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← 2015-12-30 | 2016-01-01 →
BingoBoingo: that's a change
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 153300 @ 0.00049958 = 76.5856 BTC [+] {6}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94950 @ 0.00049569 = 47.0658 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27250 @ 0.00050754 = 13.8305 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81322 @ 0.00049502 = 40.256 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18628 @ 0.00049469 = 9.2151 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24722 @ 0.00049468 = 12.2295 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62828 @ 0.00049441 = 31.0628 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24350 @ 0.00049947 = 12.1621 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.00049441 = 2.917 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: !up STRML
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 93750 @ 0.00049421 = 46.3322 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66089 @ 0.00049413 = 32.6566 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: !up copypaste
assbot: Paxful Gets Desperate, Priced Out Of Bitcoin | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1OtRn6I )
copypaste: I never quite understood the purpose of this "company"; founded in USA yet ignoring USG rules to transfer quantities of $1 using Bitcoin
copypaste: I thought for sure this "company" was only founded to capitalize off some Backpage headlines
copypaste: I didn't think its relevance would continue until now
BingoBoingo: It's only relevant now because its flavor of stupid got loud.
BingoBoingo: But yeah. It likely can't live in its niche at any price.
copypaste: Indeed; it reminds me of BitInstant, and we all knew how that went
copypaste: It's incredible how foolish these people are, unable to learn from history, and founding their Bitcoin "businesses" in USG territory
BingoBoingo: Right. Charlie really hung on his bong for that one.
BingoBoingo: The serious problem is their insistence on touching USG money
copypaste: Indeed, and incorporating in the US, and further making it everyone else's problem that they exist in such poverty that the ability to transfer funds one satoshi at a time is a make-or-break for the business
BingoBoingo: Incorporation seems to be the big dose of poison there.
copypaste: At least Charlie laundered millions of dollars, they'll be going to jail over 50 cups of coffee and some $1 prostitution ads
BingoBoingo: To be fair charlie also single dollars at a time too. He even for a while did the fucking SMS deal that bills a phone company.
BingoBoingo: Blockchain.info integrated that one from bitinstant at one point
BingoBoingo: How the fuck do you not attract all of the attention doing that.
copypaste: You have to be a complete fool to think that the regime with the most strict "money laundering" laws would allow that to continue for any amount of time
copypaste: I had no idea they were using that SNS system
BingoBoingo: At the point you partner up to an SMS payment network you're asking for the telecom regulators to plumb your butt on top of everyone else
copypaste: Indeed, and most definitely they fradualently applied for the SMS payment network
copypaste: Those things are usually constrained to ring tones and so on
BingoBoingo: Well, these are the things you learn having visited the bitinstant website in August 2012
copypaste: "a. Important: Do not mention bitcoin to the teller as banks are reluctant to work with bitcoin and may deny the deposit with no reason why.
copypaste: Surely, this will go well for everyone involved.
BingoBoingo: That actually used to be SOP among -otc traders
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30020 @ 0.00049406 = 14.8317 BTC [-] {2}
copypaste: BingoBoingo: yes, because -otc has a WoT. Paxful has empty promises and a GUI.
BingoBoingo: Well, apparently didn't always work out for everybody
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 124500 @ 0.00049687 = 61.8603 BTC [+] {3}
copypaste: I'm sure Bitcoin-averse bank branches will soon catch on to the computer nerds walking in and all depositing cash to the same account, no?
copypaste: And if one lets it slip what of the others ?
copypaste: A business based on lying to your partners is sure to fail; just a WoT suspends the failure by not letting any moron join in on the fun of transacting
BingoBoingo: pretty muh
BingoBoingo still astounded that after playing music on computers for 11 years he still only managed to find cmus in 2015
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65750 @ 0.00049385 = 32.4706 BTC [-] {3}
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell mod6 So far President Hussein Bahamas claims to not have plans to bomb Missouri levees to save Cairo crack houses, though he "might have to" https://archive.is/o0wyJ
assbot: Corps of Engineers not planning on opening Missouri floodway : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTGFcp )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30200 @ 0.00049464 = 14.9381 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7764 @ 0.00049377 = 3.8336 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: !up Quent
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 145300 @ 0.00049363 = 71.7244 BTC [-] {3}
Quent: thanks
Quent: you guys in favour of blocksize increase now in the Bitcoin Unlimited style?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71700 @ 0.00049358 = 35.3897 BTC [-]
Quent: hmm, guess america is asleep huh so should prob come back in the evening
BingoBoingo: Still in favor of no hard forks ever
BingoBoingo: !up ith
ith: So guys. I know you've been playing tricks on me. Care to tell me why all the receipts I get are saying 2015, and my computer clock says 2015, when it's actually 2017????!!!
ith: Thank you.
punkman: it's actualy 1832
BingoBoingo: Sorry, you have a >2LSD error code ith
ith: No, it is not. Please tell me the truth
Quent: BingoBoingo, aren't softforks hardforks?
ith: You know that I am not lying
BingoBoingo: Quent: Not at all
ith: It IS 2017. Please explain what you are doing to me
Quent: as in, any change by a softfork effectively hardforks older clients
BingoBoingo: Quent: They really don't. The test is whether or not node sealed in concrete without admin port needs chiseled out or not
Quent: for example, BingoBoingo, you can softfork bip101 or whatever bip... you can soft fork anything really
BingoBoingo: You really can't soft fork BIP 101
Quent: and that's according to gmaxwell...
BingoBoingo: Block gets rejected
ith: It is important!
Quent: I quote gmaxwell "anything can be implemented by a softfork"
Quent: you just make it super complex to jump through a lot of hoops...
ith: And you gave me the same >2LSD code answer last year. Please explain yourself
Quent: but, conceptually as well, if an older node considers the new rules to be just noise the older node is effectively forked off...
punkman: ith, you are on a time soft-fork, you need to find way back to 1832
BingoBoingo: Quent: Oh no. The new stuff is the noise
ith: And I'm sure you will give the same answer again /next/ year about >2LSD
ith: punkman: you aren't making any sense
Quent: yes, but the network is accepting the new stuff, therefore the network has forked you off
Quent: softforking seems to me to simply be a deceptive way for miners to rule and the network have no say...
ith: "time soft-fork, 1832"
BingoBoingo: But because the "network" accepts new stuff doesn't mean I have to
Quent: like with SW, you can not upgrade all you want, but if everyone else does, and especially if the miners do, then you are forked off if not upgraded
ith: Where is the Japanese guy?
BingoBoingo: Quent: Nah, the special segwit transactions are noise until proven otherwise
Quent: BingoBoingo, yes, but it is just you who is not accepting it and that makes no difference whatever to yourself or the network
ith: mircea_popescu: why don't you help me out with this
BingoBoingo: !down Quent
BingoBoingo: !down ith
punkman: ith, there are many forks, some people are at year 1437, you claim to be in 2017, but I'm telling ya 1832 is where it's at
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 422.28, vol: 6532.86020264 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 422.245, vol: 7059.99027 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 421.08, vol: 23373.03992812 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 440.0, vol: 0.09 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 425.25098, vol: 43890.20740000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 419.36001, vol: 71.99322948 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 432.669599989, vol: 33.15629168 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: ;;more
gribble: 423.54280074
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41600 @ 0.00049358 = 20.5329 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37350 @ 0.00049358 = 18.4352 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: !up ith
BingoBoingo: ith: Current interest rate is 33.8% monthly
ith: When did it get raised up from 0.25%? (whatever bond interest rate that is, which was previously 0%)
ith: And isn't the 0.25% yearly? What happened to get it switched to monthly?
ith: My news is two years out of date :\
ith: or delayed two years, rather
BingoBoingo: rectal squeeze
ith: What's going on with the economy in the US? and who is the current US president?
BingoBoingo: no to both
ith: So you're not going to fill me in
ith: You're just going to keep me locked up, here?
BingoBoingo: There's no economy or president
ith: I see. Totally chaos down there? Civil war? Anarachy?
ith: Total*
ith: Anarchy* lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99200 @ 0.00049464 = 49.0683 BTC [+]
ith: How did that start?
BingoBoingo: unknown
ith: Well if there's no president, how are things working in the United States? What's life like for a person down there?
ith: No president, no economy. That can't be a good time
BingoBoingo: they aren't, not too bad actually
ith: Hmm
ith: How did the president go down, or fail to get elected / come into office?
BingoBoingo: brb, gotta chase a womp out of the garden
ith: lol
ith: But what happened to get rid of the president, though? And which president was -- what -- booted out?
ith: or impeached?
ith: Trump seemed to be a half decent contender. Did he actually get elected?
ith: People are screwing with me from down stairs right now -- you know that right? -- when you just decided to run off out to the garden...
ith: Strange people. Bad people.
ith: Evil people.
ith: When do I get put back on the /live/ internet, and not this two year out of date thing?
punkman: do you know thenewdeal fellow?
ith: I don't know. What's his real name? I don't think I've chatted with him on IRC
ith: Perhaps you'd care to answer some of the questions above that I put to BingoBoingo?
ith: It would be appreciated, if you're willing
punkman: we don't have Trump in 1832, sorry
ith: I see
ith: BingoBoingo: ping
BingoBoingo: Womp's not gone yet, just stopped back inside to get an axe
punkman: what's a womp
BingoBoingo: !up punkman You know the minivan sized furballs that are a pestillence on the North America continent during our as opposed to ith's current epoch
BingoBoingo: !up ith
ith: Buffalo?
