asciilifeform: 'Due to the ECI relationship, the technicians for AT&T had to possess a Top Secret security clearance to actually just access the fiber, because they might "accidentally" discover the tap, or discover data being diverted out of the fiber optic multiplexers. By the way, "ECI" means that the company is given a code name to conceal their involvement in illegal activities. For example, AT&T has a code name, MCI has a code name, Sp
asciilifeform: nor is the firm where i work deluged with argentinian inquiries re: samples of virii
asciilifeform: trinque: as far as is publicly known, erdos took dextroamphetamine rather than meth
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu perhaps did not think that usg could be any moar retarded than it looks already, but here is a mega-secret: a great many (most?) u.s. laboratories have personnel empowered to purchase materiel (e.g., spectrometer) but not ever hire anyone.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: and pay to have sane computer produced ?
asciilifeform: let's work this gedankenexample?
asciilifeform: that does not work with gimp.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it is actually the best example. of a proggy which naive folks suggest 'will do all the same things'
asciilifeform: srsly this is ~loathesome~ habit of open source folks, linking to a gimp when i need to take a photoshit
ascii_field: << very lulzy. contains princely mircocontroller, multiple MB of eeprom, and... a microphone.
ascii_field believes that hypertext, at least as presently implemented 'in-band', ~is~ wrong
ascii_field: then - straight to dumpster
ascii_field: (not impossible, and i can't rule it out)
ascii_field: but yes, one burned/flooded factory can double price of $component
ascii_field: even before electric lamp.
asciilifeform: '"We feel that our tests might prove to be the catalyst that propels the core devs and miners to implement the required hard fork that is desperately needed," Coinwallet told BitBeat.'
asciilifeform: if you're cn-compatible, buy ticket, sail.
asciilifeform: then again, a back door may be found for it to safely walk through, like google's employment not-iq-really-fuck-you-not-iq tests
asciilifeform: was more or less superior in every way to the linked example.
asciilifeform: << example
asciilifeform looks for the copy of 'gold bug' virus that some derp threw into swag and claimed as 'universal decompilator'
asciilifeform: prolly one of those things that will never entirely disappear for so long as there are 'immunocompromised' decaying civilizations, etc
asciilifeform: not quite comparable
ascii_field: thestringpuller: try building on a computer ..?
ascii_field: as the one previously checked in mempool
ascii_field: thing is, i don't get the whole concept of having any sympathy whatsoever for 'needs moar room' when 100% of everyone making this argument is either usg shill or their useful idiots
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: i get it. but i was trying to illustrate how allowing anyone to make the sphincter permanently dilate by spending a fixed cost gets you into 'amplification vulnerability'
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: if objective is 'make a river of meat' then sure. if trying to accomplish something more interesting? not so much
ascii_field: and we want to reimplement this ?
ascii_field: it is but one example.
ascii_field: so it is an 'amplification' situation
ascii_field: (iirc, turing-complete, even!)
asciilifeform: try to remember the basic reason why we're using 0.5.3 as foundation rather than starting from empty.
asciilifeform: 'What you can infer here (since Ubiquiti wont comment) is that the scammers spoofed an employee communication from a fake email account, instructing an employee to wire funds to a vendor. In its laziest form, its an attack that anyone could mount with an Internet connection and about 5 minutes the B2B version of the old Nigerian prince email fraud, except the prince purports to be your boss.'
asciilifeform: 'A hacker posed as one of its employees online and stole $46.7 million from the company's accounts.'
asciilifeform: and, as perpetuum mobile, all attempts at doing the fundamentally impossible are bound to end in tears
asciilifeform: naggum has umpteen threads where he fights with various folks over xml attributes
asciilifeform: ascii is retarded. complain to the central committee, or who was it.
asciilifeform: whereas the alternative is only even contemplated because pgp is retarded.
asciilifeform: ok back to the example
asciilifeform: throwing garbage into a vt100-compatible terminal breaks things for reasons that are not mysterious at all. rtfm?
