assbot: Logged on 01-02-2016 13:48:58; PeterL: << so I just restarted bitcoind, using -connect to all the trb nodes in the wiki, it looks like only Inciatus is letting me connect, the rest are refusing my connection?
PeterL: << so I just restarted bitcoind, using -connect to all the trb nodes in the wiki, it looks like only Inciatus is letting me connect, the rest are refusing my connection?
mod6: 22877 pts/1 SLl 0:54 ./bitcoind -datadir=/mnt/btc-dev/.bitcoin -myip= -addnode= -setverstring=trb -setvernum=99998
asciilifeform: tinyscheme genesis is NOT PART OF TRB !!1111111111111
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2016 20:28:00; phf: huh so with original v design, mod6 could sign all the patches that are deemed releasable, and then all you need is mod6.asc in your wot and trb will press
phf: perhaps then trb instructions should be "download mod6.asc into ~/.wot" which is a trust starting point
phf: huh so with original v design, mod6 could sign all the patches that are deemed releasable, and then all you need is mod6.asc in your wot and trb will press
asciilifeform: it is my intention to do this to trb.
phf: adlai: clasp is a good fit for tendriling trb, if i had more time, i'd use it in a similar way to shiva. but then i'm already building trb on llvm/clang, etc. it is anti-ba though because of pedigree and ownership problem. can use it, if you have resources to read through 5 or so 100k loc projects
mircea_popescu: if you produce a mythical man-month's code for trb, that adds the accounting value of a man-month to the tmsr gdp whether you mean for it to or not.
mircea_popescu: ascii_rear> but eventually we ought to be able to do spiffy things like writing my memory usage grapher ~entirely in shiva~, etc << quite. once this is fully functional debugging in trb can not be matched, period. by anyone, anywhere, doing anything.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, speaking of config setups : 1. pick a list of TRB nodes ; 2. add to ifconfig, deny all others ; 3. plug eth cable, congrats, you now have a secure box. go ahead install all the toolbar spyware you care to, won't matter.
mircea_popescu: not like if trb.buildroot pops up tomorrow i wouldn't at least consider it.
mircea_popescu: you wanna write trb by hand on stone, fine.
assbot: Logged on 30-01-2016 18:07:37; asciilifeform: but in all seriousness, a battlefield trb oughta be built on a virginal airgapped box.
assbot: Logged on 30-01-2016 01:42:16; punkman: does the trb server have room for a buildatron that eats patches and craps out bitcoind's?
asciilifeform: but in all seriousness, a battlefield trb oughta be built on a virginal airgapped box.
mod6: but, i typically don't hack straight on the built trb, ususally on a separate branch.
mircea_popescu: im actually curious which happens first, trb hardware delivery or cn hardware delivery.
asciilifeform: (and if it takes 100 hours to build motherfucking trb, it is NOT a workstation!)
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2016 18:58:55; ascii_butugychag: the overall idea i am trying to teach is that anybody changing a line of trb ought to be mindful of the work this creates for others
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2016 23:34:09; phf: same as before but with a separate edge per hunk
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2016 22:09:55; phf: asciilifeform: check it
assbot: Logged on 30-01-2016 01:42:16; punkman: does the trb server have room for a buildatron that eats patches and craps out bitcoind's?
assbot: Logged on 30-01-2016 01:42:16; punkman: does the trb server have room for a buildatron that eats patches and craps out bitcoind's?
mircea_popescu: and also, could we bundle a pre-created .conf file with the release ? something to include say all the public trb nodes as -connects and stuff, with a comment to explain to people how to turn it into a public node ?
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2016 23:34:09; phf: same as before but with a separate edge per hunk
mircea_popescu: PeterL probably. moreover, it allows the trb network to be built in depth. what the fuck do we even have the fronteer nodes for if not to protect us
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2016 23:34:09; phf: same as before but with a separate edge per hunk
mircea_popescu: mod6 : latest trb v99996 on says "blocks" : 4500, "connections" : 13,
punkman: does the trb server have room for a buildatron that eats patches and craps out bitcoind's?
phf: and the one ascii requested, transition graph for when there's only one hunk per patch file (i filtered out all the genesis files that don't have further transitions)
phf: same as before but with a separate edge per hunk
mircea_popescu: mod6 your latest pressing away on a new system. will announce it and add to trb fleet once done.
mircea_popescu: <phf> asciilifeform: check it << p neat, but why is the shiva stuff connected ?