BingoBoingo: sharpe teeth
BingoBoingo: *sharper
ith: Elk?
ith: Bears?
BingoBoingo: More legs
BingoBoingo: brb, gotta take this womp out while I still have a back door
ith: Okay
ith: I'm going to have to disappear in about 30 minutes. Any answers to the above questions would be appreciated when you're back
punkman: !up NewLiberty
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell ith You'll find out once these things reach your time.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
ith: What the heck does that mean?
ith: I can't stay stuck two years in the past
punkman: you can buy cheaper bitcoins two years ago
BingoBoingo: 7 legs, lots of teeth, but very slow. Well the seventh isn't technically a leg...
punkman: furry proboscis?
ith: That's true, and I thought of that... however the problem is that to get me those coins, they would have to compromise the wallet I'd use to receive them, and my computer would stay compromised
ith: I don't know of any animals that have six legs
BingoBoingo: punkman: other end of the torso
ith: Someone let me out of this prison you put me in
ith: And please answer the above questions
ith: :|
BingoBoingo: punkman: And not a tail either, other side of the perineum
ith: How did the US come to not have a president?
BingoBoingo: long story involving monsanto, obesity, biodiesel, and cuckolding
ith: I downloaded a porn video from a site specializing in making people cuckold a week or so ago. I need more information please. It would have to have been serious. How did the president leave office?
punkman: you should write that BB
ith: Who controls the military now?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49643 @ 0.00049493 = 24.5698 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: Military? more like drug gangs
ith: What about Texas? What's going on with them? They were opposing the New World Order
BingoBoingo: flooded
ith: By what?
BingoBoingo: you don't want to know
BingoBoingo: You can't handle this time
ith: What happened to InfoWars?
BingoBoingo: happened to what?
ith: Hmm.
ith: I don't have much time, and I might not get the chance to speak again. Why don't you give me some information that I can use while I'm here? I could be cut off tomorrow
ith: or dead
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30650 @ 0.00049358 = 15.1282 BTC [-] {2}
punkman: why would anyone kill you ith?
ith: Was Trump elected? Did he take office. If he did, how and why did he leave office?
ith: punkman: Bad people surround me.
ith: They don't like me, I'm afraid. I'm too good
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00049717 = 3.3808 BTC [+]
ith: And too intelligent. And too unwilling to go along with their plans (for the New World Order, and the like)
BingoBoingo: ith: You should be safe for some time if you avoid plus sized models and ginko tree pollen
ith: How do I know where I might come into contact with ginko tree pollen?
punkman: ith, should send your bitcoin to BB for safekeeping
BingoBoingo: generally near ginko trees is where you'd encounter it
ith: I have about $40 worth of bitcoin, given it's current price on my two years out of date internet
ith: I don't think we have any of those around here, thankfully
punkman: !up adlai
ith: I could buy a bit more, but that's risky. I might be throwing my money away
ith: They might kill me if you don't give me more information
ith: I don't want to die
ith: Why won't you help me :(
punkman: download a copy of the logs, lots of info there
ith: The copy I'll get will be from 2015, and this is 2017 so I wouldn't learn anything I don't already know
BingoBoingo: duck fat is a going to be a safe investment, it can repel pat
ith: Everything except this chat is from two years ago
ith: you could email me a copy of the logs if you wanted to
punkman: I don't have anything past 2015 either
ith: Damnit
ith: BingoBoingo: what about you. You seem to have newer information
ith: Please.
BingoBoingo: You don't want to know. Don't think and just start making Opium latex condoms
BingoBoingo: ith: Stop PM'ing me. Fine what happens is you die in a shitstorm. Literally. You were on the toilet at 0 flush.
BingoBoingo: !up ith
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47457 @ 0.00049717 = 23.5942 BTC [+]
ith: I don't want to die in a shit storm, though. How can I avoid that?
BingoBoingo: Poop outside.
ith: Sigh. Would you kindly email me those logs? I can't get them myself
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8600 @ 0.00049947 = 4.2954 BTC [+]
ith: And I apparently don't have friends, and my movements are tracked 24 / 7 so I can't access an uncompromised computer to get on the current internet
ith: I'm stuck here :|
BingoBoingo: I can't because we stopped calling them logs after 0 flush out of respect.
ith: What is "0 flush"?
ith: I need those logs.
ith: And I've got about 4 minutes left :P
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 10:50:44; BingoBoingo: long story involving monsanto, obesity, biodiesel, and cuckolding
BingoBoingo: It happens in the pipes
ith: What are you referring to? _what_ happens in the pipes?
BingoBoingo: 0 flush
ith: And what is that?
ith: 0 day?
ith: holocaust?
BingoBoingo: The most horrid biological distaster in history. We were too greedy. Too careless.
ith: So a bio false flag, then...
ith: And then what?
BingoBoingo: We can out of oil and phosphorous so instead of drilling and mining the ground, we stopped processing sewage and started mining it.
BingoBoingo: This lead to 0 flush
ith: And how many people died as a result of this disaster?
BingoBoingo: Some industrial processes were never meant to exist so close to each other.
BingoBoingo: Every single one on a toilet at a time. "They" emerged at 0 flush
ith: Well I'd love to stay and chat about this further. Thank you for making the end of my day a bit better, anyway. I'm afraid that I have to leave now. Be back tomorrow evening. See you and thank you all for chipping in to unravel this mystery!
ith: Goodbye
BingoBoingo: !up adlai
adlai vanishes behind a cloud of keyboard dust, kicked up from furious typing
shinohai imagines adlai as a digital dibbuk ....
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13596 @ 0.00050032 = 6.8024 BTC [+]
assbot: Lacessiveram editor on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1GY9tv0 )
assbot: About | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1PvMjTr )
BingoBoingo: I'll get to it next revision of all that
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26457 @ 0.00050032 = 13.237 BTC [+]
assbot: What if Bitcoin Core becomes a major altcoin after a fork? : bitcoin_uncensored ... ( http://bit.ly/1TrDNVD )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13900 @ 0.00050086 = 6.962 BTC [+]
adlai: pff, "The real problem is if Bitcoin whales choose Core"... the real problem is not getting stepped on by elephants
adlai: this has been known to cause severe maiming, dismemberment, unconsciousness, retardation, and worst of all, loss of bitcoins
adlai: !up punkman
deedbot-: [Qntra] Difficulty Rises 11.16% Adding A New Digit At 103,880,340,815 - http://qntra.net/2015/12/difficulty-rises-11-16-adding-a-new-digit-at-103880340815/
shinohai: In the morning ass department ... https://i.imgur.com/AKvhhrw.jpg
adlai: shinohai: porn is off-topic unless you shangohai it into tumblr
shinohai: And you are suddenly chatroom content manager?
adlai: also, real porn tends to have fewer clothes, unless it's phashion porn
adlai: no, i'm just suddenly self-voiced...
adlai hands the content curation baton back to shinohai
assbot: Logged on 29-09-2015 19:37:55; jurov: cargocult masonry aside, i surmised they invented structured discussion, i.e. it was clear at all times whose turn is to speak
adlai: years later to be reinvented by one japanese neckbeard who loved to gamble but hated paying a cut to the statehouse
adlai pushes to the stack of someday blog posts: "10 reasons why arbitrageurs should sell the ride and rent a bike"
adlai: fits right between "how to kill dictators on bitbet" and "why scalpl only trades on mpex"
adlai is frankly disappoint that so many people are so waltzy with basshar
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51986 @ 0.00050086 = 26.0377 BTC [+]
adlai: lol, protip for those who like to live dangerously: send with joinmarket, but winnings to originating address. 1/N chance you get your money back, or you made a nice donation to phungibility providers
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60700 @ 0.00050273 = 30.5157 BTC [+] {3}
adlai should really do a blog post explaining how "tinder for coinjoin" works, but then he'd be executed for blatand shillery
adlai: !s from:thestringpuller blog
assbot: 42 results for 'from:thestringpuller blog' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Athestringpuller+blog
adlai got his answer, returns to irl universe etc
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74365 @ 0.00049929 = 37.1297 BTC [-] {5}
BingoBoingo: !up dub
adlai: ;;later tell danielpbarron what's the least you'd be willing to pay for an "mpex shuffle" generator?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
adlai: !s mpex shuffle
assbot: 2 results for 'mpex shuffle' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=mpex+shuffle
adlai: preferably set to background music, some sorta psytrance blockchain radiomabobber
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68600 @ 0.00050364 = 34.5497 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hey, let me know when it'd be a good time to do the 128-256gb ram upgrade.
BingoBoingo: Much server
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1356966 << alf has a theory that all these low effort "law breaking" things exist as usg-run operations to find and document wreckers.
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 07:57:10; copypaste: I never quite understood the purpose of this "company"; founded in USA yet ignoring USG rules to transfer quantities of $1 using Bitcoin
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo yeah, the bottleneck for what phuctor does is ram, so whatcha gonna do.
BingoBoingo: I'm going to enjoy watching big numbers like this get tossed around.
BingoBoingo typing from machine with 256 GB of persistent storage
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1356977 << you don't understand. jail in the us is actually better accommodations than what most of the world enjoys.
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 08:03:42; copypaste: At least Charlie laundered millions of dollars, they'll be going to jail over 50 cups of coffee and some $1 prostitution ads
mircea_popescu: it costs n times the LIFETIME AVERAGE INCOME of the world's poorest billion to keep a dude in jail for a year.
mircea_popescu: and fuck, it has air conditioning.
