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Results 1 ... 42 found in asciilifeform for 'ivory'

amberglint: I can't remember, do you already have a copy of the paper "The Symbolics Ivory Design and Verification Strategy"?
amberglint: I offered the best price I could for a MacIvory but was turned down
amberglint: one for a MacIvory, another for an XL1201
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-07-08 11:28:04 amberglint: asciilifeform: were you the one who gave him an Ivory?
amberglint: asciilifeform: apparently someone imaged an Ivory and promises to post pics soon:
amberglint: asciilifeform: were you the one who gave him an Ivory?
asciilifeform walking around 'sunstone' doc, wonders 'why the stack pointers etc. exposed to the os/programmer?' -- but equally legit q re 'ivory' & friends
amberglint: It took 10 to 12 man-years to design the Ivory while the MicroVAX took 70 to 80 man-years around the same time
amberglint: Someone dumped the spec for the unreleased Ivory successor
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-05-12 10:55:51 phf: << i did a perimeter security system for ivory coast government, camera/motion sensor/capacitive sensor. for logistical reasons didn't get to go on deploy, which is major regret: business partner went and brought back a bunch of tony stark/lord of war photos
phf: << i did a perimeter security system for ivory coast government, camera/motion sensor/capacitive sensor. for logistical reasons didn't get to go on deploy, which is major regret: business partner went and brought back a bunch of tony stark/lord of war photos
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-02-04 20:41:34 asciilifeform: what it did not include, was any info on the supporting peripherals present on the 'ivory' board. in particular, there's a 1200 gate cpld, which interfaces the thing to the old apple bus; and also some GALs
asciilifeform: there's a large, for the period, cpld on the ivory3 which is annoying.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-28 10:18:19 asciilifeform: has 5 'ivory' cpu stashed, 4 of'em brand-new, for microscopy, for which to this day 0 time/budget
asciilifeform has 5 'ivory' cpu stashed, 4 of'em brand-new, for microscopy, for which to this day 0 time/budget
asciilifeform: afaik the only remaining tasks for a hypothetical spy hero is src for the ivory cpu per se, and the 'ns' cad in which written.
asciilifeform: e.g. i386 wouldn't. nor the bolix ivory, tho conceivably a compat. item sans the massive cache, could
signpost: I guess they had a macivory to put in it.
asciilifeform: is actually why asciilifeform would've preferred to get the much slower ver.2 'ivory'. but none was avail.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: well, bolix ivory was a 2um. approx. on par, transistorwise, w/ i486.
asciilifeform: smbx for instance ultimately failed to pay back the investment in baking 'ivory'.
asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: for that matter, bolix's 'ivory' was a 2uM item.
asciilifeform: in contracts, the earlier 'ivory' machines, e.g. xl1200, were standalone and rather heavy/costly thing, w/ their proprietary console (whose mega-feature was the iirc up to 200 metre coaxial cable, i.e. can put the rather loud machine a coupla rooms away)
asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: the way 'macivory' worx -- it sits in that mac, and the latter boots normally, then you run their console proggy -- which handles screen, kbd, and disk i/o for the card, and gives you a standard bolix console on normal vga monitor.
asciilifeform: and no relation to project MAC. smbx sold several other machines based on same cpu ; the single-board 'macivory' was a 'budget' model (i.e. you didn't have to buy 40kg of golden toilet console from bolix, just 1 board)
snsabot: Logged on 2020-08-11 01:38:09 gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: if I understand correctly, MacIvory was like a graphics-card containing a LISP environment, which could be plugged into the Macintosh, is that right?
gregorynyssa: does the "Mac" in MacIvory refer to Project MAC (MACLISP) or to Macintosh? seems like an unfortunate naming conflict.
gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: if I understand correctly, MacIvory was like a graphics-card containing a LISP environment, which could be plugged into the Macintosh, is that right?
asciilifeform: in wholly unrealated noose : sumbody's selling a bolix mcivory. ( and model2, at that, the mechanically-simpler kind w/ no cpld. i'd actually trade my 'fast' model3 for this type if knew someone in l2 who offered. )
asciilifeform: adlai: bolix could not have built 'ivory' in 1980, the necessary vlsiism did not exist. so inevitably went through junkyard wars stage.
adlai: how did the ivory design sidestep that gnarl?
asciilifeform: 'ivory' series is imho the only interesting , even from archaeological pov, bolix product. but almost nothing is known about its internal design.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-02-11 13:30:26 zeder: Perhaps of passing interest:
snsabot: Logged on 2020-02-04 20:13:33 asciilifeform: ( the 'snap5' emulator floating around on warez, incidentally, is not 'proper', it is quite buggy and regularly crashes. and in fact is not a faithful emulation of the actual 'ivory' arch, but of a simplified variant smbx originally sold for dec alpha in late '90s.)
asciilifeform: in fact i was not even able to find high-res photos of 'macivory' card on www. afaik to this day mine are the only ones publicly posted , where the ic markings are readable.
asciilifeform: the ivory cpu itself has about 400,000 transistors, i.e. roughly same complexity as ye olde i486.
asciilifeform: what it did not include, was any info on the supporting peripherals present on the 'ivory' board. in particular, there's a 1200 gate cpld, which interfaces the thing to the old apple bus; and also some GALs
asciilifeform: ( the 'snap5' emulator floating around on warez, incidentally, is not 'proper', it is quite buggy and regularly crashes. and in fact is not a faithful emulation of the actual 'ivory' arch, but of a simplified variant smbx originally sold for dec alpha in late '90s.)
asciilifeform: example, 'macivory' machine, bought from dks in '18.
zeder: Please feel free to refuse answering this, but aprox how much was the MacIvory rig?