phf: asciilifeform: check it
mircea_popescu: consider the epic failuire of private messages to gather import or relevance in the trb and you;'ll have a fine illustration of why multiband is retarded.
mircea_popescu: trbtcd neh ?
ascii_butugychag: the overall idea i am trying to teach is that anybody changing a line of trb ought to be mindful of the work this creates for others
BingoBoingo: ascii_butugychag: I guess I got to now. Shiva represents first serious mega-weaponized divergence of trb from prb
phf: is the approach to spin up thread/socket on trb side? current "telnet" could be extended to swank protocol
ascii_butugychag: adlai: i implanted a scheme runtime in a trb.
mircea_popescu: hanbot hey were you making a trb current build ?
mircea_popescu: i'm quickly building a reputation for a wrecker of trb aren't i !
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2016 07:42:24; polarbeard: I've timestamped and categorized trb log lines, as well as improved the messages and removed (seeming never activated) destructive log rotation, here is the signed patch: in case somebody with a decent reputation wants to review it so I can submit it to the ml
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2016 07:42:24; polarbeard: I've timestamped and categorized trb log lines, as well as improved the messages and removed (seeming never activated) destructive log rotation, here is the signed patch: in case somebody with a decent reputation wants to review it so I can submit it to the ml
punkman: that said, I'm not sure any trb users will actually want to filter on <priority>
polarbeard: I've timestamped and categorized trb log lines, as well as improved the messages and removed (seeming never activated) destructive log rotation, here is the signed patch: in case somebody with a decent reputation wants to review it so I can submit it to the ml
asciilifeform: for trb?!
mod6: im thinking that i'm gonna tag the release, and publish the release patch soon. just hoping that if any of it touches trb, that it'll be post-release patch so there are no conflicts.
mod6: does any of it touch any of trb's files?
ascii_butugychag: PeterL: the goal is much more modest, i just need something that lets me poke around a running trb
mircea_popescu: "we're narrowly intelligent but broadly speaking stupid, we were raped for our ineptitude by some nobody that mp trampled underfoot without even particularly noticing. really - go use TRB, we'll just follow along quietly to try and learn something"
asciilifeform: so now i gotta write an elisp for trb
asciilifeform: as for prb, it doesn't like talking to trb (esp. with the malleus patch)
polarbeard: all I can say is that log rotation is daily business on most decent systems, but if anybody has a rational answer against it I would not remove shitty-ghost-rotation from trb
asciilifeform: char *p = sc->strbuff;
asciilifeform: anything you say in 'private' about trb will generally end up having to be repeated at least once.
assbot: Logged on 24-01-2016 19:02:54; ben_vulpes: << do you mean 'the full orchestra' as advertised on trb ml?
ben_vulpes: << do you mean 'the full orchestra' as advertised on trb ml?
pete_dushenski: << i saw 2+ gb just from a couple of failed trb build attempts. it was like 2.7 gigs iirc. "bitcoin is not for the poor (who can't afford hd space)" (tm) (r)
asciilifeform: so you can meaningfully probe the living trb
assbot: Logged on 24-01-2016 02:36:26; asciilifeform: tinyscheme welded onto trb
asciilifeform: polarbeard: based on trb.
asciilifeform: in trb.
asciilifeform: tinyscheme welded onto trb
assbot: Logged on 22-01-2016 16:56:17; PeterL: does trb debug.log grow infinitely?
asciilifeform: it is bad enough that trb has 500 man-year of study baked into it. let's now add a 501st ?
assbot: ... ( )
assbot: Logged on 23-01-2016 05:20:23; mircea_popescu: << even the simple step of "add flag to trb to dump mempool into file each time a block is found" would be helpful atm.
mircea_popescu: << even the simple step of "add flag to trb to dump mempool into file each time a block is found" would be helpful atm.
polarbeard: I wanted to instrumentalize trb a bit, btw
asciilifeform: polarbeard: in case you did not know, you can browse the almost-current trb using www browser,
asciilifeform: polarbeard: how did you come upon your interest in trb ?
polarbeard: I've been toying with trb's building scripts, and I've managed to do a whole build, including sig verification and pressing by generating a makefile
thestringpuller: I want to see where the "churn" is in TRB.
ascii_butugychag: i suppose the theory is that we are morons, and will conclude that 'trb is broken, can't sync' ?
mircea_popescu: trinque i suspect this is what drove alf's ideas of you know, deliberate sabotage against trb nodes.
trinque: because his new trb node is at 152k
PeterL: does trb debug.log grow infinitely?
