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| Results 751 ... 1000 found in asciilifeform for 'f:billymg' |

billymg: asciilifeform: this one i believe requires its own iron to replace what comes with the car
billymg: still, don't see why an honest version couldn't be made
billymg: asciilifeform: gotcha
billymg: asciilifeform: ah, coreboot already compromised?
billymg: somewhat related to the discussion of pwned hardware, a few people are working on a sort of coreboot for cars. i went searching for it after some of the recent discussions re: old pickup vs. botnet on wheels
billymg: asciilifeform: can search for them here: (dunno how accurate/up-to-date their data is though)
billymg: mats: yeah, kyc free everything seems to be drying up
billymg: sure, but the net effect is "pay premium for non gox coins" i.e. gox coins essentially have a discount
billymg: really? pretty sure they're discounted when *selling*
billymg: because they don't carry the markup
billymg: yes, so you could argue the gox coins are at a discount compared to the ATM coins
billymg: mats: already do. if you want to buy from an ATM there's usually a +10-12% spread
billymg: asciilifeform: what does 'hill climbers' mean in this context?
billymg just went to press a new patch for the crawler and realized there's a typo in the root directory, will have to regrind the first two
billymg: verisimilitude: np
billymg: re: btc price, i think some of it is waterfall and some of it is gamblers losing to the house via leverage and alt coins. this hunch makes a lot of sense from a pure self-interest POV. if i were a billionaire and wanted to acquire btc i'd do so otc and occasionally dampen the exchange rate as i continue buying
billymg: basically to signal allegiance with the regime you better be sure to spell it "Kyiv" which is now its preferred pro^H^H^Hname
billymg: see pediwiki entry: "Kiev is the traditional English name for the city,[25][28][29] but because of its historical derivation from the Russian name, Kiev became disfavored in many Western media outlets after the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War."
billymg: it's funny how at this point you already know the slant of an article/opinion simply by how they spell kiev
billymg: s/together watchglass/together with watchglass/
billymg: ^ the reason a "Could not connect!" status shows up in the list is because i changed the query to find all trb nodes active within the last 48 hours (previously i just did by status=Alive). the node in question:
billymg: !c trb-status
billymg: also tweaked the output of trb-status, lemme test just to make sure it works...
billymg: i separated out the rollup stats from the individual node status so that it can be used together watchglass' realtime poll command
billymg: !c net-summary
billymg: !c help
billymg: verisimilitude: i'm long past thinking you're that interesting
billymg: oh, right, asciilifeform, yours is still on the old version, with bot echos
billymg: !. version
billymg: there's not supposed to be a double echo
billymg: wtf
billymg: i.e. "let's see if i can bait some folks into committing some hate speech"
billymg: my first thought was "he's a glowie" when these three lines transpired
billymg: yes, it's the coyness that bothers me
billymg: approximately, yes, shinohai
billymg: LOL
billymg: who knows, maybe NSA is actively hunting verisimilitude, but i suspect not
billymg: for you i have none of this
billymg: most people in here, i have some idea of who they are in real life. i don't know their addresses, or the name on their drivers license, but i have a rough picture in my head of what they do, where they live, etc.
billymg: it personally irritates me when you refuse to answer questions, or answer in an intentionally coy or vague manner, for example. and when signpost said you have no experience beyond your keyboard, that was an opportunity to prove him wrong. but you just said "nuh uh"
billymg: verisimilitude: you can be frustrating to converse with. i used to think it was bad faith trolling, but now i think it's more likely you're just genuinely unaware when you're irritating someone
billymg: this seems like a cop-out. you're essentially saying "you just wouldn't get it", which is a little insulting, don't you think?
