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verisimilitude: It's simply unpleasant to remember that I've been poisoned, mutilated, humiliated, and lied to throughout my life.
signpost: asciilifeform: I'm currently getting the immunotherapy to turn these down
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: surely not 'just realized' today
verisimilitude: Of course not.
asciilifeform: signpost: how's that work ?
signpost has zero allergies whenever in new england, though.
signpost: asciilifeform: they shot my back up with a grid of allergens and pure histamine
signpost: compare the allergens to the histamine, then they make you vials of everything that turned red
signpost had more or less 10x10 red grid, lol
asciilifeform: signpost: from that pov, asciilifeform already in 30th yr of 'immunotherapy'-by-exposure to $poison, eh
verisimilitude: I know the only reasonable action is to ignore it for the most part, but I felt like mentioning it.
asciilifeform: to 0 substantial effect
signpost: n of 1, but working for me. allergies are subsiding.
signpost: not without cost, had my left hip start acting up along the way, lost my voice last week.
asciilifeform: signpost: at one pt asciilifeform had 'allergy test', where 100+ pins stuck in his back, 'which turns red', none did
signpost: getting shot up with concentrated shit to which I'm allergic, after all.
mats: a food sensitivity and allergy panel would be useful
mats: two different things
asciilifeform: in re 'test for to what allergic'
asciilifeform: the testers came out with a 'yer not allergic'
asciilifeform: 'to anything'
signpost: yeah, might be food, or what's in the "food"
vex: indeed in australia, you'd het a spponful of cement
asciilifeform: claimed that all known food allergens in there. nfi
signpost: or it's that shit the russians are pumping into the water in the bullseye.
vex: harden the fuck up
signpost does not subscribe to this school of manliness, where I'm going to avoid whatever science can do to remove nature's irritants.
asciilifeform: signpost: whatever it is , apparently present in dc, nyc, chicago, etc. yr-round
asciilifeform: but not in e.g. ro, uy
signpost doesn't imagine you eat sugar endlessly, but ever dropped e.g. carbs to clear out the butt fungus?
asciilifeform: tried moar or less erry variation
asciilifeform: and , again, ate plenty of sugar overseas
mats: do you have an air purifier?
asciilifeform: mats: in erry room
signpost: fwiw when I traveled to CR, perhaps the best my gut has ever felt.
signpost: that fresh ceviche is good stuff.
asciilifeform: mats: the type w/ activated charcoal, electrostatic trap, etc
asciilifeform: it does save on cpu fan clean
mats: like its part of your whole home hvac system or standalone units
asciilifeform: mats: there also
mats: sucks
asciilifeform tries all kindsa commercial 'solutions' to subj, interestingly the only thing that 100% worx is plane ticket
mats: have you used an air quality monitor? temtop makes a good one
signpost: yeah, curious about pollution.
asciilifeform: mats: installed. show 0 detectable anyffins
asciilifeform: ( granted konsoomer sensors, typically rather coarse )
mats: if you have a good hvac system it prolly doesnt matter
asciilifeform: mats: at one pt suspected forced-air duct systems ('endless trap for dust')
asciilifeform: but then lived in flat w/out one and 0diff
verisimilitude: So this is only in the US?
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: so far
verisimilitude: Perhaps asciilifeform is allergic to FREEDOM.
asciilifeform: fleadom
phf: god damn i was hue hueing through the end of the log, going to hit asciilifeform with a zinger, but verisimilitude sniped it
signpost figures this is the operant conditioning they give you guys at birth in the motherland to call you home.
asciilifeform not been to anyffin close to 'whole globe' so cannot say '~only~ usa'. but so far there and only
verisimilitude: Tell us if Antartica suffers this as well, yes.
asciilifeform when smaller was dragged by parents to various medical quacks, who did over9000 expensive scans ('mebbe yer spinal fluid is leaking out yer nose!') , the allergy panels, etc
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: i promise to say if end up there
verisimilitude: Actually, given how people live there, it may be likely.
