| Results 251 ... 500 found in all logged channels for 'f:diana' |

(ossasepia) diana_coman: that being said and to the extent that I follow what you are saying there, the only rather puzzling part for me is why "v-starter" is it's in fact a "trb-starter" you seem to be aiming for?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/07/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jul-2020/#1027928 - as with all great things lately, it's more likely firmly in the camp of "if you make it, you'll have it"; but this aside for a moment, to the extent that you talk strictly of infrastructure what's the problem and otherwise if you talk of operators, well, the lack there is not going to be solved by better scripts or software in
(ossasepia) diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/07/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jul-2020/#1027925 - jfw, what would the current steps be if someone starts from 0 ie they go "I'll get a dedicated server for this, what is it going to take to have it running gales+jfw-bitcoin" ?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: so good, you just announced it, people can say something if they care and otherwise you have therefore already "what next" , all good.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: sounds like a plan; for sure best to get out a working minimal prototype and iterate *with practical use* than to spend whatever amount of time trying to get it perfect blindly like that.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: with this* sort of problem
(ossasepia) diana_coman: nobody can tell you in advance "what's the best thing to design" but it will become clear as people use it, as simple as that.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack - the best way with sort of problem is to start with absolute minimum, have people use it and then ask+listen
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - the log is almost-one-year-long so it might soon wave back!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - whichever solution works for you, really.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - maybe set up a bouncer or set it all on a vps somewhere and just let it connected instead of all the join/parts.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: and one that is moreover supported or quite the opposite by the environment, too
(ossasepia) diana_coman: trouble is that being disciplined is a habit itself
(ossasepia) diana_coman: it is true - what works each and every time and without fail is indeed discipline
(ossasepia) diana_coman: and as such, it makes way easier/more sense for you
(ossasepia) diana_coman: no, I mean that your understanding of it comes rooted in a certain environment that is *very* different from theirs
(ossasepia) diana_coman: eh, danuker, that is true but hard to get across the ocean, you know?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: not as much about curiosity, after all.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/07/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jul-2020/#1027867 - eh, for starters, don't worry - worry never helped anyone, ever; for follow up - don't worry about likes and in general about what the "outcome", focus instead of why and how as they are more important anyway; to follow up even further - basically what I'll bash on sight is
(ossasepia) diana_coman: re deedbot - you'll have to re-up whenever you reconnect, basically; think of it: how can deedbot know it's still "you" if you reconnect?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - there's even more to that evaluating-based-on-what-goes-in that simply "well, obviously can't make silk purse out of sow's ear"; a whole cultural trip just in there, if you truly want to make it.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - heh, no idea why that might be? (perplexing is usually a good sign there's more to the thing than you notice yet)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - there you go.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: !!v FA312C3C3E9FD093AB2CCDF9B3A164797E50EEF8221D651CB7E41FE101966602
(ossasepia) diana_coman: the "subversion with words" shtick anyways does exactly 0
(ossasepia) diana_coman: lol, a covert agent of.... what exactly?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I'll get around sometime today to rate you.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: !!up #ossasepia danuker
(ossasepia) diana_coman: oh hey, cool; well done, danuker!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: in a nutshell, it's binary to text
(ossasepia) diana_coman: no problem; enjoy!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: and perhaps younghands.club too (just in case you were running out of links already!)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: well, ossasepia does; ossa sepia also; lol, see from my About page
(ossasepia) diana_coman: (that being said, it's usually around 7pm UTC that I get around to answer but others might be around anyway)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: no problem; and just ask when/if you're stuck with anything, this is *meant* even as a learning place to start with.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: !!up #ossasepia danuker
(ossasepia) diana_coman: right on cue, deedbot, pfft
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - if you manage to register a key with deedbot, I'll rate you and then you can simply !!up #ossasepia yourself so you can talk whenever you want to
(ossasepia) diana_coman: so you have then the advantage that it's very, very easy to get all of a sudden way more productive - just ditch the stupid videos and read + write, it's way better for your mind
(ossasepia) diana_coman: well, projects are around aplenty; fwiw, if you haven't found it yet, I'm cto for minigame and eulora (the game) has a lot of ~all sorts, just waiting for some intelligent people, really
(ossasepia) diana_coman: heh, I was just typing "riding btc, eh?"
