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← 2022-03-29 | 2022-03-31 →
phf: asciilifeform: if i manage to send your host a succesful broadcast message, will it appear at http://logs.bitdash.io?
asciilifeform: phf: correct. atm there's a pestnet containing many (tho not yet all) of the folx sitting in #a. billymg runs that logger, it is operated as a bot station on that net
asciilifeform: phf: once yer up & running, rec to peer w/ others; then won't rely on only asciilifeform's station
asciilifeform: iirc right nao nearly erryone is peered w/ nearly erryone else
asciilifeform: iirc blatta not yet fully implements the nat driller, so if you're in a nat, can only directly peer w/ people who are not
phf: asciilifeform: are you using blatta? can you check that your peer is still operational, i might've nuked it by accident
asciilifeform: phf: lol, in fact asciilifeform forgot to add entry for phf
asciilifeform: phf: added the key, try it again
asciilifeform using most recent blatta
asciilifeform currently not seeing an at entry for phf
phf: blatta doesn't seem to care about the selfchain?
thimbronion: phf: cares only for getdata purposes
bitbot: (pest) 2022-03-30 phf[asciilifeform]: hello, world!
thimbronion: phf: will take a while before you see output on the console due to getdata syncing
phf: i'm not running blatta, just reading it as reference code
asciilifeform: aa, phf already baked own pestron?
phf: it has one function, it can spam with broadcast messages
asciilifeform: still neato
phf: does blatta support nat penetration mechanism?
thimbronion: phf no support for the PROD command. It will work behind a nat if connected to a station that is not behind a nat via the IGNORE/rubbish message technique.
asciilifeform: iirc doesn't yet support addrcast message either
thimbronion: jonsykke's smalpest does support PROD, I believe
asciilifeform: ( nat driller needs both to work )
asciilifeform: phf: are you baking a cl pestron ?
phf: so my router now ate two broadcast messages, both relayed through ascii's node. obv i've never seen them, how do recover them now? getdata expects an antecedent of some sort, or i can give it a 0 hash?
thimbronion: next message you do get will have the hash of the previous, which you can request with GETDATA
asciilifeform: phf: you receive the next one, and getdata with it
asciilifeform: *with its antecedent
phf: thimbronion: what's a ignore/rubbish technique then?
thimbronion: phf works as a sourt of keepalive for your router - gotta send em out every n seconds to hold on to the same port
phf: also policy wise if i say start sending packets from new ip, will this automatically update my entry in peer's at table?
thimbronion: phf: yes, peers will autoupdate
phf: thimbronion: but how do i use ignore/rubbish for nat escape?
thimbronion: phf send an IGNORE message to all peers every n seconds so that peers who receive a message from you on the ephemeral port can send back to that same port
phf: aah ok
phf: thimbronion: btw when i send blatta a packet with unsupported version it nukes out with 'keyerror metadata'
thimbronion: phf: ok. thx. haven't really tested that.
thimbronion: phf looks like I just forgot to include metadata in the return value in that particular error case
thimbronion: in Message.py:156
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in suxx -- RIP asciilifeform's cat.
signpost: sorry bud.
shinohai 's kitteh turns 9 next month ....
shinohai: The girls are terrified of him, being Siamese and hating everything.
thimbronion: asciilifeform: sorry to hear about that
thimbronion: my cat terrorizes my daughter. figured out how to open doors using the handle so now she has to lock her door at night.
signpost has entirely well behaved cats, did a lot of squirt bottle training.
signpost: anyway, asciilifeform, old? or sick?
asciilifeform: ~decade old (came with house, so unknown.) cancer.
signpost: eh bummer
asciilifeform: ~40k$ of various surgeries, radiations, etc. but unsurprisingly rip
signpost lost a great cat to battle with another cat years ago. lived by the sword.
asciilifeform: they dun normally fight to the death, neh?
signpost: not sure, just saw the other guy maimed but alive next morning.
signpost: both could've been fighting a racoon perhaps.
asciilifeform: likely the latter
asciilifeform: is why asciilifeform was shooting'em
PeterL: I was using a squirt bottle to try training our cats to not sit on the counter, when nobody was looking one of the cats chewed up the bottle.
signpost: PeterL: packing tape sticky side up on the surface.
signpost: and that's pretty funny.
