it is much unlike a large-scale software rollout.
adlai: don't make such a bad analogy.
adlai: it is not unlike a large-scale fourth-, fifth-, etc-stage clinical trial.
adlai: the 'software rollout" analogy would be less insane were the popular models of computation anything close to "let's play with plasmids!"
billymg: but as it stands currently, i personally don't know where to get good faith, accurate information (and if anyone said he knew where to find, would not believe). and i sure as hell don't trust the current set of elites with anything, mainly because of their horrible track record
signpost: adlai: were you to say what you think a large-scale software rollout is, or how you'd differ from it, there'd be some chance of a discussion.
adlai: << beatified due to... the fine smells emanating from how he got arrested in the first place?
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 12:05:32 billymg: mats: well yes, and they can fire you for having voted for trump, or for not having posted a black square on your instagram profile in the days following st. floyd's death
signpost: billymg: the problem is that inaction is most likely not without cost
adlai: alpha/beta rollouts of apps in the Google Play store is one example
billymg: signpost: yes, aware
billymg: i know it's a gamble not taking the vaccine, but i'm making up for it by exercising more and getting lots of sunlight
signpost: adlai: eh, speaking more of the experiment and measurement that goes on at a layer beneath.
signpost: but instead perhaps say how you'd do it
adlai: a more granular, although usually much messier, example is situations where multiple websites use the same database, and incoming clients get served a different page depending on whatever metric
billymg: at this point i trust my immune system, but of course i don't know for sure, we'll see
adlai is not having this conversation now, although thank you for the invitation
signpost: you invited yourself, lol, but w/e
adlai resets the /away message that apparently he tripp and knocked over himself
signpost farts in adlai's general direction
signpost: billymg: my grandfather "trusted" (by way of no alternative) his immune system with polio, and happened to beat it
signpost: walks, etc, no lingering effects whatsoever
signpost: but hard to know whether one will be so lucky.
billymg: signpost: bodes well for the genes that got passed down to you in any case
billymg: "From 2019 to 2020, the estimated age-adjusted death rate increased by 15.9%, from 715.2 to 828.7 deaths per 100,000 population. COVID-19 was reported as the underlying cause of death or a contributing cause of death for an estimated 377,883 (11.3%) of those deaths (91.5 deaths per 100,000). "
billymg: so even by the CDC's own admission covid only accounts for 11% of the delta between 2019 and 2020 (if i'm interpreting that correctly)
billymg: do we assume the other 89% is attributed to suicide, drug overdoses, etc. stemming from lockdown depression?
billymg: << yeah so what exactly is the big deal again?
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 16:02:45 punkman: 2020 death rate same level as 1991
punkman: billymg: well it's going up
punkman: who knows
billymg: yeah
billymg: not that anyone's keeping score but billymg has not had so much as a cough since the beginning of 2019 after significantly reducing sugar/carbs from diet. prior to that would get sick with flu/cold once or twice a year
billymg knocks on wood
billymg: iirc my last annual flu shot was winter 2018
billymg: err, no, perhaps winter 2017
punkman: billymg: see also flu thread
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-03 13:59:02 punkman: did ya know flu completely disappeared worldwide since last March
signpost: billymg: nothing wrong with limiting carbs; aren't you also in a lesser populated area of CR?
billymg: punkman: yeah, was following along. i often tell people i think covid is just the annual flu with a new branding department
billymg: signpost: yes, i'm sure that helps as well, but only moved here in march 2020. half of 2019 was in the petri dish of nyc and until moving here as in austin tx
billymg: was* in
signpost: familiar with "terror management theory"?
billymg: no, what's that?
signpost: idea that a conflict between self-preservation and the inevitability of death is something fundamental to being human.
signpost: strikes me that these threads always either say (intentional caricature) that "covid's fake" or "vaccines work (TM)"
signpost: suggests to me that it has more to do with whatever gets one up in the morning than the real.
signpost is not exempt, has plenty of personal myths he recites before breakfast.
billymg: signpost: i can definitely see it
billymg: i don't have the log line handy but asciilifeform hinted at something similar. with the reaction to covid being more a means to sow division while they run off with anything not bolted down
billymg: i'm sure without the media constantly fanning the hysteria (on both sides) the reaction from ordinary people would be much more muted and civil
signpost: sure, and I'd add that the fuckers at the top are just as terrified.
signpost: cowards all.
billymg: speaking of the cowards at the top, it amazes me that in right wing circles online the discussion of what to do about them only ever revolves around "muh guns" and never around my computer and os
billymg: it seems like a missed opportunity. i keep waiting for someone like BAP or Vox to come out and say "i've seen the light, we need to get fucking organized with the tools we use to communicate"
signpost: the "right wing" you're talking about is running on an ideology that can't resolve the terror of death mentioned above in anyone with above room-temperature IQ
signpost: what was the west is going to have to deal with nietzsche's mental breakdown before meaning works again.
billymg: signpost: i'm intrigued and would interested to hear more re: nietzche's mental breakdown and how it relates to meaning in the collapsing west
billymg: nietzsche's*
signpost: worth reading Heidegger.
billymg: i'll check it out, thanks
signpost: but this probably doesn't get fixed broadly unless psychedelics become easily available, and even then, not until the culture redevelops the constructive use.
signpost: What is Called Thinking is damned interesting, highly recommended.
signpost has a vague, unoriginal notion that there is a mode of being that considers the machine of language itself as the substrate, and no particular, indispensable uniqueness regarding particular meat-nodes processing it
signpost: is bitcoin a particular node, or the movement of the whole net?
