Results 1 ... 107 found in all logged channels for 'blockstream'

(pest) whaack[asciilifeform]: i.e. 'segshit not suppported, see results from heathen browser:'
(asciilifeform) whaack: asciilifeform: i've ran the script for 200 blocks and have seen it three times, here's one for example
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-22 12:45:59 billymg: whaack: my go-to has been lately, it used to be
(asciilifeform) billymg: << ah, i think this got misinterpreted. i meant "it used to be" as in, my go-to used to be, not that used to be
(asciilifeform) whaack: right, i thought was the product of blockstream
(asciilifeform) billymg: i wouldn't say i necessarily like i just switched when moved to to put it alongside their shitcoin wallet
(asciilifeform) billymg: whaack: my go-to has been lately, it used to be
(asciilifeform) punkman: Blockstream loves the Bitfinex money
(asciilifeform) punkman: btctimes investors: Blockstream guy, Charlie Lee (litecoin guy) and even fluffypony
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-25 18:19:51 punkman: "Blockstream plans to launch a new crypto miner in the third quarter of 2022, said Chief Executive Officer Adam Back in emailed comments. That “will be very disruptive as traditionally miners are made in Asia,”"
(asciilifeform) mats: can you actually send tx with a blockstream kit?
(asciilifeform) punkman: "Blockstream plans to launch a new crypto miner in the third quarter of 2022, said Chief Executive Officer Adam Back in emailed comments. That “will be very disruptive as traditionally miners are made in Asia,”"
(asciilifeform) shinohai: Everything is "illegal" to them, iirc once they told Blockstream they would report their satellites to US DoD.
(billymg) billymg: ah, or even just look directly at their API and see what's useful:
(billymg) billymg: in terms of how to structure it, if you look at one of the heathen explorers and work backwards that would probably narrow the scope of possibilities somewhat
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2017-08-15 16:23 shinohai: Charlie Shrem on twatter: "Bounty: I want to run a full node and connect to @Blockstream satellite. Sell me a DIY kit with all requirements"
(trilema) asciilifeform: 8-15 : 19:47 < kanzure> well it's 12178.3 MHz so...
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2017-08-15 16:23 shinohai: Charlie Shrem on twatter: "Bounty: I want to run a full node and connect to @Blockstream satellite. Sell me a DIY kit with all requirements"
(trilema) shinohai: "Go to the #blockstream-satellite IRC channel on freenode for additional help."
(trilema) shinohai: Charlie Shrem on twatter: "Bounty: I want to run a full node and connect to @Blockstream satellite. Sell me a DIY kit with all requirements"
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2017-06-23 04:59 pete_dushenski: turns out it's quite the mish-mash out there. far from the taught controversy of reddit : "uasf" vs "core" vs "blockstream" . pretty much none of the software versions you read about anywhere outside #t are actually the ones in use.
(trilema) pete_dushenski: turns out it's quite the mish-mash out there. far from the taught controversy of reddit : "uasf" vs "core" vs "blockstream" . pretty much none of the software versions you read about anywhere outside #t are actually the ones in use.
(trilema) shinohai: <<< Leading developers of "Blokechain technologeeeees"
(trilema) shinohai: Blockstream is the company developing the "Lightning Network"
(trilema) asciilifeform: wtf is a blockstream
(trilema) asciilifeform: shinohai: fill me in re 'the blockstream agenda'
(trilema) shinohai: I suppose BU feels that tmsr members must secretly support the blockstream agenda as well.
(trilema) aquentson: blockstream of course is not pleased
(trilema) thestringpuller: GreenAddress acquired by blockstream
(trilema) mircea_popescu: ahahaha, christopher allen "principal architect at blockstream"
(trilema) danielpbarron: doing very well, got a kid now with some blockstream guy who I also met at porcfest this year
(trilema) BingoBoingo: Where the good lord split, not even Blockstream has internal consensus on HKGOXMTG
(trilema) punkman: asciilifeform: works at blockstream iirc
(trilema) pete_dushenski: "Blockstream, a tech startup that employs several core developers of the bitcoin protocol, has raised $55 million in venture capital to develop its sidechain technology and expand its global operations." [...] "Horizons Ventures, AXA Strategic Ventures and Digital Garage led the Series A funding round, which brings the startup's total venture funding to $76 million to date." << all this paper (and cardamon smell) and
(trilema) mircea_popescu: so blockstream really is running out of cash huh.
(trilema) thestringpuller: P. Much. "The MP of big blocks" "The MP of paypal" "The MP of blockstream"
(trilema) assbot: The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream | Qntra ... ( )
(trilema) BingoBoingo: <thestringpuller> mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo wrote about that in his Qntra piece. << this one It's cruel to point people to "BingoBoingo's Qntra Piece" without specifying which one, and as time goes on it will only become more cruel.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: << hahaha check it out! blockstream and whoever else have reached consensus!!11
(trilema) mircea_popescu: what does "blockstream" do ?
(trilema) mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo try as i might, i can't fucking recall who the fuck is "blockstream"
(trilema) BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> yeah, until karpeles lied about an imaginary cause of stealing people's bitcoin, the other dudes working on wrecking bitcoin didn't have a good excuse. hurr durr. << Blockstream people nao complain too, because their off chain doo dad apparently won't work if any malleability on their transactions is possibru
(trilema) assbot: The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream : Bitcoin ... ( )
(trilema) assbot: The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream | Qntra ... ( )
(trilema) mircea_popescu: << check out BingoBoingo! getting quite adept at splitting teh narrative huh ?
