| Results 251 ... 500 found in all logged channels for 'f:mike_c' |

(trilema) mike_c: doubt it. how many hands does it say it processed?
(trilema) mike_c: working for you? anything you want changed?
(trilema) mike_c: !!up Birdman
(trilema) mike_c: the output is bad hands. it's comma separated - filename,hand#,player_that_is_not_in_summary
(trilema) mike_c: Birdman ^
(trilema) mike_c: ok. it's a syntax error because the script was written for python 2, not 3. easy to change though, hang on.
(trilema) mike_c: !!gettrust Birdman
(trilema) mike_c: all my outdated bot commands
(trilema) mike_c: !!up Birdman
(trilema) mike_c: !!v Birdman
(trilema) mike_c: Birdman - are you using python 2 or 3? what does it say when you run "python --version"
(trilema) mike_c: I'm off for the night. but above instructions should get you running it.
(trilema) mike_c: python compiles it when you run it and makes a .pyc
(trilema) mike_c: save it as .py
(trilema) mike_c: then from the command line, run "python file_you_made.py c:\hands"
(trilema) mike_c: Birdman - yes, unzip the files to some directory. Say it's "c:\hands"
(trilema) mike_c: but hey, wish in one hand and do some work in the other
(trilema) mike_c: like in all progress, I wish faster.
(trilema) mike_c: some things are good. client is running, bots are working, goats are being shipped.
(trilema) mike_c: !~later tell Birdman ^
(trilema) mike_c: !!later tell Birdman ^
(trilema) mike_c: and run it with 'python whatever.py /path/to/hands/directory/'
(trilema) mike_c: save that to a file called 'whatever.py'
(trilema) mike_c: oh. well, without a bunch of hands it will fail due to lack of examples.
(trilema) mike_c: yeah, you have some big gz of these hands you want parsed?
(trilema) mike_c: but link to the hand dump or something
(trilema) mike_c: no, you did not.
(trilema) mike_c: i'm not doing it for .0000025 btc, but I'll do it for free.
(trilema) mike_c: blockchain is what, 150gb? what is this months crap.
(trilema) mike_c: hehe. <insert link to mp's post about domain names most important characteristic is unique prefix>
(trilema) mike_c: shut up! to sync? months?
(trilema) mike_c: slower, yes, but i am hoping not like this takes weeks.
(trilema) mike_c: it's less than a goat!
(trilema) mike_c: shinohai - i am hoping the speed does not go down exponentially with the blockcount going up.
(trilema) mike_c: Birdman - just pick the highest number you're comfortable with. I bet somebody here will do it.
(trilema) mike_c: progress!
(trilema) mike_c: LC_ALL=C /var/trb/trb54/bitcoin/bin/bitcoind getblockcount
(trilema) mike_c: and thanks! would have been easier if I had gone with gcc4 the first night.
(trilema) mike_c: shouldn't everyone carry a sack of fg?
(trilema) mike_c: my goat order is still pending. somebody wake up the intern at snsa that fills orders ;)
(trilema) mike_c: height 20,000. this'll be done in no time
(trilema) mike_c: receiving blocks! how exciting.
(trilema) mike_c: I mean, the only non-deterministic thing is network I guess
(trilema) mike_c: which kind of pisses me off, but ok.
(trilema) mike_c: and, hallelujah, there's a bitcoind.
(trilema) mike_c: make ONLINE=1 > buildlog.log 2>&1
(trilema) mike_c: and make again
(trilema) mike_c: all I did was make clean
(trilema) mike_c: it is using /var/trb/trb54/bitcoin/build/toolchain/usr/bin/x86_64-therealbitcoin-linux-musl-g++, so I guess it exists..
(trilema) mike_c: but it seems healthier this time.
(trilema) mike_c: it's /usr/bin/gcc-4.7 and /usr/bin/g++-4.7
(trilema) mike_c: too late, but we can do that too
(trilema) mike_c: whole build output? I don't have it anymore, but I'm about to run it again and will save it.
