Results 1 ... 63 found in all logged channels for 'lenat'

(pest) asciilifeform not expected to learn the fate of lenat's purpurted atlantis, but nao it's a defo nope.
(pest) asciilifeform: in other noose, rip doug lenat.
(asciilifeform) snsabot: Logged on 2020-08-11 17:21:04 asciilifeform: jurov: there were several folx from 'golden age' who seemed to be 'onto something' -- t. winograd, j. weizenbaum , m. minsky, d. lenat -- who moar or less vanished from the stage after their early 'something'. traditionally thought that 'they hit wall' or even 'was only hyped, no substance' but per asciilifeform's cosmography, they were simply victims of the 'lisp winter'.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: jurov: there were several folx from 'golden age' who seemed to be 'onto something' -- t. winograd, j. weizenbaum , m. minsky, d. lenat -- who moar or less vanished from the stage after their early 'something'. traditionally thought that 'they hit wall' or even 'was only hyped, no substance' but per asciilifeform's cosmography, they were simply victims of the 'lisp winter'.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: if lenat had spark of life in him, it went out decades ago
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform searched for years for any material re: the pre-idiotification (e.g. java!) 'cyc' material. all was able to get, was reports of lenat's usg-sponsored golden toilet work, via u.s. FOIA .
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2016-06-28 04:51 asciilifeform:
(trilema) mircea_popescu: so i'm doing a little bit of maintenance, and will be deleting later today
(trilema) mircea_popescu: (the original "i'm a little bit country / i'm a little bit rock'n'roll" fairitale was told by lenatus to the plebs of 500bc, btw.)
(trilema) mircea_popescu: so if you prefer the reference, there will be no lenatus compromise and no fucking lex publilia.
(trilema) asciilifeform: phf: lenat being the patron saint of'em
(trilema) BingoBoingo: Nice. This past week tomatoes have just been shitting out new flowers. Lot of pollenating going on
(trilema) asciilifeform: there is, but engineer's notion of how to make working veblenator is typically worth 0.
(trilema) asciilifeform: phf: i excavated my binder and found the item you had just linked. where dpl is described in approx same level of detail as eurisko's 'rtl' was in the lenatleaks thing. but i am now beginning to suspect that it got 'symbolicsized', e.g., subsumed into the properties they licensed from mit
(trilema) mircea_popescu: cyc! lenat's thing. gah.
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2014-09-26 03:11 asciilifeform: there are two versions of the lenat story
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2014-02-01 21:28 asciilifeform: dollars to doughnuts that lenat did not write eurisko.
(trilema) asciilifeform: (one - not very sexy answer - is that it was a fraud. source was published nowhere, nor anyone other than lenat exposed to it afaik)
(trilema) asciilifeform: why lenat dropped eurisko and burned the rest of his life on idiocy is the $64k question
(trilema) a111: Logged on 2014-09-26 01:04 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: try:
(trilema) asciilifeform: (who wants to read ? we had whole thread, where i FOIA'd everything lenat ever publicly did on taxpayer dollars, and posted here)
(trilema) mircea_popescu: apparently only some people outgrow being 9, and lenat isn't one of them.
(trilema) asciilifeform: and lenat didn't is because he lacked sufficient jolt cola ? or why
(trilema) asciilifeform: now we have lenat's 'cyc' failed ai.
