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feedbot: << Ossa Sepia -- One Month on Stan's Rockchip - Requested Review
auctionbot: Sell order # 1069 has ENDED: Former Pizarro RockChip Plant, no used USB drives; buyer to take possession at his own expense. Notes. Tools In photo are included for scale as the plant as configured requires more than one rack unit of height to mount. Pliers not included in plant, but screwdriver is negotiable. SOLD to asciilifeform for 1mn ecu. Attn: BingoBoingo
auctionbot: Sell order # 1069: Former Pizarro RockChip Plant, no used USB drives; buyer to take possession at his own expense. Notes. Tools In photo are included for scale as the plant as configured requires more than one rack unit of height to mount. Pliers not included in plant, but screwdriver is negotiable. Heard: 1mn from asciilifeform. Ending: 2019-11-15 21:39:12.652465 UTC (83 hours 53 mins)
auctionbot: Sell order # 1069 created by BingoBoingo: Former Pizarro RockChip Plant, no used USB drives; buyer to take possession at his own expense. Notes. Tools In photo are included for scale as the plant as configured requires more than one rack unit of height to mount. Pliers not included in plant, but screwdriver is negotiable. Opening: 1mn ecu Ending: 2019-11-15 21:39:12.652465 UTC (167 hours)
BingoBoingo: !Xsell 1mn 168 Former Pizarro RockChip Plant, no used USB drives; buyer to take possession at his own expense. Notes. Tools In photo are included for scale as the plant as configured requires more than one rack unit of height to mount. Pliers not included in plant, but screwdriver is negotiable.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: At some point I will have to check the Rockchips for casualties. The load shifting on the way out of Latecho had the RK plant take some paint off of the smaller switch which had served it.
BingoBoingo: I felt less tension and stress every time I racked and unracked a 1U server solo versus any time I touched the Rockchip plant. I trust his new layout is better based on the picture and his experience being frustrated with the pilot plant, but once it fills... I suspect asciilifeform suffers from the same disease I do where I've consistently failed most of my life to assign value to my time and taken what was offered from the menu.
BingoBoingo: Even with the lessons learned. Drives die, etc. 3 year depreciation may make sense for a dulap, but on a rockchip even with forced air...We had a Rockchip die
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I do suspect you gravely underpriced the Rockchips for their share of the pipe if nothing else. At just under 9 USD, that's probably going to make any shared price point impossible.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Switches, rails, rockchips, and oh so many cables.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-19 00:37:48 lobbes: << I see no issues with this as long as the bot will have permissions to write files to the 'mp-wp root directory'. I'm not very familiar with the old UY1 mp-wp setup and permissions setup so I couldn't say for sure (I used the rockchip for my bloggin' with piz)
lobbes: << I see no issues with this as long as the bot will have permissions to write files to the 'mp-wp root directory'. I'm not very familiar with the old UY1 mp-wp setup and permissions setup so I couldn't say for sure (I used the rockchip for my bloggin' with piz)
BingoBoingo: billymg: Aite, I have your Rockchip drive. GPG me what you want
BingoBoingo: lobbes: Did you want your Rockchip drive backed up as well?
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-09 00:14:42 BingoBoingo: I imagine RockChip customers as well may need some files
BingoBoingo: I imagine RockChip customers as well may need some files
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: What remains are all the rails, misc unused adapters and more USB TTYLs, The Rockchip plant, a small mountain of power and network cables, the rackmount power strip, the two switches, and the following 1U servers that will need wheeled out:
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform and everyone else: All disks are out of the rack with the exception of the RockChip kernel SD cards. Maybe a couple of unused RK spare are hiding in the bilge box. A variety of miscellaneous was recovered as well including the KVM, a couple handfuls of USD ttyls, the unsealed FUCKGOATs that were plugged into RockChips, and for sentimental value the Qntra/DNS server I flew into the country with because it's tiny ass fit in
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: For the next three extractions I am leaning towards taking mod6/BTF, trinque, and the shared leaving Qntra/DNS, Rockchip plant, S.NSA vacant, switch, and the bilge box to be extracted
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-06 18:42:28 BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: From what I can see it looks like they went ahead and blackholed a portion of the IP space. half the rockchips, dulap, and another IP
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: From what I can see it looks like they went ahead and blackholed a portion of the IP space. half the rockchips, dulap, and another IP
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform wanted to know the folks in line for Rockchip
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: thimbronion is in line for a rockchip. First contact was as gernika where he killed his GPG key by signing "I agree"
BingoBoingo: 3/6 Rockchips have FG
lobbesbot: billymg: Sent 17 hours and 1 minute ago: <BingoBoingo> Please send my an SSH public key. I will set up an account on the shared server for you from which you can access your Rockchip
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-04 18:23:45 BingoBoingo: !Q later tell billymg You seem to have a naked bouncer running on your Rockchip. Let me know how you want to move forward with getting the machine back online.