asciilifeform: if i want to embed hashes next to their payload, i get an explosion of complexity. because,
asciilifeform: << i read that piece not long ago, while contemplating buying one.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: prolly better comparison is hot fusion
asciilifeform: in 'lectures on computation' (r. f.)
asciilifeform: what will or will not run, is also not completely empty field (e.g., shor's algo)
asciilifeform: hard to say, reads like the output of five separate monkeys who did not have any kind of complete picture each, other than a checklist of 'agenda items' to address
asciilifeform: s they have a long history of security evaluation and time tested implementation that newer proposals do not yet have.'
asciilifeform: 'It is important to note that we arent asking vendors to stop implementing the Suite B algorithms and we arent asking our national security customers to stop using these algorithms. Rather, we want to give more flexibility to vendors and our customers in the present as we prepare for a quantum safe future. Where elliptic curve protocols are to be used, we prefer Suite B standards be used to the fullest extent possible a
asciilifeform: tandards bodies to ensure there is a clear plan for getting a new suite of algorithms that are developed in an open and transparent manner that will form the foundation of our next Suite of cryptographic algorithms. Until this new suite is developed and products are available implementing the quantum resistant suite, we will rely on current algorithms. For those partners and vendors that have not yet made the transition to Sui
asciilifeform: 'IAD recognizes that there will be a move, in the not distant future, to a quantum resistant algorithm suite. Based on experience in deploying Suite B, we have determined to start planning and communicating early about the upcoming transition to quantum resistant algorithms. Our ultimate goal is to provide cost effective security against a potential quantum computer. We are working with partners across the USG, vendors, and s
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: still i find it interesting how impenetrable the usg 'never happened because we say so' shield is
asciilifeform: unix utils work as depicted in, e.g.,, deadly-simple, BECAUSE file is a solid abstraction
asciilifeform: 'Congratulations Gavin and Mike on completing the patch to support larger block sizes. Although we all have ideological disagreements from time to time, two fundamental values of the Bitcoin community are freedom of choice and transparency of communication. Your work represents a big step in returning the power over Bitcoin's future back to the community where it belongs.' << l0l!!
asciilifeform: patch must be accompanied with sig
asciilifeform: and 'The impulse to cling to youth at all costs, to attempt to preserve your sexual attraction, to see even in middle age a future for yourself and not merely for your children, is a thing of recent growth and has only precariously established itself. It will probably disappear again when our standard of living drops and our birth-rate rises.'
asciilifeform: see mr.o, 'The great mass of human beings are not acutely selfish. After the age of about thirty they almost abandon the sense of being individuals at all and live chiefly for others, or are simply smothered under drudgery. But there is also the minority of gifted, willful people who are determined to live their own lives to the end'
asciilifeform: mod6: it is very very simple, really
asciilifeform: compared to yours truly
ascii_field: (many examples in comments)
ascii_field: 'My favourite is Retrievor – small GPS tracker. First version promised solar charging. They first stole photos from completely other products (mobile phone app was from real Chinese GPS tracker, while the schematic was from a completely different product). Then they skipped to Indiegogo, and had two additional campaigns, with slightly changed description. Almost 2 years later, no real product.'
ascii_field: and that virtually every major american uni has dozens of faculty, heavily overlapping with the set of most serious money-bringers, who are criminally impeachable
ascii_field: 'Naturally all the documentation is keep secret, but a quick Google search would reveal that one can't simultaneously work at place x, and give lectures at place y, while x and y are hours of travel away. But again the people who control the grant money only check the paperwork they are provided. Is there a bogus employment contract in my name? I don't know but I have reasons to believe so.'
ascii_field: (i had the complete worx)
asciilifeform: << get an 'hp16c'. handily beats computer for this purpose.
asciilifeform: '...redefining "bitcoin user" so that less than 1% of bitcoin holders are anointed as 'Real Users'. Enough already. It smells like tyranny, it looks like tyranny - it IS tyranny. And Bitcoin, more than any other community, should overthrow these flawed attempts at governance. Where a minority holds the rest hostage.'
asciilifeform: i can't wait for one of these tards to accidentally publish his madlibs template
asciilifeform: the attempts of folks who tried to 'kill mem corruption in c' are a lulzmine of their own.