signpost: but this line of discourse plows directly into the terror complex, snore to argue about.
signpost: "let's see how unattached you are with a car battery attached to your nuts" etc., and sure, the machine cries out, but what does this prove?
billymg: the machine crying out in that example being the person with the current applied to his testicles?
signpost: sure, a cheap dismissal of the idea that the self is just a computation happening on a distributed meat computer is to see what the enlightened say when the suffering's turned up.
signpost: (and there are counterexamples. the famous photo of the burning monk...)
signpost: the line of thinking runs into the terror complex because the self-preservation is attached to the idea-of-self as much as the meat.
verisimilitude: I vaguely remember my disappointment at realizing this so-called pandemic was fake, and not something which would kill hundreds of millions, perhaps leaving more room for me.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 15:41:58 billymg: regarding the discussion in general, i would love it if i could just trust what is being printed, and i would also love it if i felt the current crop of elite's gave a shit about their own people. if so, i would gladly follow orders and not even ask too many questions (i have nothing against hierarchy, or following orders)
verisimilitude: I need to write today, but I'm not certain what I should write about, and my work will disappoint me no matter what I do.
whaack: i met a surfer-nurse five days ago, he claimed ~ 'i am not right wing, but i have given the vaccine shots to many, and it is not too rare that we shortly after have to rush the person to the ICU, I'm not vaccinated and I wouldn't risk it myself, lots of nurses agree and have fake CDC "i has the vax" cards, i believe what happens is that soon to be vaccine recipients come in with a lil covid that
whaack: their body can handle, and after the vaccine they have a lot of covid, and then their immune system can no longer handle the problem'
signpost: really needs numbers next to the "many" and "not too rare" though right?
signpost: medical folks *live in* the long tail of horrible shit that can happen to a person.
mats: next time you run into a self styled medical professional, ask them for their name and NPI
signpost: austin's a little over half fully vax'd, city of approx 2.2mil. apparently ICU bed capacity is ~200, (i.e. 0.01% of population)
signpost: maybe it gets way worse, but for now, we've been able to stay under that remarkably low number of severe cases.
mats: last goof i ran into at the gym got a confused look on his face when he realised he didnt know medical providers have IDs in a public registry
mats: that said there are definitely RNs CNAs etc who have problems with the vaccine
mats: and its not a right wing problem as much as the talking heads would have folks believe
mats: vax hesitancy is disproportionately higher in black and brown demos, who in most years besides 2016 heavily lean left
whaack: whlie his anecedotal evidence may be a b.s. argument, i spoke with him enough to be 99.99% sure he is indeed a nurse. and someone with his name shows up in that registry
mats: heh
whaack: and by his anecedotal being b.s., i mean more that my retelling of it is b.s. (as i go 1 degree from the source)
signpost: after we solve this, we're still going to have an acidifying ocean, mineral-depleted food, droughts, fires, and balls full of plastic.
signpost: none of us have anything on this other than gut.
signpost figures better get the people who can actually do anything about it into a wot before complexity ceiling impact.
vex: asciilifeform, if you want some huffchain coin to play with, could prolly list some of those cool xrays in the art markets
vex: I wonder how many `audits,' as I like to call them. shinohai might call `em rekt, are really
vex: mp, or nubs might ask for proof of 1000bc, trickier is proving no 1000bc
vex: kudos on getting a real doctor bingoboingo, it seems the motorhead script is working for you. I know you already know, but don't ever change up to pervitin
adlai: the premium of illicit pharmaceuticals, as opposed to the licit crap, really angers me
adlai: e.g., back when I was a literal speed freak, I compared my expenditures on amphetamine, with how much someone who smokes or drinks would spend on their poisons
vex: lemme guess adlai, you like your amphets metylated?
adlai: no, then I would not have used the word "literal".
vex: ok, cool
adlai took plain old generic pharmaceutical mishmash ~37.5% enantiopure amphetamine
adlai: now, if you wanna methylate amphetamines that also have other crap hanging off the phenyl, that's a different question
adlai: either way I doubt my problems in life are as easily fixed as "here, take this one pill before you begin studying, and you'll feel as though you had a solid night's sleep"
vex: are you still boozing hard?
adlai: yes, although less often.
adlai: there are a bunch of ways to drink yourself to death slowly, instead of all in one gulp
adlai: e.g., I mostly avoid buying bottles; the whole "you never find a brick under a junkie's bed" cliche is quite accurate.
adlai: although, the quarantine atmosphere does make me severely consider cultivating some proper lone drunkard habits
adlai did once get police called on him while drinking at the previous apartment, so these habits need some planning
vex: whaddaya usually go to the pub?
adlai: yep
vex: sensible
adlai: back when I had friends who drank, I'd occasionally drink with friends.
adlai: these days I am quite certainly the "pet drunkard" of any friends I may have left.
adlai can't recall whether he ever explained the "pet drunkard" concept here; it is one that he explained several times, irl, along with its converse
vex: i get it
adlai: vex: you might actually find this concept, and teh converse, quite logical
adlai: it was originally explained to me by a stoner friend, as something along the lines of "I really need to talk to my straightedge again, it's been too long that I've only hung out with potheads"
adlai: followed by dead silence, and "what's a straightedge?" from the guy who never talked to anyone unless there were both drugs and money in the conversation
adlai: the general idea being that if your friend group is too homogenized, then you can get frog-boiled.
adlai: vex: you still drink?
vex: fucking oath, I threw my still out a few years sgo tho
adlai: oath!?
