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| Results 251 ... 470 found in trilema for 'wedge'

BingoBoingo: K, moar locks doesn't seem to be fixing wedge
BingoBoingo: Did we all get wedged off again?
mod6: and it sync'd against your dulap with -verifyall all the way up to 365454, then wedged for ~36 hours or so. but this evening, restarted it and continued sync'ing just fine.
assbot: Logged on 22-07-2015 01:11:24; mod6: asciilifeform: yeah, confirm that on ur one node i'm wedged at 365441
asciilifeform: mod6: dulap (s.nsa flagship node) unwedged on july 10 when i fixed its clock. 'zoolag' was never wedged in its whole life thus far.
assbot: Logged on 23-07-2015 01:20:23; mod6: my one gentoo (all ascii's patches through verifyall x86-64/glibc) build got all the way up to where nsl is wedged. but my openbsd one is crawling along on verify all also... so far: height=220047
asciilifeform: << i will repeat, i currently have no wedged nodes. even incitatus caught up yesterday and has been synced continuously since.
assbot: Logged on 23-07-2015 01:15:25; gernika: mod6 let me know if there's anything else I can do to help with this. Would suck if x% of pogos wedged at 168001
mod6: This goes for all: If you get wedged for some reason while running the R.I. please stop in and ask right away. Back up the debug.log for us too plz.
mod6: you got wedged on the 168`001 block? aka: you were stuck on block 168`000 according to this.. although, i dont' as of yet see a Verify Signature failure in here...
mod6: my one gentoo (all ascii's patches through verifyall x86-64/glibc) build got all the way up to where nsl is wedged. but my openbsd one is crawling along on verify all also... so far: height=220047
gernika: mod6 let me know if there's anything else I can do to help with this. Would suck if x% of pogos wedged at 168001
mod6: nope. you're wedged.
mod6: asciilifeform: yeah, confirm that on ur one node i'm wedged at 365441
asciilifeform: punkman: i have yet to conceive of any wedge or other undesirable effect from it, other than a bit of wasted bandwidth
punkman: asciilifeform: I don't really have a theory. are we sure that nuked orphanage can't cause more wedges?
thestringpuller: danielpbarron: it still wedges?
asciilifeform: my present understanding is that these are wedgebombz
asciilifeform: or rather, speaking of the wedge block
ascii_field: pete_dushenski: didja miss the thread where mircea_popescu told us that is appears my nodes are the last remaining known pre-0.8s which are unwedged presently ?
danielpbarron: you want me to boot it up? I bet it will still be wedged as I haven't done anything to it
danielpbarron: << confirmed. I haven't bothered to boot my 0.7.2 node back up since my power outage because it was completely wedged from this thing
asciilifeform: ^ just to be clear re: above, my node is not, as far as i can tell, wedged!
asciilifeform: anybody else wedged ?
ascii_modem: << is this even a thing ~other than~ for the ones perma-wedged at mental age 12 ??
asciilifeform: and still at original wedgepoint ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: is your node still wedged ?
asciilifeform: that's not enough to wedge
asciilifeform: and apparently letting it be didn't unwedge it
asciilifeform: stop peering with him until he unwedges
asciilifeform: he's wedged iirc !
asciilifeform: i'll bite. what else will perma-wedge if usg clock moves 2h into the past for a day ?
mircea_popescu: mod6 iirc asciilifeform saw the same wedge spot for a bit.
mod6: height=363734 << wedged here for ~2 hours.
mod6: max_locks & max_objects were bumped from 10000 to 40000 in this patch: But yeah, perhaps it needs to go higher. I'll dig in when I get wedged.
assbot: Logged on 07-07-2015 10:50:32; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform uh. the one published actually encompasses the first fork. i have other chains (also historical) that aren't wedged, but i had thought yours passed that point ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform uh. the one published actually encompasses the first fork. i have other chains (also historical) that aren't wedged, but i had thought yours passed that point ?
assbot: Logged on 06-07-2015 23:23:15; danielpbarron: << now that you mention it, it occurs to me that my 0.7.2 node had been fully synched (until the recent wedge) running on a single 5400 rpm drive and 8 gigs of ram
danielpbarron: << now that you mention it, it occurs to me that my 0.7.2 node had been fully synched (until the recent wedge) running on a single 5400 rpm drive and 8 gigs of ram
assbot: Logged on 06-07-2015 21:11:18; thestringpuller: ascii_field: did you get past the wedge yet in 0.5.3.x? or do you still not have access to a node?