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, the bit is in the horse's mouth : trb will be more read than wrot.
asciilifeform: trb has papercut on one arm, gangrene in the other.
assbot: An historical timeline of The Real Bitcoin (TRB) development, part ii. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
ben_vulpes: << seconded for an in-depth discussion of the static build crapocalypse, and why we even bother with static builds anyways at the very least
trinque: thestringpuller │ trinque: y u no use trb? << it's in the works.
thestringpuller: trinque: y u no use trb?
mircea_popescu: incidentally, and unrelatedly to the "magic numbers" avenue of trb improvement : one obvious anbd cheap hardening for trb would be to allow the user control of entropy source.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: i can definitely say that the trb history is adding to ~my~ confusion, but i don't see that as something to be avoided. my hope is that i'll eventually make enough sense of this to relay it concisely to others. still much work to do, no doubt.
assbot: An historical timeline of The Real Bitcoin (TRB) development, part ii. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski:
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell ben_vulpes you'll be pleased to find your trb history prominently linked in part ii :)
assbot: An historical timeline of The Real Bitcoin (TRB) development, part ii. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform:
mircea_popescu: so i'm guessing... another 2-3 weeks for full sync, making a trb full sync take just about two months on a reasonable box.
assbot: Logged on 21-01-2016 23:26:12; deedbot-: [Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] An historical timeline of The Real Bitcoin (TRB) development, part ii. -
deedbot-: [Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] An historical timeline of The Real Bitcoin (TRB) development, part ii. -
thestringpuller: TRB gives me hope
asciilifeform: boost is used in trb for iterators, for the most part
asciilifeform: incidentally not so long ago i felt the desire to rewrite chunks of trb to abolish boost
asciilifeform: if trb is sleeping in a dumpster and picking old razors out of the rotting mcd 'meal' trays to eat, prb is drowning in a usg paper dump
asciilifeform wonders what moved mircea_popescu to try his hand at trbism
asciilifeform: until recently i used this www for just about all trb study
asciilifeform: this is one of the things that distinguishes trb from heathenb
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fwiw i'm heavily in favour of the 'fix only the lines we touch' school of thought. the whole point of pedigreed-vintage trb is that the totality of the changes we made is apparent to the naked eye.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for mod6 from 4 to 5 with note: His curative TRB leadership is a shining beacon for the entire Republic.
mircea_popescu: !rate mod6 5 His curative TRB leadership is a shining beacon for the entire Republic.
asciilifeform: the spaces thing is just one in 10,001 sad things in a jupiter-sized ball of sad that is trb.
asciilifeform: fwiw i've deliberately refrained from munging whitespace or even fixing the asinine { } convention used in trb
mod6: else { char *classic = "trb"; }
mircea_popescu: heh. the imf has no trb mandate, nor will it.
ascii_butugychag: unrelatedly, a crapple pad and one of the apps offered for that machine actually make an ok trb reader
pete_dushenski: ascii_butugychag: what ports can i use for trb while syncing ? and is there a good reason why trb should jump on 8333 without me telling it to, and without being completely synced ? because this seems to be a recurring issue on my end.
thestringpuller: looks like trb will have gossipd support?
asciilifeform: the second mode is what all of my trb boxen are set to, and it results in a comedy where the thing routinely drops friends on the floor and dallies about attempting to connect to randomly-selected derp ips
asciilifeform: presently trb does not have this sane behaviour
assbot: Logged on 19-01-2016 23:48:49; punkman: I have a suggestion for an irc-bootstrap replacement in TRB. UDP torrent tracker announce, only takes a couple UDP packets, code's pretty simple. Recent client was using this in a small app, kinda cool.
asciilifeform: << i must point out that the whole 'seeding' concept - as contemplated in the dark ages pre-trb client - is profoundly braindamaged.
assbot: Logged on 19-01-2016 23:48:49; punkman: I have a suggestion for an irc-bootstrap replacement in TRB. UDP torrent tracker announce, only takes a couple UDP packets, code's pretty simple. Recent client was using this in a small app, kinda cool.
punkman: I have a suggestion for an irc-bootstrap replacement in TRB. UDP torrent tracker announce, only takes a couple UDP packets, code's pretty simple. Recent client was using this in a small app, kinda cool.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: yeah but in trb that 25MB goes with 500MB of frag gap
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: trb mempool is 25MB perhaps... up to five minutes after warmup ?
