| Results 251 ... 500 found in all logged channels for 'f:laddel' |

(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: phf: I really need to catch up on what you've been up to.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: ah, k.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: at which point I was sort of curious what the fuck he did all day at google anyways
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: he thought 100k loc in one language vs. ~30 million in 20 languages wasn't a big deal.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: he saw, with his own eyes the line count for CLIM, and had worked with the browser for several years. we looked at the loc count for chrome & compared.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: incidentally, I remembered exactly where the demo to google earth guy went off the rails after logging off last night.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: but was recently in hospital, so postponed.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: we are going to be getting dinner at some point is my understanding to work out details.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: the author saw it, "whoa, a lispm!"
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: phf: you know "lisping at jpl"?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: I have seen this.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: or do you disagree with his judgement that such a thing is necessary?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: do you need me to find log references for when he has asked this, or do you remember offhand?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: anywyays, this seems obvious to me. MP has been asking for a tsmr linux for years. if you all have had it floating around FUCKING RELEASE.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: perhaps I'll be shown to be wrong.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: I'm telling you it is going to play out like that, and not in another way.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: now, I am 100% with ascii that floats have to die. no question. I, however, am severely undereducated & don't know what to replace them with.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: for example, are you familiar with the book "the end of error"?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: there are however, a number of issues, such as a how to get rid of floats & what to replace them with that can be safely engineered on the unix-not-even-lispm
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: it is unclear at this point what the hardware, real lispm implementation is going to look like & I have months of logs to catch up before I begin to even comment on this
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: specifically, when I say "meet in the middle", a fixed CLIM will run just fine on new tsmr hardware reverse engineered fpga lispm with a minimum amount of fuss
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: an entire, sane lispm-like (which yes, ascii disagrees with) unix can be had, and then this can meet the hardware implementation "in the middle"
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: because lisp/s-expressions/incremental compilation means that you don't have to make decisions about everything right away.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: this is essentially what masamune is, admittedly in a ragged & impoverished form, right now, today.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: no emacs, but rather a CL editor & so forth.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: this means that all of the Unix tooling can essentially be dumped in favor of lisp + CLIM.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: all existing CLIM implementations have problems. it is an annoying, irritating, but utterly straightforwards process to fix any of the extant CLIM implementations
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: first concrete step towards sane computing is a tsmr gentoo that is A) self contained B) infectious / replicates as described above C) uses CLIM for all graphics.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: let's put it this way irrespective of anything any of you say, I say the future is going to look like this:
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: shinohai: in particular. ascii gets a pass for writing loper_os
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: shinohai: trinque, phf, ben_vulpes
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: but you know, invite me to stuff & call me "the lisp machine kid" + insist on my showing it off to their idiot friends
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I rather have the same reaction to the old symbolics people in the area who have now seen masamune after sinking you know, a decade of their lives or so into lispm & then don't buy
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: apologies. I think this is mostly just that the path forwards is clear to me, and that e.g., you people see a masamune video & ask zero questions I'm mostly left wondering why you even bother pretending you want a lispm
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think we're talking past one another here & have been for some time.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: and where can I buy a replication USB?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: if all this is so easy, where is the frozen tsmr gentoo that can do what I described above?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: what do you mean by "multicast"?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: generating CPIO files is... anyways, ascii knows
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: maybe I overcomplicated things,but wrote in terms of CPIO format then fed into linux kernel from syslinux.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: it isn't "duplicating the contents of a block device", but rather having that USB able to build itself onto another machine that can in turn generate replication USBs that is the problem
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: neat doesn't cover it
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: (single function call generates a USB that boots into a CLIM environment, no version changes, ever)
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: first I had to nail down masamune replication. which I actually managed to do
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: well, I do work on this from time to time, yes.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: and not so goddamn insane.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: imho can be cut down to an easy 30k loc that will be faster, conceptually "closed"
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: incomplete, yes, but there are some fundamental things in CLIM that need to be fixed, such as the notion of a parallel type heigharchy for presentations.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: incidentally, my CLIM implementation is 99,676 lines of lisp code, as calculated by sloccount just now
