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(trilema) pankkake: here is 0.000195.
(trilema) pankkake: isn't it well outside?
(trilema) pankkake: jurov: 0.00020000 * 44`166 for F.MPIF, isn't it a market maker opportunity?
(trilema) pankkake: tried what?
(trilema) pankkake: this whole discussion is such a joke
(trilema) pankkake: nor does bionic come from openbsd
(trilema) pankkake: it doesn't provide one
(trilema) pankkake: there's no libc in the linux kernel…
(trilema) pankkake: so you want your one custom integer runlevel compared to an infinity of named runlevels?
(trilema) pankkake: ...
(trilema) pankkake: care to describe the "knobs"?
(trilema) pankkake: and as a Gentoo user I don't feel "trapped" so no delusion one way or the other
(trilema) pankkake: that's what the log points to
(trilema) pankkake: daemon crashes, the output goes nowhere
(trilema) pankkake: we now cover early boot stuff as well as STDOUT/STDERR of any system service => since again I am the only one here who actually used the things, this is absolutely crucial
(trilema) pankkake: I have written inits for systemd, debian, and openrc. have you?
(trilema) pankkake: he actually refered to what it was easier to learn
(trilema) pankkake: fucking riddles
(trilema) pankkake: what does that even mean?
(trilema) pankkake: I suppose you guys are using HAL too
(trilema) pankkake: it must NEVER CHANGE
(trilema) pankkake: nevermind that's it's widely more usable
(trilema) pankkake: I use OpenRC which have namespaces and binaries, is that evil too?
(trilema) pankkake: what does that even mean?
(trilema) pankkake: existing init systems are complicated too
(trilema) pankkake: you're doing it again
(trilema) pankkake: just list a valid technical point of why systemd is bad and I'll listen. as I said, the criticism I see just show lack of knowledge of both systemd and existing init systems
(trilema) pankkake: owncloud competitor
(trilema) pankkake: you edit your init system really?
(trilema) pankkake: I'm sick and tired of talking in riddles
(trilema) pankkake: yes, and?
(trilema) pankkake: it's a bunch of shell scripts that do just that
(trilema) pankkake: and init systems DO handle encryption, network setup
(trilema) pankkake: nor is torvalds against systemd
(trilema) pankkake: ubuntu doesn't use systemd because it's shit
(trilema) pankkake: what am I even doing here?
(trilema) pankkake: fucking fuck
(trilema) pankkake: init systems are PID 1...
(trilema) pankkake: ...
(trilema) pankkake: the part of jumping of the "systemd is bad" bandwagon without any knowledge whatsoever
(trilema) pankkake: seriously, is this a joke?
(trilema) pankkake: there's "like" and "I have to actually do things with it"
(trilema) pankkake: yeah, I don't know why I bother...
(trilema) pankkake: have you actually checked the validity of this list?
(trilema) pankkake: again, come back when you have used the things, and tried to do basic sysadmin stuff with those
(trilema) pankkake: so, retards with no idea what they are talking about
(trilema) pankkake: except the distros init systems actually do that
(trilema) pankkake: punkman: yeah, they're retards
(trilema) pankkake: wake me up if you ever have a technical argument, and actually used the thing. I have written enough init scripts to know what's what
(trilema) pankkake: so that's basically hipsterism
(trilema) pankkake: lol
(trilema) pankkake: have you actually tried to use it?
(trilema) pankkake: yeah, the usual bullshit
(trilema) pankkake: I can't wait until Debian finally trashes its init system. the thing can't even tell you reliably if a daemon is running
(trilema) pankkake: care to formulate an actual technical critic? other than the usual uninformed bullshit
(trilema) pankkake: that systemd article is ridiculous…
(trilema) pankkake: in your ass
(trilema) pankkake: the /./ is rewritten as / by most software, but I'm not doing any special processing to the url
(trilema) pankkake: I have a Kobo, it's nice enough, and reads epub
(trilema) pankkake: the sony ones looked interesting, but they are stopping making them
(trilema) pankkake: I didn't think the links would change
(trilema) pankkake: sorry :(
(trilema) pankkake: you're not ashamed of that .php? :p
(trilema) pankkake: ok, I updated the URL + your nick
(trilema) pankkake: I thought it already had a feed - (though it looks broken)
(trilema) pankkake: ben_vulpes: me, it's fed by the updater
(trilema) pankkake: oh, that's nice. I was expecting some blurry image as a result
(trilema) pankkake: why not. just fill them early enough so the tx fee won't be too high
(trilema) pankkake: well that's why there's Calibre, it should convert it to another format
(trilema) pankkake: I have a rather standard e-ink device
(trilema) pankkake: lol, that must be such fun to read. I think I'll buy the book ;)
(trilema) pankkake: oh it's images
(trilema) pankkake: I should read Knuth too, but I might not have enough of one life
(trilema) pankkake: Apparently Calibre can convert it for my reader!
(trilema) pankkake: thanks
(trilema) pankkake: anyway, I often buy used
(trilema) pankkake: I have a browser extension that does that
(trilema) pankkake: I don't, I just took the first google result
(trilema) pankkake: Price: $67.36 why :(
(trilema) pankkake: I should read the great masters/elders
(trilema) pankkake: it's on a book?