asciilifeform: anyways all this apropos of 'poisons thrd'
asciilifeform: ( at least fwiw whatever the fuck it is, aint cumulative, or plane ticket wouldn't 'cure' )
verisimilitude: I should leave the US at least once in my life.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: if only to discover which continent yer allergic to!11
phf: commendatori!
vex still paddle out
signpost: https://archive.ph/lWETy << could be we're all too damn clean.
signpost: need to eat moar poop.
vex: nah mate
signpost: I don't make the rules here vex, and mother nature's a sick bitch.
vex: true enough
verisimilitude: First horsefucking and now coprophilia; where does it end, signpost?
vex: i seen that rusina lake unrecue
vex: don't talk shit
verisimilitude: Don't talk shit, eat shit, apparently.
mats: in boston theres a place that will buy poo from donors
mats: some students made serious beer money doing it regularly
mats: open biome's waitlist was more than a year long when i signed up
vex: i practice rescues all the time
signpost: yeah, I know somebody that joined the sisterhood of the traveling poo.
signpost: apparently worked wonders on her celiacs issues.
signpost: verisimilitude: doesn't mean I like the idea, but the idea of "clean" food is probably pretty recent, certainly on evolutionary timescales.
signpost: we'll probably be taking tuned probiotic regimens when we understand it better.
phf: and then they eat da poo poo
vex: you make a figure of 8 if somone fslls off
vex: get eyes on the cunt. ignore the compass
signpost: textbook "protesting too much"
vex: even if you come back around, someone has to scoop the cunt out of the water
vex: it's proper to practice whwen it's not happenning
vex: alf for instance, need to know evry uhf descriptor
vex: if there's a fire in the engine room. that 400 mega
signpost: I've got null pointer exceptions all over this, my man.
vex: thetre's a method where a captain save a soldier in the dark
signpost gonna knock off, cya
vex: it's easy to ignor a sinking man. also easy to know th e method
vex: first 5 minutes after the hour are quiet tiem on vhf
vex: one must listen for madays\
vex never wailed for helm
vex: same rulez exist on hf
vex: master can wail anywhere for the sfaety
vex: the backstays are tuned just so
vex: making calcs inside
vex: i'd better fuck off too. bermuda triangle aint np joke
vex: victor echo xray. I'm frigtened
vex: that's called propwalk kids
asciilifeform: $ticker btc usd
busybot: Current BTC price in USD: $42870.8
asciilifeform: !w poll
watchglass: Polling 15 nodes...
watchglass: : (172-6.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.081s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=730980
watchglass: : (pool-71-191-220-241.washdc.fios.verizon.net) Alive: (0.103s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=730980 (Operator: asciilifeform)
watchglass: : Alive: (0.088s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=730980 (Operator: asciilifeform)
watchglass: : (172-4.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.143s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=730980
watchglass: : Alive: (0.022s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=730980 (Operator: whaack)
watchglass: : (ns562940.ip-54-39-156.net) Alive: (0.136s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=730980
watchglass: : Alive: (0.277s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=730980
watchglass: : (ns3140226.ip-54-38-94.eu) Alive: (0.196s) V=88888 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=730980
watchglass: : (2ppf.s.time4vps.cloud) Alive: (0.311s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=730188
watchglass: : Alive: (0.144s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=730980
watchglass: : (static-82-79-58-192.rdsnet.ro) Alive: (0.336s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=730980
watchglass: : (terebe.ns01.net) Alive: (0.583s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=730980
watchglass: : Alive: (0.389s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=432175 (Operator: whaack)
watchglass: : Alive: (0.513s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=730980
watchglass: : Busy? (No answer in 100 sec.)
mangol: in surrealism, pg twitter thread
asciilifeform: mangol: 0 surprises in there
asciilifeform: ( pg is a rather undisguised reich mouthpiece )
mangol: asciilifeform: are you saying pg is the scott adams type of character?