thestringpuller: ascii_field: did you get past the wedge yet in 0.5.3.x? or do you still not have access to a node?
assbot: Logged on 06-07-2015 19:00:13; ben_vulpes: wait, wedge is related to version number?
ben_vulpes: wait, wedge is related to version number?
ascii_field: until then, we get wedged nodes and other joys
ben_vulpes: node has been wedged for more than a lunch iirc
ascii_field: so i'm nearly certain that the timestamp ~2h epoch time window is the reason for wedged 0.5.x nodes, at this point
asciilifeform: and is anyone else experiencing a wedged 0.5.x node of the precise kind i have ?
asciilifeform: this appears to be the proximate cause of the wedge
punkman: asciilifeform: does it sit there doing nothing while wedged?
asciilifeform: and interestingly, a node '-connect'-ed to that one, is wedged at 363954 for 12+ hours now!
asciilifeform: in yet other nyooz, still wedged at 363954.
assbot: Logged on 05-07-2015 14:50:21; asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu node on dulap is still wedged. and apparently this is not a terribly good place for a node, phuctor gets i/o-starved and dies
danielpbarron: asciilifeform> anyone else experience this garbage ? << yes. I found the timestamp errors in my 0.7.2 (currently wedged) debug.log
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu node on dulap appears to have unwedged. by itself. or perhaps somebody fed it
gernika: mod6 I can dumpblock 168000, but not 168001. 168000 is available here: I'll share it differently if you'd rather I sign it and post it to the mailing list or anywhere else.
asciilifeform: so yes, both of my 0.5.x nodes are still firmly wedged. no sign of attempted 'reorg', nothing.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu node on dulap is still wedged. and apparently this is not a terribly good place for a node, phuctor gets i/o-starved and dies
asciilifeform: ;;later tell danielpbarron wouldja mind dumpblock-ing a few blx at the wedgepoint ? ty
asciilifeform: (and yes, it '-addnode's mircea_popescu's. so theoretically, could unwedge. but no)
asciilifeform: to nobody's surprise, firmly wedged
ascii_modem: how many other ways for fuckers to wedge us
decimation: ^ guy had to wedge relational database into ancient unix shit
decimation: no, actually it was originall designed to be wedged into a usg radar system
ascii_field: iirc this got lost in the noise of the great wedge thing at the time
pete_dushenski: ok, so mebbe it doesn't burn houses down, and mebbe everyone has a half dozen of these chips wedged into their various appliances...
mircea_popescu: get some $5 dollar wedgers in there lol
ben_vulpes: the version of openssl you and alf found to not wedge bitcoind?
asciilifeform: wedged bitcoind - wedged machine
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2015 01:10:30; Luke-Jr: asciilifeform: for example, back when Bitcoin's consensus protocol used BDB, one such wedge was the lock limit
Luke-Jr: asciilifeform: for example, back when Bitcoin's consensus protocol used BDB, one such wedge was the lock limit
asciilifeform: Luke-Jr: can you give an example of a 'wedge' which could be pounded in to create this fork ?
ben_vulpes: eg does it wedge reproducibly, etc.
ben_vulpes: like ~/.bitcoin/debug.log files from block where it wedges
asciilifeform: but at any rate they do not end up wedged in practice (folks with $maxint have built otherwise conventional cpu without clock using c-gate, they don't wedge)
asciilifeform: because an ordinary logic gate can enter a 'metastable' wedge-state if it is given a 'pathological' input transition (i.e. you try to use the output before the inputs are stable)
decimation: asciilifeform: pounding a wedge between usg and its ability print bezzlars is the proper route of resistance
BingoBoingo has build against LibreSSL 2.0 syncing, 9 days of history left, no wedge blocks
ascii_field: also lets you resurrect a wedged box
thestringpuller: do you have specific usecase for inducing the wedge?
punkman: I compiled and run up to wedge on deb 7
mod6: <+thestringpuller> mod6: ben_vulpes it got past the wedge <+thestringpuller> "blocks" : 164713 << looks to me like you just hit a spot where it was slow, maybe a lot of disconnected blocks. this isn't the "wedge" block we were hitting. tx we had issues with (VerifiySignature) was in block 168,001. It's all in the logs.
thestringpuller: mod6: ben_vulpes it got past the wedge
thestringpuller: mod6: if I upgrade openssl will I be able get past the wedge?
