Results 1 ... 40 found in asciilifeform for 'vpn'
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-28 13:37:30 zx2c4: asciilifeform: at the beginning much more than now. in the early days, vpn companies thought it was a good marketing thing to do. now that's mostly passed and things are a lot tougher. your blurb seems to have some truth in it in my experience
zx2c4: asciilifeform: at the beginning much more than now. in the early days, vpn companies thought it was a good marketing thing to do. now that's mostly passed and things are a lot tougher. your blurb seems to have some truth in it in my experience
thimbronion: oh nvm, they can just use a vpn to get around it. lulzy.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-11 11:02:18 asciilifeform: uses ssh tunnels in such cases, imho simpler than fiddling w/ vpn clients. but matter of taste
asciilifeform: << loox exactly like e.g. vpn traffic. but in principle one could masquerade as dns, say, or whatever you like.
asciilifeform: billymg: give it a try. if not suffices, i'ma help you bake a vpnistic rk kernel (may come in handy for other folx also)
billymg: asciilifeform: ah, ok then! that seems a lot easier than doing the whole vpn server setup
asciilifeform uses ssh tunnels in such cases, imho simpler than fiddling w/ vpn clients. but matter of taste
billymg: i want to run an openvpn server on it
asciilifeform: bingoboingo, punkman : see asciilifeform's likbez on vpnism.
bingoboingo: At the point the UAEs "Project Raven" turned into what appears to have been another NSA and USG-allied regime swapping intel to comply with the letter of law while violating the spirit of the law until it bleeds program... The placement of a Project Raven alumni as ExpressVPN's CTO suggests... "usually" and "browsers might catch MITM" are dangerous leaps.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-09-26 10:44:34 bingoboingo: Made an attempt at explaining VPNs aren't actually a privacy tool video if anyone finds occasion to hit the illiterate with it
punkman: << VPNs usually don't mitm your https/ssl traffic, they could do it yes, but might still be stopped by browser hsts, certificate pinning, etc
bingoboingo: Made an attempt at explaining VPNs aren't actually a privacy tool video if anyone finds occasion to hit the illiterate with it
mats: asciilifeform: the filings land a day after expressvpn is acquired
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-05-29 14:23:02 asciilifeform: the 'honest gox' is the same kinda laugh as 'honest seekrit email service', 'honest vpn', etc fried-ices
asciilifeform: ... imho the q of 'how do they get away w/ charging <10 $ / mo' is conclusively settled. and answer is same as re vpnism services.
shinohai: Hilariously, "ExpressVPN" is one of the biggest things "YouTube" creators shill for these days.
asciilifeform: 'phree video host' is exactly same type of economic absurdity as the ubiquitous $5 vpnism item.
shinohai: But yeah, you're right, burned customer will simply move on to *yet another vpn provider* "surely this one is better"
asciilifeform: 'A Hong Kong-based UFO VPN - which claims a 'zero logs' policy, maintained a database without any password, exposing over 20 million user logs per day which consisted of 894 GB of data. The logs reportedly included passwords, IP addresses, geographical location, connection timestamps, session tokens, device information and the OS used. This is in stark contrast to UFO VPN's stated privacy policy that "We do not track user activ
asciilifeform: shinohai: it entertains me that incidents like the linked item have 0 measurable effect on vpnism enthusiasts. ( rather like e.g. n-th, n+1st, ... , 'silkroad' trials had similarly 0 effect on the tor smokers )
shinohai: <<< evidently, another COVID-19 casualty. xD
asciilifeform: the lulziest dissonance is when you ask'em 'so, for what great deeds is yer stack of 17 vpn cum tor' usually silence. 'but wainot admit, yer anon or no ?'
asciilifeform: ( not all 'anonfag' suffer from torism -- some, from vpnism; some from both )
asciilifeform: the 'honest gox' is the same kinda laugh as 'honest seekrit email service', 'honest vpn', etc fried-ices
asciilifeform: adlai: imho ~exactly~ same item as e.g. the vpnisms -- 'we dun keep logs, really, promise'
asciilifeform: 'oh i dun need crypto, i use $vpn' == 'oh i dun need to mirror, i put link in' .
asciilifeform: this is specifically the maximally wrong approach. for ~exactly~ the same reason why vpnism is the maximally wrong approach to privacy.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-05-18 22:29:21 osmarTN: I wanted to say that I liked your article about the downsides of VPN usage.
osmarTN: I wanted to say that I liked your article about the downsides of VPN usage.
asciilifeform: ( linked example even ~includes~ vpnism. )
curiousd0g: unless each and every vpn provider that i use is cooperating with each other, it's hard to find out where my traffic comes from
curiousd0g: which vpn company? from which hop?
asciilifeform: curiousd0g: this is mistaken model. the vpn co. itself inspects at leisure , 'finds' , forwards to whoever interested.
feedbot: << Qntra -- VPN Breaking Zero Day Effective Against Many *nix Systems Burned