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| Results 251 ... 500 found in trilema for 'from:esthlos' |

esthlos: of course, I got what, at least 5 years on you? but I'm not sure if my rating should reflect _potential_ or current timeslice
esthlos: now look, esthlos is not all that much better in some ways, but the attitute you're expressing is exactly what I'm trying to fight off
esthlos: (though it is exactly typical of a young guy in the situation, but you don't want to be like every other bozo, right?) plus, the spam with the whores annoyed me, and cutsey shit like , and doing the minimum possible to get a job done multiple times
esthlos: << well in all honesty, I'm not sure I understand what wot ratings mean, since I don't see where negative ratings fit in to . I rated you -1 because I detect a self-image not fitting a young guy making 35K a year for 60 hrs/week, which ultimately filters down to your ability to think rationally.
esthlos: gotta run for a bit, thanks for the info phf
esthlos: that's damn neat
esthlos: is that a reader macro for system calls?
esthlos: may just have to get dirty with the ffi
esthlos: clozue doesn't look like it has equivalent functions
esthlos: oh I see, sbcl has its own ffi
esthlos: phf, I assume by ffi you mean a call to run-program, not a use of cffi?
esthlos: but under current behaivor, program won't clean up tempdir when it eggogs
esthlos: phf: was about to mention that
esthlos: anyone have a good idea for generating unique identifiers for v's gpg keyring name? I just spent a painful hour debugging because CL's #'get-universal-time is only precise to the second
esthlos: ah true, no point in generating flow for antecedents, etc
esthlos: bbl, meatspace
esthlos: yep mod6, that's effectively what I'll be doing.
esthlos: mmk, thanks
esthlos: ok, and to that point, should EVERY operation spitting out vpatches (flow, antecedents, and so on) check all vpatches for sig?
esthlos: trinque etc: do you want an eggog when flow fails because of bad seal on a vpatch? or let's be more general: do you want an eggog WHENEVER a bad seal is found?
esthlos: ok, will fix that
esthlos: to butt in: should only patches with good seals show in the flow?
esthlos: yep
esthlos: glad to hear it!
esthlos: in case anyone missed these lulz: if you pass --no-default-keyring to gpg but don't supply another keyring, gpg... uses the default keyring. and if you pass a keyring, it assumes it's in the home directory
esthlos: works for me
esthlos: think I see why it's breaking
esthlos: oh wow, the gpg behaivor is...special
esthlos: asciilifeform: yep, just did it, thanks.
esthlos: now I'm going to go through the logs and see if I've missed anything else. let me know what you've done on so we don't double spend on time. and to sum it up, yeah, my bad on the communication
esthlos: now for your comments: getting rid of the defpackage was a bad oversight, no real reason. My guess why gpg is failing is because I'm using 2.2.4 while I think most of you guys use 1.x . Moving to 1.x is on my backlog, but it was deprioritized becasue I didn't want to spend the time converting my keys. Another oversight, I suppose
esthlos: but you should know that, new as I am, it takes me a long time to even get through one day of log while understanding what is going on
esthlos: if I need to be able to respond within a day to work with you guys, I will do my best to change things around
esthlos: trinque: my current plan has been this: I digest the logs in batches every few days, but search for my nick at least once a day. since my nick wasn't referred to in , I missed it. my approach may be inadequate, since trilema is the first time I've used irc and I don't really know what I'm doing. but it's a reality of my schedule that sometimes I won't be able to respond for two days or so
esthlos: ^^ please check out the prerelease
esthlos: question for all: should the gnupg temp files be deleted in all_ cases of a failed press? perhaps someone might want it for debugging?
esthlos: trinque: gonna try to get most of this thing done today
esthlos: got it
esthlos: not to make excuses: makes sense to read it
esthlos: I have it locally, compared parts of it after writing my implementation
esthlos: << ben_vulpes: can you elaborate on what you envision here? for instance, I could build up and tear down keyring on every press, which seems only way to be stateless with gnupg. how does that sound?
esthlos: trinque asciilifeform phf etc: what's the best way to deal with sbcl's package lock error when redefining run-program? my naive approach was to define a new package for the vtron. But I'm pounding my head against use-package anyway
esthlos: << thanks, seems to be working now
esthlos: I saw xah fellow here at some point
esthlos: lol
esthlos: I had a ton of lag with that thing, but was on crappy lappy I suppose
esthlos: asciilifeform: removed indents, try now
esthlos: ok, I can fix it in 2 min. sec
esthlos: mine does as well
esthlos: huh
esthlos: asciilifeform: afaik I haven't. what link are you using?
