Results 1 ... 250 found in all logged channels for 'keybase' |

(pest) asciilifeform: endless variations on the theme of 'pubkey signatures without actual control', snore
(pest) asciilifeform: ( or what 'keybase' tried to be in re pgp, etc )
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: 'Zhao told them to communicate using encrypted messaging services and to avoid email as much as possible. Zhao’s personal assistant issued a guide on how to use one messaging service, called Keybase, instructing employees not to use their Binance email address to register, and listing Keybase’s “automatic self-erasing messages” as a benefit.' << lel
(pest) asciilifeform: keybase(tm)(r)(c)!111
(asciilifeform) billymg: perhaps it's from a similar angle as e.g., corral people into "ledger" rather than old laptop running linux
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: 'upload yer privkey to keybase today!' etc
(asciilifeform) billymg: afaik same group happy to use keybase, protonmail, etc., sure, but imo they're the target demographic for vtrons and pestrc networks
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: ( tho can sometimes be persuaded to 'i-can't-believe-it's-not-pgp' (keybase, etc) )
(alethepedia) lekythion: I don't understand tracking · Issue #100 · keybase/keybase-issues · GitHub
(asciilifeform) shinohai: I'm convinced this is where we get things like, certain shitcoins, etc.
(ossasepia) sonofawitch: 2020-05-07 18:33:12 (#ossasepia) BingoBoingo: jfw: I the ongoing saga of lulz and acquisitions Zoom... is buying ancient turd Keybase.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: lol i had nfi 'keybase' still existed...
(asciilifeform) shinohai: "I joined a zoom meet and all my shitcoins from keybase wallet got stolen. wat do?"
(asciilifeform) BingoBoingo: Keybase is selling out to the Zoom video turd folks
(ossasepia) BingoBoingo: jfw: I the ongoing saga of lulz and acquisitions Zoom... is buying ancient turd Keybase.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: - gah; d41r listen here, first you confuse the WoT's representation with the WoT; then you keep wasting space pushing your idiotic "let's hide under the bed because being a real person is so very hard" and on top of that you think you are now part of some "we", keybase is some solution and some pile of new code and assorted tech will solve "humanity's" problems because ...
(ossasepia) d41r: meanwhile, as I don't have many teleportation powers (or money for plane tickets, for that matter), I'll go with a more remote approach, like, just decentralized
(ossasepia) BingoBoingo: d41r: This is actually something a bit of scripting can assist, but yes. It is my WoT and keybase doesn't exist for it.
(ossasepia) d41r: I mean, this is not a new problem, Keybase exists for a reason.
(trilema) mp_en_viaje: if a beach bum walks into an internet cafe in indochina, ramen bowl in one hand and a found copy of eat, pray, love in the other, makes himself a key on keybase and offers to write a better garbage collector for you, you... what do you do ?
(ossasepia) whaack: or the of hardware, if you will
(trilema) asciilifeform: lol at least not asked if needs 'keybase' yet..
(trilema) asciilifeform: lol, does it come with acct on 'keybase' !?
(ossasepia) shrysr: okay - i've setup a key pair and published the public key on keybase and mit. I'm just reviewing the whole thing
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2019-03-04 19:33 mircea_popescu: in other keks.
(trilema) asciilifeform: >> lol!! >> 'A Keybase team is a group of people who can communicate with end-to-end cryptography. This means the team's chats and files cannot be read by anyone outside the team, not even someone who breaks into Keybase's servers.' << didjaknow.
(trilema) anniez: uh so i registered with my keybase public gpg key. should i remove and redo ?
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2018-06-22 14:31 asciilifeform: KimuSan^: how , precisely , does keybase differ from the key escrow db clinton tried to make mandatory ?
(trilema) anniez: seems majority dislike keybase
(trilema) anniez: do you guys use keybase at all ?
(trilema) asciilifeform: 'Found vulnerable keys on, and!' etc etc
(trilema) mircea_popescu: << very probably some "platform" or other, keybase ?
(trilema) mircea_popescu: alright, this is perfectly reasonable. but is this hygiene to be implemented as "mentions keybase, dead" sorta "has fleas, firing squad" ?
(trilema) phf: mircea_popescu: keybase can also be used to store private keys, it's my understanding that the person in question put his private key on keybase
(trilema) asciilifeform: 'fellow geeks', 'anonymity', 'keybase', 3 kilometres of js in 3 empty blogs...
