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| Results 251 ... 500 found in trilema for 'rockchip' |

mircea_popescu: of course... this is the rockchip ?
mod6: i'll even go one further... if the FG USB-TTL becomes a pressing issue, for some reason, I'll give ya mine from my rockchip.
diana_coman: right; I can confirm I tried that on my rockchip too with same results as you had already reported
mircea_popescu: dun fit so well on rockchip.
diana_coman: asciilifeform, no, not on rockchip, on server but basically just setting for the session the $PATH to point to musl gnat
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: out of curiosity, was the initial test of adatronic serv on rockchip ? how did it perform ?
lobbes: in other news, I've finally resurrected my blog. Now coming live from the blazingly fast pizarro rockchip >>
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-06-18 00:37 asciilifeform: meanwhile oh hey mircea_popescu time to reclaim yer rockchip ? ( you paid for it, iirc subscription is good through june )
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 21:31 deedbot: Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.04344809 << 1 rockchip @ pizarro, april 19 2018 -- april 19 2019
asciilifeform: meanwhile oh hey mircea_popescu time to reclaim yer rockchip ? ( you paid for it, iirc subscription is good through june )
spyked: yeah. well, as to how it specifically sux, it's now in the logs. prev. discussions had me believing that it's a potential alternative to the rockchip.
asciilifeform: spyked: << i picked rockchip for the arm64 experiments ~specifically~ for not having this.
mircea_popescu: recall the time anything came of rockchip ?
asciilifeform: ( rk3399 is a bog-standard rockchip, very similar to the one in pizarro pilot plant, but with 6 cores instead of 4 )
asciilifeform: the fella in #rockchip-linux ?
asciilifeform: ( according to amstan , a fella from #linux-rockchip who introduced himself as one of the designers, but is rather tight-lipped )
asciilifeform: << he's the hint-dropping d00d from #rockchip
asciilifeform: lulzy thread in the rockchip chan btw.
asciilifeform: btw the #linux-rockchip d00d is definitely caught nao in telling a fib : 1) yes there is not one, but two magic keys (1 for flash updates, other for factory unlocker routine) and yes all deployed units can be popped via either
asciilifeform: and it's about the logger thing, not #rockchip
asciilifeform: phf: idea is to get at the standard rockchip uart
asciilifeform: phf: are you setting up a tabletop rockchip ?
a111: Logged on 2018-06-04 19:36 asciilifeform: a rockchip cluster under snsa banner , for pizarro, also under construction ( currently still in component search phase ) , construction also planned for this mo
diana_coman: <- I can very gladly report that it works! I've re-built gnat on an x86_64; took the aarch64-native to the rockchip; unpacked, set, compiled ffa ch1 and ran, all perfectly fine; ave1 you rock!
asciilifeform: a rockchip cluster under snsa banner , for pizarro, also under construction ( currently still in component search phase ) , construction also planned for this mo
lobbes: On my todo list is prop up an instance of the tmsr logbot on my pizarro rockchip and redo the #eulora logs to be fed from that. I built the #eulora log-o-tron back in 2015, and back then I had just typed 'ls' for the first time in my life, so I wager I can make the whole process much saner this time around.
diana_coman: oh hey, that's great news! thanks for the ping asciilifeform ; and thanks ave1 for the script; I'll add it to the list to get on the rockchip
asciilifeform: ave1: i am setting up a rockchip board to test your gnat !
a111: Logged on 2018-06-01 18:34 asciilifeform: in other ~unprecedented noose,; << clueful folx
asciilifeform: in other potential finds, << d00d claims to have clean uboot for c101pa . no complete srcball posted tho, as far as i was able to find, yet
asciilifeform itches to supply folx with ready-to-eat gnat-on-rockchip, both on pizarro cluster and in the flensed c101pa box
asciilifeform: upstack : congrats to BingoBoingo , subscriber of the last ( in pilot plant ) rockchip !!