asciilifeform: << not without turning your 'c' into a 'half-finished bug-ridden reimplementation of ada'
asciilifeform: << this is more difficult than mircea_popescu might appreciate. for one thing, i do hardware, where merely the ~fact of~ a usable hole existing is half the secret - once you say, credibly, folks know precisely where to look; the other half of it is that i am in the wot neither of folks buying nor of folks brokering; and the third 'half' is that any attempt at this will hav
asciilifeform: (don't leave it floating, pull the stump to the supply rail (it is typically active-low. consult data sheet!))
asciilifeform: (complete with ncurses menuconfig)
asciilifeform: (mircea_popescu's eternal question re: why do we have imbeciles programming computers is a valid but separate question)
asciilifeform: 'For example, if a malicious MP4 is crafted with a chunk_size of 0x1ffffffff (notice this is larger than a 32-bit value) the faulty overflow check will be bypassed because chunk_size > SIZE_MAX. Next, chunk_size is added to size. If size is any value greater than 0, an integer overflow will occur. If, for instance, size is 1, the addition will result in a value of 0x200000000, which is larger than a 32-bit value. The following
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> well, specifically what triggered me was the proposition that "this man that is doing a bad job would do a better job weith better tools" << now, if it were simply a matter of strength and weakness, one could argue that 'more folks could dig well with bulldozer than with spade'
asciilifeform: and runs msdos, even. complete with xmm!
asciilifeform: did mats just use great wall of cn as example of 'secure' !
asciilifeform: (compile would be 50x slower, yes. but only compile.)
asciilifeform: a simple calculation shows that - unless one is extraordinarily lucky - the effort which goes into finding a typical vuln, vs the typical 'bug bounty' offered by, e.g., microshit, works out to approximately u.s. minimum wage.
asciilifeform: also fewer 'eiffel towers built of matchsticks' - elaborately labyrinthine 'rube goldberg' machines, like the last third of that slide deck, which ultimately sum to 'i read a 486 manual taken from a dumpster'
asciilifeform: but simply because scorched earth.
asciilifeform: << so, i read the slides. 1) 20MB powerpoint pdf turd?!!! wtf, people. 2) the picture which implies priv escalation is disingenuous. there is, just as i said earlier, no esclation. you gotta be in ring0 to move the apic window. NONE OF THIS SHIT WAS SECRET, how did they even get a talking slot at 'blackhat' ?
asciilifeform: '"For secret assassination, either simple or chase, the contrived accident is the most effective technique. When successfully executed, it causes little excitement and is only casually investigated."'
asciilifeform: no, really. almost complete with the mandatory balls-in-a-jar token of office
asciilifeform: proper implementations (e.g. mine) are fixed-time.
ascii_field: btw this is precisely how the well-known 'computrace' works.
ascii_field: (for n00bz: 'remote attestation' is this crackpot concept where usg has permanent root (yes) on 'your' computer, and uses it to verify that you aren't, e.g., running illegal linux)
ascii_field: see log, also, for why the approach where the whole computer is not inside the fritz is laughable on its face
ascii_field: i mean, it's one thing to consider a whole computer in a safe which sets off built-in nuke if anyone so much as scratches the door
ascii_field: the best scam is the kind where the scammitude is implicit
ascii_field: but the saving grace is that in 100% of such cases, the 'intellectual propertyyyyy!111!' holder is a twerp, and cheaper to give one of his employees a candy bar
ascii_field: (typically malware folks try to detect emulators by looking for well-known imperfections - if operator is an idiot, these will be found - or for external time base, which can set off a trap if machine appears to be uncommonly slow by wall clock time.)