BingoBoingo: Except in Louisiana
mircea_popescu: do you realise that with temperatures in the 30s and humidity over 5000% i spend about 100w per sq ft to keep the terrariums livable
mircea_popescu: yet about half this city uses... fans ?
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 100 * 24 * 2 * 30
gribble: 144000
mircea_popescu: there you go, 144kWh per sqft, that's over 70 MWh for a two girl apt.
mircea_popescu: and then people derp about mining being eco-unfriendly./
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66579 @ 0.00050096 = 33.3534 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo damned things set at 21 throughout. it has not yet happened i've seen it reach 21 yet, anywhere. shittiest unit sucks 3kw to try and fail.
mircea_popescu: it's a fucking soup out there. (turns out cooling humid air is way more energetically demanding than cooling dry air. who knew!)
BingoBoingo: Are you sure you have enough compressor?
mircea_popescu: i think i have enough compressor to oppress a horse.
BingoBoingo: Have you tried vacation?
mircea_popescu: oh, we're gonna talk about the MWh an atomic dirigible burns ?
BingoBoingo: Away from river, closer to penguins
mircea_popescu: anyway. i like it here. instead of "full nudity for all visitors. house rules." "what ?!??!" it's "full nudity for all visitors. house rules." "oh thanks god!"
adlai: !v assbot:adlai.rate.anduck.1:0473b62d19bbb27c9f51d26fc6dcba01ebe4c2e1ebf6677b3d594b098ab39f1a
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for anduck with note: dude seems to honestly care for my mental health, wants me to stop trolling #b-a
mircea_popescu: lol are you gonna be saved bb ?
BingoBoingo: I have no idea yet
adlai goes on vacation, it's good for the soule
BingoBoingo has spent the entire week safely on high ground
adlai vaped on a high chair while yuval cohen did the jazz thing, !rate him 10/10 would listen again
mircea_popescu: here's a fun tidbit i forgot to mention in the dedicated article : out of ~278k female profiles (which really seem to be the total of the meat of okcupid, ie, women under 30) there is exactly NO actual female 180 cm or over. a buncha trannies but those obviously are not female.
mircea_popescu: the intersection between "suprmodel" and "okcupid" turns out to be nil.
adlai: what if they're s/fe//?
adlai: or does transitioning mean you are now a gender-free androgynee
mircea_popescu: dumbgendered, to go with the mayogendered.
mircea_popescu: anyway, "transitioning" means you're an injured-whatever you were born.
adlai: injured, with extreme prejudice
mircea_popescu: an ox is not a "transitioning" cow. it's an injured bull.
adlai: donkey-gendered
adlai: er sorry, mule
mircea_popescu: once some chick fucks an octopus AND CONCEIVES we're in mule territory.
adlai has some japanese magazines to sell you!
mircea_popescu: anyway. lo and behold, most of the womenz trying to date online have a god damned reason for it! behind a monitor, nobody knows you're short!
adlai goes back to browsing p2sh.info while fantasising about scorched-chain miner defection
adlai: lol, even the donation address is a bounty in favor of sedition
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88200 @ 0.00049736 = 43.8672 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: France Gall - Computer Nr3 (Live 1968) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1R0tN85 )
assbot: Archives | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1DYsi4V )
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell pete_dushenski get an actual Archive page for the Contravex already
gribble: The operation succeeded.
BingoBoingo: adlai: That's a mystery
BingoBoingo: Ah works now
adlai: not from over here! but yes from archive.is... wtf
BingoBoingo: if you click the navbar link
adlai: you know you've had too much to think when computers start breaking from contact merely digital
adlai: https://archive.is/5rSjf works, snapshat just now, http://qntra.net/archives/ - doesn't!
assbot: Archives | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1R0uhLm )
assbot: Archives | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1DYsi4V )
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357021 << if we could plox not voice this idiot again until he does enough reading to get out of so-dumb-unintentional-trolling-and-it's-not-even-funny ghetto kthx.
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 09:31:13; Quent: BingoBoingo, aren't softforks hardforks?
adlai: he could just read the margin notes, that's why they're there.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357092 << i was just skimming through the unflushed toilet, trying to discern if any ACTUAL PEOPLE had anything to say during all the braying of NON PEOPLE, ran into punkman, lolled.
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 10:25:27; punkman: do you know thenewdeal fellow?
adlai remains in the so-dumb-intentional-trolling-and-i-made-myself-laugh-that's-all-the-difference
mircea_popescu: !rate adlai -1 actually it's time to shut up.
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/2dd7a8aade305961
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.adlai.-1:0fa48cb748629fa46745f8cd9b2972541cc1408dde31d976415bca5b1869b678
assbot: Successfully added a rating of -1 for adlai with note: actually it's time to shut up.
mircea_popescu: !gettrust assbot adlai
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user adlai: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 5 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=assbot&to=adlai | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/adlai/
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes asciilifeform jurov if you'd kindly consider whether the noise is worth it i'd be grateful kthx.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39900 @ 0.00049868 = 19.8973 BTC [+] {3}
adlai: !v assbot:adlai.rate.mircea_popescu.1:0421af1115e7485bf7f6ea575152d9366302c2228e79bd6d0252bc963348033e
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for mircea_popescu with note: pretty much the only guy who tells me when to shut up
shinohai: !rate adlai -1 Perhaps one day science will discover a cure for verbal diarrhea.
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/6919df6602129ae4
shinohai: !v assbot:shinohai.rate.adlai.-1:577e9b5f9dec54bf911e4373613796d92596268f5a4c210066e5c24e346fbcb0
assbot: Successfully added a rating of -1 for adlai with note: Perhaps one day science will discover a cure for verbal diarrhea.
shinohai: There, I did my part.
adlai: !v assbot:adlai.rate.shinohai.-1:08af796f1e38afd8cbc76c78ef1a7e3a97c960b254344bab68251dc5e97ad851
assbot: Successfully added a rating of -1 for shinohai with note: perhaps one day shilling will discover a cure for liquid asset leakage
adlai does his... or is this not how the wot works?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31280 @ 0.00050003 = 15.6409 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: o look, BingoBoingo and shinohai found some chicks too tall to be on okcupid!
BingoBoingo: seriously
shinohai: What can I say, I'm a legs guy.
BingoBoingo: ^ Let me know in the comments if I missed anything
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24303 @ 0.00050341 = 12.2344 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: i guess technically speaking there is no such thing as "downward volatility".
mircea_popescu: "volatile downtrend" if you want.
BingoBoingo: ty, fixed
BingoBoingo: Also qntra archives page should work consistently now
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73300 @ 0.00050294 = 36.8655 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 13:22:20; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hey, let me know when it'd be a good time to do the 128-256gb ram upgrade.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357259 << talking about what something costs in usaschwitz is rather tricky
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 13:25:58; mircea_popescu: it costs n times the LIFETIME AVERAGE INCOME of the world's poorest billion to keep a dude in jail for a year.
asciilifeform: (see the 'turkey-buying dollar' thread)
BingoBoingo: Alright took the opportunity to chop on qntra a bit. Page loading should be still faster.
asciilifeform: guard is paid $x, he - like every other working stiff in usaschwitz - goes back and spends $x-epsilon on housing racket and tax
asciilifeform: 'american is never given money, he is merely shown it and allowed to hold in his hands for a spell to be reminded that it exists'
asciilifeform: so to speak of it ~costing n times avg income on the planet~ or whatnot, is misleading, because the circulatory loop is closed
asciilifeform: the prison guard (or whoever else) cannot take the salary and spend it on N slaves in the turd world
adlai wonders re: median Bitcoin income
asciilifeform: adlai: 0
adlai: brb bullshitting it off trb financial statements
adlai: well naturally i'm capping the sample set at positive amounts of satoshi... if you're too stupid to make money, you don't have negative income. you are funemployed.
asciilifeform: let's put it this way, if $firm were to put N additional zeroes in front of my wage, and landlord put the same number of zeroes in front of my rent, does this make any practical difference ?
asciilifeform: (answer: yes! to the tax collector! he gets nonlinearly moar)
adlai: don't forget the lobbyist who asymptotically restores linearity
asciilifeform: adlai: read the hypothetical again. the net money to spend remains same
asciilifeform: at least in effect.
adlai redefines "lobbyist" as "collector of sales tax on tickets to the democracy theatre"
asciilifeform: the high wages in usa come simply from the sheer volume of bezzle sloshing around, and don't actually buy anything interesting (the lack of shit rivers in the streets has nothing whatsoever to do with the number of zeroes in front of the decimal point)
asciilifeform: e.g., zimbabwe has many more significant zeros, but also more turd
asciilifeform: so to return to mircea_popescu's wild supposition, the answer is no - it is much CHEAPER to house a prisoner or pay a guard in usaschwitz than in, e.g., su
asciilifeform: usaschwitz prisoner - even in the Big Zone ('freedom') - is rarely fed actual bread, or even clean water
asciilifeform: eats synthetic sludge.
asciilifeform: like most of his countrymen.
adlai: Soylent Cream is [actually good for] People!
asciilifeform: adlai: what's 'funemployed' ?
adlai: it's when you're not employed, but still having fun
adlai: state commonly encountered among open source programmers, homeless alcoholics, and the mentally retarted
adlai: take care.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44517 @ 0.00050221 = 22.3569 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11783 @ 0.00049754 = 5.8625 BTC [-]
copypaste: indeed mircea_popescu, but you're missing the point; it's worth more to USG to have people that run services like Paxful out of the equation than the costs of putting them in jail
copypaste: it happened to bitinstant, coin.mx, and so on; i see no reason to think why it won't happen to Paxful just because the dollar amounts are on average smaller
copypaste: you're digging your own grave by incorporating there and partnering with companies that all agree to prevent "money laundering", then in the next breath telling your clients to lie to those companies in order to transact
mircea_popescu: well sure.