(trilema) pankkake: "I prefer test-to-fail instead of test-to-pass type development" :)
(trilema) pankkake: wtf
(trilema) pankkake: the intention is there
(trilema) pankkake: ;;gettrust gawzirabaws
(trilema) pankkake: ;;rate punkman 1 scams scammers
(trilema) pankkake: ;;rate punkman 1 scams scammers
(trilema) pankkake: good idea
(trilema) pankkake: I know, I've read some hilarious ones
(trilema) pankkake: maybe create a blog "scamming scammers"?
(trilema) pankkake: I suppose since the ads are per site, I can't have an account for a bunch of sites? it wouldn't make sense for advertisers anyway…
(trilema) pankkake: lol exactly
(trilema) pankkake: NINE NINE NINE NINE NINE
(trilema) pankkake: is it the bitcoin price?
(trilema) pankkake: congratulations romania!!!
(trilema) pankkake: !b 2
(trilema) pankkake: works in politics
(trilema) pankkake: Perhaps using a name that looks "real" would work
(trilema) pankkake: I use my real name for "professional" stuff because it's the custom, but I'd rather use a pseudonym there too
(trilema) pankkake: I like "slave name" ;)
(trilema) pankkake: nailgun is the preferred banker suicide method apparently
(trilema) pankkake: lol nice
(trilema) pankkake: now you just have to /msg assbot !up
(trilema) pankkake: ;;gettrust assbot antonosika
(trilema) pankkake: ;;rate antonosika 1 bitcoin-assets +v
(trilema) pankkake: you need l1 or l2 trust
(trilema) pankkake: ;;gettrust assbot antonosika
(trilema) pankkake: or lazyness I don't know
(trilema) pankkake: it's more of a silly prideful refusal to read things in English. but since they started reading the main article, they might read the links
(trilema) pankkake: he wrote some articles in English, I don't think they had much following. I suppose it's because of the existing (significant) readership
(trilema) pankkake: yes, that one
(trilema) pankkake: some of my pet peeves, that the issue with security and encryption won't be solved by magical dumbed down GUIs
(trilema) pankkake: good article if you can read this glorious language
(trilema) pankkake: lol schneier calls it a "good post"
(trilema) pankkake: lol, what's the point of this bet
(trilema) pankkake: that's just impolite
(trilema) pankkake: can't the guy send you a letter instead of showing up unnatended?
(trilema) pankkake: I knew it. I never trusted guys in polo shirts
(trilema) pankkake: supposed slashdot competitor, comments aren't very good either
(trilema) pankkake: I have trouble keeping up
(trilema) pankkake: BingoBoingo what eventful day?
(trilema) pankkake: jborkl
(trilema) pankkake: some of them were first published there yes
(trilema) pankkake: well, it's a human selection
(trilema) pankkake: they're credited and were asked
(trilema) pankkake: was that expensive or did no one think about buying those?
(trilema) pankkake: nice
(trilema) pankkake: uh, if Bitcoin is the French revolution, I'm out
(trilema) pankkake: or nubbins backtick
(trilema) pankkake: nubbins prime?
(trilema) pankkake: ;;gettrust thestringpuller nubbins`
(trilema) pankkake: the ,
(trilema) pankkake: I fear you left a note to someone named "foofingers,"
(trilema) pankkake:
(trilema) pankkake:
(trilema) pankkake: but the cause isn't women's rights, the cause is taxes
(trilema) pankkake: there's an interesting pattern though. Germany allows women to vote, Hitler gets elected
(trilema) pankkake: As for her friends, they were almost exclusively other oppressed SJWs. Although friend is a strong term. She had many fights with them that basically boiled down to "stop complaining about your oppression, mine is more important." She was, essentially, a contestant in the oppression olympics.
(trilema) pankkake: not with that name
(trilema) pankkake: and the idea of a bitcoin backbone has been discussed here a while ago, btw
(trilema) pankkake: more than BNP, so it's not French hate after all
(trilema) pankkake: <= I like the "But… but… Centralization!". the thing is great, but he knows already it will be misunderstood
(trilema) pankkake: "Sucks for open source in general too." because it was open source?
(trilema) pankkake: yes, happened a few days ago
(trilema) pankkake: yes
(trilema) pankkake: from the man himself "Shot by a keyboard warrior? Don't think I am too scared to be honest."
(trilema) pankkake: still a good one
(trilema) pankkake: maybe body liquidity
(trilema) pankkake: also, France now heavily "regulates" to de-anonymize OTC gold trading
(trilema) pankkake:
(trilema) pankkake: ;;ticker --market bcent --currency eur
(trilema) pankkake: (didn't read)
(trilema) pankkake: and a smartphone
(trilema) pankkake: tinder isn't anonymous, it requires facebook
(trilema) pankkake: "One must always be aware that their fodder for arguments consists of internet memes and attempts at being witty" same goes for twitter, not that you could do anything else there
(trilema) pankkake: great description btw
(trilema) pankkake: what's wrong with redditard?