asciilifeform: the only variant src item is the kernel ( it has rockchip-specific modules )
asciilifeform: trinque: imho the rockchip set is your best bet then. it is as minimal as i knew how to make.
asciilifeform: and also incidentally, every rockchip box contains a complete /usr/portage/distfiles reflecting every single item present on that box ( as i emerged world prior to making master image )
mod6: I do have these ones too for the one hooked up to the rockchip, not sure if interested:
lobbes: BingoBoingo: I left a comment on yer guide re: php5.6 shitgnomes deprecating mysql in favor of mysqli. (Should be in queue). This will be a boon indeed if we can string all the quirks of mp-wp-on-rockchip in one place
BingoBoingo: << ty, I plan on blogging the rest of the walk to mp-wp on the rockchip so it is on the shelf for future reference.
lobbes: aha! I can confirm BingoBoingo's excellent guide works like a charm; php5.6 successfully built in ol' lobbes' rockchip
a111: Logged on 2018-05-28 23:38 deedbot: << Bingo Blog - Learning Portage Together: Building PHP 5.6 On Arm64 RockChip Gentoo
lobbes: Oh hey. Ty BingoBoingo for that php5.6-on-gentoo-rockchip guide. I will try it out (paging diana_coman)
deedbot: << Bingo Blog - Learning Portage Together: Building PHP 5.6 On Arm64 RockChip Gentoo
lobbes: diana_coman: I've been on a quest for the last few days trying to get a LAMP running on my rockchip. I was getting barfs on emerging php-5.6 but managed to at least get php 7.2.4 installed
diana_coman: has anyone installed php successfully on a rockchip? it fails to build on mine with a lot of "error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type" and a search for this sort of thing seems to suggest it might have to do with libxml version; anyone ran into this and sorted it out already?
a111: Logged on 2018-05-25 15:51 trinque: idea being "rockchip blobless scope:15" would bring you to anywhere those terms are within 15 lines of each other
a111: Logged on 2018-05-25 15:47 phf: so an intermediate step that someone else could perform is to take your rockchip gentoo, generate new rsa pair, sign the kernel with pub, patch google's uboot with priv and get a clean booting rockchip gentoo setup, without accidentally bricking the device? (while still retaining known amount of google in the system)
trinque: idea being "rockchip blobless scope:15" would bring you to anywhere those terms are within 15 lines of each other
phf: so an intermediate step that someone else could perform is to take your rockchip gentoo, generate new rsa pair, sign the kernel with pub, patch google's uboot with priv and get a clean booting rockchip gentoo setup, without accidentally bricking the device? (while still retaining known amount of google in the system)
asciilifeform: i'd like a normal, built-from-src rockchip uboot for this thing. and i worked over the pcb with magnifying glass and found a buncha debug contacts, some of which almost certainly gotta be spi rom. but -- currently no time to chase this.
asciilifeform: phf: my current understanding is that it will be able to boot the ~userland~ from my rockchip gentoo ( ) as-is; will need a proper kernel tho
asciilifeform: ( possibly side item : not sure which ben_vulpes item is being referred to ; rockchip trivially copies own os to fresh unit as many times as you like )
deedbot: Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.00756304 << FG<->rockchip TTL cables ( incl. orc delivery )
asciilifeform: !!invoice ben_vulpes 0.00756304 FG<->rockchip TTL cables ( incl. orc delivery )
ben_vulpes: lobbes: shared shell alone, i haven't examined the implications of this scheme for rockchips yet
lobbes: and would this be for both shared hosting customers and rockchip (and anything else)?
a111: Logged on 2018-05-20 18:50 BingoBoingo: If I recall it was MP that rented the rockchip for douchebag.
mod6: let's take the rockchip discussion into #pizarro
mod6: is it specifically about the rockchip? or v?
