| Results 501 ... 750 found in all logged channels for 'f:nubbins' |

(trilema) nubbins`: was there a massive mempool backlog?
(trilema) nubbins`: at which point mp's ego took the wheel
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform at the risk of once again putting words in kakobrekla's mouth, i think it's just a case of kako being unwilling to sign off on "expenses" introduced by mp that kako felt were not legit
(trilema) nubbins`: if i couldn't bear to wait X amount of time
(trilema) nubbins`: no, i'd tell bettors to sign a statement with the address they used to fund their bets, in order to receive a refund
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform i'm not the one who introduced "rest of your life" absurdity here
(trilema) nubbins`: it's not measured in lifespans
(trilema) nubbins`: what's the maximum allowed length of a bet on bitbet?
(trilema) nubbins`: "the rest of your life"
(trilema) nubbins`: hey, do you guys remember yesterday when MP said he'd steal 750 BTC worth of outstanding bets if he can't find a receiver for bitbet?
(trilema) nubbins`: hot dog vendor: "what if the price of buns goes up?"
(trilema) nubbins`: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-03-2016#1431630 << if the summarized version of this is "it sometimes costs money to do things", then i guess all businesses have an uncontrollable, unspecified expense structure
(trilema) nubbins`: so the outstanding liabilities to shareholders could be as high as 50%, tho i doubt it.
(trilema) nubbins`: altho i guess technically they also could have sold 1mn shares each from 3.2 (f)
(trilema) nubbins`: see 3.2 (c), (f)
(trilema) nubbins`: (ipo proceeds were paid directly to mp/kako rather than to bbet)
(trilema) nubbins`: as per listing agreement
(trilema) nubbins`: the remaining 30 would come outta mp's/kako's pockets
(trilema) nubbins`: punkman 70 of those 100 btc belong to mp/kako anyway
(trilema) nubbins`: !up The20YearIRCloud
(trilema) nubbins`: about 750 btc in outstanding bets
(trilema) nubbins`: ah appears so, altho it is only ~30 btc
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron does that say that mp and kakobrekla are on the hook for the 0.00001 BTC per share? it says "the representatives", "they solemnly promise and warrant"
(trilema) nubbins`: i'd say many people are reading the listing agreements
(trilema) nubbins`: welcome xm2hi
(trilema) nubbins`: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-03-2016#1431596 << i can't imagine any good-faith receiver honouring these terms, no.
(trilema) nubbins`: well then!
(trilema) nubbins`: i admittedly DGAF about sedol vs alphago, but wasn't the series best 3 out of 5?
(trilema) nubbins`: you flatter yourself in a most vulgar manner
(trilema) nubbins`: "i own the women you'd be proud to call girlfriend" << lol
(trilema) nubbins`: ;;seen decimation
(trilema) nubbins`: nothing yet
(trilema) nubbins` checks for s.bbet feb statement
(trilema) nubbins` just finished setting up 6-colour job on the press
(trilema) nubbins`: mathematics is an entirely philosophical pursuit fwiw
(trilema) nubbins`: if cannot grok numbers, try grokking universe
(trilema) nubbins`: also makes sense
(trilema) nubbins`: makes sense
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform mircea_popescu has a post-secondary education?!
(trilema) nubbins`: my father retired, picked up two new part-time jobs
(trilema) nubbins`: i assumed this was "normal" until it just stopped happening one day
(trilema) nubbins`: now to have a witbier in bed. nite
(trilema) nubbins`: could tape one to each component and still be out less than $10, even
(trilema) nubbins`: ^ actually asciilifeform a simple piezo & some leads might provide some clues as to the source
(trilema) nubbins`: i should read about these ribbon speakers of yrs
(trilema) nubbins`: will get a pair one day!
