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(asciilifeform) dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-28 01:21:28 mangol: unrelated continuation, [][Uncle Al Schwartz
(asciilifeform) mangol: unrelated continuation, [][Uncle Al Schwartz
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: << ftr last century's wankers stood a head taller, the scandinavian gods imho over9000x less repulsive than the 'faggot halfling god on a stick'(tm)(r)(uncle al schwartz)
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: << 'uncle' al schwartz for asciilifeform -- to the extent there was an analogous 'role'. ( asciilifeform did not need so much an ideological 'leading out', because knew from childhood that 'civilized world' was rotten to the core)
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: 'can't have a police state without police'(tm)(r)('uncle al' schwartz)
(trilema) asciilifeform: 'replaced with other-abled oppressed poor black female with hiv dancing macarena in a wheelchair'(tm)(r)(uncle al schwartz)
(trilema) mp_en_viaje:
(trilema) asciilifeform: sorta how asciilifeform had 'the keys' in 2010 and had all the ducks lined up to run schwartz eotvos, and would have at least achieved some lulz if uncle al had not chickened
(trilema) mircea_popescu: in other items perhaps of interest to the specialist, apparently i had forgotten the link for ; now added.
(trilema) mircea_popescu: (which, incidentally, is why socialism is dream-like, ie what happens when mind goes to sleep. they very much : "we have no legitimacy and no possibility of ever being legitimate" "but if we were based on a representative mandate we'd have such possibility" "yes but we don't have it" "but if we claimed groups support us it'd
(trilema) deedbot: << Trilema - Let's read together uncle Al Schwartz' Hexadecimal Dependency
(trilema) asciilifeform: as uncle al schwartz wrote, re mexico's nationalization of syntex co (maker of 1st synthetic progesterone) -- 'it died, and as always they called it 'bad luck''
(trilema) asciilifeform: at one time i found a reply from al 'uncle al' schwartz that sat in a spam queue for (yes) several years
(trilema) asciilifeform: al 'uncle al' schwartz's father, for instance, was - iirc - a tailor, who never read a book cover to cover in his entire life.
(trilema) ascii_field: << 'Do not disparage the diesel cycle. Napalm may smell like victory, but diesel evokes big trucks, heavy equipment, iron ships; hot oil, spanners the height of a man, 1" drive socket sets, and no stinking Kettering ignition systems.' (uncle al schwartz)
(trilema) asciilifeform: trinque: i've spent years trying to pull naggum, uncle al schwartz, et al out of the landfill
(trilema) asciilifeform: << apparently al schwartz is on 'stack exchange'...