| Results 251 ... 500 found in all logged channels for 'mtgox' |

(trilema) mthreat: proof of poof (like MtGox) or proof of proof ?
(trilema) mircea_popescu: same mccaleb, with the proceeds of having stolen mtgox funds in that 2012 debacle when mtgox btc ended up 1 cent (you know, through using old pws that derpeles was too stupid to change)
(trilema) mircea_popescu: fuck, did you know Mark Karpeles of MtGox was going to make an options exchange cca 2012 ?
(trilema) Namworld: Then MtGox's failure, even if they lose 90% of their BTC, will be a blessing because of the 10% they will not have been able to sell?
(trilema) Namworld: [16:21] <+Namworld> What... Japanese trustee for MtGox's bankruptcy will look into if it is possible to do distribution in bitcoins?
(trilema) Namworld: What... Japanese trustee for MtGox's bankruptcy will look into if it is possible to do distribution in bitcoins?
(trilema) rithm: mtgox may have done in whatever coinabul's business model was
(trilema) DreadKnight: as expected, mtgox ftw xD
(trilema) assbot: trixisowned comments on mtgox creditor meeting handout
(trilema) mircea_popescu: re http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2bh2sr/mtgox_creditor_meeting_handout/cj5e9ue << of course, mp said mtgox is syphoning customer funds, a while back.
(trilema) assbot: trixisowned comments on mtgox creditor meeting handout
(trilema) gribble: The Bitcoin Drama Timeline pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2012/the-bitcoin-drama-timeline/>; Runcible Doom pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/runcible-doom>; Why S.MPOE is worth more than MtGox pe Trilema - Un blog de ...: <http://trilema.com/2012/why-smpoe-is-worth-more-than-mtgox/>
(trilema) Rassah: Mircea, care to fill me in on other thins I've missed? The "we don't need distributed xchanges ay more" is surprising considering MtGox died just 6 months ago, and BTC-e is questionable
(trilema) mircea_popescu: ;;later tell hanbot remember the guy that sent a complaint to spanish police (where he was at the time being an romanian temp worker) that mtgox won't send him proof of its id ? he's dead.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: all he needs is to constantly kick the 2-3 closest competitors off the block. a la mtgox-tradehill
(trilema) gribble: (sell <amount> <thing> [at|@] <priceperunit> <otherthing> [<notes>]) -- Logs a sell order for <amount> units of <thing, at a price of <price> per unit, in units of <otherthing>. Use the optional <notes> field to put in any special notes. <price> may include an arithmetical expression, and {(mtgox|bitstamp)(ask|bid|last|high|low|avg)} to index price to mtgox ask, bid, last, high, low, (1 more message)
(trilema) assbot: goxdox.org: MagicalTux strikes again: Tibanne takes another $200K USD from mtgox creditor funds
(trilema) mircea_popescu: of mtgox tho., which he did run.
(trilema) BingoBoingo: jborkl: Well in a sane legal jurisdiction what you'd do is do through the motions of petitioning the trustee for discovery that any distinction between MtGox, Tibbane, and Karpales is fictitious and attach the debts and their repayment to his person.
(trilema) jborkl: It was all in Japanese except for the bankrupt part. Why didn't you guys tell me mtgox went bankrupt? I had to find out like this?
(trilema) jborkl: Told me mtgox went bankrupt
(trilema) gribble: (buy [--long] <amount> <thing> [at|@] <priceperunit> <otherthing> [<notes>]) -- Logs a buy order for <amount> units of <thing>, at a price of <price> per unit, in units of <otherthing>. Use the optional <notes> field to put in any special notes. <price> may include an arithmetical expression, and {(mtgox|bitstamp)(ask|bid|last|high|low|avg)} to index price to mtgox ask, bid, last, (1 more message)
(trilema) pankkake: " We use the time of the transaction from http://blockchain.info/ to determine the exact second where the option was created, and then we use the list of mtgox transactions that is available via the http://Bitcoincharts.com/ mtgox historic API to determine both the opening price and the closing price of the option. "
(trilema) mircea_popescu: "My guess is that they never expected to get caught and suffer income loss as a result of their attack. But, once they were caught, I put a filter in place to block them from the payout queue (similar to the block on known MtGox addresses). Eligius’s offline wallet now has roughly 200 BTC work credits held from the payout queue under the attacker's addresses, that we have stopped them from stealing."