adlai: whaddaya wanna be pope someday?
vex: it's an aussieism, it means `my word'
adlai doesn't understand your answer
vex: yes, i do still drink
adlai: you could cuss and trash your still, and still drink... yeah
adlai: wouldja believe that stills are illegal in Israel?
adlai: well maybe owning one is not illegal
vex: yes, i'd belive that
adlai: like shroom spores... you can own them, just don't use them!
adlai: what kinda hooch did you used to make?
vex: I made the purest etoh I could
adlai only ever knowingly drank moonshine twice... both resulted in riotous headaches, although the hooch wasn't the only thing drunk either time
adlai: this is the way!
adlai: if it's the color of kidneystone piss, it probably tastes worse
adlai wonders whether to resume the dangling thread
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 15:50:45 adlai: is not having this conversation now, although thank you for the invitation
adlai: ain't nothing worse than a drunkard arguing with a streetlight that ain't even there; except, perhaps, a dealer leaning against a lamppost that is not uniformed
adlai: the main reason I let that thread dangle, earlier, is because the answer "does not fit within the margin"
adlai: upon this rock I shall build my example: let's say your software is a book explaining what stan means by each of the sane laws of computing, except has been tarred, burned, and censored, and all that remains is commentaries by the fan club.
adlai notes, [asciilifeform] idle: 1 day, 03 hours, and thus continues talking to himself
vex: he's prolly huffung eth :)
adlai: nahh, he's probably busy hand-optimizing a spike protein spectroscopy robot
vex: or otherwise busy making a living
adlai: who knows, maybe he got blessed with the job of rubberhosing MP!
adlai: the world is small enough for this.
adlai: so, both the seven laws, and the attributes of bricklisp, are actually not relevant to software
adlai: which is exactly why my example-rock is "a book explaining", rather than 'trb', 'stator', 'musl', or even "metafont version algebraic-number-suchandsuch"
adlai: ... it could be that a good example for arguing about widespread software flagdays is metafont
adlai: or tex, although I'm too painfully familiar with the latter
vex: I really enjoyed listening to mp & alf argue
adlai: this is getting dangerously close to another dangling thread, one that i'd much rather resume than ... how is software updated, vs. how it should be updated
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-30 08:21:52 adlai: the question that led to this dangling thread is quite boring: "have you ever OCRed sheet music?"
adlai: my claim is that alf's recognition of OCR as a problem stillborn is due to the problem's being phrased too loosely.
vex: go on
adlai: sure, if you try to OCR a practice notebook that's got seven generations of scribbles, half of them rubbed out and rewritten, then you will have an AI-complete time, gouge your eyes out, and find a teacher who specializes in blind kids.
adlai: same for OCRing captchas, crumpled newsprint fished out of recycle bins, pirate copies of the constitution, etc
adlai: bad examples are endless.
vex: what's the solution to a loosly worded problem?
adlai: perhaps a better problem to attack is "what are the minimal constraints to impose upon the typesetting macros, that enable bit-identical reconstruction by the reverser"
vex: perhaps
adlai: e.g., "never let a legato mark cross a fingering hint"
adlai: e.g., "do not typeset mathematics"
adlai: etc!
vex: humans are cheap, use humans
adlai: humans are stupid, even without prolonged hypoxia
adlai doubts magic nucleocapsids make humans stupid ~without~ hypoxia being the direct cause of idiocy
adlai: then again, "I am neither a doctor of philosophy, nor a doctor of justice"
vex: where's that from?
vex: a doctor of medecine perhaps?
adlai: nyet, not yet
vex: you're working towards it?
adlai: I have considered enrolling to study that, although apparently the local schools are badly allocated.
asciilifeform: << lol! ( would like to say 'ah yes!' but in fact was doing 'unsexy' auto maintenance things -- not being mp (tm)(r)(r) i dun have minions to do it -- and similar chores )
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 21:25:19 adlai: nahh, he's probably busy hand-optimizing a spike protein spectroscopy robot
adlai: they overprovide for talk therapy, and underprovide for veterinary medicine
adlai: asciilifeform: well, the internet-of-things-that-move is what, three nines of the reversing market?
adlai: windows virii gonna go the way of the prealpha variant, someday
asciilifeform: adlai: wouldn't know, got outta that racket long ago
adlai: my guess is that the windows virii ecosystem will have a looong-tailed death, although this is more due to industrial control systems and braindead office corporations, than any inherent fitness of the virii themselves
adlai: whydya call it a racket, though?
adlai: forensics against an infected computer it is no more racketry than pediatrics is a ponzi.
vex: someone else was making all the coin. qed racket
adlai: saturated markets are the worst.
adlai: someday maybe I'll pick up the other dangle, although I am still too ignorant today
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-30 08:30:51 adlai: defaults to "musst nicht sprechen" re:1812.00942; after all, the only thing he understands worse than bitcoin, is topology
adlai: back to topic, I am gradually forming greater empathy towards the statistic I found in the university shitrag, that students of medicine eat nagant much more commonly than bureaucrats would like.
adlai: this I read while enrolled for chemistry; ditching that in favor of mathematics, dual with 'earth sciences', did not much improve my own motivations.
adlai: all this was before the zoomocalypse.
adlai does often consider enrolling in a trade school that is quite blatantly a trade school, rather than "oh, we r university, look upon our public grant cheese and respair"
adlai: obviously for-profit schools get all the hate, especially so soon after trump's fame.
adlai: maybe I should enroll in Draper University for Heros; this would make a good section in an Encyclopedia Drammatica entry, no?
vex: go do med; adlais pathology lab will make millies
adlai: more likely prognosis is travelling circus of tattoo removal and reclawing felines
vex: lol
adlai: pathology lab = much capex on concrete
adlai: not to mention opex in cement
adlai: actually bingoboingo's plan sounded cool
vex: wassat?
adlai digs
vex: what plan was that?
vex: treasure hunting?