lobbesbot: billymg: Sent 19 hours and 43 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> You seem to have a naked bouncer running on your Rockchip. Let me know how you want to move forward with getting the machine back online.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> << incidentally BingoBoingo is outage 100% over ? dulap is connected, anyone still out ? << Two Rockchips, sent the order to open the pipe to them few minutes ago.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-04 21:23:32 BingoBoingo: !Q later tell lobbes You seem to have a naked bouncer running on your Rockchip. Let me know how you want to move forward with getting the machine back online.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Duplap and three Rockchips including mine are left in the cold atm.
BingoBoingo: !Q later tell lobbes You seem to have a naked bouncer running on your Rockchip. Let me know how you want to move forward with getting the machine back online.
BingoBoingo: !Q later tell billymg You seem to have a naked bouncer running on your Rockchip. Let me know how you want to move forward with getting the machine back online.
BingoBoingo: Most of Pizarro is back. Now we have to figure out how to bring 2 Rockchips and dulap back without them autoconnecting to Freenode cloakless
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: lobbes Rockchip was hit, later my rockchip was hit
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: With the more intense monitoring two of the rockchips were hit with incoming connection floods.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-12 12:20:41 dorion: asciilifeform no Sir. hence my question: is it better to patch boost for arm64 support or build arm 32 bit bitcoind to run on rockchip ?
dorion: asciilifeform: ok, thank you. I've looked into the pogo experiment and will adapt was needed. I have box with >2GB ram: the rockchip.
dorion: asciilifeform no Sir. hence my question: is it better to patch boost for arm64 support or build arm 32 bit bitcoind to run on rockchip ?
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 03:46:17 dorion: It appears to me the options are a) make a patch to boost to backport the aarch64 support , b) build the arm 32bit toolchain and 32bit bitcoind on rockchip and attempt to run there.
dorion: It appears to me the options are a) make a patch to boost to backport the aarch64 support , b) build the arm 32bit toolchain and 32bit bitcoind on rockchip and attempt to run there.
dorion: << I've managed to make progress on the rockchip trb build, but've not yet succeeded. Presently the status is:
trinque: btw rockchips acquired
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I can't remember reboot requests for the rockchips that didn't involve disk swaps
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-27 18:54:53 thimbronion: FYI if you get more rockchips in I will lease one.
lobbes: from my EDIS VPS (in Austria iirc) I get 0m0.376s ; from piz rockchip I get 0m0.579s
deedbot: Invoiced lobbes 0.02894981 << Rockchip and Shared Hosting Quarterly
BingoBoingo: !!invoice lobbes 0.02894981 Rockchip and Shared Hosting Quarterly
deedbot: Invoiced diana_coman 0.10429931 << Rockchip w/ FUCKGOATS, Annual, Through July 2020
BingoBoingo: !!invoice diana_coman 0.10429931 Rockchip w/ FUCKGOATS, Annual, Through July 2020
deedbot: Invoiced billymg 0.01887426 << Rockchip quarterly
deedbot: Invoiced dorion 0.03199927 << 1 Quarter Rockchip with FUCKGOATS And 1TB SSD
BingoBoingo: !!invoice dorion 0.03199927 1 Quarter Rockchip with FUCKGOATS And 1TB SSD
lobbesbot: mp_en_viaje: Sent 4 hours and 22 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> Someone wandered into #pizarro from the wilds and expressed an interest in the last RockChip. Let me know how interested you are in setting up a box if you get a chance to terminal before hitting the road again
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mp_en_viaje Someone wandered into #pizarro from the wilds and expressed an interest in the last RockChip. Let me know how interested you are in setting up a box if you get a chance to terminal before hitting the road again
BingoBoingo: I suspect where replicated trilema would hit its head on Rockchips is the MySQL database
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: We have a vacant Rockchip
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: same db as what? the youngthing is on pizarro's shared stuff; my blog is on my rockchip so separate
girlattorney: i saw the rockchip, it was more expensive and i found these HC1s (a couple) used from a local guy that sold them to me at a price
lobbes: auctionbot also hosted on rockchip
lobbes: btw BingoBoingo feel free to use my blog as an example of rockchip hosting if you'd like
a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 07:44 danielpbarron: << is rk a rockchip? are there any available? what's it cost?