(trilema) mircea_popescu: much like mtgox in its heyday.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: jurov: bitcoin is registered trademark nao << always has been. by... mtgox. bcause... "it;'s better someone with bitcoin's interests at heart have the tm than someone random"
(trilema) mdev: thanks, was the 1k+ per btc to the price it is now, solely a result of mtgox going under?
(trilema) mike_c: Naphex: mtgox would have managed to suck in any language. i just feel bad for good programmers who somehow have ended up using php. probably the same as asciilifeform feels for all of us that don't use lisp.
(trilema) Naphex: mike_c: i doubt ZF had anything to do with mtgox vulns
(trilema) mike_c: well, it was good enough for mtgox i guess.
(trilema) fluffypony: "Mystery solved: this is a MtGox address. You sent 300 to it one year ago
(trilema) pankkake: "Mystery solved: this is a MtGox address. You sent 300 to it one year ago
(trilema) pankkake: mtgox.com/why-we-are-solvent
(trilema) mircea_popescu: mtgox faked its volume, too.
(trilema) ozbot: Why S.MPOE is worth more than MtGox pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
(trilema) pankkake: the userbase doesn't like mtgox. it always sucked
(trilema) gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user mtgox: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 6 via 3 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=mtgox | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=mtgox | Rated since: Mon Nov 8 13:35:39 2010
(trilema) mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust mtgox
(trilema) pankkake: oh was that why the mtgox keys worked only with mtgox?
(trilema) mircea_popescu: this was how mtgox managed to lose daytrading.
(trilema) pankkake: I'm surprised things like mtgox bankruptancy were considered "bad" for bitcoin price
(trilema) fluffypony: meanwhile there are 6 hops between the "mtgox" address and the ScamSafe address, any of which could be an exchange or a tumbler
(trilema) fluffypony: crumbs, so someone suggested returning the mtgox coins sent to MaidSafe to the sender - so Dan Larimer from BitShares says: "Sending them back to the thief? That makes no sense. They should either be sent to the bankruptcy court, destroyed as dividends to bitcoin holders, or used for development of maidsafe... the only thing that must not happen is the issuance of Safecoin to the thief."
(trilema) fluffypony: ;;later tell bitcoinpete oh look, surprise surprise, stolen mtgox coins have been invested in MaidSafe - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=579797.msg6370815#msg6370815
(trilema) gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user mtgox has been recorded.
(trilema) davout: ;;rate mtgox -10
(trilema) jurov: you won't get useful info whether to trust gox from only some "mtgox" tag
(trilema) artifexd: Imagine you had a negative rating from mtgox with the comment "TROLL!!!!!!"
(trilema) mircea_popescu: MTGOX recovery imminent!
(trilema) jurov: thebitcoinnews.co.uk/2014/04/13/bitcoin-central-net-insolvent-the-french-bitcoin-association-and-the-relation-to-mtgox/
(trilema) Apocalyptic: mtgox is a nice hill
(trilema) Namworld: Doesn't look like an appropriate candidate anyway. There's no amount of duct tape that can fix MtGox.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: (for new people : mtgox failed miserably a year ago, this time. their lag was routinely in the half hour range. it's all in the logs. their response ? "we are a victim of our own success!!1"
(trilema) mircea_popescu: TestingUnoDosTre um... a la mtgox ?
(trilema) fluffypony: I also don't see what's wrong (fundamentally) with an exchange being a central point of issuance/authority/failure, as long as it's not built and run like mtgox or litecoininvest or whatever
(trilema) Azelphur: so I could learn what mtgox did wrong, what they do now, that sort of thing
(trilema) Azelphur: anyway, another fun question for you, do you believe the "mtgox got hacked" crap? :P
(trilema) bounce: magicaltux, fbastage, gigavpx, gmaxwell, komododragon, lucidlepidoptera, mtgox, ne0futur, and topace went out, bitdragon and lampelina got added (due to getting +1 later)
(trilema) minersdidit: mtgox is what 20million alone
(trilema) minersdidit: mtgox. charlie shrem etc
(trilema) minersdidit: bitstamp is another mtgox in the making with those 2 scumbags running it imo
(trilema) minersdidit: any bets up on bitbet when bitstamp goes the way of mtgox?
(trilema) danielpbarron: i've never seen Bitcoin lose most its value, but I wasn't around for that first MtGox hack
(trilema) jborkl_: Mtgox possibly being bought
(trilema) jborkl_: Mircea , you see the mtgox news yet? Not that is any surprise
(trilema) mircea_popescu: people don't quite grasp how bad a business mtgox was on a cashflow basis.
