(trilema) mike_c: and a 'last' endpoint could just grab.. the last one. But whatever, not huge thing. it works.
(trilema) mike_c: unless you are sneaker-netting I don't see how making me go to a different URL everytime helps anything
(trilema) mike_c: and znc I have tried and failed with in the past. possibly just user stupidity.
(trilema) mike_c: why evil. as long as I have to type in my passphrase..
(trilema) mike_c: thanks
(trilema) mike_c: hm. ok, I'll check that out
(trilema) mike_c: sure, once you figure out the mess that is znc
(trilema) mike_c: and I don't know about bouncer = script.. curl | gpg -d is pretty easy
(trilema) mike_c: :) I like it.
(trilema) mike_c: unless this is the collecting acorns thing
(trilema) mike_c: ah. no, i don't know this one
(trilema) mike_c: there's only one?
(trilema) mike_c: manual labor is for the birds
(trilema) mike_c: thanks deedbot. hopefully you get static, scriptable challenge URLs soon!
(trilema) mike_c: ^ davout
(trilema) mike_c: and often something like "the later of that or 10 minutes after the last legitimate bid" kind of thing for an outcry auction like this
(trilema) mike_c: the highest bid at the end of Wednesday the 6th of April 2016 << GMT?
(trilema) mike_c: obviously he reads it on his phone, so it probably does fill his screen.
(trilema) mike_c: <+phf> this is totally own dogfood, so bon appetite, but since the log is missing entirely, this will at least get people through until there's something more permanent
(trilema) mike_c: lol. well I'll be sure to finish reading it before I reload the page :)
(trilema) mike_c: ah. that is definitely useful
(trilema) mike_c: what's the default?
(trilema) mike_c: yeah. it's interesting. ctrl-f works too though
(trilema) mike_c: most importantly, the content is there.
(trilema) mike_c: thanks! reading now.
(trilema) mike_c: oh, interesting. so if x or y evaluates y regardless of x?
(trilema) mike_c: nice.
(trilema) mike_c: ah, cool. the more logs the merrier.
(trilema) mike_c: hey phf - I heard you might be working on a log for this chan. is that true?
(trilema) mike_c: ;)
(trilema) mike_c: sounds like normal bitocin. allocate memory and don't free it.
(trilema) mike_c: srsly
(trilema) mike_c: yes, baby is a bit bigger, and new job is settling in. life is manageable again (or will be once I've caught up on trilema + logs)
(trilema) mike_c: heh, sponges. I've got a lot of log reading to do..
(trilema) mike_c: yeah, hard to reproduce bug-for-bug in another language.
(trilema) mike_c: oh, wow. considering a rewrite?
(trilema) mike_c: hehe
(trilema) mike_c: but now it's better.
(trilema) mike_c: yeah, then it got worse
(trilema) mike_c: not much up - I got my life settled a bit and came back and have been working my way through the shitstorm that hit around here.
(trilema) mike_c: hey :) good to see you
(trilema) mike_c: hello
(trilema) mike_c: nice shot. where is that?
(trilema) mike_c: hi alf, thx.
(trilema) mike_c: thanks!
(trilema) mike_c: Time for bed. I'll be around again now.
(trilema) mike_c: defaults to last 6 months. because you know, sometimes someone worthwhile disappears for 4 months.
(trilema) mike_c: last seen filters added - http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/
(trilema) mike_c: Congrats and good luck.
(trilema) mike_c: your wager lasted longer than mine, which died with Jeb
(trilema) mike_c: I was thinking about you BingoBoingo when Rubio quit
(trilema) mike_c: but new job is settling in (as is new kid)
(trilema) mike_c: busy! new job + new kid pretty well killed me
(trilema) mike_c: that's a good idea, filters for the list
(trilema) mike_c: :)
(trilema) mike_c: no - it seemed too duplicative of http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/kakobrekla/json
(trilema) mike_c: <ben_vulpes> ;;later tell mike_c does your wot thinger spit out json anywhere?
(trilema) mike_c: good evening
(trilema) mike_c: well, glad to see I didn't miss much recently :D
(trilema) mike_c: let's get that thing out the door and get alf some goddamn bitcoin already
(trilema) mike_c: Amen!!
(trilema) mike_c: I am not understanding this romanian mess.. what the hell does some fire in a club have to do with the PM
(trilema) mike_c: he went to jail?
(trilema) mike_c: You each have 20%? Are these "voting" shares or silent-partner type?
(trilema) mike_c: jurov: you still own part of coinroll?
(trilema) mike_c: what's MK?