(trilema) nubbins`: kakobrekla there's a guy i know makes speakers too, http://www.areaudio.com
(trilema) nubbins`: i'm using a roland keyboard amp in the music studio and crappy infinity speakers on the record player ;/
(trilema) nubbins` has been sucked back into analog synths recently
(trilema) nubbins`: wild, like a hot rod
(trilema) nubbins`: "we'll have enough to last us until we're dead"
(trilema) nubbins`: ^ frontman of shellac, also engineer @ electrical audio, who famously bought an entire batch of reel2reel tape when mfg discontinued
(trilema) nubbins`: kakobrekla if you want to hear modern all-analog path, check out a record by Shellac of North America
(trilema) nubbins`: old records are best, esp. if you have a spin-clean or similar
(trilema) nubbins`: but it's just a cash cow now
(trilema) nubbins`: poor QC, not properly mastered for vinyl, etc
(trilema) nubbins`: lots of newer pressings are pure shit
(trilema) nubbins`: same, maybe buy a half dozen per year
(trilema) nubbins` wonders if kako is vinyl collector or "other" type
(trilema) nubbins`: we have an audiophile!
(trilema) nubbins`: just the piezo
(trilema) nubbins`: don't even have speakers hooked up to it
(trilema) nubbins`: bought because cheap
(trilema) nubbins`: gold-plated audio connectors! electrically isolated audio section on board w/ LEDs demarcating! zzzzz
(trilema) nubbins`: target market is obv idiots
(trilema) nubbins`: lel it is a "gaming" mobo, so...
(trilema) nubbins`: kakobrekla i'd imagine a proper op-amp from the start would be cheaper than adding the socket
(trilema) nubbins`: oddly, my current mobo has user-swappable op-amp for audio output
(trilema) nubbins`: sous-vide computing
(trilema) nubbins`: afaik cray never really recovered from getting chip supply choked early on
(trilema) nubbins`: long after glory
(trilema) nubbins`: this woulda been early 2000s
(trilema) nubbins`: only that obtaining time on it was highly coveted
(trilema) nubbins`: would recognize from a picture, but can't recall any details
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform nah
(trilema) nubbins`: yeah, as soon as i said, i figured that much muck wouldn't fly
(trilema) nubbins` used to work at gov research institute in ottawa, massive cray in lunchroom behind glass doors
(trilema) nubbins`: copper bucket full of thermal paste
(trilema) nubbins`: given that i don't have a turkey-sized gpu
(trilema) nubbins`: vertical mount hdd thing kinda sucks
(trilema) nubbins`: nah, just spied the brand & blurted
(trilema) nubbins`: rubber hdd groms
(trilema) nubbins` has cheapest fractal design case
(trilema) nubbins`: block 401820 for your records! i'd only re-checked this morning
(trilema) nubbins`: prepping the crate for airdrop today
(trilema) nubbins`: by fiat decree
(trilema) nubbins`: good thing
(trilema) nubbins`: thestringpuller / diana_coman it's worth noting that for a game like eulora, which should conceivably have massive amounts of art assets down the road, easier tools for getting those assets in place will drastically increase the volume and quality of em
(trilema) nubbins`: fr. aramaic "pasha" / hebrew "pesah"
(trilema) nubbins`: pasquale, pascal, paschal, pascale, etc
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron from "paschal", of or relating to easter. in various spellings, it's a male or female name
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron mai waifu
(trilema) nubbins`: the only developer, i guess
(trilema) nubbins`: thestringpuller sounds like a job for.... whomever
(trilema) nubbins`: of course not
(trilema) nubbins`: we deal with "real art"
(trilema) nubbins`: noooo, nothing so basic
(trilema) nubbins`: we created all of the heraldics for the family lines (yet to be implemented), i also produced the first round of OS X compilation instructions and helped get eulorum set up / own the domain
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron i did several parcels of work for the ministry of games, in paid official capacity as well as volunteer/unofficial capacity.
(trilema) nubbins`: thanks, third-party graphic designer who obviously knows what they're doing
(trilema) nubbins`: BRUSHSTRIKE: Font not found on the system; missing font has been substituted. DKSensoryOverload: Font not found on the system; missing font has been substituted. Eminent: Font not found on the system; missing font has been substituted. Freshman: Font not found on the system; missing font has been substituted. JerseyM54: Font not found on the system; missing font has been substituted.
