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asciilifeform: the ~only thing i know about mpb is that 1) it is roughly compatible with 0.6 and 2) he fixed the db locks bug years ago, and shared with me the patch, a while back, and it is in trb
asciilifeform: and certainly not trbtronic ones.
assbot: Logged on 10-02-2016 02:24:16; nubbins`: speak now if you believe a lord that has contributed TRB patches, who owns the second-largest stock warrant, who trades in the only physical collectibles that are priced solely in BTC, who pays the bill for, who is the republic's de facto minister of letters awaiting with bated quill the whittling-down of a codebase fit to publish, should be stripped of his title; speak your treason now, th
asciilifeform: if your client barfs when working with trb, patch your client.
asciilifeform: dooglus: when trb disagrees with prb, prb is ipso facto wrong.
nubbins`: or mod6, by all accounts a great guy, head of TRB, almost quit in the first week because he couldn't get a gentoo install up and running.
PeterL: if trb sees A1 and A2, which does it keep?
PeterL: does trb do replace by fee?
assbot: Logged on 07-03-2016 15:38:44; dooglus: oh, I was also wondering - is it normal that the trb build process downloads and builds the linux kernel?
asciilifeform: << this is not actually correct, it should build only gcc and toolchain, then trb.
nubbins`: dooglus: are you saying that trb nodes are eventually ignored by core nodes simply due to trb passing enormously large messages?
dooglus: oh, I was also wondering - is it normal that the trb build process downloads and builds the linux kernel?
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 2 for dooglus with note: ran one of the best dice sites of all times, before being torpedoed by fiat government posturing. trb testing.
mircea_popescu: !rate dooglus 2 ran one of the best dice sites of all times, before being torpedoed by fiat government posturing. trb testing.
dooglus: core doesn't like messages bigger than 2MB, and trb sends ~7MB messages
dooglus: I was looking at trb, and trying to sync it from my bitcoin core node
shinohai: Not a lord here, but I have a lot of time invested in trb and I agree with danielpbarron.
nubbins`: FTR i've been teaching myself hardcover bookbinding and would have been gorgeous
mircea_popescu: mod6 even if - and consider i'm speaking of a purely cartoon view of reality, merely for illustration purposes - even if trbf "misses the boat" and instead dilligently focuses on fixing satoshi code, and three years later the "winner" of july competition falls on sword that trbf actually fouind and fixed, the relative position of trbf in the world has not suffered one iota.
shinohai: Well Gentleman, I have certainly enjoyed working with you all on trb from the past ~1 year nonetheless.
mircea_popescu: what do you expect changed with trb ? you weren't doing it to get rich, were you ? you weren't doing it for redditettes to throw their panties at you, were you ?
asciilifeform: except that i have nfi what we're doing with trb.
mircea_popescu: note that my interest in computers is, these days, ~strictly predicated on trb.
mod6: is there anything in anyones opinion that the foundation could do with trb to move past this problem?
shinohai: without trb, Bitcoin is basically useless. To me anyway.
BingoBoingo: mod6: Well, work on a trb with a new genesis block could be an interesting skeleton for altcoin. It opens the door to flensing far deeper.
mircea_popescu: mod6 your call to make, together with ben_vulpes i guess - the point remains, if no trb offering in july, no trb offering in july.
mod6: if this is all correct, then i agree with alf. there is no reason to continue work on trb - we should suspend, indefinately, all efforts therein. At least until somehow we have a re-write that resolves these issues.