billymg: << i don't think it's anyone's goal here to "get along". this place would be beyond boring if we treated it as though it were a silicon valley corp's slack channel
billymg: this is probably what the ruling class wants though, and they simply rotate these values every couple of decades to keep the plebs at each other's throats
billymg: it does irk me however that if one says e.g. "I hate X" or "I think X has too much privilege" on youtube/twitter/whatever -- some values of X will get you fired, and others will get you promoted
billymg: << not disagreeing with this at all. infighting within the lower and middle castes is not only not productive, it actively helps the enemy by diverting energy away from the real solution
billymg: << in more recent times i think it's the middle-caste chair warmers in coastal cities who are allowed to oppress and feel superior to the "redneck truckers" in "flyover" country
billymg: << agree completely. i want an ideostate not an ethnostate
billymg: bonechewer: it represents compatibility with tacked-on "soft fork" "features" (from what i understand). so trb, by this definition, the least compatible
billymg: bonechewer: asciilifeform wrote the logic for mapping those in his watchglass program
billymg: bonechewer: it's based on the 'services' field returned in the version message
billymg: so could potentially say 14 noads (+1 from last week), but isn't terribly exciting
billymg: the country stats are taken from the new time series table, which gets updated every 6 hours in a cron job (which only queries the main table to collect some aggregate stats)
billymg: this doesn't poll in realtime, just queries the db (hence the 'last-probed')
billymg: asciilifeform: those results are trb only, but could add a command or make it an argument to show trb-compat as well
billymg: i guess i should list the country beside each node as well
billymg: needs country rank sorting
billymg: !c trb-status
billymg: ok, let's see if this works...
billymg: !c help
billymg: ^ that last one an example of a node with flakey uptime (or at least responses to polls)
billymg: you could add a few since occasionally a running node won't respond in the 15 seconds for whatever reason, only to show up in the next poll
billymg: lol, beat me to it
billymg: asciilifeform: could we be generous and count all trb-compat nodes?
billymg: s/desireability/desirability
billymg: anyway, not speaking of feasibility, but more of desireability. i want an ideostate with e.g. the folks in here and similar. don't care about skin color or weekend hobbies
billymg: asciilifeform: judging by the self-labeld "maximalists" on twitter, quite a few
billymg: what's nice about an ethnostate is the shared values, not the shared skin tone. countries where btc is the legal tender will attract people with shared values, hopefully creating new ideostates
billymg: right, that's the only point i was trying to make
billymg: in this scenario the football teams are owned by lizards (rich and powerful ones). you are also a lizard (the species) but you are not rich, nor powerful, nor a member of their club.
billymg: re-read what i wrote
billymg: how so?
billymg: verisimilitude: suppose it was lizards who owned the football teams, and suppose you were also -- a lizard. just not one of The Lizards. would this change things?
billymg: verisimilitude: likewise, what does it matter what da jooz do?
billymg: verisimilitude: that last one i can agree with. more important is what we can control. e.g. trb, pestnet, etc.
billymg: never wrote what?
billymg: he's waiting for someone to say "hrm, they sound like they could be jewish surnames", to which he would reply "i never said that"
billymg: because he like to troll and bait
billymg: tell me more about the connection you see between these three names?
billymg: not really
billymg: verisimilitude: if i looked them up i'm sure they'd have many characteristics by which one could choose to describe them. i'm interested to know which of their characteristics make them interesting to you, verisimilitude
billymg: verisimilitude: who were they?
billymg: amazing point verisimilitude, i'm sure no one here has heard of those two before
billymg: not sure about putin and russia though. china does not seemed controlled by globohomo
billymg: and comfort levels in america are still too high it seems
billymg: yeah, trump, like all americans, cares too much about his own personal comfort to really risk anything
billymg: little distinction between "pulls the strings" and "sets the boundaries"
billymg: controlled by or held back by, not sure which, and i guess it makes no difference in the end
billymg: i don't give a shit about putin, i care about globohomo losing
billymg: asciilifeform: if putin is hung out to dry, like trump was, would be sad day for the world
billymg: think*
billymg: i imagine part of the calculations going into that decision is "how much do we thing usg is holding compared to how much we are holding before we send it to the moon"
billymg: would be epic
billymg: asciilifeform: maybe they will
billymg: turning point in monetary history.”"