(trilema) fluffypony: what boggles my mind is that they (mtgox) were liquid enough to pay someone to rewrite everything in a less-crap way, and to permanently employ a bunch of CISSPs (at the very least)
(trilema) jborkl: And if mtgox inflated the supply of coins so the price should have been depressed
(trilema) fluffypony: Aquent: because all the mtgox bagholders might panic and sell their coins on mtgox?
(trilema) gribble: (sell <amount> <thing> [at|@] <priceperunit> <otherthing> [<notes>]) -- Logs a sell order for <amount> units of <thing, at a price of <price> per unit, in units of <otherthing>. Use the optional <notes> field to put in any special notes. <price> may include an arithmetical expression, and {(mtgox|bitstamp)(ask|bid|last|high|low|avg)} to index price to mtgox ask, bid, last, high, (1 more message)
(trilema) mircea_popescu: <mikaeldice> So, this guy who said that people who put money on an exchange are stupid sheep and that the next MtGox fiasco 'is coming' is now opening his own exchange. << which guy ?
(trilema) mikaeldice: So, this guy who said that people who put money on an exchange are stupid sheep and that the next MtGox fiasco 'is coming' is now opening his own exchange.
(trilema) jurov: mgio_ you forgot mtgox
(trilema) mircea_popescu: wait. hadn't danny claimed that they had lost nothing on mtgox
(trilema) Ken`: will mtgox yubikeys ever become a collector's item?
(trilema) mircea_popescu: locksmith well sure, the guy kept trying to buy relevancy, first with his clueless stumble into the bf thing, then probably derping around mtgox,
(trilema) kakobrekla: <mircea_popescu> kakobrekla: the brick and mortar trick is still something new in btcland << hardly. mtgox had them, bitcoin foundation had them (before running of to the uk at any rate) < perhaps, but thats is not the reason people fell for them
(trilema) kanzure: basically everyone in that 2011 mtgox dump is target for phishing
(trilema) kanzure: and even mtgox
(trilema) kanzure: someone should run one of the mtgox email address dumps through that coinbase api endpoint
(trilema) pankkake: and they will likely forget the claims of lost coins on mtgox
(trilema) mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: the brick and mortar trick is still something new in btcland << hardly. mtgox had them, bitcoin foundation had them (before running of to the uk at any rate)
(trilema) mircea_popescu: kakobrekla dat thing is endless. mtgox will be long forgotten
(trilema) mircea_popescu: Question:Would you send money or bitcoins to MtGox when it re-opens? (Voting closed: March 27, 2014, 03:11:32 PM) Yes 34 (43%)
(trilema) ozbot: Would you send money or bitcoins to MtGox when it re-opens? (poll)
(trilema) ozbot: Rating Details for User 'mtgox'
(trilema) gribble: Statement regarding recent third party audit report - Bitstamp: <https://www.bitstamp.net/article/statemen-regarding-recent-third-party-audit-report/>; Statement by Bitstamp regarding Mt Gox insolvency - Bitstamp: <https://www.bitstamp.net/article/Statement-by-Bitstamp-regarding-MtGox-insolv/>; Bitstamp - buy and sell bitcoins: <https://www.bitstamp.net/>
(trilema) tg2: > Ticker queries bitcoin pricing based on mtgox.com's history.
(trilema) Apocalyptic: <xdotcomm_> mtgox has my recent copy.. so does everyone else I get // a fair assumption
(trilema) xdotcomm_: mtgox has my recent copy.. so does everyone else I get
(trilema) moiety: also last bit is irrelevant but hilarious "mtgox falling victim..."
(trilema) punkman1: "However, while MtGox claimed to have lost 850,000 bitcoins due to malleability attacks, we merely observed a total of 302,000 bitcoins ever being involved in malleability attacks. Of these, only 1,811 bitcoins were in attacks before MtGox stopped users from withdrawing bitcoins. Even more, 78.64% of these attacks were ineffective."
(trilema) punkman1: mircea_popescu: they had been gathering data since Jan 2013, transactions looking like malleability-attacks only spiked after the Mtgox press release
(trilema) mircea_popescu: punkman1 so are they saying that mtgox made it up ?
(trilema) ozbot: [1403.6676] Bitcoin Transaction Malleability and MtGox
(trilema) mircea_popescu: you remember bitcoin consultancy, i'm sure. the thing which is still liable for bitcoinica loss. you remember bitcoinica, i'm sure. the dry run for the mtgox fiasco.