adlai squares the triangle, stabilising the tripod with the most obvious omission: children
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well sure. i was discussing the "what is taxpayer billed" angle.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42800 @ 0.00050232 = 21.4993 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64700 @ 0.00050344 = 32.5726 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36400 @ 0.0005005 = 18.2182 BTC [-] {3}
BingoBoingo: So qntra website should be even faster still than it was the last time I said it got faster here in channel. Please let me know if it is not.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 202150 @ 0.00050605 = 102.298 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38072 @ 0.00050718 = 19.3094 BTC [+] {2}
thestringpuller: damn BingoBoingo
thestringpuller: this slow as a mollassus
thestringpuller: qntra is the fastest loading website
thestringpuller: on my bookmarks
thestringpuller: Reminds me of some dumb redditard who was like "This webpage on reddit is 8 megs and I loaded it in 1 second. Blocks should be bigger!" << I was like you're proud of that nonsense?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14650 @ 0.00049754 = 7.289 BTC [-]
punkman: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357217 did a fake punkman show up, not in my logs
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 12:15:20; adlai: !up punkman
adlai: !up for an !up leaves the rhyme unfinished
adlai: bot/assbot): You voiced for for 30 minutes.
thestringpuller: punkman: do you not have your nick locked by nickserv?
punkman: sure
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17322 @ 0.00050048 = 8.6693 BTC [+]
adlai: so uhm, mircea_popescu tells me to shut up so i did,wandered over to fuckerbergia, troll around a bit, then this happens: http://i.imgur.com/rNWRjU3.png
adlai: those (the edits) are hebrew for "like satoshi himself", and "btw he's a gypsy"
thestringpuller: so evoorhees blasts litecoin with https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1rjv6l/my_response_to_a_litecoin_advocate/ then goes on to found shapeshift.io ...
thestringpuller: did I miss something?
adlai is not a racist, also not qualified to fight such misinformation... just fyi
punkman: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357368 "force them to clean folds and give massages" win
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 15:29:00; BingoBoingo: Enablers https://i.sli.mg/EYMto2.png
punkman: "She divorced Edward Halverson and returned to using her family name after he was convicted of hitting her with a frying pan during a domestic argument in 2008. Edward Halverson is serving three to 10 years in state prison."
thestringpuller: BitGo says: "My personal view at this point is that it's more important that we successfully accomplish an intentional hard fork"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 109333 @ 0.00050725 = 55.4592 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14235 @ 0.00050884 = 7.2433 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20465 @ 0.00050989 = 10.4349 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 18:20:32; thestringpuller: so evoorhees blasts litecoin with https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1rjv6l/my_response_to_a_litecoin_advocate/ then goes on to found shapeshift.io ...
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4878 @ 0.00050287 = 2.453 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: !up assbot
thestringpuller: !up ascii_rear
ascii_rear: ty thestringpuller
ascii_rear: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357391 << relationship of usg with the penny-ante criminal caste is quite like that of gamekeeper and deer. see also mega-classic 'hitler's table talk.'
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 16:05:45; copypaste: indeed mircea_popescu, but you're missing the point; it's worth more to USG to have people that run services like Paxful out of the equation than the costs of putting them in jail
adlai: uhh, isn't SOP crystal clear? eric gets a visit, doesn't want to shrem away a single day, so he sets up a "money laundering tool" which tracks IPs and uses 0conf to scam its lemmings
adlai: reddit is overflowing with shills telling people "exchange -> wallet -> other wallet -> electrum -> exchange -> shapeshift -> exchange ->etc"
adlai leaves the role of electrum to the alert/paranoid reader
adlai has a shapeshift.io shirt, got for phree in miami (aka GarzaConf), wears it ironically because he's such a hipster
ascii_rear: adlai in usa often ?
adlai: someday it'll be worth more than eric's head on a platter
shinohai: !unrate adlai
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/a26deac33f7f53eb
adlai: ascii_rear: only when people buy my ticket, or sell me a lisp machine
ascii_rear: adlai: let's say you buy that machine. how do you intend to take it home ?
adlai: i don't.
adlai: there is a use for such things which does not require them leaving the greater DC area
shinohai: !v assbot:shinohai.unrate.adlai:2a69c144f0d22304b713b0183bb11a4eebb07b6a75348e1620d823351402b295
assbot: Successfully unrated adlai
adlai is speaking, of course, of arbitrage
ascii_rear: adlai: buy cheap sell dear ?
ascii_rear: not so many takers for these, who don't already have one.
adlai like any srs trdr does not reveal both source and destination in the same breath
ascii_rear: this is not a rembrandt, after all, but a mass-produced item
ascii_rear: sorta like a 'ford t'
adlai: sure.
adlai hasn't given you btc yet... gotta make sure the taker takes as well
adlai: if it's still on the block, and in working order, then i'll get in touch with him.
ascii_rear: also if adlai wants to be a serious broker in lispm, he ought talk to dave schmidt and not me
adlai: shinohai: why'd you brigade me but not liquidassets ?
shinohai: I was busting your balls adlai
adlai: brokers deal with volume, sometimes arbitrage opportunities only exist for a single trade.
ascii_rear: these are quite like a ford t
ascii_rear: with the exception that you can get parts for the ford t
ascii_rear: hence a single, solitary lispm is rather like a solitary mig-29
ascii_rear: won't last terribly long.
adlai suddenly recalls being told to shut up, this is excellent advice!
adlai: !v assbot:adlai.rate.shinohai.-1:f5edf6ad4b11b3db91af0e76eb03b41c7fdcbe1b8570f638485f9777a69cf0d9
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for shinohai from -1 to -1 with note: thinks it's a fucking game
adlai: ascii_rear: I'm not kidding about buying it, please let me know if it's in working order.
shinohai: *sigh*
ascii_rear: adlai: i will
adlai would also be curious to hear how ascii_rear recommends transporting it [within the greater DC area] such that it remains in working order
ascii_rear: adlai: only by car
ascii_rear: preferably one with nice luxury suspension
adlai: what about a shitty rental? remember, i may be wealthy enough to buy a ford t, but i'm too poorfag to register my own keyid
ascii_rear: once you power it, satisfied, and wheel it away, all bets are off
adlai opens a "lispm crashes upon or before delivery to end-buyer" bitbet, funds Yes (as a self-promotion stunt)
adlai: re:litecoin and our dearly departed aryan posterchild for bitcoin entrepeneurship... "It has a little value purely as a backup blockchain in case some critical flaw destroys Bitcoin's blockchain (assuming the same flaw doesn't affect LTC)."
adlai: ie, it has zero value as a backup blockchain, because it's all the same code, only with fewer fixes and more "it wasn't broken, why did you fix it?"
adlai: there's roughly one blockchain i'm aware of which DOES have positive-epsilon backup-value, and it's not fucking woodcoin
adlai shuts up again,alert reader can (apply #'adlai #&environment) themselves
ascii_rear: adlai: this thread is good sober adlai
ascii_rear: if there were moar of this, possibly folks wouldn't unrate
adlai lets sober adlai pick it up, someday. maybe on his sober blog, although the drunk one is much likelier to see the light of day phirst...
thestringpuller: what does ascii_rear imply?
thestringpuller: rear of spaceship?
ascii_rear: rear (vs front)
adlai: !s from:thestringpuller blog
assbot: 42 results for 'from:thestringpuller blog' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Athestringpuller+blog
thestringpuller: what are you looking for adlai lol
thestringpuller: my tumblr blog is stale
adlai: you seemed to also be on the verge of starting one, maybe i misread.
thestringpuller: !up ascii_rear
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23651 @ 0.00049847 = 11.7893 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: adlai: slowly but surely. the theme is mainly done but have to do more wordpress-y things which i do enough of at work as is...
adlai half-continues the altkoin thread: "Rejection reason: Coinmarketcap is not a usable resolution source. Please resubmit with a reliable source for such data if you can." << does anybody nominate more reliable sources?
adlai can't find one, maybe needs new glasses
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44071 @ 0.00049847 = 21.9681 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20900 @ 0.00049833 = 10.4151 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62832 @ 0.00049751 = 31.2595 BTC [-] {2}
ascii_rear: in other non-nyooz,
ascii_rear: ^ 'personal analogue computer'
ascii_rear: http://www.leningrad.su/museum/show_big.php?n=2369 << the examples in the manual involve neutron kinetics in reactor
pete_dushenski: mod6 ascii_rear et al. : the following are the various snippits of error messages from my most recently attempts at 99997k on debian 7 : http://dpaste.com/3SPWKDN.txt : any help is much appreciated.
mircea_popescu: <shinohai> https://i.imgur.com/6QOdXb1.jpg << traditionally, that's what call girls are for.
ascii_rear: pete_dushenski: what are you building with ?
ascii_rear: and for what machine
assbot: Logged on 22-12-2015 04:58:44; mircea_popescu: anyway, for pete_d and anyone else who might have encountered difficulty with trb or fears they might : it's actually rather painless. 1. you create an account on a server ; 2. you cd /home/account_name ; 3. you create a .wot directory (mkdir .wot) ; 4. you put the pubkeys of people you trust in there as name1.asc, name2.asc etc ; 5. you download the rotor script (curl deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-9999
pete_dushenski: and lemme check the specs of the machine...
