Results 1 ... 154 found in all logged channels for 'boeck'

(asciilifeform) asciilifeform will omit 'derp, 0 mention of prior art', it's hanno boeck after all, still doin' his thing, n yrs later, never tires
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-04 11:16:20 asciilifeform: shinohai: i wouldn't be so sure there are 'troo believers' at all -- wright had an extensive apparatus of usg shills pushing his nonsense (recall hearn, boeck, et al)
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: ( e.g. hearn, boeck, in unison, on one day 'phuctor is bogus, move along', next week 'wright is shitoshi', then 'bigblox nao!', etc )
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: (trilema) 2016-08-17 asciilifeform: 'it never happened, and, oh, incidentally, hanno boeck! and hey craigwright is satoshi, and hey, big blox! and it never happened.'
(asciilifeform) dulapbot: (trilema) 2016-08-17 asciilifeform: 'it never happened, and, oh, incidentally, hanno boeck! and hey craigwright is satoshi, and hey, big blox! and it never happened.'
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: shinohai: i wouldn't be so sure there are 'troo believers' at all -- wright had an extensive apparatus of usg shills pushing his nonsense (recall hearn, boeck, et al)
(trilema) asciilifeform: while we're on subj, mircea_popescu had a pretty interesting observation in '16, 'the boecks were rousted because we're on to sumthing, but we dun know precisely what yet'
(trilema) asciilifeform: it prolly aint lang barrier -- recall, they saw phuctor and translated, correctly, and even avoided swallowing boeck etc
(trilema) asciilifeform: not even boeck's 10min perl thing, but finally a job
(trilema) asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'seclist' lulzfest linked specifically for the laugh where some boeck figure loses his shit because some 'traitor' didn't wait the requisite 14days usg wanted etc
(trilema) asciilifeform: starfish is getting broad daylight waltzing, no way to boeck around the fact.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: not anymore than anyone over at alphabet gives a shit about the misadventures of amstan ; or anyone at redhat about the new hole in boeck's ass, or etc.
(trilema) asciilifeform: << see also. i'd be surprised if there isn't already a boeck-style 'rebuttal' (perhaps from herr boeck himself) in the works.
(trilema) asciilifeform: ( their phuctor filter is esp lulzy, gives not null but specifically ancient stale pages, boeck's 'rebuttal', reddit. etc )
(trilema) mircea_popescu: /2015/heres-what-they-dont-tell-you-when-they-bring-you-those-papers-to-sign/ sense of choice) : either he picks "someone", where someone is defined as ~one of them~, some boeck or other, in which case, "here's an article by the boeck ~you picked~ saying ~you're wrong" ; or else VERY BAD AND WE WILL ALL SHAKE OUR HEAD AND PRETEND LIKE YOU DID UNSPEAKABLE WRONGS
(trilema) mircea_popescu: in this sense i suppose djb is a boneh, though i don't like how he runs his harem ; wheras yuk dude is a boeck.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: i suppose as far as the orcs are concerned, it's mostly a boneh-or-boeck distinction.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, you could of course put in ye olde mp-wp page limiter, and give all the boecks a very sad surprise.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: o btw asciilifeform , here's a hysterical example of the usual boeckisms :
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2018-05-14 13:30 asciilifeform: ^ pretty lulzy prehistory -- usg is burning the vuln in the most traditional way, complete with 'responsible disclosure'ism and a boeck-style 'researcher' ; nao spinning in every propaganda organ in unison as 'pgp broken!'
(trilema) asciilifeform: the footnotes of the 'paper', also lulzy, full of marlinspike, boeck, etc. 'why pgp is dead' articles
(trilema) BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ^ pretty lulzy prehistory -- usg is burning the vuln in the most traditional way, complete with 'responsible disclosure'ism and a boeck-style 'researcher' ; nao spinning in every propaganda organ in unison as 'pgp broken!' << Apparently @hanno has a take on this too that sums to the rest of the party line "who could be using this with hygeine?"
(trilema) asciilifeform: ^ pretty lulzy prehistory -- usg is burning the vuln in the most traditional way, complete with 'responsible disclosure'ism and a boeck-style 'researcher' ; nao spinning in every propaganda organ in unison as 'pgp broken!'
(trilema) lobbes: in other lulz: observe one hanno boeck in his natural habitat, one day before being called up for muppet duty, still doing... nothing >>
(trilema) asciilifeform: just when i was about to think 'where is boeck! has he died'
(trilema) asciilifeform: ( i suppose they ended up with the boecking job this time )
(trilema) asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: make boeck work for his pay, why not.
(trilema) asciilifeform: the one where 'boeck confirms, not true!' etc
(trilema) asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i'd like to make some sort of non-debiable/unhealable hole in the boeck bubble, and it almost seems possible in this case
(trilema) mircea_popescu: eh, who the fuck cares what boecks boeck.