(trilema) mod6: 539Mlenat-leaks
(trilema) asciilifeform: one, typified by d. lenat's proggy 'eurisko' (see logs, i posted his s333kr1t paperz once) was of the sane sort
(trilema) asciilifeform: punkman: aha, i had the doug lenat scans OCR'd on some weird proprietary shitware
(trilema) asciilifeform: like doug lenat
(trilema) assbot: Logged on 08-05-2015 21:46:38; asciilifeform: i guess my red-hot doug lenat k001 w4r3z stays on kako's box, l0l
(trilema) asciilifeform: i guess my red-hot doug lenat k001 w4r3z stays on kako's box, l0l
(trilema) asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel: if you're thinking of a human-cranked systematization project, straight to doug lenat's 'cyc' (i'll spoil it for you: it was stillborn)
(trilema) asciilifeform: re: elon musk: two thing happening. a fella named yudkowsky has been pushing for 'regulate ai, or it will destroy us all!' line for a little short of a decade now. with him, of course, to be the fuhrer. (see lenat discussion. he considers anyone trying to resurrect lenat's work, assuming it wasn't fraudulent - we don't actually know this - to be a dangerous criminal worthy of extermination.)
(trilema) assbot: The Voice of the Turtle: Whatever Happened to AI? | Lenat | AI Magazine
(trilema) assbot: dblp: Douglas B. Lenat
(trilema) asciilifeform: as for herr lenat himself - looks like he's finally settled into island fortress, or the like:
(trilema) assbot: Index of /wp-content/uploads/2014/09/lenat-leaks
(trilema) assbot: Logged on 26-09-2014 03:11:57; asciilifeform: there are two versions of the lenat story
(trilema) assbot: Logged on 26-09-2014 01:50:54; asciilifeform:
(trilema) asciilifeform: before even i forget - kakobrekla, mircea_popescu - where's my lenat turd mirror ?
(trilema) MolokoDesk: Cyc was/is supposed to be somewhat like that. I think it doesn't handle what linguists call scripts or scenarios, but Lenat and OpenCYC are aware of the issues.
(trilema) asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: think millikan's experiment is a clusterfuck? in computer 'science', folks like lenat are schoolbook-famous for experiment that not only have not but cannot be replicated with available data.
(trilema) assbot: Logged on 26-09-2014 03:11:57; asciilifeform: there are two versions of the lenat story
(trilema) asciilifeform: until the real 'lenat leak' perhaps one day.
(trilema) gribble: Douglas Lenat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; Cyc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; Cycorp | Home of smarter solutions: <>
(trilema) asciilifeform: ;;google douglas lenat
(trilema) asciilifeform: there are two versions of the lenat story
(trilema) decimation: cf3a34181d3dff597f1d3fbd7f5678d65263720dbe6ce14dc814ff714d729015 lenat-leaks.tar.gz
(trilema) asciilifeform: sha256(lenat-leaks.tar.gz) == cf3a34181d3dff597f1d3fbd7f5678d65263720dbe6ce14dc814ff714d729015
(trilema) asciilifeform: in response to years of prodding from various folks, and mircea_popescu reminding me that 'lesswrong' existed, i took an hour or so to digitize the old douglas lenat papers. now need a place to host
(trilema) decimation: asciilifeform: did you post those lenat papers somewhere? I have a reasonably fast digitizer if you lack
(trilema) asciilifeform actually FOIA'd all the available lenat material and still has thick binder of mildly interesting goodies
(trilema) jurov: Comment author: Eliezer_Yudkowsky This is a road that does not lead to Friendly AI, only to AGI. I doubt this has anything to do with Lenat's motives - but I'm glad the source code isn't published and I don't think you'd be doing a service to the human species by trying to reimplement it.
(trilema) assbot: Logged on 10-06-2014 02:07:49; asciilifeform: (lw is another reddit clone that makes hn, etc. look sane. inhabited by folks terrified of robo-apocalypse. i was drummed out of lw as a 'future genocidal criminal' for... considering resurrecting doug lenat's 'eurisko.')
(trilema) asciilifeform: (lw is another reddit clone that makes hn, etc. look sane. inhabited by folks terrified of robo-apocalypse. i was drummed out of lw as a 'future genocidal criminal' for... considering resurrecting doug lenat's 'eurisko.')
(trilema) asciilifeform: dollars to doughnuts that lenat did not write eurisko.
(trilema) asciilifeform: (Lenat was 100% usg-funded)