asciilifeform: << yes it's rockchip and yes available, there's a brand-new and entirely vacant one, it was discussed at length in the log !
danielpbarron: << is rk a rockchip? are there any available? what's it cost?
BingoBoingo: During both events today, machines other than UY1 became inaccessible including Qntra and my rockchip
BingoBoingo: But... they do beat rockchip in potential diskiness, will need to shop a bit on this.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-03 19:53 BingoBoingo: I would like to do this in a way that leads to not every single 1U rental contract becoming a precious bespoke snowflake arrangement (beyond accomodations naturally offered and WELL RECORDED to sugar things up for big clients because "men not laws"). The idea is that by knowing what our book is on a machine, pricing can become simple in the way Colocation and Rockchips are.
BingoBoingo: I would like to do this in a way that leads to not every single 1U rental contract becoming a precious bespoke snowflake arrangement (beyond accomodations naturally offered and WELL RECORDED to sugar things up for big clients because "men not laws"). The idea is that by knowing what our book is on a machine, pricing can become simple in the way Colocation and Rockchips are.
deedbot: Invoiced lobbes 0.04630118 << Rockchip and Shared Hosting Quarterly
BingoBoingo: !!invoice lobbes 0.04630118 Rockchip and Shared Hosting Quarterly
deedbot: Invoiced mod6 0.18170514 << Rockchip and FUCKGOATS annual 2019
BingoBoingo: !!invoice mod6 0.18170514 Rockchip and FUCKGOATS annual 2019
bvt: i have a item at home, with kernel from some arm64 distro and pizarro rockchip rootfs, but i never got time properly setup this device (plan was, run trb node)
bvt: asciilifeform: rk3399 is a bit trickier in usage than rk3328 of pizarro rockchip -- big.little arch, so scheduling and power management have to come from rockchip kernel tree, not vanilla.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-01 08:59 diana_coman: BingoBoingo, asciilifeform I'm looking for a machine to use as experimentation-ground for all sorts of republican software (e.g. cuntoo, logbot); my rockchip fine as it is at doing its blog-hosting job, turns out to be essentially the wrong architecture for this sort of use so I need something else; what can Pizarro offer (even in medium term, it's not something burning)?
diana_coman: BingoBoingo, asciilifeform I'm looking for a machine to use as experimentation-ground for all sorts of republican software (e.g. cuntoo, logbot); my rockchip fine as it is at doing its blog-hosting job, turns out to be essentially the wrong architecture for this sort of use so I need something else; what can Pizarro offer (even in medium term, it's not something burning)?
deedbot: Invoiced billymg 0.05129959 << Rockchip quarterly
BingoBoingo: !!invoice billymg 0.05129959 Rockchip quarterly
diana_coman: my rockchip is running PHP 5.6.35-pl1-gentoo (cli)
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: This week after holding the Rockchip shelf holding went well, I am offering the Peruana the gift of English. She's ear training now on old looney tunes and winnie the jaundiced pooh
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform and others, new Rockchip is in place
BingoBoingo: Per I will be proceeding to the basement to emplace a new rockchip in the pilot plant and extract the old one. No downtime is anticipated, but I cannot completely rule out the possibility.
a111: Logged on 2019-01-30 17:48 BingoBoingo: I am planning to emplace the new Rockchip tomorrow. No downtime is planned, but removing the old and placing the new is going to take some dexterity.