(trilema) asciilifeform wonders whether they have a stable of dedicated boecks for such 'discoveries', or if disposables
(trilema) mircea_popescu: nothing wrong with giving it a try ; who knows, you discover a talent -- often people don't know they're great at X thing because of the problem, all "practicians" in the field are boecks.
(trilema) asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: evidently he also slept through boeck's week-long shilling for craig wright, followed by 'unhappening', or would at least start scratching head when prodded
(trilema) asciilifeform: specifically to ~prevent~ folx such as zx2c4 from hearing about e.g. phuctor, or other actual attempts at experiment, and if they hear -- from taking seriously. 'boeck did it in 2007' 'but did he publish a divisor?' 'uhhhh'
(trilema) asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i suspect that the fella still labours under the impression that boeck et al are the 'authorities' , sitting in judgement of ~us~ , and that it is we who must somehow prove beyond reasonable doubt that they lie
(trilema) zx2c4: well boeck isnt an academic
(trilema) asciilifeform: zx2c4: pay and written orders are not a necessary hypothesis. fact of the matter is that you do not get to ~become~ 'a nadia' or 'a boeck' unless you behave 'like a civilized academic' and do what is expected of you, without being asked.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: that fraud does not usually get punished by the "legal system" does not mean either boeck or pirate are respectable items.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: hanno boeck, some chick named nirdlinger or nirflinger or whatever and some other schmucks lied for years about having done research they never actually did.
(trilema) asciilifeform: debug of herr boeck, grade-a imperial политтехнолог ( how does that even go in engl ? )
(trilema) asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the displacement takes place in the imagination of the usg chair warmers, naturally. 'we'll cook up this boeckian substitute, no one will have any curiosity re the real thing, when it deigns to show up' being the idea.
(trilema) asciilifeform: << i read. it's a hannoboeckization of gossipd.
(trilema) asciilifeform: possibly because did not trigger the boeck immune cells
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2017-12-08 13:39 asciilifeform: meanwhile, on the hannoboeck planet, << usg tool marcus brinkmann proclaims 'clean rewrite of gpg' , with fanfare, spamola ( e.g. ) , 'modernisms', the full shebang.
(trilema) asciilifeform: betcha the boecks, the moxies, are green with envy
(trilema) asciilifeform: a moxie is more of a 'gift of gab' item. writes 'trendy' 'pgp is obsolete' treatises, appears at 'best' parties , inevitably consulted at 'seekooority cons', 'podcasts', inevitably shills for multicoloured-phone-of-the-day vendors, never skips a chance to 'plug for' other moxies ; appeals to boecks for 'technical cred'.
(trilema) asciilifeform: in contrast with, e.g., a boeck : who is 'technically' flavoured ( i.e. mouthpiece for dropping vulns usg wants 'burned' )
(trilema) asciilifeform: i fully expect that attempts to 'fix' the 'bugs' will continue. ( which bugs? e.g. the 'bug' where bitcoin actually works; the one where it dun belong to the moxies and boecks, i.e. ; the 'bug' where it doesn't need to ask for permission from them to work ; etc )
(trilema) asciilifeform: ^ and oblig hanno boeck.
(trilema) asciilifeform: this time took a peek after all, to see 'are the hannoboecks still on duty'. answ: they are.
(trilema) asciilifeform: meanwhile, on the hannoboeck planet, << usg tool marcus brinkmann proclaims 'clean rewrite of gpg' , with fanfare, spamola ( e.g. ) , 'modernisms', the full shebang.
(trilema) asciilifeform: and apparently these particular derps read the l0gz every fucking day, in search of what to steal and what to boeck over.
(trilema) asciilifeform: holy fuq the sheer number of boecks in one box.
(trilema) asciilifeform: czechs, germans, etc boecks.
(trilema) asciilifeform: surrounded by hannoboecks, they do the talking, the 'investing' etc.
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2017-06-13 15:14 mircea_popescu: the hanno boecks always work in the same cycle. feeder phase where they "seem reasonable" and chumpatron phase where they shed the half-hour-horizon idiots who bought it.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: the hanno boecks always work in the same cycle. feeder phase where they "seem reasonable" and chumpatron phase where they shed the half-hour-horizon idiots who bought it.
(trilema) asciilifeform: and boeck, a герой советского союза or sumthing.
(trilema) asciilifeform: tomorrow's noose: 'nadia henninger and hanno boeck rescue ten thousand insecure solar...'
(trilema) asciilifeform: i recommend to reread mircea_popescu's 2parter re boeck.
(trilema) asciilifeform: were you there for the seclist thread with boeck, Framedragger ?
