Show Idle (> d.) Chans

| Results 751 ... 1000 found in trilema for '123' |

deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.01279645 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $700 before Apr 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.20000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $700 before Apr 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $700 before Apr 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 -
assbot: Microsoft Security Advisory 3123040 ... ( )
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.50000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Star Wars Opening Weekend Box office over $175 million -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jul 2016 -
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12350 @ 0.00049104 = 6.0643 BTC [+] {2}
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Star Wars Opening Weekend Box office over $175 million -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - BTC price to rise above PM price of 1oz of gold before Oct 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 -
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 -
nubbins`: [13:13:30] -SaslServ- Last failed attempt from: Nubbins!62717b9f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ on Nov 16 02:17:30 2015.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6342 @ 0.00049257 = 3.1239 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28027 @ 0.00050393 = 14.1236 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 123750 @ 0.00049923 = 61.7797 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26600 @ 0.00051238 = 13.6293 BTC [-]
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Turkey land area to shrink in 2016 -
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12392 @ 0.00049816 = 6.1732 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99123 @ 0.0005086 = 50.414 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 123295 @ 0.00050861 = 62.7091 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: Index of /misc/v054-TEST2_OOM-20151123 ... ( )
mod6: ok last 10k of debug.log / nmon raw collection / charts can be found here (if interested):
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 148000 @ 0.0005123 = 75.8204 BTC [-] {7}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12320 @ 0.0005221 = 6.4323 BTC [+] {2}
pete_dushenski: tesla copied mercedes w123/w124, obviously
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 112350 @ 0.00051874 = 58.2804 BTC [+] {5}
asciilifeform: e.g., '101.1234 g of hcn poisons up to 500 wolverines'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3220 @ 0.00051234 = 1.6497 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00053727 / 0.00055708 / 0.00057294 (345824 shares, 192.65 BTC), 7D: 0.00053146 / 0.00055263 / 0.00057294 (9320869 shares, 5,151.02 BTC), 30D: 0.0004711 / 0.00053681 / 0.00057294 (54253380 shares, 29,123.94 BTC)
mircea_popescu: << HOW WELL it works ? how the fuck could it work well. it's just to the power of nine thousand.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51230 @ 0.00055493 = 28.4291 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12850 @ 0.00055437 = 7.1237 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 123445 @ 0.00053148 = 65.6085 BTC [+] {3}
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 285.09, vol: 30655.51471028 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 276.625, vol: 10094.93123 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 286.5, vol: 37571.85862019 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 274.09, vol: 0.72974198 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 293.6367, vol: 63823.40580000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 284.40969, vol: 113.93651011 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 273.3704, vol: 135.06881874 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
assbot: Logged on 24-10-2015 13:17:38; mircea_popescu: and for the daily lol,
assbot: Logged on 22-10-2015 23:54:38; mircea_popescu: also, as much as i loathe pdfs,
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39123 @ 0.0005415 = 21.1851 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: SuperMicro SuperServer 5018D-MTF Intel® XeonTM 4-Core E3-1231V3 3.30GHz Processor with 8MB Cache 5GT/s 80W 4x 240-pin DDR3 DIMM sockets 32GB DDR 3 1600MHz ECC Memory 4x 3.5" Hot-swap SATA3 HDDs w/ RAID 2 x Seagate 3.5" 1TB SATA 6Gb/s 7.2K RPM 128MB. 3 year warranty, to be delivered in 3 weeks (?!), < 4 btc + colo (3 ips, 100mbit) ~1 btc/mo.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 112310 @ 0.00053876 = 60.5081 BTC [+] {9}
mircea_popescu: /#selection-217.0-221.245 ; see and the whole fucking corpus already. when "they" come for the derps i'll be fucking there shooting pregnantg mothers in the uterus and stepping on baby derp necks.
