Results 1 ... 250 found in all logged channels for 'f:mocky'
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(asciilifeform) Mocky: I'm trying to see how these pieces fit together for you verisimilitude but it just all sounds so crackpot
(asciilifeform) Mocky: *that you value, rather
(asciilifeform) Mocky: When I look at the volume of your IRC output and the way you drop coupla hundred lines of poetry in front of your UDP binding, and when I imagine how much typing & backspace it must have taken to get dozens of Ada comment lines to all be exactly 100 characters wide, I see that contrary to what you say, your actions suggest that you typing text very highly in the present
(asciilifeform) Mocky: Once you can program without text, what benefits will you realize?
(asciilifeform) Mocky: verisimilitude: lookup tables and machine code and conlangs... are these in service to solve some bigger problem you'd like to solve or more just "A finite wank may be stretched to infinity"?
(asciilifeform) Mocky: I took 4 years of Latin in high school. Had the (self proclaimed) rare teacher who made us speak it every day
(asciilifeform) Mocky: It's not obvious to me what that has to do with language modelling or Latin
(asciilifeform) Mocky: did you craft your comments to all end exactly on the 100 character width?
(asciilifeform) Mocky: I'm guessing that this is a UDP binding for Ada. guessing because it doesn't seem to say that anywhere I could see on first scan, amidst The Raven parody
(asciilifeform) Mocky: Ah yes, I think we never have spoken. What are you up to lately?
(asciilifeform) Mocky: gotcha
(asciilifeform) Mocky: !!seen lobbes
(asciilifeform) Mocky: ah, thanks. I'll stand one up, here (Raleigh, NC)
(asciilifeform) Mocky: is thimbronion's impl linked from your www?
(asciilifeform) Mocky: I started to read the pest spec, look a lot more concrete than orig gossipd spec
(asciilifeform) Mocky: Made it back ok, after 2 months there. Then spent next year getting back on my feet, scraping together funds to pay back my loan
(asciilifeform) Mocky: read the last few weeks of #a logs, quite good discussion 2 days ago re: republic days
(asciilifeform) Mocky: same Mocky, yes
(asciilifeform) Mocky: I haven't been keeping up with the latest, just read report of MP's death. Reminded me of TMSR, wondering what other folks have been doing since then, while I've been working on earning my freedom (not yet successfully but making progress)
(asciilifeform) Mocky: Heya signpost
(asciilifeform) Mocky: funny that I dispute the 'old' but not the 'idiot', I guess maybe idiot can theoretically improve but old guaranteed to get worse
(asciilifeform) Mocky: << I mean, 46 is not *that* old
(trilema) Mocky: getting it back up this weekend
(trilema) Mocky: << yes I'm going to catch up. I have a lot of catching up to do
(trilema) Mocky:
(trilema) Mocky: !!v 7DE87ACB3A33E2B5224A9961D4121617C06ED8AAF5FB6949B0F45537C20F5D1C
(trilema) Mocky: !!pay mircea_popescu 1
(trilema) Mocky: BingoBoingo: I have it, looks good. Thank you
(trilema) Mocky: trinque: I made a deposit, please let me know once you've had a chance to process it
(trilema) Mocky: BingoBoingo: can you give me read permission on that file?
(trilema) Mocky: BingoBoingo: got it, thanks. will let you know.
(trilema) Mocky: I do. text me anytime
(trilema) Mocky: sounds good. I'll def have time. What's got you travelling?
(trilema) Mocky: I've cut back back to 1 chick for now, have some of my time back again
(trilema) Mocky: treating me well but I haven't been managing it well. I went a little overboard trying to earn more money and seeing three chicks at the same time. I exceeded my capacity to manage it.
(trilema) Mocky: oh thank you. I'm pretty sure I have everything but would use the backup to double check
(trilema) Mocky: good evening
(trilema) Mocky: I fell down a rabbit hole
(trilema) Mocky: thx
(trilema) Mocky: good evening
(trilema) Mocky: !!v 4D9B13EDE108BA0059725B3051BB16C90B482351D3337509BCD7C8CADEF0F50C
(trilema) Mocky: !!v 2CD327B20B024A61684F9BBBDCF79D601E8B9E7429655D62E8405443D648A704
(trilema) Mocky: !!invoice BingoBoingo 0.052 Buy order # 1050: 500 WFF
(trilema) Mocky: BingoBoingo:
(trilema) Mocky: for you and get you a fresh start
(trilema) Mocky: lobbes if you want to relocate 3 hours east, 90% chance I can get you a job in Ral, I have a spare room you can stay in while you look for a place, ditch the dysfunction, we'll find new girls
(trilema) Mocky: BingoBoingo:
(trilema) Mocky: I don't expect to have enough to bid on the datacenter auction for august but I do for sept
(trilema) Mocky: i would have bid up to 12 in order to win the auction. but in any case two bidders are not much of a market when one presumably has the dollars today but only bids up to 2/3 and the other will bid up to 3/3 but is liek, 'can i bid today and pay 10 days hence?'