(trilema) mircea_popescu: if i feel like it i can put your pubkey on keybase, asciilifeform ; what then ?
(trilema) asciilifeform: lol 'baby steps' where keybase dossiers the plaintexts
(trilema) asciilifeform: KimuSan^: how , precisely , does keybase differ from the key escrow db clinton tried to make mandatory ?
(trilema) KimuSan^: Well don't know about you, but I prefer my communication to be private if needed. Telling that to my old father is close to impossible. Getting him on keybase actually thaught him a lot about why and how. These days we encrypt all communication - even if it is just via a key he uploaded to keybase.
(trilema) asciilifeform: why would you host even pubkey on keybase.
(trilema) KimuSan^: Actually my privkey is in my hardware key on my body. What I have I keybase is what I need in order to communicate with others. I see keybase as a good gateway drug to actually get people to start encrypting and signing coo. S
(trilema) KimuSan^: Already using keybase
(trilema) asciilifeform: 'You can always get my key via (I can highly recommend this)'
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2017-11-03 18:16 asciilifeform: 'Bram Cohen, famously invented BitTorrent' 'proofs of space and time' [many squigglies] 'decentralized, and more secure' 'Install and setup Keybase' etc.
(trilema) BingoBoingo: <danielpbarron> << email sent to me from keybase says i should remove PGP from my profile << This is blog fodder. Perfect material for exercise of organizing the thoughts by examining how anti-informed the Keybase position is.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, why else all the pretense, you know. bitpay exists to "please stop using bitcoin", keybase exists to "please stop using rsa", the WHOLE point of the usg ersatzen is exactly this, to get the sort of retard who can't tell the difference between item and usg.fake to stop using item.
(trilema) asciilifeform never was able to bring himself to make acct on 'keybase' even for entomological work
(trilema) mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, you should remove keybase from your profile.
(trilema) danielpbarron: << email sent to me from keybase says i should remove PGP from my profile
(trilema) asciilifeform: i suspect the thrust is to 'discourage, and push to shitogram' or whatever the latest keybase is called
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2018-05-05 13:44 mother[m]: Going forward I wanted to pivot to Keybase Teams.
(trilema) mother[m]: Going forward I wanted to pivot to Keybase Teams.
(trilema) mother[m]: @mircea_popescu have one on Keybase I use, but primarily use Signal, Telegram for co-located team members as the interface gradually became more 'Slack-like'
(trilema) asciilifeform: TomServo: lol, just how comically idiot was the parody-tmsr ? do they use dsa keys, kept in keybase ? their mp is bulgarian ? their linux -- rathead ?
(trilema) mircea_popescu: epic contributions from "paul nakata" (hey, nobody on a stick but has a keybase key), some dork who "programs in cl every day" and the whole menagerie of "nobody told us to shut the fuck up like, ever"
(trilema) mircea_popescu: pretty sure noone gives a shit about keybase anyway, so not much to verify.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: that'd be... not your key your twitter advertises on... keybase (?!)
(trilema) ben_vulpes: in other convergences, one of the 'keybase' faces nominally also 'built' the 'okcupid' thing mike_c now runs
(trilema) mircea_popescu: this is like "keybase" except more offensive.
(trilema) asciilifeform: shill for keybase, red-, black-, and possibly other 'coloured' -phones, and several other varieties of usgolade which escape my memory
(trilema) asciilifeform: 'Bram Cohen, famously invented BitTorrent' 'proofs of space and time' [many squigglies] 'decentralized, and more secure' 'Install and setup Keybase' etc.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: << i didn't fucking know. explain plox! starting with perhaps. so what was it, mircea_popescu = m1rcea_p0pescu ? and what else, 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452 = 2FB7B452 = ae1be204f735a3ff19160b68dcf5b06d2FB7B452 ?
(trilema) mircea_popescu: keying, without ever trusting Keybase's servers."