(trilema) mike_c: ;;later tell adlai yeah, I don't see why not. I'll take a look at posting it somewhere.
(trilema) mike_c: maybe i missed the question
(trilema) mike_c: and what?
(trilema) mike_c: i've been saving the order book every few minutes for years.
(trilema) mike_c: works from here
(trilema) mike_c: <ba-dum clash!>
(trilema) mike_c: i mean, then you *have* to shoot up cannabis, right?
(trilema) mike_c: what if you have diabetes?
(trilema) mike_c: hehe
(trilema) mike_c: did romanian girls used to fill out all those stupid personality quizes too? and you know what a texas dip is. sometimes I think you gain knowlege by some odd vampiric process.
(trilema) mike_c: :) you're as old as me, how the hell do you read these things?
(trilema) mike_c: this will continue until footnotes become the size of 1 atom, and then the black hole sucks earth
(trilema) mike_c: omg, trilema footnotes now have footnotes, in *even smaller* font.
(trilema) mike_c: <canvas><audio><video></video></audio></canvas>
(trilema) mike_c: i don't even think it'll matter much longer. html5 will present all the necessary security holes you need in plain old html
(trilema) mike_c: gotta have some jquery with your javascript
(trilema) mike_c: $(this).duck()
(trilema) mike_c ducks
(trilema) mike_c: sometimes javascript is useful.
(trilema) mike_c: yes, but shit metaphorically is not as bad as shit actually.
(trilema) mike_c: they do, and the oil is annoying, but it doesn't smell as bad.
(trilema) mike_c: polyglot jokes go straight over my head :)
(trilema) mike_c: ascii_field: bicycles don't crap in the street.
(trilema) mike_c ragequits
(trilema) mike_c: bloat keys to high hell, make service download and choke on them.
(trilema) mike_c: plus, some kinda DOS on any service that imports keys from a keyserver
(trilema) mike_c: *200kb
(trilema) mike_c: yeah, that is pretty annoying though. it's now a 200k public key..
(trilema) mike_c: all the spells must be recited with the proper intonation
(trilema) mike_c: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=0x902E0A937E00F2F84D1B73703572C40F85C5B2F7&op=index
(trilema) mike_c: you missed the 0x
(trilema) mike_c: because consumers have come to expect simplicity.
(trilema) mike_c: if it were a problem, if anyone cared about keybase
(trilema) mike_c: this is the problem - imaginary "credibility"
(trilema) mike_c: why? what would make me take that leap? because they are on the same keybase page that somebody set up?
(trilema) mike_c: the problem with keybase is that it's smoke and mirrors. there isn't any actual link between those things, but it is pretending there is
(trilema) mike_c: that I somehow know that it's not somebody else posting those twitter messages because the same public key and twitter address are listed on some keybase page?
(trilema) mike_c: this lends some credibility to your twitter feed?
(trilema) mike_c: https://keybase.io/binaryatrocity << so, your twitter feed is "associated" with your public key, because.. keybase says so?
(trilema) mike_c: i'll add it to the todo list
(trilema) mike_c: i could add volumes
(trilema) mike_c: talk to jurov if you don't like the logo
(trilema) mike_c: that's what coinbr is for
(trilema) mike_c: the other half held by mp in case of mpex, yes
(trilema) mike_c: they aren't. mircea has a mpex account too
(trilema) mike_c: the other half are *not* on mpex, and the dividends are paid elsewhere.
(trilema) mike_c: see, half of s.mpoe shares are on mpex, so dividends are paid there.
(trilema) mike_c: they all get divs :)
(trilema) mike_c: what were you asking me to update on btcalpha?
(trilema) mike_c: for mpex it's 50/50.
(trilema) mike_c: update what?
(trilema) mike_c: depends on the stock
(trilema) mike_c: so not all the profit is distributed there as dividends
(trilema) mike_c: not all the shares are on mpex
(trilema) mike_c: where's my goddamn coffee
(trilema) mike_c delete last 3 lines
(trilema) mike_c: oh wait. brain fart.
(trilema) mike_c: and yet, that's how my SSL certificates are delivered
(trilema) mike_c: re: email is not secure
(trilema) mike_c: but still, just put your goddamn pants on so we can go to the park.
(trilema) mike_c: Although there is that weird feeling of frustration and pride when your stubborn two year old will not do what you want, but you realize that's because he is a lot like you.
(trilema) mike_c: mhm. let's circle back on that when your newborn gets a personality :)
(trilema) mike_c: you can train a dog to do what you tell it.