(trilema) Mocky: fyi to readers: blog will be in a sad state for a bit but functional. images not fitting page size, most old comments refused to import, will need to write a script to dump them in one at a time. I'm putting the old content of at for reference until everything is back in place
(trilema) Mocky: that would be great, thanks
(trilema) Mocky: yup that 'fixed' it
(trilema) Mocky: i bet the images never migrated at all, only pointed to exiting img folder, hmm. i can replace it for now
(trilema) Mocky: oh shit lol
(trilema) Mocky: not sure why it's using img at all. yes i have it backed up
(trilema) Mocky: I deleted everything in www and cp -a * ~/www/ from in wwwhabeeb and now images are broke in and, which i expected to be unchanged
(trilema) Mocky: ok seems like everything worked except the images
(trilema) Mocky: i'm going to try it now, see what happens
(trilema) Mocky: I was thinking I could just swap the contents of 'www' and 'wwwhabeeb'
(trilema) Mocky: BingoBoingo: I have my blog posts migrated over to the mp-wp you set up for me on UY1, I want to switch over and have served from there. What's a good way to do that?
(trilema) Mocky: BingoBoingo: looks good. I'll update you on when these will be sent. 19th at the latest, maybe sooner
(trilema) Mocky: !Qcalc (500 + 2835) / (.314 + .052)
(trilema) Mocky: !Xbid 1051 314mn
(trilema) Mocky: !Xbid 1051 354mn
(trilema) Mocky: if delivery on july 19 is reasonable i could bid
(trilema) Mocky: if i had a couple more benjies i'd bid on that
(trilema) Mocky: !Xbid 1050 52mn
(trilema) Mocky: whole world stops whenever input data syncing trips over a network slow down
(trilema) Mocky: in practice it's 2 players only and considered a feature of the physics engine, even so often laggy as hell
(trilema) Mocky: << this is done for certain multiplayer video games where pixel identical frames need to be shown to remote players.
(trilema) Mocky: icing on the cake
(trilema) Mocky: asciilifeform: thanks. and why couldn't think, distractions?
(trilema) Mocky: I need to figure out how I can log into #trilema from my work computer during the day
(trilema) Mocky: my work on gns is at the stage where I'm loading v fully into my head and making sure I know the questions I need to ask before I start implementing. I'll blog about it
(trilema) Mocky: *blog
(trilema) Mocky: I got my blob migrated over to mp_wp, but got hung up on theme changes. I'm going to go live with it and fix the theme later. I need to have a functional blog
(trilema) Mocky: happened to you?' is even worse.
(trilema) Mocky: mircea_popescu: I've failed at managing myself for the last few months. I let myself get overwhelmed with dumb shit. I thought I could do it all despite the evidence to the contrary. Republican work got dropped along with a bunch of other. But republican work is what I care about and not the dumb shit. So I'm changing this now. Head in the sand is no way to live and putting others in the position to say, 'hey, wtf
(trilema) Mocky: I updated to the new shared ip address, looks good
(trilema) Mocky: !!v F4D4496A7111453C0292B2DE520A9457DD1A00C8F3A8E34333C48FDEBDFB99C0
(trilema) Mocky: and no, zero "trading". Only buying.
(trilema) Mocky: mircea_popescu: I don't have 1btc worth now, I have enough left over income to start buying on regular basis. Will still take a few months to amass the total.
(trilema) Mocky: << You're in Charlotte right? What are you doing on saturday? Let's meet up.
(trilema) Mocky: re pimp, I have no gripe with the guy. as good trades with him as with anyone
(trilema) Mocky: i have a coin to repay mircea_popescu and now that i have what with to trade, expect to be a continuous bidder on piz auctions
(trilema) Mocky: I just met a few cool people from LBC, like that guy who sold me a few grand of crumpled 20's out of his girls sequin'd 'stripper purse'
(trilema) Mocky: this is theoretical, i'm not trying to build out my east coast trading volume. I think i'll be mostly buying here from auction
(trilema) Mocky: swampistan! then what, how to find any there now?