BingoBoingo: If you have been disenfranchised, the case is that yes, you have to have others do thing for you because you can't (MP in the case of leasing the rockchip douchebag uses)
BingoBoingo: If I recall it was MP that rented the rockchip for douchebag.
trinque: the intent here is to force him to make good on his word. earlier he said the rockchip was going to be a tool to get acquainted with trb, and now it's
a111: Logged on 2018-05-20 03:43 douchebag: Alright, I can have that done in the next week or so. I'm currently using the rockchip box to host a webpage to troll someone, so I want the lulz there to continue to it's full potential
mod6: sooo... trinque, is the neg-rating on douchebag going to stand? because mircea_popescu has rented him a rockchip (right?) and according to the rules we laid out, I think we said that douchebag would be removed from access to the hardware.
douchebag: Alright, I can have that done in the next week or so. I'm currently using the rockchip box to host a webpage to troll someone, so I want the lulz there to continue to it's full potential
asciilifeform: was looking at '24 2.5" disks in 2U' chassis, for potentially 'tru ssd via usb3-to-sata cords' variant of rockchiptron; but seems as if all, without exception, such items ever made, feature 'sas expander', where all 24 hang off 1 plug. which is great for pc but completely destroys my notion.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo will , i suspect , have all 8 hands full when the full-scale rockchiptron is brought online and tentants come/go regularly
a111: Logged on 2018-05-17 15:24 asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform found that otp microsd cards exist!! should substantially lower the labour cost of maintaining rockchip cluster. IF i can actually find a vendor !
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: looks like the uy corp is necessary for ips for the rockchips at the very least; and possibly recipient of wires from btc sales
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6 : currently occupied with component search for rockchiptron
asciilifeform: ( one gnarly headache with the rockchip board, is that it can ~only~ boot from microsd, and there is no way to keep tentant from overwriting it. so it gotta be painfully pulled, reimaged, when box is repopulated )
asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform found that otp microsd cards exist!! should substantially lower the labour cost of maintaining rockchip cluster. IF i can actually find a vendor !
asciilifeform: << per ben_vulpes's published numberz, mircea_popescu is elementarily correct -- even if we do an astoundingly princely rockchiptron buildout, will still have a good half yr of runway ( at present exch rate ) remaining ( but , more importantly , something to sell ! right nao we've nuffin to sell aside from the shared unix and the 1 remaining rc )
mod6: We have a variety of urgent matters to address. As soon as we get the additional money in place, we can get the new rockchips going. Give BingoBoingo a raise (& new digs?).
diana_coman: ah, free bla bla; no, I meant with the output of ave1's script (even if at the very root one used adacore's, once upon a time, fine); basically what I was trying to do yesterday on rockchip
mircea_popescu: the fact that pizarro is actually well supported is the principal part, for its commercial credit. otherwise, it can't well spend even the 10 it has so far, 1.5 or so go to the rockchips, then it's all "get sales going".
a111: Logged on 2018-05-16 13:26 asciilifeform: << transport for rockchiptron will be considerably cheaper than 2500, as i can't picture needing a whole week, nor 400 in overweight charge for the crates
mircea_popescu: to drive it into the dirt : a) suppose you want reliable addition, for which purpose you comission rockchip machines 1 through 6. b) you pass along the string "5+6". the answers come 11 11 11 65524 11 11. c) machine 3 notices it is the only one with that result via its distributed n-of-m magick module, and returns "op fail" instead.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-16 09:00 diana_coman: well, I'd rather cross compile too if it works because then I can use the rockchip as launchpad for everything else, why not
asciilifeform: incidentally asciilifeform is still in active search for a suitable chassis : general-purpose atx units that i've found, are unsuitable, they lose ~40% of the internal space to nonremovable drive cages, which do NO good in rockchiptron . additionally, a good half of the chassis on the market, are ( for no reason known to me ) not full depth, these can be rejected right away
asciilifeform: << transport for rockchiptron will be considerably cheaper than 2500, as i can't picture needing a whole week, nor 400 in overweight charge for the crates
asciilifeform: << still waiting for quotes in qty 100, but this is approx correct. however a working rockchiptron consists not only of the board, but of heat sink ( 10 usd , and single-source, it gotta have the correct pegs ) , the sd card ( in principle cheapest worx, it ~never gets written to, i am looking into chinese crate ) , ssd ( imho it is pointless to use anything but samsung, and it's ~40 usd in w
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-05-15 16:21 ben_vulpes: << ~2.75 BTC at ~current rates gets 4 chassis with 96 total rockchippen, includes 1 delivery run per chassis.