BingoBoingo: I mean the vacation that lets you afford other vacations. You know the one where you sit in a cabin to make trb fork. Not full adacoin, but the possibility of adacoin.
mircea_popescu: i suppose IF the july many-fork time comes and trb has nothing to offer then it might as well close.
asciilifeform: so trb foundation closes today?
mircea_popescu: ideally trb will at that time be ready to propose one of its own.
asciilifeform: jurov: works great in practice. in your trb node.
gernika: I finally have a fully synced trb node, after starting on the project almost a year ago.
asciilifeform: could far more easily declare, as trb does, 'tx is only valid if inputs are confirmed in existing block.'
asciilifeform: sturles: it is pointedly NOT 'how it is' in trb.
asciilifeform: trb does not deal in mights.
asciilifeform: sturles: trb WON'T ACCEPT a tx with even ONE unconfirmed input.
mircea_popescu: anyway, if you're curious, what trb is contemplating to eventually do is a ring buffer with a per-kb fee only as the criteria.
shinohai: Seinfeld plays happily in the background as i do trb work.
pete_dushenski: << go figure that this ~exact~ tx withholding experience (combined with coincidence of trinque's and mod6's excellent scripts) lead me to set up battlefield trb node, which, yes, is defended with life. who says rape isn't educative ?! this is my asshole goddamit !!1
asciilifeform: run moar trb.
asciilifeform: i have 3-4 trb nodez going, just on house lan, at all times, so backup sorta solves itself.
trinque: never a bad thing to have a weekly cron which stops trb gently, rsync's blockchain elsewhere, restarts
asciilifeform: shinohai: i think it is interesting that i've been kill -9 'ing trb since day 1 and never had this problem.
shinohai: I am cursing bitcoin today - had my first trb database crash ... evidently I did not back up *everything* required and must now start my first node from scratch.
asciilifeform: jurov: and to the extent i blow my very little free time on trbism, they are.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: trb didn't even get off the runway until magic constants, recall.
mircea_popescu: i distinctly recal trb nearly sunk in the other incident, while mpb provided the magic constants. why was that ?
asciilifeform: i distinctly recall that trb sailed through the july incident while mpb did not.
mircea_popescu: which aren't, at the present time, trb-tethered. it's a goal, but into the future.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla> one thing that goes through my mind is that trb/mps << this is true, but let me clarify that An set of txn were broadcast through a set of > 1k distinct peers. most of which i don't regard as peers in any sense, but nevertheless they did get to hear about them from my own nodes.
kakobrekla: one thing that goes through my mind is that trb/mps infrastructure is on the border of 'consensus' behavior of most nodes. this makes it more susceptible to odd/unwanted shit happening.
punkman: so one thing that hasn't been mentioned, does trb even replace transactions when new one comes in with higher fee?
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla and guess what - trb gets blackholed now and again. prb never mattered.
kakobrekla: even different trb build do different stuff.
kakobrekla: there isnt one. trb behaves differently than prb if nothing else.
kakobrekla: its possible you are connected to a node pocket - trb do not like non-trb nodeas (ban hammer) so they are only left connected (mostly) to trb, not prb which you need if you want the world to see your txes
asciilifeform: not related to dulap except in the fact that both are trb nodes.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: dulap is not only platform for phuctor, but will host 'g', gossip, etc., and is presently the largest and most reliable trb battleship. and i will pay for it personally, because wtf.
shinohai: <<< if I may interject, I have yet to have a trb recompile take longer than an hour even if I bork something up.
jurov: sadly, i don't really have any trb workflow. except that i sit down on it for few days once few months
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i was tempted throughout eulora lifetime to go "fu, no binaries, compile, always". and i can still contemplate why this would be the case with trb.
BingoBoingo: Dropped in low-s a month or two (mebbe 3) before trb, has -minrelaytx flag, from trb orphanage slaughters and malleus were definitely implemented. Other things but would take reading to recall them.
BingoBoingo: I have a partially trb-icized 7 series in the name of implementation pluralism. No earthly idea what all changes happened.
assbot: Logged on 29-02-2016 20:19:25; asciilifeform: anyone ever build a working trb on openbsd ?
asciilifeform: i don't recall a ~rotor~ trb working there.
asciilifeform: anyone ever build a working trb on openbsd ?
asciilifeform: i'm beginning to understand why the enemy is not particularly scared of trb.