BingoBoingo: The wedge issue was more related to which libssl gets compiled into the mess than the version though, isn't it
BingoBoingo: Passed the wedge block at 169390
BingoBoingo: Wedge block coming up
thestringpuller: mod6: ugh dat wedge
BingoBoingo: mod6: Your wedged?
BingoBoingo: 84204, over half way to the first wedge block
mod6: the current hypothesis is that if you're not running 1.0.1g openssl you'll wedge @ 168,001
BingoBoingo: trinque: They prolly just wedged a stick in there hoping it hold the course
asciilifeform: plus to see if can get any of the legendary wedges
mod6: <+asciilifeform> back to the boojum - do i misunderstand or did the thing unwedge when moved to 'modern' openssl ? << yup, that's what unwedged it. move from openssl v0.9.8o -> openssl 1.0.1g
asciilifeform: back to the boojum - do i misunderstand or did the thing unwedge when moved to 'modern' openssl ?
mod6: and now wedges for some crazy reason. now I'm gonna upgrade to 1.0.1g there as well (just upgraded my deb6 on vbox vm to start with) and try to pass the wedge too.
danielpbarron: mine didn't wedge
ben_vulpes: danielpbarron: do you have a wedged portatron?
mircea_popescu: well i've not got a wedged one
ben_vulpes: my toy bitcoinds, wedged.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: actually this very wedge (though differing tx id) has been documented in the past. see last night's log.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the idea with the native cruftery is, he found a reliable way to wedge the bitcoind at a certain heright which just so happens to be the checkpoint
mod6: morning. ok lastnights test wedged going against a fully-loaded 70002 seed:
mod6: wow this thing ran all night wedged @ 168,000: but didn't die
mod6: this is strange, last like 5-6 times i got wedged at 168,000 it errored out pretty quickly (like the snippit in the matrix doc), but now, taking a good while...
mod6: basically wedged at 168,000: just waiting for it to error out.
danielpbarron: height=176772 << no wedge here
asciilifeform: mod6: make a copy of .bitcoin shortly prior to wedge
mod6: one time i got wedged at like 27,5XX !?
mod6: got 100k blocks to go until i probably re-wedge @ 168k
asciilifeform: mod6: for the wedge
mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6: not once have i seen the wedge at 168000 << us either, until 72 hours ago
asciilifeform: the 'bastard' variant will wedge, however, for up to an hour (in my experiments)
asciilifeform: mod6: not once have i seen the wedge at 168000
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: had typo when restart of wedged pogo, it actually does restart
asciilifeform: perma-wedge - silently hangs on restart
asciilifeform: it's perma-wedged, in db state.
asciilifeform: ^ new type of perma-wedge
asciilifeform: but when wedged, does not oom.
asciilifeform: if connects to a peer who insists on pumping it full of bastards, cyclically, of course it wedges.
asciilifeform: after ~15 min, 950 (iirc) bastards, 85MB max footprint - reached a wedge state at 119970 (1983 bastards, came in burst)
ben_vulpes: <mike_c> no, it stayed stuck at 144k where it was when i made the change << my experience is in line with asciilifeform's: once wedged, it never unwedges
asciilifeform: now unwedged. go figure.
asciilifeform: appears to be wedged there. and has been for some time. but this is a build without the db lock patch. (ought to have wedged later, though ?)
mircea_popescu: generally it ends up twisted in the position where the other kids drive the wedge of forcing him to do things his magic wand disapproves of.
xiando: that bitcoin in commieland is starting to look like a wedge don't it oh well
ben_vulpes: the satoshi codebase is so gorgeously well engineered that it kills gdb when approaching the wedge
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: well, in one case (~2? years, not six months) - hard-wedge.
decimation: all of which is abused by the vendor tools & magically wedged with vendor ip
kakobrekla: idk if 'wont wedge' is enough for ascii at this point, but gj!
mod6: This month I've been doing testing with the patched version of the reference implementation. Main object here is to get from genesis block to current block, while being able to get past the wedge block 252450. I was able to do that, but not only did we test with ascii's patches and ben's UPNP patch, I added a patch ( that removes the checkpoints, and a patch ( to configure BDB so the R.I. won't
kakobrekla: < exploring the nature getting to see what other beasts do does not hurt. maybe it even unwedges a chain or two.