ascii_field: i'm not mpoe-pr and don't engage with sc4mz0rz recreationally
ascii_field: trivial example being paillier's algo
asciilifeform: 'the folks whose daughters are exempt from paki' are as good an approximation as any
asciilifeform: the way 'yi yi zhi yi' works is that a usg fiefdom controls its lower classes, which might otherwise have some vitality left, by importing orcs
asciilifeform: they're stuck competing (for usg trough) with noblis et al
asciilifeform: not to mention the fact that au is a kind of proving ground for fresh usg idiocies, with simplified bureaucracy, desaparecido without so much as a squeak
asciilifeform: (there is also the 'impenetrably obscure' flavour of 'uncontroversy')
asciilifeform: " ... ... Lots of emphasis on stereotyping, how we construct reality, and so on. Nothing that challenges the basic assumptions of social scientists at all. And that's really how he got away with it. He reported what his colleagues expected to see. ... There are probably tons of articles in the scientific literature based on faked data, and undetected because the results were uncontroversial. There are many more where data were
asciilifeform: 'You eat food you didn't grow and in many cases have no idea where it came from or what it looks like in nature. You rely on elaborate machines to get you places, but have no idea how they work. If your car stops, you have no idea what went wrong or what to do to fix it. In many cases, there is nothing you personally can do. To travel long distances you get into a big flying tube that leaves you completely at the mercy of othe
asciilifeform: 'SABR is seeking engineers with deep interest and experience in blockchain-based technologies who are prepared to devote their career to making a positive impact while being continuously intellectually challenged.' << am i the only one who sees a second parse for this sentence ??
ascii_field: the announcements, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission complaint.'
ascii_field: 'Over five years, two computer hackers living in Ukraine broke into U.S. newswire services including Business Wire and PRNewswire and stole more than 100,000 press releases for publicly traded companies before their release. Those documents, which included earnings data, were distributed to a network of traders who used the advance knowledge to buy or sell securities based on how they anticipated the market would react to
ascii_field: the scene where the robotic cockroach is implanted
ascii_field: see the pogotron one for example
ascii_field: 'Congress passed the Protect Act after the Supreme Court struck down a broader law prohibiting any visual depictions of minors engaged in sexual activity, including computer-generated imagery and other fakes. The high court ruled that the ban was too broad, and could cover legitimate speech, including Hollywood productions.
ascii_field: e.g., cmp 0x407451(%rip),%rdi vs cmp 0x4074d1(%rip),%rdi
ascii_field: the rest of the idiocy - typical, like the sample
ascii_field: objdump -d
ascii_field: ^ the paste is incomplete
asciilifeform: from the l0ltrons:
asciilifeform: i object to it on account of being among the designated chumps who will have to starve to pay for the 'phree'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: see, i've always been sympathetic to 'sure let's warehouse people while energy is cheap and we don't need to plow by hand' - because i always fukcinghated work.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the original story with these is that they were simply a group of officers who... took an oath
asciilifeform: shinohai: you somehow botched the buildroot. i do not yet know how. when i post mine you can compare
asciilifeform: needs two things, 1) hard mempool limiter 2) block index cache moved to disk
asciilifeform: << mozart did have a sister. who, iirc, did not compose, but played passably
asciilifeform: << when i was in timis., my brain melted upon seeing what looked very much like my childhood dumpsters
asciilifeform: prolly most famous example in the world is nyc flats
asciilifeform: 'ONE way of feeling infallible is not to keep a diary. Looking back through the diary I kept in 1940 and 1941 I find that I was usually wrong when it was possible to be wrong. Yet I was not so wrong as the Military Experts. Experts of various schools were telling us in 1939 that the Maginot Line was impregnable, and that the Russo-German Pact had put an end to Hitlers eastwards expansion; in early 1940 they were telling us
asciilifeform: (improvement over the skinnerists, who thought it was... 4 if-statements)
asciilifeform: but more importantly, assume that this is the only possible way anything could be done.
asciilifeform: more commonly given example is shoes
asciilifeform: just like the 'deoxygenated copper audiophile cable' and the monumental 'green marker for improving cd audio'
ascii_field: kinda like a medieval reenactment party ~complete with black death~
ascii_field: e.g.,
ascii_field: 'The stuff I worked on in that job was complete horseshit. It provided absolutely zero value to anybody. It existed and was expressly optimized for the sole purpose of exploiting non-tech-savvy computer users to generate undeserved profits.'