PeterL: he fought the law, and he won
PeterL: it doesn't help that my daughter will share food with him, like when she sits at the counter to eat a bown of cereal she uses her spoon to spread little puddles of milk for him to lick up
PeterL: s/bown/bowl
asciilifeform fed claudia (rip) w/ syringes 7x/day for past month (couldn't eat normally)
mats: 40k? Did you have pet insurance?
asciilifeform: lol mats , they're even moar of scam than human insurance
mats: is it though
asciilifeform: mats: typically they have 10k lifetime max
asciilifeform: coupla dentist visits already > that
verisimilitude: I thought committing ``insurance fraud'' through murder was hard enough with people; people probably do it often with pets, where having poison in the stomach isn't strictly suspicious.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: lol doubt there's life insurance for animals
verisimilitude: Well now I wonder.
asciilifeform: even for humans, mostly a scam
asciilifeform: similarly to house/car insurance
asciilifeform: (where normally forced by reich, or few would buy)
verisimilitude: I keep getting mail for it, but I won't participate.
asciilifeform: if it's spammed, is scam -- can take this to the bank.
verisimilitude: It comes from my credit union.
crtdaydreams: RIP кот
crtdaydreams: You must've really loved him/her to spend ~40K.
crtdaydreams: Then again, at a certain point money is immaterial for something like that.
crtdaydreams: setting up pest; is the tarball just genesis?
crtdaydreams: nope. er. It's throwing an error when trying to run. I think my perms aren't right.
phf: crtdaydreams: it wants python2 instead of python3
crtdaydreams: That'd do it. Thankies, will fix.
PeterL: crtdaydreams: grab the patches from thimbronion's site and build with v
phf: everybody just builds with the tgz press, because genesis.vpatch is missing :x
crtdaydreams: PeterL: thimbronion has patched for python3?
crtdaydreams: ah I c
PeterL: http://share.alethepedia.com/blatta/ has genesis, then 9992 and down
phf: ah, it's not on pestnet.io
crtdaydreams: thanks, phf thimbronion has 9978, tarball is 9979
PeterL: crtdaydreams: I think the thing is only tested on py 2.7, not py 3
crtdaydreams: PeterL: ye, downloading python2 nao.
crtdaydreams not worried abt bloat, will be bulldozing soon enuff
PeterL: I think there is a utility that can change stuff from py2 to py3, but I have never tried it myself
crtdaydreams: I wouldn't fart around with it, might generate dangerous code.
crtdaydreams: not for something handling crypto + wan
phf: channel move to pest when
PeterL: phf: it's sort of a gradual move in progress
verisimilitude: I'll move when I finish my client, or when I be forced to use one of those already existing.
verisimilitude: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-06#1082810 Something more important to me has interfered, so expect that within the next week, instead.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-06 21:51:22 verisimilitude: Expect it to be refined and published within the month.
PeterL: verisimilitude: did you write your own IRC client too?
verisimilitude: No, because I don't like IRC.
shinohai: !!key crtdaydreams
crtdaydreams: shinohai: don't be in a hurry to add me to keychain, I have to rotate my key shortly before I join pest, my current key is stuck in a VM.
shinohai: ack crtdaydreams
verisimilitude: To clarify, the program is finished, but not the documentation.
verisimilitude: What will be released within the week, that is.
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-30#1090638 << when sumbody gets around to baking a proper irc bridge. ( would like to leave #a/dulapnet around for noobs to step into )
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-30 18:39:43 phf: channel move to pest when
asciilifeform: bidirectional bridge.
phf: is ignore message supposed to have valid timestamp/*chain/speaker fields?
phf: /fields/data/
asciilifeform: or rather, doesn't need to
asciilifeform doesn't recall whether blatta handles this specfully
phf: the spec implies that message prelude is always valid for the various message types, but then the payload for ignore is random data. really it's the entire 428 bytes of ignore message that's random
asciilifeform: thinking about it, ought amend the spec, ignore oughta have valid timestamps, or can be replayed to cause some annoyance
phf: ah
phf: yeah
asciilifeform: errything else in header can remain rubbish
asciilifeform: phf: spec is very much a work in progress, and there'll probably be at least one totally breaking change in upcoming revs
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-26 12:00:49 asciilifeform: ... so imho, that scheme still probably best approach so far.
crtdaydreams: signpost: can my WoT key please be updated as per http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-30#1090649
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-30 19:44:37 crtdaydreams: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=-kOa
thimbronion: asciilifeform: blatta expects IGNORE messages to have a timestamp
phf: aye
← 2022-03-29 | 2022-03-31 →