(trilema) mike_c: it's looking for x86_64-therealbitcoin-linux-musl-gcc, which doesn't exist
(trilema) mike_c: started from fresh VM, ran into this other situation.
(trilema) mike_c: that was gcc5
(trilema) mike_c: i'll clean, rebuild, and check the logs carefully to try and see what happens with buildroot
(trilema) mike_c: well, who knows. did yours come with gcc4?
(trilema) mike_c: the anticipation is killing me
(trilema) mike_c: and the ls you asked for
(trilema) mike_c: possibly relevant section of `history`
(trilema) mike_c: yeah, 16.04
(trilema) mike_c: hm, 16? lemme check
(trilema) mike_c: good evening
(trilema) mike_c: try again tomorrow.
(trilema) mike_c: and it's not there.
(trilema) mike_c: CC =/var/trb/trb54/bitcoin/build/toolchain/usr/bin/x86_64-therealbitcoin-linux-musl-gcc
(trilema) mike_c: gah. well, that's it for tonight.. now it *is* looking for that:
(trilema) mike_c: no, it's good. lesson learned, RTFM and use v4
(trilema) mike_c: so now I burn this server to the ground and start over.
(trilema) mike_c: no, it's good. see, gcc-5 was cleansed, but not cpp-5
(trilema) mike_c: ah, failed again, but this time in helpful manner
(trilema) mike_c: certainly, thanks for the help!
(trilema) mike_c: off and running. will update.
(trilema) mike_c: including ncurses-5.9.tar.gz.asc
(trilema) mike_c: expected?
(trilema) mike_c: after the clean, still Makefile in deps
(trilema) mike_c: there's a bunch of stuff in there. I'll just grab the .asc though.
(trilema) mike_c: should i just make ONLINE=1 again?
(trilema) mike_c: any use in trying incremental before that?
(trilema) mike_c: ugh. that's a 45 minute penalty..
(trilema) mike_c: cp -R deps/ ~
(trilema) mike_c: nothing in alternatives or usr/bin
(trilema) mike_c: it's gone
(trilema) mike_c: apt autoremove < executed.
(trilema) mike_c: apt remove gcc-5 << ran successfully. i'll try again
(trilema) mike_c: only that /usr/bin/gcc is 4.7
(trilema) mike_c: rsync version 3.1.1 protocol version 31
(trilema) mike_c: but this did tons more. I'm going to go ahead and say gcc5 is no good for this (at least on out-of-the-box ubuntu)
(trilema) mike_c: _22483.c:835:2: error: expected â before ât
(trilema) mike_c: ./toolchain/usr/include/ncurses -O2 -I/var/trb/trb54/bitcoin/build/buildroot-2015.05/output/../../toolchain/usr/include --param max-inline-insns-single=1200 -fPIC -c ../ncurses/lib_gen.c -o ../obj_s/lib_gen.o
(trilema) mike_c: half an hour later, failed. that's disappointing. but it did a lot more.
(trilema) mike_c: yeah, what I pasted.
(trilema) mike_c: i don't want it to jinx it. not done yet. but it seems to be working much better.
(trilema) mike_c: this exists: /var/trb/trb54/bitcoin/build/toolchain/usr/x86_64-therealbitcoin-linux-musl
(trilema) mike_c: gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.4-3ubuntu12) 4.7.4 << will try
(trilema) mike_c: well, we will hopefully soon see if gcc4 works. then there is a culprit.
(trilema) mike_c: and it looks like they are there
(trilema) mike_c: i mean, i used your perl script
(trilema) mike_c: i'll roll back
(trilema) mike_c: ^ misbehaving.
(trilema) mike_c: yeah, no luck yet. that's what i get for spinning up an ubuntu server out of laziness probably.
(trilema) mike_c: blech, i guess make is more likely culprit. it's calling "c ..." instead of "gcc ..."
(trilema) mike_c: mod6 is gcc 4 necessary? like 5 is not expected to work?
(trilema) mike_c: yes. not building yet, but closer.
(trilema) mike_c: oh. yeah. ffs, why was i following offline todo.
(trilema) mike_c: guess i need to grepcut this thing
(trilema) mike_c: good god. I downloaded these patches one by one, but there's about a million seals.
