feedbot: http://bingology.net/2020/week-2-2020-review-a-very-qntra-week/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog -- Week 2 2020 Review - A Very Qntra Week
feedbot: http://ossasepia.com/2020/01/13/notes-on-computer-graphics-a-map-of-sorts/ << Ossa Sepia -- Notes on Computer Graphics - A Map of Sorts
shinohai: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-01-12#1005034 <<< Now lives at http://btc.info.gf/devel/lisp/esthlos-v/
snsabot: Logged on 2020-01-12 18:25:25 asciilifeform: shinohai: do you have a mirror for that one ? plox to link
asciilifeform: ty shinohai
Apocalyptic: shinohai: great stuff, I have also tested litmus to check clearsigned msg and works a++
shinohai: neato Apocalyptic
shinohai will upload his makefile vpatch as soon as he fixes 1-2 more things and resigns
Apocalyptic: asciilifeform, a minor inconvenience in litmus.sh, on my system /bin/sh is symlinked to dash, and it seems to barf at line 151 "FILES=(...)", which looks like a bashism to me (unsure). Changing the interpreter to /bin/bash fixed the issue
asciilifeform: Apocalyptic: i'ma look. ( item is intended to work in plain sh )
asciilifeform: fwiw worx as-written on my gentoos (where no such symlink)
Apocalyptic: dash throws: "./litmus.sh: 151: ./litmus.sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
asciilifeform: Apocalyptic: atm i dun have any boxes w/ 'dash' ; does it die elsewhere if the 'test externals' routine commented out ?
shinohai: i never use anything besides sh or bash, so have no clue
Apocalyptic: I guess the (..) construct is not POSIX-compliant. asciilifeform it dies way before 'test externals' which begins at line 219
asciilifeform: will have to get hold of a posix-strict shell somehow and iron these out.
shinohai: Discord found to be decrypting users E2E encrypted chats and voice messages, then re-encrypting and send packets along their merry way.
shinohai: Why no surprise?
asciilifeform: shinohai: i admit that not familiar with how subj worked
Apocalyptic: shinohai: megalulz
asciilifeform: in what sense was it 'e2e' if vendor can decrypt ?
shinohai: Discord is like this alt-irc for "gamerz" or whatever.
shinohai: was popular haunt of douchebag iirc, perhaps danielpbarron had church chan there?
asciilifeform not used, outside of salt mines, oddball proprietary aol-style 'chats' in many yrs, so not up to date on the zoology
Apocalyptic: it's still very popular in crypto "trading groups" these days, where owner charges BTC to post advice
asciilifeform: lol!
shinohai: Telegram is only heathen chat I use for "cryptocurrency" chats, and is relatively easy to make logbot for
Apocalyptic: shinohai, I wanted to try Telegram once, but they ask for a mandatory phone number to register if I remember correctly
Apocalyptic: now wtf they need that info for is still unclear to me
asciilifeform historically solves this 'problem' mp-style -- 'folx who insist on using oddball heathen chats, aint worth talking with'
shinohai: i used throwaway google voice #
shinohai: But no, outside of irc, no "real" conversation occurs.
shinohai: I think last time I was on Discord was when I met the subgenii folx that made an altcoin, chan alwayz ded
feedbot: http://thetarpit.org/2020/2019-in-review << The Tar Pit -- 2019 in review
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: what's the win from having it in a proprietary chat thing vs ordinary irc ?
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2020/01/rhodium-prices-nearing-2008-highs/ << Qntra -- Rhodium Prices Nearing 2008 Highs
feedbot: http://ossasepia.com/2020/01/13/a-puppet/ << Ossa Sepia -- A Puppet
shinohai: "Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life" (tm) (Wilde)
asciilifeform presently wondering if there actually is such a thing available as a 'pure posix shell' and, if so, whether is possible to write nontrivial proggies in it
asciilifeform: shinohai: for context -- orig. 'litmus' was to be a pythonism/perlism. but the mp people have a point there, these langs dun belong on a 'floppy-sized linux'
asciilifeform: imho these hairballs oughta go away entirely, like bad dream
asciilifeform: but with what replace ?
shinohai: i like where conversation headed towards v.sh
asciilifeform: thought, 'let's try sh'
asciilifeform: but if in fact posix 'sh' dun support arrays...
asciilifeform: drepperized 'bash' dun belong on a floppy linux either imho
asciilifeform: this is not even to mention the can of worms re whether all the small misc. utils ('cut', 'tr', 'sed', etc) actually work consistently across various unixlikes (anyone try 'litmus' on bsd ?)
asciilifeform: i decided that the only way to properly answer the q is via 'recon by fire'
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: makes sense. the price for this is that 1 day the vendor might decide to ban yer thing and then wat.