mangol: technically competent and socially ambitious; social ambition eventually takes over, and semi-consciously turns self into mouthpiece
mangol: pg used to be a genuine contrarian on at least a few topics. now his twitter feed looks like he's trying to maximize "likes" from the startup social circle, with no regard for anything else
mangol: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2016-08-17#1523305 << can you explain this in more detail? are there actually handlers who tap on the shoulder of the pg's now and then and tell them now would be a good time to push an angle?
dulapbot: (trilema) 2016-08-17 asciilifeform: a good chunk of what the 'genius splitters' are kept around for is to be blown on annoyances like phuctor.
asciilifeform: mangol: typically pg-level operators aint given scripts, but 'play jazz', i.e. know what's expected and improvise ad lib
asciilifeform: mangol: re 'genuine contrarian' -- fella was involved (by own admission) in the yahoo pyramid scheme. then opened 'factory' which produced similar ones.
dulapbot: (trilema) 2018-04-20 mircea_popescu: the "5k user discord server" is not substantially different from a piece of paper on which you wrote the number 5 followed by the letter k, or for that matter paul graham's yahoo scam ( http://trilema.com/2015/investigations-in-the-bone-heap-of-the-lost-generation-today-mashable/#footnote_6_59020 / http://trilema.com/2014/the-psychology-of-the-bagholder/#selection-117.0-117.539 ).
asciilifeform: ... also produced lengthy series of various bloviations.
asciilifeform: prior to that, in '90s, wrote a notbad schoolbook re commonlisp.
asciilifeform: from there, 'down hill'.
mangol: contrarian compared to avg programmer, not compared to avg loper reader. early on he was constantly saying borderline-nsfw stuff, or struggling to contain the urge to say it
mangol: at some point the urge was all but gone, and public image curated to be just the right amount of edgy without actually saying anything disagreeable to his echo chamber du jour
mangol: "know what's expected"... to what end? what does a millionaire want to get, such that he needs to fulfill expectations to get it?
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-07 13:38:56 phf: i think mallory is the reason neither you nor signpost like horses, kek. man is an "avid skier" of the brandy at a lodge in aspen type, carrier apparatchik, living out his last days by way of his class. why do anything with symbolics assets when you can just feel self important by owning it, in that respect no different from a jade jewelry box from the orient, or a lion's head over a mantel
asciilifeform: mangol: and, the 'fulfill expectations' thing is largely automatic. these folx selected for it.
mangol: i.e. get comfortable in old age, and no longer want much of anything besides approval of wife and peer group?
asciilifeform: he 'is' the group. rather like gorby 'was kpss'
mangol: society raises x number of people who are gifted, ambitious and don't ask too many questions -> reich gives money and fame -> said people get comfortable and keep repeating working script?
mangol: so the only stage at which reich control is applied is selecting who to fund
asciilifeform: mangol: important detail: some of'em play role of judas goat, to lure next set into intake hopper.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-07 19:19:27 asciilifeform: oblig. 'adonis xiv'
asciilifeform: pg is (or was, iirc an apprentice took over) a key judas.
asciilifeform: mangol: and not only 'who to fund', but 'who to spam', 'for whom to make adhoc exceptions in law' (e.g. 'uber', 'airbnb', 'coinbase'), etc
asciilifeform: ( re 'coinbase', see also e.g. )
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-01 15:58:55 asciilifeform: ( i.e. avg. rev. of 3-4 cents / qt. per user ?! )
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-01 16:06:09 asciilifeform: at any rate, seems obv. to anybody with 3 neurons to rub together that coinbase is simply 'lean' usg.spyagency masquerading as a gox.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-01 15:48:21 asciilifeform: 'Coinbase, in fact, has a regulatory moat as they were the first to work closely with regulators and hence have licenses to operate in all states in the US...' << lolyes
asciilifeform: pg's yc co. , as i gather, was orig. built to take ambitious young technical folx 'out of circulation', prevent'em from 'rocking boat'. but expanded beyond original charter, to also pull various politically-expedient stunts that reich needs pulled but not good fit for officials per se or 'ngo'.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-07 13:52:55 phf: signpost: this is actually not megacorp, this is a different kind of beast, that 99% of americans don't know or understand. the NGO
asciilifeform: e.g. to bake reich's Official tame gox (coinbase), or saw away at whatever remaining labour laws (uber), etc
mangol: cool short film
mangol: pink floyd at the end??
asciilifeform dun recall that being in there
mangol: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-04-08#1094355 << universities and corporate research labs have long been given gov't tasks, right?