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller> BitGo says: "My personal view at this point is that it's more important that we successfully accomplish an intentional hard fork" << yes, it would be important for their self-validaiton. just like every pimply teenager is right in suspecting that the most important thing they could be doing for their own maturity is actually bedding a woman already.
pete_dushenski: !up ascii_rear
shinohai: pete_dushenski: is this a 32 bit machine?
mircea_popescu: nevertheless - they're not young men, fated to one day be mature men. they're worms. not caterpillars. worms. fated to NEVER be anything but worms.
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: can you paste the output of `uname -a`
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46950 @ 0.00050995 = 23.9422 BTC [+]
pete_dushenski: shinohai: 64 bit
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: i was thinking the other day. bitcoin just has scammers. just as the world is filled with worms. pirateat40 was very low IQ scammer. then mt. gox tried to hide a little better not by alot.
pete_dushenski: thestringpuller: Linux [name] 2.6.32-042stab108.8 #1 SMP Wed Jul 22 17:23:23 MSK 2015 i686 GNU/Linux
thestringpuller: so scam after scam continues, and we finally get this new class.
ascii_rear: pete_dushenski: there's weird shit in your PATH
ascii_rear: we may have to add whatever this thing is to the rotten linuxen list
thestringpuller: You once said, "More scammers, the more trustworthy the legitimates become", but I see less real business to scam ratio
pete_dushenski: shinohai: heh. make that 32 bit. this is why, children, you measure twice and cut once !
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller you hafta understand this "X is a scammer" bullshit is pretty much ALWAYS some sort of entrenched structure trying to wash its sins on the cheap. oh, "madoff" scammed ? Really ? HE diod it ? not the 1k+ "experts" that recommended him to his clients etc ? not all the various "supervisors" and "authorities" ? it was... maddof ? fuck that.
pete_dushenski: i'll give it another go with a proper 64 bit os
mircea_popescu: there is nothing special about pirate other than the fact that theymos, and gigavps, and grubbles and EVERYONE ELSE kept pushing him.
shinohai: ah ha! mod6 gave me some material on 32 bit builds around here somewhere.
assbot: Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0NCJGTZ.txt )
mircea_popescu: there's nothing remarkable about mtgox other than the facrt that merck, and vessenes, and gavin and theymos and ver and who have you kept pushing it.
mircea_popescu: the actual crystal ball involved is just a bauble. could have been any random other item,
mircea_popescu: it's these scumbags that are the problem, the meni rosenfelds and etc of the world.
mircea_popescu: forget about looking where the scam troop tries to direct your gaze and instead look at the man pointing.
ascii_rear: at the root of the league of scumbags is the tacit nod of usg
mod6: pete_dushenski: are you trying to build rotor+TEST2 on i686? (sorry, i'm kinda coming in the middle of this convo.)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27500 @ 0.00049729 = 13.6755 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: ascii_rear which is why mp keeps going Hey SEC... fuck you.
mircea_popescu: !s SEC from:mircea
assbot: 228 results for 'SEC from:mircea' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=SEC+from%3Amircea
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 19:41:17; pete_dushenski: ascii_rear: was following recipe here http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=22-12-2015#1350145
ascii_rear: in the sense where usg could have burned down gox ages before it died on its own, but see also http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=11-11-2015#1322048
assbot: Logged on 11-11-2015 17:42:47; ascii_field: 'Now the Sirens have a still more fatal weapon than their song, namely their silence. And though admittedly such a thing has never happened, still it is conceivable that someone might possibly have escaped from their singing; but from their silence certainly never.' (ol' franz k.)
mircea_popescu: it didn't die on its own.
pete_dushenski: mod6: looks like that's what i WAS doing. taking a crack from another angle now (debian 8 x86_64 bit)
mircea_popescu: it died over the kicking and screaming pile of the aforenamed and more, flying to japan to "Save it" and etc.
mircea_popescu: nor did pirate "die on its own"
mircea_popescu: nor will fucking wuille die on his own.
mod6: pete_dushenski: ah ok. cool then, but yeah, shinohai was right, there /are/ i386/i686 steps available - although, i think I haven't updated them since V became a thing.
shinohai: Hence why I can't remember where I put said steps now xD
pete_dushenski: mod6: cool thanks. i'll let you know how this test goes :)
mod6: alright cool. mind if I ask which rotor+TEST2 script you're using?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357485 << re-reading my lines from 2013 is always a fun endeavour
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 19:00:53; adlai: re:litecoin and our dearly departed aryan posterchild for bitcoin entrepeneurship... "It has a little value purely as a backup blockchain in case some critical flaw destroys Bitcoin's blockchain (assuming the same flaw doesn't affect LTC)."
mod6: pete_dushenski: you may want to try out trinque's latest changes
mod6 digs up
pete_dushenski: mod6: i'm using deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-99997K.sh
mod6 looks
mod6: aha, this is /my/ latest one.
mod6: which should work fine for you.
mod6: (on x86-64)
mod6: trinque's had some subtle changes
mod6: mainly just to unbury the static binary once built.
shinohai: Also, thanks mod6 for help with signing script the other day, works like a charm now.
mod6: shinohai: that's awesome =]
mod6: you're welcome
assbot: Logged on 24-12-2015 16:58:10; trinque: http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-151224.sh << made minor changes such that there's a build dir and binary's crapped into bin in the current dir
mod6: either should work fine for you. try trinque's if you hvaen't started the build yet. otherwise, np.
adlai: mircea_popescu: how many times do i have to tell you, dad, stop treating me like a child!
mircea_popescu: nuts huh.
adlai: toys in the attic
mircea_popescu: psychodramaz.
adlai: it's a pink floyd thing
adlai: ;;google pink floyd the wall the trial lyrics
gribble: The Trial lyrics - The Wall Lyrics - Pink Floyd Lyrics: <http://www.pink-floyd-lyrics.com/html/the-trial-wall-lyrics.html>; PINK FLOYD LYRICS - The Trial - AZLyrics: <http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/pinkfloyd/thetrial.html>; Pink Floyd - The Trial Lyrics | MetroLyrics: <http://www.metrolyrics.com/the-trial-lyrics-pink-floyd.html>
pete_dushenski: mod6: cheers. i'll give trinque's a shot since i haven't started the build just yet. just populating .wot atm.
pete_dushenski: !up ascii_rear
mod6: pete_dushenski: awesome, let us know how it goes.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61800 @ 0.00051 = 31.518 BTC [+] {2}
thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: Mebbe if you WoT'd the guy actually talk to him before joining a rate frenzy? << I rated him based on multiple btc purchases, all of them went smooth. I haven't seen/talked to him for many moons. People change.
adlai: hmm. is there a way to `!rated somebody me` so assbot tells how they rated me?
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: thestringpuller you hafta understand this "X is a scammer" bullshit is pretty much ALWAYS some sort of entrenched structure trying to wash its sins on the cheap. oh, "madoff" scammed ? Really ? HE diod it ? not the 1k+ "experts" that recommended him to his clients etc ? not all the various "supervisors" and "authorities" ? it was... maddof ? << this is why goat et. al pumping pirate have vanished from existence.
adlai: thestringpuller: pls to http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=someday#sometime << your response
assbot: Logged on 01-01-1970 00:00:00; :
adlai apologizes in advance for telling people what to do, i realize that's frowned upon when you're an Outsider (tm) (s) (r) ~~~
adlai: why, you ask? context.
ascii_rear: wai wut
mircea_popescu: apparently it's becoming a meme.
ascii_rear: nobody other than mircea_popescu (and napoleon?) ever rode on a horse in egypt ?
mircea_popescu: so i thought!
adlai preps the leaflets: "When was the last time anybody actually verified the seals on Napoleon's tomb? All seven of them!?"
adlai: !up ascii_rear
mircea_popescu: "assbot gives it to ascii in the rear"
ascii_rear: hey how else would it be called 'assbot'
ascii_rear: 'smith & wesson rechargeable police broomstick'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28100 @ 0.00050862 = 14.2922 BTC [-]
pete_dushenski: mod6 ascii_rear i have the pubkeys in .wot and also in /root/.gnupg/pubring and yet i'm still getting "can't check signature: public key not found" (http://dpaste.com/3416RC7.txt)
ascii_rear: root??
ascii_rear: and wtf
ascii_rear: dsa/?!!!
ascii_rear: and that's not mine
ascii_rear: 59C36319 is... who?
shinohai: didja /home/user/.wot ?
ascii_rear: !s 59C36319
assbot: 1 results for '59C36319' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=59C36319
pete_dushenski: shinohai: i did
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 19:15:19; ben_vulpes: gpg: Signature made Sun 31 May 2015 09:29:39 PM UTC using DSA key ID 59C36319
ascii_rear: buildroot.
pete_dushenski: ascii_rear: ah. bingo.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57768 @ 0.00051005 = 29.4646 BTC [+]
ascii_rear: pete_dushenski gonna set up a node ?
ascii_rear: neato
mircea_popescu: good fer you.