(trilema) mircea_popescu: " Our goal: smack-dab in the middle of a public Reddit or HackerNews or Twitter conversation, you should be able to say "Hey, I threw those gifs/libraries/whatever in our encrypted keybase folder" without ever asking for more identifying info. If that person hasn't installed Keybase yet, your human work is still done. They can join and access the data within seconds, and your device will quietly handle the verification and re
(trilema) ben_vulpes: eldritch reactor rod automation and complexity-layering:
(trilema) asciilifeform: keybasetronic 'crypto' is interesting parallel to, e.g., prb. in both cases the muppetmasters get to rejoice over 'user count' but weep when realizing that nobody of any import is in this count, and the net loot sums to 0
(trilema) asciilifeform: erlehmann: pretty sure debian nao 100% keybase powered
(trilema) erlehmann: i am glad such stuff exists, because association with it shows stupid. if i remember correctly, debian response to keybase fuckery was: we consider stuff showing up on keybase compromised, any keys showing up will be shot on sight.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: keybase delivers.
(trilema) erlehmann: asciilifeform crypto cranks need no proofs. take – money quote: “We don't have any exact proof of security for a cascade of block ciphers in CTR mode. But we're pretty sure”
(trilema) mircea_popescu: to be honest, back when the fucktards were like "o hi guise, i am 12 and expert, never heard of wot but i made this keybase", i was all pissy because of the whole "i have never heard". now that they do the "oh i know tmsr is my true and proper sovereign, but might i not talk my way out of it ? i'm really clever like, plus i use words i can't define borrowed from an old copy of wikimedica" i'm pissy because of the whole clever
(trilema) asciilifeform: let's say, e.g., the privkeys of 'keybase' idiots
(trilema) asciilifeform: aka 'pgp is OBSOLETE!111 use keybase etc'
(trilema) asciilifeform: << y'know php, i naively thought that market for, say, key escrow, was also ruined by clipper. but turns out no! goxes, keybases, etc. abound.
(trilema) asciilifeform: 'Crypto-Nerd who is allergic to bad crypto.' and uses keybase?!
(trilema) BenBE: mircea_popescu: No only PHP, but also C/C++, Java, web stuff, ASM (mostly x86/x64), Haskell, shell scripting, ... Also, as we are at WoTs:
(trilema) mircea_popescu: asciilifeform linked a dump at some point, check the logs. the principal parts are a sks+trims (keybase, whatnot) dump that might be still available, though 2 years back in logs, and Framedragger 's ssh scan results, which he might share with you.
(trilema) asciilifeform: ( speaking of which, >> Run Moar Keybase )
(trilema) asciilifeform: why didja link to this, ben_vulpes ? looks like another 'keybase'
(trilema) phf: i think the solution is to give up. switch to windows 10, connect through web irc client, put gpg key into keybase, the works
(trilema) asciilifeform: << i am unaware of 'keybase' in any ~other~ context but 'ploy for scamming privkeys out of idiots'
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2017-02-09 02:03 mircea_popescu: << o noes, and i thought keybase is srs bzns of crypto, doesn't try to scam privkeys out of users.
(trilema) shinohai: them = keybase
(trilema) mircea_popescu: << o noes, and i thought keybase is srs bzns of crypto, doesn't try to scam privkeys out of users.
(trilema) shinohai: but, keybase
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2016-12-18 00:38 asciilifeform: << lulzy, yet another Great World-Famous Seek000000rity Researcher with a ...keybase
(trilema) asciilifeform: << lulzy, yet another Great World-Famous Seek000000rity Researcher with a ...keybase
(trilema) shinohai: (keybase allows signing of zcash scam addys)
(trilema) Framedragger: (but for clarity, keybase works perfectly well without being supplied with privkey, no?) ("i'm just sayin'" - not defending keybase.)
(trilema) thestringpuller: or atleast I have yet to encounter a keybase user in the wild who has done so...
(trilema) thestringpuller: asciilifeform: I don't think keybase allows you to generate keys have to supply them...
(trilema) asciilifeform: thestringpuller: keybase etc were going strong year+ ago, snore.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: so yes, for the people to whom "their" twitter's page is important, then "their" keybase key makes sense. and for the same money, for the people who breathe underwater, land respiratorial equipment is a must get. and for the people who are healed by collodial silver/prayer/psychic surgery etc, collodial silver/prayer/psychic surgery etc are useful.
(trilema) Framedragger: look, obviously there are people for whom sociul media accountz are really important. some of them want to pretend they can use crypto, so they use keybase to help them "link" their accounts. while this is inane, this does not, in itself, pose a security risk, if done properly (with external program which handles your privkey.)
(trilema) Framedragger: ugh, no i need to be an advocate of keybase.