diana_coman: well, I'd rather cross compile too if it works because then I can use the rockchip as launchpad for everything else, why not
diana_coman: ave1, yes, that was on the rockchip
ave1: oh wait, you are running the scripts on the rockchip?
diana_coman: <- hm, at least the one asciilifeform obtained did not run on my rockchip (arm arch) so I might need to look deeper into this as to why it didn't; at any rate: mind adding to your post the obtained gnat binaries so I try with them directly from you and then report what fails if anything?
ben_vulpes: miserable problem. here's something more interesting, a documented estimate
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-05-15 16:21 ben_vulpes: << ~2.75 BTC at ~current rates gets 4 chassis with 96 total rockchippen, includes 1 delivery run per chassis.
mircea_popescu: mind also that 100 fgs are somewhat expensive ; and you're cash starved. neither for time nor for money do you want to marry the rockchip pile to fgs
ben_vulpes: << anyways, since there's cash on hand and building what i think are 2 trips worth of rockchip plant would get us more than clearing rent, imma push to get the next two plants into fab so that when the price inevitably dips we have a basis on which to capture
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-05-15 16:21 ben_vulpes: << ~2.75 BTC at ~current rates gets 4 chassis with 96 total rockchippen, includes 1 delivery run per chassis.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: ideally can supply BingoBoingo's piggy this way, and free up asciilifeform's usd for rockchip etc physical plant construction and delivery
diana_coman: this on the rockchip, obv
diana_coman: asciilifeform, should be for the rockchip, correct?
asciilifeform: if diana_coman 's arm64 test pans out, this item will be included in the standard rockchip kit from that point on.
diana_coman: so hm, put it somewhere so I get it to my rockchip and test it in one blow?
diana_coman: hm, come to think of it I could try it on my rockchip I suppose
ben_vulpes: << ~2.75 BTC at ~current rates gets 4 chassis with 96 total rockchippen, includes 1 delivery run per chassis.
mod6: 24032 (from ben's lisp thing) / 8500 = 2.82 BTC at todays prices for 24 Rockchips delivered is what we had figured out.
mod6: asciilifeform: 48 rockchips fit into 4U right?
asciilifeform: ( the other front line , is that we gotta get moar saleables, in particular rockchip system, asap )
asciilifeform: fact of the matter is, for the price of pizarro rockchip, heathen can get 5x the cpu with 10x the bandwidth in heathendom. how to persuade him to instead buy this ?
mircea_popescu: i said it once, you know. aanyway : the original idea (get >=300 rockchips there, in a dozen+ Us) was trashed by practical considerations (as alf pointed out, he can't carry 12 us in one go) ; but it'd have required refinancing because you simply did not have enough money to pay for it.
mod6: We are discussing/thinking about how to recapitalize, get more rockchips, customers. So this is on going. I don't think anyone is wasting anytime by any streach of imagination.[
mod6: Now what is a waste of time, for me, is this lisp/sexp shit. For instance, lastnight it cost us 2 man hours. 1 for me, 1 for ben who had to take me through the entire rockchip lisp thing that he created.
ben_vulpes: i don't think it useless nothing as it will snip significant time off report generation. the pressure from the board is to forge forward with the rockchips, but if there's change to be eked from the shared hosting i should capture that as well, so thanks for the prodding.
mod6: ah. if you built the rockchips with that, i bet it would then, ya. yesterday, i was wondering which old one you must hvae used.