(trilema) tg2: "Hosted MtGox trading bot"
(trilema) mike_c: thx. it is cool to look at some of the big winners for the house. the mtgox closure caused a huge one. 0.07 btc -> 1.36 btc
(trilema) ozbot: BitBet - BTC/USD at MtGox will stay ABOVE 14.88$ and BELOW 21.46$
(trilema) mircea_popescu: which just goes to show mtgox is continuing in the same tradition
(trilema) ozbot: Grave concerns re MtGox pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
(trilema) ozbot: Grave concerns re MtGox pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: and if the sec was at my april 2013 conference, they could have known about mtgox nine months in advance,
(trilema) praeconium: I used rtbtc, but they used mtgox API
(trilema) jborkl: mtgox-troll would be the best
(trilema) mircea_popescu: why not just mtgox-cheat and be done with it
(trilema) jcpham: people still talking about mtgox?
(trilema) jborkl: that is closed and now is mtgox-talk
(trilema) dexX7: it's ##mtgox-chat
(trilema) mircea_popescu: praeconium maybe #mtgox ?
(trilema) mircea_popescu: You are the sort of brainwashed halfwit who thinks the responsibility for the lost BTC of MtGOX customers lies with the customers, because "it's their fault for using MtGOX".
(trilema) mircea_popescu: random guess. their pr is mtgox-level atrocious, which is kinda sad after all these trilema articles on the topic
(trilema) ozbot: MtGox.com
(trilema) khersonus: (dropping mtgox?)
(trilema) khersonus: mircea_popescu: why not run your options system with your own pricing index? it seemed to me that your two complaints about bitcoincharts were that an exchange pushed doge data, and they didn't remove mtgox. Couldn't you do better yourself?
(trilema) mircea_popescu: cadmus2 a. well so it'll be a nice bit of memorabilia, by 2025 people will be all "hmm what's a mtgox"
(trilema) cadmus2: MtGox is mentioned on the FAQ page - came in here to let someone update it
(trilema) mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves someone was saying a few days ago about all the bitching that thing caused in ##mtgox
(trilema) mircea_popescu: the mtgoxbtc they had you mean ?
(trilema) ozbot: Whoever makes the MtGox story TV special, please get Randy from Trailer Park
(trilema) mircea_popescu: mtgox runs on 1/4 of deposits, bitbet runs on 4x. fractional reserve ftw.
(trilema) ozbot: Mtgox trade data analysis
(trilema) mircea_popescu: as the sore holes of mtgox, the foundation, etc etc scattered all over the forum neatly attest.
(trilema) Neil: Yeah they sometimes pay off spectacularly. I blew up on the MtGox $150 1March; if he'd only hung on another 4 days...
(trilema) gribble: (buy [--long] <amount> <thing> [at|@] <priceperunit> <otherthing> [<notes>]) -- Logs a buy order for <amount> units of <thing>, at a price of <price> per unit, in units of <otherthing>. Use the optional <notes> field to put in any special notes. <price> may include an arithmetical expression, and {(mtgox|bitstamp)(ask|bid|last|high|low|avg)} to index price to mtgox ask, bid, last, high, (1 more message)
(trilema) MAKABEakira: he -10'd you, if i am reading it right. he banned me from mtgox for having the temerity to suggest he might be helping a crime happen
(trilema) mircea_popescu: diametric: ##mtgox-chat is hilarious. So many people ran the tibannebackoffice.exe malware.. what a bunch of idiots. << waitwat!
(trilema) diametric: ##mtgox-chat is hilarious. So many people ran the tibannebackoffice.exe malware.. what a bunch of idiots.
(trilema) Namworld: MtGox still has and is moving large amounts of Bitcoins.
(trilema) Namworld: Don't forget that MtGox's API published transactions as close as this morning, Diablo-D3.
(trilema) KRS-One: i still can't believe this is happening... mtgox hacked.. all leaked.. karpeles blog, his reddit account
(trilema) bitcoinpete: "Thank You people of r/bitcoin! Your unique, sarcastic and exaggerated humour has enabled me to cope with the depression and suicidal thoughts after my financial loss due to MtGox."
(trilema) Namworld: looks like MtGox is still publishing that it's moving lotta Bitcoins...
(trilema) mircea_popescu: link is to mtgox api
(trilema) Namworld: API isn't there anymore, but some MtGox addresses where known.
(trilema) Namworld: I believe this is based on past addresses used by MtGox, as per past transactions listed in their API
(trilema) mircea_popescu: woefully out of place in mtgox context
(trilema) mircea_popescu: course... mtgox...