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: also because the relevant tech simply did not mature
ascii_field: or get a real computer
ascii_field: (from sks, for example)
ascii_field: i posted a working example of this months ago
asciilifeform: but not a patching guide, rather, patches were applied. but it tells you which, and you can obtain previous release tarball, apply them yourself, and compare the result.
asciilifeform: ^ not intended to imply that ~all~ items created this way are worth using
asciilifeform: but thus far most of the software artifacts i personally see as making a computer worth using at all, were written by one (or handful) of people, and largely on stolen/embezzled employer time, and under no management whatsoever other than the 'emperor in their heads'
asciilifeform: or, alternatively, example some software artifact even vaguely worth using, to intelligent folks, that was ~produced under sound management~
asciilifeform: say, example of 'good management' in that sphere that doesn't, when you scratch it, reveal itself to be a case of programming-with-human-compilers
asciilifeform: btw, iirc mircea_popescu once asked why dijkstra is not taught in american schools. the reason is not a secret: he openly taught that fewer people have any business programming computer than performing surgery
asciilifeform: half the battle is merely to get anybody to contemplate that it is possible to eat things other than shit
asciilifeform: the whole experiment in bringing back emperors was a flop
asciilifeform: (e.g., 'emperor showa' not hirohito)
asciilifeform: get a temp name and assigned a proper one ~when deserved~
asciilifeform: burn your computer.
asciilifeform: (xiah lee, don't expect to see anywhere. he literally ran out of money and went to wash dishes for minimum wage, and sold his computer iirc)
asciilifeform: if you want to play 'rogue', you can use whatever iron you found in old university dumpster, yes
asciilifeform: compare minix2 to minix3
asciilifeform: one notable attempt at 'fits in book but usable' was minix. a failed attempt.
asciilifeform: << apparently nobody knows
asciilifeform: (complain to gcc folks, not me. absolute path crud in just about everything...)
asciilifeform: (it is initially empty)
asciilifeform: mats: 'worth billions' in the usg empire has nothing to do with money, but with 'noble, aryan' blood
asciilifeform: complicated
asciilifeform: i just drove by the place. it is not only still standing but swarming with fresh chumpers
asciilifeform: the general rule is that an item like this is known to 3 people: the fella who ordered it; the fella who implemented it; and the fella in charge of shooting either or both if they talk
asciilifeform: example of interesting seekrit: 'magic packet that turns an intel nic to arbitrary-dma whatever into/out of ram'
asciilifeform: i doubt very much that there are women in 'compartments'
asciilifeform: symptom of the basic difficulty of escaping 'enemy with outposts in your head'
asciilifeform: << turns out fare has some decent material
asciilifeform: now, for the other prong of the question, 'omg121111!!1111 ch1ld pr0n!' prosecutions in usa are always, without exception about one thing: 'know that you can go to the camps for having certain bitstrings on your hdd. and that if we want to, we can put them there, aha.'
asciilifeform: think, without pakis, how much less air compressor for the real estate bubble in paki-free zones
asciilifeform: the pakis are a designated imported predator, as per 'yi yi zhi yi' algo. they are doing their job.
asciilifeform: i'll have you know that at my university they play (on symphonic orchestra, yes!).... 'super mario.'
asciilifeform: american symphonics are on par with the rest of third world
asciilifeform: and rsa is ~much~ simpler than, e.g., bitcoin.
asciilifeform: onlooker: consider, for instance, the predicament of somebody trying to correctly implement plain old rsa algo.
asciilifeform: write, build some simple programs
asciilifeform: i don't see how it 'is complicated' at all. folks who wanna be paid when i copy a number, get a raging hardon for the state (tm) (r) when it makes noises of promise to make it happen
asciilifeform: i personally regard these as important knobs and their absence from the original bitcoin as an atrocity
asciilifeform: (see ml for example of me doing so for a chain loaded from mircea_popescu)
asciilifeform: also it is possible to hash a blockchain using dumpblock
asciilifeform: if you can get a bash prompt, you oughta get a working build.
asciilifeform: do we each get a dead empire to necromancy ?