asciilifeform: mod6: if you still feel like experimenting , i'ma bet stage3-amd64-20161219.tar.bz2 ( the amd64 version of the arm64 stage3 i built the rockchip pilot plant image from ) will work 100%
asciilifeform: my point was, rockchip gentoo was made with 0 gcc reversion gymnastics, all i needed was a vintage stage4 tarball , and my blacklist
a111: Logged on 2018-05-05 00:25 mircea_popescu: if i were you folk i would very seriously be looking at geting refinanced, taking ~300 rockchips there and filling a dozen us with them.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: no, there are also the rockchips themselves. full breakdown
ben_vulpes: i crunched some numbers, and i think it's going to cost around 3 btc to put the production rockchip plant together and get it down south, all based on 4 2U's with 24 rockchippen each, transpo of ~2.5kusd and per-chassis fab costs of ~800usd. i think with the outrageous success of the rockchip pilot plant pizarro's in a *great* spot to refinance per mircea_popescu's suggestion, to provide for the production
mircea_popescu: well, put the rockchip to the test i guess.
lobbes: hell, the rockchip may even suffice for a prototype if anything
ben_vulpes: i imagine some kind of remotehands queue of "make rockchip with sshkey of XXX, upload which IP addr or other unique identifier got the key in question"
asciilifeform: ( you would have to, more or less, bake a rockchip board from 0 )
lobbesbot: ben_vulpes: Sent just now: <asciilifeform> i oughta elaborate re : neither rockchip ( nor any device in its price range, afaik ) has any mechanism for netbooting, that does not at the same time reside in something the previous user could have overwritten ( flash rom ). on top of this, rockchip has ~no~ onboard flash , nor can it boot from usb without a valid bootloader ~on sd~ . so a new tenant requires a refr
a111: Logged on 2018-05-09 19:52 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: in re production rockchip plant, is it feasible to, with some netboot magic, bring a rockchip up with a specific ssh key emplaced?
asciilifeform: !Q later tell ben_vulpes i oughta elaborate re : neither rockchip ( nor any device in its price range, afaik ) has any mechanism for netbooting, that does not at the same time reside in something the previous user could have overwritten ( flash rom ). on top of this, rockchip has ~no~ onboard flash , nor can it boot from usb without a valid bootloader ~on sd~ . so a new tenant requires a refr
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: currently re-customering a rockchip requires pulling the usbstick and sd and reimaging
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: in re production rockchip plant, is it feasible to, with some netboot magic, bring a rockchip up with a specific ssh key emplaced?
BingoBoingo: !Q later tell pete_dushenski I forgot to ask... Did you want to rack a time standard of some sort with Pizarro? A lot are already 19in 1U rackmount. Can plug it into a rockchip.
asciilifeform: the funny/sad bit, is that i found enuff local material sources that it ~is~ possible to , say, make racks for rockchippen on-site, with some effort. BUT the chance of getting more than a handful of raw pcbs un-encased in protective 'old server' chassis, through orc checkpoint, is ~0
mod6: My rockchip has the FG hooked up, looking good.
mod6: Who wants to rent the last Rockchip available rockchip @ Pizarro? Let us know! First come, first serve.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-05 22:01 ben_vulpes: trb on rockchip, lobbes ?
asciilifeform: << the pilot plant rockchips will sync up to, idk, late 2014, then the 128G disk will fill. ben_vulpes oughta know this.
lobbes: rockchip will house blog, www, and botworks most likely
ben_vulpes: trb on rockchip, lobbes ?
lobbes: I will soon blog this into a proper post.. but mysql on heathen vps shit the bed. Posts to resume once migration to rockchip box complete
a111: Logged on 2018-05-05 05:31 lobbes: mod6 not yet (been working on getting mp-wp migrated to rockchip). Here's the egogg message I got though >>
lobbes: mod6 not yet (been working on getting mp-wp migrated to rockchip). Here's the egogg message I got though >>
ben_vulpes: fully-rented 4u of this would bring us to breakeven at $50/mo, but demands 100% occupancy, otoh that's only 25% of 16U rockchip plant occupancy. so, i don't see a really compelling case for bringing the price down much further.