ascii_butugychag: the solution to overloaded and shitflooded trb nodes is... to have 1000x more of'em
assbot: Logged on 18-01-2016 15:15:10; mod6: Attention TRB Testers: If you want to help test, please take the time to build trb via trinque's makefiles here; (Should be basically getting & verifing the tar ball; plus setting up a ~/.wot dir with keys for V to use) -- then a `make` in the directory. Please report your findings. Thanks.
pete_dushenski: also working on belated hearn eulogy and trb history part ii this week.
mod6: deedbot running trb?
assbot: Logged on 18-01-2016 15:15:10; mod6: Attention TRB Testers: If you want to help test, please take the time to build trb via trinque's makefiles here; (Should be basically getting & verifing the tar ball; plus setting up a ~/.wot dir with keys for V to use) -- then a `make` in the directory. Please report your findings. Thanks.
ascii_butugychag: in EXACTLY same way as my trb node does THE SAME amount of number crunching whether it hears a block from gavin's node or from mircea_popescu's.
mod6: Attention TRB Testers: If you want to help test, please take the time to build trb via trinque's makefiles here; (Should be basically getting & verifing the tar ball; plus setting up a ~/.wot dir with keys for V to use) -- then a `make` in the directory. Please report your findings. Thanks.
guruvan: asciilifeform: working on a trb docker image - looks like was 168000 p2sh ?
punkman: does trb relay txs with op_return outputs?
PeterL: oh, wait, is that the same one linked on trb website?
PeterL: just trying to follow directions on trb website
PeterL: maybe somebody could help, I'm trying to build trb,
ascii_butugychag: (has anybody built the thing with clang? i wouldn't use such a trb in the field, but it would be handy for scientific - code coverage, flow graph, etc. purposes)
PeterL: hi, trying to build trb, anybody want to help me figure out what is wrong?
ascii_butugychag: but it does mean that a trb node is largely useless until fully synced.
ascii_butugychag: << this is probably not surprising to anyone who's been paying attention, but a trb node that isn't up to current height won't relay any tx that involves blocks not yet seen
pete_dushenski: in other nyooz, 5 trb v99999 nodez !,
trinque: by god, sometime this month it might even have a fully synced trb to poke too
ascii_butugychag: on account of the faux-trb 'bitcoin classic' crapolade
thestringpuller: the funny thing is the core devs proclaim "No need to use V or TRB method. We sign our git patches!!!!111"
assbot: An historical timeline of The Real Bitcoin (TRB) development, part i. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
PeterL: also read this:
Atomicat: V? What's the difference between Bitcoin Core and TRB? Does it use the same blockchain?
Atomicat: I will look into this later today. What are the rules set forth in TRB?
mircea_popescu: PeterL this is a public channel. for obvious security reasons trb is a superset thereof.
PeterL: as far as we know, we are the only people using trb?
PeterL: #b-a mining pool implies it is run by people within the #b-a WoT, trb pool implies it follows the rules set forth in trb
PeterL: although, somebody outside this group could pick up trb and start their own pool, so I guess it is not exactly the same thing
PeterL: #b-a is this group, which is where trb is developed
PeterL: iiuc, the current reference implementation of trb does not support pooled mining, so somebody would have to port the current trb ruleset into a mining pool program
PeterL: Atomicat, it would be a mining pool run using the same rule as TRB (the real bitcoin)
Atomicat: PeterL: What is a TRB mining pool?
PeterL: << we don't need any hash power to make TRB mining pool, miners bring the has power, we tell them what to mine
BingoBoingo: trb behaving as expected so far, no forgetten gold in the wallet.dat yet
asciilifeform: rather than adding talmudistry to trb
mod6: after this, you should be able to press out a new trb that includes the latest patches, then build from there.
BingoBoingo also spied cheap dedi box on clearance will set up trb node on linux when datacenter gets back to me about paying them.
ascii_butugychag: betcha the pool would instantly fill with trb folk
mircea_popescu: iirc mod6 was considering a trb patch
shinohai needs to review last night's logs for more info on trb mining pool possibility
mircea_popescu: anyway. this bullshit won't be either mined or relayed by trb.
asciilifeform is watching the scrolling logs from his trb nodez, it is like music, so smooth
asciilifeform: ;;later tell BingoBoingo it is not an accurate description of malleus patch to say that it only nukes peers using bloom filters. it nukes any peer which issues any command whatsoever unsupported in trb.
asciilifeform: ~considerably~ smoother performance on the trb+malleus nodez
thestringpuller: ascii_butugychag ben_vulpes mod6 : is there a way to look at what data messages/control messages are going over the wire or force their invocation in trb? or would that functionality need to be patched in to print to log/accept command from some source?
mircea_popescu: <<< certainly. which is why trb nodes are not all advertised, and we're eagerly awaiting seeing this "pure coincidence".