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: may be worth the effort to move'em to irc nao, while can still talk on $heathenchat, vs later, when not
asciilifeform aint about to try to tell danielpbarron how to run his churches
shinohai: i mean, discord will be consumed by same fire and brimstone sent by jehovah to destroy all the other evil places i'd suppose.
asciilifeform: shinohai: i'm curious how these 'aol' appeal ~featurewise~ over trad irc, to the users
asciilifeform: what's the draw ?
asciilifeform: afaik lolcat icons can just as readily be pasted into irc as into these
shinohai: because webshit, and "there's an app for that" ad naseum
asciilifeform: there's a webchat thing on fleanode also neh
asciilifeform: and pnoje apps also
shinohai: I dont use Telegram app anyway, it uses libpurple, so interact via weechat/bitlbee
snsabot: (trilema) 2019-08-29 asciilifeform: there's imho a ~huge~ chunk of problem domain that is begging for a simple, well-specified, ~frozen~ scripting lang.
snsabot: (trilema) 2019-08-29 asciilifeform: imho instead of rewriting logger for 11th time out of matchsticks and hot glue, would be better to make a proper scripting lang...
asciilifeform: the problem domain where 'manipulate gigantic strings' , is quite poorly fitted by ada, esp. when written in civilized style where static memory allocations and prohibited to return strings on 'secondary stack'. (but even if outside of this style, still would result in gargantuan programs)
asciilifeform: 'sh' (even supposing can find 100% standardized subset of it...) aint it. (witness the thickness of the kludge in 'litmus', where -- as 'sh' cannot operate on raw bytes of binary input in any way, need 'xxd' hexdump util as an intermediate, w/ whole hexdump text string having to live in memory. would be entirely impractical for seriously heavy files, rather than the tiny gpg sig turds)
asciilifeform: in principle, can implement just about anything 'with duct tape'. even, e.g., the logger back end -- could theoretically take 'telnet' and talk to it via a sh script in 2nd process. but it will be not only ugly but will break in entirely unanticipated (and, likely, undebuggable) places on some % of envirs.
asciilifeform: and will be the sort of program you will be held to answer for in hell
asciilifeform: meanwhile, elsewhere, thread possib. of interest on jfw's www re isp and wot logic.
asciilifeform: further in re 'throw out python' : in what is one to implement items like e.g. this ? presently afaik there is no answer to this q.
Apocalyptic: asciilifeform: as far as I know dash is the most minimalist pure posix shell there is
Apocalyptic: apparently there is a few Berkeley extensions on top of posix features, but that's all
asciilifeform: Apocalyptic: and 0 support for arrays ? or is there a posixy syntax for'em ? any idea ?
Apocalyptic: not a shell aficionado myself, but a search yields http://www.etalabs.net/sh_tricks.html which has a "Working with array" section
Apocalyptic: looks like ugly hacks though
asciilifeform: seems to insist on eval
asciilifeform: i.e. riotously ugly
asciilifeform: (and, bonus, incurably exploitable)
Apocalyptic: asciilifeform, see the second post of [https://www.unix.com/shell-programming-and-scripting/280745-creating-pseudo-array-dash-posix.html] apparently the author had a similar question and doubts about pseudo-arrays without eval being possible
asciilifeform: Apocalyptic: all of this heavily argues in favour of posix committee being an instrument of wreckers ( similar to common lisp committee ) , pushing ~deliberately~ for crippled 'standard' which the constituent vendors can then 'embrace & extend'
asciilifeform: dunno whether yer into CL, but there something very similar happened in '80s -- which is how the language ended up missing basic functionality like tcp/ip in its standard
Apocalyptic: no argument there, no wonder everyone uses bloated bash and co
Apocalyptic not familiar with Lisp yet
asciilifeform: seems to inescapably happen whenever vendors of ~existing~ product get to 'make standard together'
asciilifeform: no shortage of examples, witness how microshit fucked 'open document'
asciilifeform: or how browser vendors continue to fuck htmlism 'standards' process
Apocalyptic: but "progress"
asciilifeform: on the hardware side, similar 'progress', with 'standards' like 'uefi'
asciilifeform: the only thing to do with these is to straight into the oven.
asciilifeform: interestingly, this is also how the ada standard ended up more or less sane -- was written by indifferent bureaucrats, in age of mainframe, rather than with any input from vendors
asciilifeform: ( notably, the vendors won in the end, and the usg.pentagon's imposition of ada for war machine industry was repealed. so that microshit cpp could reign. )
Apocalyptic: asciilifeform, since you mentioned CL, I wanted to experiment with it in the past but could not emerge dev-lisp/clisp on gentoo. I ended up with a memory-related error and couldn't fix it, so dropped the matter
Apocalyptic: needless to say, the "libffcall update" didn't fix anything, apparently it's related to gcc hardening and whatnot
Apocalyptic: I tried to switch between different gcc versions, including removing ssp/pie and using the vanilla gcc, but to no avail
shinohai: Apocalyptic: even when just trying to build clisp from sources (or just emerge) ?