BingoBoingo: I am planning to emplace the new Rockchip tomorrow. No downtime is planned, but removing the old and placing the new is going to take some dexterity.
BingoBoingo: February is the month of prepping for alf and more Rockchip, pupper and cheese can both wait
BingoBoingo: If you have been using Pizarro shared hosting your IRC bouncer you are invited to stand up an IRC bouncer on my Rockchip as the vacant Rockchip appears to have failed.
mod6: aka 'rockchip-thermal' or is that in the default kern?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: That sounds solid. If the cargo is 48 Rockchips 1U of server and 1U+ of spare parts, that's still 4U of material.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Will clean it this afternoon. Loving the marketing potential that yes, Rockchip will happily run many services so long as the RAM is minded.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I'd like to hit the idle Rockchip with another round of contact cleaning first, but this sounds like a plan.
asciilifeform: but indeed i'd much like to move to a 'near-errybody on rockchips' , ~these~ can approximate the ideal of 'treat irons as toilet paper, discard on 1st sign of rot'
asciilifeform: i haven't succeeded in crashing a rockchip yet ( outside from the rotting usb ssd's affair )
mircea_popescu: is this a fact, eg the rockchips ?
deedbot: Invoiced lobbes 0.06900756 << Rockchip and shared hosting quarterly
BingoBoingo: !!invoice lobbes 0.06900756 Rockchip and shared hosting quarterly
deedbot: Invoiced billymg 0.06300756 << Rockchip Quarterly
BingoBoingo: !!invoice billymg 0.06300756 Rockchip Quarterly
BingoBoingo: << And too be fair, the Rockchip thing is pretty sweet
BingoBoingo: Shared is for October, November, December, January... RockChip for November, December, January
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: one's a four-month period and the other a three-, does the hosting subscription start a month before the rockchip?
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: .008 for shared hosting (4 months) and 0.03419973 for the Rockchip (3 month), was done that way to synchronize their expirations for the end of January
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: data entry of btc transactions and usd transactions is complete; data entry for prepaid customers and monthly paying customers is quite nearly so. BingoBoingo: please dig through notes and break customer nrCgvFMWCqpO's october payment into one for the rockchip and another for the shell. since they have different time horizons, they need separate subscriptions. asciilifeform: next thing i do is
a111: Logged on 2018-11-15 02:09 BingoBoingo: On the plus size, I did learn that using MyISAM instead of Innodb actual RAM available on the Rockchip for not MySQL
lobbes: at this point I'm thinking I may just retry this on, say, the rockchip. I dun want to burn republican hours on what just may be debian/shitgnome strange.
lobbes: danielpbarron: fwiw my pizarro rockchip has served me well thus far as a home for both auctionbot and for mp-wp. Hell, you could run a mirror for your church's www in the event it goes down AND host the poker bot
BingoBoingo: Well, fill the other half of the container with rockchip plants
BingoBoingo: Another thing that seems to have been tabled which I am finding more interesting after my blog disaster is an adult Rockchip plant. Especially now that MP-WP appears to be less of a threat to exhaust RAM after tweaking 1 MYSQL knob.
BingoBoingo: From eating more than half the Rockchip's 2gigs to ~130 megs
a111: Logged on 2018-11-15 02:09 BingoBoingo: On the plus size, I did learn that using MyISAM instead of Innodb actual RAM available on the Rockchip for not MySQL
BingoBoingo: On the plus size, I did learn that using MyISAM instead of Innodb actual RAM available on the Rockchip for not MySQL
BingoBoingo: Anyways: Blog update - I think I've found a Rockchip friendlier mysql config. Not expanding to eat all the RAM at the moment. Compiling the rest of the moving parts.
diana_coman: I've tested it quickly on my Rockchip itself and I couldn't spot any trouble, but let me know if you find any problems with it
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Ty, Rockchip tested a success
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I'll take the standard F image. Will walk over now to place the drive and ping when I get back. Will move imaged drive to the Rockchip during a later walk.