(trilema) mircea_popescu: nobody was willing to pay 100 btc for mtgox whole.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: haha so wait, the dude figures someone cares enough about mtgox to pay 100 btc for their tx history ?
(trilema) gecko_x2: and he just banned me from ##mtgox-chat for pointing out that he should report the suse to interpol or something, not help him
(trilema) ozbot: Rumors of 20GB of data stolen from MtGox : Bitcoin
(trilema) mircea_popescu: what, one believes what mtgox says now ?
(trilema) gecko_x2: i pm's this one guy that turned out to be a op on ##mtgox-chat
(trilema) gecko_x2: i just got banned from ##mtgox-chat
(trilema) mircea_popescu: mtgox never had millions of users, get a hold of yourself
(trilema) gecko_x2: weird that there's no thread about the mtgox database theft
(trilema) ozbot: MtGox Transaction SQL Database Possibly Leaked?
(trilema) benkay: "Bitstamp, you're now the replacement to MtGox. Don't screw this up."
(trilema) ozbot: Peter R's theory on the collapse of MtGox and its effect on the price of bitcoin
(trilema) gribble: MPEx pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/category/mpex/>; Why S.MPOE is worth more than MtGox pe Trilema - Un blog de ...: <http://trilema.com/2012/why-smpoe-is-worth-more-than-mtgox/>; Iunie 2013 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2013/06>
(trilema) nubbins`: feb 25: "We hold zero coins in other companies, exchanges etc. While the MtGox closure is unfortunate, we at Flexcoin have not lost anything."
(trilema) jcpham: just because mtgox says you owned bitcoins it doesn't really mean you owned them
(trilema) gesell1: its on mtgox.com still
(trilema) gesell1: mircea_popescu: but there was a press release on mtgox with the support phone number
(trilema) gesell1: did anyone try to call MTgox today?
(trilema) btcleak: HOTTEST SHIT ON MTGOX
(trilema) mircea_popescu: Bugpowder this is re the very concerning leak at mtgox,
(trilema) ozbot: MtGox source code leaked ...
(trilema) jcpham: mircea_popescu I told someone that MPOE-PR was light years ahead of mtgox the other day
(trilema) ozbot: Roger Ver on MTGOX Bankruptcy and Bitcoin - YouTube
(trilema) Jakamoko: looks like mtgox got hacked again
(trilema) benkay: We go by the last price rates that we receive directly from MTGox,
(trilema) skinnkavaj: Why would Mtgox put up a call center
(trilema) ozbot: MtGox sets up call center in Japan for queries from worried Bitcoiners | Ars Technica
(trilema) mircea_popescu: in the sense mtgox lost 850k yes
(trilema) ozbot: BitBet - BTC/USD at MtGox will be above $150 on Mar 1st 2014
(trilema) ozbot: BitBet - MtGox Bitcoin USD Exchange Rate >= $150 Before the End of April 2013
(trilema) mircea_popescu: it was a year old when mtgox finally entered its last stages of decomposition
(trilema) mircea_popescu: take the recently closed mtgox 150 bet
(trilema) mircea_popescu: hard to say, but i would guess it would have been resolved the same way if mtgox was simply closed anyway.
(trilema) BingoBoingo: Flaws in Bitcoin bound to human flaws though are denoted a Aleph-sub-count, so Pirateat40 was Aleph-sub-0, MtGox is Aleph-sub-1
(trilema) gribble: MtGox BTCEUR last: 95.89175, vol: 0.00000000 | Bitstamp BTCEUR last: 405.35775, vol: 25090.63405584 | BTC-E BTCEUR last: 399.99999, vol: 277.45636 | BTCChina BTCEUR last: 406.1655, vol: 6636.95400000 | Volume-weighted last average: 405.478807636
(trilema) gesell1: is there a problem if I pursue mtgox from 3 different lawyers at once?
(trilema) mircea_popescu: Azelphur you can freely trade mtgox debt for bitcoinica debt on a 1:1 parity
(trilema) mircea_popescu: o look, greene sueing mtgox
(trilema) Duffer1: I mostly specify this as a parting fuck you broadside to the MtGox troop of idiots, who thought that perhaps if they re-do the original MtGox “hack” I may have trouble. It’s cute, I guess, in the sense of a bunch of ducks trying to work together to provoke waves that’ll sink a neighbouring battleship.