PeterL: in other news, my trb node (syncing since January) is now up to July 2014
assbot: 516 results for 'trb' :
ben_vulpes: heheheh strbuffsize goes from 256 to 2048
ben_vulpes: phf, asciilifeform: where is an appropriate place for custom trb scheme, and what mechanism should load it? just appending to the bottom of init.scm feels wrong.
phf: ben_vulpes: so the way thing works right now, is that when you connect a new instance of scheme runtime is created, which is then fed init.scm and connected to the network stream fd. right now the pattern that we have is from inside a running instance you can call out into trb and make it do things
BingoBoingo: Maybe point him at TRB documentation after he's done fixing Eulora?
asciilifeform: 1) press a trb
mircea_popescu: no. the goal of trb is to be ran AMONG PEOPLE.
kakobrekla: idk whats the goal of trb to be ran among a dozen friends and thats it?
asciilifeform: mod6, ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu, et al : possibly a neglected subject in the wiki, trb site, etc. is where the hell a n00b is supposed to get pubkeys.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ftr, about 1/2 of a stripped trb binary is openssl crud that is never called.
mircea_popescu: for all you know, i peer with a "network at large" node, making it thus trb-node-one-removed.
mircea_popescu: phf the separation between "trb nodes" and "the rest of the network" comes of the same sort of usg-enabling fiction where somehow obama owns the land and i live on it by his permision.
phf: l1 or l2 runs trb, where behavior can be improved. better sync mechanisms, bandwidth/cpu conservative network activity, etc. anyone in the wot can also be punished for abuse, i.e. if asciilifeform starts sending me gigs of bogus transactions, and it's not a test and he can't be reasoned with, etc.
asciilifeform: all i can say is that i have nfi. but i have no evidence that anyone other than mircea_popescu and trb folks did any serious re-engineering re: the client.
asciilifeform: so far the only 'alt-trb' for which i have any evidence whatsoever of its existence is mircea_popescu's thing
asciilifeform: trinque: however you try to dance around the problem, must come to terms with the fact that ~some~ trb nodes must talk to the heathens ~some~ of the time, or NO BLOCKS
jurov: i doubt it is possible to run service like on trb debt, i tried to imagine it.. needs both bandwidth and ongoing maintenance (cuz gotta keep up with webdev shit)
asciilifeform: 'A fully virtualized “Hello World” service in IncludeOS (which of course includes the necessary components of the OS) uses only 8.45MB of memory. A Ubuntu 14.04 OS image (the default guest OS for OpenStack) is around 300MB by comparison.' << idiocy. i had linux kernel AND trb in < 5 MB.
phf: tinyscheme can't read strings longer then #define STRBUFFSIZE 256, hmm
mircea_popescu: eh it doesn't pull anything. think about it : it is a modest, quiet hope, specifically that shiva/b-a/trb is actually heavy enough that it may pull him.
mircea_popescu: won't be accepted in trb by any means, but i dun see anything wrong wiht the process.
asciilifeform: phf: << as stated in the comments, i regard this as a serious loose end that must be tied before anyone can even contemplate using a shivatronic trb in the battlefield
asciilifeform: (for n00bs or readers who have not been keeping up, 'shiva' is a highly experimental affair and not to be considered part of mainline trb!)
polarbeard: never, I'm not translating trb to scheme
asciilifeform: 1) to have the cpp content of trb asymptotically go to ZERO with time
asciilifeform: is that by 'marshalling' the pointers, you are introducing trb's leakages into tinyscheme.
asciilifeform: shiva.cpp as i originally wrote it, includes all of the trb headers. you can form scheme data structures handily without engaging in weird cppisms, just by iterating over, e.g., the node list, and forming scheme list while you do it.
polarbeard: re: my patches, I'm trying to keep an up to date version of them on my github trb repo, wouldn't mind submitting to the ml if somebody asks
asciilifeform: aha recall this from early trb days ?
mircea_popescu: but the point remains : having a trb foundation on the solid foundation of a v environment IS a convenience.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is a defensible perspective but it leaves me wondering wtf you were doing when founded a trb foundation ! a throne omg!!1111111
mircea_popescu: and i would very much like it be the case that some folks here actually want to specifically trbn
mircea_popescu: this whole "we are developers herp" thing is prb not trb.