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - what do you do other than highschool maps, if you don't mind saying?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - this chan is logged, you can always find all of it later, see e.g. http://ossasepia.com/2020/07/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jul-2020/#1027771
(ossasepia) diana_coman: btw re cleaning btc code and the like - for one thing it's quite a tall order to start directly with it (and yes, trust has to do with this too!), for another, there's more than what #therealbitcoin pretends there is.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: but note that WoT as a concept is one thing, while *one particular implementation of it* is another
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - if you want the keys and to explore the wot, you want wot.deedbot.org
(ossasepia) diana_coman: although thinking of trilema.com as a compendium of technical manuals makes me chuckle :))
(ossasepia) diana_coman: not even that, lol!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: well, reference, d'oh
(ossasepia) diana_coman: it's the main source explaining *what the thing is*
(ossasepia) diana_coman: canonical reference for one thing has nothing to do with "approved wot" , lolz
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - you'll trip over a LOT of things if you just take words to mean exactly what you found them to mean so far, you know?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: as for the WoT, this is the canonical reference.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: well, for starters you need an identity to at least be part of it; that atm means a RSA keypair & registering it with deedbot, hence my earlier !!key
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - did you stumble upon the web of trust (WoT) yet?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: and telegram or whatwasit
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I think messenger and twatter are so last season already, it must be discord nao!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - at any rate, trust and its issues makes for quite a solid root of things around here, so you'll probably find a lot of interesting things
(ossasepia) diana_coman: and otherwise irc-able made me curious; apparently younger people never-heard-of-irc-omg
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - mainly to get some idea as to what makes most sense to you
(ossasepia) diana_coman: hang around, I meant
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - do you mind saying how old are you?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: hand around and you'll get to it though, there's time now, too much time even
(ossasepia) diana_coman: there's more to read (a lot!) right there!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - no, deedbot is nothing to do with chanserv/nickserv and the like
(ossasepia) diana_coman: yeah, I can imagine; kind of trying to keep it to a minimum as it is
(ossasepia) diana_coman: there's a deep rabbit... burrow, what hole, you found
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - here, have a read of some history there and the comments from those in #therealbitcoin
(ossasepia) diana_coman: danuker - da' hai sa trecem totusi pe iengleza ca mai citesc si altii bietii
(ossasepia) diana_coman: intre timp cred ca or mai fi schimbat formatul ala de vreo 100 de ori
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ha, si crypto, ce ai nimerit
(ossasepia) diana_coman: eh, pai are ceva istoric, da
(ossasepia) diana_coman: foarte frumos; ai un sit ori lucrezi cu careva?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: la ce-au folosit datele?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: !!up #ossasepia danuker
(ossasepia) diana_coman: <danuker> salutari! as vrea sa va multumesc pentru datele de labac: http://ossasepia.com/bac-data/ - da' cu placere! In general sunt online pe aici pe la 7UTC, cred ca-i 10 ora ro.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - the sooner known the better; fine.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: fwj jwf and all possible combinations - when do you plan to add tab-completion to yrc?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: !!up #ossasepia danuker
(ossasepia) diana_coman: !!up #ossasepia danuker
(ossasepia) diana_coman: situation than ever a real one.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: eh, internal motivation is more general than that sort of "to write" or "to do X", it's basically motivation to *improve*; the idiocy of compartmentalizing is just as much idiocy when/if applied to this as to anything else; other than that, "choice" comes into it only when indeed, there are so many opportunities identified and *taken* that there's just no time for another one - more of a mythical
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - I mean that via an irc chan I can provide mainly feedback, not whips! and so it's unsurprising that it works only to the extent that there is internal motivation for that change; I guess previously, the missing-the-tmsr-boat provided additional whip but once that gone, it shows if there was anything else or to what extent.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - supposedly it was internal, hence wanting to be here in the first place; not "grades", certainly not; and for that matter, if a 30 yo was still after grades as motivation, ugh.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - aha; basically there's too little real pressure here to deliver proper change, lol.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - was that sudden writing-productivity necessity induced? (little time, must-deliver thing)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: seems like whaack is having fun with jfw's gbw-node, not bad
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack - ah, that explains it, yeah; but I would think you'd run into all sorts of other trouble trying to compile that client on that version of gcc, really; not like I don't have the 2016 gnat mirrored on my site and all that, even if you don't want to go through the more intricate steps of building one of ave1's versions, huh.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/07/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jul-2020/#1027656 - glad to hear you're alive! wondering if it's enough of a hole to keep you from repeating it in the future, too.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/07/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jul-2020/#1027648 - o.O *what* gnat did you ever install there to have such monstrosity as gcc 8.* ?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: so install it, give it a spin, write up the whole thing, the works; I wouldn't be all that surprised if there's in there most of what you need for a block explorer, perhaps only even more than absolutely needed for that as such, but not like there's any loss in getting to know that code properly.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack - so ask jfw where/what doesn't quite make sense, no?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack - so maybe promote one of the side projects to "front project", what's the trouble.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack - how's it going with scoping that block explorer?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: DoomS - cand zici "pe forum la Mircea" tu zici adica blogul lui, trilema.com , este?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: DoomS da' in fine, vezi ca-i logat cum zice si-n status e.g. http://ossasepia.com/2020/07/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jul-2020/#1027612 si altminteri de acolo gasesti ma gandesc restul.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: si in fine, trolam aici bietii oameni altminteri ca nu citesc toti romana acum;