(trilema) Mocky: << I should restate as 'would love to continue finding new traders in the small market of raleigh...'
(trilema) Mocky: << indeed I did. It was good for that.
(trilema) Mocky: low levels of numeracy
(trilema) Mocky: im not a proponent of inca platform. would love to find traders in raleigh some other way, but how to find?
(trilema) Mocky: more a platform to meet people and make own trades with them off-platform, formerly
(trilema) Mocky: tru but you could answer cash ads without id, and which I did a lot of last year
(trilema) Mocky: localbitcoins decides to turn away all their remaining legitimate users in. RIP LBC
(trilema) Mocky: thanks BingoBoingo
(trilema) Mocky: just got back from a hiking trip. catching up on logs
(trilema) Mocky: in fact yes
(trilema) Mocky: rounded corners aint cheap
(trilema) Mocky: got my current job via linkedin, msg from recruiter wed, I answered thurs, interview friday and monday
(trilema) Mocky: I had one recruiter 'if you get hired, they will sponsor your clearance' 'no thx' 'what??!??'
(trilema) Mocky: I used a few different sites, but nsa or anything with 'clearance'... not *that* hungry
(trilema) Mocky: << I can see that possibility
(trilema) Mocky: "more than one mapping change"
(trilema) Mocky: my point is not that this is likely to happen, but that it would defeat the purpose of host name resolution to release patches in this way and so it would end up being a linear chain among cooperating folks. But on further consideration I see that this is only true when patches contain more than mapping change
(trilema) Mocky: supposing that a0, a1 etc. are host names and b0 etc are ip addresses, and further suppose that at time t2 a1 becomes unreachable at b2 and reachable at b1 (precipitating the patch a t2) then there are now no nodes in the flow going all the way out to t5 and beyond where both a0 and a1 would be reachable if pressed
(trilema) Mocky: mp, I can make my point using your flow if you allow a slight change to the patch at t1, such that instead of 'a0 -> b0, a1 -> b2' it does 'a0 -> b9, a1 -> b2'.
(trilema) Mocky: << I did not construe asciilifeform's language of civil war/schism to suggest that the proposal is weak to systematic attack, merely that a schism between people could be reflected in the graph
(trilema) Mocky: Maybe my prior comments were too abrasive / snarky making it difficult to engage, if so that's on me. Or maybe I just don't understand. Either way there's no point me trying to continue with the content of an argument that no one can engage with.
(trilema) Mocky: << no. The proposed spec results in a linear chain, the tip of which is the only place where the next vpatch could go without a schism/civil war. On your own computer you can press wherever you want in the chain (or have private branches w/e), but in public you can only release further vpaches based on the same tip of the chain that everyone has. this is defacto consensus.
(trilema) Mocky: << i guess I don't have the priors to understand the contemplated structure. I'm not sure how to reconcile the obvious linear chain with:
(trilema) Mocky: << I also would rather avoid cementing tcpisms into future design of whatever type, which is why I bring it up
(trilema) Mocky: and i can also expand later on what's with the 'connecting', tcp? and what's with the directories, protocol on top of tcp? I'm hoping that its figurative and you don't literally want to build gns on tcp and http
(trilema) Mocky: I don't have time to expand now before I go, but i can expand later.
(trilema) Mocky: << I stated my assumption, for confirmation, that you can't press to both heads, and you answered with "why not?", and I followed up with 'what would that even look like?' I stated in two different ways that I'm talking about sibling patches with the same parent, not 1->2->3. did you even read what i wrote?
(trilema) Mocky: i'm off to kick some ass and take some names, bbl
(trilema) Mocky: what would it even look like pressing to multiple heads at the same time? how can you get the updates in both patch 1 and 2 if they are siblings?
(trilema) Mocky: the idea seems go be that different people have their own view of hosts file updates based on own view of wot, however, it only works a) without the manifest file and b) pressing to all heads, not just one
(trilema) Mocky: so re your patches example, if patch 2 & 3 both declare patch 1 as parent, and I have wot keys for all a - f, I can't press to both heads correct?
(trilema) Mocky: hi
(trilema) Mocky: 'this tall' to have your own actual domain: yes. 'this tall' to follow a link: no.