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 265.51, vol: 23648.99455804 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 264.08, vol: 7255.33172 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 267.04, vol: 10445.75366445 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 275.154075, vol: 30694.19260000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 265.60156, vol: 64.00913653 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 264.81235, vol: 107.7485845 | Volume-weighted last average: 269.685730278
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12123 @ 0.00051103 = 6.1952 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12376 @ 0.00049709 = 6.152 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12350 @ 0.0004711 = 5.8181 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15123 @ 0.0004843 = 7.3241 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 166123 @ 0.00047338 = 78.6393 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 123200 @ 0.00049048 = 60.4271 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 121230 @ 0.00048448 = 58.7335 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21236 @ 0.00049622 = 10.5377 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: '—Some bike thief managed to open my combination lock. How could they possibly guess that the combo was the year of the canonization of Saint Dominic by Pope Gregory IX at Rieti, Italy? —What year was that? —1234.'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46264 @ 0.00041235 = 19.077 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12300 @ 0.00067728 = 8.3305 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12393 @ 0.00067635 = 8.382 BTC [+] {5}
cazalla: <<< viral marketing for metal gear game
gribble: Current Blocks: {"blockcount":376772} | Current Difficulty: {"difficulty":59335351233.86657} | Next Difficulty At Block: None | Next Difficulty In: None blocks | Next Difficulty In About: None | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36560 @ 0.00069123 = 25.2714 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 112350 @ 0.00073498 = 82.575 BTC [+]
gribble: Current Blocks: 376332 | Current Difficulty: 5.933535123386657E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 376991 | Next Difficulty In: 659 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 13 hours, 4 minutes, and 33 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50600 @ 0.00073367 = 37.1237 BTC [-] {6}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12315 @ 0.00074175 = 9.1347 BTC [-]
gribble: The average time to generate a block at 110000000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 59335351233.9, is 3 weeks, 5 days, 19 hours, 33 minutes, and 13 seconds
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12300 @ 0.00074238 = 9.1313 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 163900 @ 0.00075521 = 123.7789 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.psztorc.1:d864f2f84f1203a928a97576d8edb2bc1231e49eb6b35d20b368ed1070206df2
gribble: Current Blocks: 375577 | Current Difficulty: 5.933535123386657E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 376991 | Next Difficulty In: 1414 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 4 hours, 8 minutes, and 37 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
gribble: Current Blocks: 375556 | Current Difficulty: 5.933535123386657E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 376991 | Next Difficulty In: 1435 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 2 hours, 58 minutes, and 36 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
mircea_popescu: << yeah because all those names you named haven't been desperate for revenue in the past decade.
gribble: The average time to generate a block at 120000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 59335351233.9, is 67 years, 17 weeks, 6 days, 4 hours, 15 minutes, and 47 seconds
asciilifeform: the particular case in question is also an instance of
gribble: Current Blocks: 375438 | Current Difficulty: 5.933535123386657E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 376991 | Next Difficulty In: 1553 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 16 hours, 14 minutes, and 26 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
gribble: Current Blocks: 375276 | Current Difficulty: 5.933535123386657E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 376991 | Next Difficulty In: 1715 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 6 days, 22 hours, 38 minutes, and 2 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6828 @ 0.00075037 = 5.1235 BTC [+] {3}
gribble: Current Blocks: 375011 | Current Difficulty: 5.933535123386657E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 376991 | Next Difficulty In: 1980 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 6 days, 18 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 212300 @ 0.00074129 = 157.3759 BTC [-] {6}
assbot: Logged on 14-08-2015 01:29:19; asciilifeform: << this is more difficult than mircea_popescu might appreciate. for one thing, i do hardware, where merely the ~fact of~ a usable hole existing is half the secret - once you say, credibly, folks know precisely where to look; the other half of it is that i am in the wot neither of folks buying nor of folks brokering; and the third 'half' is that an
assbot: Logged on 14-08-2015 00:36:16; mircea_popescu: << i have no problem with s.nsa offering a catalog of 0days for sale in bitcoin. write it up.