ben_vulpes: fromdeedbot: so reg a key, rent a rockchip
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: for about 100bux you can try it yourself, using and a home rockchip.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: the only thing preventing trb on the existing pilotplant rockchippen is the small disk.
ben_vulpes: yeah i know the costs for sticks and rockchippen; i wanna know chassis, your time, stuff like cabling
asciilifeform: nor is there even the slimmest chance of getting naked bag of naked rockchips in qty approaching 300, through customs. they have to move assembled into 1us.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: baggage holds 4u of machine; there is no practical way to get >24 units of rockchip into a 1u , per my reckoning
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-17 14:23 ascii_lander: << ben_vulpes, imho this is starvation-level lowball. your figures do not factor in the cost of ~building out~ the plant, i.e. building new rockchiptrons.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, honestly i'd start planning for the next trip. understand the simple fact of the matter : if you manage to get pizarro 300 rockchips racked, you've produced at least a coupla bitcoin's value for it.
asciilifeform: meanwhile i will begin preparation for full scale rockchip plant.
lobbes: I don't know sales, but I know heathens; I wager those rockchips will be a way easier sell than the shared hosting, for e.g.
mircea_popescu: what's a rockchip actually cost i forget ? like 30 bux + the ssd ?
asciilifeform: and yes imho rockchip is 'ze fyootoor'(tm)
mircea_popescu: if i were you folk i would very seriously be looking at geting refinanced, taking ~300 rockchips there and filling a dozen us with them.
mircea_popescu: how tight were the 6 rockchips packaged ? 2 u ? 1 ?
mircea_popescu: then the 1.1k figure can't be right. 4 x 140 + how many fgs are rented out, at least 4 ? + box + rockchips hm... seems your true recurrent revenue is more like 2k
a111: Logged on 2018-05-03 19:29 asciilifeform experimentally ordered , from shitazon, a qty of jumper cables for connection of FG to rockchippen, to be mailed to BingoBoingo , claims they will be received by may the 10th
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: this makes for, what... 1 currently vacant rockchip remains ?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: plz be sure to update BingoBoingo re: occupancy list of rockchippen via gpggram at yer earliest chance
diana_coman: ben_vulpes, asciilifeform can use the rockchip straight away and then plug in the fg when ready, yes
ben_vulpes: thanks diana_coman, i will send you rockchip creds as soon as it's enrngified
deedbot: Invoiced diana_coman 0.02719567 << rockchip and fg through august 4th, 2018
ben_vulpes: mod6: gonna invoice you for the same term as your rockchip unless you object
asciilifeform experimentally ordered , from shitazon, a qty of jumper cables for connection of FG to rockchippen, to be mailed to BingoBoingo , claims they will be received by may the 10th
ben_vulpes: so douchebag i set you up with a rockchip, what, thirteen days ago? assuming trinque is going to grace you the period until you had with what you claim you needed to do the promised research (which...mmmk), clock is fuckin tickin
diana_coman: ben_vulpes, ok, I'll take 1 rockchip with FG on a quarterly plan
mod6: ben_vulpes: please put ole mod6 down for an fg on my rockchip too.
ben_vulpes: diana_coman: $100 us/mo. ($75 if paid quarterly) for the rockchip, 0.00104167 per month for the FG once we have cabling.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-01 22:34 diana_coman: ben_vulpes, mod6 what's the price for a rockchip *with* fg as per asciilifeform's description above?
diana_coman: ben_vulpes, I want to rent a rockchip *with* fg please -
ben_vulpes: and heathens atop rockchips or heathens atop shared hosting
mircea_popescu: and besides there's the rockchip.
mircea_popescu: the only unclear part to me is the rockchips. nsa never paid you to buy them ; nor was paid for pizarro to acquire them. i imagine this was a side deal ?