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-08 12:18:59 asciilifeform: pg's yc co. , as i gather, was orig. built to take ambitious young technical folx 'out of circulation', prevent'em from 'rocking boat'. but expanded beyond original charter, to also pull various politically-expedient stunts that reich needs pulled but not good fit for officials per se or 'ngo'.
asciilifeform: mangol: overt tasks. but 'long in the tooth', bureaucratized. pg's was to be 'lean'
mangol: maybe academia and corporations have been affirmative-actioned to the point that startup incubators are more expedient
mangol: yc's immediate funding source is basically vc's like andreesen and his ilk
asciilifeform: not to mention that for some problem domains, 'over9000 expendable 19yos' is moar effective than 'uni lab w/ over9000 admins and 4 tenured profs'
asciilifeform: mangol: i.e. printing press.
mangol: do the vc's get told what kinda startup to fund and where to lead it?
asciilifeform: doubt it
asciilifeform: they 'play jazz'
asciilifeform: a quality apparatchik ~never needs to 'be told'
mangol: so 'ambition' is the natural lure?
mangol: drop vague territorial markers around certain objectives to make them seem ambitious. driven people will flock to these
asciilifeform: mangol: yc recruits from 'ambitious but disaffected with traditional institutions' types
mangol: so when reich wants to "optimize away" a trad. institution, these people are up to the task
asciilifeform: for instance.
mangol: patrons give the optimizers a couple yachts from the cost savings and take the rest of the yachts for themselves?
asciilifeform: mangol: not all reich activity directly for 'proximate' yacht. some is 'strategic', i.e. for continued viability of the structure itself.
asciilifeform: for optimizers, reward -- yacht or 2 for directors, coupla milliyachts ea. for worker bees
mangol: so what would happen if pg woke up one day and decided to go rogue on twitter
asciilifeform: 'I did make a bunch of money by winning the Netscape Startup Lottery, it's true. So did most of the early engineers. But the people who made 100x as much as the engineers did? I can tell you for a fact that none of them slept under their desk.' << surprisingly straight talk from infamous perp
mangol: lose 95% of social circle, possibly wife. hatchet job by ambitious journalist in some trade magazine
asciilifeform: mangol: hypothetically, endgame -- epsteined. but not aware of any instance of 'rogue' at that level
mangol: asciilifeform: jwz is completely disillusioned on corporate life. too bad he isn't disillusioned with much else
asciilifeform: mangol: 'generals' rarely defect. esp. when there is in fact nowhere to defect to.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-21 17:08:35 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-21#1086863 << familiar w/ the term 'sausage emigre' ? atm there aint a place 'with better sausage', and ergo 'nowhere to defect to'
mangol: the pg and scott adams types show trace amounts of honesty with self
mangol: so they could 'defect' to personal integrity
mangol: in practice, those who would are probably filtered a few steps earlier in the pipeline
asciilifeform: the conveyor from 'recruit' to 'general' is largely about such filtration.
mangol: irrigation, filtration, conveyors
mangol: ...waste processing
asciilifeform: none of this is unique to current reich
asciilifeform: rather, basic mechanics
mangol: chumpatron with really high-achieving chumps
asciilifeform: well, 1-2 per over9000
mangol: every food chain is a kind of ponzi scheme
asciilifeform: a ponzi is a foodchain where participation, typically, voluntary
asciilifeform: and leven n recruits actively n+1
asciilifeform: *level n
mangol: i wonder what % of the people in positions of power understand in essence how the complete system works
asciilifeform: depends what mean by 'understand in essence'
mangol: e.g. the pg and scott adams level ("thought leaders") seem to be genuinely drinking the kool aid
mangol: at what level does every participant understand it's all bullshit
mangol: senate/congress?