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-06-27 18:51:30 BingoBoingo: Many ships loaded with Inca riches never made it to Spain. Some may have died hugging the coast too much
adlai: ofc my practical metaphysics is slightly different from "if only captain keeps coin, boat = racket"
adlai: mileage varies by trade.
vex: the dubloons are under a fuckton of mud
adlai: this is why you leave treasure hunting to folks who already have the capital to blow on capex, and learn trades instead
vex: `cursed' if you like
adlai: anyway, it's a moot point, since the days of "walk to port, see whether they're hiring" went the way of "walk to factory, compare parity of headcount and limbcount, maybe they are hiring!"
vex: i'd say those days are still existant, and in full swing
adlai will reconsider this tactic after ~half-decade of miserly psychopath behavior
adlai: it depends what world you walk
adlai: if your path goes by lenovo assembly plant in zero-reported-cases-of-plagueistan, sure
vex: and if your path is back and fro from the pub, you sure as shit want something to show for it
vex: otherwise useless
adlai: whereas in "1st world!!!oneoneone!!", all "help wanted" signs are pretty invariably either "sweep floor under braindead bureaucrat's wheelie armchair", or "sell fine high-quality well-branded never-overpriced trademarks, wholesaled direct from dropshipper, to pedestrian dinks and yuppies"
adlai did at one point go through listings of jobs advertised to students, middled by the university; ~dozen phone calls amounted to ~nothing
vex: I fucking love reading adali
adlai: tbh, phone calls and emails
adlai: the pandemic somewhat killed the whole "walk into workplace" approach
vex: says who?
vex: get a stylish mask
adlai: e.g., one of the best possibilities that I encountered was various menial jobs at the cute little botanical garden next to the university campus... except, they stopped accepting public visitors, all "help wanted" notices cancelled until further notice
vex: walking in is very different to help wanted
adlai hates the capex
vex: I'd guess that most organisations never knew they needed an adlai
adlai: I've seen how friends got walkin jobs at bars and cafes
adlai: the capex ranges from... enough work experience to coldread the room, to... dude who could open a barbershop with his family cheese.
adlai: except, wanted to work at someone else's racket, because not idiot!
adlai: most organisations probably don't need an adlai, tbh
vex: don't tell `em that
adlai: "greatest strength: writes like an illiterate; greatest weakness: honesty"
vex: get a nice suit made and turn up
adlai: believe it or not, I have never owned a suit.
vex: you're far from illiterate
adlai somehow survived over three years of prep school without owning a suit!
vex: get one
adlai has worn suits; never owned.
vex: get a time machine to 1983 wall street
adlai: pfffffffff
vex: cocaine word salad. fucking minted!
vex: seriously, you're a sharp dude
adlai: it's the fkin twenties, it should be possible to wall street without the time machine to 1983
vex: there you go
vex: it's the twenties. i never thought of that
adlai: this is why my plan includes the half decade of miserly psychopathy
vex: lol
adlai: there is a chance that I will actually have no problem whatsoever paying the capital gains bribe, grafting bottles of cognac to accountants, etc, in a few years.
adlai: right now, though, I am more likely to get certificates in accounting, nursing, and microsoft network admin, than wearing a suit to a job interview.
vex: not sure how firece adlais troll game is
vex: you're serious
adlai: yes
adlai: fwiw, job interviews in Israel rarely expect you to wear a suit
vex: that doesn't mean you can't
adlai: wall street's "business casual" would be considered being dressed for some occasion in ~every office in Israel
vex has never been to Israel
adlai: the place is quite terrible
vex: hey, if there's a pub, I'm set
adlai: there is a nonzero chance that I'll die sober and renounced in some dingy downtown apartment in Tehran, if Israel keeps going the way it has been
adlai: supposedly there is a vibrant nonzionist jewish community there.
adlai: similar to the folks in new york, who wouldn't get on a plane to israel if you paid them in uncut gems
signpost: lol @ cocaine word salad
adlai: oi signpost ! where you pointin?
vex: lol @ you last gem sir, i forget the funny, but I spit my cofee out
signpost: et u bruv
adlai: signpost: ocean acidification is the new climate change
signpost: all is vanity, where's my mother
adlai: this does not mean you have to actually develop any strong opinion either way
signpost: yeah, that was pretty much my point, actually
signpost: "what do I know, and whatever, death is a release far earlier than the day your pulse stops" etc
adlai: well, you can start by focusing your worries
adlai: e.g., ocean acidification is a K1-level problem; whereas acid rain is a K0
adlai: K0 being "addressable by less than the entire planetary economy"
asciilifeform: perhaps apropos, << i can picture this goin' places you wouldn't necessarily like. 'drink coffee? not employable' 'has sex?' 'likes to sunbathe?' [insert enjoyable but undesirable from insurer-of-bovines pov activity]
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-07 23:08:17 mats: well, more like they won't employ you if you admit to tobacco use
adlai rounded down aggressively; if you want to troll this out, there's a whole K-topology of urban problems, suburban problems, etc
asciilifeform: ftr i aint even convinced that phaseout of tobacco wasn't a factor in blowing the bottom outta euro civ
adlai: didja know that there are still people who claim that tobacco smoking has any benefits, whatsoever?
