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Results 1 ... 67 found in asciilifeform for 'piggy'

dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-11 15:39:49 asciilifeform: for reference, piggy, seen through a heathen blockexploder .
asciilifeform: and, on top of this, asciilifeform already curator of trb piggy. and to date not sees any reason to drain it, incl. and particularly mp-style 'paid himself' lol. ('hi i'm trb curator and i spent $2m on vodka' ?!)
dulapbot: (pest) 2024-04-17 asciilifeform: finds it peculiar that (afaik) no one, anywhere, ever asks why the fuck reich is able to refill its btc piggy when umpteenth dpr is busted. have the latter never heard of not keeping plaintext keyz around ? or wat
dulapbot: (pest) 2023-05-24 asciilifeform: while on this subj, tbf piggy ftr to this day precisely as it was in '21 . 'no +/- planned.'
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-19 14:50:13 asciilifeform: ( if e.g. tbf piggy suddenly amts to sumthing other than dryer lint, could rethink selected aspects of this, but otherwise is as it is )
asciilifeform: << there aint a pest equiv. of tbf piggy, given as there aint a pest equiv. of tbf. contact individual contributors for addrs.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-18 11:28:20 asciilifeform: ... problem is, is very difficult to increase the amt of useful work with coin (aside from, hypothetically, jailbreaking ~people~, ideally 2-3 people. but piggy -- or 'sandwich-adjusted' exchrate -- would have to be ~10x bigger to make this plausible)
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-11 15:39:49 asciilifeform: for reference, piggy, seen through a heathen blockexploder .
asciilifeform: ( if e.g. tbf piggy suddenly amts to sumthing other than dryer lint, could rethink selected aspects of this, but otherwise is as it is )
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-18 11:28:20 asciilifeform: ... problem is, is very difficult to increase the amt of useful work with coin (aside from, hypothetically, jailbreaking ~people~, ideally 2-3 people. but piggy -- or 'sandwich-adjusted' exchrate -- would have to be ~10x bigger to make this plausible)
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-18 11:28:20 asciilifeform: ... problem is, is very difficult to increase the amt of useful work with coin (aside from, hypothetically, jailbreaking ~people~, ideally 2-3 people. but piggy -- or 'sandwich-adjusted' exchrate -- would have to be ~10x bigger to make this plausible)
asciilifeform: wouldn't hold breath waiting for someone (who?) to drop megatonne of moolah in piggy, lol
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-11 15:39:49 asciilifeform: for reference, piggy, seen through a heathen blockexploder .
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-12-18 11:28:20 asciilifeform: ... problem is, is very difficult to increase the amt of useful work with coin (aside from, hypothetically, jailbreaking ~people~, ideally 2-3 people. but piggy -- or 'sandwich-adjusted' exchrate -- would have to be ~10x bigger to make this plausible)
asciilifeform: and when dust lands in the piggy also!11
asciilifeform: yes, you can't 'eat' from it, must eat from 'day job'. but at least yer supplying a needed good/service to btc holders and if you live long enuff, can crack open that piggy.
asciilifeform: ... problem is, is very difficult to increase the amt of useful work with coin (aside from, hypothetically, jailbreaking ~people~, ideally 2-3 people. but piggy -- or 'sandwich-adjusted' exchrate -- would have to be ~10x bigger to make this plausible)
asciilifeform: << plenty of useful work already happening. problem is, is very difficult to increase the amt of useful work with coin (aside from, hypothetically, jailbreaking ~people~, ideally 2-3 people. but piggy -- or []['sandwich-adjusted'
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-11 15:39:49 asciilifeform: for reference, piggy, seen through a heathen blockexploder .
asciilifeform: presently the exch rate is weak enuff (vigorous waterfall + other usg shenanigans) that the piggy doesn't add up to much. so currently no concrete plans to tap it.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-12 09:30:00 asciilifeform: meanwhile concluding yest's recycling operation : ty shinohai ! net yield from 'bsv' recycling into piggy == 0.09461753 . after all recycling ops, piggy nao == 34.07754558 , and this'll be in the next broadcast !
asciilifeform: ... if, speculatively, such an exercise yields coin, naturally said coin oughta end up in the piggy.
asciilifeform also is in favour of use of tbf piggy in re: efforts to e.g. unwind segshit, if at some pt this appears practical and the necessary resources require coin
asciilifeform: ( aaaand it is conceivable that folx (incl. asciilifeform) will at some pt put ~into~ the piggy, rather than only take out ! )
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-12 09:30:00 asciilifeform: meanwhile concluding yest's recycling operation : ty shinohai ! net yield from 'bsv' recycling into piggy == 0.09461753 . after all recycling ops, piggy nao == 34.07754558 , and this'll be in the next broadcast !