(trilema) mike_c: train sucked, but dinner was good. I'll take it.
(trilema) mike_c: good evening
(trilema) mike_c: smoothly :)
(trilema) mike_c: good evening
(trilema) mike_c: I've got reading to do.
(trilema) mike_c: so.. first a compiler for this subset?
(trilema) mike_c: what's the intended purpose for the bitcoin pieces? you going to port the client to ada?
(trilema) mike_c: is it findable from http://thebitcoin.foundation/ somewhere?
(trilema) mike_c: that's good to hear
(trilema) mike_c: oh, it's called "p"? that will make log-scouring so easy!
(trilema) mike_c: yeah, mp mentioned that. I'm going to scour some logs for more info on it.
(trilema) mike_c: congrats on FG
(trilema) mike_c: hi ascii! yes.
(trilema) mike_c: ok, I'll take a crack at it.
(trilema) mike_c: mod6 - you mentioned I might need some hand holding. anything I need to know that's not in http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html ?
(trilema) mike_c: yeah, I want to dig up some logs on the rsa stuff.
(trilema) mike_c: yeah, well, from what I remember that's what killed cardano, no? that gpg turned out to be a pile of crap?
(trilema) mike_c: yes, a necessary but not sufficient part
(trilema) mike_c: I'm looking forward to being able to generate a key that I can actually trust.
(trilema) mike_c: stan's theory for a mesh networked internet at least, I don't remember him proposing it for computing
(trilema) mike_c: ah, as theory, yes.
(trilema) mike_c: ok, yeah, I read that one.
(trilema) mike_c: lol. more acronyms.
(trilema) mike_c: Yeah, that was my impression. It is certainly not a bad choice for crypto
(trilema) mike_c: ada for the tmsr-rsa?
(trilema) mike_c: stfu, seriously? I managed to avoid that a decade ago.
(trilema) mike_c: I will definitely check that out.
(trilema) mike_c: v I was around for. at least the beginnings.
(trilema) mike_c: I've got to catch up on the client release notes too, see what mod6 has been up to.
(trilema) mike_c: I'm sure.
(trilema) mike_c: i'm working my way through the shop now.
(trilema) mike_c: indeed. I was excited to see that launch. nice work ascii!
(trilema) mike_c: me too. and vice versa.
(trilema) mike_c: i know, right. It's frustrating prioritizing time. Didn't have time to hang, definitely not to work, so felt weird dropping in once a month and saying "hey, haven't done anything, don't have time to do anything"
(trilema) mike_c: both of which are going reasonably well
(trilema) mike_c: 18 months? Mostly work (couple jobs since then) and child raising.
(trilema) mike_c: i'm trying to buy myself some goats, I heard this was the right place.
(trilema) mike_c: although probably with the wrong things.
(trilema) mike_c: I have been pretty good, certainly keeping myself busy.
(trilema) mike_c: hey, look at that
(trilema) mike_c: at least you won the 'most famous mircea popescu' award - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mircea+popescu
(trilema) mike_c: ;;later tell danielpbarron fixed.
(trilema) mike_c: surprise, php is a piece of shit
(trilema) mike_c: danielpbarron: try now.
(trilema) mike_c: ;;later tell danielpbarron well, let me know if you're still having problems.
(trilema) mike_c: ping danielpbarron - what's this eulorum problem you're seeing?
(trilema) mike_c: btcalpha is back up
(trilema) mike_c: hm - actually, hasn't been touched since '13: https://github.com/pallets/flask/releases
(trilema) mike_c: flask isn't ancient? it's still maintained and updated afaik
(trilema) mike_c: doing it would have value, but, priority wise..
(trilema) mike_c: yeah, but, this upgrade I'm doing is bumping it up 3 major versions because I haven't touched it in years
(trilema) mike_c: I don't think so. our time would be better spent on gpg than yet another web framework
(trilema) mike_c: yeah. it's in progress. I started doing it but had to deal with a couple other things. I de-crufted btcalpha and killed half the site (bitbet gone, etc). now i'm halfway through a web framework upgrade which is going to make adding the new wot browser easier.