(trilema) Framedragger: anyway. i'm not using keybase. i'm just sayin'.
(trilema) asciilifeform: Framedragger: why would a user who is able to 'paste signatures from external program' need a thing like keybase ?
(trilema) Framedragger: i've stayed away from keybase as it had that creepy (and useless) hipsta vibe, but if true, then it's actively malicious.
(trilema) Framedragger: (i don't think keybase gets to see your privkey tho.)
(trilema) shinohai: I'm not entirely unsure this won't be the case in future, since last time I checked she had started using
(trilema) asciilifeform: 'secret tor market', keybase keys / plaintext, 'assassin service', all of the leprosies in one convenient leprosorium .
(trilema) shinohai: mircea_popescu: this is nearly everyone besides a few which sed ate, but nearly all are
(trilema) ben_vulpes: ahaha keybase
(trilema) asciilifeform: alice_: if you generated it on keybase, they have your private.
(trilema) alice_: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.55 Comment: xsFNBFevnesBEAC90aLfcq+wrWVKGcQWUd+NmB/0kK7OONd0Tg2OUgfHE2RtZSzG mqgsiAmyPsz+R6B3VwkMd3pBiuAZ8IN/jf0px+iikmo0vvWemsnVTUM0mtyoFecy /qyj1+mwjLrzR7UMDP8789JBwxecY+1fS6k4BQio3gGvmqzGr76sAjTZlIbkPs80 Nr502+QhvfOSjnjFTfQkXrzjrssjJp+jEH0OdkC/UT7H0lCWy957UPklwXlEPnu/ KQbcDoV2HWSEG0hW3Ig7+4qC03Bp0W9Z9lRTYZVIbTnDLJ+z4/J1fMu1EnmZkEKQ aH0SCtgI
(trilema) shinohai: Maybe he should just switch to too
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2016-05-25 20:06 vc:
(trilema) asciilifeform: (the keybase set was posted here and i shoveled it in directly)
(trilema) mircea_popescu: asciilifeform how about we add a credits page, move bernstein there, also add phf for keybase spidering, jurov for github spidering, others as may be ? also theory prolly should be rewritten
(trilema) mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyway, seems you were right, keybase moduli aren't particularly rotten
(trilema) mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so keybase set more or less done w/o incident ?
(trilema) shinohai: <<< if signed objects are of any help re: keybase
(trilema) phf: d280f38e56eb4b1a4f6477e18b110d8df3ae9a1545b49a05047f1deff2de94f6f011e2d005c8e1107c2ad11bbd5e589085c50e1305e1b5da832705dd29b515d0 keybase.tar.xz
(trilema) phf: a lot of keybase keys are "Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.47", "Keybase Go 1.0.11 (darwin)" and even some "Keybase OpenPGP JS 0.0.1"
(trilema) mircea_popescu: cat | while read derp; do curl "$derp" | grep ' class="username "' | sed 's/" class/\n/' | grep "a href" | sed 's% <a href="/%%' | sort -u > ; done
(trilema) phf: keybase
(trilema) phf: i has a working keybase crawler..
(trilema) mircea_popescu: and in other weird news, keybase somehow has > 50k users. wtf.
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2016-05-04 18:01 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform meanwhile : keybase keys confirmed new via ; will be sending you a dump later today.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: asciilifeform meanwhile : keybase keys confirmed new via ; will be sending you a dump later today.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: asciilifeform o you know what ? wanna spider keybase ?
(trilema) asciilifeform: just like keybase!1111111
(trilema) shinohai: <<< thx I thought it was faggotry or something.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: "Every file you write in there is signed. There's no manual signing process, no taring or gzipping, no detached sigs. Instead, everything in this folder appears as plaintext files on everyone's computers. You can even open /keybase/public/yourname in your Finder or Explorer and drag things in."
(trilema) mircea_popescu: "Public, signed directories for everyone in the world You can now write data in a very special place: /keybase/public/yourname"
(trilema) mircea_popescu: "Alpha releases of the Keybase app are starting to come with a cryptographically secure file mount. It is brand new. And very different." da fuck is this shit.
(trilema) assbot: Introducing the Keybase filesystem ... ( )
(trilema) AdrianG: adlai: have you seen keybase?