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: anyways, there is a lot more to address in the above log, but I did get the largest McCLIM backers to date to stop funding the effort. One of them bought a masamune.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: *usd? who cares.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: turns out it takes usg/fiat _three months_ to process fucking 200 usd. was eventually paid. never mentioned it bc wtf, 200 use?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: CLIM & ether have nothing to do with one another. you are remembering that I A) completed a bounty and then B) was not paid
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: Separately I also defunded you to an extent, for the simple reason that you have no vision, nor communication ability, nor coding ability, period.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: It seems rather strange to me that you’re assigning bounties to “bugs” when it is clear that in many cases you have read neither the spec, nor the code, nor have the slightest idea what is even WRONG in the proposed bug.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-31#1707683 < No, moron, I encouraged _you_ to use CLIM, because
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: off for a few days to heal, work & catch up on logs. nice chatting.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: criuise ships don't really check ID + bribes exist. I can probably take a one way cruise, hop off & become someone else if I felt like putting in the effort/
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: imho, throw money at problem, goes away like most else.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: inside research lab. at night. with no ID to be in there.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: will do.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: I'm not a felon. trespassing & petty theft + ignored warrants for years.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: I
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: can't get passport
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: criminal record.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: sf sucks. tsmr rocks.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: fwiw, can't wait for the 5-10 years or w/e to come meet irl at some point.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: yes , finally.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: rich kids who think they're clever hate this, apparently.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: to finish that story, I was not even at this party, and don't to any of them + have started charging people to meet with me.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: nah. like 20-something. I don't talk to her or anything, but, again, people run into, ban, then discuss me at lenght
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: he's unimportant, but a nice fellow & knows his place in the universe. just decent white people.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: lol no.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: the girl discussing me with one of my friends is super duper impressed with me, and increasingly so'
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: well, in this instance the (guy) in question thought I sounded important & invited me to come live for a bit. parents making dinner.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: which is why I have a place to stay & someone making me food right now.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: that they all talk about me at "parties"
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: it is so clearly and utterly obvious that I'm more important than, whatever, all of sf
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: girl was not attractive enough for me to care, already been paid, the startup idea isn't even an idea
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: what we were doing was installing masamune.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: "what we are doing today is more important than anything the rest of this supposed startup is going to do, period. go away" (to persons gf)
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: & having been banned from the number of social circles etc etc I end up in strange positions all the time.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: agreed. I love eating, but my finances go from 0 to 1k back to 0... regularly
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: anyways, no intent to die for anyone. however also no intent to waste even a minute more of my life on stupid nonsense, ever.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I know nothing about medicine & defer to my betters.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: (with, admittedly a broken leg that would take some time to heal, just like now)
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: imho I would have been fine after a week of sleep
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: err... the whole "almost died" thing is from the the doctors. they said this, I should have not just repeated it in logs.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: not even slightly. personally, the whole "almost died" thing is from the doctors.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: these logs will make some fun reading.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: why am /I/ doing this?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I want my goddamn lispm as of two decades ago please.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: like what the fuck even is paperwork
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: you realize I don't like... pay bills, rent, whatever, right?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: ve only lived two places. birthplace & CA.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: (lawyers, courts, passports)
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: easier to just make a bunch of money, pay off whatever.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: I have a criminal record. prolly gotta make 20 MM or so first.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: fwiw, the conversation went of the rails before that. guy is actually a moron who by complete luck was involved with google earth.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: me: "listen, that you even think a 'layout engine' is a thing means you have no future, period. conversation is over, stop wasting my time"
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: "how does CLIM solve the problems of layout engines?"
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: actually, someone who works next to thiel day in day out got demo'd masamune. didn't get it.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I'm sane and they're unilaterally morons. I'm not coy about it.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: the "sf startup crowd" hates my guts.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I've been banned from everything
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: nonono, like all the houses of people I know in the area
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: (managed to climb anyways after accident). went back home after working for a few more days & scared the shit out of strangers / locals who've seen me via inability to walk
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: this is already day 2 or 3 no sleep. little food. totally ran out of energy
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: me: "fuck you, I'm going to climb a building & code atop it till sun comes up".
