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← 2022-06-07 | 2022-06-09 →
jonsykkel: maked program to html from s expresion http://zzz.st/progz/
asciilifeform: jonsykkel: ohey neato
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-09-13 19:51:27 asciilifeform: a civilized replacement (sexprs!!!) for 'markdown' would be an a++ noob project.
asciilifeform will try
asciilifeform: phf when you have a chance, see plz if you can get jonsykkel's stuff into http://btcbase.org/patches , would be very handy
jonsykkel: probablty not very plesant to write directly in this format but one could come up with a more human writable syntax that turns into input expression for this
phf: wai not cl-who or similar?
asciilifeform was thinking 'cl-who' lol
jonsykkel: havnt looked into that, but html stuff is like 3 lines
asciilifeform: weighs a little moar than jonsykkel's thing, but handles various headaches (e.g. escapes strings)
phf: well, cl-who is not going to be 3 lines, though other similar systems are about all teh same. main "feature" or cl-who is that it's macrocompiled into a sequence of pre-interpolated string writes. (:p (:b "this is " (str data))) -> (write-string "<p><b>this is") (write-string data)
phf: you know if you're into that kind of thing
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-17 12:12:32 asciilifeform: cgra: was considering to simply use cl-who's existing syntax
phf: btcbase is built with cl-who, i suspect signpost's deedbot and co the same
jonsykkel: is that feature especialy useful?
asciilifeform: jonsykkel: handy when you want to throw a htmturd inside anuther one
phf: jonsykkel: as far as macro compilation, no, but its presence makes one lean towards it, which means that one is more inclined to use cl-who's syntax, which makes interop with a custom syntax library somewhat harder
jonsykkel: i normally lean away from things that are present
jonsykkel: but ill chek it, maybe my way of doing it is dum
shinohai: It's not dum is just puted in a different way!
jonsykkel: thats right
verisimilitude: Hello again, jonsykkel.
verisimilitude: Consider adding a DOCTYPE element.
jonsykkel: sup v-tude
jonsykkel: ye it dosnt output entire html thing just the stuf that goes into <body> or wherever
vex: asciilifeform, have you done any pest radio expeirments yet?
vex: I'm toying with the idea of a polyaramid composite shell for a portable computer, which got me thinking about integrated patch antennae
vex: not sure if I've had a cool idea or the home made pesto came from the wrong plot
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-06-08#1105210 << nope. atm haven't with-whom (of what interest 'radio experiment' on tabletop?)
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-06-08 22:24:51 vex: asciilifeform, have you done any pest radio expeirments yet?
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-06-08 22:37:22 vex: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FUcgAiaXEAA3n_g?format=jpg via shinohai
vex: signpost at least was to be privvy to your derivations, i think i recall
vex: honestly tx to md i dunno how far it is
asciilifeform: vex: uwb antenna gotta be compass oriented, and not erected at asciilifeform's new pad yet, 1st 'what direction' lol
asciilifeform was thinking to nominate BingoBoingo as 1st volunteer, but then the latter awol
vex: I thought he was back? he hasn't paid up yet?
asciilifeform: !q seen-anywhere BingoBoingo
dulapbot: BingoBoingo last seen in #asciilifeform on 2022-02-28 12:49:43: In the past month US down ~19% versus Brasil's Real, 5.3% versus Peso Uruguay
vex: prolly just racoon brain.
phf: oh it's my turn to "phf^wbingoboingo i hear succumb to drink"!
asciilifeform has genuinely nfi where BingoBoingo went. could be -- davy jones's locker
asciilifeform: iirc d00d mentioned setting off to dive for spanish gold or sumsuch
vex: no, he's okay
vex: Don't sell his shit just yet
vex: I think I know which dumpster
asciilifeform: iirc he requested cremation for his box if goes to davy jones. if dun come back in coupla yrs, will do it
vex: cremation is extra?
phf: that's why contracts are universally invalid without time frames
asciilifeform: phf: wasn't in the contract, but 'human' req.
phf: right, but i mean, "press button to nuke my harddrives if i'm missing" is likely to result in "my car broke down and cellphone died and what happened to my computer"
asciilifeform recalls how phf was 'buried' alive
asciilifeform: hence not in a hurry.
phf very much has practical experience with the matter
asciilifeform lulled re contract w/ dc also not specifying what happens to abandoned irons. however, has pretty good guess, seen all kindsa things left on the dock 'for vultures'
vex: love me a vulture sale
asciilifeform: vex: wouldn't believe the age of some of'em. pentium ii etc
vex: worth a look for 3 bucks
asciilifeform: 'members only' and asciilifeform couldn't be arsed anymoar after 1st time
asciilifeform: unspeakable dusty dreck
vex: I've had to burn some towers collected from the side of the road
asciilifeform: 'and then they buried her alive, one year in 1945, with just her sister at her side...'(tm)(r)(sumthing off pet's mp3 player)
vex: best not to get involved
vex: how loud does the pet's podcast go?
asciilifeform: not esp
vex: got any good audio monitors in the new lab?
asciilifeform: nope lol why
phf: is your wife, does she go?
vex: i'm just being silly. imagining alfs 1000bc palace
vex: leadlined for the xrays etc
asciilifeform: 'goes to 11'(tm)
asciilifeform in considerably less interesting 'palace' than vex imagines
phf: i bet she does i bet she does
phf: since the reference might've escaped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Kwh3R0YjuQ
vex: holiday
asciilifeform: 'he asked us not to shoot him, and we agreed. so he wasn't shot. but instructions were to bury the coffin, and one day he went to sweet sleep in his cell and then woke up...'(tm)(r)(rezun)
← 2022-06-07 | 2022-06-09 →