BingoBoingo will head to the datacenter to get Rockchip drive imaged per earlier dispatch
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> but i will add, e.g. rk draws (and emits as heat naturally) ~7watt on a bad day. << On this note new heavy metal rockchip drives were still cool to the touch when I visited the rack yesterday
a111: Logged on 2018-05-15 14:36 mod6: We are discussing/thinking about how to recapitalize, get more rockchips, customers. So this is on going. I don't think anyone is wasting anytime by any streach of imagination.[
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It was on the defaults. 2 GB rockchip and while not a trilema sized blog, bigger than most on mp-wp
BingoBoingo at some point going to have to dive into reducing mysql ram usage on rockchip
billymg: hey phf, i'm using my pizarro rockchip as my current workbench
asciilifeform: what i'd really like is to bake an entire comp, a la rockchip, with FG on board. but this too is in same budgetary ballpark as asic .
lobbes: though nowadays the rockchip kernels in the pizarro plant have iptables enabled, so you now have a couple of options for crossing that bridge if you come to it
lobbes: btw, if you end up needing it I have a guide out on how to configure apache to handle bot spam directed at your blog >>
BingoBoingo: How is rockchip life treating you billymg?
deedbot: Invoiced lobbes 0.04219973 << Rockchip and Shared hosting Through January 2019
BingoBoingo: !!invoice lobbes 0.04219973 Rockchip and Shared hosting Through January 2019
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell lobbes Let me know what term you want for your rockchip and shared hosting renewals
deedbot: Invoiced billymg 0.03419973 << Rockchip 1 Quarter
BingoBoingo: !!invoice billymg 0.03419973 Rockchip 1 Quarter
billymg: are the rockchip mini servers shared hosting as well? or is it 1:1 customer:hardware?
asciilifeform: btw i'm beginning to think #e is the last chan being spammed... even shithole #linux-rockchip was left alone
BingoBoingo: Right, second heatsinks going on when they make it into the RockChips
a111: Logged on 2018-10-01 19:21 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Rockchip package in hand
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> asciilifeform: Rockchip package in hand << hey! Some good news 'eh.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Rockchip package in hand
mod6: ok. gotcha. so we could have rockchip laptop if we had a lcd?
diana_coman: BingoBoingo, fans of rockchip, eh? looks good
BingoBoingo: There are now fans lined up pulling air over the Rockchips
mircea_popescu: unrelatedly asciilifeform mod6 : i'm thinking of getting a rockchip to run a coldspare trilema server, ideally some sort of optimistic replication. is this something you'd wanna set up for me ?
mod6: nice, rockchip is rockin' again
mod6: Ok logged into rockchip just fine.
mod6 goes off to test the rockchip
diana_coman: asciilifeform, I disconnected from the rockchip
diana_coman: asciilifeform, on rockchip as it was, I didn't fiddle with its kernel
diana_coman: asciilifeform, oh hey, I CAN ssh into my rockchip apparently
diana_coman: asciilifeform, can the disk be connected to the working rockchip itself so I rummage there? atm it seems it's only the very latest comments that'd be lost so I'm in 2 minds about it anyway
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-09-11 09:31 diana_coman: good morning; I can't seem to be able to connect to my rockchip anymore: http ( gives 403 You don't have permission to access / on this server ; ssh refuses connection too; there was NO change as far as I know - I haven't touched it in quite a while and last time I connected everything worked fine; any idea what might be wrong there, BingoBoingo ?
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-09-11 09:31 diana_coman: good morning; I can't seem to be able to connect to my rockchip anymore: http ( gives 403 You don't have permission to access / on this server ; ssh refuses connection too; there was NO change as far as I know - I haven't touched it in quite a while and last time I connected everything worked fine; any idea what might be wrong there, BingoBoingo ?
a111: Logged on 2018-08-31 13:15 lobbes: so I have a question for the more experienced server operators out there: As of yesterday I found that I can no longer ssh into my rockchip (eggog:
mod6: I had been using my rockchip all the time.
mod6: As far as my rockchip, it was mistakenly unplugged, and never worked after that.
mod6: << asciilifeform handed them over to me to test they had been reset, and one could login via a temp password. This was done to douchebag's and mats' old rockchips. They both worked great after reset. I never touched the /etc/conf.d/net file.