TomServo: asciilifeform: now that you mention it, I used your mention of that specific height to determine I was wedged.
TomServo: unwedged - was stuck at a certain height (don't recall exact height), applied fix and continued
asciilifeform: unwedged -existing wedged db-, or worked when run from scratch?
TomServo: ben_vulpes | i never confirmed his unwedging << My 0.7.3 unwedged after appling the fix kako pointed out, if it's of any help.
asciilifeform: above is a wedge run, in 'standard' mode (vs. single connect)
asciilifeform: worth noting that a blockchain, once wedged, never unwedges;
mod6: first, we just wanted to bypass the wedge block so we can catch up to the main chain.
asciilifeform: anyone verify that 0.5.3 unwedges if magic constant is changed ?
ben_vulpes: 0.5.3 *wedge* is luke_jr's fault
mircea_popescu: it's funny how the free market naturally evolves towards a corner to wedge itself in.
ben_vulpes: kakobrekla mircea_popescu: i had to rebuild my 0.5.3 chain from scratch, but your(pl.) DB_CONFIG tip freed my vanila 0.5.3 build to unwedge progress to 254471 as of this morning (ping: asciilifeform, mod6)
mircea_popescu: <decimation> undata: abortion is a complex issue that ends up being used as a wedge on both sides << abortion is only "complex" because it is undefined. the actualy issue is, who owns the woman. if the husband owns the wife "abortion" is no problem. if the wife owns the husband, idem. nonsensical "middle of the road" dualities that can't stand, where the wife is really a husband all by herself, except not really are ne
decimation: undata: abortion is a complex issue that ends up being used as a wedge on both sides
nubbins`: so i could more-or-less easily check the wedge point
ben_vulpes: no effect for me either with a wedged chain
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes still working on wedged bitcoind ?
kakobrekla: btw not too much relevant but i wedged 0.7 at 252450
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: got a wedge?
assbot: Logged on 30-10-2014 17:09:54; asciilifeform: in other news, turd firmly wedged at block height 252450.
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell mircea_popescu << ascii reported wedge at 252450
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes so it passed wedgespot ?
ben_vulpes: i'll be quite amused if i fail to wedge it
decimation: which would help differentiate between 'wedged bitcoind state' and 'wedged bdb state'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: decimation: but at one point exhausted ram, but blockchain remained wedged upon restart <<< speaking of this, there's an option to close with detached bdb
asciilifeform: decimation: but at one point exhausted ram, but blockchain remained wedged upon restart
ben_vulpes: huh i think mine's wedged elsewhere
ben_vulpes: this abomination is what's edging my copy of 0.5.3 up to the wedge point:
assbot: [Bash] #!/bin/bash TEST_DATA_DIR=aplace WEDGE_BLOCK=999999 clean_data_dir() { -
ben_vulpes: i don't have a blockchain that wedges yet, nor have i reproduced the wedging point
ben_vulpes: Adlai: additionally, i'm scripting the approach to the wedge point so that i can reproduce both the wedge and it not happening trivially with git bisect and other scripts
Adlai envisions a method of automatically sussing out the wedge point, but it requires the use of automation tools...
ben_vulpes: i'm working to crap out a "blockchain" that i can use to test this wedge
asciilifeform: nubbins`: ask him where it wedged in his case
ben_vulpes: is there any interest in sharing a pre-wedge blockchain built by 0.5.3 around?
asciilifeform: here's another tidbit from 'valgrind' runs - leak is very slow prior to wedge, then appears to speed up
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> not directly a cause of the wedge though
asciilifeform: not directly a cause of the wedge though
asciilifeform: (specifically - to see what, if anything, a >0.5.3 client will do with a wedged 0.5.3 chain)
ben_vulpes: well then shit i should copy this datadir while its yet unwedged
ben_vulpes: 2x the size of the wedged blockchain
ben_vulpes: this script will take the wedged blockchain on disk; copy it into the testing dir; compile bitcoind from a different point in the source tree; and boot it pointed at the wedged blockchain; and check to see if the output of 'bitcoind getblockcount' has gone up
ben_vulpes: my plan at the moment is to wait for my 0.5.3 binary to wedge itself, and then write a script that hooks into the git 'bisect' tool.