(trilema) mike_c: I'm looking forward to Eulora land ownership.
(trilema) mike_c: hehe, don't lose that guy's number. I bet a good contractor is almost as hard to find down there as it is up here.
(trilema) mike_c: and yes, i could put a cache buster on that.. i'll put it on the todo
(trilema) mike_c: ;;later tell pete_dushenski the graph is likely just cached in your browser. press f5.
(trilema) mike_c: really? you can fit a lot in 1u these days
(trilema) mike_c: positive cash flow.. looks like a bizness to me
(trilema) mike_c: !rate naphex 2 serial btc entrepreneur
(trilema) mike_c: !rated naphex
(trilema) mike_c: get a new trick ticker.
(trilema) mike_c: I'm tired of 200->300->200->300->...
(trilema) mike_c: maybe ethereum can do it
(trilema) mike_c: now if we could decentralize PCB routing..
(trilema) mike_c: there's enough broken things around to fix. the wot seems to be working :)
(trilema) mike_c: trinque - you know the wot database is dumped nightly, right?
(trilema) mike_c: ;;later tell pete_dushenski I don't see a discrepancy. It updates nightly with the wot database dumps. So probably he changed the rating and btcalpha hadn't picked up the change yet.
(trilema) mike_c: the keylogger is on the fritz
(trilema) mike_c: whoops, now qualys gets busted for hacking.
(trilema) mike_c: omg, hilarious :)
(trilema) mike_c: bitmain.. isn't that the antminer guys?
(trilema) mike_c: pete_dushenski: working on stealth (hehe) project. want to get it a bit further along before announcing.
(trilema) mike_c: pretty much. it's the new cool thing.
(trilema) mike_c: and I know you're bored with BA already (not b-a), but is there not going to be a conf4? We could do it in NYC if you all can get in the country.
(trilema) mike_c: generally fixes itself with a refresh
(trilema) mike_c: perhpas a faulty proxy?
(trilema) mike_c: and sometimes when i go to mpex I see this: http://i.imgur.com/qGAhjKA.png
(trilema) mike_c: mircea_popescu: no mpif report last month, so if there will be one this month plz make it for both months.
(trilema) mike_c: not aerial ones at least
(trilema) mike_c: well, cw1 didn't have bombs
(trilema) mike_c: national guard is for sending to iraq when they run out of regulars
(trilema) mike_c: so this would have been first time ever?
(trilema) mike_c: bombardment like bombs? seems unlikely they would drop bombs in texas.
(trilema) mike_c: ty assbot.
(trilema) mike_c: it will be.. amazing.
(trilema) mike_c: yeah.. my available gaming time is down to nil right now. Busy working on a sekrit project.
(trilema) mike_c: I think rubio is warming up for the next one.
(trilema) mike_c: srsly, all the more reason to bet no, right?
(trilema) mike_c: bitbettors can't do math. if trump is 50/50, why is jeb 5:1 to win? https://bitbet.us/bet/1209/jeb-bush-will-be-republicans-2016-presidential-nominee/
(trilema) mike_c: and/or they aren't even pretending to have the coin this time.
(trilema) mike_c: trying to contribute with bitcoin results in a unique address being generated for your donation
(trilema) mike_c: however this time around he doesn't seem to be publicizing the address that 16k bitcoin is stored in..
(trilema) mike_c: but, you know, he's already got 16k btc ready for his next waterfall: https://sale.augur.net/
(trilema) mike_c: blog post: "how to blow 31k btc in a year"
(trilema) mike_c: hm, that looks like 0 to me. http://btc.blockr.io/address/info/36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2
(trilema) mike_c: what was that stupid multi-sig address they used..
(trilema) mike_c: holy shit it's down to 1800 btc? what did they start with, 30k?
(trilema) mike_c: c'mon bitbet mods, jeb deserves his due.
(trilema) mike_c: that's going in the toolbox. thanks.
(trilema) mike_c: that's cool
(trilema) mike_c: ooh, i like the side by side
(trilema) mike_c: thx to kako for rapid server change.
(trilema) mike_c: mircea_popescu: wot user does a live search now if user isn't found, and/or provides a handy link for the JS-handicapped among us. http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/FooBar/
(trilema) mike_c: it does, thanks
(trilema) mike_c: would rather not do it server-side to reduce dependencies
(trilema) mike_c: I was going to add an ajax search of the user page to the 'not found' btcalpha wot nick search page
(trilema) mike_c: Cross origin ajax request
(trilema) mike_c: kakobrekla: how do you feel about adding an Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * to w.b-a.link?