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG all pizarro rockchip customers ! if you modified your /etc/conf.d/net , in recent 2 weeks, plz say ! asciilifeform currently suspects that somebody munged theirs, and it may account for diana_coman's unreachable box, we may have to take the pilot plant down for maintenance and manually dig, if nobody says anyffing
a111: Logged on 2018-09-07 23:46 asciilifeform: asked in the derp chan, , just on the off chance, but i expect 0 answer beyond the usual amstan type , i.e. 'fuck off and eat vendor liquishit'
asciilifeform: asked in the derp chan, , just on the off chance, but i expect 0 answer beyond the usual amstan type , i.e. 'fuck off and eat vendor liquishit'
deedbot: Invoiced BingoBoingo 0.03335804 << Pizarro Invoice for Quarterly RockChip rental through December 31st 2018
mod6: !!invoice BingoBoingo 0.03335804 Pizarro Invoice for Quarterly RockChip rental through December 31st 2018
BingoBoingo: And mod6 will invoice me for the Rockchip tonight
a111: Logged on 2018-09-04 18:04 BingoBoingo: lobbes: What sort of memory footprint is mysql leaving on your rockchip?
BingoBoingo: lobbes: What sort of memory footprint is mysql leaving on your rockchip?
deedbot: << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog - Live From RockChip! With MP-WP!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform seriously, since we're apparently not selling the rockchip plant to pizarro : how about you build it and make it a "cyberflood master 9000" ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you understand, item by cisco/friends not amounting to a rockchip plant sells to usg.tards for 100k sorta money.
lobbes: hmm looks like the system date was reset on teh rockchip on restart; fucked up the post url. one sec. will fix
asciilifeform: ( in so far as i can tell, those boxes are identical, aside from older rockchip (4 core, vs 6) , smaller ram, and cylindrical dc power supply connector instead of usb-c )
mod6: Or even a rockchip could be a good home for a remote irc boxen.
BingoBoingo: I got hit with that error yesterday, rockchip was unresponsive to pings. Ended up pulling the drive, going over sshd_cofig and power cycling my Rockchip
asciilifeform: lobbes: rockchip boxen do not have vga/kbd consoles. so if this is so, the only way to recover your unit is to move the disk to another box and manually enable pw'd root login
lobbes: so I have a question for the more experienced server operators out there: As of yesterday I found that I can no longer ssh into my rockchip (eggog:
a111: Logged on 2018-08-28 20:29 mod6: i.e. shell/rockchip, anything. having Pizarro linked to peeps in the wot is hard-enough, but if we can't get anyone in the wot, than that's worse.
mod6: "You want Rockchip?" "No." "Ok, fuck your mother."
mod6: i.e. shell/rockchip, anything. having Pizarro linked to peeps in the wot is hard-enough, but if we can't get anyone in the wot, than that's worse.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-27 04:13 mod6: !!invoice lobbes 0.03308823 Rockchip invoice for 3 months of service, through October 31st, 2018
mod6: yeah, that's for the rockchip he has.
lobbes coming live from newly installed znc on pizarro rockchip
deedbot: Invoiced BingoBoingo 0.01341464 << One month rental of rockchip: Through September 2018
mod6: !!invoice BingoBoingo 0.01341464 One month rental of rockchip: Through September 2018
mod6: rent rockchip, make text-only-client, setup foxybot, profit???
a111: Logged on 2018-08-19 16:51 BingoBoingo: <mod6> BingoBoingo: Tomorrow (the 20th) you may arrage the nuke/pave of mircea_popescu's rented rockchip with asciilifeform. << Aite
BingoBoingo: <mod6> BingoBoingo: Tomorrow (the 20th) you may arrage the nuke/pave of mircea_popescu's rented rockchip with asciilifeform. << Aite
mod6: BingoBoingo: Tomorrow (the 20th) you may arrage the nuke/pave of mircea_popescu's rented rockchip with asciilifeform.
mod6: The rockchip you rented for douchebag.
mircea_popescu: which rockchip is thios mod6 ?
mod6: mircea_popescu: just a reminder, today is the last day paid up through for your Rockchip. Let us know if you want to renew or not. Otherwise, if there is anything you want to copy off of the Rockchip itself (files, whatever), have until tomorrow.
mod6: once we have a text-client for eulora, will work pretty great on a rockchip
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-08-10 07:01 adlai: at the risk of sounding like a lightly-chipped (for the broken don't spin too good) record: i'd be glad to rent the new rockchip. i promise this time to think before i type, and not play the shitty music too loud.