adlai was surprised to encounter more than zero of these during his lifetime
asciilifeform: adlai: the benefits, if such exist, aint necessarily accessible to you or i
signpost: asciilifeform: I'd believe it. all this "attention deficit" was probably lurking under the nicotine foom.
adlai: it's definitely possible to split between benefits of nicotine as nootropic, and the smoking behavior
signpost: incidentially, tried oxiracetam a while back.
adlai: what I was surprised to encounter was people who actually claim that smoking, with all the risks of lung cancer etc, is overall beneficial
asciilifeform: signpost: pretty sure i've tried all the known *racetams..
asciilifeform can't attest to a useful effect
adlai: most smokers who actually tolerated the subject eventually claimed some sort of agnosticism
signpost noticed a moderate focused buzz with oxi, not enough of a step beyond coffee to bother.
mats: i like caffeine pills a lot
adlai spent several years of his life practicing almost rabid smoking-atheism, so had quite a few of these conversations with active smokers
asciilifeform: adlai: since prev. thread touched on the very related vaccine wank -- you may already be familiar with 'beneficial on civilizational scale, but not necessarily for YOU, in particular'
signpost: adlai: I used to chain smoke like a fiend.
adlai: sure, although that is not the kind of benefit to which I referred
signpost: hand rollies too.
asciilifeform: fact is -- errything which distinguishes us from the apes, was created by folx who -- en masse, if not 'to a man' necessarily -- 1) drank 2) smoked 3) considered both entirely normal for grown man
signpost: sniff of cocaine here and there, even.
asciilifeform: for instance.
asciilifeform: whereas the current-day 'be smart, don't start'(tm)(r) civ so far aint much to write home about.
vex: best monkey
adlai: I never got as far as "ok, mr chainsmoker neurosurgeon, please draw mechanisms of how tar metabolites lead to reincarnation of ubermensch", although my impression was that it's similar to how "if it hurts, stop doing it" leads to never exercising
vex: neurosurgeons are generally straightedge
adlai: good word, vex ; the idiomatic preimage from the conversation, whence I took that idea, does not equal "zealotously sober"
adlai: it's closer to "actively seeks out the consensus of first-world peer pressure"
asciilifeform: adlai: if yer interested genuinely in the answer, rather than snark/feeling of superiority -- betcha you could get an interesting answer outta that surgeon.
asciilifeform: for instance, that a cig steadies his hands. or deadens sense of smell (afaik virtually all, e.g. pathologoanatomists, smoke) etc
adlai: asciilifeform: probably, once I actually have such a conversation with a surgeon!
asciilifeform not surgeon, does not propose to know
adlai does not have any operators in wot, fwiw
vex: you prolly woulda mada a good one alf
adlai: talk therapist with a certificate /= operator
adlai: my favorite psychiatrist's motto is "a psychiatrist is nothing more than a doctor who is afraid of blood", and I am probably a bit too young to have enough frie^H^H^Hacquaintances that the wot includes active operators.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 13:42:25 mats: what's more likely is that they'll just lie to secure employment, discovered during treatment for an unrelated issue, get fired, sued by the insurance company, and perhaps prosecuted for fraud
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 17:36:58 verisimilitude: I need to write today, but I'm not certain what I should write about, and my work will disappoint me no matter what I do.
verisimilitude: Hello, adlai.
asciilifeform: wb verisimilitude
vex: so, what are you writing about?
verisimilitude: I began work on an English Elision dictionary.
verisimilitude: It's extremely disappointing.
verisimilitude: I'd already begun, rather, and choose to mention it today.
vex: heck, it might be useful, we've been discussing ocr
asciilifeform: << outta curiosity, mats, how many times does asciilifeform need to personally catch the virus and say 'big fat load of nuffin' (current counter -- at least 1) before he gets to wipe his arse with this so-called 'science' ?
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 14:30:48 mats: i distrust usg about as much as anyone else here i think, its not equivalent to denying science
verisimilitude: That's one application already thought of, yes.
asciilifeform: y'know, like wipe arse with 'climate science'.
adlai: verisimilitude: didja ever digest this partial objection ?
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-02-04 11:12:16 adlai: admits that zipf-shaped is an overly handwavy dismissal; the idea being that natural-language text, unless compressed to the point of being effectively a random blob, still does contain probabilistic structure
vex: did you get the delta alf?
asciilifeform: vex: how'd i know.
vex: can i haz stuff?
verisimilitude: Rephrase it for me, adlai.
vex: only joking alf. you're tuff as fuck
verisimilitude: I also caught it and, while I'd some issues, it wasn't life-threatening.
verisimilitude: It was simply the worst cold I'd ever had.
vex hasn't had it
asciilifeform: the sense of smell thing was annoying. ( asciilifeform aint a pathologoanatomist.. )
adlai: verisimilitude: my guess is that you'll have better luck building Verisimilitude-Anonymouth, than elision for a live language; and I have no idea regarding e.g. 'modern standard arabic', 'francais a l'academie', etc
asciilifeform: << recall btw why polio even existed , when it did, where it did.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 15:52:34 signpost: billymg: my grandfather "trusted" (by way of no alternative) his immune system with polio, and happened to beat it
verisimilitude: Oh my, how close to the mark that is; just wait to read it, adlai.