esthlos: very true. have you tried smart tabs?
esthlos: trinque: why's that?
esthlos: trinque: that would be cool
esthlos: << I'm using tabs as 4 spaces, and I see the code as <80 col. what's your set up?
esthlos: trinque mircea_popescu phf ben_vulpes mircea_popescu et al:
esthlos: will bbl
esthlos: it should be fixed if I replace the current call to run-program with the full sb-ext:run-program, and really the call should be fixed to work on ccl as well
esthlos: trinque: yesterday could not make it to irc. removing the dependancy on cl-ppcre shoudn't be too hard. sbcl comes with sb-ext:run-program, which wraps a call to execvp ( if somehow uiop is being thrown into the mix, then it shouldn't be
esthlos: also want to say that above confusion was mostly misinterpretation of various comments on my part. not about what "v" is _now_, but on what was being asked of me
esthlos: i'll field and questions/criticism tomorrow, gotta run for now
esthlos: mircea_popescu: wrt << esthlos-v presses fine to vtools_vpatch_newline
esthlos: haha does her collar say BBC?
esthlos: let me give it a once over, sign it, and send it your way
esthlos: trinque: no, I didn't jump off the deep end without discussing it. I've already made the interface changes
esthlos: mircea_popescu: i'm at a loss of what to say. but really, it's moving
esthlos: indeed. I am rather lonely, in general
esthlos: and wrt self hatred, I'm really at a loss. somehow it thought like a good idea
esthlos: mircea_popescu: what I took away from your comment was that the philosophy file was to be used to determine vpatch ancestry, rather incorrectly it seems
esthlos: ben_vulpes: no, actually that's part of what asciilifeform encouraged me to do
esthlos: alright. What I don't understand, then, is mircea_popescu's response
esthlos: hmm
esthlos: oh, I thought the new idea was to determine parenthood based off a single line in the philosophy file. this was my interpretation of and
esthlos: if the new V defines the current state of the project as a single hash, then multiple parents (such as h, i, d, and j) becomes impossible
esthlos: I think I understand, though I may be being thick. what I'm describing is differnt
esthlos: so I'm not talking about pressing all the leaves, but when a vpatch has multiple parents, such as h or i in
esthlos: *their changes
esthlos: so is this what's desired, or am I off the mark?
esthlos: now let's say that the new philosophy file contains hash of all directory contents in lexographic order, onse per patch. As far as i can see, this forces the tree of vpatches to be strictly linear, since latest patch depends strictly on single previous patch
esthlos: looking to cement understanding: with current V, file-level merges are impossible, but patches touching separate files can be applied sequentially. this way, it is possible, e.g., for different folx to work on separate parts of the project, and press there changes into one item.
esthlos: cool, that's agenda item 1
esthlos: if you do so before friday, I can likely get a prototype by monday. otherwise it will be sometime the week after
esthlos: so trinque, can you provide me with a list of changes (or write your own and diff, if you prefer)?
esthlos: alright
esthlos: I might say, conceptual simplicity. It's possibly a holdover from my scheme origins, but I usually write whatever datastructures I need on my own as closures
esthlos: I was thinking of replacing the CLOS with records, or possibly just sexprs
esthlos: ah, yeah
esthlos: that's an evil grin
esthlos: esthlos-v doesn't touch on (a); I was indeed waiting for standardized philosophy file format. (b) I will test
esthlos: (so I assume)
esthlos: I'm fairly beginner, don't know many of the useful functions
esthlos: trinque: you can find my writeup at . I recall you wanted to have the thing return sane data from ops instead of format barfage
esthlos: mircea_popescu: << to be clear, what fix?
esthlos: (including my own)
esthlos: mircea_popescu: I will watch for that. Last thing I want to do is to waste anyone's time
esthlos: no, was this in past few days? I'm behind
esthlos: I did, but did not mess with it enough, apparently
esthlos: ok ok, one cockroach killed?