(trilema) copypaste: because the WoT is keybased
(trilema) asciilifeform: in the keybase vs actual-pgp sense
(trilema) binaryatrocity: stop thinking about Keybase at all, if you know me for my code on Github, and you see I've signed some message with my key, and see a message similarly signed on a Twitter account
(trilema) binaryatrocity: I understand what you're saying, Keybase could not exist and you could still do the same process of "proofs", signing a message and positing it to Twitter saying this is me achieves the same thing
(trilema) mike_c: if it were a problem, if anyone cared about keybase
(trilema) mike_c: why? what would make me take that leap? because they are on the same keybase page that somebody set up?
(trilema) mike_c: the problem with keybase is that it's smoke and mirrors. there isn't any actual link between those things, but it is pretending there is
(trilema) mike_c: that I somehow know that it's not somebody else posting those twitter messages because the same public key and twitter address are listed on some keybase page?
(trilema) assbot: Brandon Cornejo (binaryatrocity) | Keybase ... ( )
(trilema) mike_c: << so, your twitter feed is "associated" with your public key, because.. keybase says so?
(trilema) assbot: Logged on 13-10-2015 16:16:53; mircea_popescu: binaryatrocity that's not wqhat it does. what it does is, it allows to PRETEND like they're relevant, based on your own work.
(trilema) assbot: Logged on 26-09-2015 11:23:38; punkman: gpg is hard, let's go shopping
(trilema) mircea_popescu: binaryatrocity it's not that simple. that's just a symptom. keybase is bad because is made by the enemy, to suit the agenda of the enemy. the compromise key is just a symptom of this fundamental allignment with evil.
(trilema) binaryatrocity: Yes, yes I understand that keybase is bad because they allow the option for users to compromise their own private keys
(trilema) binaryatrocity: but again i see your point, signing messages to my GIST or Twitter is still relevant without Keybase displaying it.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: binaryatrocity that's not wqhat it does. what it does is, it allows to PRETEND like they're relevant, based on your own work.
(trilema) binaryatrocity: Storing your PUBLIC key on Keybase to be access by whomever is the equivalent to uploading your public key to the MIT keyserver
(trilema) binaryatrocity: but as basically another keyserver, no problem with keybase right?
(trilema) assbot: Logged on 13-10-2015 14:06:35; asciilifeform: binaryatrocity: and consider moving away from keybase. generate a civilized key on your own hardware, sign it with the old, and quit sharing private key with the enemy.
(trilema) shinohai: <<< sadly, keybase turned out to be a giant disappoint for me.
(trilema) asciilifeform: binaryatrocity: and consider moving away from keybase. generate a civilized key on your own hardware, sign it with the old, and quit sharing private key with the enemy.
(trilema) assbot: Brandon Cornejo (binaryatrocity) | Keybase
(trilema) assbot: Keybase's New Key Model ... ( )
(trilema) asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not keybase this time. a fresh one.
(trilema) shinohai: I should make a new key, since I discovered keybase was a waste of time.
(trilema) punkman: "# Use a real encryption algorithm to protect the secret keyring, rather than CAST5." << relevant to certain folks that didn't mind posting their encrypted keyrings to
(trilema) mircea_popescu: do that, mgith as well "store your private keys with indacloud"
(trilema) asciilifeform: easy hypothesis - sell 'redphones,' 'blackphones,', 'keybase', 'cryptodoesntwork' (tm) (r)
(trilema) shinohai: I was hoping that "THE GREAT JESTER" would see keybase is a load of shit
(trilema) shinohai: trinque: For some reason I got DM'd Saturday night asking for a keybase invite
(trilema) mircea_popescu: and guess what... "Vlad likes long romantic walks on the beach, e-mail him sweet nothings to using his gpg key." links to keybase.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: gotta love these rubyists, centralizing all of the decentralized things. shithub, keybase...
(trilema) danielpbarron: it is possible to make your own key offline through keybase but I just don't see the point
(trilema) BingoBoingo: popmechanic: DO you work for Keybase or do they just offer email addy's at their domain.
(trilema) mats: does keybase have your private key, popmechanic?
(trilema) assbot: Key C6E7BDCF / " <>" successfully imported.
(trilema) assbot: Keybase raises $10.8M ... ( )
(trilema) asciilifeform: immediately stupid in the same way keybase is
(trilema) danielpbarron: keybase is a way, but you're probably better off getting a real computer first
(trilema) alphonse23_: ok fine. But should I not trust keybase...