ben_vulpes: on an entirely different topic, i'd like to derp in public about bisection in hunt of the commits that unwedged 0.5.3
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> as i understand, he is trying to somehow deal with the little problem of no one standing up to unwedge 0.5.3 block loader. << nah, not related.
asciilifeform: decimation: because non-deterministic - once db is corrupt, wedge.
decimation: asciilifeform: I did mange to get it working on openbsd, I think it wedged in a different spot
asciilifeform: as i understand, he is trying to somehow deal with the little problem of no one standing up to unwedge 0.5.3 block loader.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: bounties << let's ask more concretely. how much of a bounty would move you, personally, to unwedge 0.5.3 ?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: so in your opinion bounties for biggies like "wedged 0.5.3" aren't going to produce much?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: actually in its wedged state it leaks so rapidly that it soaks up 8GB in six or so hours. while failing to fetch any blocks.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that particular piece was written while waiting for a locked-up msword turd on a usg slavemachine, also running mandatory usg antivirus, which wedged the disk
mircea_popescu: WHY it wedges where is already gravy for our little project here.,
assbot: Logged on 30-10-2014 18:53:30; assbot: Logged on 30-10-2014 17:09:54; asciilifeform: in other news, turd firmly wedged at block height 252450.
ben_vulpes: and if unpatched - 0.5.3 will wedge at some large block.
asciilifeform: ^ someone suggested this as a 'fix' for wedged blockchain load
nubbins`: !s wedge
asciilifeform: nubbins`: now you too can watch it wedge.
assbot: Logged on 30-10-2014 17:09:54; asciilifeform: in other news, turd firmly wedged at block height 252450.
asciilifeform: in other news, turd firmly wedged at block height 252450.
TomServo: "Russia favors a conservative approach to introducing innovations into the social order, but is not opposed to investigating and discussing such innovations, to see if introducing any of them might be justified." << seems like an odd point to wedge in amongst the rest.
mircea_popescu: decimation: yeah xbt is gay but it can be used as a wedge << a wedge ?!
decimation: yeah xbt is gay but it can be used as a wedge
decimation: russia would love to shower scotland with bezzlars so he could use them as a wedge to split the eu
mircea_popescu: unrelatedly : introducing mp's cheap drug substitutes. 1. find an item half an inch to an inch tall. 2. wedge it under the foot of your screen, so it's inclined. 3. continue with your daily business. 4. remove the thing. 5. enjoy the unnerving feeling that perfectly level writing is fucking angled.
benkay: vision for next 2 years is to grab bigger and bigger slices of the pie, maybe using mobile as a wedge and demonstrating kickassery and then expanding scope to whatever can be had and paid for.
asciilifeform: when things get wedged at 'of birth' that's really an invitation for a napoleon to come and, technical term, 'fuck shit up just because'
Ghaleon: Mircea, good point about driving a wedge between ruope and the usa
mircea_popescu: he should simply speak of the us, drive the eu wedge all the way.
asciilifeform: and why their alchemists got firmly wedged in alchemy
Vexual: theres that wedge tail, so beatie
asciilifeform: and drives a wedge between user groups with conflicting interests (existing stakeholders want a difficult-to-mine coin, those who invested in miners want the miners to keep working)
jurov: now how does that get wedged into hapiness and superiority ?
mircea_popescu: now how does that get wedged into hapiness and superiority ?
asciilifeform: benkay: two-step mold process. positive shape, wedge into clay for negative mold, bake, cast metal.
mircea_popescu: "and then i detached this stone which had been wedged in the sole of my shoe for who knows how long
Vexual: weve got fucking wedge tailed eagles which are way more boss, and would beast a bald eagle in any competition imaginable except baldness, and we just go about our business and don't parade our awesome eagles much very oft at all
optimator: Competitive Wedge? not Edge?
ozbot: Bitcoin Payments Could Quickly Become Competitive Wedge In Online Gaming - Forbes
KRS-1: so I'm seeing a falling wedge which indicates an overall rising price
KRS-1: i was seeing bouncing cat at first then rising wedge..this must be hype?
KRS-1: is it just me or am I still looking at a rising wedge here..i'm still holding on my orders.
dub: KRS-1: like most music fads its popularity is a wedge
KRS-1: Ya thanks for your insight, thats where I was but I pulled down to $110-$105 and $100 when I saw the rising wedge pattern.