(ossasepia) diana_coman: numa' eram curioasa ce cauti cum ar veni, aia-i
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ahaha, neah, nu-i greu de iesit; din experienta zic ca-i eventual mai greu de ramas decat de plecat da' in fine
(ossasepia) diana_coman: de intrat ai intrat da' ...ai idee in ce ai intrat? lol
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ori zi pe romaneste daca-i problema de engleza
(ossasepia) diana_coman: how did you find your way in here?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: !!up #ossasepia DoomS
(ossasepia) diana_coman: aww, why so fickle lately, feedbot
(ossasepia) diana_coman: heh, glad to hear it did!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: even decided and then re-decided, as the balance shifts, of course.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: worth perhaps noting also that absent any other ways to commit to one or another piece of work, what gets done or not (and in a more general sense, not specifically about trb now) is always decided simply by perceived cost-of-improvement vs pain-of-current-state, there isn't much else left.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: what perspective each person has is up to them in the end; I don't have any need to highlight other people's perspectives on this now, lol.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - no, I'm saying that dorion's article is more useful to give one that first perspective.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: in the end the difference is simply "this is insane and has to change" vs "this is unfortunate/not pleasant but inevitable"
(ossasepia) diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/07/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jul-2020/#1027592 - almost; a bit worse in that it's more like too familiar with dodging poisonous darts at each step to even pay much attention to all the crazy moves (sure, also doing as a result of familiarity the best moves there, most effective etc;)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: too familiar to *not* find an easier route; apparently I lost the "not" in there, but it's long anyway.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: hm, that should be clearer perhaps as too familiar with it to go a longer/harder route.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: this is btw exactly why I was saying that dorion's gbw article is quite an interesting read - exactly because it's not written by the usual too-familiar-with-the-madness-to-find-an-easier-way-around-it.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: well, that's the top of a whole forest so maybe another time; but look at the simple fact that the moment the whole thing is exposed worse-than-usual, the first reaction is to "fix" ... the person exposing it, not the thing.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: anyway, in more practical considerations, there's no reason why it has to remain as insane as that forever and ever or something.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ie it's not that anyone set on purpose to make it painful; nevertheless (and predictably once looking at it properly), that's how it ends up.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - in that requirement of passion.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: (the above re bank accounts)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - eh, only different insanity and one that tends to be more familiar for most; but comparing levels of insanity is not all that meaningful, you know?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: for that matter and to add layers of either sadness of laughter to it all, there isn't even any discernible purpose or intention, only side effects.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: and a consequence in the end.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - ah, certainly; the deployment is just the surface/first-contact part, sure.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/07/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jul-2020/#1027565 - you know, all those are good but the trouble made plain there is essentially that current trb requires some level of desperation/insanity/passion-in-the-religious-sense to deploy, pretty much.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/07/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jul-2020/#1027559 - yeah, but it's not as much the recipe's fault really, it's more of the underlying mess and lack of sane alternative.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: and not only from the side of "the one".
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - eh, the shortest answer to that is "as a result of all the missed interactions", really.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: trinque - no filter needed for me; thing is, I obviously can't speak about others and their chans, hence my request was for my chan specifically.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: hm, come to think of it I guess there's the page too, except that's basically check by polling.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: trinque - that works fine with me; basically what I want is to know of deedbot's deeds regardless of where they were sent to deedbot
(ossasepia) diana_coman: trinque - meant to ask, can deedbot announce deeds in here too?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: !!v 7A03C8A5312B8C9F24525C8CFC2DABCE69053D945D2BFCED98E49044DAEE41BE
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw, yeah, that was where I went next and well, it works in the sense that there's nothing better for the role atm, that's about it.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: trinque no worries.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: looking around jfw's blog for a single-point-of-entry clearer on gbw to suggest to dorion as a link on the gbw name itself, I almost got it and then found the last comment.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - btw, that jwrd.net page still says the famous "coming soon..."