asciilifeform: ( likbez re polio. )
dulapbot: (trilema) 2018-12-11 asciilifeform: ( likbez : man is the only known reservoir. and spread in shit. prior to mid 20th c, vanishingly rare, cuz damn near errybody inoculated through exposure to ~some~ liquishit in water. then suddenly ~0 shit-eating, among the industrial city folx, and thing appears on epidemiological map )
adlai: I realize that you aim for writing in a recent and modernly-compatible dialect of english-the-lowercase-braindamage, rather than spamoladujour, yet this is still different from standardized languages.
mats: asciilifeform likely has a decent diet and lives in sanitary conditions
vex: meh^
asciilifeform: mats: possibly. but where then are the expected 1e8 suddenly dead africans ?
vex: the world changes
mats: africa's population is growing really quickly
asciilifeform: mats: how's this relate ?
mats: it doesn't, just that a lot of the population is young
asciilifeform: what, no one counts the corpses, only total walking heads, there ?
adlai: re:liquishit - while markets climbed the wall of panic off the fumes of vaccine hopium, I joked that I was already vaccinated because I eat fruit off the sidewalk. joke did not seem to go over too well.
adlai: also, fruit off the sidewalk tastes worse than tap water, no matter what municipality allows it
adlai: the various african nations have surprisingly low covid death counts in the stats reported to the WHO
vex: africa largely moves around slowly on foot
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 16:05:31 billymg: do we assume the other 89% is attributed to suicide, drug overdoses, etc. stemming from lockdown depression?
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-03 14:03:58 asciilifeform: punkman: the shuttering of hospitals under banner of covidiocy can similarly magically disappear almost all disease. straight from bed to funeral parlour, now they go, and the mortician doesn't diagnose or increment e.g. flu stats
adlai: "surprisingly low" macroexpands to "divergent downwards relative to confirmed cases"
adlai: my hypothesis being that there are fewer stat-padding doctors -- perhaps, to be precise, mortuary employees -- in africa
adlai: whereas "mystery corpse? must've been the plague" is more common in europe & americas
asciilifeform: adlai: well-coordinated lying requires 'high civilization'.
adlai: my favorite lol from reading WHO reports is that only something like two thirds of the reported cases actually have the additional paperwork that the WHO requests
adlai: additional paperwork ~= per corpse, doctor signs name to paper saying age and sex of corpse
adlai: turns out that signatures actually do cost something!
asciilifeform: adlai: the beauty of it all is that it doesn't matter worth a fuck just HOW obvious the sham is. by so much as implying that yer aware of the sham, you instantly (to mats or other fella who hasn't 'shot the policeman inside his head') placing yourself into the company of the 'martians'.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-26 12:17:50 asciilifeform: << textbook example of successfully applied discreditation spray.
asciilifeform: i.e. outside of 'polite society'.
asciilifeform: it's the current-day equiv. of 'mno, jet fuel dun melt steel'
asciilifeform: 'you're AGAINST SCIENCE, nutter!' etc
adlai: impolite society isn't much better, tbh.
asciilifeform: adlai: this is both 100% factual and constructed.
vex: thank fuck we didnt get ebola
adlai spent a while in impolite society, ended up with questions such as "what do you think about spike proteins?" and "why don't you talk to me about bitcoin!"
asciilifeform: y'know WHY not better, adlai ? because folx who very much oughta know better, carry on mats-ing.
vex: whats matzing?
asciilifeform: i.e. have not set the bozo bit in their heads re the reich.
adlai: how did mats earn this tar-and-strawmanning?
asciilifeform: adlai: i disagree that 'tar and strawmanning' is happening there. but responding to this item.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 14:30:48 mats: i distrust usg about as much as anyone else here i think, its not equivalent to denying science
adlai has quite sparse mental model of mats ; roughly stereotypes to "N-th-generation chinese-american soldier"
vex: just pay your taxes alf. no problemo
verisimilitude: Let us remember not to anthropomorphize science and like things.
asciilifeform: not erryone is ready to mentally check outta the reich and into the reality where 100% of the academics have to be shot before anything worth calling 'science' is again possible.
mats: good one
adlai: 'soldier' might not be the most accurate stereotype, dunno how the whole soldier->reservist->veteran->headstone slope decompiles in modern ameristan.
adlai: mats: when did you last wash gun oil outta your fingernails?
adlai: 'gun oil' = anything that makes you want to use insecticide-grade laundry detergent instead of sweet-smelling hand soap
asciilifeform: adlai: i've nuffin against mats in particular. but imho anyone who regards 'published in lancet' or 'degree from harvard' differently from 'published in graffiti in public toilet' and 'degree from pyongyang political science dept.' is in a state of sin.
verisimilitude: That's unfair to the North Koreans, asciilifeform.
adlai: do toilets next to the classrooms of public university campus count?
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: possibly
mats: multiple people in my wot have spent decades of their lives advancing cutting edge chemotherapy and oncology treatments
mats: maybe that's a rounding error for you in the scheme of things but the research that happens isn't worth nothing
asciilifeform: mats: lemme ask you , did any of these people spend time studying ~why~ modern man even ~needs~ oncology treatments ?
verisimilitude: I agree; only most academics should be culled.
mats: that's not helpful
adlai: mats: fwiw, if you object to having '-american soldier' in your stereotype, please do speak up
asciilifeform: and dun say 'because lives >30y' because i'ma die of laffter and not even live to oncological age then
adlai is simply working off the initial impression from the #b-a days
signpost: I see a lot that mats didn't say here.