mircea_popescu: 22:59:34 {assbot} [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1496 @ 0.003551 = 5.3123 BTC [-]
gribble: Replacing the MacBook air keyboard - MacBook Air Models A1237 ...: <>; MacBook Air Repair - iFixit: <>; Macbook Air A1369 A1466 Keyboard Repair & Replacement - how ...: <>
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45200 @ 0.00075691 = 34.2123 BTC [+]
gribble: Exercitii matematica clasa 3: <>; Teste de Matematica | Teste la Limba Romana pentru clasele primare: <>; 1000 exercitii si probleme. Culegere de matematica pentru clasa I: <>
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36463 @ 0.00074386 = 27.1234 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29550 @ 0.00074868 = 22.1235 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12344 @ 0.00072647 = 8.9675 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: << pretty much goes without saying, how else ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12378 @ 0.00072529 = 8.9776 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18000 @ 0.00072908 = 13.1234 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21239 @ 0.00072372 = 15.3711 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12350 @ 0.00070173 = 8.6664 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12350 @ 0.00069863 = 8.6281 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4900 @ 0.00069638 = 3.4123 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: esp. in light of last night's thread, and of
asciilifeform: 8782865030610011580585795814396421806357354395965320159640864707390392014207044836043353715693836994998437234838731485153184127003171175279749428713283864650143760704836263568001942385593 == 16360365700220383083992880523651957772484327905585940654336777478534165450848968948511765861171837485450883856464038603399315640317512366397354934510310019469606107654802941687468389058162309313111941860583228386078296432650103403156222831
asciilifeform: 1892723568087551493618009926760646349750467909459205522740818964105167347100605148404547621231828137233618985557651353972652544834696902490261435508019184913443852889174299036165741658177022592368459736005914185040826479573661843378682873100657805929320966265028821081871933334201224905640147632447988816821204762280887813873227995514589266043350766730094335329902939423219963864086671420764362056760171241392986612229786936976293
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12900 @ 0.00071237 = 9.1896 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52628 @ 0.00069123 = 36.3781 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43594 @ 0.000691 = 30.1235 BTC [+]
punkman: genesis_2cba721ced8108cf65ab7d045081237ecda4602a_2cba721ced8108cf65ab7d045081237ecda4602a.vpatch << eh
danielpbarron: << did nobody mention Rocko's Modern Life in this thread? That was one of my favorites growing up
danielpbarron: << i've been listening to his podcast ever since his article on the dance party for the shamed fat guy; the show is just barely interesting to have on in the background thanks to his somewhat libertarian-leaning co-host, Dick Masterson. Maddox himself is a damn dirty socialist, and also a self-described 'programmer' who frequently speaks to the virtues of winbl0ws
punkman: nor does it match genesis_2cba721ced8108cf65ab7d045081237ecda4602a.vpatch
asciilifeform: << seeing 'chicken' all in one file sorta reminds me that the thing is finite and pretty small, and can be grasped. almost.
danielpbarron: << have you had a cigar? they are delightful
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12300 @ 0.00072197 = 8.8802 BTC [+] {3}
mats: << windows will actually scan memory for magic bytes and use it
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37700 @ 0.00069123 = 26.0594 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 117686 @ 0.00071235 = 83.8336 BTC [-] {5}
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell williamdunne << just these i think. few days back.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73123 @ 0.00069698 = 50.9653 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: << the '6K nodes' thing is a laugh. how many actually verify blocks from genesis up?
gribble: 0.0550777123887
pete_dushenski: << it's high time that a duckduckgo search engine feature makes its way in channel.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 168907 @ 0.00073298 = 123.8055 BTC [+] {8}
cazalla: asciilifeform, i was responding to, unless you were referring to something else with *.doc in it
asciilifeform: << to paraphrase william gibson re: 'future' - it is ~already~ in maryland, 'just not evenly distributed'
assbot: Logged on 16-08-2015 00:54:40; hanbot: << for the record i bungled this, built a (seemingly working nevertheless) frankenstein patch-quilt (dnsseed_snipsnip, thermonyukyoolar_kleansing, kills-integer-retardation, ver_now_5_4_endless_name_string, zap_hardcoded_seeds, showmyip_crud, if anyone's interested).
asciilifeform: hanbot: << any particular reason for the omissions, or mistake ?
hanbot: << for the record i bungled this, built a (seemingly working nevertheless) frankenstein patch-quilt (dnsseed_snipsnip, thermonyukyoolar_kleansing, kills-integer-retardation, ver_now_5_4_endless_name_string, zap_hardcoded_seeds, showmyip_crud, if anyone's interested).
asciilifeform: << i read that piece not long ago, while contemplating buying one.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12309 @ 0.00069696 = 8.5789 BTC [+]
assbot: Logged on 15-08-2015 15:25:00; asciilifeform: << maybe because it's actually ?