asciilifeform: on the other hand, a bunch of folks here are trying to trb
pete_dushenski: mod6: fwiw i'm endlessly appreciative of the work you've done thus far. you make noobing trb possible :)
asciilifeform: ~6G occupied by trb on dulap after 40 days. nb.
asciilifeform: in other news, blocks that take my trb nodez 5-10 min. to verify have become sop.
asciilifeform: it is one thing if it is a heathen dep that pre-existed trb, e.g., boost
adlai has unfinished business, with people that pay him btc; trb hacking falls under play.
asciilifeform: (the folks who laughed when i said 'no curl on trb build box' - still laughing ?)
asciilifeform: part1 is the bridge. part2 is the only place where trb per se is touched, where the hooks are inserted.
asciilifeform: << it had own genesis to establish pedigree with the historic tinyscheme. but shiva is a patch that bridges it into the trb tree. and yes i rebased it, it works with the current trb.
punkman: a sidenote that came to mind looking at phf's lisp snippet: adding comments to everything for release patches (and alt-genesis) doesn't work so great if you have non-plaintext files. not a problem for trb as it is, but perhaps something to keep in mind.
punkman: the tinyscheme stands alone but there;s also 2-3 other patches related to it that touch trb
assbot: Logged on 12-02-2016 14:13:21; polarbeard: works like a charm, here is a patch for removing some unused functions if somebody is interested:
asciilifeform: a blackholed trb does not fall silent, but actually is maintaining links with a number of existing peers (bouncing inv's, etc)
mod6: there may be problems here: <+asciilifeform> Stec: let us know if you have any problem building trb.
asciilifeform: Stec: you need gcc on any reasonable unix. that's all. trb will build a new compiler, and with it will build itself.
asciilifeform: Stec: let us know if you have any problem building trb.
asciilifeform: fella says he wants to try trb.
Stec: Я готов выделить пару серверов для trb
Stec: trb не форк?
asciilifeform: Stec: рекомендую познакомиться с исходиками trb, не пожалеешь
Stec: what an idea trb?
Stec: what an idea trb?
Stec: accidentally found trb
Stec: trb?
mircea_popescu: Stec are you running trb on them ?
asciilifeform: incidentally i see no reason why any trb node ought to allow a tx (mempool, vs in-block) to consume more cpu time than it took to receive from the nic.
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: Luke-JR claimed that a rogue miner could push TRB nodes with blocks that aren't valid and fool them.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: every time trb is mentioned on reddit, i see this crud re: 'important fixes.'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the blackout re: trb is more or less total, don't expect miracles
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i would add in your article that the flagship trb boxes are running sans-glibc.
mircea_popescu: now that trb no longer uses it, is ok to burn it ?
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 2 for asciilifeform with note: trb and general wizard, slayer of enemies of the Republic both foreign and domestic.
shinohai: !rate asciilifeform 2 trb and general wizard, slayer of enemies of the Republic both foreign and domestic.
asciilifeform: does pywallet actually work with trb ?
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for shinohai from 1 to 2 with note: Active TRB tester guy.
mircea_popescu: !rate shinohai 2 Active TRB tester guy.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for mod6 from 1 to 2 with note: Hours of trb instruction and support for my node.
shinohai: !rate mod6 2 Hours of trb instruction and support for my node.
asciilifeform: which ~trb~ mircea_popescu ?
asciilifeform: not trb
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for danielpbarron from 1 to 2 with note: Eulorian. Nice help testing TRB & b-a wiki.
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for peterl with note: Built TRB node.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for funkenstein_ from 1 to 2 with note: Testing & Development of TRB.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for hanbot from 3 to 4 with note: Wonderful help testing TRB.
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for phf with note: Nice development work on TRB.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for shinohai from 1 to 2 with note: Very responsive and helpful testing of TRB & V.