diana_coman: ben_vulpes, mod6 what's the price for a rockchip *with* fg as per asciilifeform's description above?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: possibly we oughta make the successor FG, in already the 'four holes of rpi3' form factor that rockchip has, so as to stack'em cleanly..
lobbes: Ty asciilifeform for info. Ima bbl as well (leaving saltmines), but I'm sold. ben_vulpes: plox to invoice me for one quarter of rockchip box when you are able
asciilifeform: err, rockchip box
lobbes: Pizarro folx, would rockchip box be enough juice for the above? And is it still $75 for a quarter?
douchebag: I'm installing vim on the rockchip box right now
asciilifeform: for instance, rebuilding world on the rockchip ( a quite modest comp ) takes about a day and a half
asciilifeform: douchebag: this was presumably your rockchip login ? if as you said you are 'getting used to gentoo', you already have it ?
mircea_popescu: o hey, how's the rockchip working for you douchebag ?
asciilifeform: phf: machine seems to be something quite like the pizarro rockchip board but with screen,kbd,battery
a111: Logged on 2018-04-24 23:41 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, diana_coman , et al, other folx who travel -- i'd like to get a picture of whether there is 'market' in l1/l2 for a pre-engentooated ( laugh at the laddel-ism, but it promises to be a somewhat painful process involving crocodile and eeprom writer ) 'c101pa' rockchip lappy .
a111: Logged on 2018-04-24 23:41 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, diana_coman , et al, other folx who travel -- i'd like to get a picture of whether there is 'market' in l1/l2 for a pre-engentooated ( laugh at the laddel-ism, but it promises to be a somewhat painful process involving crocodile and eeprom writer ) 'c101pa' rockchip lappy .
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, diana_coman , et al, other folx who travel -- i'd like to get a picture of whether there is 'market' in l1/l2 for a pre-engentooated ( laugh at the laddel-ism, but it promises to be a somewhat painful process involving crocodile and eeprom writer ) 'c101pa' rockchip lappy .
deedbot: Invoiced mats .02582892 << rockchip hosting april 25th 2018 through july 30th 2018
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-21 19:06 mats: can i get an invoice for 1 q of rockchip service, a tar of the image, and build instructions for that image?
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-21 19:06 mats: can i get an invoice for 1 q of rockchip service, a tar of the image, and build instructions for that image?
deedbot: << Loper OS - A Clean Gentoo for Rockchip.
asciilifeform: frog vision, so to speak. the only item i even had to defend at all were... the rockchippen
asciilifeform: ( i have the rockchips currently with these )
asciilifeform: maybe d00d's good candidate for that cheapo-rockchip-lappy
ben_vulpes: pinochle: i also have "rockchip" microservers for rent, 4 core, 1.4 GHz, reasonable amounts of storage should you desire to isolate your operations from peers in the wot
mod6 is into rockchip \o/
asciilifeform: or even rockchip
asciilifeform: ( tho i betcha his whole www could run quite happily off 1 'rockchip' )
asciilifeform: the subj of photo is the rockchip holder tho.
asciilifeform: note that rockchip boxen cannot use the kvm, they have no kbd or display
mircea_popescu: douchebag, did you ever get that rockchip btw ?
ckang: what rockchip SoC board are yall messin with?
ascii_lander: i picked 'rockchip' for pilot plant because it wins on price/form factor/nic
ascii_lander: ckang: the full (by all indications) set of datashits for rockchip, is on their www. schem for the board is on board maker's www
BingoBoingo: * ascii_lander mercilessly ripped audio & gpu out of the rockchip kernel build. because wai. << I am going to have to introduce the word "flensing" to the venezolana en Viernes
ckang: whats this rockchip yall keep speaking of?
ascii_lander mercilessly ripped audio & gpu out of the rockchip kernel build. because wai.