billymg: does seem like they're losing their grip though, as mats' first article mentions, "Dylan Grice, the former Societe Generale strategist who’s since founded Calderwood Capital, described the recent moves as a “weaponization” of money. “You only get to play the card once,” he tweeted. “China will make it a priority to need no USD before going for Taiwan. It’s a
billymg: good fodder for narrative of "bitcoin allows the baddies to skirt sanctions, we must clamp down harder to protect ourdemocracy"
billymg: based on some of the wailing on twitter it looks as though even usg.coinbase hasn't taken any steps to block russian users yet, see also:
billymg: HN and reddit are two heathen pits i stopped visiting completely
billymg: yeah, easy to tell from which comments get flagged or downvoted to oblivion
billymg: for some reason the HN crowd loves this stuff, "wow, a complex new scheme to keep the same chains intact"
billymg: asciilifeform: yep
billymg: "INFO:root:Waiting 45 seconds for new block. 0 blocks behind trb tip." << fully synced. 11.5 days on fx-8350 and sata ssd
billymg: good to see you again, BingoBoingo
billymg: seen in a heathen pit: "amd/intel will stop selling chips to russia, what does this mean? no more nsa backdoors"
billymg: shinohai: excellent idea re: dump putin coin
billymg: shinohai: lol, these fucking people
billymg: whaack: dunno if you tested that, but i think it would be fair for you to list the sync time as ~12 days provided one starts with a fully synced trb. i don't think it's fair to trbexplorer to have to include trb's slow sync time
billymg: my trbexplorer instance is almost synced now, at 708k (it's been running almost 11 days continuous)
billymg: reference to this old tardstalk thread:
billymg: NASDAQ collapsing, bitcoin UP!
billymg: verisimilitude: yeah, i load the catalog now and then when i'm bored
billymg: shinohai: ah, neat, will have to check it out
billymg: shinohai: what's that?
billymg: lol, are shinohai and i the only ones here who browse the shitposts on 4chan for entertainment?
billymg: yeah, same
billymg: so they can queue up the "holders are literally terrorists" headlines
billymg: would be lulzy if equities drop and btc moons
billymg: verisimilitude: you had me there for a second, thought you were being serious
billymg: seeing as how the collective west is trying to win a war against russia by #cancelling putin
billymg: hard for me to be bullish on USD these days
billymg: sorry, ...if you're "bearish" you're actually bullish on USD
billymg: well doesn't "crash" mean relative to USD? so if you're
billymg: "if true" meaning if market crashes?
billymg: verisimilitude: exactly
billymg: i think i'm trying to solve problems for users that i imagine exist but don't actually. as in, turn v into something like github so that "anyone can use it". but who is this "anyone" that would select v over git in the first place, and what would they do with it?
billymg: you're right, it could be a separate set of tools that one runs locally, then uploads to some directory on their server. doesn't need to be stored anywhere in the mp-wp db
billymg: yes, true
billymg: also a fair point
billymg: cgra: i also do that, i wrap the words i want to link in [] and come back to it at the end
billymg: cgra: re: the code viewer, i was thinking of server side vpressing, i think like what whaack describes here but only for what the blog owner puts there
billymg: cgra: ah, yeah, very clean
billymg: that could at least be configured to spit out clean html, which you then style manually with css, and doesn't require a JS textbox
billymg: how would you feel about a box that ate markdown instead of html?
billymg: cgra: heh, good point
billymg: cgra: i agree it's a pain hand-editing though
billymg: cgra: i hate using wysiwyg editors because they tend to spit out very ugly html with inline styles everywhere, but i have come to appreciate the select text -> ctrl-k scheme for generating links used in some editors
billymg: verisimilitude: i like the sidebar that updates based on content as well, and that archive and category pages are generated automatically, and that it's all searchable
billymg: verisimilitude: because i don't know what else to use instead, any suggestions? (yes, comment system would be a requirement)
billymg: looking at the php internals is so off putting i can see why no one *likes* using it
billymg: seems that most who use mp-wp, myself included even, do so because in the mp era it was declared the standard and because it works
billymg: part of me still would like to make something out of it, but it's hard to motivate myself to work on something no one really cares about
billymg: cgra: btw, how do you feel about the less-enormous pile of '???' after using it for a few months?