(trilema) assbot: throckmortonsign comments on The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream ... ( )
(trilema) assbot: BlockchainOfFools comments on The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream ... ( )
(trilema) assbot: The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream : Bitcoin ... ( )
(trilema) BingoBoingo: Seriously. But on the other hand can't let blockstream get an ego and think they can Gavin themselves.
(trilema) assbot: The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream | Qntra ... ( )
(trilema) BingoBoingo: Oh, a little bit of everything. Picking fights with XT and blockstream at the same time
(trilema) mircea_popescu: Christopher Allen Former CTO Certicom Co-Author TLS 1.0 ; Jon Callas Former CTO of PGP Now CTO Silent Circle ; Greg Maxwell Bitcoin Core Maintainer CTO Blockstream ; Peter Todd Bitcoin Core Contributor ; Greg Slepak OKTurtles and DNSChain ; Markus Sabadello OASIS XDI Internet Identity ; Vitalik Buterin Founder of Ethereum and Bitcoin Magazine ; F. Randall Farmer Author of "Building Web Reputation Systems" ; Pie
(trilema) mircea_popescu: ter Wuille Co-founder at Blockstream Bitcoin Core Developer ; Kiara Robles Creator of blockchainMe ; Juan Benet Creator of IPFS Founder of Protocol Labs ; Alex Leverington Core Developer Ethereum ; Tyler Close Access control thinker and implementer ; Ryan Shea Co-founder Onename ; Muneeb Ali Co-founder Onename ; Drummond Reed Co-Founder & CTO Respect Network ; Matthew Schutte Co-Founder at Collaborative Advanta
(trilema) assbot: contracthashtool/contracthashtool.c at master · Blockstream/contracthashtool · GitHub ... ( )
(trilema) thestringpuller: 03:59 < dzbrak> the blockstream coup is underway
(trilema) assbot: btcdrak comments on Bitcoin Foundation: "Today’s shoutout is to Blockstream, who has funded more core dev than anyone, including us. Their knowledge & depth is extraordinary." ... ( )
(trilema) thestringpuller: I could tell as soon as I read the nonsense you post about Blockstream
(trilema) mircea_popescu: all this "blockstream" stuff is so lulzy. random derpy outfit with enough money to cover 18 months' worth of modest burn rate.
(trilema) BingoBoingo: "Wow, is that mind bent. It's like r/iamverysmart crossed with extreme ancap libertarianism, with a dash of cultist "one true bitcoin", and possibly some blockstream fed small block euphoria. It's purified crazy."
(trilema) assbot: Blockstream employee asking to remove Gavin from Foundation. : Bitcoin ... ( )
(trilema) assbot: Logged on 09-06-2015 13:03:57; mircea_popescu: curl: (35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to
(trilema) assbot: Logged on 09-06-2015 13:07:45; mircea_popescu: i will also observe that launches much awaited bitcoin's mmorpg, usg.agitprop is silent ; "blockstream" launches "much awaited" (by whom ?) nothing at all, the wsj seems compelled to write it up within the hour.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: i will also observe that launches much awaited bitcoin's mmorpg, usg.agitprop is silent ; "blockstream" launches "much awaited" (by whom ?) nothing at all, the wsj seems compelled to write it up within the hour.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: but anyway, For additional background on Blockstream’s founding values, read “Blockstream: A Champion of Bitcoin’s Core Values.” ?! "" ?!
(trilema) mircea_popescu: curl: (35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to
(trilema) mircea_popescu: "Firstly, no, the "Bitcoin ecosystem" is not well funded. Blockstream might
(trilema) punkman: I think that lib predates blockstream
(trilema) mircea_popescu: did blockstream actually publish the libsecp256k1 ?
(trilema) mircea_popescu: i'm sort of pondering creating a "compare openssl / polarssl / blockstream ec implementations" research project
(trilema) adlai: fluffypony: blockstream is a for-profit company in order to steal your lunch
(trilema) punkman: err, blockstream
(trilema) dartv: blockstream will add a few operations that allow locking or unlocking of Bitcoins, called transferring to a sidechain (or transferring back)
(trilema) dartv: blockstream inc smells like ripple
(trilema) thestringpuller: asciilifeform: blockstream << lol i look at the founders page and of course gmaxwell is on it
(trilema) asciilifeform: blockstream << archetypical shitgnome circus
(trilema) assbot: Blockstream closes $21M seed round | Blockstream ... ( )
(trilema) assbot: Blockstream/contracthashtool · GitHub
(trilema) nubbins`: <@gmaxwell> nubbins`: Change the hash to get rid of the crazy base58 (pita to implement) in the inner loop and make it a merkle tree so the proof can be compact even with many things commited. And instead of using a private key, use a pay-to-contract
(trilema) pete_dushenski: lol blockstream has "gregory maxwell" on its list of founders.
(trilema) thickasthieves: <+kakobrekla> blockstream has nice logo -- not bad, i'd have gone for less segments in the icon
(trilema) kakobrekla: blockstream has nice logo
(trilema) mircea_popescu: "Francesca Hall Co-Founder Since joining Blockstream as team coordinator, she has become an expert in complex systems, chaos theory, system automation, and large scale organizational challenges"
(trilema) assbot: Blockstream