esthlos: aha, so if I want to patch "as close to genesis as possible" the mpi lib, AND I want this patch to be used in diana_coman 's proggy, the ONLY choice is to patch current leaf of diana_coman 's proggy
esthlos: haha
esthlos: asciilifeform: this is where, I think, I failed
esthlos: hmm, I did not realize that patching the genesis directly would have those effects on diana_coman 's work
esthlos: asciilifeform: very possible
esthlos: because "crud never existed" might be simpler than "here is crud, now let's remove it"
esthlos: if I make decrudification a patch on the genesis, probably requires no changes to eucrypt vpatch tree. but if it's a new genesis, tree breaks, no?
esthlos: so let's say I remove the "secure" bits of MPI code for the sake of honesty. is this a needless complication of the eucrypt vpatch tree?
esthlos: cool, I may make a patch which rips it out.
esthlos: asciilifeform diana_coman: are the secure memory portions of MPI useful/worth their weight?
esthlos: hanbot: said I'd get back to you: getting mp-wp running was relatively painless, most of my issues were with LAMP. I wrote down most of what I did here:
esthlos: lobbes: excellent, thank you
esthlos: I should add: there's no toolbar to edit text, and nothing is being written to the log
esthlos: hanbot et al: my mp-wp seems borked: when trying to make a new post, the "tab" to switch to raw HTML is greyed out and does nothing, and HTML tags are ignored. Also, the visual editing features aren't showing at all. Any ideas?
esthlos: double backtrack: the packages.gentoo website is just retarded:
esthlos: ah you're right, it's a recent removal
esthlos: ben_vulpes: are you sure you're not misreading the mssql flag?
esthlos: (for php)
esthlos: there's not even a mysql use flag, just mysqli and PDO
esthlos: yes, it's the latest gentoo nonsense.
esthlos: Specifically, my php sees mysqli my no mysql. Maybe I need to downgrade?
esthlos: Trying to set up mp-wp on php-mysql interaction. Can anyone help me proceed?
esthlos: !!key hanbot
esthlos: nice hanbot, will play around and get back to you on Sunday
esthlos: mircea_popescu: is there a list of supported html tags for comments on trilema?
esthlos: excellent, happy to be a test subject
esthlos: Hi all, I developed a vtron, writeup here: . I know I need a comments mechanism: next project is to get mp-wp working
esthlos: << got it, thank you for helping to beat the pantsuit out of me. now I'll shut up and be useful
esthlos: I can take a stab at it
esthlos: phf (or anyone else): is there a vpatch I can look at with the new format described here: ?
esthlos: to answer, I'd like to finish my V implementation before anything else.
esthlos: hi there all, sorry for going awol. I've been following the logs but busy with a new job
esthlos: ah, that's much simpler.
esthlos: to determine if b.vpatch descends from a.vpatch, my idea is to scan through b.vpatch and ensure that each ---(file,hash) matches some +++(file,hash) in a.vpatch. is this the standard procedure?
esthlos: hello all, vtronics question
esthlos: I will proceed one step at a time
esthlos: lol diana_coman
esthlos: diana_voman very likely am over thinking things
esthlos: but having one in existence would help fellows in shinohai's position
esthlos: diana_coman I didn't mean to imply it would be "official" (tm) client
esthlos: shinohai: I've targeted this as my first real contribution to la serenissima
esthlos: Alternative is stupidly simple text-driven client; downloads multimedia using eucrypt
esthlos: Rereading, seems clear that you want eulora's graphics engine.
esthlos: << My thought was to scrap the current client in favor of a customized one, with eucrypt protocol as the backbone. Is this 1. not what you want, or 2. a bad idea?
esthlos: I can imagine it being very cool in eulora. mpi in js sounds hairy
esthlos: alright, I will be thinking about this
esthlos: yes
esthlos: (by me)
esthlos: but doable
esthlos: hah, thought you were going to say non-shit gpg
esthlos: mircea_popescu: how to organize and preserve gpg encrypted conversations for later reading
esthlos: apparently my real-problem radar needs training
esthlos: reasonable?
esthlos: mircea_popescu: i'm thinking more 1. select thread to view, 2. insert/import/select decryption key, 3. enter pass, 4. show thread
esthlos: would be simple enough to cook up if there's interest: sexp storage of paths for structure, calls to gpg to decrypt
esthlos: a question for all: is there a good way to store/track collections of encrypted messages? (perhaps with threads, etc.)
esthlos: cool danielpbarron, got it
esthlos: fingerprint EDB9 3AD2 CAB2 8398 010B 46D0 25C7 1657 FDA7 1DC2
esthlos: the url works for me
esthlos: !~later tell danielpbarron
esthlos: thanks
esthlos: aha, I was looking for that!