asciilifeform: mats: yer prolly aware that asciilifeform spent some yrs in bio racket himself. (but not considers it sumthing to brag of)
signpost: fauci et al are clearly lying shitbag bureaucrats. doesn't follow that there is zero work being done *anywhere*
mats: there's no doubt that there's some one step forward, two steps back here -- some people are saved, many lives are ruined by the billing dept
asciilifeform: signpost: work done. just, adds to 0.
asciilifeform: just like in e.g. software.
asciilifeform: which the folx tuned in here i suspect more familiar with.
adlai: and, one of the earliest lectures -- i.e., standing uncomfortably and listening to an officer probably younger than the oldest soldier in the ranks yakking his heart out -- from basic training was on the topic of when to wear your uniform despite being on leave
asciilifeform: same process. it doesn't matter if there are a whole 7 honest, talented programmers at microshit campus.
signpost: yeah, the mechanism that integrates this into a society that is better off in the next frame is indeed broken.
asciilifeform: (if anyffin -- they, with their efforts, ~enable~ the frauds by spraying credibility juice)
asciilifeform: signpost: aha.
adlai: iirc, boiled down to "if you got extra days of leave to visit a funeral, I don't care if it means you have to get even another entire day of leave because you have to change clothes twice more, you are going to the graveyard in your military uniform"
asciilifeform: adlai: why wouldja ever ~not~ go in yer uniform.
adlai: lol!
adlai: itches, fits badly, etc
asciilifeform always envied soldiers their uniforms -- and not because 'style victim', but because 'dun need to think what to put on'
vex: can always wear factory blue
adlai: there's much to be said for "oh, you wear custom-cooked shit from the pinnacle of fashion? well I wear bog-standard veblens engineered by three decades of younglings"
vex: when it's threadbare, less likely to get spun into the lathe
verisimilitude: I don't think about that anyway.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: i mean 'not at all', not even 'what's the weather?' level
adlai: fwiw, this is one area where female soldiers lose, and miserably.
asciilifeform: i like also the idea that no one would know anyffing at all by looking at yer clothes.
asciilifeform: (unless looking at epaulettes..)
verisimilitude: I once enjoyed wearing t-shirts, as a child.
asciilifeform: adlai: howsthat?
adlai: at least in the IDF; standard practice for them was, and probably still is, to take their veblens to a sewing machine so that they look better.
mats: lol
asciilifeform: adlai: this normal, even in sovok.
adlai never heard of warrant officers issuing reports for this
asciilifeform: << the lizards aint 'selfharming' , they simply install judas goats to lead the children of middle class to do it.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 14:41:03 signpost: this supposes a leadership caste that isn't filled with self-harming perverts, and probably just moves the problem of "spontaneous emergence of constructive human order" rather than solving anything.
adlai: whereas it is standard practice for MPs [military police, not the drowned man!] to report men for things as stupid as "used burgundy paper as background for beret pin instead of veblen crapstick"
asciilifeform: adlai: imho entirely logical.
asciilifeform: whole fucking point of a uniform..
signpost: asciilifeform: I disagree; they're rotting themselves as well, but wait til you get to the part of the thread where I go full-tilt hippy.
asciilifeform still eating thrd..
vex same
adlai: asciilifeform: the fashion engineers have a nontrivial task precisely because, sometime during the decades when Israel was more socio-communist than the modern capito-oligarchy, some top brass nutcase decided that the uniforms, which are pretty much unisex, have to also look good.
asciilifeform: adlai: couldn't hire hugo boss, eh
adlai: lol!
vex: lol
adlai: that is severely anticommunist
vex: howso?
adlai is referring to the kind of decade where the words "israeli sheqel" did not beg the question, "old or new"
asciilifeform: hey moar or less all modern armies copied some part of wehrmacht uniform by nao.
vex: have you been to goa adlai?
adlai: sprechen of dass, "All Quiet on the Western Front" actually is worth a reread, if you ever troubled to give it a first one
adlai found it much less of a 'pageturner', although still digestible
adlai: vex: no
vex: i stayed in the ru quarter
adlai: my main question during the reread was "so how did these idjits end up losing again"
adlai: and it actually is answered, near the end, from the narrator's perspective
adlai: overall the book is terrible and I don't recommend reading it even once
adlai: if you must read war fiction, there are better books.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 16:46:27 signpost: strikes me that these threads always either say (intentional caricature) that "covid's fake" or "vaccines work (TM)"
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-03 15:09:20 asciilifeform: '1) start fire 2) buy errything at fire-sale price 3) profit!11'
vex: asciilifeform, one huffing audit might yield sifab money
asciilifeform: vex: waiwat
vex: meet me in the pub
asciilifeform: << aha, see above. and watch the printing press.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 16:50:42 billymg: i don't have the log line handy but asciilifeform hinted at something similar. with the reaction to covid being more a means to sow division while they run off with anything not bolted down
asciilifeform: ( 'stonks' up ? == theft by lizards, from humans. )
asciilifeform: approximately, at any rate.
adlai taps out of convo ; enjoy the noise, boys!
asciilifeform: and idjit peasants jump with joy when 'house went up'
vex: get a tailor
asciilifeform: somehow unaware that their breathing simply got moar expensive.
asciilifeform: << there's a very analogous community of fucktards who have similarly totem relationship w/ 'flea as in fleadom! opensores!!!' computer
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 16:58:24 billymg: speaking of the cowards at the top, it amazes me that in right wing circles online the discussion of what to do about them only ever revolves around "muh guns" and never around my computer and os
asciilifeform: they simply wear diff colour shirt
asciilifeform: ( or didja think the 'red shirts' have something other than totem relationship w/ their arms ? )
asciilifeform: # of lizards shot , to date, i'ma remind, is -- afaik -- 0.