billymg: cgra: very cool. i think something like that would be useful if built-in to mp-wp (not for you perhaps, since you've already rolled your own, but for others in the future). something that one could point to a directory containing patches organized by vtree and have it auto-generate more or less what you have on your www
billymg: thimbronion: myself and the bot are on 9982 now
billymg: thimbronion: got it, no more --log-level?
billymg: after making that change
billymg: sorry, yeah, 9982
billymg: thimbronion: i pressed 9983 and tried to run it, got this:
billymg: PeterL: so you haven't upgraded to 9982 yet?
billymg: was meaning to soon anyway
billymg: guess i'll be updating to 9982 now
billymg: did not
billymg: bot is also
billymg: i'm still on 9983
billymg: PeterL: the bot is still running, presumably because not peered with you. though if you also crashed asciilifeform's station then the bot has no peers and is effectively dead
billymg: though the PCI adapters are cheap enough, so not a huge deal
billymg: nice, nb for AM3+ board then
billymg: was able to fit a spare nvme drive into the slot, so i guess nvme?
billymg: specs say the m.2 slot is on a PCI express 2.0 x4 bus, which is quite a bit faster than sata 3
billymg: hrm, actually maybe not. conflicting reports from the amazon reviews, and not specifically stated in the specs
billymg: asciilifeform: damn, glad you mentioned it. it is in fact only sata 3
billymg: cgra: i like your vpatch code viewer. i assume you rolled your own. is there a way to browse patches on your www, or only accessible if you have a direct link?
billymg: asciilifeform: ah, this one, now i remember the history
billymg: discovered when looking at the specs to see what kind of PCI m.2 adapter i should buy, then saw has built-in m.2 slot
billymg: also feel like an idiot because i discovered my motherboard has an m.2 slot for NVMe drives and i've just been using SATA this whole time. never thought to expect it since it's an old AM3+ board
billymg: asciilifeform: i thought whaack was using jfw's, though perhaps just assumed
billymg: also unjammed my trbexplorer instance by rebuilding with jfw's dumpblock patch, it's been chugging along since yesterday and now at 639k
billymg: here are the active TRB nodes with their locations:
billymg: finally getting back to working on the crawler, i've implemented geolocation (ty for the recommendation punkman) and time series data collection, for charting
billymg: only would've needed another day or two to finish (this was with a fully synced trb chain, so the trbexplorer didn't also have to wait for that to sync)
billymg: nb though considering it started 8 days ago
billymg: whaack: at block 619140 now, it hit the orphan loop at 619141 since my trb isn't built with jfw's dumpblock patch
billymg also bbl
billymg: i actually just ran that query for the fun of it but then killed it when i realized it's still in 2015, no segwit yet
billymg: ah cool
billymg: the most recent estimate i just got at 365150 was 4 days, 4 hours, 24 mins
billymg: impressive feat imo
billymg: multi-hour query!
billymg: whaack: i've had your explorer running constantly since the initial start, now at height ~364k (around mid 2015), no issues yet
billymg: and also do not know how direct the translation is from the 'threading' library to the 'multiprocessing' library, probably not 4free in terms of complexity, but idk
billymg: though admit did not read enough to see how you were using it
billymg: i only suggested it because i noticed your code was already using threading (so it already has some of the multithreading complexity added/handled)
billymg: whaack: makes sense. like i said my crawler was network i/o bound when single-threaded, adding threading allowed it to send out pings and process results from 100s of nodes simultaneously (whatever you set the max_sockets knob to in the crawler's config)
billymg: whaack: ah, perhaps worth taking a look at python's multiprocessing then. i've never used it myself but when i was looking at it seemed to have a very similar API to 'threading'
billymg: my crawler uses threading only because the only bottleneck there was network io (waiting for node responses), so a single python thread is more than enough
billymg: whaack: do you know if the scanning is CPU bound? i noticed you're using python's threading instead of multiprocessing, iirc the latter lets you use multiple OS threads
billymg: whaack: pretty fuckin' cool though
billymg: now 5 days...