asciilifeform: jp imperial heraldic
asciilifeform: and simplest
asciilifeform: 'Ryan is also the author of brainflayer, a utility that attempts to find a guided brute force solution to brainwallet addresses.'
asciilifeform: the abstraction is imperfect and necessarily leaks.
asciilifeform: the basic root of the matter is that 'industrial production' is an abstraction ~on top of~ craftsmanship in the same way as the digital computer is an abstraction on top of analogue solid-state physics
asciilifeform: and here is where we meet up with vlsi boojum: you can't do vlsi economically if there is room for six computers total.
asciilifeform: my real question was 'is it possible to finance a computer without duping millions that they Must Upgrade Because (tm) ' ?
asciilifeform: at any rate, this edges into the territory of converting meters to litres and 'comparing the soft to the warm'
asciilifeform: about same as small computer.
asciilifeform: (or, for completeness, some yet-entirely-undiscovered 'third road' where we make'em out of belly button lint)
asciilifeform: so perhaps computer can exist in the future of -- but only like an 18th c. church organ
asciilifeform: said the fella who sweats blood on account of misbehaving computers.
asciilifeform: sadly, more complicated. just the turbine lives and dies by plenty of petrol-based lube
asciilifeform: (i.e. by force of army, by 'everyone else sucks so profoundly in comparison that there can be no debate', ...
asciilifeform: << a unified standard library never formed. a few implementation-specific fairly complete libraries - did, but the kind of folks attracted to scheme all turned nose at them (incl. me) - 'ewww, not orthogonal, not beautiful, not scheme at all' -- them (and me)
asciilifeform is roughly aware that the story of actual egyptian pyramids was rather more complicated
asciilifeform: the thing that makes the pyramid a pyramid, at least in a schoolbook example, is that it is not something anyone (but the king) actually ~wants~ that much
asciilifeform: just to work out example on a napkin. say you, a king, want a pyramid built. could a) conscript ten thousand folks to work to death building it b) debase the currency and hire builders
asciilifeform: in a vain attempt to avoid being ground into mud
asciilifeform: note that 'people want computerz' is not enough for the industry to be +ev
asciilifeform: re: ic thread: whole thing is kinda coming together in my skull. quite likely ~^^this^^~ is why it is impossible to borrow money to fund a computer-related anything, without a convincing plan to somehow pass the bezzle to a greater chump
asciilifeform: ussr, for instance, just about broke its back producing ic (and cloned computers of various descriptions.) it is not clear that these paid for themselves, regardless of how you measure economic
asciilifeform: the perpetrators were convinced that the chumps were convinced that there is simply no other way.
asciilifeform: summary: nobody knows how to make selling computers +ev without the millions-of-planktonous-idiots market being involved somehow
asciilifeform: and if attempted with any kind of scale, will make plutonium look cheap and plentiful in comparison.
asciilifeform: but this is very different from how the computer on everyone's desk was built
asciilifeform: << at -ev? thing is, nobody ever invented 'reasonably priced electronics sold to sane people.' that is, no one has ever demonstrated the economic feasibility of this. the only kinds of computer sold in perhaps 25 years were: a) sold to chumps buying forced 'pr0gr3ssss' and b) so expensive everyone shits his pants
asciilifeform: the subject swallows own arse, and either disappears in a flash of gamma rays, or becomes an adult computerist
asciilifeform: (describes not scheme per se, but walks the student through implementing scheme in scheme, and then implementing a detailed simulator for a machine which is the intrinsic minimum for executing scheme.)
asciilifeform: ... of computer programz.
asciilifeform: << well-known example.
asciilifeform: and 3) great student exercise, where the kids won't demand to hear why both 'elt' and 'nth' exist (perennial retardation example from cl, which was born in a 'no vendor left behind' multi-turdculturist compromise)
asciilifeform: << complicated. scheme is an example of a 'suckless movement' that didn't catch on. that is, 'throw out all the legacy crud', but after that the thing has to be inhabited. if not inhabited, then dies young, while leaving, yes, beautiful corpse
asciilifeform: << example
asciilifeform: there are also 'fancy' targets that jump up and down when hit
asciilifeform: << if meant 'perly', i welcome suggestions of how it could be made less so. but - the incantation works. i encourage folks to try it. presently investigating how to re-sign things while preserving all timestamps.