signpost: this is what I've referred to as feeling in on the scam
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-07 13:08:01 signpost: yep, they like the feeling that they're in on the scam.
mangol: but as you climb the power scale, at some level everyone has an accurate understanding of what the actual scam is
mangol: at least if you subtract top secret stuff like who planned 9/11
asciilifeform: reich 'compartment' system worx quite well.
mangol: i.e. no one possesses the complete truth, by design?
asciilifeform: mangol: wouldja expect, at e.g. cocacola co., for there to be 1 head which 'possesses the complete truth' ?
mangol: not sure what the complete truth of coke is, but take e.g. the war propaganda or electoral politics
mangol: at some level, everybody has got to understand the two parties make no difference
mangol: that biden isn't the actual president, etc.
asciilifeform: mangol: 'at some level' e.g. folx inside football stadium understand that it makes 0 diff who wins. but nonetheless they buy tickets.
asciilifeform: mangol: reich system is a stadium without an exit door at any level.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-24 16:24:14 asciilifeform: well say a fella decides 'nyt is fulla shit, wish i could serve putin'. what's his next step.
asciilifeform: players & audience, for the most part, trapped inside.
asciilifeform: afaik nuffin resembling a viable 'opposition' (vs. controlled muppets) has existed in usa for ~century
mangol: but what drives the pg's of the world to say the bullshit they say on twitter, if not a belief that is mostly sincere?
mangol: at this point pg could say nothing, and face no reprimands
asciilifeform: likely 100% sincere. 'there's reich and, outside its walls, there's barbarism' etc
mangol: that's the issue i was getting at
mangol: congressmen knowingly lie to an audience. it's a conscious performance
asciilifeform: how sincere -- can only be known once there's 'an outside'. as during e.g. su collapse, when over9000 'sincere' kpss mandarins flipped their sign bits
asciilifeform: or in berlin in '45, when gestapo switched to fulltime printing of phony id papers for exiting staff
asciilifeform: mangol: yes could 'say 0 and no reprimands.' but mandarins typically addicted to 'feeling of significance'.
mangol: exactly. but there's a feeling of significance that comes from leading people like you -- you are like them, just a bit better. i suspect the pg's are like this.
mangol: then there's another kind of feeling of significance that comes from looking down on your subjects and lying to them for your own gain
mangol: empirically, the major parties seem to be full of the latter kind
mangol: and not just in the us
asciilifeform: psychology of elite is complicated can of worms. but fundamentally selected for 'reich way or barbarism' and 'for us, yacht, for them, mcd' and all else compat. w/ said core
mangol: what you're getting at is, some % of elites is 95% lizard on a biological level, the rest need a story as justification to get past the occasional moral speed bump on the way to the next yacht
asciilifeform: the folx who experience 'moral bumps' unlikely to make it to anywhere near pg level.
mangol: but what would happen without drinking own kool-aid?
asciilifeform: mangol: elaborate?
mangol: assume it became a cynical power grab with no stories about barbarism and untermenschen
mangol: how many of them could keep it going?
asciilifeform: mangol: the military elephant on which reich 'turtle' stands, requires certain # of 'drinkers of koolaid'
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-26 16:15:43 asciilifeform: this is why asciilifeform unable historically to muster much sympathy for 'iraq veteran, his bonus retro-withdrawn, evicted' -- motherfuckers, you could have, should have, shot 1) your officers 2) your landlord 3) anything with a harvard diploma -- half century ago. but no, gotta faithful-dog instead.