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-08-10 07:01 adlai: at the risk of sounding like a lightly-chipped (for the broken don't spin too good) record: i'd be glad to rent the new rockchip. i promise this time to think before i type, and not play the shitty music too loud.
mod6: get in the wot, rent a rockchip, become a start
mod6: Lords and Ladies: We have a rockchip ready to go! Let us know if interested, details here if you didn't know already:
mod6: How are we doing with the re-imaging of that Rockchip?
mod6: BingoBoingo: Monthly ^ for rockchip
mod6: (for rockchip)
a111: Logged on 2018-08-04 00:27 BingoBoingo: Roughly how far out is a Cuntoo image for Rockchip?
BingoBoingo: Roughly how far out is a Cuntoo image for Rockchip?
mod6: BingoBoingo: if you want to renew your rockchip for 1 quarter, this will be the price ^
mod6: All: 0.00104167 BTC/mo. to attach an FG to your newly rented Rockchip!
mod6: Lords and Ladies, one rockchip has become available (ready by end of the week), who wants it! $75/mo if you sign up for a quarter, $100/mo on a month to month.
mod6: BingoBoingo: feel free to wipe mats' rockchip when you have a spare moment.
mircea_popescu: but in any case usb-+ should not be on mainline kernel. let he who runs rockchip farm patch in the ugly.
a111: Logged on 2018-08-01 21:36 asciilifeform: ( i can't afford it on dulap, because it also doubles as reimaging station for rockchippen , but prolly can safely say goodbye to usb3 )
asciilifeform: diana_coman: problem dun seem to exist on my desk rockchip. ( and in the end we'll move the rk FGs over to the convenient built-in TTL serialports )
diana_coman: so hm, on rockchip then FG are actually usable only with manual downgrade of usb port ?
asciilifeform: one type of existing machine where we can't afford to lose usb3 is the rockchip, it would be quite unusable without it ( main disk is solely usb3 )
asciilifeform: ( i can't afford it on dulap, because it also doubles as reimaging station for rockchippen , but prolly can safely say goodbye to usb3 )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fwiw rockchip and similar boards actually include several ttl-level serial ports.
mod6: thought he might wanna talk about his rockchip, so was willing to give him the chance.
douchebag: My main problem with the Pizarro business model is that I could essentially get the same service by purchasing a fiber internet connection and hooking it up to a rockchip and then SSHing into it
douchebag: ben_vulpes: I understand we disagree on that, however I'm trying to make money - I don't see how hosting rockchips that are overpriced is going to generate revenue in the long term.
asciilifeform: there's a dozen or so of these going, e.g. #linux-rockchip is filling up
mod6: BingoBoingo: You may, at your earliest convenience wipe the Rockchip that mats was renting.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-27 18:03 mod6: !!invoice diana_coman 0.14485298 Invoice for one year of Rockchip + FG
deedbot: Invoiced diana_coman 0.14485298 << Invoice for one year of Rockchip + FG
mod6: !!invoice diana_coman 0.14485298 Invoice for one year of Rockchip + FG
mod6: For 1 Year RockChip + FG ^
a111: Logged on 2018-07-27 06:44 diana_coman: mod6, I don't recall: was there any option to pay yearly for the rockchip?
diana_coman: mod6, I don't recall: was there any option to pay yearly for the rockchip?
deedbot: Invoiced lobbes 0.03308823 << Rockchip invoice for 3 months of service, through October 31st, 2018
mod6: !!invoice lobbes 0.03308823 Rockchip invoice for 3 months of service, through October 31st, 2018
mod6: lobbes: As a courtesy, Pizarro would like to let you know that your quarterly rockchip rental is up for renewal after July 31st. Just a heads-up. You can renew now, or on August 1st (or thereabouts).
mod6: <+asciilifeform> ty BingoBoingo . mod6 plox to confirm exact time. << according to the notes about the accounts that I received last night from ben_vulpes, his rockchip is rented through August 19th.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-16 16:31 mircea_popescu: i have to fucking compile every thing the 9000th time, i can't just put binary images on my 9001th rockchip ?!
mircea_popescu: i have to fucking compile every thing the 9000th time, i can't just put binary images on my 9001th rockchip ?!
shinohai: When my rockchips arrive though, i guess i'll use one of my old rusty hdd's in one just for lulz, I have like 10 now.