asciilifeform: << not catastrophically wrong, but more of a microscope-hammer sorta wrong
asciilifeform: << wai wat, i thought mircea_popescu's hobby was to pick this wildlife up from the streets and reformat it
asciilifeform: << detached sig, absolutely yes. posted as separate email each - absolutely fucking not
asciilifeform: << when boiling the proverbial frog, when it gets cooked enough you can just turn up the heat to whatever. srsly, they included a keylogger and admitted to it. why should they not also rape you in every other possible hole, and drill new ones as desired ?
asciilifeform: << when i get to shoot the alarm clock. and never buy a new one.
asciilifeform: << what i'd like to know is what became of the famous yanomamo tribe. last i heard, they traded a load of animal skins for a crate of shotguns, and that was the last anybody heard of'em..
asciilifeform: << maybe because it's actually ?
asciilifeform: << he might have been thinking of something else, not intelligence, possibly this:
asciilifeform: << no blobs if you have a civilized (amd!) board. and the intel boards won't work, typically, even with blobs
assbot: Logged on 14-08-2015 08:06:45; cazalla: <<< what are the differences between coreboot and libreboot?
asciilifeform: << libreboot supports ~10 boards, all but one of them - ancient laptops
asciilifeform: << get an 'hp16c'. handily beats computer for this purpose.
assbot: Logged on 14-08-2015 00:32:27; mircea_popescu: << im starting to suspect a "alf's guide to coreboot" full doc would be more valuable than anything on cryptome currently and really a great addition to loper-os. provided it actually is complete.
cazalla: <<< what are the differences between coreboot and libreboot?
assbot: Logged on 13-08-2015 19:20:56; mircea_popescu: << how's this different from being affraid of being gay ?
cazalla: <<< i don't shave and i buzz my ever balding scalp.. i guess that makes me fearful of t3h gh3y then
mircea_popescu: << or you could just have a multiview editor/calculator
asciilifeform: << if you think therealbitcoin without rotor is rough, you haven't tried common lisp without emacs+slime...
asciilifeform: << let me know if you discover either of these. i've always wanted.
assbot: Logged on 14-08-2015 00:46:39; mircea_popescu: << it is particularly NOT possible to kill memory corruption in C.
asciilifeform: << not without turning your 'c' into a 'half-finished bug-ridden reimplementation of ada'
assbot: Logged on 14-08-2015 00:36:16; mircea_popescu: << i have no problem with s.nsa offering a catalog of 0days for sale in bitcoin. write it up.
asciilifeform: << this is more difficult than mircea_popescu might appreciate. for one thing, i do hardware, where merely the ~fact of~ a usable hole existing is half the secret - once you say, credibly, folks know precisely where to look; the other half of it is that i am in the wot neither of folks buying nor of folks brokering; and the third 'half' is that any attempt at this will hav
mircea_popescu: << || that thinbg where alf discusses the actual meaning of "who're you" which i can't now find.
assbot: Logged on 14-08-2015 00:32:27; mircea_popescu: << im starting to suspect a "alf's guide to coreboot" full doc would be more valuable than anything on cryptome currently and really a great addition to loper-os. provided it actually is complete.
asciilifeform: << unlike, e.g., bitcoin, coreboot is deadly easy to build
assbot: Logged on 14-08-2015 00:53:25; mircea_popescu: << iirc, the idea wasn';t that it'll keep anyone out. it was that it'll keep the invaders IN long enough, especially if loaded with booty, to make the whole thing impracticable.
mats: << yes. you are the first white person i have encountered that knows this
mircea_popescu: << iirc, the idea wasn';t that it'll keep anyone out. it was that it'll keep the invaders IN long enough, especially if loaded with booty, to make the whole thing impracticable.
mircea_popescu: << it is particularly NOT possible to kill memory corruption in C.
mircea_popescu: << upside is massive but hard to quantify. upside is that we HAVE FOUND THE HOLES IN GCC! upside is that we know what to say about linux, and why we're saying it. upside is that we have rotor, and that we know why nobody without a rotor has a chance. upside of a sane approach is never "where it gets you", but always "where it didn't take you".
mircea_popescu: << this is homomorphic to "exclude everyone currently involved".
mircea_popescu: << this is completely imaginary. the nsa can't hire enough talent to keep its own systems running safely. printing money does not help in any sense, if they got a 10x budget approved they't just pay the same people within maybe 5% ~8-9x more.