ascii_rear still thinks it could be interesting to set up a number of publicly identifiable (version patch) nodez and watch the enemy reaction
assbot: dpaste: 0J0E2WD ... ( http://bit.ly/1mTMnCf )
ascii_rear: circa '06
ascii_rear: 'This paper introduces JitterBugs , a class of inline interception mechanisms that covertly transmit data by perturbing the timing of input events likely to affect externally observable network traffic. JitterBugs positioned at input devices deep within the trusted environment (e.g., hidden in cables or connectors) can leak sensitive data without compromising the host or its software. In particular, we show a practical
ascii_rear: Keyboard JitterBug that solves the data exfiltration problem for keystroke loggers by leaking captured passwords through small variations in the precise times at which keyboard events are delivered to the host. Whenever an interactive communication application (such as SSH, Telnet, instant messaging, etc) is running, a receiver monitoring the host’s network traffic can recover the leaked data, even when the session o
ascii_rear: r link is encrypted. Our experiments suggest that simple Keyboard JitterBugs can be a practical technique for capturing and exfiltrating typed secrets under conventional OSes and interactive network applications, even when the receiver is many hops away on the Internet.'
mircea_popescu: yeah, certainly a major concern.
ascii_rear: artificial side channels are old hat at this point
ascii_rear: but the schoolbook demo is lulzy
mircea_popescu: loose-couplings in general, in all cases.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51100 @ 0.00051007 = 26.0646 BTC [+] {2}
mod6: pete_dushenski: root@enchante:/home/tevye# ./build-bitcoind-151224.sh << if you made /home/tevye/.wot -- run this as 'tevye', not root.
mod6: !v ascii_rear
assbot: Invalid verfication string.
mod6: !up ascii_rear
ascii_rear: ty mod6. re: 'jitterbug', could be interesting to wire up some consumer keyboards to a thing that fakes a press for each key and determines time-to-signal-on-the-wire.
ascii_rear: dollars to doughnuts you will find a signal at some point.
assbot: Logged on 05-12-2015 04:20:16; asciilifeform: (afaik publickeyization of stego is an unsolved megapr0bl3m)
ascii_rear: 'It is widely believed that 0.1 seconds is about the limit for the response time for a user to feel that the system is reacting instantaneously [32]. Therefore in practice, the window size will have to be smaller than that. Our own experience with the Keyboard JitterBug shows that 20 ms is a perfectly acceptable window size and this amount of added lag for each keystroke is effectively unnoticeable by the user.'
mircea_popescu: who the fuck sends passwords over the wire one character at a time is beyond the scope of this discussion/
ascii_rear: or rather, ssh ~over ssh~
ascii_rear: as in, where you pass terminal input to a process on a remote box
ascii_rear: thinkaboutit
adlai does this routinely, is he even stupider than he thought?
mircea_popescu: you type passwords into a remote box ?
ascii_rear: most sysadmins end up doing this at some point
adlai: rarely, but ssh-over-ssh? all day, every day.
mircea_popescu: i guess.
adlai: the inner session is opened from direct access to relay box.
adlai does roughly 2/3 of his #b-abble via irc-over-ssh-over-ssh
mircea_popescu: i dunno who'd use password-based ssh. then again that paper is from a decade ago.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80800 @ 0.00049706 = 40.1624 BTC [-] {7}
ascii_rear: even keyed ssh often includes a password
ascii_rear: (for the key)
mircea_popescu: you want two locks on the box ?
ascii_rear: afaik most folks encipher ssh key (for just the same reason as btc hotwallet)
mircea_popescu: afaik most folks copy/paste passwords, but that's besides the point.
adlai has typed a btc hotwallet password into ssh-o-ssh, for canarification
ascii_rear: adlai: see the 'glass cannon' thread
adlai searches for it, finds just before first log mention - http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-05-2015#1125824
assbot: Logged on 08-05-2015 23:15:54; mircea_popescu: same reason intel's fundamentally unconcerning : all greedy algorithms are vulnerable to other greedy algorithms. that's what it means.
adlai: totally unrelated, yet... this is why i work on scalpl, and why nobody else cares about scalpl.
mircea_popescu: the only thing that'd be interesting there is discovering a supply chain attack.
mircea_popescu: which... if the chinese aren't doing it already, it's because they're kinda too slow for this world.
ascii_rear: mircea_popescu: i'd expect to find it in chinese iron with american firmware (e.g., apple keyboard)
adlai doesn't understand the glass cannon's purpose
ascii_rear: adlai: a glass cannon is a proverbial weapon that can be used exactly once.
adlai: hm. maybe i do? yeah... i was misinterpreting it as a weapon which reveals its usage. headful of canaries...
ascii_rear: (how many times can you use, e.g., a pill against rsa ?)
ascii_rear: each shot had better net you some serious win
ascii_rear: ergo a 'canary' fueled with 0.5 btc is an exercise in self-delusion
adlai: glass cannons are perfectly reusable if you reinforce the firing station, syncronize your shots with other noise (aka soldiering 101)
ascii_rear: adlai: familiar with ww2 story of the bombing of coventry ?
adlai: hmm. it's not all self-delusion... it means, "this target is worth more than X btc"
adlai did not mention X!
adlai: goon with the trigger finger might be greedier than his boss
adlai: see Karl Mark IVce etc
ascii_rear: i thought the whole reason behind adlai getting depressed and taking to dope was that he couldn't get enough coin to properly try scalpel
adlai: !b 9
assbot: Last 9 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/23S49BB.txt )
adlai knows some people who'd kill for $mpexAcct
adlai: they, at least, have not fucked y boxen.
adlai: (also, an exercise in financial mathematics, for the truly alert lurker - how many times larger a bankroll than $mpexRegistrationFee-$mpexReferralFee do you need for registration to be rational?)
adlai gueesstimates 22 mil btc, but has not yet done the math
ascii_rear: adlai: have you read my ancient piece re: mpex ?
adlai: what do i look like, a bunch of text? i have eyes as well.
adlai: don't get me wrong, there is definite noise to be reduced, aka - money to be made. but the question is more "how much money do you need, to earn back the registration fee before your grandchildren die"
adlai repeats, for the less-alert lurkers: my +v is a testament to the fact that money can be made on mpex.
adlai: notice how much mircea hates me... he scratches, he moans, he bleeds! but the thorn - remains.
adlai: maybe i'm just an elaborate plot device, myself...
ascii_rear: iirc mircea_popescu (and damn near everybody) isn't terribly fond of clutter in the logz from depressed folks screaming on the stake
ascii_rear: e.g., i could go on about the kind of things that happen to me at $firm but I DONT
adlai: yeah, that's why they tell me to shut up, and when i'm not too drunk to read, i do.
adlai: !up ascii_rear
ascii_rear: ty adlai. my advice is to try for high snr
ascii_rear: that way folks actually pay attention
ascii_rear: even yearz later, reading the logz
adlai: ty ascii_rear . i'll close this babble with my response to mircea_popescu's "-w mode": https://github.com/adlai/TenHundredBitsOfMoney
assbot: adlai/TenHundredBitsOfMoney · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1JMuQkv )
ascii_rear: adlai: i think we did this before ?
ascii_rear: mircea_popescu had an article about simple text stego
adlai: yes, the PGP-w mode.but PGP stego only needs to work for ~2 people, whereas btc stego should work for 21M.
ascii_rear: problem with all stego is that it runs exactly counter to standardization
ascii_rear: fundamentally.
adlai is thinking not of the day when you can't get your tx to the chinaman, but rather of the day when he can't return you your receipt
ascii_rear: standardized/public stego scheme is merely a waste of bandwidth.
adlai: sure, that's why it's tongue-in-cheek... so nobody will take it seriously, nor waste time censoring people saying words over social media.
adlai leaves it there. someday if he picks up the meth pipe instead of the tankard, he'll whip together a PoC... or if he found the shot glass instead, he'll find his way to https://xkcd.com/simplewriter/ and tell people how he thinks they should build the system for passing computer money through the words that are said most often.
adlai: re: snr... i realize it's an Unsolved Problem, and in precisely the same way that "racism works", it makes sense to triage text by the mouth it whenced; but "the opposite of stupid is not wrong"
adlai: anybody making half a bitcent on bitbet knows this.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35169 @ 0.00049562 = 17.4305 BTC [-] {2}
adlai: ascii_rear: oh wait. remember "reveal themselves as tyrants"? that is the value of a ~public~ btc stegotron, esp. one which flows through 'media'
ascii_rear: the reveal happened already.
adlai: does Bitcoin not Exist?
ascii_rear isn't entirely sure that it Exists
ascii_rear: exists - yes
ascii_rear: Exists? nfi
adlai: do would-be tyrants other than USG not lurk in the shadows, waiting to replace them?
adlai: think of a public btc stegotron as a probe for "safe space"
ascii_rear: wai wut
adlai: !up ascii_rear
adlai: let's say there's a channel, #bitcoin-words, where blocks are broadcast stegodoodically. freenode lets it live. ditto for the hashtag, and the subreddit... but facebook suddenly closes down accounts that spam such words, even in private groups.
ascii_rear: what'll it be, 100MB posts of crud ?
adlai: (one of the oft-repeated defenses of facebook among meatspace 'anarchists' is that they don't censor private groups, because nobody complains)
adlai: yep.
ascii_rear: they'll be censored because 100MB of crud
ascii_rear: which nobody wants
adlai: imgur deals with far worse...
adlai: and really, it's only 144MB daily, times the concealment factor
adlai: twitch deals with... how much?
ascii_rear: multiply by whatever the bloat factor of the stego is
adlai: concealment factor = bloat factor
adlai: this is for broadcast. find your miner some other way
adlai: anyway, it's an idea, stupid one at that... i have better ones to defend.
