Results 1 ... 59 found in asciilifeform for 'manifest'
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-05-11 17:00:21 phf: signpost: i don't know how this conversation turned into me defending mp, but here's what i think, i think that you have the kakobrekla mental bug, since you know we are being honest, which manifests in a kind of obsessive "this man was the devil" line
phf: signpost: i don't know how this conversation turned into me defending mp, but here's what i think, i think that you have the kakobrekla mental bug, since you know we are being honest, which manifests in a kind of obsessive "this man was the devil" line
phf: signpost: i can't react to anything but words! and the views ultimately manifest in actions
signpost: this is what happens to me every time I break out the gpg key and sign some guy's manifesto.
mangol: but instead we get The Lisp Curse, where everyone writes a teenage manifesto of how he'll make everything right, hacks feverishly for a few years, and makes something no one else will use
whaack: so you're talking about the need for the manifest?
verisimilitude: ``Adding and removing the null character from the manifest file in every other patch would work.'' Making an artificial dependency like this seems simpler.
verisimilitude: Link to this manifest specification.
billymg: i guess the manifest spec could be updated to include an optional url field
whaack: billymg: The form for submitting the vpatch could provide a field for an article url, or it could be custom to include a link to a related article inside the manifest file (but this may have problems with linkrot and blog domain name migrations)
PeterL: what happens if somebody doesn't include a manifest file (I don't think there is one in the Blatta patches), or if they don't format it the way you expect?
whaack: billymg: atm the manifest file includes the author's handle as per signpost's spec, so if i keep a registry of handle<->blog domain name, i can automatically populate a link to a patch's author's blog
asciilifeform: << unless we throw out the manifests thing (doing which has own potential minefields) the coordination overhead of '1 tree' would be quite lethal (e.g. 'hey you gotta regrind yer postgres patch, cuz i changed the default sound card config 5min ago')
asciilifeform also encourages folx to vpatch the spec. i'ma read and sign as fast as can. plox dun fughet to update the manifest when doing so.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-09-16 13:33:09 asciilifeform: simply stating for the record that asciilifeform doesn't give a fuck, and will happily do without ever speaking with any such people again, if it means to also be free of fleanodism in all of its manifestations.
asciilifeform: not usually manifests as fellatio of extinct orc nobility, tho, but moar typically as 'you too could build a fortune'
asciilifeform: simply stating for the record that asciilifeform doesn't give a fuck, and will happily do without ever speaking with any such people again, if it means to also be free of fleanodism in all of its manifestations.
asciilifeform: ( the vpatch, ftr, is predicated on this one. it was published w/out manifest entry, as i expected mod6 to reissue it, but afaik not happned )
snsabot: Logged on 2021-05-28 01:03:43 gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: I never got around to asking, do you see any future for SQL within your sane computing environment? have you read the Third Manifesto by Date and Darwen?
gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: I never got around to asking, do you see any future for SQL within your sane computing environment? have you read the Third Manifesto by Date and Darwen?
whaack: asciilifeform: it looks like the chain of manifest hashes is indeed broken with the last 2
asciilifeform: whaack: actually there may be sumthing wrong w/ these last 2 re: the manifest diff. will examine & regrind if necessary.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-11-02 09:55:36 trinque: surely it's clear I'm saying the manifest is a bad hack.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-11-02 09:51:16 PeterL: if the edits are to the same file, you just press to vpatch 1 or vpatch 2. if the edits are to different files, before adding the manifest, pressing to vpatch 1 would not include the change from vpatch 2, and pressing to vpatch 2 would not include the change from vpatch 1
PeterL: so people started munging the readme, until the manifest was added as a more elegant solution
trinque: let's start from the top then. what problem did the manifest solve?
trinque: and you'll see when and why the manifest came in.
PeterL: I think the manifest is unrealted (perhaps I am misunderstanding the flow you have envisioned?)
trinque: surely it's clear I'm saying the manifest is a bad hack.
PeterL: but is that really dependent on the manifest at all?
trinque: you haven't loaded what I've said into your head, and I was in the original thread that resulted in the manifest.