mircea_popescu: << i am broadly in agreement with him. last time i went to one there was a pr&modelling conference nearby and i ended up just hanging out with the gals.
mircea_popescu: << i have no problem with s.nsa offering a catalog of 0days for sale in bitcoin. write it up.
mircea_popescu: << this is so retarded. so if i'm in the business of selling 0 days i better hire anothr white man to keep a stable of enslaved african women to provide me with for the purpose of arbitraging this insanity ?
mircea_popescu: << im starting to suspect a "alf's guide to coreboot" full doc would be more valuable than anything on cryptome currently and really a great addition to loper-os. provided it actually is complete.
mircea_popescu: << "humans are not animals" is in the vein of "crickets are not bugs - they also sing."
mircea_popescu: << i thought you were a reverse engineering hacker, what scammery is is this!
mircea_popescu: << purely formal approach to life. about at the level of intellectual maturity of pubers that scribble down their name + sexual interest's.
mircea_popescu: << how's this different from being affraid of being gay ?
asciilifeform: << if you recall, this was my original (~6 mo. ago) suggestion for how to do development on therealbitcoin. but a number of folks (chiefly mircea_popescu) did not like it. for entirely logical reasons
asciilifeform: << so, i read the slides. 1) 20MB powerpoint pdf turd?!!! wtf, people. 2) the picture which implies priv escalation is disingenuous. there is, just as i said earlier, no esclation. you gotta be in ring0 to move the apic window. NONE OF THIS SHIT WAS SECRET, how did they even get a talking slot at 'blackhat' ?
asciilifeform: << howling idiocy. smm has been in the official docs, from intel and amd both, since 486.
asciilifeform: << can't wait for these to come with a cranked dynamo (preferably in the cab proper, perhaps somewhere under dashboard?)
asciilifeform: << all three of these were translated (the traditional ru single-voice crappy dub) and i saw'em as a boy
asciilifeform: << i read some variant of this claptrap on usenet, in, when, '96 ?
asciilifeform: << tried to read several works of mr t. utter garbage.
asciilifeform: << looks like. there is this standard pattern of 'mentions interesting people/events, but no apparent contribution to the subject'
cazalla: <<< how much does a 2012 account go for?
cazalla: <<< can vouch for this.. the 80 year old guy over the fence is always inviting me over to just stroll into his backyard and take what i want.. tools, veggies, whatever, help yourself he says but he is also a little senile so i've not taken up the offer lest he call the police because some intruder is in the backyard
assbot: Logged on 12-08-2015 13:15:19; asciilifeform: << if i had to move to another usg fiefdom, why not, e.g., midwest usa instead? same as australia, but easier resupply and fewer natural hazards
cazalla: <<< tbh, it was a sly attemptin asking you to speculate for what purpose that lab might've been used for, google didn't turn up anything
ben_vulpes: << if it still works i'll buy it from you
mats: << context, of course. in this particular case, he addressed the issue of VMM being detected by the loader as indicated in s4.3.4
ascii_field: << not a bad way to transmit ephemeral (session) keys
mats: do you have a link to a paper to what was mentioned here ? having a hard time with the googles
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28250 @ 0.00061232 = 17.298 BTC [+] {2}
ascii_field: << orlov devoted a whole chapter to this, for english readers
asciilifeform: << if i had to move to another usg fiefdom, why not, e.g., midwest usa instead? same as australia, but easier resupply and fewer natural hazards
asciilifeform: << mega-lulzy how microshit drags it onwards for ~years~ on more-or-less undeniable orders from of nsa
kakobrekla: < That's Secondmarket/DCG/Barry Silbert's company.
cazalla: <<< sorta mirrors the growth in the blockchain size
cazalla: *yawn* just how do you enforce a judgement on a degenerate like garza?
mircea_popescu: << the innovation of fixing by midpoint is actually quite commandable.
mircea_popescu: << i was reading a "book" written by some romanian twerp who thinks himself famous (stand up comedian / singer), sent to me by retired whore (really, if you whore and can't retire by 25 or so, you're too stupid to live) of my generation, for the purpose of "see mr p, i told you the kids are fucktarded". ie, kids, the next set.
asciilifeform: << this was the ru parlance as late as the time of peter I.