(trilema) mike_c: trinque: grazie
(trilema) mike_c: what, it doesn't check for l1 and allow? ;)
(trilema) mike_c: deedbot-: feeds add http://www.btcalpha.com/feed/
(trilema) mike_c: trinque: http://www.btcalpha.com/feed/ it's not dead, i swear
(trilema) mike_c: yeah.. that's a good one
(trilema) mike_c: hehe
(trilema) mike_c: BingoBoingo: i don't know about safety net, we couldn't even protect altcoin
(trilema) mike_c: get your hands dirty a bit
(trilema) mike_c: mining is a good way to learn though
(trilema) mike_c: but i could at least put that blob on the 'not found' page
(trilema) mike_c: just has trust ratings
(trilema) mike_c: like registered since, fingerprint, etc.
(trilema) mike_c: problem with doing it live is that http://w.b-a.link/user/BitcoinConsultan doesn't have nearly as much info as the btcalpha user page
(trilema) mike_c: kakobrekla: btcalpha eats the nightly db dumps
(trilema) mike_c: I'll take a look.
(trilema) mike_c: sort of.
(trilema) mike_c: mircea_popescu: yes
(trilema) mike_c: My issue with a lot of older movies like that is the love interest plotline would have been better left on the cutting room floor
(trilema) mike_c: It's newman and redford - Nobody (should) be taking it too seriously.
(trilema) mike_c: I like it like the spaghetti westerns. Just good popcorn movies.
(trilema) mike_c: I don't think it's amazing as a film, but I've seen it a few times.
(trilema) mike_c: newman and redford are good together
(trilema) mike_c: I found it enjoyable.
(trilema) mike_c: ah, congrats to him. he's two orders of magnitude smarter than an architect :)
(trilema) mike_c: heh. and civil is full of mech eng failures
(trilema) mike_c: heh. so it's mostly auto-routing?
(trilema) mike_c: ugh. maybe you should get a 21 and pay someone else to do it with your constant stream of bitcoin.
(trilema) mike_c: speaking of new hardware, how goes routing ascii_field?
(trilema) mike_c: ah, first the pick and place, then the electron microscope :)
(trilema) mike_c: weren't you building one of those in your garage?
(trilema) mike_c: well, can't say that i'll be blowing 2 btc on it any time soon.
(trilema) mike_c: x volts = 50, y volts = 125?
(trilema) mike_c: maybe it's power dependant?
(trilema) mike_c: quite a range
(trilema) mike_c: ah, 50-125
(trilema) mike_c: what was it, 140 ghs?
(trilema) mike_c: yeah.. the whole "not a mining pool" thing is weird
(trilema) mike_c: they're pushing micropayments, not buy a $400 hunk of silicon.
(trilema) mike_c: !up crescendo
(trilema) mike_c: !up stripclubmc
(trilema) mike_c: Only $100m per rebel. Good job.
(trilema) mike_c: "Congress approved $500m (£323m) to train and equip around 5,000 rebels as a key plank of US strategy against IS... Asked how many US trained rebels were fighting he said: 'It's a small number... we're talking four or five.'"
(trilema) mike_c: ah, thanks
(trilema) mike_c: asciilifeform: http://i.imgur.com/bssAWaw.png phuctor not accepting submissions?
(trilema) mike_c: toposort a pile of patches with antescedants and descedants
(trilema) mike_c: why not make it libraryized? if gpg was libraryized shit like this wouldn't be so hard
(trilema) mike_c: of course, that is partially because of the hairball that is gnupg..
(trilema) mike_c: I love how small it is.
(trilema) mike_c: so don't do it in your implementation
(trilema) mike_c: and it will be very nice to have a test suite while doing so. so thanks ben_vulpes.
(trilema) mike_c: so many globals :) ok, I'll definitely take a swing at reorganizing a bit
(trilema) mike_c: got it
(trilema) mike_c: the two places being the argparse and the switch statement at the end?
(trilema) mike_c: ok. i'm working from your tarball. I'll see what the diffs end up looking like
(trilema) mike_c: ben_vulpes: you want me to post a full tarball or diffs to mailing list?
(trilema) mike_c: whelp, the foundation might as well have an implementation
(trilema) mike_c: hmm.
(trilema) mike_c: ascii_field: what's the plan here? you want updates signed/posted on the mailing list? we going to use v to manage changes to v?
(trilema) mike_c: hm, v.py is leaking file descriptors all over the place. muy messy :)
(trilema) mike_c: and if i alter one of the public keys more tests fail, so that's good.
(trilema) mike_c: got it