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for gernika with note: Nice work testing TRB & V.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for pete_dushenski from 1 to 2 with note: Built TRB node & helps test. Runs a TMSR related blog.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for trinque from 2 to 3 with note: deedbot. Great work testing & Development for TRB.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for thestringpuller from 2 to 3 with note: Helped test TRB.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for tomservo from 1 to 2 with note: Built TRB node.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for punkman from 1 to 2 with note: Development for TRB.
mod6: !rate funkenstein_ 2 Testing & Development of TRB
mod6: !rate pete_dushenski 2 Built TRB node & helps test. Runs a TMSR related blog.
mod6: !rate gernika 1 Nice work testing TRB & V.
mod6: !rate phf 1 Nice development work on TRB.
mod6: !rate peterl 1 Built TRB node.
mod6: !rate danielpbarron 2 Eulorian. Nice help testing TRB & b-a wiki.
mod6: !rate tomservo 2 Built TRB node.
mod6: !rate punkman 2 Development for TRB.
mod6: !rate shinohai 2 Very responsive and helpful testing of TRB & V.
mod6: !rate thestringpuller 3 Helped test TRB.
mod6: !rate trinque 3 deedbot. Great work testing & Development for TRB.
mod6: !rate hanbot 4 Wonderful help testing TRB.
assbot: trb/polarbeard_rm_unused_functions.vpatch.polarbeard.sig at master · polarbeard/trb · GitHub ... ( )
assbot: trb/polarbeard_rm_unused_functions.vpatch at master · polarbeard/trb · GitHub ... ( )
jurov: but i can definitely tell myself that hacking trb and eulora client by deep immersion for days would be better life than this.
asciilifeform: and yeah there is no question of running trb on this.
asciilifeform: you can't trb-develop on the x60.
assbot: Logged on 10-02-2016 02:24:16; nubbins`: speak now if you believe a lord that has contributed TRB patches, who owns the second-largest stock warrant, who trades in the only physical collectibles that are priced solely in BTC, who pays the bill for, who is the republic's de facto minister of letters awaiting with bated quill the whittling-down of a codebase fit to publish, should be stripped of his title; speak your treason now, th
asciilifeform: on an isolated lan, place trb nodes, and break all known blocks into tx,
mircea_popescu: having a trb-test suite is a good move, because even if dissidence is a b-a tradition, nevertheless it allows a common basis to make communication useful.
asciilifeform: this might be a productive approach for trb
asciilifeform: one tricky bit is that trb is a ~system~
mod6: any one have any strong feelings on googletest & googlemock as a comprehensive testing framework for trb ?
pete_d_out: right you are. i misspoke then, should be 'trb iterations'
pete_d_out: mod6 nice work on v99995 ! quite a few changes in there. my v99996 test has had a few bumps in the road (mostly hosting issues afaict) but is still syncing. i'll let you know if there are any snags in that, but holleee you guys are pumping out these trb releases !!
nubbins`: speak now if you believe a lord that has contributed TRB patches, who owns the second-largest stock warrant, who trades in the only physical collectibles that are priced solely in BTC, who pays the bill for, who is the republic's de facto minister of letters awaiting with bated quill the whittling-down of a codebase fit to publish, should be stripped of his title; speak your treason now, that all may witness it.
assbot: trb: trb/release/bitcoin/src/init.cpp File Reference ... ( )
jurov: the last trb release is a WRONG thing nao?
asciilifeform: trb is alive, v is a knife.
mircea_popescu: trb is alive whether you want it or not.
mod6: <+shinohai> mod6: new trb is at height 284171 << good deal, thanks for reporting :]
shinohai: *trb node
shinohai: mod6: new trb is at height 284171
asciilifeform: << trivial - if trb marks a tx nonstandard - it is nonstandard!11
asciilifeform: where, say, 0 is maximally permissive (disables malleus, even) and 10 is 'any sign of deviation from trb conventions --> permaban'
asciilifeform: this would walk the razor's edge of danger, in re splitting trb into own parallel universe, however
ascii_butugychag: (picture a trb box eating blocks via diode, and shitting tx out another diode, when the knife switch is on, strictly)
ascii_butugychag: that you can theoretically maintain an airgapped trb node...