(trilema) pankkake: yeah, I know
(trilema) pankkake: I was mining but it was rejecting my submissions, or maybe just not registering them. I forgot
(trilema) pankkake: I've had issues with that pool
(trilema) pankkake: however, as true altcoin developer, I had no idea what I was doing
(trilema) pankkake: I changed a few values to make it like the coingen settings
(trilema) pankkake: for updating the web page you should contact ThickAsThieves
(trilema) pankkake: why me?
(trilema) pankkake: bernankoin is 683M. take that
(trilema) pankkake: I have 49M, though my data is a few days late
(trilema) pankkake:
(trilema) pankkake: ;;ticker --market bcent --currency eur
(trilema) pankkake: Vexual bong
(trilema) pankkake: well shit
(trilema) pankkake: it's how I write dizzy when I'm dizzy
(trilema) pankkake: wait, how is that word spelt
(trilema) pankkake: I feel more deezy than hungry
(trilema) pankkake: but my body is hardly in an healthy state
(trilema) pankkake: tried fasting, I don't take it well
(trilema) pankkake: bitcoin was conceived to ignore regulation, yes, so yes it benefits from regulation on other things
(trilema) pankkake: so what's good for bitcoin is regulation. gold regulation :p
(trilema) pankkake: true
(trilema) pankkake: gold has a stronger network effect
(trilema) pankkake: but why would they chose the greasy teenager currency?
(trilema) pankkake: ;;ticker
(trilema) pankkake: yeah sounds like reddit
(trilema) pankkake: "Why did this get down voted? Maybe they didn't read past Tim, you ignorant slut"
(trilema) pankkake: ;;ticker --market bcent --currency eur
(trilema) pankkake: Apocalyptic: nevermind, I finally got the mail
(trilema) pankkake: thankfully I can cancel and retry after adding an exception
(trilema) pankkake: Apocalyptic: I fear your email server still doesn't handle greylisting properly :( also, setting up a SPF record would help you not getting greylisted
(trilema) pankkake: even #bitcoin-assets isn't named #mircea_popescu
(trilema) pankkake: and then "the defaults suck" well, ok, but why reinvent the wheel instead of changing them?
(trilema) pankkake: you'll never remove the learning curve of security, or you'll just provide bad security
(trilema) pankkake: I follow this blog, but that article was pretty weak
(trilema) pankkake: ;;ticker --low
(trilema) pankkake:
(trilema) pankkake: :o never got to that point, though I often hurt
(trilema) pankkake: !up CoalPowerGorilla
(trilema) pankkake: !up drawingthesun
(trilema) pankkake: ;;ticker --market bcent --currency eur
(trilema) pankkake: CloudFlare: snake oil with top-notch tech support from the NSA
(trilema) pankkake: Y-Combinator and featured on Coindesk
(trilema) pankkake: what for?
(trilema) pankkake: lol. I never knew that one. but
(trilema) pankkake: this is starting to sound like #bitcoin-bagholders
(trilema) pankkake: maybe you're on the wrong side of the internet
(trilema) pankkake: (Argentina)
(trilema) pankkake: yes, I met him a few times. he actually told me about this chan!
(trilema) pankkake: ;;rate hdbuck 1 #bitcoin-assets +v
(trilema) pankkake: ;;rate StephanLivera 1 #bitcoin-assets +v
(trilema) pankkake: grmbl
(trilema) pankkake: ;;rate StephanLivera 1 #bitcoin-assets +v
(trilema) pankkake: so you mean HODL?
(trilema) pankkake: what's the ethereum address?
(trilema) pankkake: I don't like either panic sells or panic buys
(trilema) pankkake: ;;gettrust hdbuck
(trilema) pankkake: !up StephanLivera
(trilema) pankkake: !up hdbuck
(trilema) pankkake: ;;ticker --market bcent --currency eur
(trilema) pankkake: ;;ticker --market paymium --currency eur
(trilema) pankkake: poor bash mods
(trilema) pankkake: should have context
(trilema) pankkake: !b 7
(trilema) pankkake: like most chinese, copy something and make it worse
(trilema) pankkake: autist is socially retarded
(trilema) pankkake: lol at video title
(trilema) pankkake:
(trilema) pankkake: and you have to buy the ads per venue?
(trilema) pankkake: it seems interesting for venues but not really for advertisers
(trilema) pankkake: first time I've seen the word "disrupt" used in this context in months :p
(trilema) pankkake: yes, that one:
(trilema) pankkake: just don't give attention to attention whores
(trilema) pankkake: I suspect his publishing method is just a way to avoid rebuttals
(trilema) pankkake: Apocalyptic: since X-BT is on coinmarketcap already for atc, you should have them add your ltc and nmc markets. I'd rather buy nmc from you when I need them, but there's almost no one trading
(trilema) pankkake: that guy looks dumb. then again, I've only read his twits
(trilema) pankkake: I'm torn between insulting him elsewhere and not doing anything since he just wants the attention
(trilema) pankkake: and I certainly wasn't inappopriate or anything
(trilema) pankkake: that's how you spot a tiny penis