(trilema) Mocky: 'your machine is broke, here's the fix...'
(trilema) Mocky: i would prefer, 'that link to mocky.istheshit/proof doesn't work? you must have a shitty dns client, here's the right one...'
(trilema) Mocky: what's the point of having names if I have to also be ready with the ip addresses all the damn time?
(trilema) Mocky: I see embrace and extinguish as more appropriate for dns destruction (ala a dnsmasq-esque approach) than isolated bunkers. I mean, i could have joined up with republic prime instead, but they already completed work on gns prime, and maybe they passed out ip based links for a while, but eventually pulled up the ladders to their tree forts and now they can't even be found. So who knows if republic prime or double prime even exists.
(trilema) Mocky: << using gns as proposed, I don't see any other way than passing out ip based links. I can't send a blog link to a slut on fetlife who doesn't have cuntoo, nor can i send a link to cuntoo guide. The whole thing seems like tree forts connected with tin cans and string. For gossipd I have no objection, for name resolution of published material? How is it even published if 'must be this tall to
(trilema) Mocky: ride' plus 'this tall' means in my wot?
(trilema) Mocky: << this suggests that each key holder can only host $key/gns at one ip address. And what about vpatch ordering and the v manifest file? If i have an entry for and want to change that entry, I can't just make and sign a patch of my own, i have to patch on top of the 'consensus' press, otherwise manifest won't match and can't press multiple heads. Am I wrong about how that works?
(trilema) Mocky: eating log still
(trilema) Mocky: << I want to do the dns. I was reading recently:
(trilema) Mocky: spyked: how would you feel about changing your feedbot announce format from "~link << ~site -- ~title" to "~site -- [~link][~title]" ?
(trilema) Mocky: nope, poor chix who have trouble getting into the dr regularly. Its cheaper for insurance company to run this in-home program than to pay for the complications that would otherwise occur
(trilema) Mocky: my team is writing an application for nurses who are giving care to pregnant chix in their homes, so they can access the functionality of their online medical system, while offline
(trilema) Mocky: no but working on my own team is pretty much a cake walk so I'm branching out to helping other teams and meetngreeting across business units making myself generally well liked and enjoying new friends
(trilema) Mocky: and the interacting with more people more often
(trilema) Mocky: im enjoying the work and the learning new things
(trilema) Mocky: ya know, for that kind of thing :)
(trilema) Mocky: quite good actually
(trilema) Mocky: thx asciilifeform
(trilema) Mocky: thanks BingoBoingo
(trilema) Mocky: bbl
(trilema) Mocky: trinque: thx
(trilema) Mocky: !!down kanzure
(trilema) Mocky: !!up kanzure
(trilema) Mocky: also a great trilema banner today
(trilema) Mocky: great link lobbes, thx
(trilema) Mocky: they can't hire fast enough. health insurance is big biz evidently
(trilema) Mocky: it's firmly in the bezel with a massive contingent of folks hired 1st year out of college without having had another job. Enuf 'diversity' in management to keep white men in check, yet somehow with enuf white men to still make sure technical work continues.
(trilema) Mocky: BingoBoingo: There are a couple smart someones making decisions but I don't know how much involvement they will have with the decision of what to do with me. otoh you don't need to be a someone to respond to leverage
(trilema) Mocky: They way they have folks scheduled to rotate off of my project, at the time my contract is up I'm going to the only developer who will have been on the project for more than a few weeks, I'll still be bringing the newbies up to speed. So I expect to have substantial leverage.
(trilema) Mocky: agreed, it dun suffice to read.
(trilema) Mocky: << at work when I'm the only one who can answer for issues peripherally related to our project even though I'm the newest, coworkers act as if I'm some sort of different species. maybe I'm a member of homo giveashiticus and they aren't, who knows. But no, I don't expect mp has martian dna and that success in some particular realm is thus unattainable.
(trilema) Mocky: yeah I suppose no other way than just trying it
(trilema) Mocky: yeah, and?
(trilema) Mocky: ah yes. More specifically, I don't wonder about making chix rise from the earth, but how to make it +ev starting with the first, as opposed to adding the 6th
(trilema) Mocky: read yesterday's log, you mean there or elsewhere?
(trilema) Mocky: I'm curious how this works: now that I have extra space and trying to figure out what to do with it.