billymg: saw one go by for 2 days and change, and the next a day and change
billymg: ah, yeah, the estimate jumps around (i think i saw you talking about this in the logs)
billymg: "Processing blocks for 3.34939098358 seconds at 14.928087 blocks_per_second per the last 50 blocks, there are 707849blocks remaining, estimated time to completion is 0.0 days, 13.0 hours, 10.0 minutes, and 17.2611667442 seconds."
billymg: yeah, no strong opinion on flag vs env variable
billymg: that view-block command worked fine too, neat!
billymg: one prefix assumes trb chain and explorer db are in the same parent directory
billymg: what do you think about having the datadirs as flags?
billymg: seems to be scanning now
billymg: whaack: that fixed it!
billymg: ah, classic lol
billymg: personally i'd like to have those as startup flags that you can pass to the proggy
billymg: i could do a symlink thing too i guess
billymg: that's why i just hardcoded the paths for now
billymg: but it means GBW_HOME prefix would have to be different for those two lines, no?
billymg: this is my desktop and i threw an extra ssd in after the fact, so i have my trb blockchain in the default home location, on the first ssd, and initialized the explorer db on the second ssd
billymg: modified those two lines (37,38) to point to the paths i have, got a bit further and then hit this:
billymg: whaack: went and made myself some coffee first actually :D, but just tried now and got this error:
billymg: got it
billymg: whaack: in this step: `sqlite3 ~/.gbw/db </package/gbw-node/library/schema-node.sql`, is '/package/gbw-node/library/schema-node.sql' something i'd have if i had GBW installed already?
billymg: that's right, many softs do this
billymg: whaack: ah, lol
billymg: the logotron and crawler both run on flask atop apache so unfortunately i'm already familiar with it
billymg: oh hey, i must have missed that guide, good to know it's there
billymg: ok i'll try it out then before upgrading, will let you know if i run into any issues with the 3.35 version
billymg: whaack: sitting down with your explorer now, is sqlite3 version > 3.7 a hard requirement? i have 3.35 installed currently
billymg: yep, was weighing that as well
billymg: that's why i was thinking 50% better than raid 5, where you get 50% shot of surviving a two disk failure
billymg: ah, not 2?
billymg: am i right to conclude that in a 4 disk arrangement raid 10 provides 50% better failure protection than raid 5?
billymg: asciilifeform: i'll go with raid 5
billymg: for sure, will do
billymg: whaack: yeah, i guess i was planning on having a local and remote copy anyway, will try to get it going tomorrow
billymg: i know you're busy and i hate to have to nag but considering i put in the initial request 4+ months ago it's starting to get a bit frustrating
billymg: asciilifeform: btw any idea when that might be ready (the one with less ram, since i know the ram shipment is out of your control)?
billymg: whaack: awesome! and congrats. i suppose i can start syncing it locally, i don't yet have a server for it to live on
billymg: cool podcast whaack, left a comment on the post
billymg: lol, where would you expect to read about it? cnn?
billymg: my guess is along with some agreement that if you cash in your 36% chips you sign away any later claims to compensation for your loss
billymg: ah, apparently even with their casino chips only refunded 36% of the loss:
billymg: yup
billymg: "six years later,"*
billymg: i'm amused at the irony of the USG charging these two with "money laundering" when in fact it was the feds that stole it, and are now, six years, later laundering it themselves through the this fake "bust"
billymg: PeterL: ty, fixed
billymg: dealer*
billymg: i.e. "here's a stack of chips on the house, don't forget to tip your dealre"
billymg: not in btc of course, in some other token bitfinex created for the purpose
billymg: i think most of it was already paid back, back in 2016
billymg: re: the totally-not-an-inside-fed-job bitfinex hack, i saw somewhere that they're not even going to charge them with the actual theft (because obviously wouldn't want that to be under any form of scrutiny), only the money laundering and "conspiracy to defraud the usg"
billymg: they're usually like $20 or so on amazon
billymg: whaack: for an external ssd just take the same samsung 870 and put it in an external enclosure
billymg: ^ i had the bulk of that article sitting around for almost two weeks, been busy with irl projects (completely rewired the entire property, all new cables, conduits, breakers. also now split into 5 meters, up from the previous 2, which, based on how they meter here, should save about 30% on the monthly bill)