Apocalyptic: I sticked to emerge
shinohai: I think I recall doing *something* to clisp and emerging by hand http://btc.info.gf/blog/essential-kit-items-building-sbcl-on-gentoo-with-musl.html
shinohai: but looks like i didnt document, because running emerge by hand is boring lol
Apocalyptic: "./lisp.run marc > marc.out" causes the error
shinohai: So what, mpex still using sha1 for sigs too? http://bingology.net/wp-content/uploads/mike_c_case/mpexstat.txt
Apocalyptic: shinohai, notice the heathen-gpg version too "Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)"
shinohai: tsk, tsk
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-01-13#1005141 << afaik the only 2 reasonably-sane cl on pc are sbcl and ccl
snsabot: Logged on 2020-01-13 21:54:40 Apocalyptic: asciilifeform, since you mentioned CL, I wanted to experiment with it in the past but could not emerge dev-lisp/clisp on gentoo. I ended up with a memory-related error and couldn't fix it, so dropped the matter
asciilifeform: clisp is specifically known to be braindamaged in various ways ( chiefly -- does not include a compiler, and thus exists largely to reinforce 1970s 'lisp is slow' stereotype, near as i can tell )
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-01-13#1005149 << appears to be so
snsabot: Logged on 2020-01-13 22:23:10 shinohai: So what, mpex still using sha1 for sigs too? http://bingology.net/wp-content/uploads/mike_c_case/mpexstat.txt
asciilifeform: if i were a subscriber, i'd find this irritating; but i aint..
asciilifeform: shinohai: from asciilifeform's ancient archives. at one time mpex used not only sha1 but a 160 bit (!) ~dsa~ pubkey !
asciilifeform: ( when ? when had the demo acct , 2013 )
shinohai: O.o
asciilifeform: i aint about to laff at folx for what they were doing in 2000s re crypto, pretty much erryone was on kindergarten stage
asciilifeform: but imho is strange that even nao some folx sha1 ( and koch gpg 2.x )
shinohai: I was abt to say the gpg 2x is inexcusable
asciilifeform: ask not me but author of thing (mp) .
asciilifeform: at least he had pgp-eater rather than sslism, afaik all the other bitcoin xyzetc's were (and to this day are) stuck w/ sslism joke
asciilifeform: this played a necessary part in asciilifeform taking an interest when mp & co. wrote in and 'try our mpex', 'visit our irc chan'. 100% of errybody else involved in bitcoinism were screamingly subhuman
asciilifeform: to this day i have exactly 0 interest in what the 'bitcoin community' sitting on 'discord' and 'telegram' and 'cryptoing' with ssl, do, or say on any subj
shinohai: It's decidedly boring, irc still the great refuge.
asciilifeform: shinohai: will admit, 90% of asciilifeform's initial interest in the subj was 'perhaps nao someone will give half a shit re quality of software'. but even this, questionable
Apocalyptic: I agree with shinohai, nothing remotely of interest is happening on those heathen-chats
asciilifeform: even possible, imho, that bitcoin is a long-term intellectual disaster in the same sense as unix. i.e. endlessly imitated, never meaningfully improved, for generations
asciilifeform: ( specifically as described in the infamous 'worse is better' article )
Apocalyptic: asciilifeform: by ccl you mean dev-lisp/clozurecl, right ?
asciilifeform: aha
Apocalyptic: will try to emerge that instead then
Apocalyptic: worx like a charm
asciilifeform: Apocalyptic: when you build a gentoo ebuild and 'worx', save the tarballs. guaranteed that in N yrs, will need'em, when 'progress' catches up with $proggy and 'ugh not builds, needs xyz deps..'
Apocalyptic: noted
Apocalyptic: seeing the retardation on gentoo from 2016 I'm afraid every time I'm syncing the tree
asciilifeform: for that matter, ' asciilifeform's gentoo ' consists 100% of this .
asciilifeform: Apocalyptic: i no longer 'sync' under any circumstances .
snsabot: Logged on 2019-12-09 22:27:27 asciilifeform: danielpbarron: the reason why must NOT 'emerge --sync' is that gentoo's upstream went full-bore tard in late '17. if you sync, 'emerge' simply becomes paperweight, as no longer accepts the systemdism-ban flags
Apocalyptic: yeah I did sync but did not upgrade @world
asciilifeform: 'emerge --sync' specifically 'voids warranty' on ' asciilifeform's gentoo ' ( incl. rk variant ) .