(trilema) Mocky: greetings asciilifeform, BingoBoingo
(trilema) Mocky: im going for real now
(trilema) Mocky: whoever wants can write their own. why start with idiocy in mind
(trilema) Mocky: "someone will certainly want X" therefore "we make X easy"; mno
(trilema) Mocky: I've gotta run though, worn motorcycle tire needs wrangling
(trilema) Mocky: and in addition you suggested floating point as software addon. turing completeness can now be achieved after the fact!
(trilema) Mocky: bullshit, lol
(trilema) Mocky: OriansJ: why the hell support floating point at all?
(trilema) Mocky: I've got to step out for a bit now
(trilema) Mocky: I see what you mean by the driver of the error, but I don't see how height, numeric value etc. have to do with personality.
(trilema) Mocky: ok, yes
(trilema) Mocky: proficiency at shining my boots
(trilema) Mocky: well there's an entity or process that exists that can be parameterized, and so some attribute or input that process
(trilema) Mocky: ok, a tx characteristic upon which a miner decides not to mine said tx
(trilema) Mocky: well example of something that can't exist?
(trilema) Mocky: but how do the secret parameters apply to personal identity?
(trilema) Mocky: mp_en_viaje: programmers notional personal identity seems to sum to pissing code into github
(trilema) Mocky: only now the signature secret sauce is yellow, ala:
(trilema) Mocky: the rss import can handle it, but that can't import post tags
(trilema) Mocky: I've been building my wp import file out of my feed template. It's basically rss with additional wp tags. I just discovered the reason why only the last post in the file has been getting imported: wp import can't handle </item><item> without whitespace between.
(trilema) Mocky: im surprised eu beat the us to the auto-speed-nag punch actually
(trilema) Mocky: for motorcycles tho, they check lights and tires only. NC is not strict like NY, more like how asciilifeform describes.
(trilema) Mocky: a couple years ago they bumped the penalty for fake sticker up from violation to misdemeanor. and also added it to the auto-plate-scanning-database system in most cop cars so alarm goes off for cop every time a car with expired inspection in the morning database goes past.
(trilema) Mocky: << same deal in NY state, very strict for autos, long list of items checked. any one fails then whole inspection fails.
(trilema) Mocky: billymg: ok I'll have a look, thx
(trilema) Mocky: I may end up having a follow up vpatch for mpwp as well
(trilema) Mocky: billymg: if your tinymce patch is ready this weekend I'll test it with my setup.
(trilema) Mocky: actual dream. and now i'm heading to bed
(trilema) Mocky: I had a dream 3 nights ago that I walked down a row of 4 houses and banged on each door as I went past yelling "send our your oldest girl" and the doors all opened and 4 female lions came running out as if to chase and attack me. But I stared them down and told them they are with me now. Apparently they were talking lions because they all said "ok" and then followed me as I walked off.
(trilema) Mocky: what's pippins der kurzen?
(trilema) Mocky: I only say that because on some level it appeals
(trilema) Mocky: "go to qatar" "start a church" ... crazy shit I tell you
(trilema) Mocky: ahh, thx
(trilema) Mocky: is this that evanglism thing?
(trilema) Mocky: staying in mordor for now.
(trilema) Mocky: i have no objection to that line of thinking
(trilema) Mocky: Yes. and also firmly decided to make the mid term as short as possible
(trilema) Mocky: I did. And now I'm going to find a way out that doesn't involve poverty.
(trilema) Mocky: I am serious about finding a way out of mordor. I'm interested in both tech & non tech hole filling: giving the matter due consideration so as to avoid
(trilema) Mocky: start with perhaps:
(trilema) Mocky: ada sounds good. I'm not sure if db wrapper is a good starting point though, maybe work up to it
(trilema) Mocky: indeed so
(trilema) Mocky: peh looks quite interesting
(trilema) Mocky: will do
(trilema) Mocky: BingoBoingo: once i get everything imported to my satisfaction on I'd like to cut over to, so apache config I think
(trilema) Mocky: I think I get it but havn't used yet, other than a trb build from online that didn't require much thinking.
(trilema) Mocky: i suppose learning v will be in order
(trilema) Mocky: after that i'll have free hands looking for somthing to do
(trilema) Mocky: I'm going to finish moving my blog over to mpwp this week. I expect I'll need some pizarro assistance for go-live. Then Imma post remaining handful of Qatar posts, including video of my address to Doha derpchain gathering.