(trilema) nubbins`: am i literally the ONLY person who understands the rules around here?
(trilema) nubbins`: besides, i didn't quote you without context, i *misquoted* you in the *midst* of context. jeez.
(trilema) nubbins`: once i checked the log, i understood that you actually "stabbed" me
(trilema) nubbins`: sorry, i have a script that changes words of violence to words of kindness
(trilema) nubbins`: o o o i see.
(trilema) nubbins`: he's a tough pupil
(trilema) nubbins`: jurov danielpbarron has a lot to learn, he's come to me for guidance
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron your logic doesn't follow, again
(trilema) nubbins` searches for something he quoted, comes up blank
(trilema) nubbins`: which rule now?
(trilema) nubbins`: i thought you didn't like me anymore
(trilema) nubbins`: * danielpbarronhugs nubbins`
(trilema) nubbins`: still business as usual
(trilema) nubbins`: s.mpoe still tanking
(trilema) nubbins`: still no signed financials from s.bbet
(trilema) nubbins`: never too late
(trilema) nubbins`: ^ re: the20yearplan / rentalstarter
(trilema) nubbins`: wow lel, this is old but
(trilema) nubbins`: e.g. take twin brains, copy "save-state" from one to other; madness, frothing mouth.
(trilema) nubbins`: consciousness as well
(trilema) nubbins`: this is a terrifyingly accurate representation of meat-based life, i fear
(trilema) nubbins`: leading to gibberish circuits, relying on physical imperfections in resonance of container, etc
(trilema) nubbins`: reminiscent of the bank of FPGAs learning to distinguish audio tones
(trilema) nubbins`: investors apparently took the pronouncement as a sign of things... not being quite well.
(trilema) nubbins`: if you look at the graph on http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.MPOE you can actually see the precise moment where MP announced his imaginary mining cartel.
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu this infatuation of yours is bordering on obsessive
(trilema) nubbins`: cool, he wrote a whole article about me on trilema!
(trilema) nubbins`: i like how mp pretends to be ignoring me, but still fumbles through an insult directed my way whenever i give another prod
(trilema) nubbins` wanders away
(trilema) nubbins`: protip: analogies must be analogous.
(trilema) nubbins`: mp's analogies are so muddled that they're not even decipherable
(trilema) nubbins`: more like "case 2: the shop pays a cleaner once a month to clean rugs. random asshole thought the rug cleaners weren't coming so he paid a second rug cleaning service to clean the rugs. then the regular rug cleaners came and cleaned the rug again. then random asshole tries to bill the shop for a needless rug cleaning that he ordered himself"
(trilema) nubbins`: gonna be weird running a business with a scammer who hates you
(trilema) nubbins`: kakobrekla it would seem that your continued refusal to kiss MP's ring has finally directed his rage towards you
(trilema) nubbins` has a nice baduk set
(trilema) nubbins`: fun fact, go is called baduk in korea
(trilema) nubbins`: maybe try sending again from MPEx funds and then bill it to bitbet?
(trilema) nubbins`: "Transaction rejected by our node. Reason: Non-canonical signature: High S Value"
(trilema) nubbins`: pretty even odds there
(trilema) nubbins`: "wtf is this tar?"
(trilema) nubbins`: phun phact, the first drip coffee machine i ever owned, i was making double-strength pots for the first 6 months until i made a cup for a guest one day
(trilema) nubbins` enjoys thick black coffee that makes his throat feel the way it felt when he smoked cigs
(trilema) nubbins`: BingoBoingo how was the coffee
(trilema) nubbins`: cripples our online store, let me tell ya
(trilema) nubbins`: and, if you'll take a look at a map of north america, twodogland is very, very far away from major shipping hubs
(trilema) nubbins`: just extremely heavy
(trilema) nubbins`: ;;calc 111.61/[ticker --last]
(trilema) nubbins`: sorry, wait, wrong currency
(trilema) nubbins`: ;;calc 150/[ticker --last]
(trilema) nubbins`: does not compute
(trilema) nubbins`: ...0-fee is not for idiots?