asciilifeform: even just the piggy fattened palpably from shitcoin recycling
asciilifeform: meanwhile concluding yest's recycling operation : ty shinohai ! net yield from 'bsv' recycling into piggy == 0.09461753 . after all recycling ops, piggy nao == 34.07754558 , and this'll be in the next broadcast !
asciilifeform: noades are the 1 item that asciilifeform quite defo wants to tap the piggy for atm.
asciilifeform tries to recall the last time something other than dust went ~in~ the piggy
asciilifeform: needed : bsv to btc conversion for piggy. who stands up, plz state what he will charge, and pgpgram addr.
asciilifeform: shinohai: asciilifeform didn't even bother to look for that kind (had nfi there's any left) plus it aint as if the piggy proclamation wasn't max. public, with trumpets
asciilifeform given that jurov doesn't want'em, then will recycle and add the resulting lunchmoney to the piggy
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-09 18:16:31 asciilifeform: thimbronion et al : i'm thinking of setting up a shamir split for the piggy, but it'll have to be later, lotsa more pressing work atm.
asciilifeform: thimbronion et al : i'm thinking of setting up a shamir split for the piggy, but it'll have to be later, lotsa more pressing work atm.
asciilifeform: i'd be willing to disburse 100% of the piggy for bounties if it gave us ^ .
billymg: if piggy could be tapped for "feature bounty"
billymg: re: uses for piggy, i'd very much like to have 'signrawtransactionwithkey' in trb, as well as the ability to add "watch only" addresses. the addition of these two features would make it useful as an online/offline solution
asciilifeform: anyways the fate of the old piggy is 100% up to jurov .
jurov: which one? the piggy?
asciilifeform would prefer not to also be the 1 to sit on the piggy, nominates signpost for this job, if the latter agrees, jurov plz give to him. but if not, asciilifeform.
asciilifeform: jurov: can i persuade you to pick a successor & move the tbf www and the piggy to him ?
asciilifeform will set up a new piggy also, if it comes to this, but sadly doesn't have megafortune to contribute to same
asciilifeform: the tbf piggy has not been eaten, so remains theoretically possible that jurov will reappear (perhaps thought we had sank w/ fleanode? nfi)
mats: bukele effectively controls all the btc that goes into the chivo piggy
asciilifeform would muchly prefer if jurov returned to life at least long enuff to part the piggy w/ somebody else ( any volunteers ? )
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-10-31 20:54:18 signpost: kinda curious if tbf piggy, being mostly from mp, went to jurov's customers who were robbed by mp.
signpost kinda curious if tbf piggy, being mostly from mp, went to jurov's customers who were robbed by mp.
asciilifeform: idjit runs a gox or whatever 'bitcoin biz'; collects buncha coinz; eventually assigned a handler, who offers him 'offer he can't refuse', choice b/w 1e3y of noriega or walk with x% of the 'oopsed' piggy
asciilifeform had nfi eulora were still in biz. but if even fraction of the claimed dough in the piggy were factual -- could run until the sun burns out, wainot, supposing mp & co had >1 head with the launch codes in it
signpost: correct, which suggests to me the thing didn't even have enough to cover what was in the notional piggy.
whaack: how it happens: 51%+ of the hashing power goes back to trb, whose chain has txns where miners are taking from the segwit piggy and thus does not enforce segwit rules, so segwit continues on a separate chain
billymg: i meant suicide for bitcoin, the economic phenomenon (if segwit piggy broken)
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-07-18 16:34:29 signpost: if you want the economic phenomenon called bitcoin to proceed, you'd better hope the segwit piggy is *not* cracked open.
signpost: if you want the economic phenomenon called bitcoin to proceed, you'd better hope the segwit piggy is *not* cracked open.
snsabot: (trilema) 2016-02-06 asciilifeform: still wanna play ? mircea_popescu can put the 10 in snsa piggy, if he wishes. or we can let the matter rest.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: more worrisome imho is the continued awol of jurov (who still has the tbf piggy and www)
asciilifeform: billymg: do ping jurov re this effort, whenever he returns from sea. imho would be a++ use for some of the tbf piggy.
asciilifeform: trinque: can't speak for other folx, but asciilifeform never yet sold any to date. tho did spend some: bbet, back in the day; then later on piz piggy, then piz funeral auction, then, most recently, subscription to trinquetron.
verisimilitude: The documentation isn't yet to my standards, piggybacking from what I wrote for the SHA1, but the specification is very well documented, and the body isn't poor in this either.
trinque: asciilifeform: when the deed address piggy runs dry, I'd say "cost of postage plus epsilon"
asciilifeform would rather see 100% of tbf piggy used for bronze phallus than a tbf w/ any mp involvement .
asciilifeform: shinohai: effectively was already the only item there with a (nominally) full piggy. the interesting bit is that the $maxint piggy dun seem to do it any good. the co. has precisely 1 programmer and nothing resembling 'biz model' afaik