Results 1 ... 52 found in asciilifeform for 'segshit'
dulapbot: (pest) 2024-02-13 asciilifeform: for bonus points, make the thing occasionally attempt to mine a segshit-destroyer block, and make known that if found and 'wins war', the spoils are to be shared with the hosts.
whaack: asciilifeform: i've been talking to quite a few ppl into bitcoin, and it is clear to me that segshit is a psyop. they are not willing choosing to use it to save "15% or more" on tx fees, they are DDoS'd by USG signal
asciilifeform: whaack: have you turned up even 1 instance of a miner issuing himself segshitolade?
asciilifeform: if yer a lamer, then makes some kinda logic that 'easier to hitch ride in block if you segshit'. but if yer a miner?
asciilifeform: whaack: difficult to think of any reason why they'd feed themselves segshit
asciilifeform not aware of any heathen org with a serious interest in bitcoin other than from pov of subverting it, or at least tolerating existing subversions (e.g. segshit), so would be rather odd imho.
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-27 01:43:14 asciilifeform: hence wai asciilifeform quite convinced that segshitism would catch fire satisfyingly if the right 'thermite' could be found, i.e. mine a pile of blox where segshitolade is claimed.
asciilifeform: hence wai asciilifeform quite convinced that segshitism would catch fire satisfyingly if the right 'thermite' could be found, i.e. mine a pile of blox where segshitolade is claimed.
asciilifeform: whaack: 1 'spoiler' -- a harden-segshit hardfork is factually equiv. to 'bch', and bombable via same algo.
asciilifeform: q is whether can map'em onto contents of trb blox w/out the segshit extension datas
asciilifeform still not sure whether the oddball 3x etc addrs decode into sumthing meaningful to a trb noad, i.e. w/out the segshit crapola that aint in trb blox, tho
asciilifeform: whether segshitistic or earlier ones
asciilifeform: imho then a-ok. i.e. for so long as the browser shows the segshit from trb pov
asciilifeform: whaack: what's req'd for segshit etc. parsing ?
whaack: i'm considering adding segshit support to the blockexplorer, with the caveat that any lookup to a segshit address will display a warning in the browser, on one hand it seems the wrong thing because it removes the 'purity' of the block explorer, on the other hand i want this to be a useful tool, and in my real world experience of doing btc otc there is a large customer base that are either going to
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-16 17:39:56 bonechewer: I expect asciilifeform will be too disgusted by the segshit'ism to do more than flame this, but I thought a from-scratch reimplementation of bitcoind in C might be newsworthy, even if only as an organ donor for useful coad
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-16 17:39:56 bonechewer: I expect asciilifeform will be too disgusted by the segshit'ism to do more than flame this, but I thought a from-scratch reimplementation of bitcoind in C might be newsworthy, even if only as an organ donor for useful coad
bonechewer: I expect asciilifeform will be too disgusted by the segshit'ism to do more than flame this, but I thought a from-scratch reimplementation of bitcoind in C might be newsworthy, even if only as an organ donor for useful coad
asciilifeform also is in favour of use of tbf piggy in re: efforts to e.g. unwind segshit, if at some pt this appears practical and the necessary resources require coin
asciilifeform: naturally it shat out a segshit lol
asciilifeform: << this is rather interesting. tho afaik none of the blox in question were 'anti'-segshit as such
asciilifeform: punkman: segshit miners naturally wouldn't
asciilifeform: punkman: recall that it also imposes segshit & other softforkisms. imho they are 100% uninteresting from trb pov (aside from exploitation pov)
asciilifeform: signpost: from asciilifeform's pov the segshit stuff is rather like barnacles on a tanker. the tanker duncare.
asciilifeform so far has only encountered the kind crawling with cameras, some with fingerprint reader etc., and, to add insult to injury, don't dispense actual coin to a given addr, but give instead.. a code you're expected to enter on their www, after ~making account~ with passport etc, to maybe claim some segshitcoin
asciilifeform: segshitness transactions are seen as 'anyone can spend'.
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: i'm not certain that we disagree re the facts. but re ideology. i reject the 'bitcoin sphere' -- y'know, the one that shilled for karpeles, and for bigblox, and segshit, etc. as a political act; without appeal to 'but xyz'. categorically.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-26 12:20:40 asciilifeform: << i'd be surprised if it didn't filter for segshitness-compliance (if merely by using prb in the mix somewhere) but worth test
asciilifeform: << recall how mp insisted strenuously for ~years~ that they would never do such thing. then when segshit, quietly stopped mentioning it and would change subj if asked
asciilifeform: << i'd be surprised if it didn't filter for segshitness-compliance (if merely by using prb in the mix somewhere) but worth test
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-07 15:30:34 asciilifeform: nor (as pointe out upstack) can you easily get ~genuine~ coin out of a kyc-shithole. iirc jurov reported that he found not 1 which was willing to send to non-segshitness addr.
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: does coin that goes into segshit address then comes out of it still count as fungible coin to you? or is coin forever mutilated...?
asciilifeform: davout: didja miss the segshit 'extension' ?
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-07 15:30:34 asciilifeform: nor (as pointe out upstack) can you easily get ~genuine~ coin out of a kyc-shithole. iirc jurov reported that he found not 1 which was willing to send to non-segshitness addr.
asciilifeform: nor (as pointe out upstack) can you easily get ~genuine~ coin out of a kyc-shithole. iirc jurov reported that he found not 1 which was willing to send to non-segshitness addr.
asciilifeform: << the blox displayed by heathen 'explorer' www's have been like this since segshit rolled out, '17
asciilifeform: trinque: slightly upstack -- i'm not aware of anyone having calculated precisely how much miner cooperation would be required to make segshit-dekulakization happen.
asciilifeform: if tomorrow gavin & co decide that a valid segshit signature is either the expected one, or with clitler's key, it shall be so (for prb users). they'll eat it up.
asciilifeform: this can mean whatever the segshit perps want it to mean.
asciilifeform: shinohai: they aint signed, recall, they're segshit-'signed'.
asciilifeform: shinohai: i admit, haven't personally played 'segshit lottery', cannot comment, but noshit, sole purpose of that gavinism was to help wreck bitcoin, rather than 'cheap', 'fast', whatever baits in the mousetrap
shinohai: segshit, despite all their claims of "cheap and fast" takes sometimes half day to confirm, if i win the segshit lottery when withdrawing btc from exchange
asciilifeform: (heathen displayer, they lump in segshitnesses obv., but even so)
asciilifeform: fghj: segshit produces blox that are compatible (in the non-forking sense) w/ trb. simply shows up as 'anyone can spend' tx.
fghj: I think they stuff blocks with segshit data
asciilifeform: billymg: the most interesting/sinister fact is that the miners aint exactly trb (given as they appear to enforce the segshit nonsense, so far w/out any sign of rebellion) but factually trb-compat. from a connectivity pov
asciilifeform: so it clearly aint about the flag bits, prb 0.8.1 presents as trb-compat. (i.e. no segshit etc)
shinohai: (if you `emerge -av bitcoin-qt` it builds specifically with certain "bip flags" pre set to segshit )
shinohai: *SegShit
shinohai: <<< ~1.32 MB, likely lots of segshit in there.
asciilifeform: tangentially, mp never Officially backpedalled re his claim that 'no serious miner sits on prb' -- but evidently false, given that segshitness etc. 'anyone-can-spend' nonsense still not unwound
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: loox like -- some heathen finally read the 2017 segshitness thrd in #t, and then wrote (in the typical ball-bearings-in-skullcase style) piece re subj .