(trilema) Framedragger: but also a useful reminder that scanz done here are not original, and it's not an instance of "this was done before, whoops no data to show there." (ironically took a look at due to (hanno boeck's article))
(trilema) asciilifeform: i thought it was mandatory for boecks.
(trilema) asciilifeform: also buncha hanno boeck reposts.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: hanno boeck is not some sort of journalist, and generally speaking nobody has any ground to stand on ~whatsoever~. at all.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: whatever, they'll be left with boeck and supran tweeting to one another, no great loss
(trilema) mircea_popescu: the only hostis humani generis are the anonymous usg tools. the gavin-koch-weimer-boeck-younameit.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: see the discussion of boeck's alleged "contributions" etc.
(trilema) asciilifeform: boeck, schneier, the other scum, they -- know
(trilema) asciilifeform: devoted readers of boeck, henninger, et al
(trilema) mircea_popescu: which is why the republican strategy in sociopolitical cryptography is to isolate the nsa assets - the kochs and dreppers and schneiers + a bevy of small fry boecks etc. let them sit on hacker news and upvote each other to death, but otherwise, outside of the usg reservation, they may not opine and they may not be used as reference.
(trilema) asciilifeform: boeck himself does this ~weekly
(trilema) asciilifeform: Framedragger: the way hannoboecks work is that they will pick a trivial but 'glamorous' problem to 'solve' and score 'cred' with rubes thereby
(trilema) asciilifeform: naturally it is possible to distinguish, e.g., lamport, from boeck.
(trilema) asciilifeform: << in unrelated olds. where hanno boeck was 3 yrs ago.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: quite. i for one am not the least bit against things boeck-working for the boecks.
(trilema) asciilifeform: it only needs to boeck-work.
(trilema) asciilifeform: such that when, e.g., we publish one, they can boeck it.
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2016-09-12 09:39 mircea_popescu: << one wonders, of course, if hanno boeck ( ) is stuck in an airport somewhere furiously editing his speech on his "research" which entirely consists of repackaging material published by the republic for his dorky friends with internet / mental disabilities. or whether they'll just publish an incomplete list and pretend no
(trilema) asciilifeform: << i think the boeckfest was over on friday night
(trilema) mircea_popescu: << one wonders, of course, if hanno boeck ( ) is stuck in an airport somewhere furiously editing his speech on his "research" which entirely consists of repackaging material published by the republic for his dorky friends with internet / mental disabilities. or whether they'll just publish an incomplete list and pretend no
(trilema) asciilifeform: in other noose, boeck delivers!1111 >> << guess of what there is 0 mention, etc.
(trilema) pete_dushenski: << as you'll note in , taleb isn't here for ~cultural~ reasons. not usgkultur either, but his proudly flashed mediterranean levantine orthodox roots. boeck has as much influence on this as antelope have on italian soda fizziness.
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2016-09-08 18:58 asciilifeform: boeck et al is to reduce the risk that taleb shows up here. etc
(trilema) asciilifeform: there is a fundamental (and solidly boecktronically-supported and propagated) misconception about what cryptography even IS
(trilema) asciilifeform: the other thing about the boecks is that hitler maintains - quite successfully - an atmosphere of despair and intellectual death
(trilema) asciilifeform: boeck et al is to reduce the risk that taleb shows up here. etc
(trilema) asciilifeform: which is what boeck et al are for.
(trilema) asciilifeform: so all of the boeckian products are recognizably similar in their nonsensical dance around the question
(trilema) asciilifeform: the interesting bit is that no servant of hitler ever need formally commision 'boeckware' - it is produced 'naturally', by herd of teenage imbecile alice_s
(trilema) asciilifeform: << herr boeck drops privkeys : 'The data we are publishing consists of 331 certificates including the matching private key as well as 553 individual private keys. We've also included the names of products that contain the certificates/keys. Cryptographic keys that were not found in Internet-wide scan data ( and, HTTPS/SSH) are included as
(trilema) asciilifeform: elsewhere: esteemed mr boeck burns^H^H^H^H^Hdiscovers
(trilema) asciilifeform: and does anyone else find it lulzy that boeck's talk is 15m long ?
(trilema) asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i do not regard the now-explicit cooperation of koch with boeck as uninteresting.
(trilema) asciilifeform: i'ma bet it'll be 'pretend never happened', vs. hannoboeckization.
(trilema) asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: eh, betcha hanno boeck et al are already nearly done cooking up a 'we've been surveying bad ssh keygen for 111 years' crock of shit
(trilema) asciilifeform: i can hardly wait for the hanno boeck post.
(trilema) asciilifeform pictures boeck, poor idiot, waking up at 4 in the morning, called to do his dooooty
(trilema) asciilifeform: expect to see moar butthurt scampering a la boeck et al.