(ossasepia) diana_coman: for 1 sec I thought sonofawitch had some netsplit-misadventure too - until I realised it knew better than me that it's July so the log is in a fresh article, lol
(ossasepia) diana_coman: dorion - your gbw article is quite an interesting read actually, as it covers a lot of ground and as a side effect, all sorts of tangles and weirds-if-coming-at-them-fresh pop all the clearer into view, hm.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: basically better publish the unfinished than nothing at all, because the effort put into it is still sunk.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: maybe keep in mind jfw's sensible suggestion if next re-prioritizing strikes closer than that close.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: apparently your writing speed needs to increase significantly to keep up with the speed of re-prioritizing, lol.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: dorion - on one hand it's tempting to ask if billymg's code vpatch/update to mpwp doesn't help with that formatting issue; on the other hand, wouldn't want a fullblown mpwp update to delay that article even further, lol.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack - are you stress-testing feedbot with all the logs in one go? lol; might want to add maybe the dates in the text or somewhere since it's not clear from the publishing date otherwise.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack - a block explorer sounds like a good idea to me.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: hello new_yh|81
(ossasepia) diana_coman: !!up #ossasepia new_yh|81
(ossasepia) diana_coman: dorion - what happened to you? did that gbw article get stuck on something (what)?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack - how's it going ?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - that one, none other.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - that manifest.keccak looks good.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - I left a comment yesterday on your blog and it seems it's in modq/spam.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: spyked - as I have been using feedbot for quite a while and finding it very useful indeed, I would pay for it as a service too.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: trinque - did I miss somehow the invoice for deedbot's services?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: tbh v.sh is now quite a pleasure to use; but it's true that there is the GNAT dependency that is huge otherwise ie I can see jfw's point that there's a need for a "slimmer" V implementation too, for setups where GNAT is just not needed
(ossasepia) diana_coman: billymg - bvt's v.sh works with the full patch path too, way more practical indeed.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - the article ^ turned out a very nice read, too!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: there's now a direct link for the start of logs for today e.g. http://ossasepia.com/2020/06/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jun-2020/#2020-06-26 ; sonofawitch should add those from now on, directly when the day changes; unlike old logger though, there will be no spurious links/dates ie if there's no line on that date, there's no link either, just to fill up the space or something.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: sonofawitch got a small update, do ping me if it misbehaves.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: heh, so there, basically not all of you got or paid any attention to that memo that present article can make do without it, cut out some of the internal bureaucracy or something!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - getting back specifically to your v-article and factoring in what I know of you otherwise, that specific one might simply be a case of perfectionism again ie despite your analytical decision that you don't need the full definition and thorough understanding of the v-elephant, the less-analytical-but-much-more-powerful-at-stalling part does consider it needs exactly that before moving it any
(ossasepia) diana_coman: (sure, it might be faster and easier to just do it and let it figure itself out but apparently that's too difficult too).
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whatever it is, it's apparently very scary or something.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: note though that if anything, it seems to only grow, ie the more it's paid attention to/gets its way, the more it seems to ...extend really; at least this is how it looks from here (and again, no, not at all just you).
(ossasepia) diana_coman: and you know, esp when this sort of avoidance happens so frequently, it's kind of mind boggling just how it's still such an "unknown" really, dunno
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - one needs to figure out why are they avoiding doing whatever it is.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: in other unsurprising empirical results, it turns out that Google claims to "not found" anything for "fashionable hopefuls" even when asked specifically to search on ossasepia.com ; the search box on my blog unsurprisingly finds it.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: because blockage of the stalling type in the end is quite that: won't make an explicit choice because of some conflicting constraints that are not sorted out themselves.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: tbh looking all the way back, the ~only time when I recall that sort of difficulty-in-doing-much-at-all, it was the unavoidable result of actually trying to cater to and fit (probably more than anyone else ever expected, too) a ton of conflicting stupid from outside really.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: when they got stolen!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: or with "finality" of it; basically for as long as it isn't finished/published/whatever, it doesn't yet exist, hence ...anything can be/goes, the lie to self that points out only advantages and no drawbacks ever can live and thrive.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: in other words, with lack of experience with it/practice at it.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: at most, at a guess, with constraints/limits really
(ossasepia) diana_coman: oh, it clearly has nothing to do with bad/good, no
(ossasepia) diana_coman: but well, the normal doesn't really run into this with *such frequency* so ...