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: communities in sf / Berkley area
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: I got preoccupied with girl on train, ended up heading to Berkley rather than Palo Alto by complete accident. oh no, 10:30!. Everything closed & I've been banned from all
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: would like to selll 100x machines there.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: there is supposed to be a lisp conference in sf in like 10 months I have to prepare for
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: but am lazy and have a lispm in front of me (more or less) and want to nail this damn thing.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: theoretically, aside from the place I'm at now I have a room paid for without me doing anything.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: that aside, just masamune bs.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I'm german and don't stop for anyone.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: eventually forced into hospital
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: me goes "fuck you", stays up, codes for 2-3 days anyways.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: fell 2-3 stories directly onto my legs. shattered one.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: almost died. just spent 30 days in the hospital.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I found it to be quite usable until I ended up owing someone for money I'd already spent.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: other AML news: If you send bountysource claims to a paypal whose name differs from your screename, the transaction will send, and then paypal will disappear the transaction from the history of the account you sent it to, and remove the funds + bountysource will not respond to emails regarding the matter.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: Odd. b/c my resucecd won't work unless using 32 bit kernel.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: remains to be seen. Have not yet compiled masamune for 32bit.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: got it.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: If you google for "funtoo distfiles mirror" and review all google results, should provide a decent start.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I don't have the disk space to back these up myself, but someone can start with: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1552071
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I don't have it in front of me either so idk. Have not touched this project in a ~month or more. That /etc/init.d/devfs exists is news to me, and will try messing with it next
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: it isn't minimal in any sense.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: I'm the very opposite of "uncheck happy", I use the VERY SAME kernel binary being used in
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: which I suppose credits your /dev/ is not being populated correctly theory
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: why would I have to load a driver for a block device? and sdb1 and so on and so forth are NOT created, no seen anywhere
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I will double check that all kernel modules are being included, but could have sworn I got em all
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: it just doesn't detect anything
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: there is no error to paste. Nothing is missing, nothing shows up as missing when I strace it.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I would have thought that it was compiled statically, but lddtree turns up deps
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: Oddly enough, the fdisk binary from https://www.phenix.bnl.gov/~purschke/RescueCD/ works, even though I have a different kernel than it ships with (the masamune one), and different shared libs (masamune ones).
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: emacs, htop, mc, sbcl all work fine, but X11 & fdisk do not, which sort of screws me. strace works, but tracing the X process does not turn up anything useful
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: Is anyone aware of "magic" shared libraries that must be included with a linux distro to work? When I build a MasamuneRescueCD fdisk -l does not see any disks, nor does lsblk, in spite of my including all shared libraries required by lddtree --list
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: god you people are thick sometimes
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: how it is not 100% obvious I read everything by now...
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: y'know, I'm neg-rated so cannot up myself
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: in any case, happy to make a PGPGRAM at whatever point verifying that indeed, it is me using this nick.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-25#1662426 < is it not free sample.bin from nosuchlabs.com?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: fwiw, I'd like to apologize for the spelling errors above. on an apple computer & it spell corrects me / removes text / sends messages I didn't intend to send. Eg, "incidentally ascii" was supposed to be prefaced with "Amen. "
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: so you search around the chemical space to find the most potent white powder == sell more
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: most of the people buying have no idea, they just know "white powder makes me feel good"
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: in spite of having radically different effects.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: you CANNOT buy d-amphetamine, or any of the enantiomers / diastereomers of meth / cocaine.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: go buy some cocaine sometime. or amphetamine of any description
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: if I had experience with the cartel's I'd be making money in the way described above.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: stands in direct contradiction to my own experience, but w/e
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: they don't want to end up in jail any more than you do
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: d-amphetamine is WAYYY better & an easy sell, but not available on the market
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: if the cartel's knew even simple things like "most of our product is chiral" they could sell a lot more
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: let em know you can do crypto
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: would just move to tijuana Mexico and go to some parties, tell people you're a technician / chemist
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-25#1661862 < incidentally ascii, your skill set could make you a lot of money if you
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: and also to demonstrate that "oh no, FG can't be sold" is in the same bucket as http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-01-2016#1381606
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mod6: the payment is to drive up the value of your shares
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: also hard drive died last night, so have to auth via a systemrescuecd + usb which sorta sucks
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: yes, but I'm neg-rated by MP so cannot up myself
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-25#1661215 < the end of this thread was MP noting that if you wanted a boat, buy it when the Korean shipping firm imploded, else stuff.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: and have already taken 300 of his dollars
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: diva send the x61? I have someone waiting on me to deliver a masamune atop it
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: capital idea!