(trilema) asciilifeform: if boeck had posted same pile, mircea_popescu would immediately recognize it as 'burning old holes'
(trilema) asciilifeform: (consider how boeck was grown. and used.)
(trilema) asciilifeform: 'there was no finding. and oh incidentally hanno boeck found the finding. and hey there was no finding.'
(trilema) asciilifeform: 'it never happened, and, oh, incidentally, hanno boeck! and hey craigwright is satoshi, and hey, big blox! and it never happened.'
(trilema) asciilifeform: and hanno boeck also posts all day long to mailing list, with 'bug reports' (burned usg vulns)
(trilema) asciilifeform: because It Never Happened! And If It Did, We Had It First! And Better! And Hanno Boeck! And Who Were Those Terrorists Again?
(trilema) asciilifeform: i understand quite well that hearns, boecks, etc. are used and discarded by octopus, like condoms.
(trilema) asciilifeform: well when instead of 'boeck said...' i say 'the lizard octopus proclaimed via one of its tentacles...' folks laugh.
(trilema) asciilifeform wonders what the boecks will move on to now that 'snore, gpg won't import the keyz' is addressed
(trilema) asciilifeform: to whom tmsr folk are 'extremist crackots' with (direct quote) 'obvious signs of mental illness', and hanno boeck is a pillar of the komyooniti.
(trilema) asciilifeform: then there is the 'do-ocrat', as exemplified by boeck, who 'has done SO MUCH for the komoyoonity! and who are you again pigfucker to question his guiding light'
(trilema) asciilifeform: bbbbutt boeck HIMSELF vouched for shitoshi!!1111
(trilema) asciilifeform: i do wonder how a boeck is paid - per word? for 'result' ?
(trilema) asciilifeform: lel boeck replies.
(trilema) asciilifeform: ahahahaha mircea_popescu 'killed' boeck, so guess who gets to be the new boeck,
(trilema) asciilifeform: i should like to hear the 'innocent', boeckian explanation for the tall piles of dupolade.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: hanno boeck ( ) definitely hoax. turkish "coup", not hoax - major usg.dos success. as far as those go these days.
(trilema) asciilifeform: it is quite impossible: boecks will appear and claim to have done each item, first!11111
(trilema) mircea_popescu: nono, that never happened. hanno boeck published it first!
(trilema) mircea_popescu: ever more stuff for the "it never happened and hanno boeck did it anyway" machine.
(trilema) asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: boeck is busy elsewhere,
(trilema) BingoBoingo: hanno boeck is for shitgnomming GPG, other shitgnomes for this
(trilema) mircea_popescu: lol conspicuously missing, the hanno boeck "i already had published this nowhere" angle.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: Framedragger "the lie", you know. which is why hanno boeck ( ) et al went all in for the "nothing happened". derps are by and large conditioned to "think" that nothing happened because nothing happens because nothing can happen because nothing happened because...
(trilema) mircea_popescu: i'm sure hanno boeck had it in his list.
(trilema) asciilifeform: (and aha the good doktor boeck knew all along!1111)
(trilema) asciilifeform: ^ mr mold gets the hanno boeck treatment
(trilema) ben_vulpes: boeck's going to show up with all of the keys and a backdated modulus or two now
(trilema) asciilifeform: the sheer stench of 'official science' in boeck's answer!
(trilema) hanbot: for the record, it's not just phuctor that your friend Boeck [could have done] did. See also [could have] found Heartbleed:
(trilema) asciilifeform: but that boeck is the ~perp~, laughing at us.
(trilema) asciilifeform: i wonder, how did he pick ~which~ 186 of our mods to boeck over.
(trilema) asciilifeform: this year's boeck reluctantly, grudgingly, ran the fucking proggy
(trilema) asciilifeform: ah yeah last year's boeck
(trilema) asciilifeform: boeck took henninger's thing and ran it
(trilema) mircea_popescu: sure, it works. and hanno boeck's ( )'s hands also work. in principle like that.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: poor hanno boeck & assorted shitbag parade, they don't even run systems with native bignum support, wtf are they gonna do now! 6723834688378347131962599764946917095897099 dun fit in javascript calculator mang, wat do!
(trilema) mircea_popescu: lol that hanno boeck assclown got called out. curious what happens nao.
(trilema) deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 5371 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Ben Boeckel <>; Ben Boeckel <>; ' -
(trilema) fluffypony: BingoBoingo: that's a CMake best practices thing, the guy that did that (Ben Boeckel) is one of the CMake developers
(trilema) decimation: it's in the comments of that article that replaced yours on hacker news
(trilema) decimation: meanwhile this guy (hboeck) has a post that pretty much says "nothing to worry about", and is promoted to #1
(trilema) pete_dushenski: decimation who's the hboeck guy again ?
(trilema) decimation: that hboeck link is top on hn now