(ossasepia) diana_coman: normally the "ended up doing anything else" would point to some issue/trouble with either what remains doing (e.g. something unclear/don't know how to handle this) or with some perceived result/outcome (what if...)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: repulsion to reality more than the anchoring itself, lol.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - no, not just you, hence the "very common" exactly.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I'm even curious what you end up with.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: do set some timeframe too, so it doesn't end up some month-long project or something; arguably the time is more important than how long you cover; in the end set some time for it and then cover as much as it fits or until it stops being interesting since that would normally mean you are not gaining anything further from it.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: based on previous experience, I can tell you upfront that you certainly can make it useless, as well as you can make it useful; is that any help?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: well then, the answer is not very helpful: I don't know if you need it or not and I can't know it because it depends what you make out of it; IF you do it properly and use it to motivate yourself, it will be useful; if not, it won't; and sure, there are other ways to motivate yourself that might work, but I don't have the sort of control needed to ensure that you do exactly what it means so that
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack - was you earlier question a way of asking me whether I think you *need* that exercise?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack - so, do you need it then? lolz
(ossasepia) diana_coman: understand that there's no external gain to it either way, ie either you gain from *doing it* (hence, whether I recommend it or not, whether it comes with any stamps of approval or not) or you do not gain anything worth the time, by definition.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: if you don't want to do it, then...don't do it
(ossasepia) diana_coman: so then why do you need any confirmation/whatever, if you want to do it then...do it
(ossasepia) diana_coman: re exercise, only you can tell really - does actually seeing concrete disparity work for you as motivation to improve?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: so then don't use that "bussied with" pretense at all, it's not helping you
(ossasepia) diana_coman: (aka making your computer and so on)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack - do you consider the trouble/lack of productivity on that irc project was due to being "busy" with the other tasks you listed there?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: it's like the very anchoring in concrete hurts and repels, there's just no keeping to it.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: by now I admit I find this seemingly very common process quite fascinating - it's more like the undoing of things than their doing, as they all seem to start with everything in place and then gradually fade away until there's either nothing to be seen or (in the best cases, I suppose) it all morphed into something else, sometime else, somewhere else, huh.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - out of curiosity really, what happened in the end with that present article of two days ago?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: hm, did feedbot hiccup on trilemas?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: such excellent questions are a pleasure to answer, so...keep asking them!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - ah, no need to use it directly anywhere, lol; and anyways, if not clear, ask further tomorrow or whenever, sure.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: it aims for a more practical intro so it necessarily leaves some stuff out/picks some to highlight.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - does the above sound like the sort of concise definition you were looking for?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: V is a new conceptual framework for software, emerging from a better understanding of what software is and providing as main benefits the means for explicit, verifiable enforcement of software ownership by users as well as the correct incentives and supporting concepts for a qualitative jump in the way software is developed, deployed, maintained and evolved.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: making a first attempt at tightening up that previous definition:
(ossasepia) diana_coman: looking back at your original definition, I'm afraid there isn't much of it left though.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ahahah, indeed!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: quite, it can produce... intoxication!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: it might have been bandied, but I do like brandied better.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - trust is possibly the skin of that particular elephant and at least the word itself has been repeatedly brandied about for sure
(ossasepia) diana_coman: with that broad definition at hand to help you avoid the pitfalls of stupid compartmentalizing, narrow focus, childish pick-and-choose and other numerous afflictions of the "software industry/engineering", the next step is to review the stated principles at the root of it all:
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - well, yrc may be young and have all the time ahead of it indeed but what can I say, I'm getting older day by day here so pleaaaase: can haz tab-completion and last-line recall?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: so based on the above, you can start perhaps with a broad definition of V as a new way of understanding software - and therefore, as a consequence of this deeper and more precise understanding, the resulting more efficient way of talking about software, developing (version controlling being only one part of that developing) software, deploying software, maintaining software and so on.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - why, why, why whyyyyyy
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - my, yrc can't recall previous line??
(ossasepia) diana_coman: damn, it still broke the link, didn't it
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - well, better start from the beginning as it were which indeed is *not* whatever implementation, no matter what claims are made otherwise; e.g. [http://trilema.com/2015/no-such-labs-releases-v-for-victory/?b=change&e=satellites#select][the change similar to that introduced by the understanding and controlling movement in terms of mass, impulse and energy, such as it occurs in the launching of
(ossasepia) diana_coman: the thing is, V is not just a different type of versioning system - a bit like a car is not just a faster cart, hm
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I can see the similarity, indeed
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ah, the fable, yes
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw - hm? doesn't come to mind, no.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: that kind of locks you unhelpfully into some rather sterile and narrow mindframe, myeah (and I'll leave the tracing of the root cause there to each log reader)