(trilema) gribble: MtGox BTCUSD last: 135.0, vol: 0.00000000 | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 541.15, vol: 24838.25261283 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 531.2, vol: 12183.12848 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 542.25444, vol: 15293.33238379 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 568.5, vol: 81.45490132 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 551.660382, vol: 7295.14400000 | Volume-weighted last average: 540.723991296
(trilema) ozbot: A Discussion on How to Salvage MtGox Customer Account Holdings - Imgur
(trilema) TomServo: BingoBoingo: was not kidding about ##mtgox-statement
(trilema) Duffer1: letstalkbitcoin.com/the-ghost-in-the-machine-at-mtgox/
(trilema) gribble: MtGox BTCUSD last: 135.0, vol: 0.00000000 | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 558.69, vol: 18248.76543402 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 541.96, vol: 12559.69095 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 557.0, vol: 12295.19418405 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 582.1, vol: 65.15586648 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 554.88, vol: 7185.97300000 | Volume-weighted last average: 553.591064627
(trilema) wbaw: it cost money from my bet, people were betting after mtgox closed
(trilema) mircea_popescu: course, it seems mtgox bound
(trilema) Luke-Jr: the only way to know MtGox was going down like this, is if you had evidence, or you were behind it
(trilema) mircea_popescu: there's a lot of things you didn't know. but the fact that i said mtgox is going down, you knew.
(trilema) Luke-Jr: I didn't know you had access to MtGox's code
(trilema) MagicalFag: just got a $a: ban on ##mtgox-chat, such fun
(trilema) BingoBoingo: ##mtgox-statement pissing me off beyond my vodka budget for a Thursday
(trilema) gribble: MtGox BTCUSD last: 135.0, vol: 0.00000000 | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 578.47, vol: 16020.91139690 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 558.1, vol: 14394.81461 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 577.0, vol: 11047.20318012 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 590.06, vol: 0 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 566.081244, vol: 6372.01300000 | Volume-weighted last average: 570.350348155
(trilema) BingoBoingo: ##mtgox-statement is still a lulzmine
(trilema) BingoBoingo: decimation: He probably isn't wrong. People need to see the retard spewing from ##mtgox-statement
(trilema) BingoBoingo: Seriously ##mtgox-statement is quite a lulzmine
(trilema) BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Not in ##mtgox-statement either
(trilema) diametric: I've been lulzing at ##mtgox-chat for weeks
(trilema) BingoBoingo: So ##mtgox-statement is a lulzy channel of the moment
(trilema) gribble: MtGox BTCUSD last: 135.0, vol: 0.00000000 | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 584.94, vol: 15642.56806355 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 568.894, vol: 14217.12556 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 586.25, vol: 11373.50354135 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 604.9, vol: 53.79227123 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 578.43415, vol: 6348.48000000 | Volume-weighted last average: 579.619232199
(trilema) thestringpuller: you made the claim of MtGox operating on fractional reserve awhile back...
(trilema) mircea_popescu: "What of it? People who don’t know MtGox won’t buy this story as long as you provide zero evidence to back it up, that’s what of it."
(trilema) mircea_popescu: @twobitidiot honestly believes he's a sort of snowden, having leaked important mtgox shit
(trilema) mircea_popescu: yeah, it totally worked for mtgox
(trilema) mircea_popescu: kakobrekla it WAS sponsored by mtgox wasn't it
(trilema) kakobrekla: yes that show was as terrible as it gets, sponsored by mtgox.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: now they're stuck somehow dealing with quite obvious fraud a la mtgox while somehow satisfying the demands of patently insane eastern european dudes with no interest in their internal problems
(trilema) asciilifeform: i recall reading that H.P. was sort of like mtgox
(trilema) pankkake: mtgox *or* bitstamp
(trilema) ozbot: MTGOX <-> BTC BID/ASK
(trilema) ThickAsThieves: obv you dont buy a mtgox without seeing the coins
(trilema) Apocalyptic: what's funnier is some people are so in denial up to the point they're even doubting mtgox is missing coins, at this very moment
(trilema) mircea_popescu: the exact same scumbags are already inflating a replacement mtgox.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: "hey, mtgox is fucked" ?
(trilema) gribble: MtGox BTCUSD last: 135.0, vol: 0.00000000 | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 579.98, vol: 26161.04056450 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 552.2, vol: 22395.6107 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 579.0, vol: 19715.43458074 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 593.51, vol: 236.24374416 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 571.6896, vol: 8316.85200000 | Volume-weighted last average: 570.774361582
(trilema) mircea_popescu: apparently mtgox was the cat's tits,