(trilema) Mocky: thx asciilifeform
(trilema) Mocky: i expect equal part laziness. I'd also expect the sisters and not the mothers
(trilema) Mocky: mircea_popescu: seems to me that 1. the incest porn is anxiety fueled because 2. he is surounded by chix he'll never approach and he know's he never will 3. the fanasy porn where mom / sister seduces ~him~ lets him imagine getting laid without the burden of trying to be an agent
(trilema) Mocky: i'm generalizing from people i have met, and how they would shit themselves before walking up to a girl.
(trilema) Mocky: no, i agree it won't be worth putting it down. but it's not like they are fed up with chix and are now like, 'might as well porn.' they never had the chix and fantasize of the real thing
(trilema) Mocky: he know's he's alone and never getting laid
(trilema) Mocky: how's he to know that?
(trilema) Mocky: how can there be a difference for fap bois getting 'satisfaction' from porn, and the statisfaction from something which they can't bring themselves to do, ever?
(trilema) Mocky: sure but what's porn got to do with what contemporary mother will actually do?
(trilema) Mocky: mircea_popescu: how does that idea support the daddy worship view?
(trilema) Mocky: << I thought incest porn consisted mostly of boys unable to talk to girls fantasizing about fucking anything already stuck in the same house
(trilema) Mocky: it goes well, getting my blog moved over to mp-wp. finding a 2.7 compatible theme
(trilema) Mocky: greetings mircea_popescu, BingoBoingo
(trilema) Mocky: asciilifeform: wp-syntax is what I'm looking for, thx
(trilema) Mocky: asciilifeform: what do you use to display code on your wordpress (e.g. ?
(trilema) Mocky: but i don't have asciilifeform's mental model of a much better lang with which to compare. I have c c++ python javascript that I also get paid to work with occasionally, which ~entirely punt on threading
(trilema) Mocky: indeed. I've had my fill of java, but get paid for it so it's still in my immediate future
(trilema) Mocky: sounds accurate enuf
(trilema) Mocky: erlang I did look at briefly, but not the concurrency, seemed to me like a puzzle lang
(trilema) Mocky: fortran threading I never looked at, but will. pretty sure threw away all my punch cards tho
(trilema) Mocky: iirc that was after backus turned to shit in committee
(trilema) Mocky: serious question asciilifeform, where do I look to see better threading that java. I honestly dont' know
(trilema) Mocky: nope
(trilema) Mocky: zackly
(trilema) Mocky: also threads in infinite loops can always be stopped on every platform
(trilema) Mocky: anyway coherent != good
(trilema) Mocky: i wouldn't argue that explicit threading is good. but instead of concurrent i++, consider concurrent assignment to heap references, even without locking always have a valid reference, never a garbage pointer, no matter how many threads or cores
(trilema) Mocky: i've seen dozens of those. look equally shit on every platform
(trilema) Mocky: I'm not defending java, I'm stating that in addition to pile of shit, theres a coherent memory model, thread model that is not agony to work with.
(trilema) Mocky: yeah, early java lists were shit in that way but no more. now shit in diff ways
(trilema) Mocky: it is on c machine after all
(trilema) Mocky: so not optimal, maybe even laughable, but yet has a model and as spec that is not self contradictory
(trilema) Mocky: laugh if you will, yet still can't do it even *with* locking in standard c++, as far as I can tell
(trilema) Mocky: and yes can increment global and local counters in threads and have it add up, but requires locking or cas
(trilema) Mocky: i'm not saying they solved threading once and for all, or that eliminated deadlock. any system that allows you to acquire locks in different order can be deadlocked. i'm just saying that there are concurrent primitives that can be understood and which have guaranttes that hold
(trilema) Mocky: can do multithreaded i++ and never get garbage, if you mark it volatile forces read and write to main memory
(trilema) Mocky: setting and getting
(trilema) Mocky: there are explicit and implicit semantics, but if you read the spec, you know what you'll get. multiple threads setting a value on the same variable never create garbage
(trilema) Mocky: I mostly agree. They did manage a coherent threading model / memory model which turns out to be the thing I miss when I'm writing in something else
(trilema) Mocky: i mean, entire jvm is c/c++ and filled with c/c++isms so not exactly in the direction of , more in the direction of 'just want to' cross platform
(trilema) Mocky: I was hopeful back in the day at java chip and java os, nothing worthwhile surfaced
(trilema) Mocky: I know of a couple attempts at java os, one I installed on my Compaq iPaq in 2002. but they were shit
(trilema) Mocky: thx asciilifeform