adlai: better theorems to prove :)
ascii_rear: incidentally usg is obsessed with image stego
ascii_rear: (the hunt for, rather)
ascii_rear: since the bush era, even
ascii_rear: a boatload of folk are paid for, more or less, just this
mircea_popescu: <adlai> notice how much mircea hates me... he scratches, he moans, he bleeds! but the thorn - remains. << dude stop being derpy. you're not the only or the first guy to have made or lost money on mpex. it has nothing to do with anything else.
adlai is off to defend precisely this theorem, but not with words on IRC.
mircea_popescu: you happen to be the sort of misfortunate fucktard that grew up among idiots rather than parents, and as a result are way too fixated on experimentally verifying this hierarchy thing and way too fascinated by the female "oh may gawd what if i sell myself short".
mircea_popescu: forget the stupid shit, you're just some nobody that'll soon die, just like everyone else. you have no intrinsic value or importance, just like everyone else. you have no opportunities, you have no chances, there's nothing to manage. go do something useful already.
adlai: how exactly am I shorting myself?
ascii_rear: incidentally does adlai behave like this in the .il army ?
ascii_rear: what happens to a fella who 'experimentally verifies hierarchy' there
mircea_popescu: so much fucking packaging and meta-packaging for, in the end, ~ a hundred pounds of organic turd.
adlai: ascii_rear: you can ask my superiors, who incidentally are all on their way to various CS degrees, and periodically ping me (not meni,and not mircea)with their dumb questions about bitcoin... someday maybe they'll even show up here.
mircea_popescu: well he did get kicked out didn't he ? or what was the story ?
adlai: different hierarchy.
ascii_rear: i don't recall adlai getting drummed out
adlai is not a fan of directed acyclic graphs, where humans are concerned... age has improved his patience, but teen-adlai was really bad at this
adlai: ascii_rear: apparently the MPIA got hold of my diploma
ascii_rear: l0l wut
adlai: exactly, there is none (the latter, that is)
adlai blames it on the parents, because that's what mircea_popescu said!
ascii_rear: max planck institute for astronomy ?!!
adlai: freenode academy for crackpot shillery.
mircea_popescu: captive in this "let's go out" "omaigerd i have so many questions and stuff i gotta say about it and and" "nevermind" "WAIT WAIT HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT TO ME!11" bullshit 16yo females are supposed to have outgrown.
ascii_rear: i thought it was just logorrhea
mircea_popescu: seems well structured to my eyes, in this cyclic pattern.
mircea_popescu: guy gotta defend his bower, because totally, we're collecting blue items over here, that's what we're doing.
ascii_rear: i see this mainly among folk who never learned to interact with their environment in a mechanical way, and are stuck playing strictly by talking to people
ascii_rear: but adlai is a literate fella and seemingly oughta know better
ascii_rear: ergo i recommend less dope, perhaps
mircea_popescu: literacy is no defense against stupidity.
mircea_popescu: that's the thing. education is mere power. stupidity is drive. the two have almost nothing in common.
ascii_rear: there is organic stupidity; there is also the exogenous kind
mircea_popescu: anyway, perhaps because i've broken the stupid in too many slavegirls, or perhaps for whatever other reason, but the pattern's obvious to me. guy gets a shot at working on mpex, blows it, out of dedication to protecting a certain identity flaw. has shot at b-a voice, blows it, out of same. will continue to blow everything in same manner for same reason indefinitely.
adlai: there is also miscommunication, exacerbated by the limitations of ascii (give or take a unicode page)
mircea_popescu: yes, there is also miscommunication. like you know, exactly how noise on the channel breaks the jitterbug.
adlai shorted his identity to hell, that's not what he's defending...
ascii_rear: i'm kinda curious what ~is~ adlai defending
adlai: i'd put a youtube link to "ideas are bulletproof", but conjuring assbot is noisier than letting people google/recall for themselves.
ascii_rear: my understanding is that he suffered from general-purpose depression on account of not being mircea_popescu - something that happens to most folks here periodically
mircea_popescu: eh that's just plain silly.
ascii_rear: well for a long time he posted interesting lispisms, etc. and then it was suddenly... Vexual
adlai wishes it were that simple, the solution for such is even in the logs! http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=20-12-2015#1348638
assbot: Logged on 20-12-2015 19:04:29; asciilifeform: 'every morning, when you wake up, look in the mirror; if you notice that you are not a mircea_popescu,
adlai: perhaps "depression" or "vexual" are not as monochrome as prices on a ticker.
ascii_rear: adlai: shorthand for 'nobody can make sense of wtf this fella is on about'
ascii_rear: fwiw i normally try
adlai: (nor "dope", but that really is too long a story, and resides "in another castle")
ascii_rear: i even (be astonished!) talk to vexual.
ascii_rear: if cats could speak, i would speak to cats.
ascii_rear: (but not homo redditicus.)
adlai has Come To Expect (tm) that nobody here shares any of the context which he relies upon, and henceforth [tries] to say pure signal, supported by maximal context, devoid of humor... it's less fun but let's give it a try
ascii_rear: idk i like to think that i grasp some of this context
mircea_popescu: adlai may also be the first humorless jew i ever saw.
adlai: so say we all.
adlai: to trivialize the bulletproof idea which survives[1] long after i'm devoiced, whether by shifting social fashion, failed trades, or failed biology: ((though we might see Bitcoin cease to Exist before any human shows up to defend it))
ascii_rear: adlai: which idea ?
ascii_rear: can we have the idea plox?
adlai: Markets -- while -EV for animals, idiots, and the tone-deaf -- are positive-sum for people who play in tune.
ascii_rear: adlai: this is an old idea, among, e.g., poker players
adlai is not talking about 'manipulation', which doesn't exist anyway... that's a fiat fiction
ascii_rear: unless i misunderstand
mircea_popescu: new york right ?
adlai: hmm. honestly, i'm not enough of a poker player to tell (see what i did there?) how this extends to card games.
adlai is talking about markets where people trade one thing for another, and some people try to arbitrage across time or space
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77304 @ 0.00049595 = 38.3389 BTC [+] {2}
adlai: among fiat finance professionals, voicing this idea invariably results in devoicing.
ascii_rear: well sure. market moves money from 'stupid pockets' to 'smart pockets'
mircea_popescu: this is a common delusion of the young. you will notice, nevertheless, that in general funds underperform.
mircea_popescu: market has its own definition of stupid and it's never socially palatable.
ascii_rear: no shit
adlai points back to the key word: 'trivialize'
adlai: this is a blog post, dissertation, or life's work... not ten hundred words on irc.
thestringpuller: when did bitcoin-assets become shark tank?
adlai: !up ascii_rear
adlai: ascii_rear: please prefix porn with "in other news", i almost didn't click!
adlai: somehow, chix with dix doesn't cut it for me
assbot: [Photos & video] Keyboards at Teknisk Museum Dansk • deskthority ... ( http://bit.ly/22BdH8I )
ascii_rear: (the standard among connoisseurs appears to be - keyboard you can break a skull with. but i say you oughta be able to break a DOOR)
adlai: ascii_rear: so, re:poker... my guess is that once i'm more familiar with poker, and know how to Win(tm) at it, i'd analogize "positive-sum poker" to penny stock games pretty much 1:1
ascii_rear: and it shouldn't take more than 1-2 blows
adlai: but i lack experience in both fields to make a stronger statement.
ascii_rear: adlai: there are no 'positive-sum' things on planet3, you gotta burn something (or push somebody out of a sunbeam) to run
adlai: but they're all positive-sum, because "feel like a trader"
adlai: the planet as a whole is positive sum, except for brief instances that give enough of an artistic experience that they're worth more than the sunlight they obscure
adlai wonders what the "SLUT XXX" key does... `!s "other news"` perhaps?
adlai: ( https://i.imgur.com/GaI8mdC.jpg courtesy of asciilifeform's last link)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29350 @ 0.00049562 = 14.5464 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 22:57:51; adlai: somehow, chix with dix doesn't cut it for me
pete_dushenski: thestringpuller: b-a became shark tank around the time kevin o'leary left cbc's dragon's den :P
pete_dushenski: !rated mod6
assbot: You have not rated mod6.
pete_dushenski: !rate 3 mod6 co-chair of trbf. gentleman.
assbot: 3 is not registered in WoT.
pete_dushenski: !rate mod6 3 co-chair of trbf. gentleman.