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: no no, they'd rather buy several months worth of soylent
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: have tried, and tried and tried
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I'm happy to compute myself, but am having a hard time convincing ppl to buy me FG
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: not in my present state, and certainly not without numbers
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I was planning on selling FG using this, but have a lot on my plate
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: for MNIST or the like?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: do you have numbers for convergence with FG vs intel PRNG?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: you specifically talked to who?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: and you say this with what basis?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: what, the geiger counter NN training, or another one?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: and will give a better prediction / faster convergence than PRNGs
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: On the basis that FG won't rest on some portion of the state space when you train your model
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-24#1661195 < have you tried selling FG to data science / machine learning types? IE the only group of young people with disposable income.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: ask a grad student (preferably one who works on antenna theory) what the A-> field _is_ and why D->/B->/E-> etc are _not_ sometime. The sheer weight of handwaving will adequately communicate why this is interesting.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: *spherically symmetrical mass distribution with a much smaller mass inside of it that A-> induces a velocity in when moved...
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: Interestingly, Ilan Kroo reached for the same formulation (A->) & same example (spherically symmetrical mass distribution) as CAM, but ~20 years earlier, and prior to gravity probe B, which confirmed (for some value of that word) the geodetic effect (frame dragging).
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: Irrespective of its other features, the pedagogical elimination of Bohr's definition of the classical correspondence limit is useful (from CE).
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-18#1658436 < Agreed. Which is why I pasted the video (which yes, I will strip of its contents and put in blog), because it occurred after CE, and has 1 new, useful calculation.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: my understanding is that the original quaternion formulation from maxwell is also lorentz invariant, but have not checked.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: We know that A-> exists, and is better than heaviside's formulation of maxwell's equations because it can describe the AB experiment, and because it does not have a preferred frame of reference / is lorentz invariant.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: he same mathematical machinery (vector potential) to gravity and has a slightly different prediction than GR regarding the gravity wave (supposedly) detected at LIGO.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-18#1658434 < Do you have a source for this? And banning photons? What? Where is this discussed? In any case, there are two threads here 1) collective electrodynamics, which wants to be a reformulation of EM using A->, as it takes into account, as you say, the "collective action" of electrons. & 2) G4V, which applies t
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: gotta have a web browser to browse the web, dontcha?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: But it presents a way to get off of "the web", and then swap the underlying networking implementation for gossipd, while retaining a usable UI throughout.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: Which, whatever, ~10loc.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: Incidentally, hacked the "black diamond" CLIM-web hack a few nights ago. IE, tying graphics to IRC messages via BEIRC.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: It will. I've already sold it.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: my laptop's internal charger broke, and I'm sitting here waiting on a charging deck to show up.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: Absurdity. Carver Mead's G4V presentation comes across far better in his video than in his paper, and the video includes slides that don't exist elsewhere.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: Bill Gosper is what then.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: there is no standard presentation of the unified theory. All we have is an experiment showing the A-> field is required to fully describe EM.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: Also I take it nobody watched the video of what the hasllife author is up to these days I posted to Ben's blog?
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: PM'ing you mailing details now.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: acknowledged.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: nope.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: No? But I suppose that is the case, isn't it.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: rocket explosion + failure of a PATRIOT missile to hit its target, resulting in 28 deaths.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: The article also lists 2 disasters that resulted from floating point errors
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: an addition to the story that "floating point must die": because otherwise intelligent people who have PHDs, write haskell & work on stuff we useveryday end up making less-than-obvious mistakes without realizing it.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: anyways, just another addition to ascii's "floating point has to die" thread.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: read the article. Or just the smooth surprise part. It isn't an overflow error
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: he said "overflow"
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: *consumer aircraft software
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I was hanging out with aerospace ppl, one of whom works on computer aircraft software -- gave him the function in question and told him it had a floating point error, asked what it was
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: "send $ to a phone #!"
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: mod6: some USG money transfer thing for young people
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: and half days at that
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: I can't imagine this would take more than 5 days + a bunch of coffee.
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: no, a complete list of hardware items + review
(trilema) gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: but I want the _complete_ list.