PeterL: if the edits are to the same file, you just press to vpatch 1 or vpatch 2. if the edits are to different files, before adding the manifest, pressing to vpatch 1 would not include the change from vpatch 2, and pressing to vpatch 2 would not include the change from vpatch 1
PeterL: the manifest was added so that you could press vpatches that contain patches to unrelated files in a set order
snsabot: Logged on 2020-10-31 11:58:15 trinque: iirc the prompt for the manifest was my and others' observation that two edits to the same file by two different contributors is undecidable. do I have that part right?
snsabot: (trilema) 2017-12-26 mircea_popescu: how about a convention whereby all new genesises must contain a manifest.genesis file, which file will be constantly patched on each patchj, no exceptions, by adding a line which reads : "This is patch #x and the codebase hash is blabla".
trinque: iirc the prompt for the manifest was my and others' observation that two edits to the same file by two different contributors is undecidable. do I have that part right?
trinque: cool, yep, will add a manifest.
asciilifeform: trinque: back to thread -- if you end up regrinding genesis in near future, plox to throw in 'manifest.txt' -- seems to be missing
shinohai: Will add signed manifest this afternoon.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-08-16 19:58:06 trinque: moreover I'm looking at what a v-tree of everything looks like, and the coordination overhead of one manifest for everyone is a bit much.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-08-16 19:57:28 trinque: I'm looking back, and I pushed the manifest notion, but only because we had already settled on "press to head"
asciilifeform: << the other problem, recall, is that prior to manifestism, there could be non-conflicting 'sibling' nodes on the flow graph.
asciilifeform: ( for readers who aren't trinque , basic review : originally vtrees tended to look like e.g. this. whereas w/ 'manifest.txt' they can only diverge if the latter is diverged upon, e.g. like this. )
asciilifeform: trinque: 'press to head' was item mp insisted on. w/ support from eventually all of the v-using folx, incl. trinque and then asciilifeform ( iirc started w/ asciilifeform publishing 'shiva' patches that had interdeps. not 100% expressed in the v-structure. which was a coarse error of pilotage. manifestism makes it harder to commit, at the cost of slightly moar sweat. )
trinque: moreover I'm looking at what a v-tree of everything looks like, and the coordination overhead of one manifest for everyone is a bit much.
trinque: I'm looking back, and I pushed the manifest notion, but only because we had already settled on "press to head"
asciilifeform: << this is correct, but not the whole story -- see ave1's example: gnat will only eat a rts if the latter is config'd correctly (there's a built-in manifest thing, and some linker diddling)
asciilifeform: newland0: nuffin stops anyone from placing timestamps in the text. in fact, custom for a while has been to place btc block #s in manifest.txt .
asciilifeform: shinohai: i had built his various recipes as-given and still using the output of the last one even now
adlai always finds it puzzling when someone writes a manifesto, especially one this ambitious, and even starts writing code, published in version control for easy collaboration... and then nukes all copies and reduces net footprint to ~0
asciilifeform: PeterL: do remember to verify that hash, and the sig on my manifest , prior to using.
asciilifeform: ( specifically, if he comes back w/ a regrind where each patch adds the appropriate note to the manifest, rather than all in one, i'ma respect it & sign ~that~ , after verifying that errything else (save for that uniturd byte in genesis) matches the historic tree
mod6: there has been no manifest in the main tree, no. so yes, empty, nonexistant.
asciilifeform: mod6: the other issue is, mod6_manifest.vpatch presumes an empty (previously nonexistend) manifest file
mod6: <@asciilifeform> atm the tree can only press to mod6_manifest.vpatch << yes, which should include asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks.
asciilifeform: atm the tree can only press to mod6_manifest.vpatch
asciilifeform: if you were to have per-project rather than global manifest , tho, then -- not.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Just the broken assumptions. "No people never go from one barrio to another" "No, the navy police isn't really the navy despite being the biggest thing the navy does" "Kids breaking shit can't be labeled rebels because they don't wankily write manifestos before they start breaking shit"