ascii_lander: iirc i recommended this : for rockchip users: buy 1 to test on at home, then upload yer image
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: if rockchip demand picks up, next load will be 100kg of rockchip
deedbot: Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.04344809 << 1 rockchip @ pizarro, april 19 2018 -- april 19 2019
ben_vulpes: !!invoice mircea_popescu 0.04344809 1 rockchip @ pizarro, april 19 2018 -- april 19 2019
ben_vulpes: << updated with setup fee, consumable drive pricing
ben_vulpes: i will point out that this rockchip will be a poor production trb host; but will be a fine trb experimentation platform for trinque's audit
ascii_lander: << if it wasn't clear : these are ~live~, and available immediately
LordMPofTMSR: ascii_lander, something like that, for the rockchips. however, what i was talking about is a 1 or i guess 2u general purpose drop-in replacement switch.
ascii_lander: ( idea being, picture a 2u chassis , from outside -- ordinary, inside -- double ps, proper switch, 32 rockchippen )
ascii_lander: << the 'adult' form of rockchiptron ( what we installed presently, is a pilot plant ) will include, yes, a custom switch that properly isolates
ascii_lander: this being said, i am investigating the most economical way to cook up a switch with isolation : for the 'adult' rockchip cluster ( will hold N of'em, ps, switch , inside a 2U )
ben_vulpes bbl, will attend to the rockchip-seeky later
ascii_lander: but 1) rockchip will prolly never be an idea trb box 2) wakeup folx installing 77th trb in the rack ! trb dun do much good with N nodez hanging off 1 fiber.
lobbes: any pricing info out on those rockchip boxen (I, too, may have missed but dun see anything)? >>
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-07 05:33 Vexual: any idea on cost to rent an rockchip board?
ascii_lander: aaaaaaand the rockchippen are live
ascii_lander: ascii_lander's current objectives : 1) find out wtf is happening to trinque's blade 2) drmengele power distributor to fit #14 cable 3) power up the ipkvm (ru plug) and 5v power source for rockchippen (ditto)
BingoBoingo: And the Rockchips, kinda look like art...
ascii_lander: oook rockchippen theoretically ready to plug in...
BingoBoingo: douchebag: Fly to montevideo with a suitcase full of rockchips, leave with a suitcase full of brownies?
a111: Logged on 2018-04-14 23:06 ascii_lander: we unbent some of the bent moorings, assembled the rockchiptron (due for installation as early as tomorrow)
mod6: <+ascii_lander> we unbent some of the bent moorings, assembled the rockchiptron (due for installation as early as tomorrow) << ok awesome
ascii_lander: we unbent some of the bent moorings, assembled the rockchiptron (due for installation as early as tomorrow)
ascii_lander: funnily enuff it was the rockchips that caused the greatest wtf , 'wassis', 'looks expensive'
shinohai: While asciilifeform is here on subj of rockchips, is this the type of tablet you referred to a few days prior?
BingoBoingo: I see no need at present. I just imagine ways the board could be pimped. Since it lacks rtc clock, why not go for great rtc clock in Rockchip workstation spec.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no rule rockchips gotta run apache.
asciilifeform: not only sniff test, but , may as well proclaim it here : 1) 6 rockchiptrons are to be installed at pizarro 2) each subscriber gets a clean , asciilifeform-recipe gentoo image to start with 3) 128GB flash by default , upgrades negotiable , talk to ben_vulpes & mod6 4) each machine comes with full kernel src for asciilifeform's custom rockchip kernel recipe
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> in other noose, asciilifeform found that FG connects to rockchiptron with 10cent straight cable, sans usb << Rockchip workstation just became a lot more interesting
asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform found that FG connects to rockchiptron with 10cent straight cable, sans usb
asciilifeform: btw i oughta say a word re how rockchiptron reproduces. i wrote a bit of script, ./ /dev/sd_whatever_cardreader_with_card_in_it -- produces copy of the boot card ; ./ /dev/large_enuff_disk copies the root partition contents onto a new part on said disk
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: rockchip can drive a single usb3 disk, with appropriate cable.