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/49feb75b92cbe172
pete_dushenski: !v assbot:pete_dushenski.rate.mod6.3:ecaf0cac8db3e64cbde65c7cae7c4bdd755719b7604214178db50f9ae402f346
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 3 for mod6 with note: co-chair of trbf. gentleman.
adlai revives-by-mention the thread about "wot poker", wondering what the purpose / whence the pleasure of poker-over-plaintext... most importantly, what tells!?
adlai: for the purposes of this discussion, anything webby/graphic short of a pgp-signed livestream is roughly equivalent to plaintext
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29800 @ 0.00049562 = 14.7695 BTC [-]
danielpbarron: WoT poker just needs to be like Eulora, in that they only way to play is by first being in the WoT
danielpbarron: adlai> what's the least you'd be willing to pay for an mpex shuffle generator? << 10k coppers
adlai only accepts satoshis (or finished product produced by expenditure of time, cutting out the middleman codeslinger), but apparently there are brokers around
ben_vulpes: good day, tourists
danielpbarron: coppers can be turned into satoshi, although it's not really worth making a transaction over 0.0001 worth
adlai: still, even for people you know personally. isn't computerized interaction too low-dimensional to allow for interesting leakage in a poker game?
danielpbarron: i don't understand the question
ben_vulpes: more relevantly to the problem, how would a webpoker designer address collusion?
danielpbarron: WoT addresses collusion
danielpbarron: poker designer just needs to serve up well shuffled cards and move the chips around
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00049938 = 4.7441 BTC [+] {2}
danielpbarron: players can sniff out cheaters
ben_vulpes: and how to arbitrate?
ben_vulpes: "danielpbarron sez ur cheeting, out witcha"?
danielpbarron: more like, "i think you're cheating, so i won't sit at any tables with you"
danielpbarron: and make public note via assbot
ben_vulpes can dig
adlai is not talking about collusion, but the reason people play poker to begin with: to feel like a poker player (leaving aside the money aspect)
adlai: "most" poker players will lose money, and that's fine. but the few that win it, will have no noobs to fleece, if nobody shows up after a couple games.
danielpbarron: there is plenty of online poker going on, it just isn't in a WoT
mod6: hey thank's pete_dushenski
mod6: *thanks
mod6: which reminds me... i gotta update my wot ratings one of these days.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13850 @ 0.00049945 = 6.9174 BTC [+] {2}
ben_vulpes: adlai: d'you intend to do something about the snr complaints?
pete_dushenski: mod6: my pleasure. thank you as well :)
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell asciilifeform subkeys ruining someone's day?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
phf: hehe, gall looks pretty fucked up in that video
adlai: ben_vulpes: no, i have a death wish and can't translate sarcasm into text.
adlai may be noisy at times, but he's not an idiot.
adlai: danielpbarron: do you think online poker's target market overlaps this WoT? i'm trying to guage viability... plaintext WoT poker is a weekend project, for me or any lurker looking for one.
mod6: happy new year tmsr~
adlai: ben_vulpes: so, see, that's a tricky question. some people have told me that small offers are noise, and i intend to do roughly zero to address that complaint, because mpex accepts them, so they're signal. if you're asking about psychobabble - of course, although i'll use my judgement, which has been known to differ from that of other people.
adlai: damnit mod6, isn't that a fiat thing? someday trb should fix the calendar, too
adlai: but thank you for reminding me:
mod6: well, time doesn't matter.. it's in the logs.
ben_vulpes: adlai: i dun much care one way or t'other, but if you don't want to get null-routed you're going to have to give more of a shit about how the other people here judge your 'psychobabble'.
ben_vulpes: you know where the void is, and the invitation to scream into it probably won't close any time soon.
ben_vulpes: hail satan, smoke meth, write c etc.
adlai cat >/dev/random
deedbot-: accepted: 1
adlai pushes to the blog-stack: "Version String Malleability Considered Harmful"
shinohai: Happy New Year ben_vulpes o/
ben_vulpes: hola shinohai
shinohai: Qye hay de bueno? >.>
ben_vulpes: nada.
ben_vulpes: all is void
pete_dushenski: i'm off for the evening. happy 2016 b-a !!!
shinohai: o/ pete_dushenski enjoy your trb node!
adlai: congratulations pete_dushenski !
assbot: Activists use traffic cones to improve safety of bike lane along new Orange Line MAX - BikePortland.org ... ( http://bit.ly/1mU0urn )
shinohai: @ ben_vulpes when you have time some evening I have a very crude bash script I would like you to help me improve.
ben_vulpes: gpg-gram and paste it to me, i'll get to it eventually
ben_vulpes: may as well just gpg-gram it to everyone in l2, who knows if someone else might get to code review before me
ben_vulpes amazed to be doing this in b-a now
ben_vulpes: fwiw the rules are simple
ben_vulpes: set -xeu
ben_vulpes: jam discrete bits of side-effect into functions
adlai knows bash better than he'd like, would rather have ben_vulpes fix it
ben_vulpes: pass args to functions for anything that might change ever
adlai: isn't this why satoshi spent two years funemployed? so ben_vulpes could have some coin again?
ben_vulpes: for big bash shit (heaven help you) have a single file with the project functions exported, and smaller scripts that import that file and then call the relevant functions
ben_vulpes: shinohai: savvy?
ben_vulpes lives in usa, will likely never own coin
shinohai: I like small, so I prefer bash whenever possible.
ben_vulpes: shinohai: anyways i have some time right now so choppa choppa
shinohai: I'm drinking so it may take me a minute to gpg
ben_vulpes: if its onerous skip it
shinohai: I assure you it isn't anything worth all that lol
ben_vulpes: well then skip it
assbot: Really rich people are suddenly paying quite a bit more in taxes - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1NY7ABE )
adlai loves this "I don't own any BTC"-poker... if your paranoia is that bad, you should expatriate.
adlai: (it happens in zion as well, meni is the only guy who owns any btc and everybody else is starving for donations and 'investment' in their shartups)
ben_vulpes: terrorist, extirpate thyself
mats: hes in wot, can buy whenever he pleases
adlai: meni!?
adlai: meni has a) meatwot probably larger than this place ever got (though who knows what the future may hold), and b) no need to ever buy anymore, these days he only sells, or loses them over a game of chess
mats: idk who meni is -- am talking about ben_vulpes
adlai: the main problem with buying btc is not whence, but s/ce//
ben_vulpes: if you're long and have regular income, dollar-cost-averaging isn't the worst thing in the world.
ben_vulpes: of course one misses out on all the traderfeelz
adlai raises the SNR a little, by "leaking" the address of the local 'bitembassy's ATM: 1DdfiZffjxNypZ6NbLuMP3w84vfzXfxiqc
adlai: lots of DCAs stick a few bills there every week... and a bunch of suspicious types show up with QR code photos to buy obscene amounts with some lame story about online poker
ben_vulpes: what, it only has one?
ben_vulpes: is that its send-from or send-to?
adlai: both. it gets funded periodically, and drains itself down. hot wallets ftw
adlai: (it's a one-way Lamassu, eats bills in return for a QR)
danielpbarron: adlai> danielpbarron: do you think online poker's target market overlaps this WoT? << I think it might be fun to play poker in Eulora, in a casino built brick by brick by noob labor
shinohai: $up TRS80_
shinohai: $game
shinohai: !up TRS80_
shinohai: $game
TRS80_: shinohai: Donate:1uckyHF7bPLqMhdv3yPtqRu7wE4HrCsaZ, The unique hash for this game is, d4673f586242f70f12e08572c531ff3ad7c572601a64f47123a7a3e213efcada -, Minimum bet is (1 mBTC). Good Luck!, [ 2 ❤ ] , [ 2 ♠ ] , [ J ♣ ] , [ Q ♠ ] , [ T ❤ ] , Rank for your hand is: 6066, Dealing a new hand..., The board:, [ A ♠ ] , [ 6 ♣ ] , [ 2 ♠ ] , [ A ♦ ] , [ Q ♠ ] , Player 1's cards:, [ 8 ♠ ] , [ T ❤ (2 more messages)
shinohai: $part
adlai: !rated shinohai
assbot: You rated user shinohai on 31-Dec-2015, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: don't hae the player, hae the gae... and don't ever let'em catch you slippin'..
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52443 @ 0.00049955 = 26.1979 BTC [+] {2}
adlai awaits S.POKE
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 208857 @ 0.00049515 = 103.4155 BTC [-] {7}
assbot: [BTC-dev] The Bitcoin Foundation: STATE OF BITCOIN ADDRESS ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZDOsAp )
mod6: ;;bc,stat
gribble: Error: "bc,stat" is not a valid command.
mod6: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 391196 | Current Difficulty: 1.0388034081545589E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 393119 | Next Difficulty In: 1923 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 6 days, 6 hours, 17 minutes, and 22 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
mod6: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 429.3, Best ask: 429.45, Bid-ask spread: 0.15000, Last trade: 429.45, 24 hour volume: 20264.31002025, 24 hour low: 412.5, 24 hour high: 432.59, 24 hour vwap: None
assbot: LiveLeak.com - Extraordinary FSA special forces training ... ( http://bit.ly/1mmYc3V )
mats: 'extraordinary'
shinohai: Adobe Flash lel
mats: chromium loads as html5 vidya
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 131520 @ 0.00050342 = 66.2098 BTC [+] {3}
shinohai: Last time I tried chromium it was memory hog
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58908 @ 0.00050633 = 29.8269 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26700 @ 0.00050934 = 13.5994 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32500 @ 0.00050935 = 16.5539 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12411 @ 0.00050935 = 6.3215 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24389 @ 0.00051016 = 12.4423 BTC [+]
PeterL: Happy New Year!
shinohai: Happy New Year PeterL o/
PeterL: Spartans are sucking at handegg today, bleh.
deedbot-: accepted: 1
deedbot-: [Qntra] Qntra (S.QNTR) December 2015 Report - http://qntra.net/2016/01/qntra-s-qntr-december-2015-report/
BingoBoingo: Peter_L At least they got this much handegg
BingoBoingo: Roll Tide!
PeterL: does deedbot accept wotpaste, or only dpaste?
PeterL: Why is the Tide's mascot an elephant?
BingoBoingo: Wotpaste is experimental so gotta ask trinque and ben_vulpes
BingoBoingo: I have no idea why they are an elephant
PeterL: The silliest mascot is Stanford's, my wife calls it "the happy dancing christmas tree"
trinque: deedbot accepts whateverpaste from people he likes
deedbot-: Bad URL or network outage.
PeterL: maybe he doesn't like me?
trinque: well. the shit isn't signed, broham.
PeterL: meh, right
BingoBoingo: Peter_L I like the story of the Illinois mascot, because it ends with him being murdered
PeterL: I have to hear this story now?
← 2015-12-30 | 2016-01-01 →