phf: trb eatblock
phf: but the thinking at the time was that trb peers shouldn't be cascade sending you bogus chains, when you don't ask for them, and that optimization should start with improvements to block request/response mechanism
phf: i recall that was first major trb patch
ascii_butugychag: but i must point out that a trb node that isn't synced should not be added to connection lists
mircea_popescu: maqp i suppose you could look into TRB. get yourself V and make your own secure node.
trinque: deedbot- can again happily fart transactions (into trb!!)
ascii_butugychag: also will nitpick, not idle, hosting the #1 trbtron since day 1.
phf: lurk 6 months, build trb, replace RelayMessage in with your own thing that serializes CTransaction to file, come back if that doesn't quite work
adlai: asciilifeform: would it still be correct to say that there is no intent that people use trb as a wallet? or at least, use the same trb as a network node and a wallet node?
guruvan: asciilifeform: you have HD in trb?
pete_dushenski: bitcoin's too complicated, too barbed, too thorny, too messy, and too time-consuming for sortakindausers. this is obviously an asset in a great many ways, but it can still be frustrating for persistent folks. not that this is news to everyone beating prb into trb....
assbot: Logged on 03-02-2016 17:01:22; ascii_butugychag: does nobody but me actually watch their trb logs ?
assbot: Logged on 03-02-2016 13:20:51; asciilifeform: << in mircea_popescu's trb fleet ?
ascii_butugychag: and the only thing the worlds share is their trb image
trinque: ben_vulpes: first I'm getting deed txns going by using the trb wallet; I don't want to have to wait for an implementation of eatrawtx to resume deeds
trinque: jurov: nah, deedbot is still jammed until I get trb to send the next bundle
trinque: speaking of which, thanks to the helping hand of the other republic nodes, is a fully synced trb public node
mod6: trb logs === mailing list?
ascii_butugychag: trb is what, 14 mo. old ?
mod6: i read trb logs every day. who doesn't?
assbot: Logged on 03-02-2016 17:01:22; ascii_butugychag: does nobody but me actually watch their trb logs ?
ascii_butugychag: does nobody but me actually watch their trb logs ?
ascii_butugychag: nor does idem, running on SAME BOX as zoolag in parallel with it and -connected to it and the other trbs.
mircea_popescu: i dunno what it is, i've never seen it before trb myself, nor a really good one since.
assbot: Logged on 03-02-2016 16:21:04; polarbeard: incest:
polarbeard: actually git comes handy to manage trb patch-sets
assbot: GitHub - polarbeard/trb: The Real Bitcoin™ ... ( )
asciilifeform: << in mircea_popescu's trb fleet ?
mircea_popescu: trinque> also, I don't see sendrawtransaction in trb's list o' commands... wat do? << cry all the way home, we don't have it yet. backport it ? :D
assbot: Logged on 03-02-2016 02:14:49; trinque: also, I don't see sendrawtransaction in trb's list o' commands... wat do?
trinque: anyone? given a privkey in hand, how the hell do I get trb to send some coin? I do not want to change addresses and nothing I find can chew on this wallet
trinque: also, I don't see sendrawtransaction in trb's list o' commands... wat do?
trinque: anybody recommend a way to import a private key to trb?
trinque: meanwhile trb node at 393k, today is the day...
polarbeard: PeterL: a getpeerinfo backport patch for trb:
assbot: Logged on 01-02-2016 05:13:50; asciilifeform: tinyscheme genesis is NOT PART OF TRB !!1111111111111
trinque: felipelalli: that is a good thing; this present round of woes shall be rememdied in a few days, I think. trb node shall have reached the top. It's at about 385k right now
trinque: trb node is at 384k; I will be switching to that with anti-heathen command patch very soon
mod6: root 31936 32.1 37.8 1741912 1453164 pts/7 SLl 19:01 0:55 ./bitcoind -datadir=/mnt/btc-dev/.bitcoin -myip= -addnode= -setverstring=trb -setvernum=99998 -lows
trinque: meanwhile the trb node is now at 383k, thanks to new SSD
phf: can imagine future where ascii big trb senator is forced by opposition forces to sign, "i will not siiiign"
