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Results 1 ... 21 found in asciilifeform for 'uwb'

vex: Yeah, I'm not too sure how your undectectable uwb theory works
asciilifeform not presently working on uwb, as has no one to uwb with
asciilifeform: considering that whole point is 'aint receivable by folx w/out the key', not much point in reich license. instead, learn the req'd physics, you won't be building a uwb w/out pretty good grasp
asciilifeform: vex: he was prolly interested in the uwb thing.
asciilifeform: ( in the hypothetical 'uwb pest' -- erry msg you send potentially demasks yer position and brings gestapo closer )
asciilifeform: ( this incidentally illustrates (entire class of) unsolved problems in re hypothetical 'uwb radio pest' )
asciilifeform: vex: uwb antenna gotta be compass oriented, and not erected at asciilifeform's new pad yet, 1st 'what direction' lol
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-04-27 23:24:36 asciilifeform: roughly speaking, 'uwb' over 0-30Mhz .
signpost: the uwb item is also on my mind, but I didn't want to stack too many skypies at once
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-09-01 16:35:56 asciilifeform: signpost: imho even to ~demonstrate~ uninterdictable uwb across planet, would cool the ardour of the 'internet of the future' types, at minimal expense.
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-04-27 23:24:36 asciilifeform: roughly speaking, 'uwb' over 0-30Mhz .
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-09-30 21:04:56 asciilifeform: gotta get the uwb-hf derivations to signpost before folds.
vex 'd like to see uwb-hf derivations also. Fully cognisent of the powers radya plice hold.
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-04-27 23:24:36 asciilifeform: roughly speaking, 'uwb' over 0-30Mhz .
asciilifeform gotta get the uwb-hf derivations to signpost before folds.
asciilifeform: signpost: imho even to ~demonstrate~ uninterdictable uwb across planet, would cool the ardour of the 'internet of the future' types, at minimal expense.
asciilifeform still has massive dipole antenna in crate, and buncha uwb stuff which never tested
asciilifeform: roughly speaking, 'uwb' over 0-30Mhz .
asciilifeform: superkuh: what, btw, is wrong w/ e.g. terminated folded dipole, for uwb ? worx fine for hf, and easily disguised as, say, clothesline .
asciilifeform: superkuh: very interesting, imho, your www, e.g. the uwb antennae experiments. (i take it you aren't very interested in the hf band tho?)