(trilema) mike_c: I don't have my keys on me.. so btcalpha will be dead for the next 10 hours. There goes my uptime stats.
(trilema) mike_c: oh, the whole thing is down
(trilema) mike_c: not even an error email.
(trilema) mike_c: uh, yeah.
(trilema) mike_c: and 'registered', which is.. somewhat useful as well
(trilema) mike_c: which can be useful
(trilema) mike_c: so, something that isn't there is 'last seen'
(trilema) mike_c: I don't know what you guys are smoking
(trilema) mike_c: in my log it says: "trinque: what's the database name?"
(trilema) mike_c: sweet jesus
(trilema) mike_c: you gave me server, etc. but not DB name
(trilema) mike_c: that feels like a trick question. the one with the ratings
(trilema) mike_c: need it to connect
(trilema) mike_c: phf: what's the database name?
(trilema) mike_c: that bot is like blinding fast
(trilema) mike_c: ;;seen phf
(trilema) mike_c: sheesh, that still exists
(trilema) mike_c: but does that work with 1-6 instead of binary? I mean, you could build up the numbers binarily, but that seems like an even bigger pain than buying fancy dice
(trilema) mike_c: degaussing no, I took it as the nuemann thing for unreliable number smoothing
(trilema) mike_c: mod6: I am not an expert and haven't tested anything. simply word-on-the-street level info
(trilema) mike_c: manufacturing process. it's pretty deterministic, roll random dice x times, roll his dice x times, his are better
(trilema) mike_c: better for RNG with dicelist
(trilema) mike_c: the point isn't the d100, the point is he makes fair dice
(trilema) mike_c: linking to 2 year old comments
(trilema) mike_c: hehe, that threw me for a loop
(trilema) mike_c: and still expect it to get hosed
(trilema) mike_c: personally if doing something like that I'd setup a read slave
(trilema) mike_c: readonly access from someone trusted enough not to grab locks on everything? I guess
(trilema) mike_c: ;;later tell trinque and yes, i <3 postgres
(trilema) mike_c: ;;later tell trinque dig www.btcalpha.com
(trilema) mike_c: perhaps coincidence ;)
(trilema) mike_c: and not a bad thing either for it to be restructured. things change, quickly around here. I was just pointing out that s.mpoe was a steady ride up until the death of mpoe-pr, and then bumpiness ensued.
(trilema) mike_c: heh, yeah, I can see that being handy
(trilema) mike_c: before I start spilling my private keys in public windows hopefully :)
(trilema) mike_c: no, I really am. just got to get used to it
(trilema) mike_c: and enjoying it
(trilema) mike_c: i am trying irssi for first time
(trilema) mike_c: new irc client is giving me fits
(trilema) mike_c: sweet jesus
(trilema) mike_c: yes, but davout isn't around
(trilema) mike_c: Quite the clean shutdown of a huge listing too
(trilema) mike_c: I assume mpif can't be far behind, given the lack of anything worth investing in.. talk about a dead zone for btc income investing.
(trilema) mike_c: yeah. well, how long could mpoe have survived without mpoe-pr?
(trilema) mike_c: oh, that little thing about mpex going private?
(trilema) mike_c: is it still up in the air?
(trilema) mike_c: i see mp saying "i've got the coin but am verifying lists", but not where that ended up.
(trilema) mike_c: after much combing of logs and blogs, I can't figure out whether mp decided that davout was actually due another 200 btc and disbursement is pending, or if lists were still being checked and there was not yet agreement
(trilema) mike_c: ;;seen davout
(trilema) mike_c: ;seen davout
(trilema) mike_c: trinque: great
(trilema) mike_c: nothing wrong with that. available db dumps would still be good for rebuilding from scratch if necessary
(trilema) mike_c: a feed would certainly work
(trilema) mike_c: not really. I currently suck in daily dumps. I'd be open to some more realtime arrangement, which would require further thought
(trilema) mike_c: do those exist?
(trilema) mike_c: To do deedbot based wot, I'd need dumps