BingoBoingo: And Glibc DNS functions force dynamic linking which is why excised from trb
ben_vulpes: if it continues to fail to compile trb i may embark on gentoo quest instead.
ben_vulpes: trb compiled just dandily on the ubuntu i had on the box previously
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: i have an openbsd box here but it will not build trb, not enough ram (+swap even)
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I have a linux trb, but I keep sideshow because inertia and curiosity.
asciilifeform: << remind me again why you have a sideshow thing and not trb
ben_vulpes: 'linker file input unused because linking not done' << anyone ever see this while compiling trb on open bsd?
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: trb compilation detects machine architecture when building right? so build on machine run on same machine. or do I have to configure some flag for the machine I'm compiling + running on?
mircea_popescu: i would strongly advise anyone using trb in production to at least test this patch.
asciilifeform: (iso that booted to trb)
assbot: Logged on 11-01-2016 01:32:44; mircea_popescu: i recall hav ing a 32 bit trb made to work at some point, but not the specifics
asciilifeform: generally you will see this in trb if you built for $machine but you have $othermachine.
trinque: propose a better way to get a large number of trb nodes in the wild
assbot: Logged on 11-01-2016 01:32:44; mircea_popescu: i recall hav ing a 32 bit trb made to work at some point, but not the specifics
mircea_popescu: i recall hav ing a 32 bit trb made to work at some point, but not the specifics
mircea_popescu: or did you make the os 32 and trb 64 ?
ben_vulpes: only figured this out when i went to compile trb and got assembly errors.
ben_vulpes: while compiling trb either on various linux or an openbsd?
mircea_popescu: adlai if you can code, you can actually help the trb people. if you can't code, you can try an' help BingoBoingo, who's coinstantly asking. or else offend copypaste by rewriting trilema as best you can. or etc.
mircea_popescu: what they like it for - to save in, as per - is readily satisfied by trb as it is.
asciilifeform: that there is not a trb path between my nodez and the miners.
mircea_popescu: it should also not be the case that there isn't a trb path between you and miners.
shinohai: Guess I'll have to compile trb on tinkerbell linux now
mircea_popescu: miner defection from any and all non-trb approved soft forks is a ~GUARANTEE~ in the future. just a question of when.
thestringpuller: imo this is why TRB Foundation is so important. it not only decrufts the shitty code but acts as defenders of the blockchain
thestringpuller: this is fine as long as my future trb node can witness transactions being confirmed that it broadcasted.
shinohai: And so trb is at a crossroads :/
mircea_popescu: sooo... acthung panzers, asciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6 : it is certain beyond any conceivable doubt the trb nodes are isolated - both the publicly advertised ones and at least one not publicly advertised, because lo! what used to be tx e6b8aa9dedef74a7e8961e0d997aebc35aae3c8e762a715336d84b39507c9773 has not only been successfully broadcast but it got malleated, and is now included in the chain as c29e162c79144ced3e827
mircea_popescu: punkman mno. that is an unrelated issue of a 2nd tx. again, it's not surprising, seeing how trb handles chains.
mircea_popescu: punkman we know for a fact everyone in trb DOES have it in their mempool, actually.
mircea_popescu: mno, they accepted one and rejected the rest (which is unsurprising for trb, seeing how the rest were chained on the one)
punkman: mircea_popescu: i've been broadcasting it all night to the trb nodes, you can ask any of them, they should still have it in the memory. << they seem to be rejecting it, so maybe pastebin the raw transaction
massiro: mircea_popescu, sorry, i'm not familiar with trb nodes.
mircea_popescu: i've been broadcasting it all night to the trb nodes, you can ask any of them, they should still have it in the memory.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu understand that, for while there are only a few trb nodes, and everyone knows where they are, it is entirely conceivable for traffic to be diddled in arbitrary ways in real time
assbot: Logged on 09-01-2016 03:08:08; mircea_popescu: so basically, my node sent to trb nodes, trb nodes have it in memory but it's not being broadcast past them.
mircea_popescu: so basically, my node sent to trb nodes, trb nodes have it in memory but it's not being broadcast past them.
mod6: was 83e2b80e96919cb0b0186ff8ba7225d25535ad722ec5e2343a3a5927ef85d735 sent by trb?