ascii_field: ergo is a complete solution to the antecedent-embedding diff which i suggested to mircea_popescu earlier this week.
ascii_field: complete with sandblast cabinet
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: if you want raw packet payloads, tcpdump will disgorge'em.
asciilifeform: i mean, if for human consumption
asciilifeform: Adlai: everything is text when you hexdump -C it
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is why specific example of 'gmail' etc, which use scripts
asciilifeform: a 100kg stool sample ?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: what's next, a five litre blood sample ?
asciilifeform: 'But whether the Eagles obey us, Or we go to the Ravens--alone, I'd sooner be Lalage's lover Than sit on an Emperor's throne!'
ascii_field: << example output
ascii_field: (notice, when i post binaries, they are not for running - certainly not on a computer... but for static analysis)
asciilifeform: es from the log files to the blkindex.dat file for maximum compatibility, but makes shutdown much slower. Note that the wallet.dat file is always detached, and versions prior to 0.6.0 detached all databases at shutdown.'
asciilifeform: 'The Berkeley DB database library stores data in both .dat and log files, so the database is always in a consistent state, even in case of power failure or other sudden shutdown. The format of the .dat files is portable between different versions of Berkeley DB, but the log files are not even minor version differences may have incompatible log files. The -detachdb option moves any pending chang
asciilifeform not relishing the perspective of attempting building and running that thing
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: iirc he was talking about the failure-to-deallocate thing. (and slept through the threads where the hypothetical structure of a sane mempool was discussed
asciilifeform: miner pays to access the top of the sorted mempool
asciilifeform: '"There were real issues with the operational wisdom of the program, and those who were to conduct the mission were sure that whomever thought this up was using bad hemp."'
asciilifeform: ampoule.
asciilifeform: 'The Army's countermobility field manual taught soldiers to use ADMs for "stream cratering," in which atomic explosions near small waterways would "form a temporary dam, create a lake, cause overbank flooding, and produce an effective water obstacle" for enemy forces.'
asciilifeform: company with 'sadm' might, sure.
asciilifeform: bad example
asciilifeform: it is for ~simplicity~
asciilifeform: decimation: afaik is descendant of original (nameless?) that is contemporary with cp/m
asciilifeform: decimation: doubt that it's as complicated as all that. probably just straight mental mapping of the lion in the washington zoo, or even in some cartoon, to the real thing
asciilifeform: trinque: caption: 'pardon me, my dear, but you are in a strategically-important area!'
asciilifeform: that's still 2x the market rate for a chimp who clicks a mouse to run 'EnCase'
asciilifeform: << i happen to like forth. i bring up chuck moore as an example of 'yes we can recreate 25 years of electronics on a napkin, and it'll fucking work'
asciilifeform: it is an example of a gnarly domain that chuck moore obliterated into something that fits in his palm.
asciilifeform: neh, as in pumping happily
asciilifeform: it doesn't cure cancer, baldness, impotence, no.
asciilifeform: and worth noting that a perfectly usable forth, on which all of these examples will run, can be implemented for just about ~any~ machine in a few HUNDRED BYTES
asciilifeform: << for 'forth' n00bz
asciilifeform: just one example.
asciilifeform: say you wanna implement a bignum
asciilifeform: for now it'll have to be hardcoded to port on localhost, pumped through ssh tunnel to remote host, where same.
asciilifeform: i was loathe to implement hardcoded noble-peer by ip, because hitler can put whatever he wants at that ip, from the perspective of my box
ascii_field: in that it is impossible for the machine to determine that a particular '- -' is to be transformed into a '-' or not
ascii_field: but i promise to post a sample next time it pops up
ascii_field: and also wat, i gotta recompile xorg for paste buffer to behave sanely?
ascii_field: see the dashes in my broadcast, for example.
ascii_field: Dear MP,\n
ascii_field: but not really. 'simple as possible, not simpler'