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| Results 501 ... 528 found in trilema for 'rockchip'

mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes mechanical poor fit for rockchip.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: all of the machines in the rack are being used; i was asking if one of the rockchips can handle this kind of duty.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: please to spec it out, yr the hardware guy. would this get attached to one of the rockchips?
BingoBoingo: Automating the virgin goat pipe threader would be a good application for that Rockchip board
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Battery life on the rockchip portable looks VERY appealing
asciilifeform: also learned that there exists a rockchip laptop, of sorts, 'asus c101pa', but i do not have one here , if someone has the time/inclination he can try it.
asciilifeform: in other noose, 'rockchip' turns out is a completely usable and clean gentoo station. can be used as workstation also, if not in a hurry. ( running 100% asciilifeform-recipe gentoo, albeit not musltronic; running also self-built kernel; no eggogs, hiccups, good disk access times. the 1 item not yet built with own hands: uboot init thing )
asciilifeform: in other noose : 52 minutes for complete kernel build for rockchip, on itself.
asciilifeform: in other noose, liftoff on rockchip-cum-usb3-ssd
asciilifeform: usb3ization test of 'rockchip' in progress, incidentally.
asciilifeform: in other quasi-noose : asciilifeform currently taking suggestions re what proggies ought to live in a 'standard' arm-gentoo image that will be supplied to rockchip boxen subscribers
asciilifeform: at any rate, rockchip pilot-plant boxen will boot from sd and mount usb3 stick for root partition.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-04 19:52 asciilifeform: meanwhile on the chinesium front, asciilifeform was pretty close to throwing out the 'rockchip' this morn., when saw that every few hrs it read-retries the sd flash. but apparently harmless eggog: comes from certain sad levelling firmwares , they cannot keep up with the host
asciilifeform: meanwhile on the chinesium front, asciilifeform was pretty close to throwing out the 'rockchip' this morn., when saw that every few hrs it read-retries the sd flash. but apparently harmless eggog: comes from certain sad levelling firmwares , they cannot keep up with the host
spyked: re arm box, /me was considering buying the arm64 olinuxino from teh olimex people. the rockchip board seems very similar (++ on the USB3 port), but I can't seem to find it in the EU.
asciilifeform: chipset is a 'rockchip', i ported trb to it in 2015 iirc.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'rockchip' rk series. asciilifeform ported trb to these in 2015.
assbot: Intel Corporation - Intel Enters into Strategic Agreement with Rockchip to Accelerate, Expand Portfolio of Intel-Based Solutions for Tablets ... ( )
decimation: < heh since intel saw rockchip as an obvious enemy it decided to 'partner' first
decimation: ascii_field: for example do you suppose 'rockchip' is nothing more than a pile of 'stolen' cores?
decimation: see 'rockchip' et all
decimation: "Samsung opted not to use Snapdragon 810 and the company has faced some price pressure from the low-end of the market, driven by companies like MediaTek and Rockchip."
decimation: asciilifeform: which 'rockchip' do you have? the imgur image is not clear
assbot: Category:List of Rockchip SoCs - Linux Rockchip ... ( )
assbot: Firmware Downloads | Rockchip Firmware ... ( )
asciilifeform: it belongs to the gpu in the 'rockchip'