esthlos: !~help later tell
esthlos: !~help later
esthlos: !~help
esthlos: germanGooglers
esthlos: kay, will test (but have android... asciilifeform need a nickname for that. lamedroid is clumsy)
esthlos: hmm gotta get irc client for phone!
esthlos: << haha, where were you when he needed suggestions?
esthlos: << yes, actually! five bitcoin or fiatola?
esthlos: !!v 461D1CF5D22152912FC571BF79FF098356D076F09B74F3E2F615A024C8438214
esthlos: !!rate danielpbarron 3 legit guy, mean karaoke skills
esthlos: !!help
esthlos: yep, that sounds right
esthlos: but could counter with: proper replacement is "engineering"
esthlos: I was wondering what happens if you replace "software development" with "physics", and see it that way.
esthlos: and write a bouncer, without 1e6+ features
esthlos: prolly gonna write one
esthlos: can't find a non-shit irc client
esthlos: yep sry
esthlos: o course, like you have been saying asciilifeform, it's epicycles. but at least epicycles are a single coherent idea! (i.e. fourier transform)
esthlos: a 6502 sounds like a good project
esthlos: interesting.
esthlos: i know buzzword, 'register machine'
esthlos: I suppose I don't know, then, what i'm misisng. but certainly I couldnt cogently argue why x86 sucks besides 'von neumann lol'
esthlos: o course, like you have been saying asciilifeform, it's epicycles. but at least epicycles are a single coherent idea! (i.e. fourier transform)
esthlos: but have no idea wtf my compute is actually _doing_ 99% of the time
esthlos: this question is turning out hard to answer
esthlos: which actually puts me in a position of not _really_ grokking compys
esthlos: effectively, electronics are black boxes. I know how to use logic gates to add, store stuff, etc., but only the theory
esthlos: thanks!
esthlos: asciilifeform: have any (text)book suggestions for a computer hardware architecture n00b?
esthlos: issue resolved by moving to 2016 ada
esthlos: i will try on eulora box once its spun up.
esthlos: yes mod6
esthlos: i got no acl/selinux nonsense or whatever
esthlos: libffa builds fine on fresh press, but not the demo
esthlos: k, standby
esthlos: yea, gprclean
esthlos: if you don't have any leads i'll mess around i suppose
esthlos: sorry to be a bother asciilifeform, but still not working with adacore's gnat:
esthlos: mmk
esthlos: wait, maybe you're supposed to compile AGAIN after USE=bootstrap compile
esthlos: lul
esthlos: mebbe its the usual gentoo breaking things into 20 pieces
esthlos: well this is fun: gnat: command not found, BUT gprbuild does stuff...
esthlos: fucking xclip
esthlos: ah ok
esthlos: uh, just used ./ p press_output ffa_ch1_genesis.vpatch, if that's what you mean
esthlos: gentoo
esthlos: asciilifeform: ada woes, am I missing a library?
esthlos: there a way for reflow not to break diff...
esthlos: << I have an intuition that this is missing a higher symmetry. Why not use v for prose documents?
esthlos: << "Oh really? I never guessed he was an actor. Touche." if only tlp was around...
esthlos: << bah, let me keep my youthful naviete a little longer
esthlos: for lulz
esthlos: oh fun, the blog of the guile lead:
esthlos: guys like alan kay push a certain political narrative, but it doesnt add up
esthlos: I've spent the last year or so trying to figure wtf happened to computing post-symbolics. still can't see the complexity which lead to the current disaster
esthlos: mircea_popescu: wrt the alien problem, you're saying the complexity is actual?
esthlos: phf: hmm
esthlos: ah I realized a fucked up the seal handling, thanks mircea_popescu
esthlos: mircea_popescu: :)
esthlos: they could be removed, but are helpful
esthlos: phf: no fucking way
esthlos: god
esthlos: got knows what emacs uses
esthlos: but firefox doesn't implement knuths algo!!11
esthlos: have to impose my shit laptop on everyone
esthlos: haha i used 55
esthlos: could just have ;; with long line if it helps
esthlos: in emacs: fill-region, comment-region
esthlos: asciilifeform: nah
esthlos: what's the reasoning?
esthlos: please critique: . no posix/gnupg or vpatch parsing yet, just the basic logic
esthlos: -ev ?
esthlos: what's insane is to do it all for yourself. plundering is fine
esthlos: as in, it's the only sane solution