mircea_popescu doesn't know what to think atm, maybe it's some weirdo bug in the trb ? maybe what the shit.
mircea_popescu: hey asciilifeform are the trb nodes isolated atm ?!
mod6: trinque: I pulled, verified and tested 'trb-mk.tar.gz' on my gentoo x86-64 machine. It built a static bitcoind for me! I fired it up, connects, pulls blocks. =]
asciilifeform: i generally go to ml when i look for 'what happened in xxx month trb-wise'
trinque: << mod6, asciilifeform, ben_vulpes, et al., this thing has crapped a working trb enough times to get feedback. It's a set of makefiles for the former build script and rotor. There are interesting knobs in the various makefiles, including (I think) an easy way to put other builders alongside rotor (as asciilifeform mentioned). Lemme
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: lol. "it will please you to know that ibm laptop suspends to disk without issue with ubuntu 10.04" != "girl says it actually compiled trb. SO THERE."
asciilifeform: anyway 'compile trb' was never a mega-feat
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform girl says it actually compiled trb. SO THERE.
shinohai: Indeed. When I haz enough forum rank I'll even make a trb signature xD
shinohai: No official trb thread on bitcointalk, all this XT, bigger blocks, and segwit nonsense there too. :/
shinohai: 4329 blocks to go. I might have an actual trb node by next week.
asciilifeform: and for that matter, trb.
asciilifeform: (on all 3 trb nodes under my flag)
pete_dushenski: reliant robin is an excellent example of bitcoin as it works today : looks to have the right parts but has them in the wrong order and as a result it doesn't quite work as intended. compare this with the morgan 3-wheeler, which is perhaps where trb is headed, which has the same parts, but not welded together by apes.
ascii_butugychag: on trb - yes!
BingoBoingo: trb and others pre-power rangers derping on the matter sign whatever s value
jurov: O.o restarted my patched trb after 2 weeks, now it reliably sigsegvs after first few blocks:
assbot: Logged on 06-01-2016 01:27:22; asciilifeform: << is this where we learn that nobody's mining off trb ?
asciilifeform: << is this where we learn that nobody's mining off trb ?
asciilifeform: -connect to the current trb nodes and spray it in, leave'em to broadcast
mircea_popescu: cool, ima run up a node from that cluster including the known trb nodes specifically. if you want to get yours included davout or anyone else pm me an ip.
punkman: CVE-2012-2459 isn't though, maybe a good thing to fix next trb release
mircea_ahoy: nobody's actually involved in making bitcoin not suck. there's a large group of idiots involved in trying to make themselves look good, and there's trb trying to make bitcoin be less g narly.
mircea_ahoy: are you using trb or bullshit-b ?
mircea_popescu: as such, it is conceivable that z-80 powered trb can actually drive into the ground 12nm process powered united-prbs.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, i've been thinking lots about your famous silicone whine. (ie, "trb can't exist until etching plant"). from a twu wuv perspective, what we actually need is an alternate technology. i am guessing that a) it will exist and b) whoever deploys it will be trb anyway.
pete_dushenski: ascii_rear: btw can you please explain to me for the purposes of part ii of the trb history series ?
pete_dushenski: much credit is due to the whole trb team for developing the package as we enjoy it today
BingoBoingo: So you goes your trb adventure?
BingoBoingo: No matter how much hair is lost to polishing trb, let us all be thankful trb will nevar have these solutions:
mircea_popescu: anyone wanna be trb-gcc maintainer ?
mircea_popescu: this would technically create trb-gcc wouldn't it
mircea_popescu: ascii_rear one theory would be that he was going to trb it.
shinohai: o/ pete_dushenski enjoy your trb node!
adlai: damnit mod6, isn't that a fiat thing? someday trb should fix the calendar, too
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 3 for mod6 with note: co-chair of trbf. gentleman.
pete_dushenski: !rate mod6 3 co-chair of trbf. gentleman.
pete_dushenski: !rate 3 mod6 co-chair of trbf. gentleman.
assbot: Logged on 22-12-2015 04:58:44; mircea_popescu: anyway, for pete_d and anyone else who might have encountered difficulty with trb or fears they might : it's actually rather painless. 1. you create an account on a server ; 2. you cd /home/account_name ; 3. you create a .wot directory (mkdir .wot) ; 4. you put the pubkeys of people you trust in there as name1.asc, name2.asc etc ; 5. you download the rotor script (curl
adlai: brb bullshitting it off trb financial statements