Results 1 ... 41 found in asciilifeform for 'keccak v'
d4: You are right, "commit" is just what I'm used to. If I understood this correctly, in the context of v, it should be something like (1) veh diff <base_patch> <diff_name> (2) sign the patch (3) verify that the new patch can be pressed. I would automate the first step (see ossasepia's workflow) as it may be error prone, in my opinion.
phf: is there a keccak implementation in c that produces equivalent result to what diana's ada does?
crtdaydreams: er using keccak v off diana_coman's site and patching for vtools doesn't work, and v itself "cannot find vpatch _____ in /home/$USER/patches"
signpost: a vpatch contains a keccak hash of each source file antecedent, and out of this forms a tree.
asciilifeform: << imho this remains the best intro written to date. (current-day vtrons use keccak hash in place of sha512 but otherwise algo has not changed substantially)
PeterL: asciilifeform: If you remember, I once wrote a keccak implementation. It did not agree with Diana's, I think it might have to do with the endianness of how you put the data into the sponge function
asciilifeform continuing in keccak lulz, asciilifeform surveyed dozen or so published impls. of the algo, incl. e.g. this www-based item (specifically keccak, rather than sha3) and found that they agree w/ one another, but none with the diana kludge used in current vtron.
asciilifeform: ^ sensationalist, imho, title, but basic observation is troo -- if you actually found how to reach one of the given magic states, then you have fucked the algo (at least for arbitrary-length inputs, e.g. vtronics)
asciilifeform: ftr keccak is theoretically immune to length extension attacks. however i haven't a fast implementation of it, and leaving it out of the spec, instead using bad old sha512.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-06-16 15:43:56 shinohai: reading above wankage would like to remind asciilifeform that if he publishes sigs for keccak trb vtree, will gladly add to his mirror
shinohai reading above wankage would like to remind asciilifeform that if he publishes sigs for keccak trb vtree, will gladly add to his mirror
asciilifeform: the latter is available on his old www.
asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: i wrote the original vtron; and still use phf's updated (for keccakism) version of it
asciilifeform: dpb: i've considered posting static binaries for keccak-vtron, etc. but historically loathed to do this.
asciilifeform: adlai: ben's still most readable, imho, intro to subj. (even tho pre-dates the keccak bolt-on)
asciilifeform: newland0: the simplest way to summarize 'v' is -- a vpatch is exactly the same as a standard unix patch (diff -uNr ... ) except 1) it is expected to carry one or more pgp signatures from author + those who fully understood it 2) contains 'before and after' hashes (in the present version, keccak) of EVERY delta. i.e. 'fuzz' is prohibited.
feedbot: << bvt's backtrace -- parts 6&7: handling orphans and updated Keccak
asciilifeform: PeterL: note that i do not normally use mod6's vtron ( i prefer mine, as patched by phf for keccak, have been using this since it was published )
snsabot: (trilema) 2020-03-12 jfw: I confess I mostly run 'patch' by hand, but modified for keccak or any other supporting same should work.
asciilifeform: and so would want to use e.g. keccak, rather than shaism (in the latter, 'length extension attack' trivial)
snsabot: (trilema) 2020-02-03 jfw: mod6: glad to see progress on the keccak tree. I intend to take a look at the patches and try a build, might not be for a while though. What I'm not seeing though: what is the status of asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks, mod6_excise_hash_truncation, asciilifeform_whogaveblox and mod6_phexdigit_fix ?
asciilifeform: mod6: not long ago i went to make a local mirror of your trb set, and found that it dun press -- seems that you never reground mod6_excise_hash_truncation.vpatch for keccak ??
Apocalyptic: shinohai, you're referring to this one, correct ?
asciilifeform: Apocalyptic: i use (patched for keccakism) my orig. '' . the one linked from the articles, maintained by diana, orig. by mod6 also worx; shinohai is using a cl vtron by esthlos (rip)
Apocalyptic: asciilifeform: what's the state-of-the-art V implementation that you would recommend to build the FFAtron ? I understand there are many versions and not all of them support Keccak
shinohai: Oh neato! Look forward to it. My estlos-v thing isn't nearly as exciting, simple modification of Makefile to build the keccak bits at same time as presser, and install 'em all. (Temporarily added phf's as well until I come up with solution for that.)
asciilifeform: shinohai: would need, at very least, keccak -- as-is it won't press anyffin written in past ~2y
feedbot: << bvt's backtrace -- Keccak Hashing for Kernel RNG
asciilifeform: jfw: just read it in fact. neato. in fact on my conveyor shortly is a proper sweep of my trb collection , ending w/ keccakization of the vtree i personally baked own nodez from.
asciilifeform: this for instance is the best crit i've found re keccak. and even it, half bilgewater.
asciilifeform: shinohai: re adaism , i have a kilometre of ffa material in backlog also ( keccak; integration of bvt's asmisms ; cookbooks for rsa & cs key gen ; standalone util. form ; mips port ; others. )
shinohai: I'd prefer to genesis when I have keccak for V in lisp, have been in discussion w/ spyked on cleaning up Esthlos V