BingoBoingo: Well, pizarro has the dedicated boxes that require invoicing and the occasional standup. The rockchips that require invoicing and the occasional standup. Then there's the shared hosting server which is beefy as hell and runs a very lean gentoo.
asciilifeform: shinohai: prolly the best result re trb on rockchip would be with 'adult' samsung sata ssd via usb3-sata snake ( you can buy short one, that fits in box )
shinohai: i more interested in rockchip now, because trb
shinohai: im following the rockchip stuff and been meaning to put my logbot in there
mod6: I think we've got enough to get us by for the time being. but if we do a rockchip order of 96 or whatever, then we're gonna be short by something like 60. (given each rc customer would take like 1 fg eac)
asciilifeform: ( as seen on dulap and rockchip )
a111: Logged on 2018-07-10 21:41 diana_coman: no idea but fwiw I was playing with it on the rockchip; as far as I can tell both lobbes and esthlos used some previous versions; (btw esthlos can you maybe show the date of the post somewhere convenient? it's really weird to have to guess it/search for it)
asciilifeform: PeterL: if it's a 'common' iron, e.g. x60, or pizarro opteron, or rockchip -- then can base it off a asciilifeform
diana_coman: no idea but fwiw I was playing with it on the rockchip; as far as I can tell both lobbes and esthlos used some previous versions; (btw esthlos can you maybe show the date of the post somewhere convenient? it's really weird to have to guess it/search for it)
asciilifeform: phf: ave1's item is pretty great, it resulted in tarballs containing working bins of amd64 and arm64 gnat; the latter worx great on my desk rockchip. the only item that dunwork of yet is the repeat of said process ~on~ arm64 (to crossbuild amd64 gnat there)
a111: Logged on 2018-07-05 18:02 asciilifeform: trinque: is your item packaged roughly similarly to my rockchip thing ? (i.e. a tarball that i can unpack onto an empty ext4 , and jump into ) ?
asciilifeform: trinque: is your item packaged roughly similarly to my rockchip thing ? (i.e. a tarball that i can unpack onto an empty ext4 , and jump into ) ?
deedbot: << lobbesblog - Getting PHP5.6 and MySql to Play Nice On Arm64 RockChip Gentoo
deedbot: << lobbesblog - Arming your Arm64 RockChip Gentoo against the hordes of Mindless Bots
a111: Logged on 2018-07-01 21:22 asciilifeform: lobbes: iptables will work if you build the kernel ( there is a tarball with patched kernel on all pizarro rockchip boxen ) with the requisite flags
phf: asciilifeform: hey, when booting your rockchip fileset on asus did you get a screen output or just console/cable?
asciilifeform: lobbes: iptables will work if you build the kernel ( there is a tarball with patched kernel on all pizarro rockchip boxen ) with the requisite flags
phf: asciilifeform: in "clean gentoo for rockchip" is there particular reason why boot sd card's gpt partition has a 8320 sector break between l1 and l2?
ben_vulpes: public. i have high hopes that the rockchip will be a thing people even want, but i'm clearly out of my depth on marketing to the great wide web.
ben_vulpes: betting that the bill for the rockchip plant is going to hurt by the same token
lobbes also needs to figure out iptables on rockchip. thing was complaining about missing modules earlier; won't start
lobbes: this is the point huh? Goal should really be to answer question of 'can mp-wp run on rockchip?'
lobbes: I'm going to try to get some server-side caching going. Though mysql error logs dun complain about lack of resources or anything, so I'm not 100% sure it'll help. And it's not like the Rockchip was running out of memory either (had over 1.5 GB of available RAM during the downage)
lobbes: yeah, rockchip