(trilema) nubbins`: fast-forward to 2016 mempool backlog of enormous size...
(trilema) nubbins`: mempools in 2013 were ghost towns, and there's hanbot still saying that 0-fee is for idiots
(trilema) nubbins`: this is also true.
(trilema) nubbins`: she didn't say "failing to use tx fees for an output with only X confirmations is mooching"
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron her statement doesn't contain the qualifiers you mention -- by my understanding of english syntax, she's making a blanket statement.
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron: do you agree with hanbot in the linked thread that failing to use tx fees is mooching?
(trilema) nubbins`: pool reputation
(trilema) nubbins`: At any rate, this isn't a chastisement. If you fuck up to this degree, you're stuck having fucked up.
(trilema) nubbins`: this level of irony borders on vulgarity.
(trilema) nubbins`: also from the mouth of hanbot: "You weren't caught in some occult and unknowable coincidence that was out of your hands. You either didn't make sure you understood the basics of using bitcoin, or else you decided not to care. In either case, it is you that will have to adjust (and I do earnestly hope that you do; there are a lot of resources on this very forum, on IRC, and around the web that can help)."
(trilema) nubbins`: from the mouth of hanbot : "Failing to use tx fees is mooching. Using a (notoriously inept) "service" that fails to use tx fees is also mooching."
(trilema) nubbins`: til mp owns an ipad
(trilema) nubbins`: ;;ud parallel conversation
(trilema) nubbins`: i was done until mp decided he'd have another shot at his trump impersonation
(trilema) nubbins`: until then, you're kinda just a dr. forehead but better at bleeding cash
(trilema) nubbins`: hanbot i just heard about your 58mn ECu loss -- maybe when you're able to do something other than run the mouth and lose money, people might care what you have to say?
(trilema) nubbins`: mp sure is zzzzz today
(trilema) nubbins`: why don't they meet to institute an idiot harvest instead?
(trilema) nubbins`: or stop betting
(trilema) nubbins`: too bad for him, i guess
(trilema) nubbins`: BingoBoingo +1, they're not your winnings until they're in your hands
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron as of right now it's "are my winnings coming?"
(trilema) nubbins`: williamdunne lol
(trilema) nubbins`: yes, will pull those first. i think it's only a couple
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform i will check my records -- may or may not have kept
(trilema) nubbins`: also, if you don't send me address for these shirts, i'm sending them to real nsa w/ your name on box 8)
(trilema) nubbins`: will set the stage for the future of TMSR~ either way
(trilema) nubbins`: my guess is, no
(trilema) nubbins`: but duly noted -- will prob just watch these embers and see if they take hold
(trilema) nubbins`: stress left my vocabulary in early 2013
(trilema) nubbins`: solrodar hate the game, not the player
(trilema) nubbins`: i like you too
(trilema) nubbins`: here we go
(trilema) nubbins`: i didn't say "for surprise"
(trilema) nubbins`: not at all.
(trilema) nubbins`: doesn't make em shiny
(trilema) nubbins`: i'd say you wear your hemorrhoids like badges of war
(trilema) nubbins`: happy now?
(trilema) nubbins`: !v assbot:nubbins`.rate.danielpbarron.-10:9cad03701ab6bdc18d16905aafdb5fb5438ae5f7bd07a5cfdf0a756bdf9cdff3
(trilema) nubbins`: !rated danielpbarron
(trilema) nubbins`: davout guess we better both rewind
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron is this a race to -10 now?
(trilema) nubbins`: davout my logic stretched too far!
(trilema) nubbins`: mp could have sent the funds to solrodar from mp's mpex account
(trilema) nubbins`: this is true
(trilema) nubbins`: i have no interest in reasoning with those who abandon reason
(trilema) nubbins`: if you hesitate to attempt reasoning with these facts, fuck you
(trilema) nubbins`: i just gave you (a) mp saying "thanks, here's your money, here's the tx", (b) the tx comes from mpex (c) the tx is not on mpex's books
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron at this point i feel ok telling you to fuck off.
