Results 1 ... 18 found in all logged channels for 'antipatch'

(alethepedia) asciilifeform: even mp was not consistent re subj. for instance, published a signed 'castle deed' for # of people, incl. asciilifeform . and w/out any such thing as expiration date or whatever. iirc didn't even bother to publish a signed 'antipatch' for these.
(alethepedia) asciilifeform: << i'm perplexed by the conflation of 'signed' and 'must hang'. imho is exactly same situation as with e.g. vpatches and antipatches.
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: PeterL: imho 'repudiation key' is wholly unnecessary gnarl. 'antipatch' imho is cleaner solution, though still would have to rescind the old chess-like 'may not recreate a past board position' rule, to make it work
(asciilifeform) asciilifeform: apropos: at one time, asciilifeform proposed a concept of 'antipatch' for this.
(trilema) asciilifeform: << there of course is no such thing as 'unsign'. next best thing is 'antipatch', i.e. where you fix the errata. and imho all signatures oughta include human-readable annotation
(trilema) mircea_popescu: << no, antipatches are to be avoided if at all possible.
(trilema) punkman: don't we have to be careful with the antipatches though, so as not to introduce cycles in the graph?
(trilema) ascii_butugychag: PeterL: aha, i call this an 'antipatch'
(trilema) ascii_field: i recommend an antipatch that fixes the first.
(trilema) funkenstein_: so if anybody wants a signed antipatch for my broken patch, let me know. otherwise, I assume the thing can be simply dropped.
(trilema) asciilifeform: but if funkenstein learns the ropes and remains a contributor, he will need to antipatch himself.
(trilema) asciilifeform: e.g. funkenstein's latest patch will need an antipatch
(trilema) asciilifeform: but my current thought is that antipatches will have to be a thing, yes.
(trilema) assbot: Logged on 22-08-2015 15:59:15; asciilifeform: creating the antipatch is likely to require some manual manipulation.
(trilema) asciilifeform: i.e. if someone were to submit an antipatch which brings a file hash back to a previously-seen value.
(trilema) asciilifeform: to further work the example, the 'antipatch' is only necessary if ben_vulpes's chain builds on any of asciilifeform's patches which have the unwanted patch as antecedent.
(trilema) asciilifeform: creating the antipatch is likely to require some manual manipulation.
(trilema) asciilifeform: the thing he ends up having to do is to create an antipatch for that one, and place it on the head of his longest chain.