(trilema) trinque: keybase sticks it in browser local storage, right?
(trilema) danielpbarron: alphonse23_, the sites that keybase lets you link to your identity aren't really worth linking to your identity
(trilema) asciilifeform: alphonse23_: except to keybase?
(trilema) alphonse23_: had no idea. I only used because someone I know was using it, and I thought it was a great idea.
(trilema) alphonse23_: I have many online identities. I think purpose is to verify and unify those identities
(trilema) shinohai: keybase blows
(trilema) alphonse23_: i've been using a service called lately. Is that a noob service?
(trilema) Hasimir: well, keybase might be a little more useful (but would be better if it did not try to manage private keys for anyone)
(trilema) Hasimir: anyway, things like the directory key and the hush key are about the same as
(trilema) mircea_popescu: pushed by someone with... a account.
(trilema) danielpbarron: it should be possible to change what key is associated with your nickname, for when you stop using keybase
(trilema) assbot: triplesec/talks/hack-and-tell 2013.10.22.key at master · keybase/triplesec · GitHub ... ( )
(trilema) EllieAsksWhy: I noticed from the link provided by asciilifeform earlier, that Mircea knows about triplesec. That led me to this, which I'm not sure about
(trilema) assbot: I don't understand tracking · Issue #100 · keybase/keybase-issues · GitHub ... ( )
(trilema) EllieAsksWhy: Speaking of horrors, this was my introduction to it <smile>
(trilema) EllieAsksWhy: I want to be in the WoT. I got a key thingy. I was trying to figure out if I could use it for here.
(trilema) trinque: williamdunne: NSA proposes they become for all encrypted communications
(trilema) williamdunne: I don't store by GPG keys on Keybase...
(trilema) asciilifeform: williamdunne: keybase and friends (usg in the broadest possible sense) can read your mail and sign as you.
(trilema) williamdunne: If anyone is looking for a invite hit me up
(trilema) asciilifeform: for all i know, 'keybase' is a licensee
(trilema) asciilifeform: it's a 'keybase'.
(trilema) assbot: Logged on 08-03-2015 19:09:12; thestringpuller: punkman: keybase is forcing users to trust in central authority rather than forcing users to learn "their lessons"
(trilema) punkman: oh they got their own javascript pgp now
(trilema) thestringpuller: punkman: keybase is forcing users to trust in central authority rather than forcing users to learn "their lessons"
(trilema) thestringpuller: i thought keybase held your keys for you cause people are stupid
(trilema) assbot: Ryan Castellucci (ryanc) | Keybase ... ( )
(trilema) BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Apparently he has a according to the gitrub
(trilema) mats: mixing social networks and bitcoin networks? isn't that what keybase does?
(trilema) BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: But since the founders made the Keybase abomination, I want to find out how much their original venture lies
(trilema) BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Nominally they accept Bitcoin and the same founders also made the thing. Gotta see if the average man on it looks worse than an ungulate.
(trilema) thestringpuller: << coinbase apparently has a GPG key published
(trilema) xanthyos: NO LONGER A KEYbase boy, are you proud of me?
(trilema) mircea_popescu: xanthyos: i don't use keybase but my key was generated there <<< "your".
(trilema) xanthyos: i don't use keybase but my key was generated there
(trilema) kakobrekla: someone actually uses 'keybase' ?!?! < no surprise there
(trilema) asciilifeform: lol! someone actually uses 'keybase' ?!?!
(trilema) xanthyos: blame danielpbarron for setting me up with a gpg key when he recruited me
(trilema) thestringpuller: ben_vulpes: didn't you hear? is the future of GPG
(trilema) ben_vulpes: yeah where can i find more keybase users to whack
(trilema) undata rolls up his newspaper, thonks a user
(trilema) asciilifeform: check out the shitgnomes in the comments. 'use keybase!'
(trilema) assbot: Uploading private keys puts users at risk Issue #160 keybase/keybase-issues GitHub
(trilema) asciilifeform: hn << notice how the circus has all of the obligatory clowns, acrobats. including the inescapable shitgnomes pushing 'keybase' etc.
(trilema) mats_cd03: top comment conflates gpg with pgp, ten odd comments in a useless discussion about key exchange and comms over the same channel, five comments by a bunch of fucking dummies talking about key signing parties, and a few pumping keybase
(trilema) pete_dushenski: like keybase for bitcoin!