asciilifeform: less so, e.g., the financial 'elephant'. or the propaganda orchestra. in these, folx function quite well w/out any sincere belief req'd
mangol: propaganda orchestra = ministry of truth = mass media?
mangol: you think most "journalists" function just fine on a steady diet of will-to-power and "in on the lie"?
asciilifeform: mangol: regular 'flips' (recall, 'panic about covid is racist' -> 'pandemic!111' -> 'masks do 0' -> 'wear mask or yer a traitor' etc) select for what, do you supose.
asciilifeform: 'pandemic!11, lockdown' -> 'blm crowds a++' -> 'pandemic, lockdown!11'
mangol: i presume it's possible to believe in the "higher good" (good reich vs evil barbarians) without drinking that low-level kool-aid
mangol: i.e. "ends justify the means" lying
mangol: soldiers' belief probably stems in large part from having no other source of self-worth or positive identity
mangol: when you look past the advertising, few seem to think it's a glamorous job. disillusionment of us soldiers who've seen combat is common, if not the norm
jonsykkel: my tower of blokcs also appears to have cemented sucesfully
jonsykkel: 242000 -> 723000, 45 days, one 34min stall at height=508335
jonsykkel: 723000 -> 731004, 4 days, with 10 or so restarts cuz frozen for hours
mangol: "prosecutors said the defendants' own words showed they were rage-filled extremists who hoped to spark a kind of civil war that would keep Biden from becoming president."
mangol: fun to ponder who exactly is the target audience for narratives in this vein (which are now pretty common). you'd think "rage-filled" people would be the last to plan something as complex and disciplined as a "civil war"
mangol: you'd think "they were calm and calculating extremists who hoped to spark a kind of civil war" would be more realistic
verisimilitude: ``The trial in Grand Rapids, Mich. has been closely watched as a test of the U.S. government’s ramped-up efforts to combat domestic terrorism, and the verdict is a partial defeat for the Justice Department.''
verisimilitude: Niggers burning down cities and destroying small businesses are just protesting, however.
mangol: the man was keeping them down
mangol: this pearl is a fine play on ambiguity of context as well: "Without accountability, extremists will be emboldened."
verisimilitude: There's a cartoon, ``Ghost in the Shell'', which I believe touches on this topic.
verisimilitude: It's called the ``Stand-Alone Complex''.
verisimilitude: I'm to understand, in a society with constant surveillance, the only way for attacks to succeed are ``lone wolf'' attacks.
verisimilitude: So, the police find a ``group'' doing this, only to discover none of the ``members'' know one another. Guided solely by ideals and internal motivation, they worked together without any communication, and without realizing it.
mangol: a very concrete version of the idea of a focal point
phf: signpost: can you please provide details of your water filter. just did a walmart run to fill a bunch of 5gal jugs, and as i'm carrying them back from the car that damn plastics conversation popped in my head..
asciilifeform: phf, signpost : asciilifeform was shopping for reverse osmosis rig for new pad, if either of you have a favourite vendor in usa, plox to rec
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-04-08#1094459 << asciilifeform admits surprise : thought reich had that one buttoned up
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-08 17:16:04 mats: https://archive.ph/qXlkX
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-08 17:53:51 verisimilitude: I'm to understand, in a society with constant surveillance, the only way for attacks to succeed are ``lone wolf'' attacks.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-31 22:02:28 asciilifeform: verisimilitude: there's an ukr joak, 'one ukr -- is a fine fella. two ukrs -- best buds. three ukrs -- is a partizan brigade with a traitor'
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-08 17:43:07 verisimilitude: Niggers burning down cities and destroying small businesses are just protesting, however.
dulapbot: Logged on 2019-12-02 02:26:44 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: disappointing, but unsurprising. in usa also riots ~always like that -- the designated 'kindling' (i.e. slums) burn, and (almost...) never the skyscrapers.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-08 15:52:56 jonsykkel: 242000 -> 723000, 45 days, one 34min stall at height=508335
jonsykkel: ty ty
jonsykkel: lemme find log
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