asciilifeform: it'd seem that bullets oughta work on'em. but afaik not empirically tested.
asciilifeform: << this, incidentally, does not always have the stereotypically expected effect.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 17:21:55 signpost: "let's see how unattached you are with a car battery attached to your nuts" etc., and sure, the machine cries out, but what does this prove?
asciilifeform: some folx live for that moment.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 17:34:07 verisimilitude: I vaguely remember my disappointment at realizing this so-called pandemic was fake, and not something which would kill hundreds of millions, perhaps leaving more room for me.
asciilifeform: << there's a proliferation of 'choke on own snot from swallowing peanut' and similar allergists in usa. often enuff vaccine (surprise? whole point to stimulate immune reaction..) sets off.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 18:21:23 whaack: i met a surfer-nurse five days ago, he claimed ~ 'i am not right wing, but i have given the vaccine shots to many, and it is not too rare that we shortly after have to rush the person to the ICU, I'm not vaccinated and I wouldn't risk it myself, lots of nurses agree and have fake CDC "i has the vax" cards, i believe what happens is that soon to be vaccine recipients come in with a lil covid that
vex: like i said. tuff as fuck
asciilifeform: place where i got it, had epinephrin syringes ready to go next to the vax one
asciilifeform: and the pack visibly wasn't full
vex: you had the mrna?
signpost: did I tell the tale of my dick surgery in the logs?
vex: whaa?
signpost: pretty close to car battery!
vex: sp. tell
signpost will summarize, was cackling at the discomfort of the male surgeons the entire time.
vex: dick surgery?
signpost: vex: sometimes ya rip the thing.
asciilifeform: vex: aha
vex: what?
signpost: vex: could you perhaps put these on the same line?
vex: theres's no female dick surgeons?
vex: soz mate, i get my ideas in fits
asciilifeform: << i dun do shitcoins, vex ; contact shinohai , iirc specializes in rape of shitcoin aficionados, may be able to help
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 20:04:32 vex: asciilifeform, if you want some huffchain coin to play with, could prolly list some of those cool xrays in the art markets
signpost: anyhow, in response to "living for that moment". perhaps the famous monk was in ecstasy as he burned.
signpost: or at least having a chuckle.
asciilifeform: signpost: entirely possible.
vex: i'm sure shinohai would never be so presumtuous to invite you to the party asciilfeform
asciilifeform: vex: not errybody needs to be present at erry party.
asciilifeform: or life would not be so interesting.
vex: true enough. i feel like you might be able to audit stuff that hast been audited yet
asciilifeform: vex: asciilifeform audits two types of objects. 1) where someone pays -- and serious, not children's, dough -- on the barrel head. 2) where asciilifeform has 'skin in game'.
vex: forgeddaboutit
asciilifeform aint about to put 'skin in game' in any shitcoin, at any point, under any pretext.
asciilifeform: which leaves (1), theoretically.
vex: you don't need skin in it
asciilifeform: right, vex, one can also be (3) somebody with 'infinite' free time that's worth ~0
asciilifeform: but not applicable here.
vex: noted extreme
asciilifeform: << performance dope aficionados -- unless ~uncommonly~ disciplined -- get nailed by tolerance buildup.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 21:00:43 adlai: either way I doubt my problems in life are as easily fixed as "here, take this one pill before you begin studying, and you'll feel as though you had a solid night's sleep"
dulapbot: (trilema) 2016-12-01 asciilifeform: which is why i said to laddel 'dope requires discipline', because a lone programmer in a cellar is both general and soldier
asciilifeform: go figure, somehow erryone seems to agree that e.g. table saw requires skill, discipline, to use.
asciilifeform: lathe, backhoe, similarly
vex: poor fuck is prolly chained to some cartel mechanism
asciilifeform: but much moar powerful tool that backhoes ~yer brain~ somehow, they think -- not!
asciilifeform: it's a tool, yes, not a devil.
asciilifeform: but you aint born knowing how to use it.
asciilifeform: << i've said, imho, very little to date other than to elaborate on the abundantly obvious.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 21:22:29 adlai: upon this rock I shall build my example: let's say your software is a book explaining what stan means by each of the sane laws of computing, except has been tarred, burned, and censored, and all that remains is commentaries by the fan club.
verisimilitude: Watching others suffer is amusing.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: only if novel.
verisimilitude: The people who buy ``bingle token'' or whatever don't understand what they do.
asciilifeform: i can tell, verisimilitude , that you also agree, otherwise would still be burning ants w/ magnifying glass, rather than tuned in here.
verisimilitude: I've never done that.
asciilifeform: then even more quickly bored than asciilifeform evidently.
verisimilitude: I enjoy watching them inflict it themselves.
asciilifeform: for asciilifeform , 9001st ant ~= 9000th. and similarly shitcoin user etc
asciilifeform: because asciilifeform is the type who gets bored quickly.
verisimilitude: They don't even know what cryptocurrency is.
verisimilitude: Yet, they dump their life savings into one.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: all 100 $ of it, lolyes
asciilifeform recalls the various redditisms mp linked, 'i lost mah lifesavings!111' 'how much' '500$'
verisimilitude: How amusing.
asciilifeform: << asciilifeform admits that he's at a loss re wai adlai wants to reopen that wound and aint satisfied w/ 'tex'
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-08 21:39:46 adlai: e.g., "do not typeset mathematics"
asciilifeform will bbl.
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